Sensual threesome | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Vera ended the strenuous day with a hot shower and is already looking forward to the pleasant cool of her bed. Tomorrow will be a strenuous day again. The four children have to be taken care of, then she will receive two patients in their massage practice to accompany her husband Gerry to a business lunch in the evening. Gerry is a successful manager, a man you say about, he did it. As the managing director of a mechanical engineering company, he has to look after customers from all over the world and whenever possible, his charming woman accompanies him.

After Vera put her whole body with a lotion with great care, she sees her reflection in the large wall mirror too-related. Her brown -burned body drew a very nice contrast against the blue of the tiles, almost like in a television advertising. What she sees in the mirror likes her. A man would perceive her as a mature woman around 40, with beautiful slim legs, a still crisp apple backlaw. The slightly arched stomach and the short -cut black pubic hair inspire to be hot thoughts.

Her breasts also like her. The small, firm breasts have dark farms with very nice warts set up at the moment. The first wrinkles around the mouth and eyes do not make them older, but make their well -browned face appear interesting and desirable. The blue eyes fit well with their dark red hair and both together radiate a tremendous sexuality. She decides to wait for her husband in bed, who is at the squash with Jürgen. They have been friends with Jürgen and his wife for years and they do a lot of things together.

Vera snuggles into her bed and tries to relax. The pleasant feeling that leaves the silk bed linen on your skin is excited. Both, Gerry and Vera are loyal. However, they live out their fantasies in the bed together and both know that the partner occasionally satisfies himself. He had not fulfilled her to watch Gerry watching Gerry while bubbling the mast. Like him his tail First stroked with both hands, then covered him firmly and rubbed it faster and faster until it came, she lets it get completely wet.

She opens her legs slightly and spoils her with one hand very tenderly pussy. Slowly she massages her clit and occasionally pushes a finger into her soft, warm cunt. The other hand turns and pulls your wart in a way that a tremendous sexual tension is built in your whole body. Shortly before she comes, she stops because she is hers orgasm wants to pick up for her husband. After a while the front door is opened.

Your husband will find her wet, open and ready for him shortly. The thought of it almost lets her come. The bedroom door opens. Hello honey, I am. I brought Jürgen with me, we want to drink something else. Come down too. With these words, Gerry leaves the bedroom in a good mood to entertain his guest. The two won today in doubles against the club champions and decided to drink a bottle of red wine together.

Gerry loves his vera and is very proud of her happy marriage. He never came to mind on one of his many business trips to get to bed with another woman. His motto is, good sex has to develop and this is only possible in a partnership in which you love and trust each other. And they both have good sex. Over the years, they have learned to share their secret sex fantasies and to live out together.

When they love each other he sometimes spoils them with the vibrator. It then pretends to present both of them properly, it would be a third in the group that spoils them together with their husband. With the bottle of wine and three glasses, he sits down with Jürgen and both prost their success. Vera also comes down? wants to know Jürgen. I think so after all she is a woman and is certainly curious to find out what we chat laughs about.

Well, only no prejudices are indignant. Dressed with a silk kimono, which is loosely bound over a short and a shirt, she takes a seat next to Jürgen on the sofa. If you already tense my husband to me, at least I would like to know if it was worth it. Gerry’s breath does his breath when he saw his wife. Your neck game is slightly red and her still stiff nipples are clearly under the Kimono.

He can see that she is excited and hopes that Jürgen will not notice it. I waited for you in bed, you scuff and you prefer to drink with Jürgen Wein, laughs at the round. Oh do not take tragic, we discuss a topic of your choice for this, Jürgen tries to apologize. What do you like Vera and looks into her husband with a meaningful smile in the eye, it is possible that good friends have sex with each other without the friendship suffering from it? Gerry holds his breath.

What does she have before? She wants to provoke him by revealing her secret fantasies? If everyone wants it and it somehow arises, I can already imagine Jürgen replied. Above all, this will probably happen very rarely. You will discuss this topic for a while as a Gerry that Jürgen has slipped closer and closer and his thigh seems to be touched and pressed. His wife has withdrawn something from the discussion and seems to be somewhat irritated by Jürgen’s approach.

