Andis Perverser Dream | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

What actually sounds stupid. Either you want something or you experience a dream. But how should you dream of a wish?

But nevertheless my dream was to be a pimp. Who of us guys did not have this wish, this dream.

When you discovered your sexuality and maybe took the easiest way to satisfy his sexual desire and paid a hooker for it as a freer.

Or when you saw how these men drove up with thick American sledges and cashed in the individual women. Perhaps quickly a pipe in his mares and happily pulled away with the bags full of money. You could get jealous about that.

But as it is in life, you are from these guys with the fat sled and three or four or four girls at the start miles away. My name is Andreas, but everyone calls me Andi I am 24 years old, 175cm tall with an absolutely normal average body.

My tail What was perhaps a prerequisite for such a job is anything but big, huge, mega, but also only average with a length of 17 cm and 4.5 cm thick.

Until before approx. For 6 months I was an employee in a machine factory as a locksmith. But the greed of our bosses was driven into bankruptcy and so I’m unemployed at the moment. I’ve been married to my dream woman for 2 years.

Beatrice Kurz Bea, 22 years old, short black hair, 170cm tall, 55 kilos and a body to kneel down.

Fantastic breasts a little more than a handful, but firm and their warts dark with extra long nipples. So if I say extra long then I mean it literally, the things will be more than 2cm long if it is cool. Also a grenade in bed, so for me at least too. Because actually I didn’t have many options in my life so far.

I’ve been with Bea since the School Together, we have been a couple for 9 years.

Except once at a party, where I had drunk more than I had drafted over the thirst and a strange girl fucked. My experience in this matter was limited to the experience with Bea.

In our marriage, we agreed that I earned the money and that she took care of the household, which would also have worked if …… now I sit on the couch and block in this stupid tube and get a cancellation after the other.

My daily routine looks roughly like this, getting up around noon, then having breakfast with Bea, helping her with housework, writing applications, hanging on buddies. Although I sometimes become jealous. Because two buddies from me live their wish / dream.

One is Daniel his dream, it was always an open relationship and to keep his partner as a slave. What can I say his dream has fulfilled.

The second buddy is Martin and this asshole (meant in good, is only envy) is actually a pimp and lets two women run for itself. Actually drives a corvette and otherwise fucks around in world history. Stupid pig he lives my life.

But how should it go on, because you don’t have a work, suffers the self -confidence, you somehow feel helpless, useless, you feel like a failure.

What is then reflected in bed. Even though my wife kept building me up, the longer the time passed, the more bleak the prospects for improvement.

Events of a new future

My life frolicked so frustrating. Up to the time where two events brought me closer to my dream. The first event was with Daniel.

When we hissed a beer together comfortably, he said by the way whether I couldn’t do anything for his room.

At first I didn’t understand what he wanted, which I was neither interior designer nor furniture builders. But what should change then. “Well what I imagine is a platform that is feathered with a rod in the middle, whereby the rod must have a ½ inch rotary thread.

Can you weld me something like that “.

Now the penny. Since I had a complete welding equipment and tools in the basement from my work, it was not a problem for me. He also said “I would cover the material costs, as well as you 150.00 € extra “.

I was immediately fire and flame and wanted to know details. How high, how wide and for what should it be used for.

Daniel suddenly screamed through the room for his girlfriend. I looked at him puzzled, why does he need his girlfriend now. When she was already entering the living room.

“Bitch, take off your dress and position yourself in position”. Immediately she started pulling her dress over her head. Hello it still I was present. But that didn’t bother her.

It was only in front of us.

Spread his legs, put her hands on her back and lowered her head. As if that would not be enough, she came from the following words. “Master, your fuck piece is ready for use”.

I looked at Daniel, who had a big grin on his face. Then I looked back to his girlfriend. What a beautiful woman. What she was of course also when she was dressed, but this strikes the bottom of the barrel.

She about 170cm tall, brown shoulder -length hair that she had tied together into a ponytail.

Your breasts wonderfully as with Bea. Isn’t it strange that we men always start to compare things together. I think she weighs about. 50 kg, no gram of fat on the body.

