Mrs. teacher | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Briefly to myself. My name is Vera Richter and am 49y. But by no means look like most other women my age. I mean I’ve always been slim but with curves where they belong to a woman.

That means in my case with delicate 18J. I had a lavish breast that was only more throughout the years. To be precise-at the time I usually fit my bras with a D-Cup, I always have to wear at least 2-3 sizes over it to get my two “pretty” neatly packaged. However, the scope has always remained constant.

The bra that I bought it last week – is an 80e. You can’t do anything against gravity, but measured on the size increase, the slopes factor is rather low. Which of course makes me very happy and I can say – yes, I love my breasts. Point.

I’ve been divorced for 7 years.

I have 2 children who both already live their own lives. I live alone. This is also one of the reasons why I am now sexually totally under -supplied and have to get my highlights myself or through my toys.
So and as the last info in advance – I work as an English teacher at a high school.
When I was in the School Shortly after the 7.Hour a smooching couple saw together on the women’s toilet, I went afterwards.
First of all, of course, I wanted to stop the whole thing immediately, but when I entered the toilet and could hear the fuck noises of the two immediately-it turned me on animal from the first second.
I sneaked two cabins next to it and couldn’t help but pull my skirt up a bit and to finger myself.

When the young fucker to understand that it would come the same … it only took a short time until it was time. I straightened my clothes and of course I wanted to tell the two of course … Suddenly my keychain fell on the tiles and where it was just going wild – it was completely quiet.

I asked the two to get out because I heard exactly what was going on there anyway.
Shortly afterwards Michelle came with a red head and immediately afterwards Tommy with a view of the cabin.

I told them that of course I would have to forward the story to the director. Then Michelle started crying immediately and begging me, please don’t do this. She does everything for it too. Tommy assured the same and so it happened that I invited the two to visit me at home in the evening.

You could talk about everything in peace again and then look on.
At that moment it was already clear to me that the two would end my sexual emergency tonight. Because secretly, her fucking made me so damn horny that I would have loved to say on the position of the two. Only I just right in the middle of it.

So that was the history and now a lot of fun reading.

It is 19.30 … I just got out of the shower … the doorbell rings on my front door. I pull my bathroom coat over and hurry to the door.

On the way there it rings again and I wonder who is so crowded … I think it is still half an hour … I recognize through the frosted glass in my front door that it seems to be a girl and only open the front doorSpit wide. Jenny stands at the door. She looks like she has just cried and sobs terribly … I open the door a bit more and ask Jenny … What are you doing here? What happened for God’s sake? She only answers to a limited extent to my question … she says: Oh Ms. Richter … you said I can come to you at any time if I have any problems or worries … yes … I can answer that too. Jenny can’t keep her tears back … I say to her … I get a visit but come in for a short time and tell me what happened.

We go to my living room together and I say to Jenny: first pull out your jacket and sit down. Do you want something to drink? Yes that would be great … she says … “It is best to say something high -proof”, “she says and on” so that I can forget this shitty guy quickly “. Aha … So the wind blows … So the men are the reason for your coming … I go to the kitchen and get two glasses and a bottle of lovely sparkling wine. I’m going back to Jenny to the living room … where she has now taken a seat on my black leather couch.

She put her jacket off and I immediately find it that she is very sexy.

Well then tell me and add another I hope you drink lovely sparkling wine..!? Looks at me and says with a tortured smile … I always become somehow … well …cool….but no matter. I open the bottle while Jenny begins to tell … oh you know … I’ve been with Marcel for 2 months and well … we haven’t had sex yet. Marcel has been pushing her since the beginning but she wanted to take her time because she would have really fell in love with him.

And today she actually wanted it the first time Make it with him … it should be a surprise … But when she was already on the way to him she got a message from Robert. He sent her a video.

The video showed a couple who had sex. Look at it once and when she wanted to make it out again, the girl said in the video: “Oh yes Marcel … bang me really!“Then she looked at the video and recognized the tattoo that from Marcel.

Shortly thereafter, Robert wrote to her … look at how your boyfriend drives it to my girlfriend. I just found on your cell phone. This wanker … I’ll get it … added Robert to Robert. She looked at the video again … and yes it actually true Marcel who was completely in the video in the video.

..And when is that..She still wanted to know from Robert? That is from 2-3h … she got it as an answer.

Then she turned back and next she came to me the bell … because it was the next one on her way home Jenny said with tears in her eyes. Oh Jenny … I said to her and at the same time gave her the sparkling wine glass. The men are just pigs. Just don’t take it to heart.