He hears Jürgen say that Vera has beautiful legs and sees how he, apparently unconsciously, puts a hand on her thigh. Slowly and tenderly, his hand begins to stroke her leg and hikes higher and higher until she finally disappears under the Kimono. A frenzied jealousy is overwhelmed by Gerry. However, it also excites him to watch his wife stroked by another man. He knows Vera’s body and knows that the hand must have grown the black pubic hair.

Vera looks at her husband with a look that exudes love and trust and opens her legs easily. Jürgen’s hand caresses on the inside of her thigh and approaches her pussy. Gerry imagines how Jürgen explores the soft, warm skin of her leg and feels the heat that exudes it when she is excited. With his fingertips he must now have reached the labia to massage them and stroke them. Whether he realizes that the left is longer than the right? His wife seems to enjoy the caresses.

She has leaned back, put both arms on the backrest, her eyes closed and comes towards Jürgen’s hand with her abdomen. It’s a really cool sight. To see how Vera replies her pussy Jürgen, how she opens and explains to him, hears how her breath accelerates, so that he fears that his stiff tail can start in his pants. Vera begins to moan and spreads her legs even further.

At the beginning his touch was like a shock for her. Now, however, she enjoys how her cunt is spoiled by Jürgen. Again and again he kneads her labia and pulls them slightly in length, just as she loves it best. Very tenderly he pushes her leaves aside to stroke her clitoris with his index finger. She feels his breath on her ear and hears him whispering what a great woman she is while he slides a finger in her wet vagina.

She sounds moaning and wants to be stretched further. So that he gets better access to her pussy, she puts a thigh over his foot and puts the other foot on the couch. Yeah that’s good, you get me really wet, don’t stop, stretch me, she moans towards him. She has completely forgotten her treasure at the moment. She feels how Jürgen takes her hand and leads her to his pants. He presses her firmly on his exploitation and begins to masturbate with her hand.

While her vaginal walls are stroked and fucked by his fingers, she pushes her hand into his pants to explore his intimate places. She finds his cock stiff like a board and comprises it with the whole hand. The first time, For almost 20 years, she has a different penis than that of Gerry in her hand. It’s an absolutely cool feeling. His member is a lot thicker than that of Gerry. It can clearly feel the soft seed strands, which lead to the top of the underside of his hard shaft.

She takes his cock like a flute. The thumb presses slightly on the top directly below the glans, with the other fingers it can feel the seed strands along the underside. Lang-Sam begins to massage it, varies pressure and speed. Push the skin over the hard shaft. Now it is Jürgen who begins to moan. Oh that’s horny, yes take it, press him. She pulls her hand back and takes her fingertips into her mouth.

The taste of his limb, which she cannot describe, excites it even more. She feels how her abdominal muscles harden and a large heat in waves begins in her body. With her wet fingertips it massages the tip of his limb, stroking the sensitive cutlery directly below its swollen glans. Jürgen reacts immediately. He presses his cock firmly against her hand and drives his finger deep into her vagina. She pushes her other hand into his pants to caress his eggs.

She tenderly rolls his nuts back and forth. Suddenly she becomes aware that she cannot feel pubic hair Jürgen is completely shaved!Gerry has the feeling that the two totally forgot him. They are still fully clothed and stroke themselves more and more violently. Between his wife’s spread legs, he can clearly see under the wet silk panties how Jürgens hand caressed their gender. Every time he pushes his fingers into her pussy, she comes towards him with her abdomen under moaning to feel her even deeper.

Jürgen slipped half of the sofa and Gerry can guess what she does in his pants with his rod, how she masturbates, rubs, kneads, and then play very tenderly with his eggs. Her favorite fantasy goes through his head. Should she really become a reality here with Jürgen? But he still does not dare to go to the two of them and to take part in fear of destroying the magic of the situation. He is amazed that he rubs over the bump in his pants in the same rhythm as Vera drives up and down on Jürgen’s tail.

Jürgen rises from the sofa and sits on the floor in front of his treasure. With his hands he comprises her to the side and pushes her pitch wet panties over her hips. His darling lifts her pelvis and Jürgen pulls out the silk panties. The Kimono is open at the front and slipped from her shoulders. Vera sits down in such a way that her pussy is above the edge of the sofa. She bends her legs, grabs her arms with her arms and pulls them backwards.

Gerry cannot see the sight that his friend offers, but he knows that his wife has completely opened. How often did he sit in front of her hungry cave and fascinated her swollen gender?The two inner labia come out, narrow up and cover their clit. With the index fingers of both hands you can pull them out and see how their lust pearl emerges. Your slightly hairy lips are open to the vagina and Jürgen must be able to see the moisture that forms in its narrow channel.

