Sub and cathedral shortly before falling asleep | Erotic sex stories

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Cathedral and Sub shortly before falling asleep.

Cathedral and Sub shortly before falling asleep

Sub: Duhuuuu ..

Dom: Yes?

Sub: Do you know that you are the best and most beautiful cathedral of the whole world?

Dom: What do you want?

Sub: How do you mean that?

Dom: I know the sound. If you come to me like that, you want something.

Sub: Moi? I your undemanding, always frugal slave? What could I want?

Cathedral: Oh, you want something constantly. So, just yesterday ..

Sub: Kiss me, my big gentleman and master! kiss Me!

Dom: Leave the nonsense and tell me what you want.

Sub: You no longer love me.

Dom: Of course I still love you.

Sub: What does’ still ‘mean here’? I only kept me until something

better around the corner? One who may not do anything, like that

to run around like me?

Dom: shabby?

Sub: Yes, here! Look! The hem of my maid dress is already completely worn out. I urgently need a new one!

Dom: It’s just three weeks old.

Sub: And already worn out! You can see what kind of quality you run around here and let me work here.

Dom: I don’t see anything worn out.

Sub: PFFH! Men! Here! Take a look! And with my evening dress it is exactly the same.

And next week there will be the big SM ball.

Cathedral: You got the evening dress on first.

Sub: Yes. Exactly a quarter of a year ago. This is now completely out of fashion.

Dom: That cost twelve hundred euros. At least that has to be held and the next season.

Sub: So I am so little worth you!

Cathedral: twelve hundred euros? FEW?

Sub: PFFH! I scoop here all day.

Cook and plaster and washing for

you. Make your Sch ** NZ empty whenever you want it. Let me from

use and f ***.

Cathedral: Moooment! You cook and clean and wash for us. For that you have to

do not work and I pay all the scrap here.

And what that

F *** concerns: Who of us will actually come here more often? You

or I?

Sub: That does not apply. Some women come more often than others. The

does Gaaaar mean nothing! Would be even more beautiful if we start here now,

list to who does more for whom.

Cathedral: Exactly.

Sub: Back to the topic.

Dom: we had changed it?

Sub: To the evening dress, I mean.

Dom: I thought the real topic was your maiden dress.

Sub: That too! I need a new one. So, from both a new one.

Dom: is not in.

Sub: then at least one.

Dom: I take on, you mean the evening dress.

Sub: But just because you are the best cathedral, lord, master and lords to the world.

Dom: sling nothing helps.

Sub: But the other slaves all have completely new clothes! I can’t show up with the old rag.

Dom: Then you just go naked.

Sub: Hah?

Cathedral: naked.

So without anything. Only the collar and a chain where I lead you.

Sub: This is not your seriousness now, or now?

Cathedral: clear! It’s awesome! All guys will envy me around you.

Sub: That doesn’t work.

Dom: Why not? Then everyone also see that you have been last time

really got on the ribs. Not that they think,

I let my slave starve or treat her badly.

Sub: I’m not fat!

Dom: Now that I think about it, I always like the thought

better. When the other slaves see how well you

goes, maybe one is finally applying to us on the open

Place as a cleaning slave.

Sub: I’m not fat!!!

Dom: And you would no longer have to do the whole work all alone.

Also that with sex and so you would no longer have to do everything alone. That would definitely be an enormous relief for you.

Sub: is already good. I’ll put the old dress on again.

Cathedral: No No. I like the idea with the naked ball.

Sub: Please please please.

Highly refused gentleman and master! Leave me that

old dress put on again. It’s really miraculous.

Cathedral: nope nope!

Sub: I also blow you one too.

Cathedral: one?

Sub: every evening when you come home. To the ball.

Cathedral: nope!

Sub: And every morning when you become awake.

Cathedral: And the maid dress?

Sub: What about that? That’s still brand new.

Cathedral: wonderful! Mouth on!

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