There will soon be a new one who is not such a pig. I leaned a bit to her and wanted to take her in my arms … my bathrobe was a piece in the upper part … so that you had a direct view of my two splendid tits. She saw that and immediately said: “Woow … Ms. Richter you really have huge breasts. I want to have them later.

Z.ZT. Doesn’t that look like that for me. “. She briefly grabs her two young buds and asks bluntly: “Can I touch her breasts!?”

I look at her and say: “But for sure” … continue to open the bathrobe..Pour back to the back and say: “Grain calmly too.“She does this suddenly and notes:“ Woow … and her nipple first.“She caresses over my wart courtyards … to which the nipples naturally set up. She takes her between her fingers and Schwupps … the next moment she starts nibbling and sucking.

But Jenny: “What are you doing there.?“I ask her in astonishment. But she does not answer me but sucks more and more on my two buttons. It turns me on what this young thing does and I moan quietly when she bites me a little more in my left nipple. “Well you think that’s good, Ms. Richter?“She wants to know from me … I just want to answer her:“ Jenny is going too far and I also get a visit right away.“Then I notice her hand on my thigh that straight on my way to my shaved pussy makes … I briefly spend the language.

Not her … she asks: “May I also touch her pussy?“Before I can answer, your hand has already reached your goal. My legs spread almost on their own and I only say: “You already do it.“She smiles at me briefly and immediately sucks back on my nipples that now becomes harder. She caresses my clit and drives her fingers over my labia. I lean back and put one leg on the couch … which gives you even better and in my pussy.

She just wants to put my first finger in there … I interrupt her and say: “Listen to … I like it very much … But as I said, I get a visit right away.“When I had spoken out … I came up with the idea … oh why not … should she just stay with it. The evening becomes the hornier. Without further ado, I say to her: “Or do you know what … you just stay with it. I promise you … you will definitely forget your current bad mood afterwards.“Jenny looks at me questioningly:“ Well if you think … then I stay here.I don’t have anything else anyway.”

We lifted the champagne glasses and reached a nice evening.

So now I have to get ready … get up … go to the door and still say while walking: “Feel like at home.“I go to my bedroom and open my huge mirror cabinet. What should I put on? Halterless stockings … definitely! Bra yes/no? Or the sexy white dress!? There are several minutes until I made my selection-sexy made-up-the seductive expensive perfume put on. I look at the clock … oh already 5 after 8! I didn’t hear the ringing at all? After completing the view in the mirror, I go back to the living room and ask Jenny before I entered the room: “I didn’t hear the ringing?” No Answer. I enter the living room …The TV is on….“Jenny?!“I ask loudly … I get a cheerful“ here ”from the kitchen.

She comes out of the kitchen and has a still unopened sparkling wine bottle in her hand.

“I was so free … you said yes, I should feel like at home …AND….Mrs Richter….I once looked through her videos ”….She goes to the table, the remote control puts Play and immediately asks …”Tell you that!??“I look at the screen and see mine porn From the time when I was still a student. I say … “Jap … you recognized that correctly. That’s me … but that’s so long ago.”… then Jenny says:” Wooow … how cool is that!? My teacher used to turn porn. Crazy.

Should I tell you that it excites me a lot … or does that come from the sparkling wine!??“At that moment I only fall on the fact that the first bottle of sparkling wine is completely empty on the table.

Jenny looks at me from top to bottom and says: “You have revealed each other … what kind of visit? Are you sure I should stay here …?“She has not yet finished the sentence because it rings the doorbell at the front door. Aha … well let’s see who this is now. I open the door … “Oh you are two …Nice that you came. Come in.“So Tommy & Michelle.

“I say the second door on the left to you … and don’t scare …“You two look a bit tense..After all, you don’t know what the evening will bring. Michelle pulls out her jacket … you help her like a gentleman. So we are still in the hallway there rings it again. I say … “This is how we would be complete” … open the door and Gerald … so Mr. Paul is just around the corner.

You see him and now ask yourself what is going on here. I greet him with a smack on my mouth and ask him in. He greets you. And we go into the living room together.

Jenny and Michelle scream briefly and fall around their neck … “What are you doing here?“Ask each other … Tommy stares on the television from the first second and probably wonders just like Jenny whether the busty lady is on TV …

I hurry into the kitchen and still get the missing glasses.

When I come back to the living room you have already taken a seat. While Michelle and Jenny chatter … you are still sitting on the TV rigidly there. At least on the whole … because in your pants everything is the order of the day as an option. Gerald notifies in his pocket and pulls out a sachet … he gets her again and gets tobacco and leaves.

