My mother – a hooker? | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I had already been made more or less hidden hints, the kind of hints that I particularly love, “you actually know …” you know what I mean. And then this whisper behind the back … for a while you let it bounce off and do not take care of it, but at some point … but now in turn. Together with some of my buddies from school, I study in a nearby city.

I have a booth within a flat share. At first I was at home more often, but my visits were increasingly rare.

Every now and then friends from my hometown visit me. Sometimes they stay overnight. And then it gets wet and happy … and there alcohol As is well known, I heard my tongue, despite the noise around me, that they whispered over a lady. That was a few weeks ago.

I did not immediately find out who they duked, but when it comes to such topics, you get curious … I slipped closer, but I was still outside of her field of vision.

At first I was only able to snap a few fragments of their conversation … “Horny, … it can be done” and some other, rather clear formulations. I just wanted to get closer to the two when one of them gave a name, Dorothea … I was startled by a moment. Dorothea, that’s my means mine Mother. But it was probably a coincidence.

The name is really not that rare today. Of course I could have followed up, asked to ask.

But for some reason I didn’t. Maybe I didn’t want to know it at all. The rest of the evening or.

The night was running for me. My thoughts always circled this topic … and with every sip I became more sober. My mother is … well, quite attractive, very attractive even. And she knows.

And when we drive together for shopping, it happens that you whistle after her.

But these comments from my buddies, … they didn’t leave me rest. I had to have security. But I really wanted it? clarity? What if they really … if they were to do what the guys gossiped? At this thought there was something in me … The following weekend a meeting was planned at one of the friends in my hometown, a summer party in their garden. I drove directly to my boyfriend, with whom, as has often been the case before, I would spend the night.

I didn’t want to go to this party at all.

But hanging around alone in my booth, I didn’t want that either. My buddies were already slightly sausage. The loudspeaker boxes sounded the entire garden area, as usual, but was all the more striking that the conversations during my entry ended abruptly. It seemed to me that everyone would starve at me.

Maybe I just formed it. For a few seconds that occurred to me like hours, not a single word was spoken.

They were also quite embarrassed when they were greeted. But I probably just imagined that. I had huge catching up to do with the alcohol level.

But the alcohol missed its effect for me, happens before. Anyway, it seemed like this to me. And at some point they continue the chatter. I felt a huge urge and visited the toilet in the garden shed.

“I saw her this afternoon”. Two of my buddies stood outside, in the immediate vicinity of the toilet.

You could understand every word. “We have to be careful, probably he still didn’t get pointed that she could get it from everyone. “” “Do you think she is a professional?”” Don’t know … but congested as it runs around …, I’m pretty sure.

“” You once paid attention to how it stands?”” No, what do you mean?”” Well, most women hold them Legs pretty together when standing.

But it always stands as wide -legged as if she had something in between “. They roared “rat -sharp, the old one. How old is it actually?”” I don’t know, I appreciate in the late 40s, but has kept up fresh “. “Well, I don’t care, the main thing is that I have something hot in my fingers”.

“Witzbold …” Both laughed “whether she would let us get us? I want the old one right. “” Yes, and I’ll push my spanking into her fuck mouth.

“” One more thing – look at his youngest Brother Exactly when we are invited to his birthday on Saturday “” Why? What about that?““ Never noticed that he has a totally frizzy hair and pretty dark eyes? Doesn’t fit the others at all. “” I suspect what you want – she let it get pregnant from a clerch “from Africa”. “That would be pretty embarrassing if it came out …” They laughed again.

“They’re not stupid, they have known it for a long time.

“” I hope you with his Birthday party Is there. Hopefully she will run around in such a transparent fum. She has really horny tits, nice and firm and hard, yes, and pointed. ” “Exactly! And then she still imagines in front of the window or in front of any other light source that you can see her tits nicely.

“” It wants it that way, this bitch.

Let’s see if something is on it. In any case, I’m keen on that. “They had talked about my mother, I was almost sure … on Saturday my birthday party should start.

And her observations were also right … the attitude of her legs as it stands, I was really aware of that now. But I never really registered it. And the thing with my youngest brother, … yes, you were right.

And their clothes, including that met. “Sourly, we want to get one down”.

That applied to me. I still occupied the toilet. They laughed again. And I was angry, I could hardly control myself.

“It still takes”. I took my answer briefly so that she did not recognize my voice. In addition, my voice was quite occupied. But finally they went and I could leave the toilet.

My birthday party … I would have loved to cancel her.

I could have just turned it back to zero. It should be a pure men’s evening, i.e. without girlfriends at the thought that the buddies were keen on my mother, or at least some of them, … already a strange feeling … and my mother had announced days before that they were definitely tooWould be home … I stayed at home for the next few days.

