Sex friends | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

On one of these boring autumn days when it was raining all the time, I just had

no longer want to sit around in the apartment. The homework was done, that

As always, television offered nothing usable, so I went to our playground in the hope,

to meet someone there. Under the canopy of my house Saß Andrea, who has been me since

Tays teased again and again, with her friend Jenny. "Well, you two, you also have a

Boredom like me?" "Yes, what should you do in the weather?", replied Andrea

and looked at me mischievously again.

"We want to go to the wooden house on the playground?

There is also someßen dry and thereönone of us either!" "Yes, it’s good .."

It rained a bit through the roof of the little Hütte through, so rüwe kept three a little

together without thinking about something. I was something back then üAbout sixteen and

Had with Mänot much in the head yet, and Andrea and her girlfriend were too

barely älter as sixteen or something. "Do you dare to do himüssen?" Jenny asked her girlfriend.

"Clear!" Came the answer, "But you definitely don’t dare!" I saß between

the two, and slowly things got me uncomfortable. "Sure I dare!" "Then

Make if you have courage!" "You first!"… and PLöAndrea leaned over to meüber

and KüßI briefly but firmly on my lips.

Jenny probably didn’t want to be inferior,

And I SPüit briefly on my cheek.

"Come on, now it’s your turn!" called Andrea and saw me bigßen eyes on. I had something like that

already beforeürhs, but as a coward I didn’t want to stand there at all. So I took all mine

Courage together and küßfirst Andrea, then Jenny Flücheeky on the mouth. Without correct

Knowing what happened to me started my little friend to get stiff.


seemed to have seen that, because right then she said to Jenny: "And you dare

Also to grab him his pants and grab his dick?" Now was für me everything

to SPäT! I’ve never had a Mädchen berüHrt or really naked, and this Andrea

wanted to make her friend grab me! On the other hand, I couldn’t either

toüCk, as I said, I didn’t want to be a coward. But Jenny Wußteen not that either

Right what she should think of it and just said that you don’t trust yourself WüRDE …

"See!"… and Andreas Kleine Hand always came nähere to my pants, searching for

There (what you can find there wüRDE, WUßshe probably not yet), overührte

My eggs briefly, then stayed on my stiff thing and drüit was kräfig! And this drücken löste in me aühl, as I didn’t know it until then. It was

Like a crazy tickle and tingling in the stomach, and very different from thatüHL that I am at the

Always had masturbation;I went through and through.

Since I moved my face,

Jenny was also curious and graped me at this point ..

The bells of the neighboring church started to LäUten, and that was für us children that

Sign to go home. On the one hand I was aboutüAbout GLüCklich, on the other hand … what was

That now f againür aüHL??? This thingß I have no rest all evening,

And I was under the ceiling with my fingersändig to my thing. I could

just not stoppedören and had a Kr shortly afterwardsäfigth orgasm ..

The stain in my

Bedwäcal reminded me on the Näexperienced again tomorrow, and the face

mine Mother In addition whiteß I significantly better interpret today ..

Finally that was School over! Hopefully Andrea came back here afterwards! I could

I don’t explain to meären why, but I really wanted to meet her again. After noon

It rang with us and I couldn’t get down quickly enough. This time was

them alone. "I have toß still in the basement, repair my bike.

You come down?"

I dizzy. It was mostly calm in the basement and no störte. "Yes, of course, I help you!"

I got the bike out of our basement and started building it in the anteroom. And there

Was again this strange foundüHL in my stomach and a little deeper ..

You SAß in a corner

and watched me. How should I get you to do my thing back to my thing

grasp? I couldn’t just speak to her on it! So I started to ärgern

and tease. At some point she had had enough of it, got up and wanted to cut me one. I

caught her from behind, held her tight and dräNg me the Länge after you.

This could

they don’t beat me. In a strikingäLig berüI got one of her little ones with my hand,

Süßen buds, which were already clearly evaluated under the T-shirt. "You olly sow!" called

they and graped my pants completely unprepared to defend themselves. Caught

Under the jeans you only the tip of my member, drücked briefly and then took

The hand away again.

Aha! So I could get her for it! And as long as she thought that I was uncomfortable

WäRe, Wüto try to defend themselves further in this way! "Eh, you can

I just don’t grab my pants so much!" I apparently called emphasisöRT.

"So? Mean?"

She was already in front of me again and was completely unabashed. I just stood there and

ließ they do. Thisühl if you have my limbäligely caught and zudrücked ..

I tried Möto act cool and not to show any reaction, but have moved something

My face and tensioned my KöRper there. The MUß You probably as a sign of mine "ZäHide ne-togetherßEN-and-through!" interpreted because she grinned at me and asked:

"closeäthat still? Can still? We will see how long it continues…" When youßT hätte!!!

I really stretched out my abdomen, now more so, and she always grabbed


Now she had my eggs entirely in her hand, and now drüshe took me closer again

My glans! Mhh, the hätte go on forever könen!

At some pointß from me and started looking around in the basement. I screwed again

on my bike, but now with a stiff in my pants. "You, I have toß piss!

Where can I here ..?" I looked up shock. "Maybe there around the corner, but you

Can’t pee so easily on the floor here … if one comes now and the PFütze

sees…! Wait…" I desperately searched for something they pee intoönote

without bigßto leave a traces and found an old frisbe disc.

