Dreier with my tutoring students! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

That afternoon my angel had me for tutoring in mathematics with two school friends Sandra and Julia Verdernert. It would probably be a totally decent afternoon with a lot of chatting. But if I can help the teenagers a little bit better, then I was ready to do this. I already knew the friends.

There were two very nice girls like my angel, but not as pretty as bee for a long time.

They couldn’t help that they were not necessarily shining in math, but otherwise they were very nice girls to be fun with them. I just hoped that I would not have to fight with a stiff that afternoon. For safety, I had put on my tight -fitting swimming trunks below, which should keep my little one in “bridle”, even if he could grow to a stiffness.

I tried to appear with my angel as early as possible to maybe quickly complete a quickie, but just when my fingers wanted to slide in Bienes panties and the friends came. After exchanging the latest messages, things finally went to work and the rules of the integral calculation were thed.

I noticed that one of the two girls, it was Julia, had a dirndl on that made her relatively small breasts appear quite open when she was sitting towards me and was turning forward to write. I had probably looked at the little splendor for a long time when my angel stumbled with my foot to signal to me that I would have turned to her.

After two hours of intensive work and a lot “I think I never Clever” we devoted ourselves to everyday root who with whom and how and what when Sandra suddenly turned to bee and asked: “You were already in bed and haveslept together. Or?”

Bee pressure at the beginning, but then she replied: “Sure, that was always very nice, because we love each other”. Sandra continued: “But then you already had his penis in your hand”.

The question was slowly embarrassed, because what was going on between bee and me was our sweet secret and I did not necessarily have to make our freedom of movement, which we showed in the house and in the garden. But bee had caught up again and now reported very openly that we take off naked as often as possible and therefore stroke and love a lot. But Sandra was persistent: “Then you can also explain to me how the male ejaculation works. Have you ever done that with Uwe?“Bee replied:“ If you love each other then there is hardly anything better than naked together and to get each other and self -understandable and of course Uwe had often had an ejaculation.“My angel now spoke from experience and explained Julia and Sandra exactly the processes that bring the man to an ejacro eff.

Now Julia, who was so far silent: “Do you think Uwe could show us that? We both have never seen it before.

Please, please bee, allow Uwe to show it to us.“I was speechless that the two girls asked me so openly that I should get one down and I thought about how I could pull myself out of the loop, who got closer and closer over me. To my astonishment, Bee only said: “You have to ask Uwe, I would allow it, because I also like to see it when Uwe comes the ejaculation. This reaction of his body is just beautiful, especially if I can do it by hand.”

Now Bee turned to me: “Please Uwe, join in, because I’m really in the mood to see the ejaculation with you”. “You mean I should move out and you rub one down and that was it then? No thanks, I’m not the breeding animal in the insemination station, ”I replied.

But the three girls didn’t let up and begged until it was finally too stupid I said almost annoying: “But only if you are all totally naked.”

Julia and Sandra looked at each other and then looked at bee as my angel joyfully said: “This is a good suggestion, because if Uwe is supposed to show us his most intimate reaction, it is only a matter of course that he also sees us between his legs andmay touch us. Los girls to work.”

Julia and Sandra apparently not quite. They looked at each other for a long time. Finally Sandra shrugged and replied: “Then Uwe can just move out, but you bee, you have to move out.“Now it was Bee’s turn.

She turned to me and asked me: “What are you waiting for?”

From my careless remark, which I expressed in the hope that everything was done with it, had become serious. I was hoping that Sandra and Julia would wave. I only wanted to enjoy these pats with my beloved angel. But after Biene’s request I got to work.

Sandra and Julia each had a relatively short skirt and a blouse.

Julia’s dirndlover part had buttons at the front. I went to Julia and with the remark: “Your promise applies?“And I started to push up her blouse slowly and enjoyingly, whereby I held my hands so that I repeatedly touched her breasts, which she had done willing. When I pulled her the open blouse down from the upper body, she raised her arms and helped me. I went around her to open the chopping on her red bra.

Then I noticed how she crossed her hands in front of her breast, just as if she wanted to protect her breasts from access. I still opened the chopper and stroked her bare back. I pushed my hands forward from her back and with the remark: “Now you have to stick to our agreement” I pushed my hands forward under her bra to comprise her little breasts. “I’m sorry, but I’m ashamed because I only have a very small breast” drove it out of her.

