Horny prey | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The year 1799 and I was sixteen when my father’s ship, on which I passed, was tied in the Caribbean of pirates.

We were in a lost position from the outset. The pirates were in the superiority and so were mine Father And most of the sailors quickly in chains in the keel room. The captain had only kept on top of the deck at the top and I also had a few particularly young and hollow guys.

The pirate captain slowly went around our small group, briefly and prasses the ship boy Jake between his legs and then stopped in front of me.

“What have we here?”He asked spouse,“ is not the huge son of the captain? Well, boy, ever had male cock in it?””

I rapidly eyed the captain, the large, beefy figure, the huge tail, which clearly emerged in his pants.

So far I had only had a few flesh experiences with Jake and was curious how it was to be fucked by a man.

Then I shook my head. Almost instinctively knew that the captain would immediately lose interest in me if I were too keen on him.

“Well so what!”He laughed,“ but of course! A highly young captain’s son! He does not let anyone get it, at the same time he rubs one on the dispute when nobody sees it! It is time for this hollow bird to be ripped off, and a real men’s tail gets in the butt!””

I gave way to the shape for the sake of shape.

Now don’t show anything. I had him as well as on the hook.

Hopefully he didn’t see me between my legs, my dick was already very tasting in my pants.

Had, he only grabbed my arm and dragged me over the deck.

“You can now do the others!”He called to his people,“ get it really, I know that is fun for you!””

He pushed me down the stairs and in his magnificently furnished kohl.

Without long preface, he had already bent over a massive table that stood in the middle of the room. From the drawer he got a few ropes with which he feasted my hands on two from the table legs. Then he quickly tore my pants down.

My cock had calmed down a bit again to the glident, so that the pirate captain didn’t notice my lust.

I spoken as he pushed my legs apart and also captivated them on the right and left of the table legs. Now I really couldn’t move anymore, even if I had wanted it. His hands reached between my legs, played around my eggs until I could hardly breathe with lust.

“A hollow of a close little butt!”He finally explained,“ never one has never stuck in there!“He walked around the table, standing in front of me, slowly the buckle from his Gùrtel.

Slowly he knotted his pants, pulled her down to her knees just as slowly. His half -hinge tail hung long and thick like a corn on the cob between his legs – damn it, with this giant thing he really wanted to fuck me? Seemed like that, because he started to get him on tour with quick wanking movements.

I watched the horny thing grew a stick and must have looked quite horrified because he laughed dirty.

“Wait until I fuck you!”He said as he smeared his hard cock with oil.

“You are not the first boy to whose thing I push in. And once they are really well widened and lubricated, they just stood with lust!””

I was silent as he stood behind me and reached between my legs again.

“You have little cock there!”He stated,” the neighborhood master can do it, nothing is hornier than if he sucks a little little dick and afterwards the owner really fucks through.”

His hands now grabbed my havous and I briefly spoken as he rubbed his hard link between my back baking.

“So, smaller,” he hissed my ear, “now you’re being fucked!”

At the same moment I gasped when he pushed his huge cock slowly and enjoyingly in my butt. It hurt – but at the same time I felt how an unlikely lust spread in me with every centimeter more.

At some point his hairy thighs shouted my butt.

He had actually stuck it inside until the stop. Then he started, pulled it out and pushed him again.

“Now you are being ridden,” he flew Heiser, “I will fuck you until your little butt fits over every tail.I love it, hiding, tight boy like you to ride you, it’s just cool! And once you have ridden, you will have fun at some point!”

He was still of the opinion that he raped me, noticed anything of my growing lust.

I whimpered and realized that it made him even greedy. He increased his pace, his thick sack clapped against my butt. I was fucked, I drove it for the first time with a man, had a real male cock in me for the first time.

This thought turned me on. I almost trembled with excitement while I was doing him and whined and stealed quietly.

“Now I feel right away!”He gasped,” Yeah … I will smear you well with my sauce – and then – Ahhh – I will see that I get the neighborhood master – Ohaaa – he should push your bar in until I am ..