"Here! Take them then

At least not everything is on the floor and the rest dries faster!" "Well, if you

mean! And what do you do with my piss afterwards?" "Well drink

not!" "Well, you mußT then bring it away! And where can I ..?" "Here, behind the corner

preferably!" "But woe when you get around!" That was natüthe opportunity to do it

to see naked! I hörte how she took off her jeans and shortly afterwards HöI rote the ray

on the plastic disc … Now she couldn’t easily leave ..

I sneaked around the corner and could just see how to get your SchlüPulled up horse.

She looked at me Böse and screamed "Ey, you olle sow, you should .."! Then stürmte she

towards me and started to tear again with me. And again she had her fingers

my pants. "I’ll grap you on your cock until you stopörst, me too ärgern!"

At our brawl, I made sure that you always without bigße difficulties with me

could touch WäOtherwise I pretended as if I had enough with itäfigt WäRe, you

hold onto.

So she believed that I couldn’t defend myself against her grapese,

Although I Körperually üwas upset.

Now I got brave. I drängt me on her rücken, with it her hand clamped between

My lowerörper and their butt and faßte her with my right hand from

at the back of her chest. I füher small, round breast, grabßshe was with my hand and

found their small, firm nipple. In this situation she could not defend herself against it, but

It didn’t seem to be steepören, since they keep my pants


It was just a great forüHL! I also wanted her between her legs too

grasp, but she crossed her. I tried to get between her legs with my finger,

But had no chance. "Hör up so that you olly sow!" she called to me without doing so

Böto be seed. "Not quite as loud! Otherwise hört we still!" To the spaß I held my hand in her mouth.

She grinned at me and just spat on it. "Hör to spit!".

It seemed to be irritated, because now she spat on the floor. "Für each

Sometimes I can put you between my legs, o.K.?!" "Do it when you

Create!" She spat again and grinned me cheekily at me. "Spit on ten times

mußT you take off your jeans!" She spat on my hand again, looked at me,

spat on her little hand and kept her right in front of my mouth.

"If you do me

The hand licks up, then I can mine pussy touch! Come on, do you dare

not!" she teased me. "Bet that…?" I said and slowly licked her with my tongue

üAbout their handfläche and through their spit. She looked at me in astonishment: "Iiih, you do too

Everything I tell you?" "If I doüR may touch your pussy … maybe!"

Meanwhile höwe renew the bells from above and to say goodbye she spat again

demonstratively on the basement staircase.

"Don’t forget, that was spit at least 13 times!"

she said snippily. "See you tomorrow, we’ll meet here again with you! And forgiveß

not to bring my piss away! Can you drink it .." "Well wait, tomorrow you are fäligament,

You Olles AAS!" I got the frisbe disc out of the corner, but still tipped the Hälft

üAbout my Hände and took them into our basement. I couldn’t do it there

Quickly pull off my pants to get me down one. I smelled her piss

From my Händen, and I came and sprayed onto the basement floor.

Völigament confused

Through them I went up and had his head full of the little one all night again

Luder that really misleaded me ..

On the näSat afternoonßWe both back in the basement and talked üAbout everything Möright.

PLöheöshe fits me by the way: "We both saw your cock yesterday

evening. We looked through your letter slot when you were in the hallway!" and grinned me

wide on. I was a little embarrassed, closeßI really had naked yesterday

stood in the hallway with a half -stiffer and what she said there was quite

be true… "And…?" I asked carefully.

She giggled Bloß and BLättert in the bravo, and

We amüwe both üAbout the letters to the editor in which betweenöLFJäHrige exterminated that

You have never slept with a woman hätten and nowüto be gay … in the

The magazine was a tampon advertisement, in which pictures of naked young people

were printed. "Well, and how does mine look when you have seen him?" She showed

The photo of a boy who already had some pubic hair and whose sizeöße also approxäMr

with my üagreed. So? Awkward…! "Well, and so you still look, what?" said

I and pointed to a small, maybe tenäHriges Mädchen, that no breast and

had no hair.

"BLödmann!" That was all. "I still have something here, I found that with my uncle under the bed!" she said PLöTired, jumped up and got a porn highlight

out of her pocket. I hadn’t seen anything like that beforeönnen, and

We looked at a few pictures.

There was a Päshown in sex;as a

Black one whiteßen wife first the pussy and she

then itür licked his huge thing, and from

he was injected into her mouthß. I got immediately

another stiff.

Today I had trousers

on so that I can better spiceücould be than in the jeans,

If you are back on my pantsüRDE. She saw the clear bump and asked me

curious: "Do you get a big one tooßen? How long is yours when it is stiff?"

"Can you see how long it is. You said that you have already seen him,

and außYou were already down there anyway, then that doesn’t matter anymore

out of…" I said and made my legs apart expectantly. VöLig came unabashedly

Her left hand and tried to feel my thing under the pants.

"Man, the hard! You

Now have a stiff?" I got red because they are so openüabout language. On the other hand wäre

It was already schön was if they also touch him without pantsürde … she crumpled

and Drükept with her fingers around me below, felt the tip of mine

Business acorn and the Länge down to my eggs until they with my thumb and index finger

The ERFüHlte Länge showed.

"Are you sure?" I asked her to continue to encourage them because I was hoping that they had

länger with itäfigen WüRDE. Then she started again, and

If you only continued for a little momentätte, wäI got it smoothly.

Her tactile movements f were so goodür me!!! "So long is your cock!", showed

you me again, „And very Schön is hard that!" Her words almost went back to me again

through how their movements.

Then BLäshe continued to be interested again in the porn book.