Then he says: “Well, we’ll build one first … or what do you think!?” Nobody answers. Shortly afterwards he did his work. A mighty thick joint. He asks me: “I can still?” “Go ahead”..I say … “Oh God how long is it that I did for the last time?“After taking a few strong features, he gives me the dinghy … I only pull it briefly and immediately notice that it starts to tingle throughout my body.

A great feeling.

You are now pulling it one after the other and the mood in the room becomes much more relaxed from one moment to the other. Even more … the grass has an aphrodisive effect on everyone. Jenny points to the television, whereupon Michelle really note from the porn that ran all the time . She clarifies her that it is Ms. Richter … and whispers in her ear … that she was even allowed to touch the huge breasts a few minutes ago.

Then it bursts out of Michelle … “” I want to do that too.”” Well then ask her “… says Jenny. “Or Ms. Richter … Michelle can also touch Michelle ?”

“Well, if everyone should be treated equally … or!?““ I would also take a closer look at your girlie breasts. I don’t need to emphasize that my pussy will be wet ….It should be enough if I say that a drop of pussy juice started to flow down my leg because of sheer lust. I am taking the initiative and start to stroke Michelle about their much larger students breasts.

I button her two buttons from her blouse and help her get rid of it. I look at Gerald and I immediately find his fat one tail Under his tight jeans. He gently strokes his pants and watches both of us with relish. I say … ”So two ladies – now the first gentleman comes on.“Gerald does not be asked for long … He stands between us … he pulls out his T-shirt and she turns through me directly … how sexy his upper body is … With the six-pack simply to bite.

Michelle apparently thinks similarly … because her nipples are suddenly visible under her bra. To get to the full pleasure, I open the bra with one hand … which shortly afterwards falls to the ground … Now she is in her full splendor with her sexy girlie tits and the stiff nipple. I stroke her and she visibly enjoys …Then she suddenly grabs Gerald’s tense jeans and strokes over his pumping lout. “You are also quite well stocked Mr. Paul.”” Whether one one thick tail in general would fit my young pussy..?“She asks her with innocent eyes to ask us both teachers.

“Want to look. And certainly the two gentlemen here too!? Or gentlemen?”” Yes sure “… we are there,” says two in the same.

Well … I get up, get in front of the coffee table get my two melons out of the dress. “Well who wants the first thing!?“Michelle gets up and comes to me … she gently gropes over my chest …I say … “You can really get really long.“Take her hands and show her how I imagine that. My nipples slowly get hard again … I am very excited that it touches me and probably also perceive everything much more intensely because of the previously smoked joint.

I don’t need to emphasize that my pussy will be wet ….It should be enough if I say that a drop of pussy juice started to flow down my leg because of sheer lust. I am taking the initiative and start to stroke Michelle about their much larger students breasts. I button her two buttons from her blouse and help her get rid of it.

I look at Gerald and I immediately noticed his fat cock under his tight jeans.

He gently strokes his pants and watches both of us with relish. I say … ”So two ladies – now the first gentleman comes on.“Gerald does not be asked for long … He stands between us … he pulls out his T-shirt and she turns through me directly … how sexy his upper body is … With the six-pack simply to bite. Michelle apparently thinks similarly … because her nipples are suddenly visible under her bra. To get to the full pleasure, I open the bra with one hand … which shortly afterwards falls to the ground … Now she is in her full splendor with her sexy girlie tits and the stiff nipple.

I stroke her and she visibly enjoys …Then she suddenly grabs Gerald’s tense jeans and strokes over his pumping lout. “You are also quite well stocked Mr. Paul.““ Whether such a thick cock would fit into my young pussy..?“She asks her with innocent eyes to ask us both teachers.

“Well then let’s look” … I say and open Michell’s pants. Slide my hand under her tanga … At first just stroke her young clitoris with two fingers over her shade lips, so I notice- as it was to be expected- that the little one is almost as wet between my legs.. She’s cool like Schmidt’s cat and begins to rub more and more on Gerald’s pants.

Suddenly Gerald interrupts the whole thing … oh well … I almost forgot now … he rummages briefly in his jacket pocket …Figure a pack of tablets … and pack one of them …takes its champagne glass … throws the pill and rinses down with a big sip of sparkling wine at the same time.

Before I was able to ask the question, he says: “So that the whole thing is not over and everyone gets their money’s worth …A little doping for my friend here “… He opens his belt and Michelle immediately goes at hand … or rather to his cock. It opens the zipper, the pants pulls a bit hectic …Geradeso that he can free his powerful part from the tight jeans and can also unpack his mighty eggs. Michelle now kneels in front of him.

He takes her head on his hair, holds it tight and claps his horny, fat straps on her face …Before she gets his huge crest into her wide torn mouth shortly afterwards. I can watch all of this closely because I already get it vigorously with my fingers to the little ones …Your horny pussy smacks every time I pull my fingers out of her wet can and then put it back in ..

