Youth memories | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

In the past, this is a matter of a presser collon story from the past … Fortunately, it was never burned out that I had to accept or assume work (if you can call it that) at a presser column, but as a gaanz young sheet, I smile a lot of advertising brochures into all house corridors in the near future. These were mostly offered stuffed from local Edeka consumption or Rewe. We got toads about 200 to 300 loose sheets and we were promised between 2 to 5 marks if we distributed everything in the neighborhood and something beyond it!Two marks were a lot and a whole Heiermann was already a small wealth and so most of my buddies did it regularly, I only rarely because I already got a lavish pocket money as a spoiled only child!Well, however, with one of this hallway, distribution actions in the late summer that led me a little further away into a high-rise settlement I was faced with the problem that the stupid house door was closed, so I didn’t get into the hallway.

Usually we should push the relatively thin leaves in the six or three -pack bundled by the ritks of the door but this relatively modern front door had no such, so I simply rang the next best and waited for the door impression pulse. This came after a few seconds followed by an angry voice over the integrated intercom that I ignored and Schwupps I was inside, cheeky brochures in all 50 existing mailboxes and wanted to make me of it when an older gentleman grabbed my shoulder and asked a bit“Did you rang the angel of the louse?“Quite frightened because the guy had sneaked up so quietly from behind, I forgot to lie promptly and just stutter“ uhh Jaa Iche Abba Abba ”and then wanted to explain in any plausible that I just distribute brochures from a number of kilometers away from a number of kilometers awayWanted, but firstly I got rid of all the copies and had nothing to show and secondly I was very nervous of the sight of the classic car because he just had a wide -open bathrobe and slipper on his huge cock dangled several times to my bare thighBy shook while scolding!At some point the bizarre situation became clear to him, and at least he tried to close his bathrobe and I give a credible explanation for my bell!I don’t know if he believed me, but at least the shaking and sniffing was over and I could have decayed there, but where I was here and actually looked at one of our few high -rise buildings from the inside, I was braver and asked the bathrobe bearerwhether he lived up or down!At first he looked puzzled, but then said “Yeah at the top” and after a little Small talk, which was ultimately only about the great round view of Herten, he offered a look from his balcony or even from the roofbe allowed to do!Already in the elevator, the bathrobe gaped up again, but the enormous part dangerously dangled back and forth and I didn’t do any more as if I did not slip without thinking without thinking from my long -cutting jeans and presented on my part, albeitOnly half as large stands!Would have become embarrassing if I had misunderstood its clear signals, but expect at least as horny as me and we were already taking our cocks together.

So me and he think that was fine and on the top floor he and I was hosed. We looked a little in the eye for the first time and both had to laugh involuntarily, when someone below probably asked the elevator we quickly got out and he opened with the key he carried with a cord around the neck a large steel door to access to the access toFlat roof made possible so that I was able to see my hometown from the top!But the pleasure did not take a long time, because it was only when a sharp wind around the Poritze whistled became clear to me that I had forgotten my shorts in the elevator ….But that’s already a different story …… 11th third 2017 the rest of the prospectus strain story …

Now without Buxe on the flat roof one of the highest buildings Hertensund was slowly panicked, the guy who had given me access to the roof was briefly disappearing in a kind of shed that was a little away on the roof on the elevator shaft. There was the whole electrical system for the lift and the guy wanted to say something else when I enjoyed the horny view of my hometown. Pounded politely briefly on the thin sheet metal door and asked my wich partner of the giving bathrobe for a blue man to exchange a bland forgotten in the lift forgotten Buxe “Why does he look horny,“ he laughed at all, because I had mineOversized sleeves almost stretched to my knees and my silk towel that I otherwise wore around my neck or as a headband, like a belt around the hips, which seemed unintentionally but quite acceptable as a sexy mini dress ….A little sexy is understood because it was an extremely holey retinal shirt!Highly but quite tenderly threaded my limp sneaker through one deretwa’s larger holes, looked funny how I saw in an old cloakroom mirror of a giant tear in the middle in a corner of the small room.

After the funny popping through my cock, he was erect again and since my new Wixfreund already knelt, my pleasure donor quickly between his lipping, it took a little time but ultimately I left!Then went to the lift, Günter, who only now revealed his name to me, gave me his name an funny plastic rain coat with flower pattern to overturn then we were already warning where my missing Buxe was no longer found anymore.

During the downward trip, I grinned grinning his Blaumann or the pants slot of it and massaged his fat Klütstrors more, because now and then other house residents that were surprising my strange outfit examined. Günni and I drove to the basement and got through it to the garbage swallow area where a huge mobile metal container stood that swallowed everything that was thrown into the garbage swallow. It was also like that, but it was totally dirty and therefore went straight to the luck with the washing machines where Günni also started his Blaumann!Now had a bit of time and now we both naked warn we did the nearby and that was not ironed.