In small droplets they push out, run down and wet their little ones rosette, whose cuticles are also pushed outwards. Gerry can’t see what Jürgen is doing, but it has to be good because it starts to moan violently. Vera can no longer understand what happens to her. She has long since lost control of herself. When she feels how he wants to take off her panties, she willingly raises her butt. Wild lust is over-falling and she cannot help but spread her legs, slip towards it and to show himself in all her openness.

All their nerves concentrate in their stomach. An unusual heat collects in her pussy. She feels how Jürgen dies out her labia and looks at her for a while. How beautiful you are, he sighs into her moisture. It is so close to an extase that her pelvis begins to move in a even rhythm. As in a intoxication, she realizes his breath of her shame how he begins to lick her tongue over her labia.

He licks them as you lick ice. She can feel his soft tongue on her anus, how she goes on to her cunt, penetrates and penetrated her. She pushes towards him, gives him all her greed. She opens her eyes and sees her husband sitting in the armchair. Very briefly, the thought of her that it could be too much for Gerry to see how uninhibited she says to another. That the injured and maybe the end of her wonderful marriage could mean.

Oh darling, she moans heavily, come to me, lift me, I need you. In her fog she realizes that her darling rises and comes to the sofa behind her. He leans down to kiss her and Vera is passionate about his kiss, sucks in his mouth. Gerry grabs her knees to spread her legs for her. Yeah, pouring vera heiser I love you, give me our friend.

With her now free hands, she firmly covers her breasts and rubs and pulls on her erected tips. When she realizes that Jürgen penetrates her with his two thumbs, exposes her clitoris, starting to roll tender between his two index fingers and at the same time licking the swollen tip, that’s too much for her. In waves there is a huge orgasm towards them and takes several explosions in it. Deep out of her inside, her extase makes a way to the outside.

She hears a wheezing: Yeah – I can no longer – don’t stop – I feel like it – Yeah, make me. Vera feels how her whole body tenses and with a loud scream she is carried over the threshold. Gerry and Jürgen took a seat on the sofa and Vera is heavily breathing, rolled up, between them. She wrapped the Kimono firmly around her and Gerry strokes her head, which she has embedded in his lap.

He tries to take a clear thought. Gerry cannot understand what has happened before his eyes and was not exhausted and trembling his wife and was trembling in his lap that he would think that it had been a dream. To see how his wife lost himself and was lifted into such an unprecedented, exasine, was insanely horny and fueled him quite a bit. Now, however, jealousy is spreading again in it.

Another man, even if her friend, not only saw the treasure chest of his favorite, he touched her pussy, stroked, kissed. He cost her fruit and now knows how it feels how it tastes. Something that was actually only reserved for him, yes, that was in a way even his property. Whether we can ever have the exuberant sex that we always enjoyed?. Maybe she will think of Jürgen during sex in the future?.

Can I love her as before?, Are the thoughts that go through his head. Yes, he even tortured himself with the thought of what he would do if she would blame him for what has happened and possibly leave. That would not have been worth the whole and Gerry sincerely regrets that he has not intervened. A look at Jürgen shows him that he too has to digest all of this too. Vera feels how her pilgrimages let go.

She can still feel the heat that has risen in it. When she presses the thighs together, a comfortable feeling goes through her body. Your pussy is still swollen and wet. She feels satisfied, but her excitement is still there. She realizes that something is wrong with the men. Both are quiet and appear absent. She gets up, pulls her sweetheart from the sofa and kisses him tenderly on her mouth. As if she guessed his thoughts, she breathes into his ear: thank you my darling, I will always love you.

No man in the world can take me away from you. Then she also pulls Jürgen from the sofa, hug him and says loudly so that her husband can also hear: you had quite Jürgen, if it arises, you can also have wonderful sex among friends without the friendship or partnership being destroyed. Vera gives in a glass of wine and drinks it with a train. She realizes that she has the situation under control and is determined to also take the next step.

She hugs her husband. Now I know what it’s like to be licked by Jürgen and how his penis attacks himself, but I haven’t seen him yet. And I don’t know how he feels in my pussy yet. What do you think my darling would have the strength to make this gift to me too? If you can’t, you just need to tell me, then the thing is forgotten.