But in return to Bea, her venus hill was totally shaved.

My cock grew from looking at this woman alone. He pressed and wanted to say one “hello” and actually fuck them too. But there it was the normal, guys like me not do something like that, but keep it discreetly in the background.

Daniel reached next to the sofa and handed me a fell bar. I looked at him puzzled.

“So, the rod should be so high that I have a Dildo can turn it and introduce my fuck mare, ”he said by the way and took a sip out of his beer bottle.

It suddenly got different to me, with a flexible feeling in my stomach I got up, unfolded the folding stick and kept it trembling in front of her venus hill. She didn’t look at it, but I recognized a smile on her face. She made fun of me or liked that a well -known but still stranger she knew her. Then the width of shoe to shoe to know how wide the stand plate was allowed to.

I had to crouch and of course, hello I’m just a man fell my eyes on her cunt. How I would have liked to have my tongue passed over there now. Her smell because she ran out of my mind, I was horny and how. Then I saw that her cunt shone, she excited her.

After I had the dimens I got up again and went to Daniel.

He suddenly started laughing. I didn’t even know what was going on. Then he pointed to my pants and still laughed.

Only when I saw down did I notify my piece of meat against the pants and drew a bump. I immediately ran red, I was embarrassed. But I had already mentioned that I am only a man.

But what came then took my breath away. “Andi, unpack it and fuck the little one, then you feel better”.

I just had something on my ears, he really asked me to fuck his girlfriend. No I couldn’t. “Thank you, but you know that I’m loyal to Bea” was my answer. I actually excluded this damn hot offer.

Ha and someone like that wants to be a pimp, what am I for a wimp.

With the dimensions and the last sip from the bottle I said goodbye. Daniel only said, so if you want to stand the offer and it is also hot on it.

I immediately went to work. So took a tear sheet as a stand, I welded the approx. 20cm towered up.

These met in the middle where I welded a circular steel, which in turn. It was 20cm long, in this circular iron one number smaller one rod was introduced. Because you could just pull out at any time and thus stow away space -saving.

The rod itself had welded a stable spring on the one hand, the other side was provided with a ½ inch thread. So actually done.

It was clear to me that the dildo was screwed on it. Then put into the partner’s cunt and because she moved up and down. But what if she doesn’t want to or is tied up with Daniel, what then?

So I shortened the rod, with new thread and built a box from the rest of the tear sheet, in the middle a hole for the spring and a ring that held the pen straight. Inside I installed a small rotating plate that ran with 220V or was switchable on the battery.

On the rotating plate I formed a hill made of ball bearing roller, like a mountain and valley railway, so it was fucked anyway even if it was not moving or could not move.

I was very satisfied with it, now it only had to exist in practice. So I rang with Daniel and then build the device in the living room. Daniel beamed over both cheeks. “What is the little box for”, he really wanted to know.

“Wait a surprise, maybe you like it”. Only the plug in the socket, the remote control is taken to the sofa. We crashed and Daniel called again after his as he always said “Fickperle”. She immediately came to undress the instructions again.

Then the command to get the big dildo with the internal thread. What she did immediately.

As by itself, she turned the dildo onto my construction. But stood next to him in the starting position. This woman is simply a knee, again she was only in front of us in her black ownerless nylons and her high -heeled shoes.

Again I realized that she shone on her cunt.

“So little horny mouse, you will now push the dildo into your dirty fucking hole and then fuck yourself in front of us, we got on”. I fell down the chin how could you speak to your life partner, treat her like this. On the other hand, I found it so horny that I was about to be a climax without having put it on my own.

Everything was new to me, the boy who actually only knows a woman. The boy who has never experienced something like that.

The boy who built a sex toy and didn’t even know if it worked. “Very happy to be champion”, was short and scarce, lifted one leg and stood exactly over it and slowly let the dry dildo slide into her wet cunt. It was a horny sight.

The dildo hung half in her hole, as far as so good. Now she started moving slowly.

The dildo took the movements and the weight of the rod was also big enough that he slipped out of it again. The device stood like one, even when it increased her pace he held all her movements. I beamed all over my face that I was so successful. Daniel was more than satisfied too.

