Horny ass fuck | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

We met for the first time and stroll through the nearby Niendorfer enclosure. In the beginning we stroll away, talk a little uncertainly – we don’t know how the other finds one – but little by little we will become more relaxed, laugh together and at some point we go hands through nature. This hand keeps the area noticeably swelled in my step and you notice that with a smile on my somewhat changed gear … but don’t say anything.

After a while I see a bank, something in the shade of trees and hidden. I suggest to put a little bit in front of myself and you will be able to. We sit down, lean against each other, see in nature and when we look at it it just happens … we look into our eyes and every now and then also on the mouth of the other … we want it both. We are slowly, hesitant, with a rest of the other’s face and then our lips touch for the first time.

Very gentle and tender. We come loose briefly, look into our eyes and the residual uncertainty changes into joy. The second kiss has lasted for a long time and we both open our mouths … the tongue tips meet For the first time, our breath becomes much heavier and now I put my arm around your waist and pull yourself closer to me. Your hand facing me gently lies on my thigh and starts carefully to stroke me.

This encourages you to touch you on my neck with my free hand, hear your sigh and start to stroke you too. Now you become a little braver and slowly stroke your hand from the thigh slowly … I start moaning quietly and my hand walks shamig with excitement from your neck down while our tongues tenderly play more and more passionate about each other. Your stroking hand has now reached my step and strokes the bump in my pants for the first time … I feel on my lips how yours pull together and I inevitably grin.

Mutually encouraged by the grin of the other we stroke ourselves and become more passionate. You rub under gentle pressure over the bump in my pants, which makes your breath significantly heavier while my hand approaches your breasts, gently covers and starts massaging under slight pressure … The increasing excitement is now expressed in a light wheelswhile we kiss on the tongue. After a while you can be released with your lips and look me silently, but smiling and while your one hand continues to massage the bump, now hikes your second and begins to open my pants … You enjoy the joy and excitement in mineEyes and I your reaction in your eyes as your one hand the first time my tight joy includes.

You surround him with your hand and start moving your hand gently on and down. You kiss me gently and breathe “feels good”. Then you look down to your stroking hand and start bending down with your head slowly. A little later I feel your warm heavy breath at the top of the creation of the creation and shortly afterwards how your tip of your tongue licks the first drops of pleasure. You turn your head to me and grin grinfully. “And it also tastes good!“Then you turn your head away and I feel a few stores how your warm lips close for the first time.

I trees up, which automatically pushes himself into your mouth a little further and moan uncontrollably on … yours Tongue Unrorns frequently the glans, sucks again powerfully but gently and happily groaned to him suck. I am like senses. The hand that was laid around your waist wanders down to you until she reached your butt … you take my plump tail Now always a bit deeper in you and glide up and down with your warm lips on his shaft … my hand begins to massage gently on your butt and you are now completely picking up my stiff friend in you … “Goooooooott …

Is that crazy!“I moan. You move wonderfully slowly and down and increase my lust into almost immeasurable … Meanwhile, my hand wanders under your skirt, pushes itself under your panties and strokes your bare warm skin. With circular movements I approach your behind (n) entrance and gently press a finger against and in … you groan up, open your mouth briefly to put your lips powerful again shortly afterwards to lay my tight, throbbing friend … we heat up ourselvesThe wise mutually up until I fear that I will get to get off and put you down from him and put it on him.

I spread mine Legs, Then stand in front of me with closed legs, pull your panties down a little and lift your skirt to what gives me an indelicate look at your pretty butt … you turn your head to me, smile at me, comprise my bouncer with one hand andDirect him on your behind, whose close opening you approach him and further … When the plump acorn touches your tight opening, you walk slightly with your tongue with your tongue, I forget to breathe with excitement and see alternate on your face and yoursCock in my hand, which is about to penetrate your intimate place … you press yourself with one behind something against the glans and I feel how it begins to stretch your tight opening and to line his way into the way … Half of the glansIf you penetrate you little and now you take your hand from him and press yourself lustfully groaning and slightly panting on him … You turn around me briefly, get quietly “What a great cock!“And then you picked up the glans completely with a jerk … we both moan and enjoy this moment for a little while.

My hands stroke your butt, I see how spellbound like my cock tip in you and you are happy to smile, and groaned quietly while you continue to move in a small movement in the movement of how much I like … then you start slowly and always a bitTo keep pressing on him. With every time he penetrates a bit deeper into you, you groan again lustfully. My hands now lay around your waist and reinforce the pressure that you yourself do on “him” until you have completely absorbed it in you.

You will get your head back on the last piece and groan louder this time than usual … it is really completely disappeared into you and is narrowly and warmly enclosed by you. You lean back, which let him drive one last bit into you and we merge into an indescribably tender kiss. We both feel how happy we both can be in this kiss. Then solve you from me, we smile happily and with cheeks reddened with excitement and now you start moving up and down with yours on my bursting stiff cock.

My hands lay around your waist again and with every push of you not only grows your excitement, but also mine and I start to cling more closely with my hands and to press you greedy on me … while I also counter my pelvisbump. Even if someone came over now, we would certainly not get it anymore – we are in our own world. As if from senses, we encounter ourselves faster and firmer and our gasps and moaning sounds always a **** lischer … The head is now switched off, we can say nothing more … You will get your butt faster and fasterAgainst, faster and faster my cock almost drives out of you, then to drive back into you again to the stop … We both start trembling, shaking, my cock swells a little more – I’m about to come.

You also notice this slight swell, as narrow as you enclose me, immediately and also smell even more excited than before!“Thereupon you will increase in your movements one last time and cramp me … My hands cramp around your waist, I feel how it rises in me, bite my lips and moan as I explode and inseveral sparkles mine sperm In your wonderful behind shooting … Fortunately, you will also come and I feel how your abdomen tangles and spans my cock again … panting, exhausted, but we stay happy in this position for a few moments.

You support yourself with your arms on your trembling thighs, I have a heavy appeal in my neck, try to get back to reflect and pet your butt. After a time I pull you to myself with my hands, put my arms around you and kiss you – still slightly panting – overjoyed … “That was indescribable I go in your ear!“And kiss you tenderly and exhausted on your neck. You grab my back of my head with one hand, pull me towards you, kiss me tenderly and breathe while looking at my eyes with a glassy look!“… then we both have to laugh.


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