A very long train journey | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“Did you pack everything too?”” Yes Mam, I think “. Every time the same question of theirs Mother. She doesn’t drive the first time to the training camp. “And take care of the train at night! Find a place near the conductor … “” Yes Mam, I am 21 and no more 10, I watch out for myself.“She threw her travel bag over her shoulder.

“Now I have to go to the train, otherwise I may still miss it.“A loud greaser on Mother’s cheek and she disappeared through the door.
Since her 6. Year of life she is a gymnast with body and soul, a lot of ambition and hard training did not give time for other things. And so many had tried it with her. Due to her sport, she is simply a crispy girl of 170 cm: well -trained body but not too snake, beautiful tighter buttocks, solid breasts, not too big, deer brown eyes and dark half -length hair.

Then she still has this incredible mobility . Even as a child, she admired these snake people and still trains them almost every day to maintain this mobility. She simply likes this feeling of stretching and deep relaxation. It has something exciting.

When she comes out of the shower, she often goes naked in front of the mirror in the balancing act, sits on the cool tiles, leans back and looks at her wide -open pussi. It goes over her ice cold and a slight tremor she grasps.
She crosses her legs behind her head and carefully strokes the labia. In doing so, she captures an incredible desire to continue and further stretch. She wants to kiss her clit but the last centimeter is not possible.

Often she becomes so horny that she pulls her pussi apart to the pain and then he is finally there, the one orgasm And it is as if the whole world penetrate it, fills it out and tears it out. Once she couldn’t stand it anymore, looked for something to ram it, took the shower bath bottle and pushed … but a stabbing pain brought her back onto the ground. Blood dripped onto the snow -white tiles and she only thought “Great, the first was’ a shower room bottle” Oh yes, she had her sex dreams and some objects and fruit varieties had her sweetness pussy seen.

For these games she also shaved her lips even though it was something unpleasant during training.
In the meantime she strolled over the platform. The train would have to drive in right away. A lurk wind blew around her bare legs. Yesterday she just cut off her lib-ling jeans, and a little scarce.

In any case, Mam was not so enthusiastic. But it’s so hot. It feels like the little lace brisk under the jeans sticking on the bare lips. She lifts her arms a little and lets the wind dry the damp armpit hells.

“I think I’ll leave out the bra on the train.“She thought and wagged cool air on her stomach with the tight T-shirt. Then the train thundered past her and came to a stop with screeching brakes. Exactly in front of her the door, the trip starts well. She jumped into the car light -footed.

Not a lot of people wanted to go on this train and there are not many in it. So a place was quickly found. The down door was very difficult. With a sigh, she dropped into the window seat.“Great, a compartment for me alone.

Hopefully it stays that way.“The train started to move almost silently. Just the right time to get something fresh. She drove the t-shirt over her head and first away with the bra.”Of course, the fresh T-shirts are at the bottom of her pocket,” she murmured to her. Suddenly the downhill flew open.

Startled, she hit her hands in front of her breasts and turned around.“Sor-Ry, please the tickets!“Said a friendly young conductor with unabashedly staring at the brown -burned stomach. With one hand she covered her breasts and with the other she searched for her ticket. Ah, there was. “Well then have a good trip!”Said the pretty conductor winked.

That: “Unfortunately I have to work.“Was very quiet but not to be ignored. “Well” she thought “if it had been a good -looking conductor, but so …” Although she had already caught how she was easily excited with her friends in the shower room when she spread the foam on her breasts or her pussy with the shower jetrinse. She would have liked to have soaped.
It was already dark outside. She was a bit inaugurated.

The train was in a train station, people ran back and forth and she just went through her head that there are still 9 hours to the finish line. Then the down door opened and a young sporty one looked into the compartment. “Eh … the places are still free?”She instinctively nodded and found his way very arrogant,” the main thing is that the flap holds.“She still thought he was already gone. A while later, five people were gradually crowded through the tight downhill.