She realizes that he hesitates. Of course, I don’t want to be alone with him, you will also get your money’s worth supplementing them in a smoky voice and starts rubbing on him with her lap. His stiff penis draws a clear curvature in his pants and she presses himself firmly to feel him. As she kisses her husband, she pushes a hand into his pants and rubs his limb with her flat hand.

Two hands include their breasts. Jürgen stands behind her, nibbles on her ear and teases her buds. Vera can feel how her nipples get hard and collect her blood again in the labia. Their already swollen pussy threatens to run over. She presses her pelvis backwards. Jürgen comes towards her and this time she feels his also hard cock on her butt. Your sex pulsates. What she is about to do is far beyond the things she normally does.

A huge desire seized her to feel these two men. As she undressed Gerry, he caresses her with one hand between her legs. Again and again a finger penetrates into her warm, moist pussy. Vera puts one leg on the songs coffee table and immediately feels how it is stretched by his fingers. With both hands they love her husband’s abdomen, jerks his stand. Jürgen is now also naked and begins to leave a wet track on her back with his hot tongue.

A tremor goes through your body. When his tongue wanders between her poke and gently spoils her anus, she escapes a groan that surprises her herself. In her overwhelming excitement, she takes the tail of her favorite in her mouth and begins to suck him. Gerry does a change of feelings that he has never experienced before. A few Mi grooving he was convinced that he was standing in front of his marriage and now he stands in front of the hottest woman in the world, has his penis in her mouth and has to watch how she is getting hotter.

He has long since stopped petting. On the one hand because she presses her pussy Jürgen in the face and on the other hand because he can only concentrate on himself. He pushes his cock all into her mouth to pull him out shortly afterwards. His wife bent forward so that he could suck him better. The sight of how her lips lie around his shaft, how her tip of her tongue is more likely to be the scratch of his glans than he can endure.

Oh darling … I love you … I will soon not be able to emphasize Gerry in the same rhythm as her hot mouth glides up and down on his rock -hard tail. He sees that Jürgen has stopped licking Gisi and editing her gender with his hands. Probably he has more than one finger in her. Gisi releases his penis out of her mouth, straightens up and takes both cocks into her hands. She kisses him and Jürgen.

Comes, he hears her say, I want to go to bed with you. Without waiting for an answer, she turns to the door and pulls it and Jürgen on her stiff after her. Gerry is completely delivered to his wife. In his loins, a tremendous energy has gathered and he fears that it will come to him at any moment. Honey, I still have to go to the bathroom, please prepare our playground for us. I’ll be right back.

With these words she disappears into the bathroom. Gerry occurs strange. He and Jürgen are half -naked in the bedroom and don’t really know how to deal with each other. He undressed and begins to get her glasses out of the closet with the swimming candles. He knows that his Vera loves to love love in candlelight. Soon 20 small fragrance candles immerse the room in a soft, warm light. Jürgen lay on her bed during his naked and watches Gerry how he turns the bedroom into a perfect love nest.

He distributes a few large pillows on the bed, champagne is provided, a CD with a subdued, sensual music is inserted. Gerry also sits on the bed and pours the champagne into the glasses. He travels Jürgen and looks at him. He has to admit that his friend is in good shape. He has a flat -trained chest. The abdominal area is muscular, but looks very natural. His excitement has decreased and his penis lies limp in his lap.

In contrast to him, Jürgen is not circumcised, his foreskin the tip hides the top. However, what is most irritated by him is that Jürgen got rid of his complete pubic hair. His limb looks very big. When I look at you like this, I can understand why Vera really wants to go to bed with you, he says to Jürgen and sips his glass. Well, just don’t be jealous. If I remember properly, she wanted to go to bed with both of us, Jürgen replies.

Whatever happens, I will not take your wife away from you. Even if I wanted, I am convinced that she only loves you. At that moment Vera enters the room. Except for a green and a red silk towel, which she lay over her shoulders and who cover up her breasts, she is naked. She stands in front of Gerry and Jürgen on the bed and looks at them both challenging. The lights of the candles let the shadows dance on their body and not only make it appear incredibly beautiful, but almost unreal.