“You don’t have to be ashamed of it, because I love little breasts. Take a look at my angel. I don’t want her to have such a big, sloppy atomic bus.”I replied to her. Julia took her hands down and showed up at the top without.

She was a very appetizing sight. Two nice peach breasts with pointed nipple let my pants get a little tight.

I kissed her two little nipples, who were still very soft and turned to Sandra. I put her t-shirt on the hem and pulled it up. Out of two naked breasts dangled out.

They were round and slightly larger than bees breasts. With light pink atriads and small nipples that indicated that Sandra was probably not yet excited. After I pulled her T-shirt over her head, I also kissed her nipple and felt that they had hardened and slightly greater. Sandra did not try to cover her breasts, but crossed her arms behind her head and said: “Well, how do you like my dairy farming?”I just grinned at her and replied:” There is no approach to Bienes attributes, because bee is my great love, but your breast also looks nice “too”.

So I went to bee and sank with her in a long kiss while I reached under her top, stroked her sweet breasts and pushed her sweater up.

When I pulled him over Biene’s head, I couldn’t help but knead and kiss the lovely little breasts until her nipple finally stood out hard. In the meantime I opened my buttons on Bienes Rock and slowly let it slide to the ground. I knelt down in front of her, kissed her stomach, her thighs and her smooth shame through the panties. Slowly as in slow motion I put the elasticiz on her panties and pulled her panties down leisurely down.

Meanwhile, bee had opened her legs slightly, so that the slip slipped down by itself when I let go of it. Bee stood in front of me in her divinely beautiful nudity, how I at the beach met. When Bee opened her legs a little further, I couldn’t control myself and kissed her labia, which felt wonderfully soft and warm.

The next one came on Sandra. After stroking her breasts with my hands, I opened the belt of her skirt and buttons.

The skirt fell to the ground by itself and a teasing small lace panties showed itself. I examined one step backwards Sandra, who only wears her panties. She was also a cute girl and I was curious to see her pussy would look. I took the panties in my hands and pushed it down a little bit.

An as smooth -shaped pussy as she had bee came to light. With my hands I pushed her thighs apart and took her panties in the crotch, whereby I slightly touched her labia. When her panties fell to the ground, Sandra also stood in front of me. She had relatively narrow labia, from which the small labia swollen thickly.

It was the kind of pussy that I didn’t like as well as Bienes pussy, whose labia only formed a narrow slot in the middle and covered the small labia.

Julia gave way back a bit when I approached her, almost as if she was afraid of her own decision. But then she took heart and came back to me. Her dirndlrock was not so quick to open with the many chopping, but with combined forces – my splintered bee helped – this problem was also solved. She had a red panties that had the same color as her bra.

I knelt down in front of Julia, stroked the inside of her thighs up until I reached her thumb cleverly covered with my thumb. Along the hem of the panties, I stroked her thighs into the crotch where she opened her legs by itself. I pushed the index finger of my right hand at the level of the labia. I could see that she had a relatively short fluff on her labia.

I pulled the step of her panties on the side to see her pussy. Apparently Julia was not so pleasant, because she ehes her panties on the side of the elastic and pulled it out. She had bright blond pubic hair, which was still quite thin and therefore released the view of her rather well developed labia. I couldn’t control myself and stroked her pussy, with my index finger drove through her love column to determine that she was apparently already relatively well off.

My finger was pretty damp afterwards.

It was a wonderful sight to see the three girls completely naked in front of me. Each was pretty in their own way to look at, but my angel stuck far from the other two. In their eyes there was love and not just curiosity like Sandra and Julia. I had to go to my angel again and caress her all over the body, her breasts, her stomach, her thighs and ultimately her super -sweet pussy until Sandra’s voice pulls me out of my dream: “We are naked here and you just smoochWith bee, it doesn’t work that way.

We are already moist and now want to finally examine your stiff and your eggs.”

I was still dressed. An irony of fate, because Julia and Sandra actually wanted to see me naked and now it was the other way around. It was Julia who spoke up next: “Now Uwe is coming to her turn. We fulfilled our part of the agreement “.

Sandra added: “I suggest that we dice who can move Uwe”. Bee finally had the solution: “Whoever dice the lowest number can take off his shirt. The medium number is for the pants and those who have the highest number of cubes can take off their underpants.”

The dice began. Julia had a 2, bee 4 and Sandra had 5 eyes.

