The blind date | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Jenna felt uncomfortable. Was it really right on it­allow? She didn’t even know this man. They had a few times in Chat met, but they hadn’t even exchanged pictures. “I find it unromantic when you send pictures beforehand,” he said.

Whether he is so ugly that he doesn’t dare to show himself?, Jenna went through his head. She would have loved to send him her pictures. But he had never asked about it.

Although they occasionally Telephone sex Operation, she was now restless and taped on her boots.

Then she ran a few steps to patter in a window pane. She had made herself pretty, but would meet his ideas?

Jenna looked at the slim woman who reflected her out of the window. Her hair was high and gave her a serious look. I look too cool on him? Her hands tugged nervously to their sweaters.

She looked at the clock again. Only a few more minutes and she had her Blind date. I will do everything wrong, she scolded with herself. She clamped her handbag faster under her arm and ran to the meeting point.

A little breath would do her good.

A man came up to her, smiling, confident, elegant. How could it be that despite the other people she found the right one? Her breath punched her. Damn the guy had something. Already she wanted to spread her arms when she suddenly heard a quiet laughter on her ear.

Warm breath grazed her neck. “That was the wrong man,” she heard a pleasant whisper. “Do not turn around”, his words were veneering, “So you like Schönlingen?“She felt her shoulders seized two hands and gently massaged her. “Do you think such beautiful people have necessary to tear down a woman in the chat?“The man behind her giggled again.

“Why do you actually need it to you a man in Internet to search?”

The man’s hands now went on a hike and Jenna stood as if frozen with the salt column. “I…. I … ”, she tried to answer. “Pssst, my love.

Say nothing, I’m talking now!“He laughed again and the urge to see the man with whom she just had a blind date became her to see her. “If you turn around, I’m gone.“Can he read my thoughts, Jenna went through his head. She trembled with curiosity and excitement, but his gentle kind calmed her down.

Electrized, their fine hairs set up as his fingers slid over their arms.

“You will proceed now. There is a small alley back there, you go inside. There is a gear on the rich side. Go in and turn to the wall, wait for me.“In Jenna’s head the emotions exploded.

What did she get involved with this date. Was that now eroticism Pure or had it got into a crazy one? She was hot for a quickie. She had never experienced anything like that. Her heart pounded and she felt her neck pulled up.

“I know what you think now, but nothing will happen to you, trust me.“His voice went down like oil and soothed all waves.

With dry mouth she went in the specified direction and made what her unknown companion expected from her. She stood in the small niche behind the door and looked at the wall. Her heart contracted fearfully and lustfully and she felt incredibly excited.

She had never felt such a feeling. What would happen? If he would fall through them or would he be lovingly explored? Where was he?? You shivered and she just wondered if she should go.

Then she heard the unmistakably creak of a door opened and then closed again. It was three steps to her and she heard how he stepped closer. “Nice that you trust me.”

His hands lay on her hips and pushed her skirt up with ease. The thin fabric slid over and higher Legs up.

Now he had uncovered her butt and his hands slid over her tight curves. “How pretty he is,” he whispered in her ear fleaderly. His hands became more active and circled their butt with more and more intensity.

Then suddenly one hand pushed around her hips and slid into her panties. She saw only a light hand with long from the corner of the eye Finger, which protruded from a sweater.

Then the hand was gone, exactly between her labia. She groaned lustfully.

And suddenly everything went infinitely fast. He pulled his hand back and turned her around.

His lips approached her mouth and lay on her lips, sank into one another. And suddenly she felt that he pushed her string aside and was slowly meandering into her lap. She greedily groaned and her satisfaction She saw that he took this as a sign of being powerful ..

What a horny blind date.

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