I could hardly concentrate on anything. I watched my mother doing everything she was doing, how she moved, what she put on, how she made up … just everything. And you? She was in a good mood.

The day of the birthday party … I was excited, no, excited, horny, already while awakening. I can hardly describe it. On the one hand she is my mother, and this certain head cinema should be taboo, after all, it has been hammered in this way since time.

On the other hand … you a mature woman, a very attractive even. And if others, including buddies from my generation, are keen on them, then I also look twice – and not just on the face.

My mother likes to wear blouses, where her nipples are very clearly under the thin fabric. I am convinced that she knows very well how she affects men – and I strongly assume that she enjoys it.

Although my thoughts in the head cinema mostly limit themselves to the fact that it is amused with other men, sometimes a different picture is pushing itself out in which I am not just a spectator … – but I always quickly closed this drawer again. Nevertheless, I could not always prevent this idea from developing a certain dynamic. And every now and then there was no other way – I had to free myself from this pressure and get one down … afterwards it was uncomfortable, embarrassing.

Nevertheless, the feeling occurred again and again – especially when, as so often, as so often, they left the house in a tapping.

Back to the birthday party – the buddies arrived, much too early. And a lot of friends and acquaintances came, more than in previous years. Some I only knew fleetingly, quasi acquaintances from the acquaintances and that certainly didn’t come together with the fact that I suddenly slipped up so far in their popularity scale.

But I had such an idea why they appeared so numerous … The mood was strange. The buddies talked as usual, but everyone was somehow inhibited.

They were nervous, I too. Shortly after 9pm I heard the rattling of sandals on the stone stairs. My mother came down the stairs. And everyone looked at the door.

When she came in, everyone fell silent. She wore one of her favorite blouses again, white and transparent, none bra.

Her breasts could not only be guessed at in back light. She first went to the next table, turning some of us back and greeted my buddies there. Her skirt raised and let the view clear …

Freely on their own nylons and their white thighs, which flashed above the hem. For a tiny moment you saw her panties. “Oops …” My mother laughed and put down the skirt with her hands.

Although she certainly knew exactly what she revealed, everything was repeated when she came to my table and greeted everyone here too. Now the friends at the next table enjoyed …

What did my mother have before? She wanted to provoke the guys? I noticed that my buddies became restless and steal each other. With the one who was sitting right next to me, I could see that he got a stiffness. And he was certainly not the only one who happened.

“I’m very sorry, dear ones, but I can’t celebrate with you tonight. I wanted it really.

You have to believe me. But I have to go again. I hurry, maybe we’ll see you later. “” I’m sorry, my darling, I only experienced it beforehand.

“She came to me, leaned down to me and gave me a fleeting kiss on my forehead.

When my mother blew down to me, the neckline of her blouse opened, and a very heavy, sweet fragrance flowed towards me. The fragrance of a very nice, mature woman … a little later someone rang on the skin door. Although I actually didn’t expect anyone anymore, I opened. No, it was a guy from the neighborhood.

I knew him fleetingly because he changed with my mother to the little ones in the School bring to.

He didn’t have the best reputation, but I don’t give much to any slings. “Are you ready, Doro?“Why does he call them the first name, and then with pet names? Well … my mother ran to the door without pulling over a jacket or a coat. But it was still quite warm outside.

The two left the house. The evening dragged on after my mother left.

There was simply no mood. And I suspected the reason. The atmosphere had slowly sunk to the zero point, but it had nevertheless become louder, probably the alcohol that was now flowed.

At some point a cell phone rang, it was around 1 a.m. I couldn’t understand who the caller was and what it was about. But some guys who sat nearby looked up. And then they whispered together.

They fought something from a bar, I heard that much more.

With a really flimsy, no, rather stupid excuse, they said goodbye and with them also the guys who are not necessarily one of my closest circle of friends. And about 30 minutes later the next. I was suddenly alone with 2 really good friends, the “hard core”. And the two looked at the ground lay.

“Come on, already spit out – what is there?“I was angry because the party was just a flop.

They looked at each other, but did not want to move out of what they had heard – or already knew. “Man, you annoy, so what is played here?”” You drove into the bar “. “Yes and?“I knew which bar they meant, knew the shop, but I had never visited it. The bar is located in an area in which you find what you are looking for when you have certain needs.

“Let’s go there too?“What should we hang here alone? “Now still? Is far too late, and there is far too much hustle and bustle in the city because of the opening of the “Kiel Week” they had no right opinion.

“I’m going there now, you come with you now?“I looked at her questioningly. They shook their heads. But what the hell … 10 minutes later I was sitting in a taxi.