I saw her housing locküsel lying on the floor and inserting it. Then went

I in our basement and hid her Schlüsel in my underpants. So mußte

I do itöthat they finally my naked tail startßT!

"Whiteßt you actually where your Schlüssel is?" "Ey, do you want me ärgern? Where haste the?"

"Can you get looking for!" "And where should I look?" "A tip: he is not far away

from me." She came to me in the slope, stood in front of me and asked if I was

Locküsel inserted in my buttätte. "Look at .." "I search you! Honestly!

No matter where the Schlüsel is, I’ll get it back!" "Full inhibition!"

Then she started looking for me.

She felt my pockets, faßte me to mine

Butt and noticed her SchlüSelbund when she came to my eggs from behind. She

imagined in front of me: "Say inhibition!" "As I said, full inhibition!" Barely pronounced,

she reached my eggs and my thing back on my eggs, and found that

LocküSsel. "Go, give here!" "You said you get it back, no matter where he is .." She

stood in front of me and tried to pull my pants down. To her something Länger

I took advantage of an opportunity in which she was wide -legged and was with mine

Hand in your crotch.

This time Küshe didn’t think so much about it, but fumbled

Continue to my ripeßenclosureß around. I had my hand firmly between her

Legs and tried to feel more with their jeans.

She got my ripeßenclosureß not up so that I have to help herßte. Now she pulled

my pants down and I stood in front of the little sixteenjährigen who

apparently didn’t seem to have inhibitions. She faßte my underpants, she pulled it

forward and looked into me.

Without zu zöThe hand went through my pubic hair and

immediately grabbed my stiff thing. ‘I did it, oh, mhhh, yes …’ I thought and genoß every

Mounting their fingers on me. Hopefully läßT you again … She took my thing,

put it high in all of his Länge and gripped deeper to her Schlüsel between my eggs

get out.

And just like thatß they then stand there, pants down and that thing

stood upwards from the underpants .. "Should I now go to Draußen?" I spotted her

at. "Looks good, you can stay that way!" she laughed. "You have a very schön Großen cock!

And it is also very beautifulön!" she said wäHerrend she picked him up again and

him näviewed.

"See, variousäI didn’t!" How true!!! Clumsily

She tried to get the little monster back in her pants and I was waiting

again on every singleüherson of their häNDE.

When she then closed himßhad somehow got back in my pants

Not enough, and an exhibitionist vein grabbed me. "That’s not how it works, wait .."

I said and pulled my pants down again so that I now completely naked in front of her

was standing. Now it didn’t matter anyway, as far as they already seen me and

attachedßt had … under her exact observation I took my thing in my hand, pulled myself

The half toüSlowly slipped foreskinück, kept my naked,

stiff cock with the dark red, free glans like itäLig in front of her eyes (I Hätte

Also turn around Können …), so that she could take a close look at everything, and pushed

Then the foreskin forward again.

Then I packed everything back properly.

"So now you were with me and saw everything, now I still have something with you,

Für The spitting yesterday! You whiteßT already ..!" "Mhh, yes, but I knowß not…" "Made

is agreed or are you now cowardly?" "No, but I knowß not…" O.K., A suggestion, me

Now open your pants and come down there, and you can do my thing as long as my thing

take. If I do something, then you have me in my hand, o.K.?" Perhaps

Wüso do it a BIßmore grapches with me … hopefully! I stood

Behind her and I was hardly on her pants when she had her hand with me again.

Rhythmically drüshe ckated, and if she continued hätte … Maybe häshe does me yes

But still got without realizing it ..

I worked on her jeans button and FAßte you

In between, between your legs, which you immediately go againß. Now I had the jeans

Finally open and she could pull down a little. Damn! She still had tights

underneath! "I can! Three of them three times without pants!" "No, I want my underpants

keep on!" I carefully grabbed her between her legs, now letß they finally me something

Ran … I tried to take her underpants out ..

But then she looked at me very much

and says: "Please not … you can still remember the advertising booklet, or? And

Now I’m right now … I’m sorry, I’m häTte also wanted to let me touch ..

but please!!!" "Now I understand…! But we get that, okay?" "Yes, gladly even!

Now that I saw your cock and attachedßt, I’m also curious,

And want to try something out that was in the pornoheft! If you want…" "sure, of course,

I am looking forward to it!!!"

After we were both properly dressed again,ßwe are already following

Above, because the bells are againäUtten … after four days I met Andrea and Jenny again

Below on the playground.

Both had a skirt and Satßen very unknownümmert and

Broad -legged in front of me in the wooden house so that I canücould see horses. To get againstüabout their

Girlfriend to indicateäAndrea proudly and proudly showed: "His cock is so bigß and so

thick and I already found itßT!", When they saw me came. And there I stood again

With my red head, because I hadn’t expected something like that either! Then spit

she back on her hand and held her down. "Go, leak!" "I’ll lick something for you right away

completely different, you little sow!" I apparently said Böse.

But since the situation is already

Again excited, I took her little hand and licked her spit in front of Jenny’s eyes.

Jenny only looked unsettled and asked carefully "So what else do you want to lick her?"

"He can lick your pussy as we saw it in the booklet.

But that doesn’t dare to do it anyway!" "Pah, of course I dare to do that! But you are too

Coward to free you, unfortunately I can’t .."

Without zu zöAndrea Jenny was happy to take up her skirt and pulled her SchlüHorses something to the side,

so that I could see their little labia something. Jenny didn’t seem to be any further

stören, probably the two played anyway ötogether .. "Go, come here, then

I’ll lick you üAbout the pussy!" Jenny got up and stood in front of me, raised her skirt

A bit high, and Andrea pulled her Schl againüHorses something to the side. I had her little ones

Schamlippchen right in front of me.

