The lustful large aunt [1] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“… and stay nice and good, don’t shame us!“Ture looked at the Mother From the car, the engine has already started and the fully packed golf drove off. The parents waved Michael, especially his mother, who left her son alone for three weeks, for the first time without him in Vacation to drive. His mother in particular was very careful and could not see that a 17-year-old boy was already self -employed and did not want to travel with the parents.

After a long back and forth and his father can convince them that it would not be the end of the world if he stayed without the parents for three weeks.

But she was not completely beaten yet, and so she was able to wrestle her son’s concession to hire a “babysitter” at least for the first week to “see” on the right “. The choice fell on aunt Erika, a choice that Michael was not uncomfortable at all.

Because although she was not the aunt at all, but the great aunt and was therefore a lot older, he was always particularly good with her. The two had already liked themselves when Michael was still a little boy, with her he had always done the greatest things – and she was not “old” at all – like many other adults, his parents included.

So she should get in tomorrow, “the boy” cook something and keep the house in order.
Michael was already looking forward to her. She often had crazy and interesting ideas that could make a three -week holiday season a adventure.

She was always dressed quite brisk for her age and was actually a really beautiful woman, as Michael hadn’t missed as a younger one. He was able to remember that during the holidays when he was visiting her, he liked to be near her and she had always looked at her eyes with big eyes. With the insertion of his puberty, this urge had increased significantly.

So he had often tried to see her secretly in the bathroom naked, or in the bedroom in the bedroom before going to bed. He had always stood in front of the keyhole with a red head, his left hand in pajamas, but more than she had never been able to spot in underwear – he could only see her without seeing – but only from behind.

But even this modest look was enough to stimulate his imagination. How often he had masturbated when he saw her full butt and her strong thighs.

So he could not hide his anticipation for her visit. As soon as the parents were bent around the corner, he ran back into the house, closed the door, danced up into his room, pulled his pants down and threw himself on his bed. His now swollen penis pressed enormously on his underpants, which he also had to peel down to finally hold his darling in his hand.

He pushed his foreskin down and proudly looked at his dark red glans, thought of which eyes would probably make his aunt if they saw him there so! Already the thought of it made him so horny that he had to jerk off his cock with all my strength until his seed in wide fountains injected over his t-shirt.
After this relief he could finally think clearly again. And his first thought was: finally once to have the run of the house! How would it be the visit the bigant to start, which had announced itself for tomorrow? Would he perhaps see a little more of her? In any case, he was in a happy expectation, and he immediately felt how his flap -up cock began to set up again.

I hardly have to mention that Michael could hardly sleep the night because he had to think about his aunt. He woke up several times with a stiff and had to satisfy himself with hot thoughts.
*** The next morning he was totally exhausted, but happy. Erika came with her car in the early morning.

She was now wearing her hair medium, discreetly brown colored to hide the many gray hair. Her costume was also kept in a suitable brown, a knee -length skirt hidden, but also very stimulating, her still beautiful, strong thighs, just gave them an idea of it.

Maybe she already had approaches from orange skin that she tried to cover this way. That would not have been surprising at her just 60 years.

Or she was of the opinion that a woman at her age should not necessarily run around like a young girl – maybe still free or similar! However, her female round arms left her uncovered, because of the heat. The dress patterned with flower motifs was quite close and emphasized her still excellent figure in a very charming and attractive way.

She was used to drawing some men’s eyes even at her age. Your elegant sandals with relatively high heels are likely to contribute to this, which were certainly not particularly helpful when driving.

But what do you not do because of the beauty!Michael stood at the front door and could not see her fed up with her appearance. Her face, which already had a few wrinkles, was still nice to name and expressive, she always had slightly dreamy features, a sensual mouth, whose lips were discreetly and uncontrollably, and very bright, open eyes that have already been made some of them inHave seen life. Certainly some men’s tail, Michael had to think involuntarily.

Michael greeted his aunt with a warm and long -term hug. They had always understood themselves well, but now he literally felt the erotic tingle between them both without even having a word.

His lout in his pants acknowledged this tingling with a clear bay.
“You have become a real man! Big and strong – and a pretty guy!“She took him the waist and turned him around her own axis like a dance bear. Your eyes shone.

“I still know how you crawled around as a tiny … a lot has happened!“Michael got a little red, but beamed just as much. Soso, she found him very pretty! Should he also compliment her?“But you also look splendid!“He finally brought out.
“You mean I kept myself quite well? Well, I’m no longer the youngest!“After both had been examined extensively, Michael brought the suitcase into her room.

