Get stuck in the elevator with Stefanie | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Finally Quitting time!! I left my hurried step

Office in the 10.

Floor of the office building of my company. Was that again

Day. As a department head of a wholesale company, you have

Unfortunately no regular working time, but there are also beautiful ones

Moments in this job.

Z. B.

this afternoon. We had a meeting with one

new customers and provided him with ours for 3 hours

Services before. (bla bla bla). But so everything is his

A secretary had to be ordered from our

Write the entire session.


Secretary who should take on this task today was

suddenly got sick. As a replacement came one

Trainees of this department. I had this girl

never seen. The little one just looked heavenly.

The long blond hair framed a pretty

Face with round googly eyes and a stupid.

Small, solid breasts were drawn under the bright blouse


She didn’t wore any bra. The white skinny jeans

Recovered a sweet buttock.

She was probably a little shy. With a shy

She greeted the participants and wrote the participants

like everything. When the session ended, I asked her,

whether she would actually enjoy something like that.

she got

Red red on the face and said that she enjoys it

would. Then she hurriedly left the room. Too bad, thought

I. You haven’t had something sweet for a long time.

When I followed my thoughts, he finally came


I got in and pressed the ÄEG “button. The

The elevator started to move, but was already holding back

Stocking deeper. Shit, I thought first, but then

I saw who wanted to go;Today’s trainee


My heart made a jump, uhallo, so late in

the company?”, I asked. She just nodded and said that she

the protocol still finished.

The elevator

put his way down. I broke that

Head about how I could start a conversation now.

But with every second when I couldn’t think of anything, we came

a little closer to the earth again. Suddenly sounded

A loud, screeching sound, the elevator jerked

and then stopped completely. The light flickered briefly, remained

but on.

The girl screamed quietly and looked at me anxiously

and seeking help.

Atja, I think we have to do a little overtime

do it, ”I say in a joke to her.

I pressed on one

Couple buttons, but nothing happened.

Then I tried the emergency button. It reported

a distorted sounding voice. I explained our

problem. I found the answer we heard

Not so uncomfortable: Äo.K.

We’ll get you out of it. The

But can take a little longer because our fitter is currently

has driven to a different emergency. Two hours ago

Is that nothing.”

The girl started crying quietly. I stroked her over

The beautiful hair and tried to calm her down a little:

Osie don’t need to be afraid, do it

comfortably and sit on the ground “I let myself be

Just slide down where I stood and made it to me


After a while the girl also sat down.


They are actually called?”I asked her.Aestefanie Bertram “,

she answered. eo.K.

Stefanie, I’m hot Wolfgang and I think we are here

we should spend some time together

duk. Agreed?“Aja, if you mean, before

you mean. When she was sitting there, I could do her wonderful

Admire the profile of the side.

The little breasts raised

and quickly lowered under the blouse. In every

Inhaled the nipples pressed through the soft fabric. The

Jeans was really tight. Probably too tight as I am now

noticed the corners of the eye.

Slowly hiked their

Hands on the waistband and very inconspicuous

she tried to open the button under the belt. She

But probably did not come about it, but then tried it

With the other hand. None, the belt was probably

too tightly strapped. When she gave up her attempt she had

Another bright red head and small sweat beads

on the forehead.

She suddenly jumped up from the ground. Äich

I have to do a little Legs represented, ”she said and

Then took two steps to the left and then back again,

leaned against the wall and pressed her thighs firmly

together. Aha, now I also understood the action to myself

the button;The tight trousers pressed her directly while sitting

on the bladder and it seemed to be well filled. Now it fell

to me again that you almost have one during the session

had drunk the whole jug of tea alone.

äist everything with you

okay, Stefanie, ”I asked her, ädu see quite a bit

nervous “. aja, thank you I’m fine, ”she pressed out.

A little tremor ran through her beautiful body.

In order to distract them a little, I thought she should something of

tell oneself.

But the answers only came under heavy breathing

out: Äich am 18 years old and right after mine

Real degree for training came to this company.”

Zack, end of the dialogue. In the last words

she crossed her legs across cross. Probably

she could better stand the pressure of her bladder.

Suddenly a few tears came out of her again

Run over any cuminice.