"Well, don’t dare!" Laughed Andrea. "Not here…

When someone watches! Come on, we go down into the basement again, so we are undisturbedöRT!"

"Well, but there Düthen we do everything we want! And you are not allowed to

defend against it! Clear?" "O.K., let’s go!"

When we were finally in the basement, Andrea immediately demanded that I show Jenny my thing

should. I took off my pants and was by the two sixteenjäHrigen MäDchen examined.

"Come on, take his cock in his hand, he likes that!" said Andrea and gave him Jenny

In the hand. She carefully kept him between two fingers and marveled at him very carefully.

He always got stiffer until I finallyßlich with a huge latte there.

In whichädie

Wiggled and played on me. A horny likeüHL was ..! "Go, now Mußt you

Jenny lick the pussy like here in the porn" She pulled the booklet out of her jacket and

pointed to the pictures. Jenny raised her skirt, pulled her SchlüHorses and stood

Broad -legged in front of me. There she stood, the little one! Hardly breast under your T-shirt, and the first

Pubic hair just emerged.

And then her column, very naked and open in front of me! "N/a

Come on, or you don’t have any courage anymore?" I sat down on the ground in front of Jenny and bent

me slowly towards her. Andrea watched the scene and dräI finally

Licking pussy. Let’s go! I berüHrte her bigßen labia with my tongue

and then stroked her through her little column. You seemed to like that, so I tried,

To penetrate deeper with my tongue.

Now I discovered her little lips and noticed,

that her pussy was somehow wetter. Then I came to her clit, and Jenny

stöeasily open.

Andrea apparently couldn’t stand it anymore. She quickly got rid of her skirt and hers

LocküHorses and dräin between. "Come on, you should lick me too!" I put

me on the rüand looked at them from below.

She looked a bit more mature than hers

Girlfriend, and already had a little fluff shameärchen. She knelt üabout mine

Face, thereby öYour pussy ffed properly and I could see that you too

was damp. I licked her labia, then deep through her column and then drove with the

Tongue to her wet hole. And that tasted really good!!! I am amazed that I realized that

Andreas apparently none Virgo was more.

And that with sixteen! She seemed to be completely away because she stöhad loud and had closed his eyes firmly. My hände handle

Up to her t-shirt to get on her small, cute minibrüto play. She

started trembling and louder to stöhen. "Yes….ooh, yes good!" Completely horny

I continue to.

Your column was getting wet and PLöShe flinched, stretched out

Your KöRper üabout me and just seemed one orgasm have to have.

ApparentöPft got up again and I had a deep insight into her again

pussy. "You see, I had told you that I wanted to try something! And how was

it für you?" "Strong! So Schön I hadn’t imagined it! And you now had yours

Höhigh point?" "Yes! And that was very different from Jenny! We play öftters times together,

and caress each other. But that was very different! Go Jenny, now you too

just!" Now Jenny knelt üabout me and put her little pussy on me exactly

mouth. I just started the same game from again, but I couldn’t really help with her

My tongue in yours Öpenetrate.

So, get back on your clit, and a short time

SPäter she too was from a small höHigh point Geschüttelt, which Andrea carefully observed.

I came up and looked at the two Mädie. Somehow they now looked completely GLüceremily.

"Well you see, I dared to lick your pussies!" The two set

yourself next to me and rünäfrom. My latte stood me bigß and kräFig, and Andreaßte

you with your little hand. In doing so, she took the pornoheft, we saw each otherßen pictures

and she moved her hand evenäßig up and down.

"What’s that there für a whiteßit

Stuff what the man has about his cock?" asked Jenny curiously. "This is his seed.

When the man his HöHas, then he gets a seederguß, And that looks like this

As here in the picture" exploitärte Andrea professional. „And the woman here, why did she

the cock in the mouth and why does it lick the seed?" "That is für the man probably

a Schönesühl when the woman puts his cock in her mouth and him

licked. And maybe the seed tastes yes .." "I also have your damp pussies

tasted very crazy! Comes, we’ll try it out!"

As soon as I had said that, Andrea took my Mävery tender in theirs

Little mouth and licked me.

Jenny watched excitedly and I genoß This one -time fenceüHL!!!

The foreskin slipped entirely toüCK and I relaxed myself. "Come on, take his cock

sometimes in his mouth, he seems to like it as much as we can lick it!" Jenny

leaned a little helpless üabout my cock and licked it. O.K., Andrea could

significantly better, but it was für me an experience, like two mälicked and

to be blown! Now üBernahm again Andrea my thing, and I was really lookingühle in … she took it as far as it went into her mouth and massaged with her

Tongue my glans.

Another little BIßchen, some of these delicate movements ..

"I think I’ll come right away ..!" "I want to see that!", said Jenny and Andrea took him

out of the mouth to follow the coming closer to Könen. I faced my legs

With my stiff tail in front of the two sitting Mädchen so that you see everything well

could. I took him in my left hand and jerked it off with Kräfigure movements, and it

made me scaryß to be observed by the two below me.

Now it was so far, I started to tremble inside … "Come here, Andrea, give me

Your hand!" I wanted her to bring me to the end, so I put her hand on mine

Tail, showed her the pace and Ließ they wank on their own – she was wrong!

I raised her t-shirt and enjoyed her child’s breast.

