Wall painting | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I was with mine again Father and to visit my grandmother and hoped for a quiet weekend in the circle of Family. Every 4-6 weeks I drove to the village 40 km away and stayed there over the weekend.

Most I was able to sleep there for a long time and recover from the stress in the week before. A little sport with my father and often I accompanied him to volleyball. Maybe you will remember the holiday kamp? No? Then you missed something! Many people are bored with their grandparents.

But here I have my rest every now and then. No phone that rings and also no sudden visit to the front of the door and your apartment just looks as if a bomb had hit.
So I pressed onto the little Kingel and my grandmother opened.

As always, I was warmly welcomed and immediately asked what I would like for lunch. I first brought my things into the guest room and then went down again, where my father was already waiting.
“Hello Lars”, he also welcomed me and shook my hand.
“Hello, as I see you still haven’t found a subsequent tenant!“, I said him right away, because I had noticed that no new sign was hung on the door yet.

The last tenant had left the apartment after 7 years and there had been plenty of trouble because of the rental still due. The 70 m apartment has been free for two months now.
I hadn’t considered moving there several times, but the way to work was just too far for me.
“A couple have already reported to today’s advertisement and I wanted to ask you to take the interested parties around.

Unfortunately, I have to go to volleyball this afternoon.”” Is okay “I had nothing against playing the home side.

We made ourselves comfortable on the sofa and talked about what had happened in the past few weeks.
It didn’t take long and we were called to eat. As every Saturday when I was here, Grandma’s homemade pancakes with homemade jam from what grew in the garden.
After I really fully bumped my stomach, we made everyone for an hour of rest for an hour. I went up into the guest room and let myself fall on the ancient bed.
It was made of really solid wood and came from the time before World War II. One or the other erotic story could already tell from past days.
It didn’t take long and I fell asleep.

“Lars ..

I’m going to the volleyball now, ”I heard my father’s voice. I opened my eyes a little more sleepy. And called to him “is okay” too.
I got up and went to the small attic, where my father lived. A cool shower would definitely get me awake again and got a large towel out of the closet.

No sooner said than done, I put myself in the shower and turned the tap on. A cold shower immediately aroused all the senses in me. I put it a little warmer and enjoyed the cool refreshment. After a while I turned the water off and grabbed the big cloth to dry myself.

I was just getting dressed when the doorbell rang.

I hectically pulled my pants over and saw that I wasn’t wearing a slip at all. Quickly the white T-shirt and done. I ran down the stairs so loosely and opened the door.
An older couple, so in the middle to the end of fifty stood at the door and asked if they were right here. I welcomed her and took her up to the apartment on the first floor.

I led them through the rooms and the couple was visibly impressed by the small apartment. When we were at the end of the tour, the man asked me whether it would be quiet here or whether there were small children in the house. I explained to him that there were no here in the house, but was right opposite kindergarten and that it could get a little louder in the morning. He explained to me that he was at a security company and therefore had to be calm during the day because he just works at night.

The apartment is very nice, but the calm was more important to them and so the two left the apartment again.

I went down with them and said goodbye to them before I went into the living room and hired television. It didn’t take long and the bell was reported. This time there was a big one, approx. 25 years of age, long -haired and cheated clothes in front of me.

I asked him with what I could help and he asked if this was with the free booth. I led him up, although he could tell him that it will be nothing for him. He too was enthusiastic and immediately asked me if we would have something against it if he had a few buddies from time to time. I explained to him that we would actually like to have an older couple in the apartment, where my grandmother would live and she didn’t want noise.

I accompanied the guy back down and turned away from him again.

So I sat back in front of my telly and looked away.
However, there were no more people to look at the apartment. So around 17.Oo o’clock I went back to the kitchen and said Grandma that I wanted to drive in town now because I no longer expected anyone to report. So I took the garage key and just wanted to open the front door when I could perceive the outline of a person through the yellow glass. At the same moment the shape also pressed the bell and I immediately opened the door.

