Was made on vacation on a marriage lamp | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

-I was inspired by the photos of this story. she is the beginning a longer story that I will continue to tell if my time is allowed. Thanks to Ute and Fritz. (Ute) Fritz said shortly after Milan that we should take a longer break. He was right. We started in Hamburg in the early evening, once stopped in Basel, but only briefly to buy the vignette for the Swiss motorway, drank coffee and made Pipi.

We liked to drive at night, less traffic and the arrival in Tuscany in the early morning were a dream for us. Before we would get our holiday home, we could still go to the beach, swimming the hardness of the long journey in the sea out of the body. As always, Fritz had packed his things quickly. Only when choosing his vacation reading had taken a lot of time. On the other hand, I had stood in front of the wardrobe and thought of wearing a whole closet full of nothing.

Had put summer dresses, shorts, underwear, bikinis and summer sweaters on the bed. The shoes, oh I always took too many in the Vacation, on the floor. In addition to sandals and comfortable moccasins, I had also reached a few high heels. I knew about the effect that I exercised naked in these shoes on Fritz. During our last vacation my husband had me when I appeared freshly shaved in these murderers, pushed onto the balcony of the hotel and leaning on the parapet.

While he had taken me from behind, I looked at the sea. I had had to bite my hand, otherwise I would have woken up the other guests with my screams. The thought on it made me a little restless. The next rest of the rest only comes in 50 kilometers, I pointed to the navigation device. It doesn’t matter, a normal parking lot would do it too, Fritz grumbled. But there would be no toilet, I turned, and maybe it was dangerous.

Oh what, there are at most a few snoring truck – driver and I could hit myself in the bushes. Great, and then everything is dirty and tensioner may also exist there too. Oh Ute, don’t be so bitchy if you have shit, then I accompany you at the pee. He grins at me. I didn’t understand why there was something to grin. I wanted to know from him whether it also thought of our toys when we had packed our car.

I should watch the glove compartment. There were the vibe, the plug that is so goodwill and handcuffs me. Handcuffs?! Fritz grinned at me. Maybe he would like to bind me in the holiday home on a tree into the garden, he laughed at me. But only if I can fuck the entire neighborhood, I had grinned back. Fritz put the indicator and left the car bike. The parking lot was in the dark, only one lantern donated sparse light over a wooden dining area.

The trucks lined up in columns stood across the highway. Fritz had the car rolled out and switched off the engine. Whether I would continue later? I nodded. Then he would get a can of beer from the cool box in the trunk and got out. Warm air flowed inside. I thought I smelled the scent of pine trees and the sea. Here in the Lombardy, probably an imagination that was due to the anticipation for vacation.

I looked at the instruments. It was a 1:58 a.m. and 21 degrees warm. I also left the car and carefully peeked into the area. No sound and no movement were heard. Fritz leaned on the car, sucked his beer and smoked a cigarette. I reached under my dress and took off my panties. Peeing the art in crouching with the panties on the ankles, I had never dominated. Most of the pee then went into the pants.

I put the slip in the passenger seat. Fritz grinned at me, said that when the sleeping truck drivers had seen and recommended that I would let it run in place right away. No! A little intimacy had to be. It was the same as I thought it was. There were remnants of paper everywhere and even two condoms used in a bush. Disgusting! In a corner I found a reasonably clean place. Fritz had followed me.

I kneeled. Emptying such a full bubble always has something of a mini orgasm. I listened to my own rippling. Fritz fetched his tail from the pants. He was slightly swollen. It looked good as he strulled against a tree. I was just thinking whether his urine would taste as delicious as his sperm, when the light cone of a car grazed through the bushes. We abruptly ended our actions and went back to the car.

We quickly locked the doors, saw a black sedan drove to the parking lot and came to a standstill shortly before the lantern. The driver’s door was opened. A man in a black linen suit got out, circle the car and pulled the passenger door open. A woman appeared. Except for holding stockings and high shoes, she had nothing on her body. Her long black braid ended on the hollow in her back. Fritz cleared his throat. The woman went on all fours.