In a corner of the room, things were stored to the next clearing out of the clearer, and two mattresses, and on them we made ourselves wide so that everyone could spoil the tail of the other orally. When the washing machine was finished, we also warned it, but totally Günther had hosed down twice and I even three times, didn’t know that something was possible at the time and I really wanted to get more of it, but because it was already on the evening I was still looking into mineClammed trousers slipped and made me on my way home.

That was not my first sexual contact with a man, but with a clear distance my oldest guy, sixty was Günni back then and I prefer nothing to the age difference, otherwise the post will be deleted. Since the whole thing was over forty years ago and Günni has not become a hundred I am also not blurring his name, even his widow should have nothing. Speaking of the last rest, everyone who knows me should be clear that I already rang the Günter again the next day because firstly I wanted to enjoy the beautiful view again and secondly, the sucking cock sucked against being started to do fun ….Had only enjoyed passively when I was actively being active, I had mostly turned or only delivered a handjob.

—————————————————————————————nice you have it so well-günnnis rolymettermar it was Saturday and also for me for a long weekend. What was called back then that was called ITENTESthe parents could stay away as long as I wanted or. If I have a corresponding reason for this. In most cases it was enough when I said: “I am invited to a party” and I already had free until Monday morning at five, Vater then said something like “nothing so much” and nuts had the standard sentence all the time “andPull pure underwear to “what I always answered in the affirmative but never did, because I rarely wore some of them!So it went this time again when I got on my Mofel (a Garelli 498 marks at Quelle or Neckermann) and string stracks to my new buddy Günni (45 years old age difference but who already counts) was already waiting for me behind the house.

He whispered with a conspiracy male: “Well called that, my old is back from the cure, I told her you until the son of a work buddy and I should repair your moped, so we are screwing around. In the evening we drive spare parts in the eveningbrace!“Well, a change of oil could need my knuckle box well anyway and since I never did anything except driving it was a lot about it, so that Günther hadn’t even lied.

It took forever until it finally got the evening, but I could take a little bit of a little bit because we had a bit of a bit and get to know his Gerda, but was also old but still looked very propered. Then we got his open bucket car that he had bought from the garage for a thousand mark at a Bundeswehr auction!In order to stay roughly with the truth, Günther actually drove towards Gelsenkirchen but over the highway where he then drove to a rest area and put out his things there comfortably.

Already thought we got going and spat out of my chewing gum, but far from it, he was not tenderly pulled the tight cut off jeans from the bare ass and then he also brought a bundle of the back seat and said to me in the command tone: “Find yourself out … Are the plotting of my olds ”and threw everything on my lap. I rummaged a little at a loss in the worn smelly clothes and ultimately pulled out a kind of pepper apron without sleeves that was closed with push buttons, but not sexy at all the part but the slightly to be torn down I liked it and so I stripped out and striped the partabove.

I would have better not to do because I had hardly left the car Günni Gas and left the discrete parking bay, I ran after him but always when I was close enough to hop he got back on the gas again. Only when he loudly scolded: “What do you want hooker from me?“I started to understand, was probably a kind of role -playing game, so I played and crushed him fiercely back afterwards so that after ten minutes we had circled the entire rest area twice and a lot of people were aware of us, so it was himProbably because now he parked close to the sales shop, the ignition stopped and then said: “Well for Zwanni, you can get started” and demonstratively opened the driver’s door demonstratively.

I approached carefully with inconspicuous wink actually handed the rag with the violin droop and started sucking on his cock, while I was almost greedy, he whispered to me a “human Ringo did a great job … but please don’t play so violentlyOtherwise I come too early, right next to us is a grumbling in the guy in it the knifts just fell out of the hand!“So I throttled my up and down and looked briefly towards the brummi where the guy was flat on the window with a red head!Such an spurred one was no longer a stop for me and I rammed almost Günter’s huge part almost to the suppository into the lollipodel, hardly breathed ….But who needs air if they are really guessed?Then did not take long for Günni to rearrange and shot his hot sparrow charge in the face, but now I was amazed because I started improvising the matter in the spirit of the role -playing idea.

“What, you suck sucked at me?Well wait you manure bags you will soon be alone the wrinkles from the sack of blowing vapiss you just you luser!“And with a clattered bang, I smile at the dented bucket door and trudged hard on the ladies’ toilet. On the toilet, which was surprisingly clean, I just threw a short look in the mirror and examined my extremely spilled face and decided to leave it like that with a lipstick, which is probably forgotten.

