My affair | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

… has been a few years ago and yet I often have to think about it. I was 42 years old at the time, had married a successful lawyer and had two sons aged 14 and 16. We lived in a beautiful house in the suburb of the Swiss capital, were more than well positioned and I could hardly have expected from life: my husband J. Fulfilled every wish, the boys were one of the best classes and, thanks to their achievements, had a prospect of a study place at a good university.

The fact that my husband was often absent for weeks – he worked in the diplomatic corps – sometimes worried me, but I had my sporty hobbies and many friends and acquaintances. Everything ran his usual gear until he stepped into my life.

The first time I saw him on a Friday When shopping in the food market, where I regularly made my big shopping before the weekend. I appreciated him in early 30, big, slim, brown -burned, no gram of fat on the body, with beautiful dark eyes, my brown hair a little too long to be fashionable. I thought a typical Yuppie, probably a successful young manager with an expensive watch, send clothes, fast sports cars and lots of friends – actually not the type of man who particularly appeals to me.

He asked me about some exotic spice and whether you could find that in this business. I showed him the corresponding shelf series and continued. I met him again two weeks later, this time at the cash register in the parking garage. He was wearing a nice rose bouquet and asked me to take care of the “vegetables” for him.

I was moved by thunder, a stranger, much younger man gave me flowers and apparently interested me. I was able to stutter “thank you” because of the astonishment and felt the red shot in my face. I quickly set out to my car and drove home to cook the dinner for my boys.

My husband had to spend another weekend in Strasbourg and so I made a cozy evening with my younger sister, who had come to Lausanne. Her eyes fell on the beautiful bouquet of flowers after just a few minutes and she asked if I had made myself a pleasure myself.

I stammered something like a schoolgirl “I like roses, you know.“However, she immediately noticed that there was something in the bush and so I told her about my experience in the last glass of wine. “You mean that a stranger simply attacks you with this wonderful ostrich? Tell me more about him, how does he look, what does he do professionally.”” No idea “, I replied,” as I said, we only met twice and did not change ten words.”

Now is M. Not just my younger sister, but actually more like a best friend. Your husband is a very successful fashion and sports photographer with your own agency and M.

is always informed about a lot that I don’t notice in my sheltered life. Since she stayed with us, we made ourselves ready for bed. Our guest room had its own bathroom, which has just been renovated and so we both used the next to my bedroom. When she stepped out of the shower I noticed that she had shaved her pubic hair, only a narrow strip over her venus hill had stopped.

I asked her if that was the new fashion.

“Yes, you know, my husband always has so many young crunchy things in a studio and I want to continue to look for him. So I come up with something new every now and then. When he saw me for the first time, he became so keen on me that he was the same under the shower took.”

I replied “Hey, please no intimate details from your love life, after all you are my little sister.“She just smiled and said that I shouldn’t act like this. “When I only tell you about my other experiments, you may still violate me from the family.”

“But we come off the topic.

What will you do now if you get your Rosenkavalier again?“I replied that I had no shimmer as I should behave. M. said, at least invited him to a coffee, as a small thank you.

That night I had trouble falling asleep. Again and again my thoughts were about my little sister, who apparently knew so much more about sexual gimmicks than I did.

At that time I had informed her when she got her first period … then appeared p. back in my head. I had to admit that I felt dressed by this young, friendly man and that he woke up in me for a long time. “Oh what, dreams are foams,” I murmured before I finally fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up from an erotic dream. I had watched my sister with a sex game with her husband and one of his model. She was sitting on my brother -in -law, moving like a snake on his plump -swollen limb and groaning with lust, while my sister stimulated the anus with a finger and satisfied herself with a vibrator. Completely confused and mentally absent, I did my homework.

Where did these fantasies come from? I had never been a prudish and had also had a few experiences before my marriage, but so far I had never had such excessive thoughts.

The next Friday I entered the shopping center with a clammy feeling in the stomach. I wore my oldest jeans, a simple sweater, not to offer an eye -catcher and went straight to the grocery store. So half hoped that I would not meet him today, on the other hand I also felt an inexplicable curiosity. After I do my purchases and in the car had stowed ( I had to briefly to the post office in the same building.