We could see that she was wearing a dog collar and the man took her to the leash. The sight immediately drove me into the abdomen. I grazed my shoes, put my feet on the dashboard. I looked for Fritz’s hand and led her to my vagina. What’s going on here, he whispered and pushed a finger in me. I instinctively raised my pelvis, got wet, shit the stupid thoughts that I would take the seat.

The woman, pulled on a leash, crawled to the table. Her full breasts rocked with every movement. Her hips were slightly filled. What a horny woman, Fritz sighed open. I grazed the wearers of my dress and got my breasts out. Jealous? My husband murmured. No, horny! Another finger, I begged. Fitz could not be ripped off and pushed two more into me. I tensioned myself, contracted myself. Like a secret sign, the doors of the trucks opened.

Men in shorts and worn out jogging pants emerged from the driver’s cabin. The man forces the woman to kneel the bench of the seating group. Their black pubic hair was clearly seen in the light of the lantern. What kind of brush, Fritz breathed heavily. Excellent! I have been shaving for him for years because he would rather lick a bare snail than to get lost in a jungle and then something like that! Men?!? The woman’s a **** cunt had something.

I raised Fritz the zipper of his pants. He was stiff! No, his cock was hard as an iron. I took my hand and stroked the glans. He grumbled up. Some of the men slid their pants, others massaged through the fabric. The man in the suit nodded to a driver who stepped behind the woman and pushed into her. Her scream echoed across the square. Oh my god, it was horny. I had to pluck my nipples out of sheer excitement.

Another stood in front of the woman and presented her his hard member. She picked it up. That was exactly what needed now, leaning over my husband, reaching under the seat so that he pushed back and took it into my mouth. He tasted a bit like urine, which I simply didn’t care about. I just wanted to have it and taste. Fritz grunted, pushed his hips up to get deeper into my mouth.

In his greed he wanted to determine the rhythm. I let him slip out. I could do that now, he groaned. He should describe everything that is done with the woman, I asked him to, stroked my tongue on his frenulum and put it in as deep as possible. Fritz opened the side windows into a small gap. The mumbling and grunt of the men was clearly listening. The woman gasped and panted.

Now she is probably fucked in the ass, murmured Fritz and tried to penetrate my throat again. I kneaded his scrotum. You run the sperm out of her black bush, Fritz began to tremble, one spray on her face. He encompassed my head and used it to masturbate. I fought out completely, my eyes filled with tears, I felt it in my stomach. The idea that I now also had a cock in my cunt led to contractions immediately.

With a quiet cry he put himself in my throat, his juice shot directly into my throat, my swallowing movement seemed to irritate her even more. He no longer stopped ejaculation. A pointed scream from the woman! I put myself up quickly and stared through the windshield. The woman was twice penetrated. A guy was lying on the back, another bumped into her buttocks. He had wrapped her braid around his fist and conducted her like a mare.

After our last vacation we watched porn films together and driven it. The roar from the speakers had made us sharp. But this was a little different. In the films I felt like I was just there, here the feeling of being in the middle of. Fritz was completely matted in his seat, remnants of sperm dripped out of his limb member. I rubbed my clit like a stupid, so hard that it almost hurt.

The woman was also pushed a cock into her mouth. My orgasm came so suddenly that I had to stop briefly. The gush that shot out of me claps on the window and ran onto the dashboard. I heard a Wouw from Fritz, rubbed myself and gave me up completely. It was hot. At least 30 degrees. One had the feeling that half of Italy was on this beach. People as far as the eye to see. I lay on my stomach and pushed the straw hat into the neck.

Krausser’s book > Loneliness and sex and pity< Was well written, especially the beginning in which the little one chats into her phone in Starbucks and asks in front of everyone whether she should be licked her cunt. I let my gaze wander over the beach. So many naked people are completely unotic. Ute lay next to me and let the sun burn on her bare breasts. The two boys, who were maybe 5 meters away, were starey at them.

My wife also has nice tits. Although I had seen her 1000 times, they still practiced an extraordinarily charm on me. Especially when their nipples stiffen. Just bite in. I guess the boys, so in the early 20 years, slim body that suggested on regular sport. One had a black cuddly head with a classic Tuscan profile. The other was slightly blonde, more muscular and didn’t seem to come here from the area.