My gaze falls on the couch …Because from there an ever louder groan and when I look … I can hardly believe it …Jenny lies there with legs spread wide, the tanga pushed aside and fingers her young canteen ….Your gaze is fixed on it … But for some reason you are still holding back …Only when Michelle gave her ok shortly afterwards that you can go to Jenny calmly … you were finally active …Since Tommy sits almost right next to Jenny … Jenny sits on your lap without further ado and rubs her body with passion. You pack your pelvis and now move them up and down in your clock. Michelle fires you briefly: “Yes … Tommy … show her how well you are stocked!“Jenny grabs you on your piston and skilfully opens your buttons on your pants.

She grabs and grabs your cock. She immediately begins to push him into her wide open mouth and sucks the whole cock with relish! In parallel, Michelle is still kneeling before Gerald … who still fucks his mega tail her mouth.

Gerald pulls me up and immediately begins to suck at my warts. I stretch my two melons right in front of his face.

I look down … where I see Michelle how she passed on the Lümmel of Gerald with passion. Then I crouch right next to her and say: My little one … I’ll show you how best to do that!“I take his strap and fuck my mouth really deep! I have gurgling and choking but don’t let off the horny latte. Then I continue to wank and take his thick egg in my mouth. First one then the other … and in the end even both.

I turn around and see how Michelle watches me to be a teacher and in the meantime her young pussy caresses and fingers. Well then get young lady here. She kneels back in front of him and is now doing it exactly to her teacher. It works great … I say and get up to go to my bedroom briefly … When I got back in the living room … I have two dildos in my hand.

Tommy got on his back and Jenny is just sitting on his face. She moves her pelvis forward and back and enjoys your tongue in her young pussy. She moans intensely.

Michelle, on the other hand, is still sucking on the crossbar from her teacher. Just as she had learned from her teacher a few moment ago.

Gerald keeps pressing her head on his hard cock. She jappes for air and already has a few tears in her eyes from the choking … I say to her: “So michelle lie on the couch …” “Now we’ll see what your young pussy can stand out..“She stops blowing and lies up on the couch legs spread out … her tight column glitters for the loud pussy juice … she grabs herself …And fingers wet cunt around her glits. I say: “Nothing there” hit her her fingers and show her the two dildos: “Which one would we like to have young Miss” she shows immediately on the dildo In my right hand …A dildo with the dimensions: 28x6cm, vein for real enjoyment, and up to the last millimeter bad luck black …Ok … I say … very good choice Madame “. She only moans “Yes Ms. Richter give me the horny black mega cock … that’s exactly what I want …Let go of “she spreads her legs even more and pulls her young pussy meat with both hands out …” You can already start wife Richter “she asks me again.

But I don’t miss it and first cost her wonderfully young cunt juice. Bend me in front of her slit and enjoy your teen pussy with relish..”Delicious … you horny piece” I say to her while my tits dangle horny down. Then I notice how Gerald stands behind me and my two freely swinging udder bravely tackles. He only pushes me with his piston over my fucking hole …I flinch together …Keep Michelle’s crop of the black dildo on her open pussy entrance and say to Gerald: “Yes …Put him in pure “Gerald puts his crest on the opening …And just as he pushes his hard cock into my horny hole without mercy – I slide Michelle the black dildo without mercy into her young pink cunt hole.

To my astonishment, she moans her young fuck meat without problems without problems. Gerald begins to fuck me rhytically what I acknowledge by loud groaning. His eggs clap my wet fuck cave. I am so gossip that he can fuck me nicely … He pumps me into my abdomen with every bush … What always gave a fart noise when pulling out … but he kept pounding his fucking stick into my horny hole.

As I said, I fuck Michelle with the dildo …She stretches back and forth on the couch …And groans loudly: “Oh yes, Ms. Richter … just like …”

She reaches for the dildo and therefore calls me to push the dildo more violently and further into it with lusty wet fötzlein without a word on her. I think that I think and fuck her as challenged by her! Michelle now lets me determine how I get it and only wixxes her clearly recognizable clit …With the other hand she claws in the couch! She groans louder and suddenly she screams:
“Oohhjaaa Ms. Richter …Don’t stop me it comes right ….Yes a… … yesaaa ….do not stop!!!””
She looks at me and formally begs it to get her further ….But I don’t think that the little one should come for the first time …So I pull the dildo out of her pussy …What accompanies from a slippery geriaish …you now look at me questioningly! Your pussy is wide open … a circular hole which shines wonderfully wet …is now what I can look at from close. Gerald still fucked me deep into my teacher pussy.