And there he was! He had given up a few letters and was about to go. Our eyes met and a broad, pointed -beef grin appeared on his face. He wore tight -fitting jeans and a white linen shirt that still emphasized his summer tan.

He came up to me with a smile and said with his beautiful dark timbre: “I have to apologize for the attack last week, that was such a spontaneous idea that might not be appropriate.“I was already shot in my face again and I stammered something indistinctly like“ don’t want to complain ”in front of me. “What! They want to sue me, ”he grinned,“ that’s probably a somewhat exaggerated reaction.“Suddenly I had to laugh out loud, the ice was broken and all my nervousness was flown away.

“May I invite you to a coffee, as a thank you for the wonderful flowers.”

So we went into the nearby café and talked almost an hour about all possible topics. P. told that he had only moved up a few weeks ago to take up a job as a sports teacher at the university. Much is still alien to him, Bern is a completely different world.

Everything would work more leisurely than in the hectic economic center Zurich and he would only have to get used to the other rhythm. I had enough time to look at him extensively during the conversation: an even face, smooth, pure skin, dark eyes that – I noticed that with a slight shudder – always slid over my body as if they wanted to stroke me, slim hands and beautiful ones, flashing teeth. His figure was more slim than athletic, but I saw that P. was very well trained.

His clothes were simple, but tastefully, the light summer shoes are probably made. His jewelry on the wrist, an older but quite expensive looking watch.

He noticed that my look was resting and said, “A Ulysse Nardin from 1935, is a family height that I got to graduate from my Nonno Antonio.“He expressed the words tenderly and with Italian emphasis.

“So your parents come from Italy,” I asked.

“Mine Mother Is half Italian, half Swiss woman. “My father’s mother comes from Avignon, I am a real multi -ethnic state in small format,” he replied laughing.

“So now I have to go. I still have an appointment for a round golf, ”said P. and wanted to pay. I held him back and said that it would go on my bill.

“Agree, but I invite you to dinner, o.K.?”

I did not want to commit myself yet and murmured something of “a lot”, but he showed his boyish laugh again, “Don’t worry, I will not delay you, think about it in peace.“He brought me to my parking lot and kissed me slightly on both cheeks to say goodbye. Then he moved his head slightly to the side and briefly touched my earlobe with his tongue. I winced, quickly got into my car and heard through the noise in my head that he laughed out loud. Such a cheeky guy, I thought while driving home, what does he actually allow himself.

I had told him that I was happily married and made it clear not to be interested in adventures. I was pretty confused, had a flap feeling in my stomach and yet I was somehow excited.

I spent the afternoon with housework, then went to my usual jogging route – 3 kilometers along the river and back again – and looked forward to one evening with J. I wanted to be really sexy for him and after showering put on a mint green bra and stringtanga. When I looked at the bathroom mirror, I noticed that I really looked really good.

I turned on all sides, looked at my firm butt, the slim well -trained legs and my big but still tight breasts. My redblond mane once again deserved a hairdresser appointment, but all in all I was very satisfied with my appearance. “Not bad at all, old girl, are still an eye -catcher,” I giggled in front of myself. But the face in the mirror pulled a schnute: “Like a teenager,” said my counterpart disapproving.

I heard the phone ringing, pulling my white, silk house coat and took off the listener in the bedroom. J. informed me that he had missed the flight and unfortunately would only come home on Saturday evening.

I was like killing because I was looking forward to him so much. The plan was pampering him with a fine meal and then sleeping with him for a long time.

We hadn’t had sex for three weeks and I was slowly feeling real emergency. Suddenly I had to cry and fell completely exhausted on our empty bed. I had never been a crybaby, but saw myself as a strong and self -employed woman, but now as out of the blue, over the past two decades passed my eyes: my energy that I had given my family, J. Always supported with everything, promoted his career as best I was able to, the boys were raised, the house renovated and furnished.

And there I lay, felt lonely and longed for tenderness.

“Stop it immediately,” I scolded myself. I decided to call my sister and was lucky. “What’s going on,” she asked. I told her about my day and she tried to calm me down.

