The armchair | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

You are just coming back from purchases automobile.
In the parking lot next to you there is a young girl with blond long hair next to her car. She wears a short -sleeved black leather blouse with a wide neckline. Including a tight body made of black tip.

In addition, leather hot pans and black pumps with medium -high heels.

It’s me. I’ve seen you here several times and also knew that you would come today. When I see you I come to you and ask if you could help me.

I say I have my key in the car Enclosed and not any further. Of course you immediately say yes and think about what you can do.

You ask me if I had a replacement key. The answer is: “Yes, it’s at home with me.“I look at you innocently and briefly open my eye songs. You would like to help me and say: “Well, for a cup of coffee with you I like to drive you home, get the key. I have nothing in my own way.“I am angry with you, smile and please.

On the short drive to my home you are missing pretty much all words.

You just listen to my voice that explains the way to you. In between you imagine the wonderful feeling of leather that I can feel in the bare spots of my skin under my pants and under the blouse. You float more in thoughts and dream than you drive. Then I say: “We are there.

I live there in the house. Do you come in?“The question hits you like a pleasant flash.

Whether you want or not, you just can’t say no now.
We go in together. In the hallway I first take off my shoes. I ask you to take your off because I have high -quality carpets in the apartment.

So you also take off your shoes. Since today is a very warm day you don’t wear socks. You only wear a T-shirt and a shorts. So now I take you barefoot into a room, in the middle of which there is an unusual red leather armchair.

I say: “Sit down. I quickly go to the promised coffee.“Then I go out and you are alone.

You look around. Your main focus applies to the leather armchair. The backrest is exceptionally long.

With arms stretched over the head, your hands would probably not reach to the end. There are also four wide, wide leather loops. Two below, at the foot end, and two above, on the backrest. However, the loops are so far that without touching their hands and feet.

Above the two loops at the head end there are two metal handles that seem to be adhered to.

For a moment you think of the horny feeling that you would have if you were tied up in this armchair. But then you say to yourself: “That can’t be. She’s definitely a furniture designer, and that’s a new, extraordinary model. Also, what’s the whole thing.

She only forgot her key in the car and is now cooking a coffee to which I almost blackmailed her.
She doesn’t want anything from me at all.“But your ideas are stronger and ultimately win. You decide to explore the armchair in more detail.

You set yourself carefully. The soft leather On your skin a pleasant feeling causes you in you. You put your arms on the side leaning and let your head fall back relaxed.

Your bare heels touch the leather at the end of the armchair. You stay like that for a moment and close your eyes. You have the feeling that the leather armchair will give you a pleasant calm.

When you open your eyes again after a little eternity you look at a picture on the wall opposite. It’s pretty abstractly painted and it is difficult for you to find a topic in it.

After a while of the Su -chen after a meaning in the picture, your thoughts wander back to the extraordinary armchair on which you are sitting. The thought of how it was to be tied up on it shoots you again. A certain excitement increases in you. You just want to try it out how it feels.

The loops are far enough to pull out hands and feet.

Slowly you put your bare feet through the lower leather loops and stay quiet for a while. Then you move your feet back and forth a little. You can feel the wonderfully cool leather of the loops on the bare skin of servants slide ankle joints. Now you are looking up.

Slowly you stretch your hands over your head. At the bottom of the loops a short hesitation. You feel the leather first. It’s wonderfully soft and hard at the same time.

Now you put your hands into your loops.

You feel the cool leather on the inside of the loops with your back of your hand. Slowly continue until you touch the handles with your fingertips. The leather loops are now exactly over your wrists. You include the cool handles with your hands.
Grip firmly too.

Closes your eyes again and you are in my thoughts. At that moment you hear a sound. Click. The leather loops move up with a jerk.

All four at the same time. You are tied up. You are defenseless. The armchair was a tempting trap with sophisticated mechanics.

“Oh god,” do you think “what do I do now.“You tense your muscles. Fearless, the Tie up are firm.
You are helplessly delivered. Then the door opens.

I changed my clothes.
I now wear shoes with steep heels and leather stockings that are firmly laced at the front. Above a belt body with many individual straps with rings and buckles.

The center of the arrival is a metal ring on my stomach. From there, leather straps run over my breasts and past my sides on the back. In addition, on the leather collar laid around my neck and through the legs, over the bottom and over my waist back on the stomach. These two straps are spread apart by a small metal cross -fabric over my pleasure center as far as all of my body openings are accessible.

There is also a ring on the back, where the straps running over breasts and sides meet.

In addition, there are two straps on my buttocks from there, to those that run through my legs. They tighten them between my legs nicely. Almost all straps are provided with buckles and rings. The buckles enable an optimal, firm adaptation of the attraction to my body and the rings are intended for hanging bonds or similar things.

I wear long leather gloves on my hands, the shaft of which extends over the elbows.

I put my hair together under a wide leather hat. In one hand I have a black suitcase in which various utensils and accessories for you are located.
I come to you on the leather armchair. First I remove the armrests in just a few simple steps and set the armchair by pressing a few levers so that it becomes a flat platform. Now I can get on you well from all sides.