I grabbed how

Süaccording to the roughly peachgroßen things, drüshe ckäand played on the Süßen

small warts that were firmly emerged. This time Ließ you just like that. How did she

Recently protested against it! My KöRper stretched and Andrea held the other

Hand to catch everything. And then it was time;I had an animal orgasm

and sprayed my seed in a high arc through the basement.

She could do a part in her

Cut up hand, something Jenny met in front of me on her open thighs and the

GRößte part landed on the floor ..

I was completely finished afterwards, I hadn’t experienced it for a long time!

"Strong, I’ve never seen it injected by a man of the seeds from the cock!

Wonded Andrea and stroked him completelyäon the right. "And, how does it taste, Andrea?"

asked Jenny curiously. Andrea FüHrte her hand to the mouth and dipped her tongue in the

whiteße flüssenseness "… mhhh, glibbery and warm .." She put a little more in her mouth

"… and actually doesn’t taste really right after anything! Here, try!" "I still have here

Something between my legs .." Andrea knelt down and licked on mine now

limp tail until it was very clean. I sat back between the two, and

WäAndrea zäranked at the bottom she came with her mouthäto me: "Küß

me please!" Nothing better than that! We Küßten usß and intimately, and I still tasted it

Remnants of my seed on her tongue, which with my balm.

She held me to

Your upperköRper and I massaged her BR under her shirtüstchen. Ließ she

drip the remaining seed out of her hand onto her pussy, everything distributed everything between

her labia and started to masturbate.

Küßshe always wildered me until she flees my earüdie that I lick her again

should. I was quickly with my tongue with her wet, glued pussy and stroked very lovingly üAbout the GROßen, then üAbout the little labia and Küßte their clit. I

stieß My tongue always deep in her young, hotßit hole and she shrugged with each of this

Movements in the whole KöRper.

CleverßLich she came to HöHigh point and beamed me

glowückin. Cuddled together SAßWe three and everyone stroked everyone somewhere.

There were no more inhibitions, every oneß The Hände from the other. So

I played with both pussies, stroked labia, clit or BRüSte of the two, and

There was always some hand with me and my thingäfigthous. It was a real, little one

Orgy in our basement;WäRe got down now, then Hähe is probably the

Get terror of his life: two young, naked Mädchen and a boy who mutually

grabbed ..

I remembered again how easy I can do with my tongue in Andreas Kleine

tight möse came in.

"Andrea, have you actually slept with a boy before?"

"You mean because I’m no longer a virgin? No, not yet. I am still to FRüH!"

"But why are you ..?" "I have once with one äLteren acquaintances found a vibrator,

I stole it. Then I tried something around … but hurt ..!

That’s why I didn’t want to sleep with a boy yet, not yet ..! Although I

me your bigßIn my little pussy, imagine K in my little pussyönote.

But only,

If you are very careful and time läßT!" Alone with that thought I was already

again completely hotß.. "And my seed, he got you at the K earlierüssen and so not at allöRT?"

"No, it even tasted it and made me horny! I get that

even more of you! NäI continue with my mouth than today .."

We chatted and fleeed for a while. We had the bellsürigid

long überhöRT, but we didn’t care about that today ..! Andrea wanted tomorrow

come back to me …

"Is that Schön, I füright with you!" She held her upperköRper with the

small, firm BRüsten so that I couldn’t help but in my Hände too

take and to useöhen. The small warts stood steeply and I turned them between

My fingers.

"Yes…!" I faßte with my arm between her legs and grip

Your buttocks. She spread her leg so that I can better go to her loweröRper came. My fingers

stroked delicately through the notch and tickled her hole, what with a purring

GeräUsch acknowledged. I stroked through their labia and drüslightly cocked her clit.


stöhnnt lüStern on, so I stroked them the same way.

"You, I want it! I want you SPüren! Please fuck me ..! But please be careful, you are the first boy who ..!" "Lay on the Rück! I’ll be very zäbe to you!" promised

I her. "Het your butt up, I want to infer you a pillow so that I can do better

`Rankomme!" She lifted her abdomen and kept her wet, wideöFFNES MUSCHI

in contrast to. I put the pillow down and licked again üAbout the column that for the first time

wanted to be conquered by a boy. I knelt in front of her and stroked my thing

Slowly up and down their labia.

She already seemed that alone ümountainüto make.

I leaned forward to her and küßshe te she. Then I hiked your lips

Neck down to her shoulder and pulled her skin between my lips to her one

To make smooch. CleverßLich she should also keep a souvenir from me ..

With my hand I put my thing close to her hole and biß You can easily go into her shoulder,

To distract them. And before you üAbout the BIß could complain to me, she became

from anotherüHL distracted.

I was already in her little pussy with my glans ..

You genoß This new Foundühl, and I was slowly working deeper into her. She

Was so tight and I spiceürte each of their emotions überdetible to me … it was easy

cool! "Yes, fuck me, yes, I spiceüre your cock very much! Man, he’s huge! Yes..!!"

I moved slowly and evenlyäßIG on until she came. Its ever

Another experience Für me to see the orgasm of a woman and to SPüren, yes, the outöserum

dailüR to be! I paused and ließ they come to rest.

Your whole abdomen

twitched and lived, and I füI was in her narrow, hotßen pussy really well. "Man,

is it good. So Schön I didn’t imagine that! And I had a queasy

Toughühl, how to get into me `get inüRdest with your thick cock. I have

None of it noticed because ..