Ahh … Oh yes … I come …-“

With a huge push, he pushed his plump member in my butt, I spoken how he splashed his sperm deep into me and then fucked in his own sauce until he was limp and pulled it out.

He wiped it off my pants briefly, then he went to the Tùr and whistled outside shortly.

A few moments later the neighborhood master came into the kohl.

A large, wide -built pirate.

The captain pointed to me.

“Come on, fuck the little one a bit, I have to rest first. Let’s see if you get it in! If you want, you can also suck the cock a little at the victory ceremony tonight!

Is pretty tight, the boy, has to be expanded a little until we can give around the!”

I concluded that I would not only be the pleasure of the pirate captain, but that other men could also climb me.

The thought made me even hornier.

The district master laughed.

“He can have that. So far I’ve got my cock into every boy I wanted, why should it be different here!”

He turned his head to me, now knotted his pants.

“Your friend, these sailing boys, I have already planned earlier.

Has gushed all, the little one, especially when he was carper in the front and me and Huckabee has blown him in the meantime!”

I could imagine that vividly. This horny little rat!

The neighborhood champion now let himself down and I spoken as his tongue slowly licked my eggs and the tip of my cock.

I put a lustful update.

The pirate captain now settled in an armchair and pulled out his pants entirely. While the neighborhood champion was now standing behind me, I had a direct view of two strong, hairy spreading thighs and a still huge member that was in between. The captain nodded to the district master.

“Come on, put it in!”

Pretend the second rape – slowly it was really exhausting! Nevertheless, I screamed when the neighborhood master pushed his fat cock in my butt with a single push.

Immediately he grabbed me hard on the throat.

“Hõr too, smaller!”He hissed” when I fuck you, it won’t be grazed! The only thing I want to have is a horny staution, understood?”

I nodded and he let go, concentrated again on my butt. The guy really took me.

Fucked me with hard, long stumps and I could see how his captain was again stiff between his legs.

“If you hose, I want to do it again!“He was just reminding his neighborhood champion while he jerked himself off his crossbar.

We have expanded the boy here until tonight! I’m curious to see who will take him first!”

The district master just staited. Me too.

This huge hard cock in my butt rubbed every single arousing area that I had there and let my lust rise.

“Yes …” I flew Heiser, “Yes … Ohh – continue ..


The captain laughed dirty.

“Look, so the little one likes that! Looks quite as if we would have a lot of pleasure with him!”

“Ohh – yes!“The district master agreed, now also panting.

“Ohhh – that’s horny … it comes to me … ohh … Jahhh ..!”

The captain got up, now stood in front of me and jerked his huge cock.

“You’ll have it in here again!“If he fluttered hoarsely with lust,“ and if you are widened and lubricated, the others will come on!”

I just stealed, spoken as I was trembling with lust and my point of hem.

The district master pulled his cock out of my butt and made room for his captain.

“For this trip you will be our custody boy!“The captain hissed in my ear while he started his already hard cock again.

“If one of us wants to push his cock in your butt, you spread your legs and let him go.

And in Tortuga we want to see whether we could not sell such a well -extended and ripped boy in a joy house or as a pleasure boy to a rich guy. Such a Hùbscher guy as you will surely bring us a couple of shouts goldenstùcke!”

With a strong push he had pushed his huge cock in my butt and at the same time I sprayed rushing.

These prospects sounded even hornier than expected.

In the evening, when the lanterns flared on the ship, I also had to take off my shirt and was sent out naked by the captain, where the brisk pirates were already waiting for us.

The victory was to be celebrated with a whispered orgy, in which the caught sailors and ship boys were passed around as pleasure boys.

I saw Jake, who was just climbed by a well -topped pirate for a moment, then another of the men had packed me, dragged into a corner and pushed his hard cock in my butt.

I smelled his sweaty body over me and fucked me hard and with even stumps.

It was just awesome. Until morning, each of the pirates had probably had their cock in my butt and injected their sperm into my body. I had blown a few cocks, had let the neighborhood master blow my own tail and was just dragged into a corner by another guy when the captain called him to come and bring me.

The man obeyed.

When I stood between the other pirates, the captain finally pointed to a boy unknown to me who was my age.