Ute straightened up, probably looked through her black sunglasses to the sea and knocked the sand off her breast. The boys almost fell out of their heads. She reached into the beach bag next to it and took a bottle of sun oil, kept it questioningly to me. I shook my head and said: Maybe later. She pushed a little oil out of the bottle into her hands and began to rub her breasts with slow movements.

The boys became restless. Something had to have triggered a stimulus in Ute, because her warts stiffen. A swimming trunks arched up. The other turned into his stomach at lightning speed and pressed into the sand. How well I knew that, I had at that age Swimming pool The women watched, not the girls who were inexperienced, giggled stupid and were only careful to look good. No older people were taken with me, with the big breasts and full thighs.

Today you would say the Milfs. I had observed her how they turned on their towels and kept their big tits in the sun. Just like the boy next to us, had grated me on the ground and wanked me into my swimming trunks, or wrapped me a towel around my hip so that nobody noticed my erection, had run into the changing rooms and had taken me down one. Sometimes twice in one afternoon. In the evening I was the garage in which I discovered my father’s porn poems and had waxed while standing.

Emptying me five times a day was no problem. Today it was already an art for me to inject twice in a row. The youth was nice because it never returns. Sometimes the women had also slipped the bridge of their bikini panties and I was granted a look at a hairy column. That had put me in stirrup so that I fled myself into the bushes and made myself easier there. This fate should be spared the two boys.

For one I could already see the tip of the tail that was out of his swimming trunks. I got up, I got up, grabbed my cell phone and the car keys. There are long fingers everywhere. I knocked the sand off my legs and asked Ute to come with me. People watched me, but rose well, her nipples still hadn’t calmed down. I took her by the hand and led her to the boys. They looked at me frightened, tried to hide their erections.

With hand moving I appeased them. My wife wants to suck you. Ute pinched my hand, wanted to say something. If you already make her sharply, you should also have something of it, a perhaps an emerging contradiction from her I came before. The boys looked at me without understanding. Clearly they did not understand my language. The movements with the tongue in my cheek bag and the finger on my wife understood them very well. You rose quickly.

I didn’t have to pull Ute behind the dunes, it was almost one step ahead of me. The bushes was opaque. I pressed Ute on my knees. The curly young man pulled down his swimming trunks. His limb was thick and short. I could almost see the veins pulsate. Ute accepted him immediately. A cozy grunt, as she always existed, when she sucked my cock, could be heard. She should do it right, I warned her, because maybe it would be for the boys the first time And you should remember that in good memory.

Ute showed a raised thumb and continued to suck on the boy. Ute should also get a memory of her first little demonstration. I took my phone and put it on video mode. Through the focus I could clearly see Utes sip of movements. She had completely sucked her tail, put her hands on the bottom, which was similar to that of Michelangelos David. The boy’s knees trembled like Espenlaub, with a quiet scream he pushed even deeper into my wife’s neck.

She swallowed and swallowed. His face was distorted with lust. The other one pushed him as side. His limb almost seemed to burst. He was well stocked, I had to recognize that without anywhere. The thick acorn was just before the burst. Ute wanted to jerk him, wanted to have his juice on her tits. No chance. The guy fucked her so much in her mouth that tears were dripping on her cheeks below the sunglasses. The sight made me infinitely awesome.

I could only keep my cell phone on this scene. He had his hands around her head and used her. Ute had no chance of licking or sucking. She was just fucked. He said something in a language completely incomprehensible to me. Her neck widened, I thought I saw how his glans were looking for more and more depth in Ute. My wife grunted comfortably. The boy probably shot his juice directly into her esophagus.

(Ute) madness! Within three or five minutes, two large amount of sperm had ended up in my stomach. So easy from zero to a hundred. Ok, I had noticed the two boys and their excitement very well. Maybe I had provoked her a little too. Which woman does not like it when you get cocks stiff when you see it. I really like it. I actually didn’t have to do anything. The two had fucked me in my mouth and emptied in me, just like that, I was only used.