“Hello, I’m right here because of the free apartment?“I heard a bright, friendly, female voice.
” Yes…

Please come in.“Surprised that someone was still reporting, I led them up like the others beforehand. She followed me the stairs and I showed her the little apartment.
“The apartment is exactly that what I was looking for!“, She said when we left the last room. She explained to me that she would start as an educator in kindergarten next door next month and therefore search for a apartment as soon as possible. We talked for a while.

She made an absolutely friendly and quiet impression and I explained that I could not say the apartment for her, but she could have talked to my father about the details. We make an appointment on Monday afternoon and I brought it to the exit again.

I then drove into the city and met with a few friends.
The weekend was as usual and I told my fathers everything about the people who were here. On Sunday evening I made my way back home and the next two weeks ran again as always. Working, sleeping, working, sleeping, ..

Since I am with mine Mother and Stepfather, Where I still lived, shouldn’t get rest at the weekend because of the craftsmen, I drove over to my grandmother and my father again. When I turned into the small street to our house, I had to slow down hard, because a moving car blocked my way. So I put my car off the kindergarten and walked the few meters on foot.
Sissy, my grandmother’s little dog greeted me with a tail wagging and I entered the house. Furniture packers came down the stairs and greeted me.

I brought my things into the guest room first. When I went up the stairs I heard a voice known to me. So the teacher had been awarded the contract and now commanded the packers so that every furniture found its right place. I parked my things in the guest room and went down again.

An hour later the furniture car was gone again and calm returned.

I moved into my father’s small attic, which was once again at volleyball. I heard loud music while I im Internet on chatting. My father had a PC for the home banking and I used it to chat a little with people from all over the world. It knocked on the door, but I heard nothing because of the loud music and was therefore surprised when someone suddenly spoke to me.
I turned around frightened.

“I’m sorry but I didn’t want to scare her, but could you help me down a bit below?””It’s clear.

I’m just going straight away!“I returned and ended the chat session.
“You were on the Internet?”She asked me.
“Yes, I like to chat with strangers for my life.“” And what do you talk about there?““ About God and the world and what people are so interested in.“I answered your question a little in general.
“Also about sex?“Now I was flabbergasted and she noticed it and immediately apologized for the direct question.

“It’s already okay. The network is on everyone’s lips at the moment because of this whole scandal. Of course I also talk about sex but very rarely.”I admitted openly.
“But nothing that is not allowed. If you feel like you can chat yourself!”I continued.
“Gladly! I’ve heard so much of it but have never been able to try it out myself.
I offered her a chair next to me and went online again.

After a short introduction, she started immediately and it didn’t take long for her to stared towards the monitor excitedly.

Now that she was sitting right next to me, I had the opportunity to take a closer look. She might be good at 30 years old and was of slim stature. She was dressed easily and wore a tattered, old jeans and a wide, white t-shirt. Her long dark brown hair fell loosely on her shoulders.

Her face had somehow immediately liked me.
She had a wonderful smile and deep brown eyes. She obviously enjoyed herself over the ample attempts at the boys in the chat room. It was only after an hour that she detached herself from the screen again.
“That is really addicted.“She confessed to me and grinned at me.
“Of course, but at the latest when the telephone bill is coming, you are back on the ground of the facts,” I agreed to her.

“Oh yes, I actually wanted to ask me to be helping something below.“She came back to the bottom of her presence.
I drove down my PC and followed her into the apartment. The furniture was largely part of the kitchen and in the hallway.
She went into the living room that was freshly wallpapered.
“I just wanted to ask me to open the color buckle.“And pointed to a white tub in the corner.

The bucket was not a problem and was open in no time. However, my hands were full of color afterwards.
“Well now that I am already full of color anyway, it doesn’t matter if I help you to stroke.“I offered her my help.

“That would be really nice. I don’t know how to do it all anyway.“She joyfully accepted my offer.
“I just put on a few old things,” I said, disappearing to change your clothes. When I came back she was already at work.