“You just need a few good highlights, which promotes happiness hormones, then you’ll be a little better and you will be for J tomorrow. extra good in shape.“I was shocked by this remark and could not find a suitable answer for a few seconds. M. I thought I should look into the lower dessert drawer once.

“I left you a little gift on my last visit, try it out. That brings you to other thoughts, Ciao!“And the conversation was already interrupted.

So I raised the drawer and discovered a kind of plastic egg on a cable and with a control box. I turned the button and the thing started to vibrate gently. I let the part shock – a sex toy from my shameless sister!

“But hello,” I thought, “could try it out, what’s the point.“I lay down on the bed and let my thoughts wander.

I’ve always dreamed that J. Watch once if I satisfied myself, but my dear husband didn’t think much of experiments in bed. I slowly pulled out my bra and began to stroke my breasts. My nipples quickly became very hard and very long and wet warmth spread between my thighs.

I massaged my venus mound with one hand and pushed a finger between my labia. My clitoris was already clearly swollen and I felt that my first highlight would not fail long. Now I pulled out my panties with a violent jerk and slowly drove over my clit with the vibrating plastic thing, then I pushed it deep into my vagina. It felt good and I turned on the button until the vibrations grew stronger my whole lust cavity flowed.

So I lay there, massaged my breasts and enjoyed the beautiful feelings. Soon I felt a wild orgasm and my vaginal muscles began to twitch. I had never reacted so violently and suddenly my vagina pulled together like a cramp. The lust-egg slipped out and I felt a violent gush from me, then another and another.

The head buzzed me and I was startled to find that the whole bed was wet.

For a moment I thought that this violent orgasm had led to an unwanted bladder emptying. But when I sniffed my hand I noticed that the liquid smelled somehow sweet and very slightly after honey. I was completely off the role and spent the next half an hour to get the bed fresh and take a lot of showering.

After that, despite the late hour I called again at M. at.

“Yes,” reported a skilful voice. “M. I urgently have to tell you something!”

“It doesn’t have time until tomorrow, my sister grumbled. I am recovering from a strenuous tennis game with H.”

“No! I have to get rid of that immediately, you know what happened to me ’“ I sc *** my sister experienced it and she now seemed wide awake again.

“What did you do, say ‘just you injected properly at your climax.“I confirmed the whole thing quite small, but she only giggled in the well -known way.

“You are a squirter, only a few women can ever experience that.“And she explained to me what the so-called G-Spot orgasm was all about. “So you don’t have to be ashamed or feel bad, that’s just nature. Incredible, my sister is a sprayer, ”she laughed and hanged up.

Now I had become curious and sat down on the computer and started on the Internet to investigate. There it was: “Female ejaculation”, detailed described And I felt pretty relieved that I had found an explanation for my “bedwetting”.

In addition, I somehow liked the thought that apparently not only men could have an effusion at the climax.

The weekend was very quiet, because our two boys were in a sports camp and so J. and I’ll once again have time for ourselves. We made the somewhat neglected garden, enjoyed a fine meal in the winter garden in the evening and went to bed. I was quite excited due to the events of the past few days and was looking forward to a long prelude with beautiful tender sex.

Unfortunately everything was somehow mechanical. My husband was considerate and sensitive, but everything was just as always: the movements, the touches, the positions – experienced and tested a hundred times.

As J. I fell asleep, I made violent allegations: “You just expect too much, after so long a certain monotony is not surprising”. But deep inside of me it bubbled;I just didn’t want to accept that the rest of my life would go so without surprises!

Before the next shopping tour I finally went back to the hairdresser and let me cut a cheeky Bopp, manicure and bought me in an exclusive shop really sexy lingerie.

A blue bra with a lace trim, a matching sloggi and white glue stockings also with a lace trimming. In the second-hand boutique of a friend I bought a wonderful dark green ensemble made of raw silk from an Italian designer. I still didn’t know what the occasion I should wear the great things, but I felt like a film star in my clothes.

