Vacation with completely new experiences | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Two weeks Vacation in Denmark. How had my wife and I longed for this time. 14 days of pure relaxation. We deserved it.

We had booked the house months ago. Significantly away from the holiday centers – consciously in the seclusion of nature, surrounded by large trees and protecting dunes, but also near the North Sea with a beautiful beach.

The weather was perfect from the first day: a cloud -free blue sky, bright sunshine and almost 30 degrees in the shade. We enjoyed every minute. Especially those on our spacious terrace.

We could really relax there. Also completely covers free, because it only bordered one house directly to ours, but fortunately that was empty.

Of course, such paradisiacal conditions offered sufficient opportunity for Sex outdoors. And we made plenty of use of it, because the weather stimulated our senses to a large extent.

So the first week passed like in a flash. However, when we returned from an extensive walk on the beach on Saturday, we immediately noticed the change.

“The neighboring house is inhabited,” said my wife disappointed when we approached the property. A dark Mercedes with a German license plate was in the entrance, the trunk flap was open. “They just have to have arrived,” I guessed. Immediately after that came a couple out of the door.

Both in the early 50s, so at our age. Both slim, big and personable smiling. “Hello,” he said when we passed. “A dream weather, it can stay,” he added.

We stopped and said that the sun has been shining with all his might for a week. “You can see that,” said the woman with a charming smile. “You are already a lot brown.”

After a short chat we moved away, wished for a nice day and went to our house a few meters. “Too bad,” said my wife.

“Now it is probably over with the shellless sunbathing. And with sex on the terrace too.“We laughed about it, after all we had had a lot of fun for the first week of the vacation. “Then we’re going inside from now. I knew that she particularly likes it.

And so it didn’t take long for it, so we got rid of our shorts and T-shirts and loved each other on the bed.

After sex we do a. When we woke up, it was already dawning. We showered together, stayed naked and went to the kitchen. “Let’s get the curtains pulling, the neighbors don’t have to see us like this,” said my wife, because in the next house there was light through the windows.

As soon as my better half had pulled up a curtain, she stalled. “Come on, but don’t make a light,” she whispered. I went to her. “What is it?”, I asked.

“Look, they are naked too,” she replied. And indeed. Due to the light in the neighboring house, the outlines of the two were clearly recognizable. And also what they were doing.

The neighbor At that moment she got to her knee in front of her husband, grabbed his erected member and enclosed it with her lips. “See also, they also enjoy the nice vacation mood,” I commented on what they saw. My wife chased what was banned and visibly excited. “Come on.

We’ll do it again, ”she pulled me back into the bedroom again.

The next day started like the previous one. The sun burned with whole early in the morning. “It will be very hot again today,” I said when we came into the open kitchen with the adjacent living room for breakfast. “Yes, but it is over with a shellless sunbathing on our terrace,” replied my wife noticeably disappointed.

“Then we just go the few meters to the beach and lie down there,” I tried to reduce their disappointment a little. “Yes, but we can’t really let ourselves go there,” she said. “Why not? We haven’t tried it yet, ”I replied and put on the coffee.

After breakfast I made myself cleaning up while my wife got the bath towels hanging from the terrace to dry. I heard her talk to the neighbors.

I haven’t seen them today. “Whether your yesterday’s sex was just as good as ours?“I thought at the moment when my wife returned into the house. “I don’t think we have to go to the beach for a cozy sunbathing,” she said with a wink. At my questioning look, she immediately delivered the explanation: “They are also shattered out there,” she interpreted with a head movement in the said direction and added almost seamlessly: “She has a great figure and carries a small ring through the right nipple.“So my wife had noticed that right away.

In view of this unexpected situation, we decided against the beach and the terrace.

Naked and with the towel under the arm we went out a short time later. I greeted the two, talked a little and then concentrated on my book, which I had taken as a reading for the vacation.

But that was difficult to concentrate. Since the terraces were related, it was almost a matter of course that you looked over. And what I saw was by no means unpleasant.