For a woman she did it really well and had already coated a whole piece with white color. I took a color roll and started diving into the sticky white color. I started on the other side of the wall with my work and moved towards her. The rather exhausting work let and quickly sweat, because the hot weather outside also contributed to it.

After a good quarter of an hour I had to wipe the sweat and she wasn’t better too. We had painted the wall as well as finished. And put us on two boxes in the room.
“Phew …” .she groaned … it makes you something when I get out the T-shirt? I’ll go here right away.“She suddenly asked me.

“Only when they finally stop sieping me.

By the way, my name is Lars.“I suggested her.
“And I Yvonne” and pulled the white shirt with colored shirt, partly with color. A gray sport bra came out that enveloped her firm breasts. I didn’t try to staring her, even though her body really fascinated me. Her skin had a light brown tone and was well maintained.

In the navel she had one Piercing And I was amazed that an educator was doing something like that. Her skin shone from Switzerland and she got up again. I too did work again but after a short time I also removed the disturbing T-shirt.

I noticed your eyes to my muscular body, which was broken by the solarium, examined.

For a moment she stopped stroking and looked at me how I stroked the wall. A little dreamy, she dived her color roller in the tubs and took it out without painting it out again. The result was that she ran down the color on her arm when she wanted to raise him and start stroking. The rest of the color dripped onto her upper body and let it cry out loud.

I turned around a bit frightened and saw her white tunted body.
“Such a crap” I heard her swearing.

I put the role aside and quickly fetched the rag with which I had already cleaned my hands beforehand.
“Wait I have a rag here.“And went over to her.
I carefully dabed her upper body with it. However, the color was faster than me and had run into the bra. She too had noticed it and before I could say something she had already opened the lock and removed the fabric. I was a bit flabbergasted now and looked at her wonderful round, apple -like breasts.

“What are you waiting for?“She asked me and I immediately started to clean her breasts with the rag.

By rubbing with the rag, their nipples quickly got off.
Unfortunately, the color was disappeared far too quickly. Her breasts would have loved to continue cleaning. But instead of getting a new bra, she now put her work on the top without. Her breasts soaked so freely back and forth.

It didn’t take long and they were full of white color again. I had started with the third wall in the meantime and didn’t even notice how it approached from behind. Suddenly I felt her delicate hands on my back and wanted to turn around when I felt her hot breath on my ear.

“Please stay so Lars,” she whispered and her hands went over my back on a hike.
She kissed my ear, let her tongue run along my neck and caressed my neck. All of my senses were extremely in tension and totally excited.

Her hands were now on my upper body and the gentle pressure of her brush let me run a shower over my back. Her fingers gently stroked every muscle and played with my sparse breast hair and then hiked deeper. The deeper it got into the way, the more excited I became. The bump in my shorts could not hide this either.

“Let me spoil you.“She breathed back in my ear and I slowly turned around.
Her mouth litter my upper body with kisses and her tongue licked my belly button.

She knew how to bring a man to the lawn.
My plus rose steadily and stopped when it removed shorts and my plump masculinity upright upright in front of her face. Without saying anything, she started crawling my sack.
My testicles kneaded while the other hand surrounded the shaft of my cock and slowly began to milk it.

She pushed back the foreskin completely and my plump, red glossy glans was free. With her tongue she moistened her full lips and gave my tail tip tenderly a wet kiss. Like a flash, it shot through my body and she started licking my limb.

Her tongue wandered along the shaft to my sack. The crawl stopped for a moment because she took my testicles in her mouth and sucked it tenderly.
My member was now swollen to the burst and she was finally putting it right in her mouth.
Her lips enclosed the shaft and I let it slide deep in her mouth. My eyes had been closed for a long time and I enjoyed the treatment to the fullest. The rhythm and her suck also grew stronger.

She took as much as possible and I pushed her deep into her throat. Her hands clawed into my pop cheeks and my sack rocked freely back and forth.