He was naked like me, but shaved between his legs and a trace of pirate sperm ran down on his thigh.

“This is Camille,” the captain introduced, “our ship boy.

After all, you should also have a little fun: go, take it and push your little cock in him! Fuck him through!”

I looked at Camille. The boy nodded. I rubbed my cock until it is hard from my stomach.

Camille had now bent over a barrel and spread his legs.

I stood behind him and put my stiff cock on, then I slowly pushed it in.

It was indescribably horny, this slippery tight, on which my tail ran down and know that other guys had lubricated this butt with their juice.

Under the cheering calls of the pirates I fucked Camille more strongly, repeatedly pushed my steel -hard dick in the narrow butt until I finally sprayed my boy’s sperm into him with lust.

The sky was slowly rosy when I pulled my cock out of the boy and dragged myself into a corner, where I immediately fell asleep after this exhausting night.

The next few weeks were similar to the first night.

I was sent with small, unimportant orders across the ship and whenever one of the pirates was horny, he stopped me briefly, I had to go down the pants for him, spread my legs and he fucked me until he lustinjected in my butt.

The captured sailors, who were twenty -founded, were similar.

They were kept separated from the broken prisoners in a special storage room.

About two or three times a day then came down a few pirates and took them up.

Our early ship boy Jake, with whom I had my first erotic experiences, was underneath and got several of the huge and stone -hard pirate tails every day.

The goal of the pirates was Tortuga, where my more early companions and I should be sold as a pleasure boy on the slave market ..

It had become the evening and I had just pulled myself into my corner under the stairs to get me and my rear part a few hours of rest when I noticed a shadow next to me.

“Who ‘s there?”I asked softly.

“It’s me – Camille!“Flew a voice.

Camille – the pirates’ Schehne ship boy, which was the same age as I was. A pleasant surprise!

“What is?” I wanted to know.

“We will arrive in Tortuga tomorrow – the morning at the latest,” he explained to a flesh, while his slim and flexible body of my arm laid his arm around my throat.

“Then you will be sold. Maybe we’ll never see each other again.

I – I wanted to say goodbye to you. It was so horny when you fucked me the other day, it is not so often here!”

I spoken his narrow hand, which slightly stroked my leg and the small bump in my worn trousers and spoken how my dick reacted and slowly straightened up.

“And you want to experience it again now, right?” I asked. I saw the boy nodding in the half -darkness.

“Yes – do it again, please!”

He hurried his pants and pulled them quickly over the lean, grazed his shirt over the head, finally sat naked next to me.

I õffnet my pants and pulled them down to my knees.

“Put yourself here over the box,” I said quietly to him, “and spread the legs a stick!”

My hands tenderly stroked the small solid butt.

I let Camille’s eggs slide through my fingers and finally stroked his limb member until it is stiff from his stomach. Camille gasped with lust, twitching and splashing his hot sperm into my hand ..

I rubbed my hard cock with it until he was slippery, then I knelt between Camille’s legs and put it on.

He slid as if by itself in the small tight butt of the pirate boy.

I fucked Camille with slow, tender, yet strong stuff, spoken my cock in him, firmly enclosed by his body, hung him quietly and now also gasped ..

“You probably like that, you little rat!”

A rough voice scored us out of our employment.

We were shocked and laying up our pants and in the light of a lantern we recognized Ontar, one of the pirate sailors that stood in front of us broadly in front of us.

“Look at someone,” he drove there, “this little AAS from a ship boy loves hard cocks in his ass! And he always whines something from the fact that he doesn’t like that!

Well, then I know what we’re doing with the hollow ship boy.

You will also come to the slave market in Tortuga, my sùßer – and now down with you so that we can still have a little wide! You two and the other boy, you are the most old and satellite from the whole load down there, for you we can request in tortuga! And afterwards, my little one … “He grinned my pants over my butt, took me quickly between my legs and stroked greedily over my treasures,” afterwards you will be broadly wide of us – the customers love that inTortuga special: well -ridden boys with pleasantly stretched Lõchern for their hard cocks!”

I spoken how I got horny in these prospects.