“Andi you made it really cool, if you want you can often build something for me and I still have many acquaintances who are interested in such things.

So what do you think you want to build such things ”and held my hand, which I naturally hit right away. I had an employment again even if it meant independence for me.

When our gaze went back to his pearl. If she rode my device like a crazy, she went off like a suppository, had fun and was about to have a departure. “Can you stop that, I still have a surprise for you”.

He nodded and called, “Petra stop quietly”. She immediately heard to move.

The dildo hung glossy in her cunt. Daniel looked at me, I grinned I took the remote control from the table and switched on it. Suddenly the dildo moved on its own, drove into it and out again.

She beamed at me onto her thighs and let my stand fuck.

Daniel beamed, I handed him the remote control and he played around with her. From the slow pace of what she had, he now turned her to the highest level, and the thing raced like a piston from an engine into his pearl. It groaned loudly, kneaded her tits and threw her head back and got an orgasm.

The only statement by Daniel, “How cool is that. I order a stand with you and you come back with a fucking machine, horny “.

After explaining to him why I built this, he beamed all over his face and said, “you will get a lot of work the next time” and now I beamed just like him.

Satisfied and finally some money in my pocket again I made my way home with a good mood. With the certainty to finally make money again and to have come a step further in the direction of my dream. Now I will see naked women, build devices and be paid for it. The first step towards sexbuisness was taken.

But what followed me deeply, because I never thought that something like that was slumbering in me.

That something like this can break out of you and thus fulfills the second step to my dream. Even if what happens there was no longer responsible and was no longer justifiable.

When I think back on it, then I would have to apologize to her today and every new day anew. What happened?

Life always holds two sides of you. One side is that you are happy and satisfied.

The other side is that everyone could do without. That you experience something happiness and satisfaction destroys. As well as this page becomes much worse than you may be able to bear it. The way I felt.

On the same day, when I came home happy and satisfied, luck was only held for an hour.

Because as soon as I opened the door I opened a world. In our small 2 room apartment you could talk about the entire room no matter where you were well together. That’s why it was hardly surprising when I took the apartment groaned and hearing noise.

Within seconds my heart contracted, within a second I caught my breath, within seconds I got sweating and hot flashes, within seconds there was a anger in me that took over more and more of my body.

The bad thing about an anger is that you lose control of yourself and do things that you would never do in normal condition. That’s how I felt.

With careful steps I approached the bedroom and quietly opened a small gap. What I saw gave me the rest and my anger took control of the control.

Bea rode just such a guy and that she enjoyed it I saw the steep nipple standing on her big nipple. She screamed at him, “Yeah … Come on … Fuck me, you horny freiersau “.

My anger took command, I stormed into the room, grabbed Bea on her short hair, pulled her brutally from this type and threw her off the bed against our chest of drawers.

Bea crashed into the chest of drawers and with a scream of pain she slides to the ground. Grabbed the guy on the neck, pulled it out of bed like a spring weight and promoted him on our doorstep. Passed one fully into his face, ran into the bedroom and threw her things into the stairwell.

The only positive was that at least a condom was used.

With still incredible anger in the whole body I went back to the bedroom. Bea put Bea back into her hair and pulled her up. Then I took out and you want to hit my fist directly into the face. At the last moment I got a little control over myself and could still open the fist.

Nevertheless, the hand docked down on her like a baseball bat. Which was so huge that I still had some of her hair in my hand and she was lying on the floor.

My anger didn’t want to stop, more and more adrenaline shot through my bloodstream. If I were green, I could call myself Hulk. Even if he got his anger, everything was forgotten and was only a destructive machine.

I was just about to go out to step on the floor of the fraudulent woman.

But suddenly I stopped my actions. Got control over me again. I calmed down and sat on the bed.

In front of me was the woman I love. With dull hair, and with blood on her lip, she saw me naked with an insane impression of my hand on her cheek totally anxious and swelled out.

Now I only realized what I did, even if she was just fucking with another one. I could never have lost my control like that. I had no right to raise my hand against it.