I couldn’t withstand her treatment for long and felt my sack twitched and my hot load shot up.
Yvonne Holded my cock firmly enclosed in my hand and increased the pressure.
I thought I had to burst when she suddenly let go of and I splashed her in her mouth.
It was just too much to be able to swallow everything and so she ran out of her mouth again. Her tongue did not escape anything and licked everything up relish.
After everything was clean, she straightened up and we gave ourselves a long tongue kiss.
The taste of my sperm on her lips made me very horny again. Her upper body pressed on mine and I could clearly feel her warts on my hot skin.
My cock started to grow again.

She felt my excitement and let my link slide between her thighs.

The feeling of their damp and warm labia quickly brought it back to full size.
I held her in my arms and pulled her tightly to me but she loosened from me and went over to the window and stood in front of it with legs spread wide.
With her hands she supported the windowsill while her plump breasts floated freely in the air.
“What are you waiting for? Finally come here and fuck me!“She called over me.

The neighbors could certainly watch the spectacle, but I was just too horny to think about it.
She stretched out her horny cracked butt and her vagina shone. I stroked her finger through the damp column and she groaned quietly. The juice smelled seductively and I licked my finger. It tasted more like more and I knelt to cost more of this delicious liquid.
I let my tongue slide over her labia and then spread it with my fingers to be able to caress her clit.

I sucked it tenderly and pressed my face between her wet thighs.
My tongue licked as much cunt juice as possible and I finally put it in the pleasure grotto to do more for more..
Yvonne’s breath became more violent.
“Come on and finally fuck me.

I can no longer stand it.“She groaned loudly.
I straightened up again and let my hard limb press her charm without getting into her.
My glans shared her labia and she extended her back in front of request.
“Finally push too!“She cheered me on.

That didn’t let me say twice and finally penetrated her with a jerk. It was a little violent that she groaned loudly when I almost put it in her. I now slid out of her again and started to fuck her really hard.
“Yes / Yes..

Hmmm … good … oh yes … ”she groaned wildly when I pushed into her wet, tight lust grotto with quick and hard bumps.
Her breasts rocked wildly back and forth and she threw her long hair back.
My hands lay on her crispy buttocks and stimulated the muscle around her anus a little. Her breath was a single moan and suddenly stood still.
I pushed deep into her when it came to her.

Your body, her muscles cramped and then in an explosive orgasm relax.

I didn’t leave her peace and quiet to come to her this time. It didn’t take long and I felt a second time how it came to me and with a loud sigh, I unloaded myself in her.
Exhausted I leaned over her and whispered her ears tenderly that I would have liked such a horny educator in kindergarten and I could only envy the children.
I stroked her breasts a little before we got back to work and the last small wall stroked.

Our bare bodies were full of color and were absolutely necessary to take a shower. Said and done. The bathroom was already finished and so we both put ourselves in the shower.

Yvonne turned the water up and a cold beam let me flinch. She put the right temperature and I started rubbing her body with lotion. With a somewhat rougher washcloth I removed the traces of the color. She turned and I also started to pull her upper body and the rest.

My limb started to grow again but this time we had little time, because my father would come back every moment.
I hurried and she started washing my body as much as I had done with her. When we finally cleaned again I pulled her again and gave her a long kiss. Then we both dried ourselves and I went up again to put on fresh things.
My father was not long in coming.

We ate together and I went up again to surf a little while he was showering briefly and then celebrating the victory won with the other players and thus promotion to the Landesliga.
I made myself comfortable at the top and shortly after he drove it knocked on the door.
“Yes, please,” I called and wondered who was bothered so late in the evening.
“Hi” I heard Yvonne’s voice say. “Well, you’re still chatting?”” No I’m just reading my post “I answered your question.

“So the bump in your pants?“She asked me laughing.
“Well I get a really horny stoiy now and then.””Real???“She asks me incredulously.
“Let’s see.“I opened Word again, which I had minimized and let her read the story.
She was like me and she too got totally hot.
“It’s strong! You also write erotic stories?“She asked me after reading to the end.

I write down everything I have experienced or want to experience. If you want, I also write about this afternoon.”” But please let us write the story together.”The end

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