A woman among men | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

You have been working together for over two years in the company’s area, and everyone knew as well as you know yourself under work colleagues if you only sit separately from each other and see each other every day.

Karin, the only woman among the men, was married, but at twenty -six years it was an extremely attractive appearance, and so some of the male colleagues came up with cheeky thoughts. What she did not hide. But Karin had never done that to get involved with a work colleague. At department’s internal festivals, she could be grasped by a likeable colleague Andie’s breasts without organizing a big shouting.

There were also those who had already grabbed her under her skirt. For example at the last folk festival in the ghost train. A colleague had fumbled around Karin’s shame. But Karin had never granted more.

In addition, she was constantly careful to keep those who later bragged something around away from herself.

Rainer, five years older than Karin and also married, had already imagined a lot in thought. But he was far too shy to approach Karin in the way it was so common among the other colleagues. He has been working on a new project for fourteen days, which was partly reaching into Karin’s work area. Therefore, he often had to sit down with her to clarify a few points.
He actually enjoyed doing this when his darn shyness would not always inhibit him like that.

He never brought a private conversation about his lips, praised her new dress or otherwise compliments to her, as all the others always did. Immediately he came to the core of the conversation, asked questions, received information, and after minutes they separated again.

Karin was not only an extremely attractive appearance, she also had heads, and so she recognized her counterpart in Rainer very well. But she looked after Rainer to reveal this knowledge. Actually not so much because of the other work colleagues, because you were very quick in conversation when a little more than just stupid alberei developed at work.

She liked Rainer well and didn’t want to get him unnecessarily in embarrassment or even difficulties.

Rainer was at a point in his work where he could no longer continue without information from Karin, so he played with the idea of accepting Karin’s offer and simply calling her at home. Karin had fourteen days Vacation, and only a week of it had passed.
Shortly, he picked up the phone and chose her private number. “Hello!“Rainer was welcomed after reporting. “How are you?” “Thanks good! And you?““ Well, you just live!“The technical side of the conversation was soon over, and since Rainer didn’t have to look her in the eye, he didn’t feel as inhibited as it was otherwise the case.

That’s why he also admitted a private conversation.

“How was it on holiday until now?”He asked Karin. “Well, it worked. I was at home all the time. The weather was not that special either, and also a large plaster in the apartment was due.
By the way, yesterday I was with the doctor!“She told him there.

“At the doctor? Are you sick?“Rainer asked back. “No, no, not sick! Just a stop.”” I don’t like to go to the doctor either, “believed Rainer to have to agree with her. “I don’t normally either. But to that!“Karin explained.

“How come?“Rainer asked in astonishment. “Well – he is a specific doctor! “She confessed.

“Certain doctor? I don’t understand that now!“Rainer openly admitted.
“From where they actually speak?“Karin suddenly asked. “Here, from the office.”” Well, then I can’t tell you anyway, “Karin was talking quieter now. “A pity!“Said Rainer, although he didn’t know what it was about at all.

“Call me from home afterwards. It’s the same anyway Quitting time. Then we can talk undisturbed, ”Karin made him the offer.
Rainer promised to report back in an hour and put on. He was not quite sure, but Karin’s voice had sounded differently than usual in her last words.

A thought sprouted in him, called his dream dreams again, and he drove faster than usual into his one -room apartment, which he had rented from his wife a year ago after the separation.

Karin was alone in the apartment. Her husband had to travel business for three days, and so she had enough time to adjust to Rainer entirely.
When the phone rang again, almost sixty minutes passed. “So now I am back again!“Rainer reported himself. “Tell me now?“Then he quickly asked as if he had been afraid that Karin had become of the meaning.

“I was at Gynecologist! – routine examination!“Started telling her. “And?“Asked Rainer back interested back. He had already thought something similar and now hoped that she would tell more details. “What he did with me is fabulous!“Karin said Leiser.

“What?“Rainer burned on the tongue.