The morning passed over the family and other interesting. In the afternoon they finally intended to Swimming pool go.

The afternoon went great with her. So he was able to admire her still handsome body unobtrusively, which was in a one -piece – a bikini apparently no longer seemed appropriate to her. Her thighs had already set a little orange peel, but he did not find this in any way to be disturbing.

Rather, the wrinkles on their neck touched him extremely sensual, so that he had to stare on her neck and shoulders on the bath mat on the bath mat. And her soft arms, which had a lot of spots through the sun, would have preferred to kissed from the armpit to his fingertips.

“Hopefully she doesn’t notice that!“He thought with slight discomfort when he catched again how he looked at her back. What a great woman! He nervously slipped on the mat, rubbed his half -tire cock on the floor when he felt her very real presence.
In the evening we went back home. It was indeed a very hot day, so they both walked around very sparingly, because every superfluous textile already stuck body after a minute.

Of course Michael was right;In this way he saw as much of this exciting older woman as possible, who was his great aunt. She had put on a T-shirt and shorts;To Michael’s dismay, however, she was bravery a bra, so that he could only guess the more interesting places in her body. He just ran around in his swimming trunks, so that at least she could admire his sporty boy body.

Michael found that she too did it extensively, at least she always spoke to him what a “pretty guy” he was still. He was rarely sat in front of the telly as that evening.

Because he just sat next to her the couch, Only in his tight swimming trunks, which its genital part at least showed well in shape. He had simply leaned against her;So she could put her arm around his shoulders, with her fingertips gently caressing and tickling his chest. How much he would have done with her! But he was happy enough that she was so close and that he could feel her body. With every line of her hand, he ran a real shower over his back, which made him comfortably and repeatedly drove him to sweat.

It could not fail that he got a proper erection in these pats, which his swimming trunks really couldn’t hide.

But strangely enough, he didn’t mind that much. Because firstly it was a bit insulating, so that the square on the sofa was not too easy to see, and secondly, he found it very okay if she could also notice his masculinity. He also had the impression that she occasionally moved her eyes away from the television umbrella and looked down, on the bump mentioned between his thighs. He got a little nervous, and so he carefully angled his right knee so as not to uncover his condition too conspicuously.

But he was convinced that she knew exactly what was going on.

An hour later, when they had grumbled together for some time, we went to sleep. The boy struggled laboriously, his binge in the pants had not decreased. So he ran slightly crouched in the twilight, the aunt also started to sleep. Before that there was a big kiss on the mouth, and a greeting: “Sleep well, mine Angel!“Michael ran down his back like oil, and again a pleasant shower attacked him again.
As soon as he had arrived in the room, he threw himself onto the bed after pulling his swimming trunks down, and kept his painful penis, who came out of his pants like a tense flash arch.

If she kept him that way now! He fantasized when wanking.

In the neighboring room, where his aunt came up for the night, he heard noises during his exercise. What did she do now? She pulled out naked when she went to sleep or had a nightgown? An interesting question, Michael found. He had his pants again, packed his stiff apparatus and peeked into the hallway. The light in the stairwell was deleted.

Barefoot he sneaked to the door next door and tried to spot something through the keyhole. The light in the room was still on – maybe he could discover something interesting? With this thought, his left hand automatically slid down the belly button to the wonderful painful place that had plagued him all the time. He carefully jerked his stiff member, which had pushed himself beyond the edge of the pants. Unfortunately there was not too much to see inside.

He could occasionally see a few bare legs back and forth. He liked his legs, but he had already admired them in the afternoon. His aunt seemed to keep her underpants on, so much he could watch. That was sad enough.

But at least he saw her in her panties, packed the round butt in a white panties – that was interesting enough.

But that wasn’t the right bringer. And so he returned to his room with his stand in his pants with his stand in his pants, undressed and worked on his lümmel until he fell asleep in the middle of without a result.
*** Suddenly it was scorned off by a deafening noise. Michael was abruptly interrupted in his sweet slumber, the dreams of which we can already imagine. He noticed that he was lying naked on the bed and not only had a huge stand, but also had to pee and didn’t even know what was going on and how much clock it was.

His hand automatically went to his crossbar, as to calm down or to slowly find his way back.
The pointers of the alarm clock on the bedside table shone at half past two.

