Wolfgang and the power of money. | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I got to know Wolfgang in my parents’ hotel in 1976. I was at the time at that armed forces and had just Vacation, which I spent at home as so often. Wolfgang was 39 years old at the time and radiated an insane zest for life.

A real beam man who could deal well with people. His job consisted of holding so -called sales events in the Bavarian spa baths.

He brought health articles to the man or woman. The business was going well, at that time the money was still relaxed and cures were sometimes 6 weeks. I made friends with Wolfgang and we drank a lot of beer. Later I accompanied him in my free time to support him a little.

There was always something to do, prepare tables, distribute brochures, etc. What fascinated me was Wolfgang’s money without end. He carried it in a monetary clamp or with a block style. It was always drawn from the full.

Privately he was married to a class Mercedes, owned a yacht in Lake Constance and called an aircraft his own. You can imagine how I was just 23 years old, impressed.

In every hotel where we climbed, Wolfgang knew any women with whom he had had to do for years. He called it relationships. You have to have them if you want to achieve something in the shop.

This is exactly how his talk was always without relationships. The ladies were kept happy with small gives with great appearances. It was mostly women from the administration of any spa clinics. This helped him to make his thing known by advertising. When I was traveling with Wolfgang it didn’t cost me a penny .All costs were borne by him no matter what and how expensive.

In return was only in help and to do it to him. What I liked too.

One day we landed in a large Bavarian spa and Wolfgang Plante once again planned one of his events. I went to him at hand and prepared everything. In the evening, Wolfgang said for today a little relaxation is announced.

We have a nice evening. Well, yes we always made ourselves. Beer in the hotel bar, a little bit with the bard ladies, sometimes one or the other for money on the breasts.

There was always something going on with Wolfgang. I learned from him for money you get everything.

The most beautiful women crawl into your bed. Shit, married or not for money, do you do everything. There were opened for 50 DM bras and nipples were sucked. You could have the women were important to women under the skirt. The coal was right.

Back to our evening.

Everyone had their own room in a big spa hotel. That had to be, Wolfgang often ordered a lady to the room to discuss important things with her. I would only have disturbed everything I shouldn’t know either.

We just went to dinner when I noticed two ladies in the foyer of the hotel. Large, slim.

long Legs, Short skirts, shoes with high paragraphs. One was blonde and the other dark two amazing devices shot through my head. Wolfgang steered the two snails in a targeted manner and greeted her on the cheek with a light kiss. Both women were invited to dinner and were born and Yvonne presented.

I appreciated her age around thirty. Long -standing business partners by Wolfgang. I have never had a hammer with such snails. I also felt the power of money here.

The dinner is very funny and entertaining.

The two ladies were in a good mood and understood how to deal with men. The dark, Birgitt quickly put her right hand on my thigh and smiled at me just magically. Clear both women were bought by Wolfgang. I was shit at that point I didn’t have a latte in my pants that wanted to be juicy.

Then the dark Birgitt came just right and I was sure she could.

Wolfgang Schäkered around with the blonde Yvonne. The longer the evening was the more the ladies started to tip us men. Pants open, reached in and wanked, in a well -occupied restaurant. I was different, mastery was asked, not that easy.

My hand was now on the horny thigh of my table neighbor Birgit. An absolute top woman, smelled like an elf, with a perfume that I said fuck me. It began to expose the time to suspend the mind. It is somehow sniffing you if someone is watching you like the snail between your legs or she massages you the piston.

Wolfgang broke off the session and conducted us to his room.

Everything was prepared champagne, small snacks and gifts for the women were ready. How women are now they were unpacked first. After all, they wanted to know whether the payment of their upcoming services was appropriate.Birgit had a pearl necklace in her little box and a 500 DM appearance as an encore. Yvonne her present consisted of a diamond ring and also of a DM 500.

The facility showed up later that it was worth we got the full program.

Birgit sat on my lap and started to take off.

Blouse on. I was allowed to open the bra. A wonderful solid breast showed itself. Their nipples were surrounded by large courtyards and tough.

Yes, she was exactly like me horny you noticed her breath and on the hard nipples. She pulled out my shirt for me, by the way she reached my pants and took out my bolt. He jumped against showing her pride, here I am. She clasped him very carefully and slowly started moving on her hand from top to bottom.