Two women and three men. She all appreciated in my early 30s, very sporty and very solarium -browned. Everyone wore lederhosen and all hate black hair long hair. They looked like motorcycle fans and they all only had light luggage with them.

They threw their bags into the luggage rack and themselves in the seats. A smell of deodorant, alcohol, Smoke and leather spread. But somehow it wasn’t uncomfortable. The one who asked about the free places stretched out his hand and said: “Hello first of all.

I am Tommi .”” Nadja.“She said softly and was amazed at how nice this Tommi is actually. He saw it right next to her and she was able to make him badly inconspicuous. She just found him somehow nice.
Sitting opposite women . She only wore a bikinio grove and lederhosen.

She had a very beautiful face and her breasts tossed from the much too narrow top. Like the other two, the guy next to it wore a white silk shirt. The other woman smiled at Nadja all the time. She was the only one not open her hair.

Under her black blouse, her breasts were very good and their nipples stood up steeply. In general, Nadja had to look at these breasts again and again, it was totally magnetic. She has never seen such a big nipple. And then there was this excitement again and little curiosity.

She felt like her nipples straightened up. It was almost a little embarrassed. This is definitely a rock band or something. They talked at least an hour as if Nadja was not there: they had produced a CD and were on their way to celebrate this.

There was a lot of sparkling wine and wine around and everyone was already tipsy.
Nadja acted as if she slept with the noise, but listened to attention. At some point she shouted up and opened her eyes. Quite surprised she looked over to the woman. She had pulled out the leather pants, crouched, put on his legs, in the seat and smooched with her neighbor.

In doing so, she rocked her knees back and forth. Her scarce slip had slipped into the column. Just considered Nadja whether she should change the compartment because she offered the second still smiling woman a cup of sparkling wine. A little trembling she took the cup and took a big sip.

The sparkling wine was totally warm, but still tasted. This Tommi gave in. The foam shot over the edge and with a reflex closed Nadia the thighs to catch everything. “Oh sorry!“Tommi called.

Somehow Nadja wanted to save the situation: “Well, where does the sparkling wine want to go there?“She slipped out like that. From then on the party really going. Wine and sparkling wine went around again and again, all sorts of varieties and Nadjas cups was never empty. She started to feel more comfortable and more comfortable in the circle of these people.

The effect of wine and sparkling wine was not long in coming and so she started telling about her: her sport, training and how it came to her mobility . Everyone listened intently. The two women had put their feet on the seats and looked at Nadja with sparkling eyes. The guy at the downhill had a walkman on and did it to him.

Tommi and his counterpart, on the other hand, were now really sharp on Nadja. Again and again they looked between the thighs where their lace panties lank behind the jeans. Her breasts hopped under the narrow T-shirt while she was still excited about her sport.
Again Nadja had a cup of sparkling wine and felt mercilessly climbed to his head. Next to her in the seat were the beautiful legs of this woman who were so busy with smooching.

Her toenails were painted dark green and again and again she stroked Nadja’s thigh with her little toe. Nadja could not suppress a certain excitement. Her nipples have never been so hard, she felt a tension in her breasts and she had also had to go to the toilet for an hour. “The sparkling wine wants to get out,” she said a little flare.

The pressure in her bubble could hardly be kept and itched a little between the legs. “I think I’m drunk and really horny.“She thought and wanted to make her way to the toilet. Then Tommi held her on her arm. “Show us a balancing act or something!“He called on his nice but also a little cheeky kind.

Despite the full bubble, Nadja jumped up completely, swung his right leg up to the luggage rack, went into the balancing act and blinked Tommi as she put her head on her knee. Everyone punched the breath at this sight. It wasn’t very bright, but you could look into the jeans on the side and saw her shaved open pussy. Nadja noticed the eyes and a shower ran over her back.
“I have to go to the toilet first.“She cried laughing but Tommi had jumped up, took her leg, put it on his shoulder and pressed her on himself.