I jumped up and just took her

in the arm. She had still crossed her legs. I

raised her face so that you look into my eyes

had to: Ähe, Stefanie, now you tell me what’s going on, why

are you crying”? Äich must be very urgent on the toilet, me

Have a very weak bladder, ”she breathed. a half

you don’t need to cry, we will be freed right away

And then you can go to the toilet directly in the foyer

go.”I can hardly stand it,” was her answer.

In doing so, she stuck her hand clenched to the fist

their legs and pressed too.

The ankles of the fingers occurred

point out that she pressed so strongly.

I had a huge stand in my pants, the situation

made me absolutely cool. The little one by hand

Between the legs, only through the jeans from their

Comfort column separated, with slightly panicked

Facial expression.

You can do the Pipi elevator here, ”I asked

she? Äich also turn around ”and admired with mine

Proceeding the complete mirroring of the 3.5 square meter

Room. änein, I don’t do that, my bladder is so full,

… … “

The rest of what she wanted to say went into trembling

her body under. Then she said five minutes

nothing more.

Äkann it happens that you are right into the

Pants do it, ”I asked her after a while and watched

they love. Äich think I can no longer

Hold for a long time, I think I’m doing here in the

Elevator”. She started nesting her belt, but when she

tried to put on the belt a bit to get it too

Open, let him go again and put her hand again

Quickly again between the legs. The light additionally

Pressure of the belt was probably too much for her bubble.

That meant,

that she couldn’t pull the pants down to pee too

do it because they couldn’t open the belt. I had

now a hand in my pocket and

Ferry mine tail by the food. I thought

Only if she turns into your pants here in the elevator,

I spray in my pants.

When I see your person seeking help, I take her

back in her arm and gently stroke her over the

Back. I will help you a little, ”I ask her?

You want to do that, ”she sobs? Slow

I push my flat hand between her legs and

Press the festivals against your step.

I can do the arches

Feel the labia. She leans her head to mine

Shoulder and says: Äja, that’s how it works, now I can

Standing, your hand is stronger than my bladder pressure. I

I am annoyed by myself that it is so bad now

has come. I had to in the office on the toilet,

But because the whole floor was already empty, I just had

Fear alone and wanted to make Pipi later.” Sometimes

I press a little more firmly, but she asks me immediately

to keep calm, otherwise it would be worse again


Suddenly there is a jerk and the cabin drives two

Meter down, where it stops again.

Due to the unexpected movement, I stumble a step

backwards and hold onto the wall.


stands with your back to the wall and looks at me

Ferred eyes. She has both hands on that

railing attached in the elevator. I hear a quiet one

Hiss and look directly at your pants. She has her legs

now no longer pressed together, but simply

stand next to each other.

Slowly forms a darker one

Stain at the point where I was my hand. she is

now how paralyzed.

älass just run Stefanie, ”I ask her. She

Doesn’t seem to be heard at all. The stain becomes quick

bigger and bigger and spreads on the inside of the

Thighs off faster and faster.

The first drops

Run from the right pants leg again below


But that was only the beginning. no longer can no longer

Stop, ”she groans and pisses so much now that the

Beam comes straight out of the pants. To your

Feet Forms a lake and it stands in it immobile

and wait until your bubble is completely empty. As the last

Lawps of the drops from the pants, they start again

Cry and think that the fright was so big that they were

Has lost control of your body.

Äwas I should

Now only do it, I can’t go outside

go, it’s so terribly embarrassing, ”she sobs.

Äkein problem, I have my car right on

Stand back exit and then we drive to

me, wash your pants and then throw them in the


She looks at me gratefully. She sees that mine

Pants have a big bump. Shy she asks if me

that would have turned out when she put Pipi in her pants.

äund how, I think that’s absolutely cool, ”I explain to her and

stroke her through the cute face. Suddenly feel

me your hand, which is slowly at the level of the zipper

my suit trousers circled.

I whisper her in her ear she

should stop immediately, otherwise I would in my pants

explode. If you count someone I pee in the

Has done pants, ”she suddenly asks me? änein, that

remains our secret, ”I answer and stroke over

Your little breasts. Ädanke, ”she says, gives me a kiss

and lets your hand circle again. I notice how

my whole lower body contracts.

I feel now

everything doesn’t matter. I just inject with a huge orgasm

In my pants. Now there is also a stain for me


The action was so horny that I didn’t even notice that

the elevator continued and continued on the ground floor and the

Doors opened. But we were actually alone in


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