The first encounter | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

For a few weeks now she has been writing with this man, whom she in Internet had met. Everything she knew about him so far was that he was a few years older than herself and just a few kilometers away from her. He had the Chat started with an absolutely clumsy question, because he had asked her directly whether she was open to all developments in the chat. This directly affirmed her because she found the design of his profile to be mysterious and wanted to find out whether it would be as exciting as she imagined it.

Resulting in his hints, he might demonstrate his power and show the woman “where the hammer hangs”. Alone with the thought of him defenselessly delivered To be, this desire to activate it for a long time was encouraged in her body. Because she was still in the blossom of her life with her boy 23 years and looked really not bad with the dream dimensions “90-60-90” and her shoulder-length red-colored hair, but she didn’t really seem to be around himTo be able to wrap your fingers.

So it was the normal everyday life for her to contest your life alone and wherever she is only in love people to see. In a further conversation with her chat partner “Traumhorn 69”, the name alone caused a slight excitement in her column, they found that they should have met several times, but never seemed to have been aware of themselves. The first “encounter” two days after her conversations started, she found at noon when she was from her work as secretary Returned home in a comprehensive school, a package wrapped in a red ribbon lying on her undertaking.

When she turned to lift this mysterious package Legs, that someone was behind her. This someone grabbed her breasts through her white blouse and pulled her up again. So she stood there now … unable to defend herself and without certainty who this person who was closely at her now. Her breath became heavier than the grip around her, in a black one bra With white tips packed breasts, solidified.

She felt the breath of the mysterious person on her neck when she whispered in her ear: “So you wife, this evening it will be ready, you will finally experience what you have wanted for two days. In my violence, you will be defenselessly at the mercy of my own home, unable to free you and be sure (he was silent for a short moment) Nobody will hear you if you should scream.

“The voice fell silent and the person moved away. She was unable to move, otherwise she could have looked after this man, who had conjured up an incredible lust in her, currently unshaven, column, in just a few minutes. Her thoughts played crazy, this person was male, that had recognized her in the voice. But she didn’t know more about “him” either. After she had entered the apartment building by entering her apartment, she looked around uncertainly so that she could be sure that he had not followed her into the house.

When she was sure she went that mysterious gift under her arm in her apartment, put it on the kitchen table and opened the chat with “Traumhorn69” to see if he wrote something and he had: “Hey you horny piece! You liked the little foretaste? Then come in the clothes that are in the package tonight at 7 p.m., clothed on the street in front of your house then I pick up there and you get nothing else all night than you earn, you Bitch!””.

This message adorned the display of her cell phone and even while reading, it rose in it almost unbearable desire, so much that it almost hurt that she couldn’t make it directly. She opened the enclosed package, in which the message had to be put on to wear. And she was right, because in the package there were: a network tights, a white, ancient, almost transparent shorts, a black shirt with push buttons (she knew from experience that you could easily open these shirts) and red paintHigh heels, there was also a note with the inscription: “Please use waterproof make-up.

Tears will flow. ”When reading this short message, this lust rose in her body, this defeated lust that she cursed every time, because she actually wanted to suppress her in combination with the thoughts of this mysterious man. Because how did it look … as if she was going to the ceiling with every X-like man directly with lust. This was right, but nobody should know that yet, at least not yet.


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