“You are a damn great woman.“He said, pulled her head back to her hair and kissed her wildly on her mouth. Nadja had no chance to free herself. Her knee pressed on the right ear and it was like a bondage.
Panic she bought and she wanted to defend herself but that passed very quickly. It was about excitement and lust.

She gave her mouth freely and greedily gave the tongues around each other. “Get to know someone else.“She thought and led to things your course. Despite thick lederhosen, Nadja felt the hard cock on the left hip bone and although she had briefly forgot how necessary she had to go down on the toilet a little juice on the left leg down. Still kissing she thought: “I can’t stop now, it makes me so horny.“Suddenly she realized that others were also part of the compartment.

Because a warm soft women’s hand gently caressed the left thigh and gradually hiked higher. Like an electrical electric shock, it shrugged through her body when she also felt a tongue in the neck. Everything was so unreal “yes it is just a dream.“She said herself and felt her hand pushed himself under the jeans.
It was not yet clear to her whether she should find it great or not. Two fingers slowly pushed the panties aside.

It was so wet there and with slight pressure they slid between the lips and slowly but unstoppable. Nadja grabbed the fear. “What do you do there … I have to go to the toilet …” She didn’t get any further because her hand climbed and a loud almost painful moan went over her lips.

Tommi pulled her right leg even higher and pressed it firmly against the luggage rack. Nadja’s vaginal muscles clasped the two fingers that pressed against the bladder filled to overflow. At the same time, she felt shame and excitement, lust and. It overwhelmed her and she tried to keep the water with all his might.

But it was slowly running down on her thigh. The two fingers withdrew a little. A third finger joined it. Now three fingers slowly started to penetrate.

Nadja felt a slight stretch.
“You’re so horny!“Coam a trembling female voice in Nadja’s ear. Tommi pulled her ass cheeks apart without a word with his right hand. The fingers massaged the woolly meat deep into Nadja. They accelerated, raise the pressure, stole firmly.

Again and again the ankles crashed to the clit. Crazy about lust, Nadja almost crying: “Please stop, stop ….“It had happened! She didn’t care, she couldn’t hold it anymore. It bubbled out of her, ran down her leg, sprayed with every push in all directions and poured out on the compartment. Tommi had jumped back a little, but still kept Nadja’s leg tightly.“Is that a horny dirty mouse.“He cried while the others applaud.

The whole compartment swam. The woman who had just got it so nicely pushed her wet hands under the T-shirt and grabbed Nadja’s breasts.“Comes let’s change the compartment first!“She led her mouth close to Nadja’s ear:“ Then we come to a special kind of training.“Nadja was like in a trance. After all this, she felt such an absolute lust that she could hardly hold the cup of sparkling wine that Tommi was enough for her.“Drink my darling!”He said and stroked her through the damp hair,” we’re starting and you seem to like it, or you seem to like it, or?“He reached between her legs.“Pull off the wet clothes!“She fell on the seat and brushed off the dripping things. She felt Tommi’s looks.

“Yes, I’m a little dirty whore.“She screamed in my thoughts. “Makes me ready …” Everything turned around her. In the meantime, the others had made their luggage into the neighboring compartment.
Everything went very quickly now: the woman grabbed Nadja’s bag and said: “Bring her next door! You can hardly wait!“One of the guys grabbed Nadja on her legs and Tommi put her under your arms. They quickly carried them over the corridor to the other compartment.

There the seats were pushed together into a kind of playground. “I never believed that something like that makes me so horny.“Thought Nadja“ There are strangers what do they want from me?“Something is threw them on the seats . She still heard the dormitory struck because the guy said to her with the Walkman: “Here, listen!“And put the headphones on her. Screeching guitars and wild rhythms almost accumulated their ears.

Then they turned them on their backs, grabbed their legs, tore them apart and pushed them backwards. She looked up, into this beautiful face of this woman. She was only dressed with panties and bra and held Nadja’s legs on the Tie up.“She is so agile.“She whispered and pressed her legs behind Nadja’s head. The other woman knelt in front of it and stared totally torn down the wide -open gender between Nadja’s legs.

