The classified ad | Erotic sex stories

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The classified ad

Nice young woman 25/162/50 live in the country and search for a suitable man from 27 for a steady relationship.

So it stood in the classified part of the free weekend newspaper. It sounded interesting and I decided to respond to this ad. Usually such ads are mostly fines but who does not dares who do not win.

After almost a week I got an answer and was very pleased that this time it is a real woman who answers there. After we had exchanged our mail addresses, a lively correspondence was created.

There had been a few weeks now and we now wanted to get to know each other in real.

It is early in the morning this Friday when I got into the car for around 400 km wide journey. The route leads over the highway and then a few kilometers over small country roads. It is wonderful weather The sun is getting higher and higher to the sky and ensures cozy warmth.

In my thoughts, I try to build a picture from all the emails as it would be there.

She wrote that with her parents, hers Brother and Sister On an old one Farm yard Live that you manage alone. It should be in the middle of the green with a small forest and a small lake. It all sounds very fantastic and promises to be a nice weekend. We had made up that we wanted to get to know each other for a few days and if we get on and I would like to spend my 3 weeks of summer vacation there.

The streets were getting smaller and smaller and when the navigation system led me on an unpaved path I got slightly nervous and I set an unexpected curiosity.

After in a few kilometers the way through a wooden barrier was blocked. I waited a moment before I took my cell phone to write Monika a message. It took a good 20 minutes for a young woman to appear on an old rickety rickety bike at the end of the path.

It had to be Monika, which she had sent me a picture by email and I recognized her again.

She has very long brown hair that is now blowing in the wind. She wears a very airy and scarce summer dress and her eyes shine me. I get out of my car and go towards her and can hardly believe it looks even more beautiful than in the photo. Brown deer eyes, a small sniffer nose and a seductive kiss mouth with dimples that show up when laughing.

When we stand opposite each other, we look deep into our eyes and then take ourselves in the arms and enjoy the first touch. After a kiss on the cheek, we solve the hug and greet ourselves.

We sat on a few tree trunks that lie on the side of the path and talk almost an hour over everything that was still open.

Before we drive to the house, we have to discuss a little something Monika said. As I have already written to you, we don’t live like others together. Yes, you have that and it doesn’t matter to me.

Monika is happy and tells that you and your family are nudists and are naked for most of the time and only wear clothes when you drive to the city or visit unknowns. Since I have already been to my youth nudist it doesn’t bother me either. After we have clarified that, we make our way to the old farmhouse together. It is a somewhat aging house that exudes a certain charm.

Monika shows me where I can put my car down. We take my things and go into the house. It is very neat and a feeling of well -being is immediately. Everything is very open and friendly.

Since the house only has one floor, all important rooms on the ground floor are. The attic was expanded and there are the bedrooms of the residents. We go up to her room and there she tells me a few details about her life here. She tells me that her brother, Nick 20, is on the field and her sister, Lisa 18, in the pasture.

Your parents, Hans 45 and Karin 43, are in the city for buying and will only be at home later. Monika says that her family wanted to give me some time to see me here and get to know everything in peace. Next, she wants to show me the house and farm and to get used to living together here, we took off ourselves. I had to pull myself together very much so that I don’t get a stiff right away because what comes to light under the summer dress is more than breathtaking.

Monika probably shaped and pampuled muses of big breasts that hang slightly and are crowned by two quite large warts. Your skin is seamlessly brown and looks with the soft soft. She has a somewhat flat but still crunchy ass and her charm is shaved blank. Now we are going to the sightseeing tour naked.

It is a bit unusual for me and I am a bit excited and I’m more than excited to see what else awaits me here. First of all, Monika shows me the bedrooms of the others and then it continues with the bathroom, the kitchen, the study and the large living room. Everything is very nicely decorated and it is very pleasant. Then we go into the basement that is an old vaulted cellar and is a bit winding.

There is a camp there, a small wine cellar, a sauna and a small whirlpool as well as a small shower room. It goes on In the garden that extends behind the house and the large terrace. There is a greenhouse and an old barn to which we are now going. The machines for field work and a large camp are located in it.

Monika suggests that we should see each other a little further on the property. For this we snap two bikes and cycle on a narrow path to the forest where there is a small lake. It is a liberating feeling to move so freely in nature. I look around and see a couple Animals On the pasture and ask Monika if they are hers.

Yes, says Monika and somewhere there is also Lisa and takes care of food for winter and fills the watering. We can drive to her I suggested. Yes why not, she is already looking forward to getting to know you and a helping hand is always welcome.

After we have now walked across the pasture we find Lisa on a potions that she is filling with water. Monika makes us both familiar with each other.

