The Toyboy | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

He is a normal teenager, just 18 years old, student, athletes … let’s call him Tom.

His parents go on their long -awaited world tour for a few months. So that her offspring can attend school and is well accommodated, he should move to Ms. Müller during this time, a colleague of his Mother and former neighbor to whom his family have a good one Contact has. Tom was so brought up adults with her. And Iris Müller has never offered him the “you”.

Of all people to Ms. Müller .

Tom likes her, she’s nice and funny and always has a little pocket money for him. But she reminds him of an old school teacher. She is so 34 years old he thought he remembered. She always wears trousers or a skirt that extends her knees, a jacket in the same color and underneath a mostly white blouse.

Your hair is always blondly put up with a strict bun. Whether they are real? Tom has the theory with his friends whether the Müller could be something of a dominatrix. But she works with his mother at a bank in a corresponding position, so such an occurrence is required.

Of all things to Iris Müller. He lives with his parents in a beautiful condominium and Ms. Müller in a small row house.

He knows that she has a sauna and a whirlpool in the basement but did not believe it used. At the end there is a torture basement behind a hidden door. His room will be missing with his privacy. The game console is packed and the laptop but he can also do its relevant pages in the Internet visit? Sunday evening and the time has come.

It rings on the door and Tom hears that the miller has come. He stays in his room, he has no desire for the coffee gossip. Than being Father Calls he goes to you and Ms. Müller greets him with a hug, despite her high heels, she has to face her tips of your toes, because Tom is loosely a head than the petite woman. The suitcases are quickly stowed in Ms. Müller’s sleek car and he says goodbye to his parents.

The Müller gives him the car key “You have a driver’s license”.

Tom is enthusiastic and opens the passenger door to her. “Oh, a young gentleman, I praise myself” notes Ms. Müller . Tom stands behind the steering wheel, sets everything up for himself and proudly starts. Hardly driven off Ms. Müller grazes her shoes “So it’s more comfortable” she laughs at Tom and he is amazed.

Iris Müller sits barefoot next to him. She has beautiful feet with red painted nails noticea. The nails of her slim hands are also painted in the same red. And he also perceives the fragrance its perfume.

So he has never noticed it.

After a short drive you arrive at Ms. Müller’s house. When the car comes to a standstill, he opens the door for her again what she thanks and goes into the house with her shoes in her hand. She puts her shoes off, pulls out her jacket and runs ahead Tom. Your bare feet clap quietly on the floor tiles.

“I prepared the guest room for you,” she says and opens the door to him. Tom likes it. A closet, bed, a small couch, a desk and a television

.“Apparently you like it. Then set up and then there is dinner, ”she smiles and goes down with a racy hip swing.

Tom admitted his things and goes to Ms. Müller in the kitchen. At a dinner together, they discuss tomorrow’s day and things like keys, laundry and when they are back in the house. Tom looks at the miller and suspects a large bust size under the arch of her blouse. Of course he helps her clean up and observes her secretly.

Then he goes into his room and looked away until he lays down to sleep.

The alarm clock rings without mercy Monday morning. Tom stretches comfortably and grabs his morning latte. He pushes his foreskin up and down until him can think of that Ms. Müller could come in. It knocks on the door “Get up Tommy” he hears the millers .

“Come on” he whispers and makes his way into the bathroom. He holds his clothes in front of him that his stand is hidden in the boxer shorts in the event of a case.

He opens the door a gap and looks carefully whether the air is in. And then he sees her. A hot woman in a short kimono, with long beautiful legs and blond hair that reached over her butt.

The beauty disappears in the Müller bedroom. She is gone and Tom shook quickly into the bathroom. He sets himself fresh, dresses and goes for breakfast. Ms. Müller is already in her usual outfit below and greets him with a smile.

He doesn’t dare ask her about the unknown woman. Then both go after their everyday life.

Tom still has sports after school. He comes into the house and goes into the basement. There are the small sauna and the whirlpool that is built into the ground in a separate room.

“Looks like they are in use” he thinks and goes into the laundry room to put his used clothes in a laundry basket. He is surprised when he sees a silk kimono in the basket as the woman was on this morning. He takes him and smells of him and takes the perfume of Ms. Müller.

He didn’t do it – Iris Müller is the unknown beauty. He searches the laundry curiously.