If you are a man you respect his wife, partner or girlfriend, so never and never was to represent what I did there.

A bad certainty came out in me, I saw how my wife was still crying, saw what I did. But there was something else, I was horny. My cock started to grow. The more my wife was sobbing, the horny I became.

What is wrong with me. First I hit a woman for the first time in my life and then I’ll also be awesome.

Damn what I am for a perverse pig, what is wrong with me. Bea tried to straighten up. Tried to adjust your howling.

Tried to get a clear thought again and talk to me about it.

So she started in a calm tone, which really wondered me. “I love you, I didn’t want to cheat you either, but we run out of money. Our reserves are used up.

With your unemployment benefit and the few euros I earn, we will soon no longer be able to pay rent. So I saw the only way out of selling my body for you “.

She robbed the bed and opened the drawer of her bedside table, took out a few notes and gave it to me. Without saying a word I accepted it and counted it through 250.00 €.

What my wife is now a hooker, out of love for me.

I was a pimp, I was at the destination of my dream. But why does it feel like shit, so wrong.

It was clear to me that I had to sort it out first. Since it was still early in the day. I decided to leave the apartment to think about it alone.

“Bea, I have to think about everything first, give myself time when what is or you are doing badly call me on your cell phone”.

New findings and first lessons

So I got up and left my wife back on the floor. At the moment I felt nothing but disgust for her. So I strolled through the streets, with all possible thoughts that circled in my head. How should it go on.

How can you still speak of love if you know that your own Wife can be fucked for money from others.

How do I get along with it at all. I cope with that. But why actually these thoughts, I was on the best way to make money again.

What is that supposed to be an open marriage, she fucks with others and I fuck with other women, or what.

Without realizing it, I suddenly stood on Daniel’s front door. Shaking my head I rang. Because if someone can help me then he. Because he offered me his girlfriend to fuck, so how does he get it right.

He handed me a beer and saw how shit I was on it.

Sat down next to me and said, “Spucks out, what’s going on”. How should I start. “I caught Bea with another in bed”. “Oh ha,” was his short remark.

“Then I got him and then bea bean”. He looked at me with big eyes, almost incredulously, because he knew that I was actually a very preferred one, you don’t know anything like that from me.

But when I told him that she cheated on me for money out of love for me and that I became horny after I hit her. Began to laugh at this stupid asshole.

I looked at him with lightning in my eyes. If I were still angry now, then he would have got a spanking also.

“Andi you are one to me, you don’t understand what that means”. You finally pulled the big lot and then also with your great love, your wife. Now I didn’t understand anything anymore.

How big, how big love, how my wife.

He saw that I didn’t understand anything. Again he called to Petra, the strange white already naked, so came with her nylons and high heels. She stood in the starting position and now I saw that something white flowed out of her cunt. I looked at Daniel, only now I fell that he was only dressed with a bathrobe.

My God just fucked them and I bothered them. I was embarrassed and I ran red.

Daniel laughed more now. “Don’t worry, I could do it before you rang, so everything is fine”. It amazed me how loose he was dealing with with it.

It didn’t matter to him that someone knows that his cock was in his Petra’s cunt a few minutes ago.

But most of the time I was surprised about Petra. How could such a great woman have so little shame. Daniel noticed that something similar flocked to me through my head.

“Petra, please sit down and explain Andi once how you are satisfied with your sex life”.

Petra sat down, but did not manage that she kept her legs closed. no, just the opposite. She sat in an armchair, slapped a leg over her back and stroked her plum, played with the sperm from Daniel and jerked off her excited clit.

“You know Andi before I met Daniel, I felt like you. I was happy I loved my ex and thought that my sex life was the summit of lust.

But only at Daniel could I free myself from my cocoon. He showed me cups of the lust that I never thought there was something like that. This included the pain, then my exhibition tiny tendency. It cools me up when I can show myself to someone naked.

As well as I love it when you use me no matter where, whether in public, in the cinema, or just behind a bush. Through Daniel, too, I found the desire to sell myself for money to others. In short around I love a bitch, one whore, To be his slave that he uses me always and everywhere when he wants. The fact that he causes me to pain and that I am bound to him almost brings me to the mind.