“Well, just with me. And he put everything in me in me, ”said Karin’s answer. “Where?!“Whispered Rainer Heiser. “Well, stop below!“Reported Karin.

“Instead of just the panties, I had to get out very naked and then climb onto the strange chair. You will automatically sit in front of the doctor in a spread leg conservation. Yes, and when I sat, the gynecologist looked into my … my hole between the thighs.”” He also touched her?“Rainer asked quickly.

He was able to imagine everything and was immediately appealed to an excitement.
“Where?“Karin lured him.”” On … on your hole … below ..!“Rainer whispered back and was involuntarily swallowing at the intellectual performance.

“Yes, yes! He kept touching me there, so strange devices were put in.““ What a feeling is that?“Rainer asked curiously.
“Yes, so, I didn’t feel anything in the chair. Then I had to lie down naked on a couch because the doctor wanted to check my reflexes.

He began to stroke me everywhere. His hands touched my breasts, then slid deeper and suddenly stroked my pubic hair. Then he told me I should open my thighs, he had to touch my vagina again, and then I did that too.

Yes, and it suddenly itched terribly when his fingers drilled into my column. He was all -tender and smiled when I groaned softly.

He said that I should set my legs and push the thighs very far to the outside, that would make me more freely, and I shouldn’t think of anything if I felt like it should groan if I enjoyed it. I did it too, I mean, my legs set up, the thighs opened wide and then really moaned because he is so tender pussy stroked. I got really wet.“Rainer was spellbound followed by Karin’s words. His cock pressed in the confinement.

“Do not think anything bad from me either?“Karin suddenly asked. “But no! That’s quite normal that a woman … I mean … that a woman gets wet at the bottom when you stroke her there.

Or?””Yes, of course. But I also had to lie on my stomach and the doctor stroked my buttocks. But not only that.

After a few minutes I had to kneel down, push my head on the pillow and pull my buttocks apart.

Then he also stroked me in the back. I mean in my Poritze, and I also had to moan again and again. Especially when he with his fingertip around my wrinkle rosette circles.
And when I felt his lips on my buttocks, with which he kissed me more and more! I couldn’t help but stretch my butt far! But do not think that I do that with everyone! But it was just so terribly cool!“She said to her colleague Rainer.

“You urgently need it ..?“Rainer asked and a hot desire was awake in him. “Actually yes…!“Karin whispered quietly.

It had also got really hot during the conversation, and she was now sitting with wide -spread legs in the living room on the couch and played around the cunt herself.
“Should … should I come and stroke them ..?!“Asked Rainer more than he asked. “If you don’t think anything bad about me and would be really so nice, then I would like to ask you to. But you are not allowed to tell anything about it at work!”” But Karin! You know how I am.

I would never talk about it, ”Rainer said quickly. Karin knew of course. She also told him that she didn’t mean it and promised Rainer to be with her in half an hour.

In Karin the fire burned pure lust. She went into the shower hastily, then rightly made herself, carried dark stockings held by a straps under a very short and deeply cut -out light summer dress and was waiting for Rainer full of expectations.

Rainer needed twenty minutes with the car, then he stood pounding heart in front of Karin’s apartment door.
A feeling of fear crowded him, he would have loved to turn back now, but then his own excitement, the desire to stroke Karin, was the desire for a woman that he had been without for so long, and all of this gave him the strength, the do -it -allpress. Rainer only looked briefly in Karin’s eyes when the door opened, said quietly: “Hello, I’m ..!“And then looked to the ground in line.

“Hello!“The biggest too Karin. “May I say Rainer to you?“She loosened the tense situation. Rainer nodded silently and stepped past Karin into the apartment.

“And you, you call me Karin! Agreed?“She asked him further. “Agreed!“Rainer answered and when Karin was now struggling with the house bar, Rainer began to patter his colleague in detail.
She looked cute, really to bite. The fabric of her dress was close to her slim body, emphasized her narrow waist, the lively curves of her hips and her womanly butt again gave an almost inviting picture. The shape of their solid half -baking was clearly emerging.