Briefly to myself. My name is Vera Richter and am 49y.

But by no means look like most other women my age. I mean I’ve always been slim but with curves where they belong to a woman. That means in my case with delicate 18J. I had a lavish breast that was only more throughout the years.

To be precise-at the time I usually fit my bras with a D-Cup, I always have to wear at least 2-3 sizes over it to get my two “pretty” neatly packaged. However, the scope has always remained constant. The bra that I bought it last week – is an 80e. You can’t do anything against gravity, but measured on the size increase, the slopes factor is rather low.

Which of course makes me very happy and I can say – yes, I love my breasts. Point.
I’ve been divorced for 7 years. I have 2 children who both already live their own lives. I live alone.

This is also one of the reasons why I am now sexually totally under -supplied and have to get my highlights myself or through my toys.

So and as the last info in advance – I work as an English teacher at a high school.
When I was in school shortly after 7 that day.Hour a smooching couple saw together on the women’s toilet, I went afterwards.
First of all, of course, I wanted to stop the whole thing immediately, but when I entered the toilet and could hear the fuck noises of the two immediately-it turned me on animal from the first second.
I sneaked two cabins next to it and couldn’t help but pull my skirt up a bit and to finger myself.

When the young fucker to understand that it would come the same … it only took a short time until it was time. I straightened my clothes and of course I wanted to tell the two of course … Suddenly my keychain fell on the tiles and where it was just going wild – it was completely quiet. I asked the two to get out because I heard exactly what was going on there anyway.
Shortly afterwards Michelle came with a red head and immediately afterwards Tommy with a view of the cabin.
I told them that of course I would have to forward the story to the director. Then Michelle started crying immediately and begging me, please don’t do this.

She does everything for it too. Tommy assured the same and so it happened that I invited the two to visit me at home in the evening. You could talk about everything in peace again and then look on.
At that moment it was already clear to me that the two would end my sexual emergency tonight. Because secretly, her fucking made me so damn horny that I would have loved to say on the position of the two.

Only I just right in the middle of it.

So that was the history and now a lot of fun reading.

It is 19.30 … I just got out of the shower … the doorbell rings on my front door. I pull my bathroom coat over and hurry to the door. On the way there it rings again and I wonder who is so crowded … I think it is still half an hour … I recognize through the frosted glass in my front door that it seems to be a girl and only open the front doorSpit wide. Jenny stands at the door.

She looks like she has just cried and sobs terribly … I open the door a bit more and ask Jenny … What are you doing here? What happened for God’s sake? She only answers to a limited extent to my question … she says: Oh Ms. Richter … you said I can come to you at any time if I have any problems or worries … yes … I can answer that too. Jenny can’t keep her tears back … I say to her … I get a visit but come in for a short time and tell me what happened.

We go to my living room together and I say to Jenny: first pull out your jacket and sit down. Do you want something to drink? Yes that would be great … she says … “It is best to say something high -proof”, “she says and on” so that I can forget this shitty guy quickly “.

Aha … So the wind blows … So the men are the reason for your coming … I go to the kitchen and get two glasses and a bottle of lovely sparkling wine. I’m going back to Jenny to the living room … where she has now taken a seat on my black leather couch. She put her jacket off and I immediately find it that she is very sexy. Well then tell me and add another I hope you drink lovely sparkling wine..!? Looks at me and says with a tortured smile … I always become somehow … well …cool….but no matter.

I open the bottle while Jenny begins to tell … oh you know … I’ve been with Marcel for 2 months and well … we haven’t had sex yet.

Marcel has been pushing her since the beginning but she wanted to take her time because she would have really fell in love with him. And today she actually wanted to do it with him for the first time … it should be a surprise … But when she was already on the way to him she got a message from Robert. He sent her a video. The video showed a couple who had sex.

Look at it once and when she wanted to make it out again, the girl said in the video: “Oh yes Marcel … bang me really!“Then she looked at the video and recognized the tattoo that from Marcel. Shortly thereafter, Robert wrote to her … look at how your boyfriend drives it to my girlfriend. I just found on your cell phone. This wanker … I’ll get it … added Robert to Robert.

She looked at the video again … and yes it actually true Marcel who was completely in the video in the video. ..And when is that..She still wanted to know from Robert? That is from 2-3h … she got it as an answer.

Then she turned back and next she came to me the bell … because it was the next one on her way home Jenny said with tears in her eyes. Oh Jenny … I said to her and at the same time gave her the sparkling wine glass. The men are just pigs.

Just don’t take it to heart. There will soon be a new one who is not such a pig. I leaned a bit to her and wanted to take her in my arms … my bathrobe was a piece in the upper part … so that you had a direct view of my two splendid tits. She saw that and immediately said: “Woow … Ms. Richter you really have huge breasts.