But that he offers me strangers for payment and I have to do everything they want, give me a desire that I feel like in heaven. To be honest, as long as I know you now and that’s a while, I think you are the same. You have proven this to me with the device what you brought us earlier, oh thanks, by the way, thank you for that, it’s a horny stick “.

I looked at her incredulously, my god can really feel a woman.

If you don’t want to be wearing them on your hands, try your wishes from your eyes. She gently caresses, responds to her needs in bed. Which man already knows what the needs of a woman are apart from Daniel.

I looked at Petra, she was still stroking her pussy, which was wet and shiny. Her nipples got off steep and she drove her tongue over her lips.

“Petra, it won’t be too much for you at some point,” I wanted to know about her.

“On the contrary, when you brought us this rod, Daniel drove me to orgasm 3 times, then he chased me up”.

In doing so, she lifted one leg far up and you saw that her butt was red and littered with streak. “What led me to two other orgasms, then he packed me over a buck and fucked my brain out of me. What a horny day, but I am still horny. So what do you think of it when you finally open your pants and your pent -up rage on me “.

What was that, again such an offer.

I looked at Daniel, who only said, “it’s time to show you what life is called and now finally pack your cock, the first lesson begins”.

I was so perplexed that I opened my pants and pulled them down a bit. Petra came in front of me, knelt down and grabbed my pleasure piston. She jerked him gently and said, “Finally I’ve been waiting for you for so long”.

Came closer with her mouth and put her delicate lips over it.

I had to stop the air for a moment she knew what she was doing. What a wonderful feeling. Suddenly it got warm, no rather hot.

I was about to cheat on my wife right now, even though I am not even drunk. But why not, she did it too. So I pushed my guilty conscience and stroked Petra through my hair.

She sucked my cock like never before. Bea actually always blew one, because she liked my cock in her mouth.

But she was tender and took the time with it. Petra sucked him as if there was no more tomorrow. It’s just stupid that you had to concentrate strongly so that you couldn’t get too quickly.

But Petra wanted me to get it quickly, who knows why. Madness, she did it.

In fact, I felt my sperm climbing up and stood before the shooting. “Oh man I come to me,” I warned her. But now it really went off, she jerked my cock like an insane, enclosed it with her lips and looked into my eyes.

She had a slight smile on her face, even though my cock was in the middle. I shot my cargo, Petra took everything out, and groaned slightly, she even managed to do nothing.

She gently sucks him a little further, but now with a lot of feeling and with full devotion.

Then she released him looked at me again and said “delicious, so now it can start”. As now it can start, I just shot down. What else did she want from me, is to blame if she sees such a pace.

She got up, packed my pants and pulled it out completely. I looked at Daniel, who did not pay attention to me, but uprising.

Then Petra gave me her hands and pulled me up too. She continued to hold me on one hand and so I followed her. We entered a room, tall like a living room with dining room. Opposite was a large wooden bed with 4 thick bars on the corners and also framed with bars at the top.

There were several metal rings on the beams.

At first I didn’t understand anything. Do not understand what they were good. Furthermore, there was a gynokologist chair right next to the door, why did they have such a chair.

It became more and more confused for me. On the left side there was a closet, as well as a shelf on the wall, with various utensils, as well as various goats and my stand.

“So Andi, after you are a little more balanced, Daniel will show you how to treat a slave and what you can do with her. Daniel took me to the side and said, “what is going to happen now a little harder, do not frighten, she really loves it and I think Bea will love it too, trust me”.

Great what a statement trusts me and Bea will love that too. Everything here on the outside was absolutely new territory for me.

I was ready to learn something like that, to try something like that. Above all, you should ask yourself the question of whether Bea is going along, or just keep fucks other men because she got a taste for it and leaves me.

Daniel gently hit my shoulder with my hand, smiled at me, winked at me. Then he turned and missed Petra a rich slap in the face. I was startled, what was going on now.

Couldn’t classify this situation and wanted to take him into account. When the sentence suddenly came back to my mind, “trust me”.