Madness to wake up one – what was going on?Then the hell noise came back, and now he realized that it was a thunderstorm. He quickly pulled his blanket over because he was aware that it had cooled and a heavy storm raged outside. After his swimming trunks, which had to be at the foot of the bed, he fingered a T-shirt and went to the hallway to see the toilet. With his giant slat in his pants, it was not so easy to hit the bowl, and so he had some trouble pressing it down.

Returning back to the hallway, he also heard it rumbling in his great aunt’s room. So she had also torn the noise out of her feathers. Your room door opened. Michael, who was not on it, almost crashed into her breasts, who had pushed himself through the entrance first.

“Oops!“Terred her up a little.

Michael twitched and remained in fright. “Oh, you are! I frightened myself!“A flash illuminated the scenery so that he could see that it was only dressed with a thin nightgown, whereupon her breasts were excellently depicted.

“Hello!“He replied in a croaky voice. He was still half asleep and did not want to be awakened at all. However, the exciting shapes on the pajamas not only got his limb in -although it was no longer necessary, because it was still really swollen and didn’t seem to go back -but also let him wake up slowly.

“Crazy what?“However, his comments were not yet very intelligent.
“Are all the windows too so that it doesn’t rain in anywhere?”Asked concerned. Michael twitched with his shoulders. “Come on, then let’s take a look, boy.“She took her arm and led him through nightly house, which was repeatedly illuminated by bright flashes followed by violent thunder. Whenever the flash came down, the aunt grabbed her grand nephews a little frightened by the arm, which was not exactly in the skin.

“Hopefully nothing happens!“She whispered concerned. “I’m really afraid.“But he also drove together in any weather lights. “But obviously too!“Michael murmured something in his beard.

The nightly walk was finally over and they had arrived in front of their two rooms. The storm now seemed to have gained violence, at least lightning and thunder followed almost at the same time and the thunder noises were hellish and nerve -wracking.

“Horch, boy, if you like, sleep this night with me – it would be quite right for me!”She said at the next thunder break. “I can’t fall asleep alone now!“Michael suddenly made the offer wide awake. He would rather do nothing than that! And apart from that, it was more pleasant not to have to sleep alone.

His little man immediately stood in his pants when he imagined the situation with her in bed.

He found an excellent opportunity, and so he immediately hit. Since she slept in a single bed, it got really cozy when they climbed together. Michael pulled out his shirt beforehand, the pants, whose exploitation was no longer to be misunderstood, he understandably let me on. He lay on the right side and immediately turned to the outside edge so that she could not feel his hard in the swimming trunks;That would have become too embarrassing.

Erika turned to his side and wrapped her arms around his bare torso.

“If that bothers you, tell me!” What a question! At the moment he couldn’t imagine a nicer touch! She gently caressed his chest and stomach. Michael was blissful. He purred satisfied like kittens. He suddenly became aware that they lay here like an old couple and love each other.

In a way, that was not wrong either, because they knew each other forever and had often slept in the same bed. However, Michael could not remember that he had ever been as excited as this night. So he started to tremble a little with excitement.

“Is cold to you, my darling?“Erika flute worried when she felt it. She nestled closer to him so that her body completely covered his back.

Not only her warm body made him shiver, but above all the touch of her breasts shoulder and her thighs, which pressed against his legs. His pants were about to burst, so his glans simply pushed himself into the open air over the waistband. Michael imagined that his aunt was approaching her during her petting. A great thought – which was worth trying out! That’s why he carefully pushed his swimming trunks down to give his penis more space.

He promptly pushed himself up towards the navel vertically. And promptly she came to him with her hand too. He felt how she flinched during the touch and immediately pulled her hand upwards. Fortunately, she couldn’t see his red face when his plan had come true so quickly! He alternately got hot and cold, and a little queasy was this game for him.

But nobody said anything.

For a while, the aunt’s caresses became a little calmer, as if she thought about what to do now. Again and again their cuddling were suddenly illuminated by the thunderstorm. However, gradually, in the next weather light, she continued with the exploration of her hands. And – Michael caught her breath – she showed no shy at all to stroke him again! Again and again he felt her passing hand on his glans, and he found that these touches were becoming more and more common.