He sees the blouses of the millers, cotton panties, leisure clothes and something interesting. A little sexy bra and the right tanga, as close as those of his wank templates on the Internet. He takes the tanga and carefully smells of the triangle of fabric. Tom perceives the sharp smell of a woman.

Radio, he clears the laundry back into the basket. The fabric of the tangas was on the sheath of the millers. This is a little bit for him and he goes to his room.

The next morning all concerns are gone. He wants to see her again and is already at ready as Ms. Müller at the door.

The door was carefully opened by the gap and is not disappointed. Again the provocative woman in the Müller bedroom disappears . He is sure that it is Iris Müller but you will still be allowed to look and the curiosity eliminates all of his concerns.

After school he puts his sports clothes in the laundry basket but he no longer interests him. Tom wants to know exactly and Ms. Müller only comes from her work in a good two hours.

He goes up and with a guilty conscience he enters the Müller bedroom . The big bed cannot be overlooked, but his interest applies to the wardrobe. In it he finds the silky kimonos that she always has in the morning. In the drawer with her underwear it is disappointed because there are only parts as she has his mother.

Then he lands a hit.

A whole compartment full of the scarce parts, and a lot of it in the packaging on which he can read amazed “Sexy Stringbikini” . His limb is stiffened quickly and he wants to see more. And already in the first drawer of the night box he doesn’t trust his eyes. Ms. Müller had sex toys.

He saw various toys, vibratory, dildo, lubricant, massage oil … As if from senses, he goes to his room and research on the Internet about his finds. He quickly finds pictures of hot girls in such bikinis and it excites him more and more than he sees the pictures of women in the parts that only hide little hide.

Why Ms. Müller has so many he doesn’t care now, but he will find out. It was only important for him that she was wearing such hot parts. He also finds the sex toys on the relevant side and how to use them.

Tom can no longer master himself and got involved in his thick swollen link until he pours his sperm into several handkerchiefs. Then he decides to get to know Iris Müller better.

He has the opportunity to do so in the evening. “And what else do you do today?“Ms. Müller asks him. Tom replies “learning, showering and then looking at the international match”.

She says “I will also look at that” and Tom rules quickly “We can look at it together Ms. Müller”. The miller is happy “Cool idea! I am happy about society. And let the Ms. Müller – just call me Iris “. Tom puts on just in time for the start of the game the couch In the living room and then he is amazed.

Iris comes in, barefoot into leggings in which their long, beautiful legs and their crisp butt are emerging. A tight t-shirt that shows the contours of the large DD overall and its flat abdomen. That the big, firm and well -shaped breast is not real is also clear to the teenager, but this sight doesn’t matter. Her long hair bound to a ponytail laughs her pretty face her guest “Is what Tommy is?”” Well, so loosely in leisure clothes – that’s how she knows – don’t apologize Iris “he says.

“Well, a certain appearance is required in my job, but of course I like it in my free time,” she explains to him and puts her legs up on the couch.

Pass for a few days.
In the morning Tom is already looking forward to the short but sexy appearance of Iris he enjoys through a gap as well as his television evening together. The weekend comes and after dinner Iris asked him “Today is Friday when I always go down into the sauna. Are you coming with me?“Tom negates with a red head. She smiled “You are committed – so cute” gave him a kiss on his cheek and sets off.

Saturday Iris asks him to mow the lawn in the small garden, which of course he likes to do for them.

It is very warm and he worked in short pants and up without while Iris does the household. She brings him to drink a glass of water. When he consumed the refreshment, he noticed how Iris is pushing him. Your eyes slide over his young and sporty body.

He gives her back the glass and while she takes a little sip out of the glass she looks into his eyes in a certain way. Then she goes back to the house and Tom stares on her tight butt in the leggings.

In the evening, Tom sits on the couch and Iris is lounging into a corner. She cheekily put her legs on his. He looks at her and she comes to him.

“Already too big to cuddle a little?”She whispers and Tom smiles” of course not “. She hugs him and Tom puts his arm around her. He finds contact with your body beautiful and somehow exciting. He has to be careful not to notice the bump in your pants.

The next morning after the secret view of his roommate, he only goes into the bathroom in his boxer shorts in the corner of his eye that the door to the Iris bedroom is open a gap.