Nadja felt totally helpless but an incredible lust rose in her.
Suddenly Tommi shouted: “Have a look what the little one has in her pocket here!“He held a bottle of massage oil in his hand. He had already screwed her up and Nadja felt the cool oil hit her stomach. Two women’s hands were slowly rubbing with it. The weak compartment light was reflected on her skin.

The legs were pressed even more firmly behind her head. The hands slid upwards and pushed the t-shirt, soaked by the oil, massaged these solid stiff breasts. A deep sigh went over Nadja’s lips and she was just awesome. No more fear, no resistance, only sharply on everything that comes.

It was like fulfilling years of secret wishes in just an hour. She felt how the woman’s hands slid down, covered her hip, massaged her navel with her thumb and moved on. Very slowly and yet unstoppable, they stroked the thighs up to the back of the knees, turned over and moved to the twitching pussi too. Nadja hardly endured lust.

It made her crazy to deliver like that. Right in front of her eyes she saw her hands stroked over her labia, then slowly penetrated her thumb and pulled the pussi apart., more and stronger and stronger. Nadja noticed how cool air penetrated up to her stomach penetrated.
“She likes stretching.“The woman called excitedly. Tommi came with the bottle of massage oil: “First lubricate!“Nadja winc.

It was an incredible feeling of how the pussi filled and finally overwhelmed. The oil shot out and ran over her body in all rice. From all sides, hands now came and massaged the thighs and the ass cheeks, pressing their pelvis up and more up. The smell of the baby oil spread and was somehow really ancient.

Nadja’s pussi was so oily that the woman played three fingers in play, very slowly and as deep as possible. With the thumb she massaged the asshole. Nadja trembled all over the body, but not of fear, no it was just incredibly horny to be so spoiled. The fingers withdrew, came back with reinforcements.

Fours of it slid into the cave. Nadja felt a slight stretch with every centimeter and some pain mixed with it. The vaginal muscles spanned the ankle and the hand now no longer continued.
Gradually, Nadja got used to it and her fingers got air back to pull back back. But only to toast again.

It made her so keen to be fucked by four fingers and she dropped absolutely. If she had no music in her ear, she could hear the smacking noise on every push. The excitement increased, grew, and … then the woman pulled her fingers out with a harmful smile.

Nadja’s breasts went up and down in the beat of their violent breaths. “I’ll fuck you now with my fist! You have certainly not experienced anything like this yet.“Nadja could hardly hear anything, but she knew what was coming. Already she felt five fingers penetrated. The strain pain increased quickly and a loud “ah!“Went over her lips.

Everyone stood around and watched the hustle and bustle. The ass cheeks were pulled apart from the left and right . She felt the ankle literally wanted to blow her pussi and pull stinging told her that it couldn’t go on. But there was no longer back.

She pushed out a short loud cry and actually the whole fist slid in, deeper and deeper. How paralyzed was Nadja there. Her whole abdomen sucked her hand inside and she believed to tear down at any moment. “Yeahhhü” she shouted loudly.

It did not go deeper, the ankles pushed the uterus and the disc muscles wrapped the wrist.
“But for the first time it works quite well!”Cried Tom-Mi excitedly” or the little bitch makes something regularly.“The pain had long since passed into pleasure.” Yes that’s it.“Thought Nadja“ It’s so horny, yes stretching is so cool.“The abdomen relaxed more and more and the fist had to move slowly. It looked as horny as the hand was deep in the pussi and fucked, faster and faster and faster. Nadja felt that the orgasm was close. The fist voted the whole pussy at once and had more and more space, began to turn, pulled a little back, ever firmer and firmer and …Nadja almost passed out.

She showered a real flood of orgasms. It has never been so intense. Beads of sweat were on her forehead. The other woman leaned down and kissed her.