The feeling that they created was indescribable. Every time he drove through a pleasant shower when she kept his stiffness in this way. Her hand was almost only active in the lower area of his upper body, so that there wasn’t much missing and she would have just taken the thing in her hand. Michael had to put together that he did not get a departure in this tender game and he sprayed her hand.

That would certainly have gotten too much for her, he considered, when she suddenly kept his cum in her fingers. He had to giggle very quietly with this thought.

The game dragged on for a while: again and again her hand circulated over his belly, past the navel and touched his swollen glans, which was just placed under the navel.
Suddenly the movements of her left hand slower, although she stopped in close close to his gender and scratched him directly on the navel, tentatively dared down again and again, towards the fantastic staff that mented with her. Michael pushed his abdomen a little forward, so that his penis could grow up a bit and was closer to her hand.

If he had trembled before, he started sweating violently, even though he was now almost nothing left. Finally, after a long hesitation, the hand of his aunt had reached her destination.

She stroked his belly button by gently popping in it with his index finger, then sliding with the flat hand underneath and in this way automatically caught his stand at the top. If it had been possible, he would be further swollen to show her his lust clearly. Erika’s hands commute back and forth below the nabble and continuously grazed his pen.

It was a great feeling that the boy flocked through his aunt so much to present his best piece in this way.

He would never have believed that it had already come so far in the afternoon! Luckily that the thunderstorm had come – although it was slowly but surely about to move on. He sighed comfortably when she played playfully along his foreskin with her fingers. She no longer took her hand away, but remained in a constant rubble and petting – but she did not take his limb in her fingers, but slid it with them so that he was so careful with the fingernailspamper. It was apparently not quite comfortable herself, the game she drove with her nephew.

“Is it good like that?“, She whispered after a while.
“Yes that is super! I could be so da -lying with you all night.“And that was by no means a lie.

Like in a trance, in the feeling of doing something normal and everyday, he took his hand, put her on her, although he also had to push her under his cock, and led her to his stiff limb so that shenow included with the whole hand.
She hummed quietly as if she admired his device because of its size. But it was obviously exactly what she had planned all the time but didn’t dare. Because she started to carefully massage his pint.

“Mhm, that’s so great …” Michael groaned again and again. He pulled his pants further down, so that his gan-zes gender and the testicles were freezing so that his aunt could better jerk him.

In fact, she first felt the whole area of his gender, drove down the shaft with her fingers, down to his testicles, kneaded it tenderly and clasped his stiff again. Except for the occasional sighs of the boy and the depressing thunderstorm it was quiet in the room. Erika rubbed her nephew’s penis with great love and skill, so that it became very special to him and he called in a suppressed voice: “Attention, it comes … oh, slow, yes, that’s good …” He struck that hastilyDuvet back so that he had free shot and lay on his back, his aunt’s hand still wanking his hardness.

The sight of her body, half of the Freilag because her nightgown had slipped up and a good part of her legs now naked Dalag, inspired his desire for another, so that it did not take 10 seconds until it was in a high arc a juicy load of hisYoung seeds sprayed onto his chest, with her arm, which she had lying on his body, was also affected.

But she did not take it away, but apparently enjoyed having caused his orgasm. Michael sighed and moaned suppressed. He turned to her and kissed her wildly on her mouth, which she gave him just as passionately.

A wonderful, sex -loaded atmosphere had spread in the room – a paradise that she had given him solely by the dexterity of her hands.

By hugging his aunt, he also had her nightgown with his seed, which she didn’t seem to bother them. Happy he smiled at her. “It was so great, you know that? I always wanted that from you … “She seemed amazed. “Yes? But you have strange wishes! You should have told me that, you know, I fulfill all your wishes … ”Without hesitation, she took her hand down to his penis, which was still quite stiff despite cumshot, and took him there.

His juice stuck everywhere on the shaft and in particular his glans was completely wet.

“Wait, I’ll dry that once, young man.“She took a tip of her nightgown and wiped his penis with him. But the chest was also smeared. “Wait …” She straightened up, pulled her nightgown over her head and took it as a towel, so to speak,. Michael got big eyes again.

Although she still had her panties, no bra, so that he could finally look at her breasts. The fact that she was now half -naked next to him, despite his departure. He took her on her back because she was sitting upright in bed and stroking her. Your skin was a little wrinkled and rough, but very pleasant to grip.

She looked at him with big eyes, didn’t really seem to understand what was going on.