Julia came up to me and pulled my shirt over my head together with my shirt. Bee first felt after my stiff and was amazed that they hardly found a bump in their pants. “Are you so empty today that you don’t have a stiffness?” she asked. “Wait a moment.

It clarifies immediately, ”I replied. My angel pulled my pants down and was now satisfied with her world. Instead of the underpants, I had put on swimming trunks that was quite tight and kept my stiff in shape, so that he could hardly apply my pants. In three girls I had made sure that my expected permanent erection was not too noticeable.

I had no idea how Julia and Sandra would react if I walked around with a clearly visible stiff, but now everything was clear – I was allowed to present my stiff fully and my precaution was for nothing.

Sandra started for the final. She knelt down in front of me and stroked as I was with her, first from the inside of my thighs up and then touch the bump in the swimming trunks with the elongated end. She introduced her index finger to her pants on the side and got a testicle that she pushed to the side of the tale. Then she seized the waistband and pulled down strongly.

My stiffer, which was already painful due to the tightness in the swimming trunks, first got stuck on the waistband and finally snaps up against the stomach and then steeply erected steeply. Sandra stayed kneeling in front of me for a while and looked at my stiff while my angel came towards me and in her tried and tested man. I couldn’t help it into the crotch and massage her pleasure grotto, which was very wet.

“May we touch you?“With this question, Julia tore me out of the rising dreams in which I already wanted to fulfill bee her wishes. “That’s why Uwe took off,” replied bee before I could react.

She got a sheet of paper out of her school bag, folded it apart and I suspected that the whole action was a broken game. On the sheet of paper, the male genitals were cut in large format. “Now we want to make up for the biology lessons from this morning in practice,” said Sandra with satisfaction, setting up the couch And commanded me: “Sit in front of me on the edge of the table because I now want your eggs and yours tail Charge to palpate all the details with the drawing. A difference to the drawing can hardly be overlooked: In contrast to the sketch, your penis is steeply directed upwards.”

I sat down on the coffee table as required by Sandra in front of her.

Bee and Julia sit on the left and right of Sandra. “Explain everything to us” Julia turned to bee. Bee was born the teacher in this area, since she had already examined very detailed examinations and knew every corner and corner of my gender. “The best way to start with the eggs” started my angel.

She took a testicle and explained Julia and Sandra the structure and function of the testicle. Oddly enough, she had much more attentive listeners than I had previously with the rules of mathematics (whoever grins here – I was also more pleasant than math rules on me). When the bee also explained the sensitivity to pain of the testicles in the event of strong pressure or blow, Sandra and Julia assured that they would feel me with feeling and not with strength. Bee did not forget to mention that the eggs are a very important part to excite a man, because gentle touch can be extremely exciting.

In any case, Bee was able to draw from the full as a teacher.

As a bee, my eggs were released to feel. I had only experienced such a intense fusle, crumpled and kneading of my eggs in certain situations with my angel. With these feelings, my stiffer could only stand up steeply in painful excitement. My feelings were geared towards pure sex.

With my feet I opened Sandra and Julia my thighs so that I could reach her pussy and started to stroke her labia with my big toes and then dive into their love column. Both girls were gossip wet and bee had previously placed towels on the couch to avoid stains by love juices.

“How is the ejaculation done?“Asked Sandra, who obviously hadn’t seen any porn yet. In this chapter too, Bee was a master. Stiff took my stiff to the side of me and started rubbing gently.

She showed the girls exactly how they had to take my stiff in hand to create a maximum of feelings in me. “In order to create an ejaculation with maximum enjoyment at Uwe, he can take his favorite position,” my angel lectured. I was allowed to go down from the coffee table and could sit on the front edge of the couch. When I leaned back I had a half -pointed position and was able to stretch my legs, which was helpful to me in the muscle contraction.

Bee sat on the left of me, Sandra Kniete in front of the couch between my legs and Julia sat on the couch on the right of me.

Julia was allowed to rub my stiff, as Bee had explained it. Sandra was able to crumple my eggs and took over a significant part to beautify orgasm me.

Julia comprised my stiff with her hand and started to push the skin up and down on my shaft. Since she had no experience yet, she could not know the most sensitive places to excite me. I took her hand and explained to her how to put her fingers around my stiff and how she had to push the foreskin to create the most beautiful of all feelings.