Then I carefully made my way around at home, a little make-up, a pale pink lipstick, a light white summer dress and a few half-high, braided pumps. So I went to the shopping center with a swing and very much hoped that p.

would see there. Although I took a lot of time, he didn’t appear in the food market that day and I wanted to go home disappointed ( when I met an old school friend. We decided to drink a coffee and went to the cafeteria. And then my Rosenkavalier sat in a cozy corner and read a sports magazine.

I apologized briefly with my companion and went to him. He looked at me and asked “Yes, please?“Then the grin, who was now familiar, pulled over his face.

“Wow, I almost didn’t recognize you. You look wonderful – just to bite.“I felt how I ran red and wanted to get away quickly, but he held my hand. “Tonight the promised dinner?“I just swallowed, but nodding and he offered me to pick me up.

I hesitated a little, but then described the way to our house. He wrote my phone number on a paper napkind. “Only for emergencies if you think about it differently!”

After I said goodbye to my girlfriend, I drove home very excitedly. “I have a date, for the first time in many years,” I thought all the time.

How should I explain my absence tonight? Chance helped me. When I came home I found a note from my husband: “I’m on the way to the sports camp and pick up the boys. Are at home tomorrow noon. Greetings J.”

So I had free rail and was a bit unsettled.

What would the evening bring? I had strong conscience and felt completely wife. When I moved out my things to make myself really nice, I saw that a leg release was due for a long time. So I went to work and suddenly became cocky.

“So now I’ll thin out my bush a little. Let’s see how it feels.“I am in my pubic hair and then took some shaving foam from J.

And began to trim my reddish hair a little and to remove them completely on both sides. After all, there was only a small triangle above my Venus hill. My labia were completely free and were pretty swollen by the touch. The whole procedure had excited me and I went in the shower to cool down a little.

Under the shower I am capable and stroked my sponge over my firm breasts until the warts stood up keck. The excitement did not allow so of course, quite the contrary. Then I remembered my sister’s buzzing pleasure donor and I ran naked and wet into the bedroom to get him.

Our shower cubicle is mirrored on two sides and has a tiled and heated heel so that you don’t have to keep bending down when washing your feet. I sat down, switched on the miracle thing and gently stroked my labia and the clit.

My excitement seemed to climb immeasurably, the breasts felt very full and my nipple, which were not small anyway, had now become almost 3 centimeters long. I pushed the vibrating pleasure object very deep into my vagina and turned up fully. After a few seconds I exploded with lust, panting and groaning I felt an orgasm, pulled the egg out of my throbbing vagina and felt the cramp -like twitches again. I sprayed and sprayed, my juice shot across the shower cubicle in strong fountains.

Two or three or four times, I almost passed out with lust and could only stay whimpered while I slowly came to breath in under the pounding shower.

After all, I got up, dried and saw that my new hairstyle had happened to a medium catastrophe. Fortunately, a bopp is relatively easy to get back into shape and so I was finished with make -up and dressing in just in time for my appointment. I had chosen the newly acquired costume, plus a few high -heeled shoes from Blahnik that I bought and practically never worn years ago. My husband said a bit disapproving at the time: “Too conspicuous, too expensive!“One last look in the mirror – I haven’t looked that well for years! But don’t send over-dressed, sexy but not with the inscription “Come and take me”.

After I deleted the lights and let the roller shutters down, I heard a car ancestors and went out for P.

to greet. He wore dark blue pants made of raw floss, very elegant slippers, a beige button-down shirt and a light gray veston. Oh dear, the man looked good. In front of our house there was an older dark red convertible with an open hood.

He opened the passenger door, “very old -fashioned”, I thought and he put the car back on the street with a little effort from the narrow driveway.

“Has no power steering yet, the old girl,” he grumbled. “Also a family piece.“The whole interior was unpatted with dark leather with wood applications and looked very noble and well maintained.

“What kind of car is that,” I asked curiously. “A 73 triumph stag. My father bequeathed him to me because he had to tinker too much about it.

Is a little rust -prone, sometimes loses oil and the cylinder heads had to be completely new. I was originally a fine mechanic and so the thing is better off with me.“He accelerated and a dull humming sounded.