Like the body of a goddess. Gerry stares at his darling as spellbound. With the silk towels she caresses her breasts. Her pelvis moves her in an upright way that he feels how his juices collect again and his penis begins to set up. He looks at Jürgen, looks at his tail on his shaved testicles. He thinks he also recognizes a change in them. But Jürgen does not pay attention to him. He only has eyes for his wife, for her horny body.

Vera takes one of her silk towels from the shoulders and presses it between her legs. Her abdomen pushes towards her hand and Gerry knows not to say whether she caresses her hand with her hand or her pussy. She throws the cloth to Jürgen, who takes it and smells of it. Gerry knows exactly how his wife’s grotto tastes. Knows her bitter taste when it is excited and is almost jealous of his friend.

She pulls the other cloth off her shoulder. Gerry feels a deep affection and passion for his darling. When she is sensually weighing up in the beat of the music, her breasts take up the pace of how she turns her back view, the well -proportioned butt knows that he will always love this woman. He looks excited to see the silk towel pull her legs pulling her legs. He thinks he can feel the showers that are triggered by the touch of the silk with their pussy in their body.

She gives him the cloth. Now she is no longer covered by anything. Completely naked. She is now just standing in front of them, very quiet – and lets her body work on the two men. Gerry is like in a trance. Fascinated, he looks at how the shadows of the candles dance on her perfect body as she caress her breasts and shame. Provoking she puts one leg on the bed edge and turns it out slightly to the outside, just so far that her two lovers can see how her labia rest wet between her legs.

I love you, everyone in a different way, but I love you and want to be taken from you. Loves me, fuck me, fucks and birds with me, but don’t forget that we always want to stay friends. With these words she gets to bed and lies between Jürgen and Gerry. Gerry hardly heard what she said. The view of her pussy almost robbed him of his mind. He could clearly see her labia and they were naked.

Her pubic hair had shaved so that the tip of the narrow triangle ends exactly where her cunt begins to arch. The smooth leaves of their labia are dark and full. No hair overlooked the look. He had stared at her damp and plump gender incredibly. Vera snuggles between the two men and enjoys it to feel the heat on her skin. She was happy to have been in the bathroom, as she was able to dampen her excitement with this little break.

Actually, she just wanted to go to the toilet. Then her gaze fell on her husband’s shaver and she spontaneously decided to shave. Gerry had wanted this from her for a long time, but until now she has never been able to get through it. It was a strange feeling when she distributed the shaving foam on her labia and began to shave her hair with the cold blade. Every time she led the blade over her pussy, it ran down her back ice cold.

When she massaged her soft lips with an oil after the shave, it almost took her air to see how soft her bare pussy felt. She felt with her fingertips to her lips, drove through her gender with familiar movements, button after the moisture between her legs and was already looking forward to the fact that Gerry and Jürgen would soon give her these beautiful feelings. She turns Gerry and kisses him passionately. I need you breathes you in his ear.

She wants to feel his hot body and press and rubs on him. Hot showers run over her back and collect in her pool. His cock is trapped between them and she can clearly feel it on her stomach. Jürgen is also closely cuddled with her, kisses her neck and caresses her hips and the curves of her pelvis. His hand massages her bottom and Vera feels her excitement climbing up again.

Your butt is kneaded and kneaded in small circles and she realizes that the hand is working more and more between her buttocks. She comes towards her hand with her butt. The feelings she now feels are very different from the great feeling that she had when she was licked by Jürgen in the living room. There she was so horny that she only wanted her orgasm, as quickly and as quickly and as hard as possible. Now she enjoys the tender atmosphere that is in the room.

Enjoy being trapped between these two men and feeling their stiff cocks on the stomach and back. With one leg she drives Gerry between her legs, so high that she can press his eggs. He moans and begins to move slowly. His penis rubs on her stomach and she presses even more firmly on him. She follows his movements and realizes that Jürgen strokes her pub.

A warm shower runs between her legs and she pushes her back through so that he has better access to her buttocks and pussy. One, no two fingers look for their way into their vagina and penetrate them. It begins to sweat, all small sweat beads collect on her skin. She realizes that Gerry can no longer stand it long. Let’s come treasure, I want you to be happy, says she says and feels how her darling reinforces the pressure with which he rubs on her stomach.

Yes, come, happy, I want to feel how you splash your juice on my stomach, she heats up Gerry and presses himself firmly on him. Gerry is so hot when his wife hugs him that he knows that he can’t hold back long. The excited voice of his treasure, to let her invitation come, to know that it is stroked by Jürgen at the same time, makes his tail zeros up.