You are now flat in front of me. Anxious, expectant, tied up. You still feel the protection of your clothes around your body. But this feeling of protection will also leave you soon.

First I delete the palms and the bare soles of the feet with a cool viscous mass.

Now I buckle a few shoes with a metal footbed firmly on your feet. There is a wire on the shoes, which I inserted into the armchair. Then I buckle your hands with special bonds on the metal handles of the armchair that has become a platform. Now I take a red leather head mask out of my suitcase.

I put it over your head and cut it to the back of the head. The mask extends to your neck. She only has two openings.
One for your mouth and one for your nose so that you can use and breathe your tongue unhindered. From now on you don’t see anything anymore.

You have to let everything that I do blindly above you.

Now I pull your T-shirt out of my pants and strip it over your head up. I push it over your arms and hands so far that its sleeves only hang on the handles and on the holders of the bonds around your wrists. Your upper body is now naked. Above the belt line you carry nothing more than the leather head mask I created and the bonds around wrists and hands.

I am now stroking with my hands, which are stuck in the leather gloves from your wrists slowly over the arms to your chest.
Only my warm leather fingertips touch you slightly on the bare skin. On your chest I lend a moment. Now my palms drop down to your skin. You feel the leather, which is pleasantly heated by my hands.

I’m slowly driving down to your belt in zigzag movements over your stomach.

I will now turn to your pants and content. I open your belt and pull it out of the loops of the pants. Then I open the hose button and pull your zip down soulingly.
I fold my pants on the sides.
Oh ha, the underpants are taut on the stiff, which is pressing from the inside. Now I put a hand flat on your stomach again.

With the other I raise the covenant of your underpants. I’m slowly sliding my hand deeper. Still closer to your Bieber. Now I’m on the edge of the underpants.

Slowly. I touch him. I push my hand so deep that I can really comprise it.

Hoppla, but it’s pretty firm. Since I still have something in my suitcase for him that I cannot use yet, I decide to continue the Bieber treatment later and slowly pull out my hand again.

I put my hands on the left and right on your sides. Then I pull my pants and underpers over the butt and down the legs to the ankles around your ankles. Now you’re almost naked. I stroke your legs with my hands slowly from the lower legs to the bieber.

He stretches towards me.
Dick, plump, warm. I comprise him. He’s still nice. You feel the pleasant pressure of my warm hands wrapped in leather on him.

I let them slide down to your testicles, put them into their hair and smoke with den fingers. The Bieber moves with lust.

Since your legs lie too tight and I cannot believe as well in between as I would like, I decide to take my pants completely so that I can spread your legs. I’ll stroke you back on your legs to your pants above the ankle tie. Now I’m slowly solving one of the two shackles.

Then the other. I can now take off your pants over the special shoes.
At that moment a lot of thoughts are messed up in your head firmly laced by the mask. You think about whether my previous tenderness was just a wrong prelude, or whether I will really only do pleasant things with you. You also ask yourself what the shoes with the paste and the metal foot bed, which are still strapped onto your feet.

In addition, the hands tied with paste to the metal handles.

“What is all that?“, Do you think” should only be stimulated my imagination, or it is an electrodes that give me an electric shock in contrast. Now that my feet are almost free, I could try to defend myself and maybe free myself. Or should I just keep still and endure everything else about me.“Your lustful expectation of what will still come is stronger than all other thoughts that deal with pain and danger. You also also think of the devices on your hands and feet, which can probably cause great pain.

You decide to keep silent and expect what I will do with you.

Then you feel again how I put on new ties to you. You can’t see them, but you immediately feel that there are other captivates. They are not firmly attached to the leather platform, but to chains that come from the outside. These chains are now excited about me.

Your legs are involuntarily spreading apart. Your genitals stretch out without defenseless. You lie motionless in front of me. Naked, defenseless, delivered.

I can now do everything with you.
I will now be around the beautifully exposed Bieber, which is accompanied between your legs, and around the hanging ones Egg take care.

You hear how I take something out of my suitcase. Since you can’t see anything, the expectation in you increases.
“Ohh, what is that?“Are you wondering when you feel something about your Bieber. They are my warm hands, but they are no longer in the leather gloves. You are naked.

Skin on skin. Then something cool. A paste. I apply a lubricant on your gender and easily massage it.

This makes it smooth, slippery and simply horny for me.

Your foreskin Glide over and back over the glans. You feel how she slips up and down. You can enjoy my touches closed under the leather head mask. All thoughts just made are gone again.

You are immersed in the world of feelings. Your heart taps like a hammer in your chest.
Due to the cool, slippery lubricant that has just applied, the width, solid penis leather cuff, which I now take out of my suitcase almost as if by itself slide over your genital part.

I slowly put them over it. First she only touches the glans. Now I keep pushing it over the Bieberkopf to the root.

The head emerges again. The cuff is still quite wide. You can pull them closer together on the upper long side with a laces, on the side that is facing your penis root are attached leather straps that serve to attach to your eggs. I now put one thing from the top of the leather cuff on your penis root, past the eggs, back to the top of the penis.

I have to grab your eggs with my hand and lift up.