You bitten me to distract me, or?" I

just nodded and läChelt her. PLöIt rang the doorbell. Andrea frightened and said: "I

wanted to meet me with Jenny afterwards. I told her that they ring the bell here

if I am not with her in time.

That will probably be!"

You LöSte from me, slipped under me until my thing smacked out of her pussy

slipped, küßte me the creamyß smeared glans and ran as naked as it was

Tür. "Hey, you have nothing to do,", HöI am Jenny’s voice, "What do you have right now

made?" "I just slept with a boy for the first time!" rejoiced

Andrea. And it was just wonderful! He was very careful and I have his huge one

Cock very well in my pussyüRT. It was just crazy!" "Too bad that häI do

welcome!" I hörte both näcome here and I remembered that I always

still naked and with smeared stiff thing on the bed as I was Andrea

had just loved.

‘But what the hell, Jenny has seen my thing a few times,’ I thought to myself. A few weeks ago in the basement, she even had him in the

Mouth, and her little young pussy I was allowed to closeßLich already Küssen, so I could

Also remain so open ..

"Hi! Andrea said you just slept with her?" "Yes, and until I had mine

Thing still in her pussy, so I’m here!" I laughed at her. "Tell me, you

Didn’t have a höHepunkt, or?" asked Andrea me. And your cock is stiff

also! You mußT fuck me again, and Jenny can watch! Go Jenny,

Lick his cock again beforehand!" "But it is smeared, what is that?" "The

Is only out of my pussy, the same thing you always get with me when licking

have!" Jenny leaned forward, took my thing in her hand and then between her lips.

Meanwhile WUßshe too did what I liked, and her movementsßen it again quickly


Andrea now lay down on the bed and spread his legs.

"Go, come here..!" Jenny released me. I leaned üAbout Andrea and aimed with mine

Eichel again üAbout their column. Jenny marveled everything from nächster näHe;She had so clearly

not see it in any filmöand she didn’t want a detailed verseäumen. I had again

This peculiarityüHL like back then in the basement, where the two of them exactly Jerk off

observed and it excited me all the more.

My little sixteenjäHrige girlfriend wanted to be loved by me again, and hers

Best friend could watch everything … The thought alone was almost enough ..

I was quickly back in Andrea and started my stiff thing in the whole Länge in her pussy

To drück.

I had her as ifßt and staying so für a few seconds. Andrea

stöloud, obviously spürote me very kräfig. Her innermost started again and

To twitch again and she moved her loweröRer jerky. I came out of her very slowly

out and then pushed me back completely into her.

Andrea became more and more wilder, and their twitches

became faster and faster and more violent. That also excited me more and more, and

We both came almost at the same time.

Jenny had now also undressed, watched us and satisfied himself with the

Finger. ApparentöPFT and VöLigäwe both saggedück and rested us one

Wait a moment. Jenny snuggled up to us and FLüAndrea die a little in the ear.

Both beamed

me plöand began to laugh. "We want to do something with you, you want?"

"What do you want to do?" I asked curiously. "We see that already! But you

mußt promise us that we do everything with youöwhat we want! You can

defend!" "Hmm, what are you going to do?" "Wait off, you will already notice it!

But first promise that you are all of usäßT!" "Well, I will not defend myself, promise .." "O.K., So come on, we’re all going under the shower now!" ordered Andrea

and jumped up immediately. The water was refreshing and we frolicked the three of them under the


"Grap us to the BRüSte!" I’ve ever grabbed one of the little BRüSte and massaged

You zäratly. "And now between the legs!" I would also like to meet this request.

Huch, the two were already completelyß..! "Lay down!" asked Andrea after

for a while of me and turned the water off. So I lay down and she stood

legs üabout me. I had a wonderful view of her just conquered column, and

The remains of me from her hole still ran from me.

"Open your mouth wide, come ’

Really and lick my cunt!"

I was already looking forward to her taste with my seed and tried so much

How Möto catch with my tongue. Then I licked her little stiff

clitoris. At the top, the two seemed a bit too flüStern, but I couldn’t

Hören what it was about. Why also? I had everything I wanted.

And their pussy

tasted too good for me to let me distract me from it. I reached üabout me to the two

BRüStchen and kneaded them. Was that all they wanted to do with me? I hörte her

Kicheren and Andrea twitched internally. Should she be found againüget rod? I

Was deep in her hole with my tongue when I PLöa different taste

Noticed on her.

It was hotß and salty, and I already noticed a short sharp

Beam on my tongue. Andrea pee on me, she peed into my mouth ..! I

Wanted to protest and turn away, but she kept my head with her thighs

firmly. Since HöI already vote from above: "Laß Your mouth! You promised us,

Not to defend yourself! We Ködo everything we want with you! And now

we want to piss you!" And another KRäftiger beam from their innermost, directly in

My mouth. And I was not allowed to defend myself ..

Your urine already ran out of my mouth,

When she finally freely free meß, To keep your beam all over my Köto distribute rper.

"How is it when I piss you? You have a very stiff cock, that makes you

on, not true? O.K., You can have more of it! Go Jenny, now you!" What, you too

still? Jenny immediately stood out üabout my face, leaned away her abdomen wide and

the labia stayed apart with his fingers. Andrea was now finished and

Holded my dripping pussy just in front of my face. Slowly I had myself on that

Smell and the tasteöhnt. Yes, Andrea was right, meanwhile she made me

The whole thing really really cool! So I stretched out my tongue again and licked

her the last drops from her column.

