The overnight guest | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.


We live in a residential and commercial building, on the ground floor there are the company rooms, we live in the upper floors.

A business partner from abroad asked whether he could stay with us because he visited a seminar in the area.

Since we have guest rooms, we offered him this, especially since we get along well and made a good time to do something together in the evening.

A business meeting dragged on for longer than expected and our friend met on time in the company one, tired and done by the long drive.

Fred, who works successfully with his wife and two children abroad in the office, However, since I expected a longer conference, I asked my wife to bring him up, there he could eat a little something and freshen up in peace.

Dry hours of negotiating were waiting for me and I was looking forward to the Quitting time.

My wife wrote with SMS that Fred now have a shower be and she would cook a little something.

I didn’t think I thought much and announced that they would never have to wait for me.

They took a seat on the couch, Fred had changed and exchanged the buisness look for jeans and T-shirt while in our Living room made music comfortable on the couch to listen to music and drink a glaucy wine.

I asked my wife to judge two sandwiches, because my stomach growls me too.

When they were finished, I asked for a short conference break that my colleagues used as a cigarette break.

I hurried up to get my snack.

My wife was sitting on the couch and next to her Fred, who had placed his hand on her thigh.

My lady was wearing a tight top, a short skirt and mostly in the weather Summer Nothing below.

They laughed and had a good mood, the entertainment was about sexual misfortunes and bad lovers.

“So, so, bad lover ….“I murmured and did not know whether Fred had noticed that she had no panties, which I could see clearly now.

My head cinema ran and I imagined that he might have already grabbed her under skirt …

In order not to return to the office with a bump in the pants, I said goodbye to my snacks.

I didn’t get out of my mind and the business issues were difficult for me, it was hard to think about concentration.

I had to know! “He noticed that you are without below????” I wrote.

No Answer….

My colleagues noticed my nervousness.

What the two did … Oh, swam over it. I had to keep a cool head.

Half an hour passed – no message. The uncertainty drove me crazy and somehow horny.

How it went?

I hoped restlessly at the quick end of our meeting, knowing that some colleagues traditionally Beer Or a glass of wine or a whiskey would remain and make it extremely amazing in the break hall.

Finally – your answer after over an hour!

“We’ll get down and drink something. See you right away, I love you.“Stand on my display.

In fact, my wife and Fred joined us and we drank something first, but my curiosity didn’t leave me any rest.

I wanted to know what the two had done in the meantime ..

“And what did you do?“I asked, without wanting to be intrusive.

“What do you think?“, She replied with a smile and demanding one at the same time.

I didn’t know, tried to be diplomatic: “Has he noticed that you don’t wear panties? He had suspiciously close to his hand!”

She pulled me into the corner of the break hall, I watched Fred, who enjoyed a glass of red wine and grinned satisfied.

“He has known that since he is there!”

My tail became stiff within a second and I was more restless than ever.

“Honey, I have a surprise for you – I show you …“She murmured in my ear and got her mobile phone out of her handbag on the table of the hall ..


I stared at your smartphone and must have a picture of the amusement.

The photo showed my wife and Fred, both grinning and the “Victory” sign.

Her face, hair and her breasts were decorated by a strong cumshot …

I took her tightly and kissed my wife passionately. “You are simply the best!“I said and left no doubt that this should not be the end of the evening!

sequel follows!

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