To rub his penis on her stomach creates an excitement to him, which he has never known so far. He feels his testicles pulling together and pushing the juice to his tail tip. Gerry tries to hold back again, but he’s already too far. He feels how it comes to him, how his seed shoots out of him and is warmly distributed between her laibers. When he has collected himself somewhat again, he sees the breasts of his sweetheart like Jürgen with his penis.

He kneels next to Vera, who put her head on his thigh and drives the underside of his tail over her protruding buds. The warts are dark brown and have contracted completely. Vera looks on his cock with wide eyes. Again and again Jürgen drives his stomach with his penis, wettes him with the liquid he has just left her on her and then rub him back on her breasts. Although he has just come, the spectacle excites him so much that his member is stiffened.

Vera spreads her thighs and puts one leg over him. Gerry knows what she wants and comes towards her abdomen with his cock. He takes it in his hand and drives with the tip between her shared leaves. His wife groans and pushes her vagina closer to him. With his glans, he tenderly massages her clitoris. He knows that this excited his sweetheart and often makes them forget all inhibitions. As expected, a loud aaahhhh comes out of her throat and her pelvis rears up.

Push him in, I need him now, she moans him. Very slowly he pushes his penis into her pussy. Her swollen bare column is so wet that he can easily penetrate her. He feels how he stretches her channel, how the hot meat includes its belt and absorbs in itself. Obviously, Jürgen thought that it shout him in, I needed him now. He also wants to go to his wife, but not in her cunt, but in her mouth.

Vera rubs his friend’s fat member right in front of his eyes. She withdraws the velvet skin completely, so that his glans and red stands in front of her. With the other hand she plays on his shaved sack. With her tongue, she tenderly licks the sensitive underside. Gerry sees the veins stand out on his penis. He has to admit that this is a very nicer tail and know that his vera will take this strap in his mouth and suck on it in only more.

In the same rhythm as it is pushed by him, she greedily absorbs Jürgen’s penis, sucks in deep inside and then only licking him at the top again. When she climbed to bed tonight, she was not remotely thinking that she will still do it with two men today. Vera has often imagined how it would be to make love with two men at the same time. But what she feels now exceeds all of her pre-positions.

The big organ of Jürgens on her breast and in her mouth makes her really sharp. Her nerves are so sensitized that she thinks she has to break down. The gentle, tender excitement from earlier is increasing more and more an unbound lust. Her husband’s tender movements in her pussy are no longer enough for her. She wants to be fucked, but not by her husband but by Jürgen. It is his thick tail, which she wants to feel now.

Vera escapes both and sits on one of the big pillows in front of them. She spreads her legs far. She wants both to see their shaved pussy. That both have to see how they satisfy themselves. She puts several fingers into her cave and stretches her vaginal walls. With the other hand she rubs over her clit in circular movements. Your two lovers see you fascinated between your legs. Honey, she hears herself in a strange sounding voice, give it to me, push my friend’s tail into my pussy.

Between her wide open legs she can see that Gerry actually takes Jürgens twitching penis and pushes into her cunt between her labia. His thick member stretches her wet pussy so much that she thinks she has to break up. With her shame she presses against his abdomen. She hears like Jürgen to moan begins. First quiet, then louder and louder. Oh that’s horny – yes, I fuck you – Make the legs wide or something like that were the words they only made hornier.

He bumps her more and more violently and she has the feeling that every push almost hits her heart. Suddenly Gerry kneels over her and pushes his limb into her mouth. Vera grabs his buttocks with both hands to take it deeper. It’s still really wet and checks for his juice. While Gerry grabs her and massages her breasts, she greedily begins to lick his cock as if it were the last time in her life.

With her teeth she plays on his glans, sometimes she bites it in, sometimes she sucks on it until he pulls it out of her mouth again. She loves his beautiful cock, especially when, like now, he is completely wet and shines as if oiled. Wait, groan Gerry and rub over her eyes, her nose and mouth with his wet shiny link before he puts him back in her. She realizes how his testicles pull together and his glans becomes plump.

Finally she tastes his seed while Jürgen fucked it harder. Her abdomen begins to cramp and she wraps her legs around Jürgen to push him even deeper. With every bump she feels how his testicles clap against her dam. A huge orgasm comes to it. Your groans, gasps, pushing, screaming develops into frenzy. She does not take it at all that she now rides Jürgen and her clit rubs like a chewing man.