The last drops? Now little Jenny started! She steered her beam against Andreas BRüSte that I am still üAbout me in mine

HäNden had. Through the warm Näthe kneading was even hornier, and now it was still running too

Jenny’s urine to Andreas KöRper down and üAbout their columns directly in my face. But with that

not enough! "Come on, open your mouth again!" Came from above. "I want you now

also piss on!" Completely confused öI open my mouth again, and Jenny aimed at

your hard ray exactly into me! It tasted a BI from herßchen herber, but that

stöno more.

Andrea leaned up, stretched out her tongue wide and

Jenny’s ray caught. Then Jenny was ready and the last drops fell on me


,Finally!’, I thought. ‚Andrea, you are an Olles, horny aas! Just pee in my mouth ..

With you muß I calculate everything!" She interpreted me as to apologize one

Kuß and I came näTo her. I held her lips and öthey open them expectantly

Für her tongue.

However, she spat her lips and spat a collected load

from Jenny’s urine;directly in my mouth and my face! Jenny laughed from full

Chest, and Andrea could hardly keep up either. Then she finally came up

me and küßte me deep and deep. Everything smelled and tasted of urine, but she asked me

only lächeek: "Was funny, or?" "Well, a BIßchen strange that was just me, just me

to pee on like this …… mhhh, but it did me horny .." I said with a view

My almost bursting thing. "Häwe tell you beforehand, then häyou definitely do it

unmistaked!" With that she was definitely right! We got up all three and stroked

and licked our wet, smelling KöRper.

Jenny leaned down to my thing and started to edit her mouth tenderly.

Andrea KüßTe me and I stroked her butt, her column and her BRüSte.


It was time. I splashed a huge Stoß In Jenny’s mouth that you can swallow

tried. But it was just too much and the seed was already running out for her. She

beamed at me, came up to me and küßte me.

Her mouth was almost full, and I was

tasted WäDuring our kiss KräFig and clear. Andrea had her job while

üBern and licked the last remnants from my thing. Then she came up again

and the tongues of the two MäDchen continued to play together. GlowüCklich and Völigely done

we turned on the water again and showeredünun.

„And you

both want to be sixteen first? You are already dirty than many porn film! Where

Do you have thatß from?" I am amazed. "Oh, we often had boredom", Started Andrea,

and we have often played around. At some point mußte Jenny times piss and me

Have you from spaß My hand held underneath. She bet that I don’t dare wüRDE to lick them afterwards .." "And certainly lost with it!" "Sure, why should I

Don’t trust me? Well, and that’s how it came about.

We have often showered together and

made each other sharp. And since I fell in love with you, we let you

participate!" "Andrea … I love you!" flüI die and küßte she. And she became

Really red for the first time! She could touch my pants without inhibitions, one

`get down, satisfy each other with her girlfriend, lick yourself from us or at the

Have it been watched fucking, even peeing me without it was embarrassing her


But this little sentence really put them in embarrassment … Andrea, me


Our last excitingly horny meeting in the basement of our house was a few weeks

here without I could even forget a detail of it. How should I too, closeßlens

you won’t be every day of two sixteenjäHrigen MäDchen nibbled ..! Every

Tomorrow when showering, I saw in front of me how both legs were bound one after the other üabout mine

Face crouched to let me lick the young pussies. And SPäat the latest at

The memory of Andreas and Jenny’s tongue I repeatedly attacked my Längst stiff

Thing, and came in KüRzester time to HöHigh point ..

Unfortunately I haven’t had Andrea since then

more seen, only Jenny I met occasionally. You LäI always chose so mysterious

to … I asked her if she was something from Andrea Wüßte. "Yes, it’s just traveling, but she got me

written that it is boring there and that she wants to eat you immediately when she

back toüCk is.

But I shouldn’t tell you anything about it .." Giggled them with a view of mine

trousers. The only thought that Andrea put me on my cock again Würde, Ließ

become too tight for me.

But Jenny had also become braver now: "Come on, I want to see again how you

Your SAMENGUß get!" She said, and looked at me from her very irresistible

small children’s eyes. Her hand hiked to my bump, and she gave wayßte she kräfig.

"Let’s go to the basement?" I quickly pulled her into the bike room next to our houseür,

öMy pants opened me and she reached for my thing. "Take it in your hand, and then

move them up and down, o.K.?" exploitäI rote the wanking movement that is best for me


She didn’t stay long and made me really hotß. "Yes … good ..! Wait I

want to take your pussy!“ Like self -confidentlyäshe stood in a wide -legged

next to me, öIf her jeans lifted, she pulled a little down and held her Schlühorses on.

My hand slid through its light fluff üAbout the Venushügel, the fingersühlten the

small Süßen labia and my middle finger was in front of her virginäover ÖFence that I was able to lick recently. Some more movements from her, and I splashed in front of her

Eyes on the floor.

"Thanks, I liked that!" she beamed.

I took my hand back toück and cost

From my fingers who were just on their columns. "Tomorrow is Andrea back!

Then we go back to the basement, o.K.?" she asked impatiently. "We will see…" Finally!

Andrea stood in front of me. Balanard and with a bright face she laughed at me


And she looked damn good, I noticed. She was wearing Enge Weiße leggings in which yours

Slim legs and their crispy buttocks really came into their own. The pants were like

A second skin and was so tight that the fabric in its column betweenängte and the bigßen

Labia were almost recognizable. She did not wear a Schl underneathüHorses, and the few

Pubic hairs clearly emerged.