Lisa is about 15 cm larger than her sister, has long black hair bound into a braid. It is also tanned that I already feel like a basement child though I go to the beach regularly. My almost twice as big breasts are on which a little more hang than that of Monika and her nipples are significantly larger and longer and are decorated by two rings on which small balls are located. Like Monika, she is completely shaved.

What a hot sister is that just I thought with myself. We talk to her and inquire about how it works with work and whether she needs some help. Lisa shows us a potion that has been overturned by the animals and which she does not get over again. She bends down completely unabashedly to demonstrate it.

I have a clear view of her young pussy for a few moments and I see a small red ball that looks out of her butt. The way it looks, Lisa has a plug or something in itself. With united forces we have erected the potions again and can now be filled. So we spend the next hour at Lisa and help her and so I learn more about the family and how you live and work here on the small farm here.

Monika and I make our way back to the forest and the small lake she would like to show me before we drive back to the house. The lake lies on a large clearing of a few bushes. We have built a bridge and a small platform from which you can go to the lake to swim in, Monika tells me. I like it very much here and we sit on the bridge and let our feet hang in the water.

The lake is quite warm and so we quickly jump in and cool down a bit and enjoy the cool water. We lie down on the jetty and Monika lays down close to me and with her head on my left upper arm. I feel your soft and delicate skin on mine and I get a light goose bumps. We look into the sky and watch the little clouds pull over us.

I put a kiss on her forehead and gently stroke her cheeks. Let’s go back to the house. The others should already be back and so we make our way back.

From a distance we already see the house and the tractor. The way it seems, Nick is ready with his work and you can get to know him right away. We head to the terrace and Lisa and Nick sit there with a cup of coffee.

Lisa also introduces me to her brother and also offers us a coffee. Nick is about 1.80 and short dark hair and is also brown. He has a normal stature and has a hairy breast with being tail is shaved. So now we are sitting too four and talking something.

A little later, Karin and Hans now meet one.

I’m a bit surprised because the two are already getting out of the car naked. I look at Monika questioningly and she says that her parents always undress when they drive off the main street. The two come directly to us and warmly welcome me. They are very happy that I have come and already move naked here.

Karin introduces herself and her husband Hans. She is a little smaller than Lisa and also a little rounded but not fat. Now I also know where the two sisters got their big breasts from. Her breasts are even larger than that of Lisa and are already clearly down and are a bit hose -like.

Nevertheless, they are a feast for the eyes and are also crowned by large warts and two long nipples. How should it be otherwise Karin is shaved and she is also very brown. Hans is a big man with a small abdomen and already much more hairy than Nick and he also shaves his cock. He wears a gold ring around his cock and sack.

Karin went back to the car and calls us to the unloading quickly. Together we did it quickly and can sit on the terrace again. Karin is very curious and wants to know how I like it here and whether I’ve already seen everything and of course how it is for me to be so naked with the family of the new girlfriend. I tell her that I like it very much here and that I have no problem with the naked.

I also tell her that I have had a taste for a young age. And since it has never been practiced in my family and I have always wanted to have a friend who shares this with me. Hans is also very pleased with my words and wishes me a great time here. Lisa gets up and says that she is hungry and asks Karin if we don’t want to grill.

This is a good idea says Karin and goes to the kitchen with Lisa to prepare everything. Hans and Nick turn on the grill and Monika and I should stay seated and let myself be served a little. There are a few steaks for dinner, a fresh salad from your own garden and baked potatoes. After eating we all go for a walk and so I get to know another corner from the property.

Hans tells me that you order 3 fields here and what you do not need sell to the people in the village on the main street. He tells that he was the farm from his aunt took over more than 20 years ago and she has been living here. Karin says that she also started with nudist. Monika was 5 at the time and ran in Summer Mostly naked in the garden and house and we drove to the nudist beach more and more in summer, which is only 40 km away here.

So we got there and then did it here until at some point it was normal for us to be naked here says Hans. In the last few meters to the house, Lisa tells that she could hardly imagine a different way of living. Monika and Nick agree to that. When we arrived at the house, we say goodbye to the others for today and take a short shower together and then retreat to Monika’s room.

Once in the room, Monika falls around my neck and kisses me passionately on my mouth.

I easily open my lips and your tongue is looking for mine. So we stand closely for a few minutes and kiss. When our lips separate, she says quietly that it was a very nice day with me and she is very happy that I came to her. We lie down in your narrow bed and cuddle closely to each other.

I stroke her back and butt. It feels great and I feel your warmth on my body. We fall asleep so close to each other and indulge in our dreams.

Sequel follows ….

If you want more.

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