“Where is it actually going,” I wanted to know. P. replied that was a surprise and steered the heavy car towards Berner Seeland.

P. I told me that he had given an apprenticeship before graduation and studying. “An honest craft has golden ground”, as my old man said to care. But after a few years the matter became too monotonous and I pushed the school desk again.“After that we only spoke a little – p.

seemed a bit in thought – and I enjoyed the journey, cuddled deep into the comfortable leather cushions. I noticed that my Jupe had slipped far across my knees and that my tanned, still tight thighs were easy to see. The eyes of my companion striped discreetly from time to time over my body and I felt how heat spread in me. A little cocky I stretched out my legs completely and spread the thighs to give him an even better view.

At that moment, I suddenly realized that today my entire solid, predictable life could change.

Night. left p. The main street and he steered the car safely and at a cozy pace over some side streets to a small country inn. “The best cuisine far and wide, without the Schicki-Micki nonsense and overpriced prices as in the cities.

We entered the small but nicely furnished restaurant and were greeted by the owner.

“Welcome to the ‘Chez N.‘, I will accompany you to your places.“There was a wonderful arrangement on the small corner table, a single strelitzie framed by small white roses. “They are for them,” said the owner and saw P. questioning.

“Corresponds to your ideas?”” Wonderful, many thanks L.”. Apparently he knew the man and only waved off when he wanted to hand the menu to us.

“I think we put on your domestic dish.“I looked at my companion questioningly. “Don’t worry, an old family recipe. L. Is my father’s cousin, “he smiled.

To make it short: the food was a force! A light lobster crèmes soup, followed by a salad with wonderfully fragrant herbs, as the main course lamb fillet tips à la Provencale with potato gratin and zucchini.

To do this, we drank a slight ‘Vin des Sables’ from the south of France. We talked about music, painting, sports and many other things and I felt back in my youth, remembered my first appointments. “Strange,” I thought. I was actually always interested in much older men as a teenager (j.

was 18 years older than me) ( and now, in the more mature age I suddenly let myself be carried out by a much younger. I was also impressed by his general education of his calm, thoughtful way and was eager to learn more about him. After eating, liters led us L. Another coffee and a very old and exclusive Armagnac that triggered a light buzz in my head.

“And now” I asked P., “What else have you planned in surprises?“He said that it was probably enough for today and we made our way back.

I was relieved on the one hand, but also a little disappointed that he did not try to seduce me at all, even though I obviously liked him. When we drove towards Bern, I noticed that he was not heading towards our house.

“Where do you bring me,” I asked a little nervous. “The most beautiful viewpoint of the city,” he smiled. In the S.-Quarely headed the car into an underground car park and we entered an elevator that led directly to the top floor.

I noticed that the lift could only be operated with a key and felt even queasy. P. noticed my uncertainty and said, “no worry, I will not kidnap you. We only go to my apartment.”

Once at the top, a small foyer opened from which you came directly into a very large living room with a huge terrace.

In front of us was the whole city, the river in which the lights were reflected, the surrounding hills with the flashing radio towers – the view was really breathtaking. The apartment was large, quite sparse but tastefully decorated. Modern and ancient furniture mixed, two small, old paintings next to the cheminee. In a area separated by a half -high counter, two huge cupboards with hundreds of books.

I looked at some shelves curiously and saw that among them were old and rare first editions of classics such as Voltaire, Tolstoy, Goethe and others. P. led me around and showed me the other rooms. A large bedroom with a subsequent bathroom, a guest room also with a bathroom that hardly seemed used and a light office with an old worn desk but the most modern devices.

“So, the tour is over.

How about coffee or tea on the terrace, ”he asked. “Very much like a tea,” I replied. “May I use the guest bath to freshen up.“He led me and gave me two fresh terry towels from a wall cabinet. I stood in front of the mirror for a few moments and looked closely without knowing what I actually wanted to do.

Then – I don’t know what I thought – I took off my clothes and went into the shower.