Finally another cock than to have Fritz’s mouth again, and then two. I had to pinch my legs together, still had the sperm taste in my mouth. Fritz calmly steered the car as if nothing had happened. And I soon came across pleasure. After the boys had rolled up, I would like to crawl on the beach on all fours to present my buttocks. Can someone please fuck me?!?! Fritz had gone swimming and left me alone in my excitement.

My bikini panties had been wet. The boys had packed up their things, the cradle head had stepped to me with a lovely smile, said Gracie, gave me a note with a phone number. His coveted look at my body had made me even hotter. Now Fritz also stopped in front of a wine business! I just wanted to be back to our holiday home and fucked. Fritz disappeared into the shop. I had put a finger in his buttocks to the one guy, which had led to a further stiffening of his already a bursting tail.

Why is he going to buy my wine now? We have a number of bottles in our holiday home. I wanted to know why he bought so much wine when he loaded two boxes into the car. Maybe he would like to invite the whole village so that they would slide over me. Oh, God, don’t say something like that, I could agree to it and fingered myself. His diabolical grin made me even more lively. I just wanted to finally be fucked, I grabbed his cock.

He gently pushed my hand away, said when, who and how would fuck me, would only be his matter. Oops, what had happened? The number at the beach Had transformed my husband, crawled out of unexpected cravings that made me curious. One boy gave me his phone number, I let Fritz know. Well, maybe he has a few more brothers, he had to stop at a red traffic light, turned his face to me. You can then empty them, he looked deep into my eyes.

Don’t say that, I would make it smooth. Well, he hopes that we drove on. The little Fiat from Giulia parked in front of our house. Not that yet. I could hardly stand it anymore, had no desire for any conversations with her. With the arms spread out, she received us, brought vegetables, tomatoes and wine. Fritz hugged her more than warmly, whispering something in her ear. A stab of jealousy passed me. Ridiculous after what I did today.

Despite it! I should make myself a little fresh, he recommended me and the glove compartment in the car to empty. The thought of it made me knee. Before I disappeared into the bathroom, I got the things out of the car well. The shower was beneficial, washed the sand and the oil from my skin. I couldn’t let it steer the hard water jet between my legs. But he had to leave it again, because my orgasms should belong to Fritz.

While I creamed myself, Fritz Kitz remembered me on departure. He would bind me to a tree with the handcuffs. Maybe he had my answer, but only if the entire neighborhood fuck me, yes, taken seriously. And that was only the beginning today. At the thought I produced liquid again. With the moisture, no problem had the plug in my buttocks. We had played with him earlier. Once we had even went shopping in me with the thing.

This feeling of being filled out and the thought of it I had made it so sharp that we both had driven it on the toilet in a shopping center. I heard Giulia amazed that she was also available for something like that and that Fritz could congratulate herself to such a great woman. I have no idea what the two talked about? I pulled another linen dress over my head, wanted to reach for the high heels, I didn’t want to show myself in an elevator in the presence of our landlord.

I went to the residential hall with bare feet. Giulia and Fritz looked into his cell phone. Giulia clapped me into her hands, cried allora, she didn’t want to disturb, came past me and her mouth so close to my ear that her hair tickled on my cheek. I would definitely need it now urgently. Before I could ask what she meant by it, it was already disappearing. I knelt on the bench in front of the dining table, pushed my dress up and presented Fritz my bare buttocks.

fuck me! Or should I suck your cock like the two Bengels first? His answer was a violent push into my cunt. Tight and filled out, just as I liked it. It came to me immediately, all the pent -up, the lust, the greed clung to the thing in my buttocks and the tail in my pussy. He can do everything with me. EVERYTHING! I screamed into the room. No consideration of me, I would only be there to satisfy his greed.

There would be no no! Fritz pulled his cock out of me with a jerk, then he replaced the plug in my buttocks with him. He fucked me like an animal, wanted to know what he was doing with me. He would fuck me in the ass, so I screamed and begged it as long as possible and as hard as possible. When he shot his cargo in my intestine, it had happened to me. >It continues: Ute fucks himself through the vineyards and Fritz degrades his wife to a fuck piece<.

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