The street festival | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

V. Leon Bem

I had just had the Stellwaende of our little stand with Frank

built up and now our goods started decoratively on the wallpapering table

to place. It was a radiant-sunny day, one of the few in

this Summer.

“Franci, this year we really have glueck with the weather”

I called to him. He just fixed a tarpaulin on our

Sales stand and nodded only briefly.

Our charitable street festival was in full preparation.


All around us, people were barked with it

build up. Directly at the neighboring scale, Doris was herself her

To build a cake throwing stand. The children, not just from our street,

Raced in anticipation from one to another and asked what they from

to be expected of the stations. We, that means my husband, Frank

And I sold “plunder” that has been with us in recent years

stacked in the storage room.

Were haunted percent of our Erloese

as promised to the SOS Children’s Village.

Gradually known and strawen and strangers in our

Street. Our stand was hardly frequented. Frank, Franks Brother and

Some of the male neighbors chatted and destroyed ours

Beer. So I took the opportunity to take Doris at the throwing stand,

to help right next to ours.

Doris played the throwing destination

and already had some cakes on their face. I collected, wiped her

Face from time to time and provided her (and me) with the one

or other glass of sparkling wine.

After a few hours we were abundant. At the stand of

Frank didn’t get much. He chatted, drank his beloved beer and

Sold little.

In the late afternoon I lost him from the

Eyes. Every now and then his face dived in the crowd of walks

on. The stand was now by mine brother in law supervised. But let’s say

But rather: Frank’s brother worn the remains of the beer, while the rest

The gentleman was already on the way to worry.

At the stand of Doris and me was a high mood ..

The children had one

Heidenpass, while Doris I asked me to read:

“Katja, can you read me ‘?”

“Sure, of course…”

That was a matter of honor. She came forward and wiped her Huebsches

Face clean and opened the hair clip that shoves her hair


“Prefer to pull a t-shirt drue that you can cook … the

Otherwise you won’t get the mess again ‘

Even if the hole in the wall was about as big as a face,

Inject the cream cream through the raender and left big

Greasy spots on clothing. Doris T-shirt looked fatal.


Harried your advice by moving out my good sweat shirt under the

I just wear a relative old, white t-shirt. Since that

I had sweat shirt relatively far

dispensed with. Well, since I only wear the t-shirt, my relatively

Big breasts apparently. I pulled the shirt out of mine

Knalling jeans rock so that my brueste is not too provocative


In principle, I’m relatively Schuechtern, and even if the sparkling wine

The effect was the effect of the vaeter that behind her

Children at our booth were reasonably embarrassed.

I was happy when I could disappear behind the wall, which too

was shielded from the side by large boards.

So it was

Not just about a wall, but was rather a small booth, its which

Hintertuer was missing. Behind the booth was the side wall of one

Supermarket, so that visitor traffic could no longer come by.

So I stood slightly behind the wall and could

I just see my husband going around the corner. His crawled

Geroetet’s face told me that he is already plaped over

was. He chose, winked at me briefly and left my field of vision,

What was restricted by the hole.

Hardly a blink of an eye later I spent a hand on mine


I was so frightened that I was about to be about

to turn around ..

“Hurrrrraaaa …”

A little boy of maybe seven years had the first

Cake headed frontally in the face. I was distracted. The small

Bay his Father at:

“Please, Papi again”

Before I could turn around, my face was again

“needed”. From the corner of the mouth I hissed behind me:

“Frank, Hoer ‘on”

Kesser than before, he also fingered my breasts.

We already had

hay Sex in the car. Frank was a kick when he had sex

caught could become. Of course we have never been caught, but

It was worth the inconvenience of a car seat.

Maybe you can get it out: I’m not a big friend of

such things. I preferred it to be cozy and cozy in


The problem, however, is that after years of marriage

Our sex relatively unspectacular and bored

is. In the meantime I am happy about every excitement of Frank, the one

is a bit more intense and lasts than Fuenf minutes.

Despite it! In front of all the people the whole thing seemed a lot

risky. His fingers had already found my vagina. One hand

kneaded my nipples, the other pushed my Höeschen, easy

Accessible to the side under my high pushed skirt and found

Surprisingly quickly my clit.

A pleasant shower ran through


I was glad that my face remained covered by cream cream, because

The onset of excitement usually leads to me that I have a

get bright red face. Frank was in Hoechst form, he pulled me

cleverly up the skirt and the Höeschen up to the gap

down. When he crouched down he crouched mine

Anus and my hole to angry. He spread my buttocks

For a woman of 40 Lenzen, are still very firm and tight as I do

don’t have to tell without pride.

He went unhappily

passionate. Also, the fact that he was my asshole

Licked had never happened before. I gave him access

Easier in which I spread my legs as far as the Hoesche

Pulpit on my gnoecheln.

At the stand was high and one cake after another flew into

Face. Doris hardly fully wiped my face.

“You’re not doing well? If you want to be able to replace you “

she asked me.

