Anal reunion | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

We haven’t seen each other for a long time. I ring on your apartment door and when you open it my eyes almost fall out of my head. You have a black, almost transparent neglige. I see your breasts in a black one underneath bra, You also have suspenders and beautiful black shoes.

The air almost stays away and I feel how all blood escapes out of my head because it is needed somewhere else more urgently. I encompass you on your hip and we kiss intigantly. Your skin feels warm and soft on and on your thigh you can already feel my stand. You take me by the hand and lead me into bedroom.

Once there, you drive under my shirt and pull it over my head and press me tightly to you. I feel your breasts on my skin. A pleasant shower comes over me. With a slight push from you I land on your bed.

You sit on me and prevent yourself. Only now do I see that you have already prepared a silk scarf on the left and right.

With a skilful handle you take my wrists and bind them, not too firm but not too loose either. You look deep into my eyes and kiss me. Your tongue moves over my face and under my Jean it gets tighter.

Slowly you glide down on your upper body and play with the lips to mine Nipple. Slowly you open the belt of my pants and pull it off. Mine is already emerging under my short tail in full size. You massage it with the flat hand and then you graze the short.

I’m now completely naked and helpless in front of you. You put the neglical off, free your breasts from his tight prison and bend over my cock. You take it without hands, just with your mouth and slowly lets him in your mouth – and slipping out I start to moan quietly. Then you take your breasts and clamp my link in between.

I move my pelvis rhythmically up and down. It feels incredibly horny, like my wet cock between your breasts and slips.

Then you let go of me and I am grateful for the relaxation phase. You take off your panties and I see your wet shaved pussy. This and the shoes look hellishly horny.

You stand over my head and I look into your pleasure grotto. You can get into your knees infinitely slowly until your pussy finally comes to my mouth. I greedily start kissing them and editing them with my tongue. You groan up excitedly.

My face is very wet from your juice and I put my tongue into you as deeply as possible. I really want to fuck you now (, but you have other things in mind. You turn around and press your butt in my face and start to take care of my cock at the same time. I almost explode out of sheer lust.

My tongue dances over your pussy and your hole. My hands always try desperately your wet to touch horny holes, but it doesn’t work. We both moan louder and I know that you too are shortly before the climax. Then you get up and get rid of me.

Your look reveals that you want to be fucked now.

… if that was not a mistake … I take you and turn your back on your back. Your gaze is so demanding and horny …… I would like to take you immediately, but you should also suffer a little bit. I take your hands and tie them to the back of the bed frame. I sit on you and feel your chest on my cock.

I take it in my hand and start rubbing it on your nipples. It just feels cool. Your perfect breast and the protruding warts make me getting hotter. I take the second silk scarf and tie your eyes to you.

You wind a little uncertainly below me. You feel so warm and soft, it’s wonderful. In order to take a little of your uncertainty, I bend and kiss you intensely. Our tongues greedily play together.

Then i stand up. You hear me walk away briefly and noises from the kitchen and from the bathroom. Then you notice how I sit next to me again. I slowly stroke your neck, between your breasts over your stomach to you your spread legs.

With the whole hand I massage your wet horny hole briefly. Your body tries out of sheer desire. Then you feel like the oil I got out of the bathroom, pouring over your breasts, your stomach and venus hill. But tenderly but determines you now to massage you now.

Your breasts, whereby I have your nipples between mine Finger rub, your stomach and finally your pussy. You groan more and more intensely. Your body with the oil looks like a painting and I’m getting hotter. I bend between yours Legs, Spread them further and start licking yourself.

You taste really good. Wet and oily. I penetrate you with two fingers and fuck yourself. You moan and wind under me.

I enjoy that very much. Then I stop and you hear a quiet clink. I come up to you again and you feel the ice cube as it drives along your lips. Your tongue licks the cool water and I lick a trace until our tongues meet again.

Now the cube wanders over your breasts, your nipples, your navel. Your body winced again and again for the cold and lust.

With my tongue I continue to the trail. Then I take the cube and cool your hot pussy. Your moans will be louder.

Now I solve yours Tie up and take off your blindfold, bend me and kiss you. Your gaze wants to eat me up, then I take your legs on my shoulders and penetrate you quickly and hard into you. We both moan loudly. It’s an indescribable feeling.

We look greedy and passionately in the eye ( while we slowly increase the rhythm. I bend back to you and our tongues devour wildly into each other. My hands have enclosed your breasts and your nipples drill in my palms. Our movements are getting faster and faster.

I moan loudly when I notice that I can’t hold my juice back for long.

With a few last strong bumps you come under me. Your body rears up and you scream out loud. I feel the twitches of your pussy. Fabulously horny.

I quickly pull my cock out of you. You take it in your hand and wank him hard until my hot juice shoots over my breasts. Then you straighten up and take it in your warm, soft mouth and blows it a little more. I can’t calm myself down anymore.

Every muscle of my body shrugs and is tense when you play with your tongue on my sensitive glans. I massage your breasts and distribute my juice on it. It looks as sharp as your breasts shine. Finally our desire is breastfed and we can fall asleep together …

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