Karin’s dress was just long enough to cover the bare essentials. Long, slim legs enveloped by dark stockings offered his greedy eyes.

Rainer’s gaze slid higher, captured the charming thighs of his work colleague and he had to swallow involuntarily, because they were hardly covered by the brevity of their light summer dress. Rainer was visibly excited. He couldn’t hide it either, not the way all the other work colleagues simply play down the whole situation with a few revenue words and still only pursue one goal.
His throat seemed to him and he cursed himself that he now found no suitable words, just sat silently there and the table top stared on.

A crackling atmosphere was in the room, and Karin was even cleared by an oppressive feeling.

She literally felt Rainer’s eyes on her back, and when she was turning over and pulling on him with two glasses in his hand, her heart insisted like wild. She enjoyed the situation, enjoyed the loading silence. Any other of her work colleagues would have said something irrelevant now.
Karin laughed at him, sat down in an armchair opposite Rainer and then leaned far forward to reach the drink.

For Rainer, her already very revealing excerpt not only released the approaches of her beautifully shaped and highly set breasts. He saw her young moons almost unmatched through Karin’s pre -bent posture, and could also briefly recognize the pink warts and the long -standing crests on it.

A hot desire crazy when he thought about how it would be if she was lying in front of him and he would stroke her everywhere. “Let’s go to the bedroom ..?“Asked Karin after Rainer had drunk some sips out of the glass. But she didn’t wait for his answer, just got up and went through the room on a door.

Her blood got in gone, she literally felt the burning eyes of Rainer, and while she continued, Karin suddenly let her summer dress slide off the body.

Rainer almost swallowed when he saw Karin naked from behind. He opened his eyes far and devoured with hungry looks that he was so unexpectedly offered. But it was also an provocative picture that now offered its viewer. Karin still went, and the shapes of her naked, tight ass changed with each of her steps.

Her bright half -baking, gently rotated and gave each other gently and gave their notch a new shape. The pronounced curves of their hips looked full, the waist was narrow above.
Her gait was chosen in such a way that Rainer had really jumped up from his seated position. The straps she was wearing did the rest. He lay around her waist in a white color and held the dark stockings on her long, slim legs, on which solid thighs changing in an exciting muscle game.

Rainer had never been in such a situation, and his thoughts hunted.

Should he follow her? Should he say something first? But what? What did you say in this situation? One said anything at all? When Karin had reached the door to the bedroom, she stopped in the door frame for a few seconds, then turned slowly, put one leg slightly outside and looked at Rainer. She did not speak a word, only offered her work colleague in a naked front view.
Rainer saw Karin from the front. His first look was her pretty face, now drawn by an inner excitement. She kept her full lips open slightly, it shone brightly in her eyes and she smiled at him.

When Rainer’s eyes slid deeper and grown her pointed breasts, a tickling feeling in his stomach area sprouted. He recognized Karin’s excitement on the standing teats, which were emphasized by their young tits and were masterfully framed by circular warts, which also formed two small hills.

And then he saw her venus hill! It was clearly rebuilt and was decorated by a fine fur black and shining pubic hair. It was a picture of perfect beauty, which the naked offered to him, and Rainer forgot his shyness, now only had one goal in mind. Almost like in a trance, he followed his colleague into the bedroom, who, when he entered the room after her, was lying on his stomach in the wide marriage bed.

She had now moved out straps and stockings. Rainer sat next to Karin and touched her flawlessly grown back with his hands, began to stroke him tenderly.

His cock pushed swelling in the confines of his pants, and again and again he stared at Karin’s solid ass. He had never seen such a wonderfully shaped half -baking, and everything in him shouted to touch. And since Karin couldn’t look him in the eye, he immediately put his urge into practice.