My heavy breathing and my facial color (if you

After cleaning the cream was seen) alarmed Doris.

“Nah, let. ‘I still create a quarter of an hour!”

That was primarily a member of Frank. Even if a blissful

after the other I ran through the mark, the thing was too

dangerous. I hoped that he would have to bring the matter quickly,

whether I would come to the train or not.

He got back

in upright position and obviously unpacked his limb,

Because he started his hard rod over the entire loan of my wet

Slit and anus to pull. It felt great … whenever

He reached the vaginal effect briefly. With a

I jerked my Gesaess backwards so that I can finally do it

I had.

This had an effect: once in me, he started pumping like

insane. At the same time he put a finger in my hole

His other hand was bubbled around an orphaned clit. Through

The unusual position seemed to me when he was twice like this

Well fed as usual. Just a dozen stoesse later and came to me

it as intense than ever before.

I was delighted by my face a real cake rain, otherwise

I would certainly have funny the children (and parents)


I clawed into the edge of the

Sick -hole so that the violence of his stoesses does not

Bude would be wobbling. He also came and I gave up rays

For beam deep in me. Before I take over among myself

Could be able to stroke his scrotum, he pulled himself abruptly

Remove and then seconds with the same had to be added.

I was excited. The Laenger it took, the safer I felt

me in the booth.

The cream cream hid my face and from behind

an insight into the booth was practically impossible … it took good time

ten minutes. His stoesse were now much slower and

uniform. Frank now devoted himself less to my clitoris,

but more my brueste, who are freely back and forth below me

swung because he had pushed the t-shirt up.

“Keep going”

I hissed softly out of the corner of the mouth.

It was more intense

than before, although his member is now lost in clumsiness

had because he didn’t retain me as well. His rhythm

But mine adapted me perfectly. Our wheezing was hardly too

Hoeren (I hoped), because the children called out loudly at the front of the stand

Enthusiasm after another cake directly on my forehead


“Should I read you now now? You don’t look good at all.”

Doris asked me again.

I tried another quarter of an hour as calmly as possible

“To be shaken out”:

“It’s really ok, Doris. I don’t miss anything.

It’s just a bit

warm … and whether I sweat here or on the other side of the wall

it doesn’t matter “

She looked at me skeptically:

“If you think so”

“No, really. No problem”

Frank was now a good 25 minutes to get me that

Hear and see passed by. I was not determined by now

Second to give away.

He came again and grunted

quiet. His hairy squeezed painful my nipples as if

he wanted to milk her. I remained unsatisfied in this round, but was

still voellig euphorically from the great feeling what he is in me

Zeueckliess. As soon as he still pulled his tough one tail from me

out and rejected from me when he was already full

Power Zuruecke.

I pushed out a pointed scream.

“Katja, what is?”

“Well, I have this allergy again … was just one

S barter Nieser “

I lied. “Yes, yes, this darn allergy,” I caught internally.

Frank now tried something new. He continued his limb from above

in me.

The steep angle made its limb gigantic

deflace. Also his scrotum, which I have not even at all

Gesuert had hit my back in this position. He

Drilled my finger back in my asshole and use the

Total vaginal fluidity around carefully a second finger

to fend. It was less painful than I was looking for and

After some Schueben, felt fantastic.

His other hand

fingered my clit.

After maybe a minute I came again. My height point

did not end and the intensive care was immense. Frank accelerated the

Stoesse with a member and hand. His sperm ran from the previous painting

Down my thighs and mixed up with the sweat

my skin.

He pumped faster and faster and started my clit again

grate. I hissed quietly:

“Leave it frankie, I can no longer”

I was bumpy. Another disclosure of my vagina

Haette inevitably found a screaming cramp. He heard of me

and used to use the free hand by now by now with both

Haenden fingered on my nipples.

Then finally he came. With everybody

I enjoyed his lust. It was fantastic that he despite

still so energetic of his two intensive orgasms

injection. His scrotum claps one last time

Completing shell.

Abrupt as before, he pulled back from me.

I stayed with

Previous legs back -under me, my Hoeschen in one

Spermalache, which was still enjoyed by my open gap.

Without taking my face out of the peep hole, I reached down and

I grazed my panties from my knoeches and kept it in my hand

on. He smelled through and through to sperm and mine pussy.

“So children, enough for today”

called Doris.

“Come Katja … you look ready.”

I pulled back and took the panties and wiped the driest

Part the inside of my thighs dry. Then I threw him into one

Waste bag that was in the booth.

A little shaky on the feet

I made my way forward.

Arrived in front of the booth, Doris already greeted me with a beer.

“Well done, Katja! They were enthusiastic about you “

“Oh yes, and especially one …” I thought and cheated into myself.

“Oh, I almost had to forget. Franke asked me to do it,

that he went to the football tournament, they still needed


“Oh, when will he come back …”

I asked.

“Well, he’s been there for an hour, then it will be here again soon


Epilogue Frank and I are still married. At some point become

I tell him … at some point ..

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