Sandra watched everything carefully while my eggs massaged very gently and soulful. Now Julia began to massage my stiff. First in slow rhythm, always careful to do everything right. I was able to make even smaller corrections of her hands, which led to my stiffer really rubbed off optimally.

Bee now knelt next to me to offer me her pussy to stroke, which I gratefully accepted. It was wonderful: a girl crumpled my eggs, a girl massaged my stiff and the third girl, my beloved angel, I was allowed to stroke and spoil the pussy.

Relatively quickly my feelings were only reduced to my stiff and my thinking focused exclusively on the upcoming ejaculation. It started to pull in my stomach. My eggs gave me the feeling of enormous abundance and my stiff seemed to burst.

I started to breathe hard and gasped: “It comes to me” when the first load of my pipe shot and landed on my chest in the high arc above my stomach. Julia wanted to stop pumping, but Bee called to her: “Make on, it comes more”. Julia’s hand massaged continued and took some shots out of my eggs until everything was pumped out.

Julia reduced the pace at which she pumped my stiff and was able to achieve that I could get my excitement upright for some time, which was done by Sandras massage was supported in my eggs. But then my proud piece slowly began to lash in the rhythm of the pulse and Julia and Sandra took their hands away from my soft tissues to look at the result of my ejaculation.

“That was great.

It is a wonderful experience to hold a stiff in your hand that is just splashing. I wouldn’t like to stop, ”shouted Julia anymore. “You have to let us do that more often, because I can also get it to bring you to the ejaclulation,” added Sandra. But Bee looked at me with her bright star eye to wink and said: “But you have to ask me for permission, because Uwes Stiffer finally belongs to me”.

“And nobody asks me if I want to participate,” I smoke, but was not averse to repeating this game.

“Now I would like to examine and look at the pussy with you very carefully.

With these words I turned to Sandra and Julia, “because you were able to watch me at orgasm and so I would also like to look closely at you and maybe give you a little luck.”

Sandra lay on the coffee table with her back, put on her legs and opened her thighs very far. Her pussy was therefore wide open and gave a view of the entrance to her pleasure grotto. I shared her little labia with my fingers, who were fat and had free field of vision on her inner secret. I was able to find that her moisture increased quickly and when I gently moistened my index finger on her treasure chest, rubbed her clitoris and then twisted it between the index finger and thumb, she immersed it fully into the realm of the exciting dreams.

With the thumb I rubbed her clit and immersed my index finger into her pleasure cave, which finally triggered the climax in Sandra. With deep breaths she could enjoy him and then slowly come back to reality. When she got up, she left a clear trace of her love juices on the table, which we wiped off with cloth.

“I want to experience that too,” Julia also spoke up on the table and willingly opened her legs. So much pretty femininity as I could see, first Sandra and now Julia (bee was slowly jealous) also had an effect on my masculinity and my standing male rose to the full size again.

While I looked at Julia’s pussy, touched and excited brought bee to work on my stiff and my eggs according to all the rules of her art. While I gently massaged Julia’s clit and lifted Julia into the seventh heaven of excitement, my angel had also brought me a lot. Julia’s orgasm was not quite as deep as with Sandra, but apparently quite pleasant for her, because she assured that it was much nicer than when she stroked herself.

After Julia’s excitation had subsided and Julia had sat on the couch again, Bee lay on the table and noticed: “I don’t just stroke me. I am now in full.“She presented her divine pussy far open in front of me and since we were both in high excitement, the last brake loosened with us.

Only one reflex dominated my body: immersing the stiff in bees.

As if by itself, my torpedo slipped into Bienes wet tube and I couldn’t other than with your eyes full of your eyes full of pleasure with full batches, immerse yourself in Bienes pleasure center and immerse yourself in. Finally the pulling in the eggs, the well-known twitching into bees, the on and tipping of her pussy and then: shot on shot my sperm in Bienes vagina came at the same time as Bien’s redeeming orgasurial scream. We no longer registered that Julia and Sandra watched. We were only available for our common orgasm.

Sweating, mated and happily redeemed, we woke up from our exstasy. My slimming flap from Bienes vagina and we loosened from each other. About Biene’s face was an expression of limitless happiness and I also felt close to heaven when a voice brought us back into the action: “Wow, that was a porn show, better than in every cinema. Fully out of life, ”cheered Sandra and Julia grinned.

“No, no porn show, but real love was that” replied my sweet angel and I could only agree with her.