It was the slight tremor of her bright half -baking? Was it Karin himself or just the situation in which he was?He was not looking for an answer to his questions, suddenly did what he had never done with any other woman.
He started kissing Karins ass. Karin groaned softly when she felt the hands of Rainer gliding over her back. She had been sharp before, but she was now really hot. A crazy horny feeling flooded her abdomen, and when she suddenly felt Rainer’s kisses on her ass, it was about her.

A whepring of her wide open mouth, a little drove her to pull her buttocks apart, and when she later felt Rainer’s urgent kiss on her asshole, her young body trembled with a free lust.

At the moment she screamed out loud when Rainer’s tip of the tongue pressed onto the wreath of her ring muscle. That shouldn’t be true! Rainer, this otherwise so shy young man, drove her such a horny game that Karin began to lawn after his first tongue strikes. She would never have believed that he would never have dared to hope that he would ever kiss her asshole so carefully.
But his leak games came skillfully, drove her such a shower of pleasure in the abdomen that Karin began to enjoy her amazement now only. She groaned hot and fully submitted to his tongue game.

When Karin screamed, Rainer put down all the inhibitions and began licking wildly in her ass. Again and again he drove his tongue through the entire length of her notch, tasted the intoxicating scent of her ass and was stunned by this novelty.

He had never done it with another woman, and it was so exciting for him. Karin’s wild twitch told him that it also had to prepare her glowing pleasure, and Rainer kept driving hot shower over his back. His remarkable cock stiff from his body, the large scrotum hung heavily down between his thighs, and in his eggs it tingled with great feeling of pleasure when he now drank the delicacy from Karin’s ass.

In a wild devotion, he steadily licked the asshole that was now swinging in front of his eyes, and Karin’s abdomen twitched increasingly hectic. Not only did Lust crawl in Rainer. The desire for her body drove him to new deeds.

Finally, finally he was allowed to stroke Karin, admire his work colleague’s bare body – even more, his actions also gave her noticeable pleasure. There was something nicer than subordinate to this horny hustle and bustle, to be mastered by it? Karin never believed that Rainer would be able to do something like that, she would never have dared to hope for such a royal leak, and yet it was reality what he was doing with her now! She constantly swam again in the waves of her free lust, took up all the beautiful greedy and pushed out unarmed sounds of delight.

And again and again her young body was shaken violently.

Rainer grew beyond himself. When Karin turned over lust and offered him the naked front view of her body, he immediately threw himself on her and began to cover her beautiful face with passionate kissing. His tongue penetrated deeply on her mouth, slid over the slim neck and then stopped at the swelling tits. First he felt it, kneaded the meat tenderly and then buried his mouth in the pointed hills, began to be driven by hot desire suck and tenderly bite.

Karin was overwhelmed. She was not able to do anything, just lay there and enjoyed, gasped her lust and was always surprised with what devotion Rainer worked on her.

He had long since pushed his hands between her spread thighs, rummaging in her fine fur and stimulating her column in one way that Karin her first orgasm rapidly opposite. She hurriedly put her thighs, spread her far to the outside and pushed her pelvis up again and again. “Oh, Rainer ..

I am off … you make me so horny.., I … I … yes.., now…

jeetetz.., Do not stop … continue playing on my cunt … it comes … it coolts me ..

Aaahhh … Karin’s body was whipped by the lust. She lifted the pelvis faster and faster under the horny finger game on her cunt, undressed her pretty head back and forth, gasped, groaned, screamed and could only light when the climax rolled over.

Her crack started to twitch, the labia were swollen, it slipped in her cunt. Moisture penetrated outside, and Karin fully submitted to this feeling.

Her body trembled for a long time, and only very slowly gave way to itch in her pussy. Rainer was naked next to her and had studied Ka-Rin’s moment of the highest sense of pleasure. And so he knew that he had a woman next to him who was able to get into a passion, to take love and certainly also give how it was only a few women.
Karin had calmed down a bit and now looked at Rainer. Both smiled at each other, Karin pressed a kiss on his lips and then began to stroke his standing cock.