So I stood quietly and watches this scene. Daniel shouted at her, “What can you think of stupid cunt, simply without blowing my friend’s cock and why are you not in your starting position”, as is the second slap in the slap on the other cheek. I was about to intervene when I saw Petra slides her tongue over my lips and saw a ray in her eyes.

My God likes it, it makes her horny, how can something like that be.

Now that she was back in her starting position, he reached with his hand between her legs and rammed her two fingers to the stop. Played a little in it, pulled her out and shouted at her again. “Damned dirty sow, you are wet like a gravel truck. I think we have to do something about it “.

She grabbed her hair on her hair and put her to a buck and put her about it. The buck was something like a horse from physical education only a little lower. He did her Tie up On the feet and arms on the four legs of the horse. Wow it looked horny as she was hung slightly spread over the goat, her two holes were open upwards.

What can I say, I entered a realm of the pleasure of never there.

My cock was like a one again. Daniel fetched a riding crop that hung under the shelf. Standed behind her and took out. The whip struck the left ass cheek, loud clapping was heard, as well as a scream of pain from Petra.

Daniel took twice, one on the right, one on the left cheek.

The screaming of Petra became moaning noises and a slight sob. But you could see how she was shining more and more on her cunt, she was really wet, she was awesome. Daniel waved me to him with his hand. Of course I followed him and stood next to him.

He handed me the riding crop and said, “try it, but always on the baking”.

I got out easily and hit her ass just as easily. Daniel laughed and Petra raised his head and shouted at me “Do you jokes or what, you should be my ass, it will soon be”. I ran red, somehow I was embarrassed.

So the second attempt, now I took out and yet wanted to show Petra that there is another way. The riding crop hissed through the air with full force, then she mercilessly hit the horny butt of Petra.

I was startled so loud that clapping that came from the serve.

Petra screamed like on the spit. I was really worried, damn I hurt her. I already wanted to give the riding crop again Daniel. When Petra came “Ohhh was horny, keep it up, but puts a talent in you”.

How it liked her, then go.

Again and again the riding crops whizzed down on his butt from the little one. Your screaming, her lust flowed through the whole room. She sobbed and groaned how horny it is. I was happy that she liked it.

But there was something else, my Schwengel was rock hard and I was something of horny than it has been for a long time.

It is difficult to describe that. Imagine in front of you only for years to drink water and your longing all the years is a cola, a juice or a cool beer. But it is in unattainable expanses. Not that you don’t like the water, you even love it.

But it’s the same every day and now you are in a bar after all the years and have a free choice. Finally you can drink what you always wanted and the same was here with Petra and Daniel.

Just that I was finally allowed to chastise a woman brought me close to a new orgasm, so very horny me this up here. Daniel came back from the closet with a dildo. I stopped my actions and waited.

“Well, little slave, how does it have a cock in your holes today, oh if you are interested in that”. He took the dildo on his cunt and pressed it in a little bit.

I was startled again, with a train he rammed the fat thing into her until the stop. She lifted her head, groaned loudly and then screaming.

Then it went over in a long moan, as well as “yes, fuck brutally my cunt master”.

What a statement, she likes being treated so brutally. Fascinating how the two understand that one knows what the other needs. Daniel took the dildo slowly pulled it out and rammed it in quickly, then quickly and out several times, Petra couldn’t get out of the groan, she was finished, was tired on the goat.

Daniel saw it differently pulled out the dildo and chased his stiff cock as hard as the dildo in Petras Loch. Clawed with his hands in Petra’s hips and started to fuck his wife.

Petra was just screaming, “yes fuck me, ram my horny cock into my dirty hole”.

Madness how the two went off. Everything they present to me showed what they understand by sex and lust. This is exactly my world too.

I am horny, I would like to drive home now and fuck Bea until the piston smoke me. No matter what happened earlier.

But here, too, Daniel came before. He set his fucking and pulled out his cunt juice and then said to me “Come and fuck my little one, revenue and fulfill her wish”.

Should I really fuck his girlfriend. Apparently they often do this, they live and enjoy this type of pleasure.