My wife hadn’t exaggerated: the neighbor was a nice sight, although my wife could easily keep up with her. The other person, at least it seemed, was shaved at the bottom. Exactly I couldn’t see it from my place. My wife had a better look from her couch.

She would definitely tell me later. For this I could see that the man had also taken the razor at hand below. No hair surrounded sack and limb.

“Can you get me something to drink?“After about half an hour my wife asked me in a quiet voice. “I have such a dry mouth.“I went to the kitchen and returned a little later with a cool iced tea.

My wife looked over it constantly. When I handed her the glass, I noticed where she was looking. The neighbor had bent her thighs and opened slightly. In fact, she was also shaved.

But not only that. There were small silver rings in their labia. An exciting sight, which I immediately escaped again. After all, I didn’t want to stare over like a horny goat.

I returned to my couch.

From there I could only look at her husband’s hanging member. That seemed less graceful.

Around noon my wife sat up. “I think I’m going to go inside a little more. It gets a little too hot for me here, ”she said and stepped into the house.

Now she meant the sun or the mood? I did not know it. I didn’t want to follow her straight away. That would have looked a bit stupid.

I leaned back and grabbed the book. But I couldn’t really concentrate on what was read.

My wife had worked so strangely tense. Hopefully she won’t get sick, I was thinking when something was moving on the opposite terrace. I realized from the corner of the eye that the neighbor had also got up and returned to the house. “I’m going to take a shower,” she explained to her husband.

She also looks crunchy from behind, I caught myself when she turned and disappeared into the house.

The man had grasped my gaze and smiled smugly. His right hand slowly moved down. He grabbed his limb and slowly started rubbing it. He will probably not start jerk off, I thought to experience the answer immediately.

Yes, he will. His best piece grew, the grip around the shaft harder. With a steadily faster rhythm, he started to satisfy himself. He did not make the slightest attempt to cover it up.

I did not know, what I should do.

If I would get up now, he could understand that as a prudish. So I pretended to read. But that was difficult, especially since the slowly life also lived into my link through what was seen. I had to admit that the wanking man hired me.

He smiled over to me with a nod. Of course he had realized that I got a stiff. He jerked faster. I became braver and did it to him.

What kind of sight did that have to be: two wanking men on the terrace huged each other.

It didn’t take long for a strong beam to splash out of the twitching tail of my counterpart – right on his stomach.

I tried to stick to myself a little, but I didn’t succeed. I also came with full force. My neighbor saw it with undisguised satisfaction.

A little later we returned to our houses. I went into the bedroom, where my wife snapped with wide -open thighs and visibly exhausted for air.

Before I could ask something, she breathed: “I just couldn’t stand it anymore. A look at yours pussy I excited me so much that I had to do it myself.“I laughed and told her what had just happened outside. She didn’t want to believe it. “You are crazy,” she said, grinning me and immediately asked: “He also hosed down?“I confirmed it.

In the evening we came up again on the events of the day.

We both had never experienced anything like this. “Whether she was so hot too?“My wife wanted to know about me. “I don’t know,” I answered shrugs. I didn’t want to rule it out.

The next day we went on a trip to the interior, because clouds were raised.

In addition, we both did not really dare to go to the terrace. We were unsure how our neighbors would react. They also talked so openly about what they had experienced.

When we returned late afternoon, they had fueled the grill. The meat smelled seductively.

“Smells good,” I said. The neighbor reacted spontaneously: “Come over, it is still plentiful.“We said, briefly got a bottle of white wine out of the fridge and went over. It was a nice and fun evening. There was no talk about the events of the previous day.

At an advanced hour and after the fourth bottle of wine, the host came up with the idea. “How about if we still bathe in the sea?“Everyone was thrilled. Just brought the towels briefly, and we started. The two women forward, we men afterwards.