I want to have them later. Z.ZT. Doesn’t that look like that for me. “. She briefly grabs her two young buds and asks bluntly: “Can I touch her breasts!?“I look at her and say:“ But for sure ”… continue to open the bathrobe..Pour back to the back and say: “Grain calmly too.“She does this suddenly and notes:“ Woow … and her nipple first.”

She caresses over my wart courtyards … to which the nipples naturally set up.

She takes her between her fingers and Schwupps … the next moment she starts nibbling and sucking. But Jenny: “What are you doing there.?“I ask her in astonishment. But she does not answer me but sucks more and more on my two buttons. It turns me on what this young thing does and I moan quietly when she bites me a little more in my left nipple.

“Well you think that’s good, Ms. Richter?“She wants to know from me … I just want to answer her:“ Jenny is going too far and I also get a visit right away.“Then I notice her hand on my thigh that is straight on my way to my shaved pussy … I briefly spend the language. Not her … she asks: “May I also touch her pussy?“Before I can answer, your hand has already reached your goal. My legs spread almost on their own and I only say: “You already do it.“She smiles at me briefly and immediately sucks back on my nipples that now becomes harder.

She caresses my clit and drives her fingers over my labia.

I lean back and put one leg on the couch … which gives you even better and in my pussy. She just wants to put my first finger in there … I interrupt her and say: “Listen to … I like it very much … But as I said, I get a visit right away.“When I had spoken out … I came up with the idea … oh why not … should she just stay with it. The evening becomes the hornier. Without further ado, I say to her: “Or do you know what … you just stay with it.

I promise you … you will definitely forget your current bad mood afterwards.“Jenny looks at me questioningly:“ Well if you think … then I stay here.I don’t have anything else anyway.”

We lifted the champagne glasses and reached a nice evening. So now I have to get ready … get up … go to the door and still say while walking: “Feel like at home.“I go to my bedroom and open my huge mirror cabinet. What should I put on? Halterless stockings … definitely! Bra yes/no? Or the sexy white dress!? There are several minutes until I made my selection-sexy made-up-the seductive expensive perfume put on. I look at the clock … oh already 5 after 8! I didn’t hear the ringing at all? After completing the view in the mirror, I go back to the living room and ask Jenny before I entered the room: “I didn’t hear the ringing?” No Answer.

I enter the living room …The TV is on….“Jenny?!“I ask loudly … I get a cheerful“ here ”from the kitchen. She comes out of the kitchen and has a still unopened sparkling wine bottle in her hand.

“I was so free … you said yes, I should feel like at home …AND….Mrs Richter….I once looked through her videos ”….She goes to the table, the remote control puts Play and immediately asks …”Tell you that!??“I look at the screen and see my porn from the time when I was still a student. I say … “Jap … you recognized that correctly. That’s me … but that’s so long ago.”… then Jenny says:” Wooow … how cool is that!? My teacher used to turn porn.

Crazy. Should I tell you that it excites me a lot … or does that come from the sparkling wine!??“At that moment I only fall on the fact that the first bottle of sparkling wine is completely empty on the table.

Jenny looks at me from top to bottom and says: “You have revealed each other … what kind of visit? Are you sure I should stay here …?“She has not yet finished the sentence because it rings the doorbell at the front door. Aha … well let’s see who this is now. I open the door … “Oh you are two …Nice that you came.

Come in.“So Tommy & Michelle. “I say the second door on the left to you … and don’t scare …“You two look a bit tense..After all, you don’t know what the evening will bring. Michelle pulls out her jacket … you help her like a gentleman. So we are still in the hallway there rings it again.

I say … “This is how we would be complete” … open the door and Gerald … so Mr. Paul is just around the corner. You see him and now ask yourself what is going on here. I greet him with a smack on my mouth and ask him in. He greets you.

And we go into the living room together.

Jenny and Michelle scream briefly and fall around their neck … “What are you doing here?“Ask each other … Tommy stares on the television from the first second and probably wonders just like Jenny whether the busty lady is on TV …

I hurry into the kitchen and still get the missing glasses. When I come back to the living room you have already taken a seat. While Michelle and Jenny chatter … you are still sitting on the TV rigidly there. At least on the whole … because in your pants everything is the order of the day as an option.

Gerald notifies in his pocket and pulls out a sachet … he gets her again and gets tobacco and leaves. Then he says: “Well, we’ll build one first … or what do you think!?” Nobody answers. Shortly afterwards he did his work. A mighty thick joint.