It was one of the modern shower cubes with different nozzles and I enjoyed the warm water rays that pounded on my body from all sides. On a shelf, a bottle with a slightly smelling shower agent stood and I was effective. I could not prevent me from being excited about the whole situation. I imagined that P.

Was just a few meters away from me and wished me would now see how I covered my wife’s but still tight body with the foam. Suddenly I knew with certainty that we would have sex tonight.

I got out of the shower, dried myself and put on my underwear and shoes. On a hook there was a simple but noble kimono that I moved over. I felt very safe now and went back to the big kitchen where P.

Hanned with the tea kettle and dishes. He looked at me and a pointed beseed smile spread on his face. “Oh, you look fantastic,” he said, “ready for a nice end of this evening?”

I swallowed for a moment, went to him and gave him a gentle kiss – in the middle of his mouth. Then I hugged him and whispered, “I would like to sleep with you, please bring me to bed.“He loosened from my arms, carried the tray with the tea onto the terrace and said,” give me a few minutes, I also want to take a shower quickly.“I sat down on one of the drank drank a cup and looked at the lights of the city.

I haven’t felt so alive, desirable and free for a long time.

I enjoyed the few minutes alone, relaxed myself and just couldn’t turn the view of the wonderful view of the calm city. Then I heard p. Coming through the living room on naked soles. He stood behind me and put his hands on my shoulders.

The Kimono had slipped and I was aware that he could see my plump breasts in the bra over my head. Then he said softly: “Last chance for a back – I’m not angry with you if you prefer to go home.”

I was silent and he drove deeper into my cleavage with his hands, stroked my breast approach and then quickly clicked my bra (closure in front!) on. My breasts felt plump and heavy, my nipples were already swollen hard. I was awesome!!!

He pulled me up gently from the couch and took me to the apartment.

I saw that he only wore a few boxer shorts in which an erection clearly showed. I held him back, pushed him into a comfortable armchair and stood in front of him wide -legged. I felt completely shameless because I had never put myself in front of a man, then I dropped the Kimono and drove into my panties with one hand. “I’m already very wet, you want to cost me?”

Without waiting for an answer, I put one leg on her and pulled my panties to the side around P.

to show my partially shaved pussy. He pulled me closer to him and his tongue rapidly over my venus hill, between my wet labia and quickly found my throbbing clit. His hands gently drove over my buttocks and stroked the inside of my thighs. I felt a slowly one, then two fingers in my throbbing lust cavity, while his tongue licked my thickly swollen clit faster and faster.

Suddenly he started to stroke my back hole with a finger. I winced something because I had tried anal sex a few times before my marriage, but never felt great joy. My legs started to tremble, it rushed in my ears and I was slightly dizzy with lust. P.

seemed to realize that I could hardly hold myself on my feet and lay down on the big couch in front of the cheminée.

I wanted him to continue spoiling my wet pussy and pulling my thighs all the way up so that they touched my plump breasts. He knelt in front of me and licked like a drowning one between my labia. Again I felt his finger on my butt and this time he slowly pushed it into my butt. I massaged my breasts myself – almost insanely with lust.

After a few tongue strokes on my clit I felt a wonderful orgasm. I groaned loudly and gasped: “Keep on, I feel like it!“He immediately pushed a finger into my cunt and gently and skillfully fingered my two holes until I had a wild long -lasting finish. I was shimmering and exhausted and had violent twitches for minutes while P. kissed again and again and gently caressed.

I also wanted to spoil him, reached into his underpants and promoted his cock to the fresh air.

Wow, I’ve never seen such a beautiful part! Not huge, but a great size, very shaved, plump testicles and a dark red acorn. I stroked the wonderful pleasure donor a little and then took it deep into my mouth.

“Yes, blas my limb, suck on it and stroke my nuts,” groaned P., “But I have to warn you, your orgasm made me so horny that I probably won’t endure it for long”.

It didn’t matter to me at the moment, I wanted to finish it, feel his explosion in my mouth and taste the juice. I had always liked to make fellatio and brought my whole experience into play. I sucked, licked and massaged his shaft, stroked the testicles and something on his anus.