When I reached into the pockets of the smock apron to put the Zwanni from Günther in my somewhat more suitable chest bag that I wore around my neck, I felt something soft what I initially stopped a handkerchief but when I took a closer look turned out toThis wafer -thin cloth as a lady’s brief. Visually, immediately introduced Günters Gerda to this tiny part and had a killer stand in no time, said that his olle still looked a bit bit little but everything was still well -shaped as I could see an hour ago!No matter my improvised role -playing game, so I tried to slip into this pink in this pink but despite at least five numbers too small, the amazingly quick, because it was made out of a completely foreign stretch material.

The six push buttons in the crotch only noticed when I was on things, that was also an absolute new territory for me. I had already heard the term “open in the crotch”, but I always thought that would be a speed for people who had to march and now that I knew it better I had to grin involuntarily and ran back to the bucket car to share this funny flash with Günni, the car was probably not there, his cord pants were still in the footwell with my Buxe.

I thoughtfully grabbed the driver’s seat on the driver’s seat (1. -DM !!) And turned the radio, Lynn Anderson Pipste Degree What “Piek Ju Ports” so that I sing down the “Rosegarten” softly and to struggle the fabric ceiling of the bucket, when I screwed the fastening wings (a günnia change), I mastened onto the bonnetClimb and saw Günnis head on the side window of the humming and knew without looking at the fact that he was probably fucked. As I said, it didn’t need to look at, but at all, but this time I climbed the right side of the truck and risked a look from there, in the weak light of the inner vehicle lighting I only saw the fat pickle ass of the red -faced owner but my guess was givenMore than clearly to Sodas I insulted a bit, maybe even jealous went back to the bucket where I wanted to smoke one more.

Oh no, warning the coffin so I strolled to the shop Fummel the Zwanni out of the chest bag bought a large pack of hb tic tacs and a pale ice -cold chocolate drink, which again caused an upcoming buying audience because the smock was a 50 kilos one meterSixty woman cut I weighed 85 at the time and had one eighty, for example, so that when hitting down to the cooling compartment, my crispy buttock was flashed by a tiny in pink.

I hastily removed the little things and saw in the round mirror above me how everyone started to whisper so that I could hardly wait to take the change to disappear right afterwards at night. Behind the toilet building I was a provisional grill of concrete and seating around it. I was drawn there and when I breathed a sigh of relief on one of the seats to take a sip from my pulse.ignored until I had drunk half the liter of Kakau and wanted to smoke because I had no fire!But did not need to ask for some, because two attentive starter kept my lighters in no time and, like a secret sign, the rest of the figures approached, so that I was surrounded by about eight to nine people, three female warn, I lacked the experience at the time that I have today but I guess that all the guys were nested and the women were at least curiously outlined.

In order to make a worthy start, I decided to present my stand and just let go … But as always when you had a custom, mine had long since fucked myself into the nirvana because I didn’t want to put my remaining worm at all.You may be able to pull my lips to pull my lips, unfortunately most of the tail stalls on the tail of my Froind, who can be fucked in the ass by a thick romipilot as always.Shot and pulled my only moderately painted lips deep red.

Saying two only followed when the relatively large lady left my lap: “Getz I just need a voluntary penis dispenser to test whether the deep red is also kissing” again, but this time the big nice lady in the red leather skirt was topped by meThe lips had smeared: “I can’t help out with a penis, but maybe my women’s bodies also agree with you too!“And already she pulled the skirt secured with push buttons from her hip and presented a truly perfect link that protruded almost vertically from her tights.

Because of perfection and size, I thought the eumel for a kind of strap-on dildo and only noticed my mistake when I with a moody one: “Then we wanted to“ smoke my bright red lips around the device and my hands from the pantyThe accidental gait bang was probably started, because the others also took all their inhibitions and some also their clothes and everyone did something with everyone I concentrated fully on the supposed lady who actually had real tits.

When her long legs started to tremble, I offered her my seat and leaned down to her or him and sucked her wonderful Schwengel, who just didn’t want to inject no matter what I did with him ….I was probably looked at my despair because another gentleman whispered in my ear briefly and dryly. “You bless you a wolf on the longus only what if he is in your anus“ Suddenly my mood went to zero because already when I thought the huge partFeeling in me broke out the sweat of fear and without thinking, I got my few plotting together and showered back to the car where Günni was already expecting me without much resentment?I let myself be fucked two three times, from me we can go!“Getting as I am now, I tried to get one of my first gear bang experiences as detailed as possible during the trip and when I was finished Günter shook his head but fluffy when I was triumphant in front of himSwivel back and forth, maybe it is exaggerated because when I gathered the stupid sheer apron the mini was there, but I had too much shit to end as a cock sheach so that it only fell when I wanted to put everything back, when I wanted to put everything back,But Günter didn’t necessarily need to know that!When we around midnight we quickly stuffed his jam in the garage in the garage, I quickly stuffed a nice transparent blouse (probably also from Gerda) with puff sleeves into the patches of my moped and drove out into the night.

For a classic car like Günter, the spook was over for the time being, for me the night just started.

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