Horny feeling is only recommended to be massaged by such a snail.

She got up to take off her skirt. Pleasantly provocative to tip me even more, she let him slide down. Wonderful long legs with dark nylons dressed by suspenders. My nerves are bare, which film was running here? Hopefully I won’t dream and wake up again right away.

As so often in the wet dreams of youth. I reached her legs and felt over the nylons. It started to crackle the sparks flew. My bolt was now like a one, he was ready to spray, shortly before shooting.

Birgit caught him with her nylon To play this feet. That dominated them like the multiplication table. So it didn’t take long and I was allowed to get her horny legs with mine sperm wet.

The first pressure was greed after the sharp woman remained.

Now I wanted to enjoy her and take it properly. On the opposite side, Yvonne had Wolfgang in the deficiency. The moment I looked over Spray Wolfgang a full load in the pretty face.

After the first pressure reduction by the charming women, they caught themselves with themselves. Kisses were exchanged. They licked each other on their juicy cunts and made us men to cook.

I had the feeling of bursting eggs my goods just before. My piston was hard as steel and screamed for employment. When the ladies ended their insert they knelt on the large sofa and held their beautiful back parts towards us.

Perfect, Wolfgang and I flanged. We fucked both snails in stereo.

One left and the other on the right. The ladies enjoyed each of our bumps, they were getting sharper and more heated. We played tree change you, once Birgit and then yvonne. They also signaled ours rosette to integrate what we acknowledged with satisfaction.

Prepare first. Make the sweet tight holes with your fingers and champagne smooth. We were slowly but steady. Then fuck them alternately in both holes.

When changing cunt in ass, Birgit groaned like a bitch in a run. My first thought. Is it tight there I spray right away. With a certain tactic I was able to delay the cumshot and birgit still fuck to orgasm.

We came together, I in her horny ass and she injected out of her cunt.

Wolfgang was almost the same as I fucked a two more bumps and injected his Yvonne fully on his back. A sight of quality class one as the juice sprayed on her back.

First of all, we went from this wild fucking to the snacks and treated ourselves to a glass champagne. Not long and it started again. Both ladies went to our bolts and started to ventilate them with their mouth.

After all, we had hosed twice so far and not bad. The bolt needs a little bit of encouragement. Both showed themselves as pure all -rounders. What such a horny piece of male meat needs after twice.

These horny babes were on it. Blow up until shortly before the spray then let it subside again to start again from the front.

In the meantime they had put themselves so that we men could also have the juicy cunts. Likely as we were, we went to the objects of desire and the fragrance. Birgit somehow smelled of Muschus perfume.

A heavy fragrance came out of her cunt. With my tongue I drove through her labia and sucked the moisture into myself. My teeth nibble on their clit. She groaned and even let mine tail go to indulge in their lust.

It didn’t take long and she had an orgasm again. Unbelievable how she drove it nibbled out of her. I had to be careful not to drown. It was impossible to take the whole love nectar into me.

When she was halfway on board again, she devoted herself to my piston again. After a short period of time I wanted to fuck her enough of the blass for the first time. Since her cunt was still very damp, it went as if by itself. Great, you can do it longer before it comes to you my thoughts.

A visit to her beautiful rear part was also part of this excursion before I incorporated her again a juicy sparrow charge.

It would lead too far to describe the night further. Both girls were once again climbed by both of us. Horny feeling when a cock fucks the cunt and the other visits the back entrance. Only to be recommended who has not yet done it should catch up.

The ladies left us at some point at night and left us fucked empty.

I went to my room to get some sleep. Wolfgang wanted to know at breakfast. How did you like it? How well! The very first cream like this I will not experience anything so quickly. It was time to confess Wolfgang We know ourselves for so long and did a lot together.

See it as a little gift from me.

I was still traveling with Wolfgang in my free time and experienced a lot. This night was never repeated again. Wolfgang’s life fascinated me as a young person. He didn’t seem to be worried and scored the full.

Yes, he let the dolls dance and they danced. I chose a different daring. Good bourgeois like so many of us. I saw the money not everything later.

Wolfgang died of colon cancer in 1980, at not even forty -four years. The bags full of money were of no use to him anymore. I am grateful for what I had experienced.

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