He asks me: “I can still?” “Go ahead”..I say … “Oh God how long is it that I did for the last time?“After taking a few strong features, he gives me the dinghy … I only pull it briefly and immediately notice that it starts to tingle throughout my body. A great feeling.

You are now pulling it one after the other and the mood in the room becomes much more relaxed from one moment to the other. Even more … the grass has an aphrodisive effect on everyone. Jenny points to the television, whereupon Michelle really note from the porn that ran all the time .

She clarifies her that it is Ms. Richter … and whispers in her ear … that she was even allowed to touch the huge breasts a few minutes ago. Then it bursts out of Michelle … “” I want to do that too.”” Well then ask her “… says Jenny. “Or Ms. Richter … Michelle can also touch Michelle ?”

“Well, if everyone should be treated equally … or!?““ I would also take a closer look at your girlie breasts. I don’t need to emphasize that my pussy will be wet ….It should be enough if I say that a drop of pussy juice started to flow down my leg because of sheer lust.

I am taking the initiative and start to stroke Michelle about their much larger students breasts. I button her two buttons from her blouse and help her get rid of it. I look at Gerald and I immediately noticed his fat cock under his tight jeans. He gently strokes his pants and watches both of us with relish.

I say … ”So two ladies – now the first gentleman comes on.“Gerald does not be asked for long … He stands between us … he pulls out his T-shirt and she turns through me directly … how sexy his upper body is … With the six-pack simply to bite.

Michelle apparently thinks similarly … because her nipples are suddenly visible under her bra. To get to the full pleasure, I open the bra with one hand … which shortly afterwards falls to the ground … Now she is in her full splendor with her sexy girlie tits and the stiff nipple. I stroke her and she visibly enjoys …Then she suddenly grabs Gerald’s tense jeans and strokes over his pumping lout.

“You are also quite well stocked Mr. Paul.““ Whether such a thick cock would fit into my young pussy..?“She asks her with innocent eyes to ask us both teachers. “Want to look. And certainly the two gentlemen here too!? Or gentlemen?”” Yes sure “… we are there,” says two in the same.

Well … I get up, get in front of the coffee table get my two melons out of the dress. “Well who wants the first thing!?“Michelle gets up and comes to me … she gently gropes over my chest …I say … “You can really get really long.“Take her hands and show her how I imagine that.

My nipples slowly get hard again … I am very excited that it touches me and probably also perceive everything much more intensely because of the previously smoked joint. I don’t need to emphasize that my pussy will be wet ….It should be enough if I say that a drop of pussy juice started to flow down my leg because of sheer lust. I am taking the initiative and start to stroke Michelle about their much larger students breasts. I button her two buttons from her blouse and help her get rid of it.

I look at Gerald and I immediately noticed his fat cock under his tight jeans. He gently strokes his pants and watches both of us with relish. I say … ”So two ladies – now the first gentleman comes on.“Gerald does not be asked for long … He stands between us … he pulls out his T-shirt and she turns through me directly … how sexy his upper body is … With the six-pack simply to bite. Michelle apparently thinks similarly … because her nipples are suddenly visible under her bra.

To get to the full pleasure, I open the bra with one hand … which shortly afterwards falls to the ground … Now she is in her full splendor with her sexy girlie tits and the stiff nipple. I stroke her and she visibly enjoys …Then she suddenly grabs Gerald’s tense jeans and strokes over his pumping lout. “You are also quite well stocked Mr. Paul.““ Whether such a thick cock would fit into my young pussy..?“She asks her with innocent eyes to ask us both teachers.

“Well then let’s look” … I say and open Michell’s pants. Slide my hand under her tanga … At first just stroke her young clitoris with two fingers over her shade lips, so I notice- as it was to be expected- that the little one is almost as wet between my legs..

She’s cool like Schmidt’s cat and begins to rub more and more on Gerald’s pants. Suddenly Gerald interrupts the whole thing … oh well … I almost forgot now … he rummages briefly in his jacket pocket …Figure a pack of tablets … and pack one of them …takes its champagne glass … throws the pill and rinses down with a big sip of sparkling wine at the same time. Before I was able to ask the question, he says: “So that the whole thing is not over and everyone gets their money’s worth …A little doping for my friend here ”… He opens his belt and Michelle goes
immediately at hand … or rather to his cock. It opens the zipper, the pants pulls a bit hectic …Geradeso that he can free his powerful part from the tight jeans and can also unpack his mighty eggs.

Michelle now kneels in front of him. He takes her head on his hair, holds it tight and claps his horny, fat straps on her face …Before she gets his huge crest into her wide torn mouth shortly afterwards. I can watch all of this closely because I already get it vigorously with my fingers to the little ones …Your horny pussy smacks every time I pull my fingers out of her wet can and then put it back in ..