“You are a heavy slide, like?“How to confirm she kept his dick, which had become stiff when she touched her back, and gently pressed him. He continued to caress her back and soon had his hand at her side, where her bare breasts emerged. They were still quite strong of medium -sized size and strack for their age. Certainly they had already been plump, and the breasts of a younger woman were certainly better shaped.

But this had the advantage of being easy to reach, and her mature skin was excellent to stroke. Michael’s fingers were quickly hiked to their nipples and played with them.

His cock stiffened enormously in this exercise, so that Erika, who was still holding him in his hand, amazed: “How quickly this can be done with you! You just had your effusion!”Michael looked at her teasically and replied:” That is no wonder if you are there … “They kissed happily on their mouths again. Michael was overjoyed: Finally he was in bed with his aunt as he had longed for days, and finally he was able to look at her beautiful female body, which was no longer the youngest, but incredibly familiar and yet exciting.

So he also sat up, kissed her extensively and kneaded her breasts. She readily let it happen and supported him by masturbating his gender vigorously.
“Do you like them?“She asked him whispering.

“And how!“Michael was enthusiastic about the touch of her nipples. He gently massaged his breasts, twirled her nipples with your thumb and index finger, and held her in his hands like apples. Although he had in the outdoor pool Already seen a lot of naked breasts, but he hadn’t touched any yet.
“You know what?“He therefore asked mysteriously.

She shook her head and looked him in the eye. The same look was that he took off from her and she fell into her arms and kissed with love and devotion. “You know what?“He asked again. “I have never touched a woman as you.“” And so I’m the first to touch you there?“Erika stroked his gender again with his hand, the steeply erected up on his stomach.

He joked happily.

“Yes, really!“His cock in his hand, hugged each other again and kissed on their lips.
“You, my boy, open your mouth …” He interrupted his caress and did what was told. His aunt carefully pushed her tongue between his lips and he received her pleasantly surprised in his oral cavity. Soon his tongue also played with theirs the game of love, a game that soon increased strength and led to them led to the pillows and passionately hugged.

Now he captured her upper body with both arms, making her breasts pressed to his own.

Even this delicate touch almost drove him, but the tongue kiss brought him completely around the mind. His cock pressed against her lower body with all his might, she replied that she also pressed her abdomen against him. But she still had her panties so that the boy’s acorn rubbed her cotton fabric. Erika was torn back and forth: should she take off her panties to let her nephew- or was it just a forbidden thing that could not happen?She rubbed her lower body seductively to his tail, but then suddenly let go of it to take him into her hand and to climax him.

As for the sexual intercourse between her and her grand nephew, she was still too uncertain – she didn’t want to be run over with it. Michael was surprised, but he let it happen. She lay down next to him and worked on his stiff limb as before, while he was panting and groaning on her breasts, kneading her in her hands, playing with her nipples. He had to fidget his legs wildly while he was satisfied by his great aunt, and so it didn’t take too long to finally get into her hand.

Anew shot up a fountain of his seed with high pressure from his penis and landed on his upper body and left arm. While he was unloaded in individual bumps, she kissed him in her horny way so that he was wrapped in by her.

“My boy,” she finally said proudly like a mother on her son, “that was a huge load!“She picked up the nightgown lying around and wiped the seed from the body and the glans. Exhausted Michael swayed and watched her wiped him. Dull, he remembered during her battle in bed that they were almost in terms of sleeping with each other, but that she had backed up at the last moment.

He could imagine why, so he did not speak to her about it. But it was a shame: how much he would have liked to do everything with her and not only to be satisfied by her -he had never done it with a woman. And why shouldn’t he learn that from his great aunt if they were so close anyway?She looked at him seriously.

“You know that nobody can know what we did here, yes?“He nodded. “We have always loved each other, that was always like that …” In these words she stroked his cheeks and his hair.

“But we shouldn’t do that much.“In these words, she leaned over him and kissed him. “But many prohibitions are just wrong, they are not good. I think nobody can forbid us!“It wasn’t quite in her skin, but she seemed to want to convince herself. “Oh,” she called suddenly and put her hands on Michael’s stomach, “You are such a pretty guy, why should that be forbidden?“They laughed at each other.

All doubts were gone. What both do good guys – what could be wrong with that? What gave them so much pleasure, brought them so nice hours, how could that be harmful?Michael put his arms around her neck. “I love you so much! And that was as great as you did it!“They kissed again tenderly. After these tenderness, they finally laid down to sleep.

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