Now it was Rainer who behaved passively.

He was lying next to Karin with her eyes closed, had placed one leg and pressed out to the outside and gave her petting completely on his standing gender. And still neither of them spoke a word. What should you say?How tender she was, how extremely carelessly Karin stroked his sack, who dangerously dangled between the thighs. With her fingertips she began to pull small circles, scratched the scrotum, kneaded the eggs very carefully and then enclosed his shaft with her hand.

Only slowly, but then she started rubbing Rainer’s cock, fell into wank -like movements, and Rainer groaned dull when the dangerous itching in his abdomen was spreading more and more. He began to raise the pelvis, opened his mouth and gasped with lust when Karin’s lips also put himself over his nilly head and she began to irritate the glans with her tongue.

The eggs swelled, the scrotum contracted, and huge splashes of praiseworthy pleasure shot in Karin’s mouth when Rainer came under hoarse moan. She drank all his delicious nectar, licked the last drop of his seed, and both treated themselves to a longer break, just lay still side by side. Rainer was the first to interrupt the silence after minutes.

“May I say, Karin?”He asked pleading. “I would be insulted if you didn’t address me that way!“She gave him to understand and looked deep into his eyes. “Thanks!“He started to speak there.

“You know, Karin, you are the first woman ever to lick my hole. Something just drove me to it, and it was so delicious to be able to do this with you.” “I am the first?“Asked Karin in astonishment.

“Oh, Rainer, how I am happy. And you did it so nicely that I almost can’t believe it. It was so perfect, your actions revealed experience in the fact that I thought you had done it many times. I am happy and I want to have you now.

Do you want to fuck me properly … put your wonderful cock in my cunt … please … would you like to fuck me ..?! – In any case, I want it now ..

“” May I really … really fuck ..?!“Asked Rainer Heiser. “Yes … Yeah, you can! I only give you completely ..

Only you can fuck my cunt … only you ..! No one else from the company may ever fuck me ..!“Karin whispered, and both stroked the genitals now.

And again the excitement grew in the two. Karin opened the thighs for Rainer, he lay down on her, and his cock found Karin’s Liebeschrotte by itself. Now, now it was finally time! Now he was allowed to fuck her, who really fuck Karin, who is so hot from all other male colleagues.

And he should be the only one who benefited this privilege. Only he and no one else could now do that with her, was allowed to put his cock in her hot cunt and fuck her properly! Rainer’s stand was surrounded by a hot moisture when he penetrated her cunt and began to get very tenderly to punch. His stiffer shared her column, and both groaned lustfully when his strap was deep in Karin’s muscle.

And all of a sudden, as if he had ridden from the devil, Rainer Karin began to bump wildly. He drove his cock into her cunt, rammed her hot love stamp like a obsessed man, and Karin cried out under the wild birds with lust.

Again Karin was amazed at Rainer. First his tenderness, then the impetuousness within seconds, oh, how had she wronged in him. What male force was in his pouries, which hot desire had to drive him to this fuck.

Hot with lust she had to scream now. “Yes…

Oh, Yeah … So it’s nice … very firm and quickly … Fuck on like this ..

I feel like … I’m sooo horny after you … aaahhh … do it to me ..!“Karin was carried away by his wild man.

The bodies of the fucking reared up, smacking Rainer’s cock in Karin’s cunt, plowing their boiling column in frenzied violence. With every gender that was found together, it clapped loudly, bare skin met bare skin, and both increased in speed.

The explosion of the highest lust came across both at the same time. In long splashes, Rainer’s bolts whipped the juice in Karin’s cunt, and she announced her orgasm with loud screams. “Yes…

Jeeetet … ooohhh, yeah … I’m horny … I feel it ..

Fuck me in the cunt … Spray her fully … aaahhh ..!!“For both, this fuck fulfilled a long -cherished dream. And both found more in the partner than everyone dared to hope.

But you had time to catch up with everything there was to discover …

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