My disabled brother [9] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

09 Rachemarkus looked surprised at the home manager lying on the ground. You looked at your face directly, Wiesin brain desperately tried to finish with the surprising picture, it was in his previous experience with dr. To classify Münster. He did not succeed. So far the home manager had always been a friendly, helpful respect, and now he was lying on the arms and legs with down pants tied up in front of him. Markus looked at me questioningly and at the same time helpless.

I had no time and no desire to explain the whole thing – I would not have succeeded in doing his intellectual skills. I just pretended that the situation was the most normal in the world. I quickly pulled out the cramped coat. I knew that I was now walking around in the room, but I was inevitable. I had no time and no desire to put on everyday clothing.

If I was honest, I really enjoyed my erotic outfit. It was the visible sign of who was now commanding in the room. My breasts were lifted through the bra in presentation and my suspenders automatically steered the gaze between my thighs. I was naked, proud and strong. Markus looked at me, but stayed calm. I could have kissed him with gratitude. I quickly opened the suitcase and brought out several prepared strong ropes.

Now it was important that Markus and I worked perfectly without much words. Dr. Münster stared at me from his eyes with limitless anger and hatred. He would use any occurrence to free himself from the very predicament for him. We would have to be on the hat. I wrapped a cord around the handcuffs, knotted them there and wrapped it around his upper body, where I knotted it.

I knew from crime novels with Handcuffs Bounded hands in their possibility of movement were severely restricted, but were still a terrible weapon for a man that is determined to do anything. I didn’t want to risk that Dr. Münster struck and I or Markus with the stable metal rings seriously injured. I also knot his Legs. Dr. Münster now looked like a package that could be sent as a blocking goods by post or train.

I knew mine Brother to lift his home manager. Dr. Münster was a big, strong man, but Markus had no difficulties with him. He put it on the Feet Like an oversized rubber doll and raised it and pushed it until he stood in front of his own desk directly – with his face forward -. I hurried around the desk, knotted a new rope around his handcuffs and tightened it until he put his upper body on the desk plate.

I succeeded several times the other end for one of the heating pipes that were behind me on the wall under the window and finally knotted it. Now it was said, Dr. To put Münster in the right position. I tied a rope around his left and right ankle. I pulled the left rope taut on the one hand of the heavy desk, I caught the right rope around the other desk leg. Dr. Münster War now stable and safely bound to the desk.

I was now able to solve his fuj3 sessels and the rope that his füj3e gangs. His down pants were still in my way. I opened his right shoe and grazed his panties and his right pipe from this leg. Now Markus and I alternate the legs of the home manager on the cords until he chained to his own desk with feet spread wide, the stood. It was done. I sat on his luxurious desk armchair, bobbed up and down slightly and stared in his face.

How the situations were right. Last week I was the powerless victim of his violence in this room. Today he had the role. I had imagined this scene at home hundreds of times in my head-seeing his fainting and exuberant fertility at the time gave me the strength to reject myself, to find myself again. Now the dreamy situation had become a reality. But no satisfaction or satisfaction flooded my body.

I felt alien to myself in the scene. What did I want from this man? I had never wanted anything from him, I would have loved to watch out of a bad film and gone home. But I knew I had to go on. He had the photos and me and my brother in his hand. He had told me the war that I couldn’t just give way to violence. I looked in his face for a long time.

– Hartwig, I didn’t want all of this. It sounded like a phrase, but it was bit serious to me with it. – give me the photos and you will never see me and my brother again. I knew he would never do this voluntarily. But I was owed to myself and my peace of mind to at least have made him the offer. – If you want to move out the photos, just nick with your head. I am sure if I hadn’t glued his mouth to him, he would have spit directly on my face.

So well, he didn’t want it any other way. I rose and went to Markus, who had settled on the couch and did not understand the whole thing. I looked lovingly into his eyes. We both got very close this week. I gently put my hand on his thigh. Just a few moments later I already felt the hardness and stiffness of his pulsating erection. I took Markus on my hand, pulled him up and pushed him towards the desk, where I put him in the field of vision of his home manager.

My supple fingers drove Markus into his pants and released his huge love elevator into freedom. He stood proud and strongly upright, with a plump, dark purple glans, like a lighthouse full of strength and strength. I sat down at the desk again and looked dr. Münster on. – I want the photos! You complained about the lust of Markus. Either I get the pictures or he will satisfy himself … The home manager stared at me incredulously.

My words went through his imagination. – well, what is?As expected, his pride of his prudence and thinking won. He did not go into my offer. He didn’t want it any other way. I got up and got disposable gloves from my suitcase and a large tube of sliding cream brand: extra strong. I stood in front of my desk again and slowly grazed my eyes in front of his eyes. I deliberately took my time.

Dr. Münster should have the opportunity to react. He did nothing. With my right hand I opened the tube and pressed a large pound of cooler cream into my hand. I stepped behind dr. Münster, pressed his buttocks apart and creamed his anus one until he was slippery and smooth. With the index finger I also distribute the cream within the tight muscle opening. I was ready. No reaction from DR. In addition to the attempt to resist my penetrating finger, in a cramp and tied resistance.

His narcissistic consciousness still didn’t want to admit what was going on. He couldn’t imagine that he was treated like this by a woman. He would be wrong. I went to Markus and pushed him right behind the home manager and put his link on the buttons. I quickly ran behind the desk again and let myself fall into the armchair. No reaction. In his eyes it was only anger, injured pride and childish despite.

I nodded Markus. Although he certainly had no experience with this form of love, he intuitively made the right one. His big hands included the pelvis of his home manager like two vice pieces and held it. With a transfigured facial expression, he gently pressed his limb, but emphatically, between the two buttocks. I would have liked to have had a video camera and capture the different facial expressions of the home manager in the picture. But it should have been a special camera, the different emotions changed so quickly.

First naked hatred and childish defiance, then pure, all overwhelming bewilderness, horrific unbelief. The individual nerve cells report the pain into the brain and there the dangerous freight exploded out of insult, hatred and twitching pain pulses. The eyes came dr. Münster from the caves and a dull desperation sound escaped his tired lips … I was fed up with it. Why had this man got me for. Ten days ago I looked away on violent scenes and films and now I was the director in a horror film myself.

Limitless fatigue spread in sluggish, black, all overwhelming waves in me. I was fed up with it. I despise dr. Münster for his kind and I despised for my reaction to it. But I had to have the pictures, and quickly …

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