“There will be a tutoring lesson again tomorrow? Because I would also like to learn something, ”was Sandra’s question when we got dressed again and the two girls had to go home.

I looked at bee and my angel replied: “But first the math comes on, then the pleasure”

The next day, Julia and Sandra were in front of the bee door on time for the agreed appointment. Sandra had a large wooden box with him. Bee asked what was in the box, but Sandra only replied that she would not reveal the content yet.

“You are dressed?“Was the somewhat amazed question from Julia. “Of course, or do you want to learn differential calculation naked?”I asked back.

Julia and Sandra added to my demand and after two hours of brain work it was time to employ the regions below.

“Today you will be pulled out naked at first and we are only then on the turn of” determined my bee. All three dragged on my clothes at the same time and I was naked in no time. It went so quickly that my standing man was still sleeping. But the looks of the girls and the subsequent grip of Sandra into my eggs aroused it and in the usual speed my stiffer was raised again.

First I made my angel.

In the foresight, she only had a dress to be opened in front and no underwear on the body. So after I opened the buttons she was immediately in her wonderful beauty in front of me. I couldn’t help but touch the grip on her breasts and in her lure love column, because my angel checked the strength of my stiff during the whole action.

I intended to get rid of Sandra as the next of her clothes. Today she had a rather short panties and a thin but not transparent blouse under which there was apparently no bra, as the imprint of 2 small nipples revealed.

I stepped towards her from behind and reached around her upper body around the blouse’s push buttons. Sandra put her arms back and was able to grab my full life. She stroked my stiff and kneaded my eggs. I tried to return my feelings by gently stroking her breast while I nested on the push buttons of her blouse.

Finally I had opened her and was able to twist her nipple on the relatively full breasts. I reached deeper with my hands and found the button on her waistband and also the zipper that opened the gate to her most sacred. At that moment Bee came next to me touched my upper arm with her breast and rubbed her sweet nipple on it as she reached down and took my eggs out of Sandra’s hand. In the meantime, with my hands on Sandra’s stomach I stroked her panties until I felt the moisture between her labia with my fingers.

Then I pulled her skirt and panties down in one. From behind Sandra had a plump baking with solid baking. A firm grip with both hands into this tight life caused an astonished outcry and Sandra turned jerky. A Hüscher naked teen stood in front of me.

Julia had already worked up and cleared up to the slip.

Her little but crispy breasts seemed to her no longer a problem today, then she showed him very openly by stretching out her arms on the side and withdrawn: “I hope that I can still feel a little of your stiffness now.“She also wanted me to press my stiff on her butt behind her and first explore her pussy with my hands under her panties before I pulled it down. Her love column was quite moist and a grip on her nipples proved to me that she showed more excitement that day than yesterday.

The three nacksis now urged that I should take the same position on the sofa again as the day before. I did the girl’s favor. Julia began to crumple my eggs and Sandra was allowed to do the ejaculation.

After a few indications of how she had to put her hand around my stiff, the heavenly game began again and when my angel took the position in which I could stroke her breasts and her pussy and caress. The girls had such a wonderful grip on my stiff and my eggs that my cream crawled up relatively quickly from my eggs. My hand in Bienes pussy increased this feeling considerably and the first beam shot out of my stiff on my stomach. Sandra knew from yesterday that even more sperms come and pumped everything out of my eggs in amazing skill.

I let go of Bienes pussy and pulled Bee back to get clothes with which she wanted to wipe my stomach. But Sandra held her back. “Stop, we still need his love droplets. I brought a microscope with me and we would like to see if we can see his sperm under the microscope, ”called Sandra full of hustle and bustle.

Julia brought the carrier glasses in the meantime, each rehearsed my sperm drops and put one in the microscope.

It was a joy like the naked girls sat in front of the microscope and cheered because they could actually perceive small, flickering dark dots, the living sperm, in my sperm samples.

That afternoon the three girls had teamed up as a conspiratorial group and agreed with me as much sperm as possible. All three were allowed to milk my stiff until my standing male just wanted to sleep. In any case, the microscope was put into operation more often.

When Sandra and Julia said goodbye my angel stayed and I naked back. Bee was happy that she was that day the first time had seen what the male part is in caring for a child.

I was also deeply impressed by the sight of the living sperm.

We sat on the sofa and cuddled together in love where we fell asleep and only woke up when Bienes Mother stood in front of us and woke us up for dinner.

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