I do that gently with a lot of feeling and pleasure.
I see how your sack’s skin pulls together. The hair stand. Your pulse rises. You lift your hip something so that I can achieve everything well.

I lead the strap through the intended buckle and tighten. Your feelings of pleasure increase. You enjoy the pleasant pressure behind the testicles.
Now I amstnate the cuff around your bieber tightly together. You feel the pleasantly firm hold that it gives your part.

Fixed leather on the soft skin det being hard Bieber. You let your eyes continue to be closed under the mask and enjoy the great feeling.

Then I take the second strap, which is attached behind your eggs in the middle of the first one below. I believe it and lead it over the middle of your sack to the front of the leather cuff. There is the buckle intended for it.

I slowly push it through this and move to. This shared your sack in the middle and the eggs are no longer hanging down, but standing to the right and left.
You feel the solid pressure. It is just good for you, this feeling tightly snapped and a permanently surrounded bieber. Serving acorn becomes totally thick and strong.

I look at you for a moment for a moment. Then I get on the platform.

I kneel with my face on your feet so that my buttocks and my cave are exactly over your masked head. I bend my upper body, take off my leather hat and let my now open hair fall on your stomach. I slowly move my head over your body.

My hair paints from your neck over the chest and stomach to your packed genitals.
From there a little further over the inside of the thighs. I see how you get goose bumps all over the body. You want to wind yourself, but the bonds on the arms and legs keep you firmly on the platform.
You lift your head a bit and hit your nose between my legs. Now you feel through the mask that mine pussy Exactly above your mouth.

You extend your tongue after her. Touch them. It is very open through my kneeling -spread legs. At first you just lick timid and light.

But when I let myself down to you, you will become more violent.

Ohhh, do me good. You always take over my clit with wet tongue. I moan quietly. Ohh god, does it well.

Your delicate, soft, wet tongue on my clit swollen with pleasure. Please put you inside me. Ohhh yes, continue, please! Now the clit again. Madness, this feeling.

Keep it up …
In the meantime, I bend even further so that I can reach your firmly packed Bieber with my mouth. I support myself with my hands next to your pool, first touch with the wet tip of your tongue, your acorn that is still slippery from the lubricant. I lick the lubricant all around.
It tastes like banana.

You feel my tongue as it licks. Your glans will become even firmer.

Your testicle tenses in the leather. Your Bieber insists. Now I open my mouth and slide my lips over your Bieberkopf. You feel the wonderful warmth of my soft mouth around your feast in the leather cuff.

I feel your thick warm acorn in my mouth.
Now I seal my lips on the cuff on the biever’s shaft and start to suck lightly.
I feel the gap of your oak with my tongue. Oh, how well you do that. I hear how you can moan. You feel my tongue as she circles around your Bieberspitze.

“Oohh, Yeah,” you groan “Do it, ohhh, ohh, jaaa”.

I now push my lips over my teeth and slowly pull my head back and forth. By sucking you hear a smack with every movement. You always lick me wilder on my pussy. She is almost as naj3 that she drips.

We increase each other more and more. Our moan is now in time.
Ohh, Ohh, Ohh .. . Awesome.

I can’t do it anymore, I want you to have you in me, with you orgasm experience.

I get up quickly and open the buckles on serving eggs. Then the laces on the cuff around the Bieber. I’ll take the cuff from you. Your wet bieber is now free.

He stretches towards me to penetrate me. I get back on the platform, but this time with my face to your face. I kneel about your Bieber. He glides into my grotto, which is slowly falling to him,.
Ohhh yes …

You lift your pelvis towards me and push it into me so much.

Ohhh God, how beautiful. I sink down to your pelvis. He penetrates completely into me. I feel it very deep in me.

Ohh, ohh, the deep. I moan louder and louder. I move slowly, then a little faster and off. He slips so horny in me.

You feel the tightness of my grotto, which repackles you firmly.
The wet, tight grotto that spoils you. You feel the muscles in me that press your bieber. Your pelvis goes up and down in time with me.

I throw my head back and forth, my fingers claw on your chest. I involuntarily pack tightly.

There are scratches on your skin. We moan more and more violently. Oohhh, Oohhh, Oohh, Jaahhh.
We finally scream. You tense your muscles, want to hug me.

But the shackles hold you. I ride on you in full gallop. The orgasm is no longer far.

You scream “I come … I come ..

Come on too … fast, Ahh, Ahh, Ahh … “. I no longer hear your screams. I come as violent as never before.

My grotto contracts, again and again. I don’t hear anything anymore. I just feel the orgasm deep inside me.
You hurl your seed into me as you feel the muscles inside my inside. Shock.

Oh, does it well. The redemption is there. Finally. I’ve been waiting for this moment with you for a long time.

I slowly sink together.

Now I’m lying flat on you. You are very quiet. Somewhat sweaty.
After a while I open the shoelaces on your mask and pull it off. We look at ourselves with shiny eyes.

Without words. Then we kiss passionately. After some time of calm I get up slowly.
The Bieber, which has now become soft, glides out of me. I solve your bonds and take off the special shoes (by the way, they were only bluff).

After a firm hug we go to shower together and then drink the promised coffee.

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