Your far T-shirt had greatßit ÄRelmel cutouts,

And you could have her little naked BRüSte see fully when she raised her arms or herself

Bück. She jumped at me to the welcome cuisineß. And what für a KUß! You Preßte their lips

On my mouth, öShe’s leaving and her tongue was looking for me immediatelyß. She played around

and licked my lips and tried to do it in betweenängen.

I gave up and she

caress my tongue zäratly. She hugged me so KräFig, as if they never again

wanted to let go.

"I have youßT!" she breathed and stroked me üAbout my buttocks. "I … you

also! I have toßalways think of our game in the basement .." "And, it turned on you?"

flüdied and hiked with her hand to my bump, which is off againäteric.

I käeven more violent with her tongue and tongueßte with both händen hers

butt. She turned with the Rüto me, leaned against me and drängt her butt

My abdomen.

Then she put her head back on my shoulder, reached with both

Arm üAbout her head behind, my face pulled up and küßte me again

hotß and intimate. "I SPüre your stiff cock!" stöshe scored. "Come on, take my BRüSte,

faß‘She on!" I reached through the vastness under their arms ÄRMELöFounds and berührte

Quite your little, firm BRüSte. Her pointed nipples stood my researchers

Fingers steeply towards and I drüshe carefully caught between the thumb and index finger.

"Come on, take it right, drücke, yes ..!" I took both BRüStchen firmly in my HäNDE

and kneaded KRäfig.

I was probably the first boy to whom she allowed it that way.

And it was getting hotter .. "My parents are not there, come, we go to me

up! Since Köwe make ourselves comfortable and .." "Yes, laß we go, I want you!

Today is the day! I want…" she breathed, "… I want you to fuck me today!" In the elevator

She reached up my pants and drücked my thing. I küßher and langed with my hand between her legs. I could get through her Dünne trousers äUßeren labia

Füand realized that she had already become pretty moist.

Finally we were in

the apartment.

"Come on my bed here, I want you to have a BIßchenöhen!" "Yes…!" she said

expectant. There was the little sixteenjäHrige in front of me! I pulled out the t-shirt and

happy me üabout this sight. These two Süßen BRüSte were just too cute!

I grabbed her, kneaded her and started her stiff nipples to Küssen. She closedß Your eyes

and gave it to me.

I put her legs apart and drücked my mouth on her

Wet trousers, exactly on your pussy. Her smell and horny moisture just made me

raging. I quickly got rid of my pants and Andrea immediately grabbed my thing.

"Come on, I want you to lick my cunt!" I lay down on the Rüand she crouched

RückwäRTS üabout me. There she was again, the little horny pussy, which I have ever

so betrayalühad made.

Now I had her exactly in front of me! My tongue licked außen

along her labia, then KüßI te her. They were so moist that their juice almost

dripped from her. I letß I don’t miss anything and drilled my tongue further into hers

Split. I played with her little lips and you dränged her abdomen expectantly

Poet on my face.

I pulled her little pointed clitoris between my lips and

licked him demanding. "Yes, lick my cunt! Continue at the clit, yes, good ..! Oh, I get

mineüHle ..!" And that from a sixteenjäbang! Your whole KöRper trembled, and hers

Pussy spanned my tongue. Then you came HöHigh point, and you drümy innermost

so tight that I got almost no air underneath. Everything twitched and trembled,

And then she slappedöPft on me together.

I scratched and stroked her Rück

and her buttocks, and she turned to me.

"That was crazy! I finally have you again! I have all the holidays on that üAbout waiting!"

"Didn’t you get to know anyone with which you could play with?" I asked

and hoped that they say no wüRDE. "Of course there were a few süße types that also looked good.

One of them even gave meüßT. But when he realized that that turned me on,

He pulled his pants down and kept his big cock to my face. I should

Take him in my mouth, I didn’t even know the guy properly .." "And has

You made?" "No, that was too fast for me, I didn’t want to.

There is it again

escape." I looked at her relieved. "Ey, you’re not zealousüor?"

she asked me plöall of them ürapy. "Well, I knowß’Not … actually a BIßchen .."

"You fell in love with me, not true?" "Mhh, I think so .." She saw seriously

me on: "To put yourself in front of me, go, do it!" ÜI stood up and stood in front of her, my stiff thing bobbed in front of her eyes.

"I have myself in you too

Fee, look here!" She stretched out her tongue and tickled the tip of my glans.

"Good?" asked her and kept licking my glans. I just nodded. "I only do that für

You, look here!"

Your little mouth öFfnen and she took my whole glans into her mouth. A warm,

cozy footühl throughöMte me.

And this time I want to have everything that comes from you!

This time you should inject the seed in my mouth! I had promised you!"

she said and continued to suck on my thing. It didn’t take long for me to

mineüHle got. "Oh, Andrea, be careful, now the time has come ..!" She sucked Stemärker

And with an insane orgasm I injected her the seed Stoßwise in their little ones

mouth. Laughing, she took everything and swallowed as much as she could.

You Küßte

and licked my sagging käMfer and continued until he was very clean.

"Was good, I tasted great!" Läshe chelt me glückin. She looked like one from one

Porn film;Her young face was smeared and her little hand held my limp

thing. We both lay down in bed, snuggled up closely, and she said: "Küß me

and stroke me, I want you Fügroan!" You Preßte their lips on which my seed

Hung, firmly to my and her tongue researched through my mouth again. It was nice

strange to taste their own seeds on her, but it turned me on so that I will soon

got a stiff again.

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