This is not the sex she has experienced with her husband so far, that’s not love. What you are doing here is fucking, fucking and fucking. Several suns explode in her head, it is as if she is insane. She collapsed loudly on Jürgen. It is heavily breathing on Jürgen. She can smell his sweat. His member is still in her and the warm liquid that runs down on her legs, she can see that he too must have had a huge orgasm.

Slowly opens and closes her vaginal muscles around his cock. That was amazing she says in a documented voice, I thought I had to die. Jürgen does not reply, he also has to return to this world. Suddenly she feels how Gerry massages her buttocks and kisses breaks on her buttocks. She stays very quietly on Jürgen. Your buttocks are easily pushed apart. Her back hairs stand up as his tongue is looking for her way and drives over her anus.

Although she is still swollen from the frenzy of before, her body reacts again. She feels how her vaginal muscles pull around Jürgen’s member. Gerry’s tongue now licks her rosette very tenderly. She knows what he wants and that makes her shiver. I don’t know if I can both take them both, bring them out under moaning. Vera pushes her back through and can feel the member of Gerry at the entrance of her butt. She realizes how she is opened and how he slowly presses his member into her buttocks.

Before he starts moving slowly in her butt, he stays motionless for a few seconds so that his treasure can only get the new feeling. And the feeling is amazing. She thinks they are torn. She can clearly feel the two cocks, only separated by a thin wall. In the large mirror of her bedroom cabinet she can see herself. Pulled up between two men, they are impaled by both and fucked in perfect harmony.

She raises her butt Gerry and is pressed onto Jürgen by him. Every time she has taken up his limb completely, Gerry pushes her whole body up and raises it some of Jürgen’s tail. Her swollen clitoris rolls up and down on Jürgen’s pub. If Gerry pulls back his penis, she slides down to Jürgen’s tail again. In the rhythm of his bumps, she hears Gerry moan-faster and faster and louder-and Jürgen also pushes into her hot cunt from below.

Vera sucks herself to Jürgen’s neck and can be fucked by both willless. She is in a state in which the two could do everything with her. Gerry pushes a finger into her mouth where she begins to suck on a tail. Hot waves start from their abdomen, but in contrast to the earlier, it no longer tenses. She has the feeling that she no longer has muscles. Your body becomes very soft, everything opens in it, it is completely up.

The heat rising into it becomes unbearable, it gets rid of it and all of her body juices are pushed out of it. She only noticed that Gerry and Jürgen ejaculate in their ejaculation at that moment. She woke up a sound. It’s dark, and Vera does not know where she is at first. Slowly the memory comes back. You must have fallen asleep after your jointly exasperation. In the meantime, the candles have assumed.

Your pussy and buttocks hurt and she can feel how both are swollen. In the half -darkness she sees Gerry lying on the side and the movements of the mattress tell her that he also no longer sleeps. Vera wants to cuddle her beloved treasure when she realizes that his tail is slowly mastery. Now she knows what she has aroused – her husband’s moaning. She is completely confused and doesn’t know what to do.

She has never seen a man’s limb stroked by another man. She remains very quiet and tries to get her eyes used to the darkness. Little by little she recognizes what is going on next to her. Gerry lies on the side and is fucked in the ass by Jürgen. His gaze is confused and he grabs his wife’s hands. Vera slips to him and presses himself against him.

Let it happen if you want it. I love you and I will always love you. With these words, she grabs his rock -hard cock, puts one leg on his hip and pushes him into her pussy. She hugs himself closely and absorbs the bumps with which Jürgen enter and extends in Gerry’s butt. Only with her vaginal muscles she kneads his link. Vera realizes that Gerry comes immediately. She hugs him and catches his groaning with kisses.

She feels how he expands and lets him spray his warm seed into her. Obviously Jürgen also came because she can no longer make any movements from him. When Vera wakes up the next morning, Jürgen is gone. Her husband is in the kitchen and has already prepared breakfast. She gives him an intimate kiss and keeps him fitting. What do you think, she asks him, will Jürgen tell all of his Ingrid or it remains our secret?.

I don’t know, replies Gerry, but I think we’ll find out soon. We are invited to you next weekend. “I uploaded this story as a network find”.

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