After just a few minutes he groaned louder and cheered me on “Yes, it’s good, you blow fantastic, get ready!“I took it even deeper in my mouth and massaged the hammer -hard shaft until I felt the first drops on my tongue, then he injected into my mouth, twice, three times a violent beam came and I had trouble swallowing the whole lot.


pulled me up and hugged me tightly with his slim but strong arms and I stroked his tight upper body. “How is it that such a nice, educated and beautiful man is actually single,” I asked him.

A shadow seemed to scurry about his relaxed facial features and he murmured something of “… just didn’t fit …”, and I got the feeling that he got a dark secret with him.

“Today I don’t feel like it,” he said finally and added, “We don’t want to spoil the night with old stories, ok?”

“Then take me to bed, my lover” (I just said that?), I cheered him up with a light trick in his half -sagging penis. “I wouldn’t have anything against an additional round if you haven’t filled me up yet.”

We went into the bedroom closely and he put me on the big bed with the cool sheets. “Please spread your legs something,” he said with a lustful look, “show me your beautiful pussy.”

It was the first time that I produced myself in front of a man, but the thought got me back.

I pulled my thighs up, pushed a hand in between and began to stroke my Venus hill.

“Yes, I like that, do it yourself,” sighed P. And I saw how his wonderful jerked up and stiff became stiff. I took both hands more braver, pulled my smooth -shaped labia apart and then dived a finger in my wet cave. With one finger of the other hand I stimulated my clitoris and felt that I could hardly stand it anymore.

“Come and take me, please give me your wonderful stiff member, put it in me!“I groaned half insanely with lust.

“Known you and stretch your wonderful ass,” said P.

me, “and continue playing on your pleasure.”

I was completely willless (he now seemed somehow dominant, but still tender), continued to massage my swollen clit and wobbled with my-as I knew very well-sexy-flaw festivals butt.

I felt that P. knelt behind me and hoped that he would only drill me like a rossy mare. His hot glans stroked my thighs and touched my wet labia. I could hardly stand it anymore and suddenly felt a fingertips on my anus, which made me even hornier.

Then his finger slowly penetrated into my butt and I rubbed my column even more violently, I finally wanted to come and just let myself go, counteracting the redeeming orgasm, panting and groaning under my twitching hands and his finger in my back entrance.

“I, me, me, yes now, it comes to me, ohhhhhhhh”, I screamed loudly and piped p at the same moment p. His glowing, hard and long cock with a punch deep into my twitching column. I almost lost awareness of lust and fell flat under the violent rush to bed. He put his legs on the outside of my twitching thighs and drove his enormously hard limb violently but with sensitivity over and over again deep into my boiling cunt.

I felt that I was so far again and cheered him on uninhibitedly.

“Give me it, fuck my horny cunt with your cock (I could hardly believe what I was shouting out in my lust for words)”, and already a wonderful highlight and a second later one came up with me. I had a multiple orgasm for the first time in my life and saw stars explode before my closed eyes. Finally his fucking sucks and I longed to finally get to breathe. But then I felt his hot glans press my rosette and noticed how he slowly penetrated into my buttocks.

“I’ll give you a nice ass fuck now,” he whispered, “relax and enjoy it.”

My excitement had hardly subsided and I simply had it granted, yes even asked him.

“Do it, do what you want with me, spray everything in my butt,” I groaned and let my hand slide back between my legs.

“I rub myself to the climax again while you take my ass.”

That seemed even more to excite him, his pounds became a bit faster and his breath became more violent.

“Yes, do that, stimulate your clit to the way-no more, I’m also ready, I inject, oh yes …”

“Yes, do it, spray your hot seed in my ass, I come, I come, yes, yes, now,” I roared out loud and came to the last, incredibly intense orgasm that evening when I felt his warm sauce in my buttwho splashed his twitching cock into me.

After that we were completely pumped out for about half an hour, bathing sweat and deeply breathing closely together on the bogged bed.( There was already a bright strip of light in the east when P. set off at home and adopted with a last kiss.

We continued to meet for around two years and I had the best sex of my life with him. But then received P. An offer from an Ivy League university in the USA and so my affair found its (predictable) end ..

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