“What do they giggle so much?“, My neighbor wanted to know. By the way, he was called Bernd, his wife Angela. “I do not know. Do not do that all the time when they are tipsy?“I replied and looked up to the brightly glowing moon.

Suddenly the women stopped.

We got closer. “What’s up?“Asked Bernd. “Oh, nothing more,” replied his wife. “I just have to.

The wine wants to get out, ”she laughed, lifted the short skirt and crouched down. She didn’t wore a slip. In front of our eyes she emptied her urgent bladder. My wife had moved to me and followed the whole thing as well as me.

She trembled all over the body. She was cold? No this can not be. After all, it was still a good 20 degrees. The peeing woman probably had to excite her so much.

She had done her business in the meantime, got up, shook her hips again briefly to get rid of the last drops, stroked the skirt and went on. We followed her and reached the beach shortly afterwards. Then we ran naked into the warm North Sea.

Angela had taken my wife’s hand and pulled her with her. Together they dipped down, sniffed up a little later and were obviously amused.

“Like the children,” said Bernd and laughed. “However,” he added, “they look very grown up.“I nodding him nods:“ Yes, very grown up and very attractive.”

The women hugged themselves, dived again and again and were hard to tame. They only had enough after a good five minutes. “We’ll go out again,” they called and walked back ashore – still holding hands.

A little later we also ended the evening bath in the sea.

On the way back on land, the moonlight seemed to the two women. They hugged themselves intimately and kissed passionately. They pushed their bodies together. “Well, we shouldn’t bother love,” said Bernd considerate.

Amazed, but also excited by the view, I agreed. We left the water a few meters away, but did not take our women out of our eyes. They had crouched in the sand and stroked each other. They kissed constantly and with soulful greed.

We followed the whole thing standing from a certain distance.

Incidentally, the “standing” had to be taken literally. Our cocks stood out of our bodies in all splendor. Without words, but mutually we reached for the other member of the other and began to rub it. The excitement increased.

Bernd crouched and enclosed my penis with his mouth. I was sure: I’m not gay! But I was just as sure: I like that!

I turned my head to the women and said in the mouth light that they lay down in the sand and placed their heads between the thighs of the others. What covers and tongues are good for, I thought casually. Just at that moment Bernd stopped blowing and standing up again.

“Do you want to fuck me?“He asked, and stroked my limb with his hand. “I’ve never had …” I replied. It wasn’t an answer to his question. I wanted? The thought of a tight hole in which I could squeeze my cock did not let me hesitate long.

It always has to be a woman? I can try it.

Bernd took the final decision. He crouched in front of me on all fours and wiggled his butt. My cock was getting tougher. I got to my knees, wet my glans with spit and climbed it like a dog.

It was incredibly cool.

If someone had experienced that, he would have shaken his head in disbelief. There are two women in the sand and lick each other, and just a few meters away, two men fuck like unleashed.

Bernd groaned Heiser. “Get it deep,” he said. I followed his instructions.

When I briefly raised my head, I saw that the two women were gotten up and opened up closely on us. We did not interrupt our actions. In view of our lust, we would not have been able to do that. Our women also had a significant part in that.

“They really fuck like the young dogs,” called Angela.

“In fact” my wife said. Both started to laugh loudly while I increased the pace.

“What should you do to separate dogs?“Asked my wife and couldn’t stop laughing. “Pour a bucket of water,” replied Angela. “Since we don’t have a bucket, we have to improvise,” she added.

They stood over Bernd, back on back, pulled their damp labia apart and started piss. The warm urine pounded on the back of Bernd and on my cock. He threatened to burst. Three or four strong bumps and I exploded.

I hurled my sperm into his intestine. Only when the last drop had come that I pulled my cock out of the tight but warm hole. “I came all by myself. Together with you.

Really cool, ”Bernd groaned visibly taken away.

The two women had now done their business and had stepped aside. They still seemed excited. Or again. We ran into the water again to cool off.

And we were certain that this night is not over yet. And our vacation together not ..

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