In the bathroom it shoots him through his head “Iris covered me! She finds me really hot?“These thoughts excite him that he has to make his stiff relief. Again a clear head he thinks “I look at her too, then she can also look at me.“The two get a very friendly relationship and their conversations will be accordingly. Tom learns the Iris single is because she does not want to tie and enjoy her life and Iris about Tom that he has not yet had a girlfriend. On the subject of contraception, she reveals to him that she gets the three -month injection.

There are a few weeks with the mutual morning clamping and cuddling on the evenings. But Tom rejects the invitation to the sauna every Friday.

The holidays come and Iris can have a few weeks during this time Vacation take. Normally she spends her vacation with her school friend Diana, who lives in Frankfurt and with whom she often calls or chats. In the first week of vacation, she decides to shop for him with Tom clothes.

Both have fun and she finds cool parts for him. Iris also takes something for him from the department with underwear. He sees that she buys some sporty and sexy minislips. “I have my boxer shorts” says Tom and Iris whispers “such a well built young man can be a little sexy”.

Tom becomes red, but it was also very impressed. “If Iris likes the briefs then she should see them,” Tom thinks the next morning and puts on a panties.

He was tight and scarce and Tom comes naked in it. But his streak butt is clearly evident and his penis appears clearly in a great exploitation. He waits until, as always, the door of Iris closes and then goes towards the bathroom.

As usual, his host’s door is open and Tom stops in front of the bathroom. He lifts his arms as if he wants to stretch. He wants to see iris so posing . In the bathroom he goes to the hallway and comes to a standstill.

Iris stands in her kimono and with open hair in front of him. She steps on his hands on him on his shoulders, stands on her tips of her toe and puts a kiss on his cheek and breathes into his ear “Good morning Tommy, the panties are really hot”. He brings out a “good morning Iris”. She laughs “Really a sexy part, I like mine
cutie pie .“And she liked Tom.

“Happy” he replies and heads into his room in the hope that Iris does not notice his excited limb.

The meeting with Iris this Friday morning Tom is very tight. On the other hand, she is very exuberant and in the evening she calls “It is Friday evening, on the sauna Tommy”. Before he can reject again, she said “You don’t have to be committed, we both have a towel and I will not look away from you. It will relax you and do you good sweeter.

“Tom gets up and follows her in the basement. When he comes into the heated room, he still sees how Iris goes into a large towel in the sauna. He pulls out, wrapped a towel around his hips and enters the hot sauna. Iris sits on the wooden bench, leaning her head back, her long hair puts up with a tangled ball, her eyes closed and she enjoys the heat.

Tom quickly sits down next to her, crouches and supported his hard penis with entangled arms. He briefly frightens when Iris strokes his back with one hand and starts massaging a shoulder.

“Relax yourself” she says to him, but he stiffens and snorts like a bull. Iris quickly notices Tom’s real stiffening. She gets up from the bank, kneels in front of him and puts her hands on his knees.

“For the first time with an almost naked woman alone?“She asked him and Tom nods briefly. She whispered to him “and then in such a small room in this heat, and no little friend who gives you relief. Do you find me so attractive?“He nods again. She asked him “Should I help you a little bit? I promise you nothing to see from your stiff member.“She pulls his entangled arms apart and sees the high place on the towel and provides a quiet but amazed“ Oh ”.

Tom claws with his hands on the bank’s edge.

Slowly she leads her hand under the cloth to his stiff member. He feels how her fingers lie around his stand and drive up and down on his limb. Your other hand caress his thighs covered by the towel. Again and again she whispers to him “Relax, just let yourself be relaxed, that’s nice, not just cumshot – enjoy it.“The feeling that Tom flows through is becoming more and more pleasant and he leans back heavily and lets things relax the course of the things.

From time to time he opens his eyes and looked at Iris to the lustful his eyes returned.

Her grip around his penis becomes tighter she pushes his foreskin down and her hand jerked him from the glans to the shaft. She gets closer to him, presses her body on his leg and breathes heavily and begins to moan. With a greedy look she becomes louder “Oh yes my sweeter, you have a horny piece tail Since we jelly a stallion, I let you cum my young stallion properly.“In the heat of the sauna, the drops of sweat run down to Tom. He is very excited and his body begins to wind with well -being and his pelvis lifts and lowered.