I drove alone into the old town. On the way I thought of making a little detour to the restaurant where my mother occasionally helped a friend as a service. As is well known, the city center is almost extinct, especially at this time, but now, during the “Kiel Week” it was really round.

The taxi got stuck in the fray and I put the rest back on foot. However, I was almost at the bar now, so I postponed the visit to the restaurant later.

The bar was more than overcrowded, locals were hardly represented, mostly visitors to the Kiel Week, but above all marine members of all nationalities. I couldn’t discover my buddies. But what annoyed me was these stupid laser flashes that you otherwise only see in discos.

You will be blinded permanently. I kept myself in the background where my eyes could slowly get used to these lighting conditions.

I would probably not discover my buddies here in the crowd, and I was about to work. And then I discovered someone, not the buddies, but instead my mother. I immediately noticed that she was now wearing a bra, although it was a fairly unusual copy – a kind of brass, bright red.

And that emerged significantly under the transparent blouse, then still this short fumbling of rock and the high heels. A thought was urged to me that I didn’t get rid of, she somehow saw …

slutty. She was just making a path across the crowds on the dance floor, in her hand she balanced a serving tablet with drinks. She now used it here, in this Bums scales? She had never spoken of that.

Mine too Father has never lost a word about it. Or he might know nothing about it? I didn’t like the environment here at all.

A little later she came back with an empty tray. It seemed to me as if she moved a little unsafe on her legs. When she wanted to squeeze between 2 tables, one of the guys sitting there held my mother on her arms and pulled her down to herself.

He wanted to kiss her, but she fended off him. She stood to me with her back when the guy then put his arm around my mother’s neck and pulled her down again.

Her skirt raised – as before at home. The guys at the next table opened a clear view of their legs, the black nylons with the suspenders. So she had to have changed beforehand.

And the panties had now given way to a string … I ventured a little closer.

“Well, my pretty, you would like a few young cocks?“She didn’t react. And the other guests who had to have heard only grinned. My mother was able to free herself and continued towards the bar counter as if nothing had happened. Your skirt bobbed with every step.

It was probably still reinforced by its provocative gait – and by the effects of one or the other glass sparkling wine … and my mother showed a lot of leg, a lot of leg even.

“Dorothea, where are you stuck? It’s your turn”. The DJ brought me back from my thoughts to reality. He used his microphone and called for her. So he knew her too.

And what was it “on”? I would find out soon. But then the whole thing took a different turn, for the time being. This dance belongs to you, my darling, ”she literally cozy. She had discovered me … “I wanted to tell you that I will help out here, but only during the” Kiel Week “.

This bar belongs to a neighbor of us.

And you know him too. Are you shocked?“Which neighbor? Before I could continue to worry, she pulled me to the dance floor as if nothing had happened at all. My mother looked at me – and I realized that she might have drunk a little too much after all. I was absolutely not comfortable.

I wanted to get her out of the bar.

But she conducted me through the crowd. On the way to the dance floor I could not take a look off from her hips, my mother moved with very provocative steps. Now just not a quick dance, I thought. Your skirt would only be whirled up.

And turns too fast would not be for them now. But the DJ had a view. He played a cuddly rock. And that was almost worse.

She nestled against me, wrapped her arms around my neck, and I didn’t know where I should stay with my hands.

Then there was this exciting scent of her perfume. She probably felt my uncertainty, took my hand and put it on her hip. In this way I felt this weighing of her hips even more intensely. And it made me crazy.

My hands suddenly became independent. I started to stroke her back.

She looked at me, put her head a bit diagonally … and smiled … and I felt the pressure of her breasts, her nipple, which protruded from the brass. My mouth was dry – I wanted to say something, but it didn’t come out of a word. What should I have said? Her painted lips shone, were close to me.

She kept her mouth slightly open, the deep red mouth, the white teeth, like pearls, occasionally shrugged her tongue – she was seductive, and she knew it, just … yes, horny! “You get your birthday kiss now!“She raised her face to me.

Maybe it was the alcohol, at least she opened her mouth slightly. I hesitated for a moment. I just wanted to kiss her, so she barely shook her head. I pressed her to myself, then let a hand slide down on her hips – she tended her head to the side and I buried my face on her neck between the shoulder and hairline.

She groaned barely audibly. Her hair hair, which was slightly curled by the hairline, … I had to try to come up with other thoughts, very quickly! But I couldn’t take my eyes away, and I couldn’t take my thoughts either.

Everything circled around them. And again and again I stared on her bare shoulders, her breasts. Every now and then their white thighs flashed between skirt and hem of the nylons.

My mother turned out of my arms. “See you soon …” then she rushed to her high heels to the bar, where the DJ was already excitedly waving around with her arms. A moment later she had disappeared into the crowd

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