She had never kissed a woman and it was so wonderful. Nadja’s pussy was so relaxed now that the woman slowly pulled her fist out without much effort. They enjoyed every millimeter. The oil dripped from the fingers.

Again she pushed herself into this hot cave, very deep, incredibly deep, turned around, came back to the appeal and dipped again. Nadja’s excitement had never subsided. She enjoyed this game.
All the other knelt around Nadja. Hands came to their pussi from all sides.

The woman pulled her fist out with a jerk and the pussy stopped wide, little by little every two fingers pushed into it, a filled cunt with lots. Then they started to pull, literally tore their hole apart. Nadja threw her head back and groaned loudly: “You tear me!“She would never have thought that a cunt could stretch like that. Everyone was totally horny and looked into the abyss.

Tommi couldn’t stand it anymore. “Now me!“He said and already began to penetrate his fist slowly. Nadja flinched like a flash. She bites her lips, because such a big fist will never go in.

But actually the hand slid deeper and deeper. The pelvic bones pressed them together firmly. Tommi increased the pressure then it was done. Nadja reared up briefly, felt that this tremendous pressure came into being.

Tommi wasn’t quite as careful, he was too horny. Immediately he started to fuck her wildly and someone was a little to hold her mouth so that she didn’t roar the whole train together. They were straightened up and held them on the left and right of the legs, lifted them up. Tommi knelt in front of her and got her pretty wildly.

Nadja had got used to his hand so that he could totally pull her out and then turn her back into it again. Her meat burned like fire and her heart raced. An incredible orgasm was unloaded loudly.
“How about your ass?“Suddenly called one of the other types completely horny. “The little one with its stretch skills certainly has a horny ass.“Nadja was not yet quite clear how she happened.

She suddenly found herself on knees, bent forward, so that her breasts pressed on her thighs. “No, it is enough, let me, I’m done! I don’t stand that … “Two fingers were already pushing their sphincter apart. “Wow!”Thought Nadja” horny feeling, but I think that goes too far now!“However, she did not show the trace of a resistance. Not even when two fingers were added and the asshole really widened.

They pulled it apart, stretched and stretched. This kind of pleasure pain exceeded everything that was previously done with her. “Give a champagne bottle!“Said one of the women and Nadja felt the cool glass sinking in her ass sink. The neck of the champagne bottle massaged its intestine very deeply and the thicker part tore apart the asshole.

The bottle retired and oil ran deep into the hole. Tommi emptied the whole bottle of massage oil in her ass.
Then one of the guys started to penetrate with three fingers. That was quite easy and four fingers pushed into the glowing hot anus. Nadja no longer felt a difference whether it was cunt or ass, she was just a woman with a huge hole, ready to receive every sweet agony.

The hand gradually sank over the ankle . It was an incredible feeling. Now Nadja wanted to know, wanted to know how it is to get the whole fist in the ass. She tried to relax completely.

The hand pulled back a bit and then the whole fist pushed. Nadja pressed against it with all his might. The pain was almost unbearable. Millimeter by millimeter it went deeper and deeper.

Nadja clawed into the seat cushions with pain and pleasure. This incredible pressure in her intestine made her insane and with an almost heartbeat outcry, the fist penetrated. She didn’t want to stop taking it in.
Nadja felt the sphincter jumped over the ankles and the intestine sucked the fist devoured. What a horny sight: this huge men’s fist deep in this crunchy ass.

Hard to believe that something like this is possible. Everyone stood around fascinated and trembled with violence. “Oh God, this pain!”Thought Nadja” that’s too much!“She felt a violent pressure in that she could no longer hold the water. It ran down her thighs while the fist mercilessly fucked her ass.

That was a very strange feeling, a mixture of severe pain and endlessly persistent orgasm. In this enormous lust vaum she fell into a deep fainting.“You have to get out right away.“It shook violently on her shoulder. It was the conductor and Nadja jumped up confused. She was all alone in the compartment and had slept deeply and firmly.

Was that a dream ..?

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