My gaze falls on the couch …Because from there an ever louder groan and when I look … I can hardly believe it …Jenny lies there with legs spread wide, the tanga pushed aside and fingers her young canteen ….Your gaze is fixed on it … But for some reason you are still holding back …Only when Michelle gave her ok shortly afterwards that you can go to Jenny calmly … you were finally active …Since Tommy sits almost right next to Jenny … Jenny sits on your lap without further ado and rubs her body with passion. You pack your pelvis and now move them up and down in your clock.

Michelle fires you briefly: “Yes … Tommy … show her how well you are stocked!“Jenny grabs you on your piston and skilfully opens your buttons on your pants. She grabs and grabs your cock. She immediately begins to push him into her wide open mouth and sucks the whole cock with relish! At the same time, Michelle is still kneeling before Gerald … who still fucks her mouth a mega tail. Gerald pulls me up and immediately begins to suck at my warts.

I stretch my two melons right in front of his face. I look down … where I see Michelle how she passed on the Lümmel of Gerald with passion. Then I crouch right next to her and say: My little one … I’ll show you how best to do that!“I take his strap and fuck my mouth really deep! I have gurgling and choking but don’t let off the horny latte. Then I continue to wank and take his thick egg in my mouth.

First one then the other … and in the end even both. I turn around and see how Michelle watches me to be a teacher and in the meantime her young pussy caresses and fingers. Well then get young lady here. She kneels back in front of him and is now doing it exactly to her teacher.

It works great … I say and get up to go to my bedroom briefly … When I got back in the living room … I have two dildos in my hand. Tommy got on his back and Jenny is just sitting on his face. She moves her pelvis forward and back and enjoys your tongue in her young pussy. She moans intensely.

Michelle, on the other hand, is still sucking on the crossbar from her teacher.

Just as she had learned from her teacher a few moment ago. Gerald keeps pressing her head on his hard cock. She jappes for air and already has a few tears in her eyes from the choking … I say to her: “So michelle lie on the couch …” “Now we’ll see what your young pussy can stand out..“She stops blowing and lies up on the couch legs spread out … her tight column glitters for the loud pussy juice … she grabs herself …And fingers wet cunt around her glits. I say: “Nothing there” Slue on her fingers and show her the two dildos: “Which one would we like to have young Miss” she immediately points to the dildo in my right hand …A dildo with the dimensions: 28x6cm, vein for real enjoyment, and up to the last millimeter bad luck black …Ok … I say … very good choice Madame “.

She only moans “Yes Ms. Richter give me the horny black mega cock … that’s exactly what I want …Let go of “she spreads her legs even more and pulls her young pussy meat with both hands out …” You can already start wife Richter “she asks me again. But I don’t miss it and cost
First of all her wonderfully young cunt juice. Bend me in front of her slit and enjoy your teen pussy with relish..”Delicious … you horny piece” I say to her while my tits dangle horny down.

Then I notice how Gerald stands behind me and my two freely swinging udder bravely tackles.

He only pushes me with his piston over my fucking hole …I flinch together …Keep Michelle’s crop of the black dildo on her open pussy entrance and say to Gerald: “Yes …Put him in pure “Gerald puts his crest on the opening …And just as he pushes his hard cock into my horny hole without mercy – I slide Michelle the black dildo without mercy into her young pink cunt hole. To my astonishment, she moans her young fuck meat without problems without problems. Gerald begins to fuck me rhytically what I acknowledge by loud groaning. His eggs clap my wet fuck cave.

I am so gossip that he can fuck me nicely … He pumps me into my abdomen with every bush … What always gave a fart noise when pulling out … but he kept pounding his fucking stick into my horny hole. As I said, I fuck Michelle with the dildo …She stretches back and forth on the couch …And groans loudly: “Oh yes, Ms. Richter … just like …”

She reaches for the dildo and therefore calls me to push the dildo more violently and further into it with lusty wet fötzlein without a word on her. I think that I think and fuck her as challenged by her! Michelle now lets me determine how I get it and only wixxes her clearly recognizable clit …With the other hand she claws into the couch! She groans louder and suddenly she screams:
“Oohhjaaa Ms. Richter …Don’t stop me it comes right ….Yes a… … yesaaa ….do not stop!!!””
She looks at me and formally begs it to get her further ….But I don’t think that the little one should come for the first time …So I pull the dildo out of her pussy …What accompanies from a slippery geriaish …you now look at me questioningly! Your pussy is wide open … a circular hole which shines wonderfully wet …is now what I can look at from close. Gerald still fucked me deep into my teacher pussy.

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