So why should I hold back, Bea doesn’t do it either. So I stood behind her. “Yes Andi, Come Fuck me through I am waiting for your horny cock for so long”.

This woman is just a number for herself, at that moment I wanted Bea to be strapped over this goat and instead I would really finish her Daniel. I was excited, with tremors I put my stake on and carefully penetrated it into it.

You felt horny. It is so hot, so horny. Slowly I started moving in her. I quickly found a rhythm and got faster and faster.

Is that horny to fill these cunt. Now I became cocky and pressed my thumb into her rosette. Petra, of course, noticed that “how horny Andi yes fuck my asshole rammel broke me, use me, humiliate me, get me ready”.

Well if she wants that then I fulfill her the wish. Pulled out my thumb and now put my show and middle finger in her ass.

My cock drove like a well -oiled machine in the case of the Fotzenloch in the case of well -lubricated machine. Incredible how tight she still felt after all of this. While my two fingers fucked their ass at the same time. Even if that was actually wrong, it was the absolute megahammer to have experienced something like that.

Or that it screamed after more.

My cock always disappeared nicely in the rhythm between Petra’s labia. Alternated, I pushed my penis into it and when he came back, the two fingers disappeared into their intestines. We both groaned our lust. Petra loved dirty talking.

So she spurred me on, “push your cock hard into me, you are such a horny sow”.

“Turn up my ass, it feels so horny, you ass fucker”, then I was already a bit irritated. Because after all she already had two fingers in there. But if she wanted it that way. I removed my fingers and put my villain on the back door.

With a slight pressure he slipped deeper and deeper into her ass. “My god you really tear my ass on me, that’s horny, push too, get me ready”.

My staff had overcome her sphincter, it was well lubricated by her cunt juices, so what spoke to push the rest into her with a hard push. She stands on a hard gait and who can refuse something like that. With a push I rammed her iron stick into her until the stop.

Grabbed my hips and started to push her hard and mercilessly.

We both went off like Zündrakets, but not yet enough. Daniel stood on the other side. She grabbed the hair and pulled it up, as far as her bonds allowed. Then he pushed his smeared cock into her mouth.

I couldn’t see it, but I would bet that she had a grin on her face. Now also have a second cock in one of her holes.

Daniel groaned, looked at my face and winked at me. I smiled and was surprised how much fun a three might. No shy to pull in front of another type bare.

It was also fascinating that a woman likes it so much. While I fucked so horny in Petra’s ass, there were thoughts in my head that I actually didn’t want to have at that time.

I thought of my wife. I thought that I wasn’t better than you.

I fuck alien. How would I get along with it afterwards, how do I explain that to her. But I couldn’t really think about it, there were only scraps that went through my head. Because this was way too horny for that.

Petra was lonely tip, I felt the wish to fuck her more often in me, beat her, to add her pain, to learn to captivate. To use them helpless.

But what would develop from this fuck later I never thought in life. Because my dream was a shit against that.

My juice rose higher and higher, that was all so horny that I couldn’t keep it long anymore. It was surprising that I was holding through anyway, but now I couldn’t hold it back. I screamed into the room, “I feel it”.

Petra released her friend’s tail, saw as far as she could backwards, and said “Spray everything in my ass, I totally like it”.

Hardly pronounced, it was already so far, I sprayed several pushing my sperm, filled her intestine and I was so happy. But that’s not enough, as soon.

Madness, he fucks his cock into my sperm. Petra said, “Yes, master fuck me the sperm deep in, get me ready”. Daniel said to me, “had to try it out, is the absolute kick” and beamed all over his face.

While he rammed his pint in Petra’s ass like a berserker. I watched enthusiastically and felt again that I got horny and my cock started to get big again.

Why was I only so horny, why could I actually only fuck, I was neither starved nor neglected. But all these circumstances triggered something in me that I had to understand about first.

Daniel and Petra were two people who opened my eyes and showed me how horny life can be.

Daniel groaned loudly. Petra was in the end she hung over the goat, panting her lust out when Daniel suddenly put his head back and unloaded his orgasm in her butt. Petra twitched under the last bumps of Daniel and a long loud groan show showed an incredible satisfaction of both.

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