Iris is as if from his senses and groanes loudly while she really cheers “Come on” Give it to me, fuck my hand, fuck her with your horny cock “. Tom works to hold back his effusion.
Both are so excited that they don’t care how old they are and in what relationship they actually stand.

Tom can no longer hold it, he presses his pelvis before and with loud moan he comes to orgasm. Iris jerks him screeching “Spray baby, give me your horny juice, spray from you horny stallion.“Tom’s sperm sprays from his twitching cock into the towel. He injects in several bumps and it runs over the hand of his wild girlfriend who kept wanking until his member is slow.

He looks down to Iris who struggles to calm down.

It has become silent in the small sauna. Iris takes the word and whispers Tom to “Well, now relieved? I have to cool down when you are finished the towel in the laundry, that was a good amount.“She smiles at him and leaves the sauna and shower off.

Tom is still waiting a little when the noise of the shower is gone. I then stand under the cool shower. He puts on a fresh panties and made his way up. He doesn’t come to his room.

There is some light under the door gap of Iris’ bedroom and he thinks he hears clear noises. Tom carefully opens the door and sees Iris lying on her bed, wrapped in her towel and her hands between her legs. She lies with her head in his direction that he can’t really see anything, but he takes his courage together and enters the room and only stands in front of the bed with his tight panties. Iris immediately lets off and pulls the towel down to her knees and turned on the stomach.

With a shy facial expression, she looks at him on “Hey sweeter, that just excited me too.“Tom says“ I can also help you a little if I promise nothing to see?“Iris’ eyes are changing and she starts to smile cheekily.

She lies on her back and pulls her duvet up to her stomach. She reaches under the ceiling and looks at Tom with a lasciviously when she pushes the towel under the ceiling so that her abdomen is free. “Come here sweet and lie down to me” she breathes and Tom climbs onto the bed and lies on the side of Iris . She takes his hand, leads her under the ceiling and places her on her flat stomach.

As Tom stroked her abdominal blanket, she pulls out her hand, hugs it and presses it. “Come baby, do it to me” she whispers Tom too. Researching rush down his fingertips down to your venus hill, which is clean and smoothly shaved. She sighs and Tom watches her face to look at her excitement.

She breathes heavily and he comes to her clit with his index finger and massages it gently until she begins to moan with pleasure. Then he adds his middle finger and pushes both fingers up and down between their labia. “Oh yes, do it sweet, edit my hot pussy.“Your vagina is getting wetter and Tom is working faster and faster and with more pressure. The theory lessons with the porn films on the Internet pay off.

Iris is getting hotter and Tom pushes his fingers into her vagina. He pushes her in and out while her body starts working.

Your pelvis begins to push and circle and Tom increases his pace. The moaning of Iris is getting louder and she gives short shrill screams of herself. Toms penis is stiffened to considerable size again and he presses in the tight panties.

He starts rubbing through the duvet on her thigh. Her whole body winds with lust and he literally rammes her thigh. His cock will no longer find a place in the slip and slips out under the waistband.

Iris is getting wilder and her hand claws into Tom’s shoulder. “Come young fuck me, give it to me, fuck my pussy right through” she shouts again and again and Tom works out her vagina more and more violently.

He can hardly believe that Iris Müller is. Suddenly she rears up her abdomen and an orgasm runs through her body. Screaming, she pushes towards Tom’s hand with her pelvis and gives a scream of herself with every push. Tom cannot control himself and sprayed between the ceiling and his stomach.

Then both sag.

Tom lets off her vagina and pulls her out under the ceiling. Iris immediately straightens up and grabs the hand. Greedy licks and sucks her own juice on his finger. Tom also straightens up and wants to put his sleepy and smeared limb back into the panties.

But Iris grabs him on his shoulders and tears him back on his back. Her face approaches his but before it comes to a kiss, she stopped and comes back to my mind. She lies back on her back, pushes the towel back over her knees under the covers and slowly gets up. “Phew, I’ll go under the shower and you probably need it too.

And I probably have to move into the bed, ”she says, smiles and gives Tom a kiss on the cheek.

When Iris showered, she comes towards Tom in her towel. He gives her a kiss on her forehead and she goes to bed. After a shower he goes to bed and falls asleep exhausted.

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