Without further resistance, I let myself be pulled down with Camille into the loading room and got stuck in a remote small chamber.

Camille cursed softly when the pirate had gone.

“Damned!”He murmured,” this is really the last one – as a stroke boy in Tortuga, that is not true!”

“You don’t like sex with men, that’s right?” I asked.

Camille shook his head. “No, that’s not right!“He replied, still annoying.

“Actually, I like it very much – but the pirates here ..

They are damn rough, you know, I prefer a little bit tender – and I wouldn’t mind if they would wash a little more.

Or have you not yet noticed that these guys stink like a sewer?”

Of course I had noticed it.

The great part of the pirates smelled really strictly. “When I think of it earlier …” Camerne mumbled thoughtfully.

“Earlier?“I asked interested. Camille nodded.

“I haven’t been here on the ship for that long either,” he explained, “only for a few months.

Before that I was on a French frigate – as a kajùt boy from the Admiral.

I had with that too my first time, a few weeks after my sixteenth birthday.

He looked really good, you know, big and slim and well built, with a stately tail and plump eggs between the legs.

I noticed that when I used it when washing.

One evening he then seized that he wanted to sleep with me. I had to move out and put myself in the bunk to him. He was very patient and tender, only used his hands and lips for so long until I was ready and is very careful and pleasant into me – when I had a tail in my butt, it was rightalready…

Unfortunately, he has followed a pretty expensive life and the money that Franzõsische Navy paid him was not enough for this. So he also did crooked shops with the pirates here in the area – and the last one went wrong.

The pirate captain asked for damages and because the Admiral had no money, he instead compensated for him as compensation slaves Offered: the ship boys, me and even his son, who is sailed as a Jùngster officer.”

“His son?!” I could not believe it. When I thought of my father: he would never have sold me to slavery! Camille nodded Dùster.

“The Captain had sold the ship boy Jeannot to a comrade a week later, who had a small trade in the Orient. Jeannot was really like and very young and also blonde.

He will have brought a high price on the slave market.

The son of the Admiral was the private custody of the Captain for a few weeks – I can think.

Then he was also resold. And I remained for – as a delicate young fuck meat for the team!”

“Maybe it will be better if we arrive in Tortuga!“I tried to trouble him.

Camille laughed bitterly.

“You are quite an optimist, you know that?“He only replied.

“What do you think, who will buy us?

A nice friendly cavalier who can be read to you Franzõsian novels?

No, my dear, most likely we will both end up in some greasy brothels, where we have to grate their unwashed cocks every night for the next few years every night and horny pirates!”

I didn’t answer because I couldn’t think of anything suitable.

For a while we sat side by side in silence.

Then it rattled on the Tùr and a few pirates, among them ontar, crowded into the chamber.

“Well, you two?“Ontar laughed dirty and looked at us.

“You probably didn’t have an appetite for a shy, juicy pirate tail?”

The other pirates laughed.

“Just no modesty,” continued ontar, “we have enough male meat for a whole dozen SùNE Bengels! And you don’t even need to share, because we will bring one of you to the cape!

So, what’s on? Who of you wants to go up?”

We were silent – after all, we knew from experience that the pirates would not be about our wishes anyway.

The one of us on which the captain had appetite would be brought up and the team would be happy with the other.

Ontar leaned forward and grabbed. He dragged me on his feet, looked at me again and then took me between the thighs.

“Oh yes,” he said satisfied, “these hollow eggs here are plump here – that’s just the right thing for our Captain!

Come on, Tarcu, get him up – and you … “This meant Camille,” … you can take off your pants and lie down.

A few of us are really hot for a little fuck ..!”

The pirate that Ontar had talked to Tarcu grabbed me, tore my clothes down and took me naked on the deck and further into the captain’s skaj.

The pirate captain was sitting at his table, in front of the remains of a frozen dinner, and grinned when he saw me.

“Well, look at what we have there! A delicious dessert after this good food!”

He got up, came up to me, grabbed me with a hard handle on the arm.

“Your little hollow little butt has definitely been widely widened, or?“He asked while his hand slowly and estimated to stroke my hollow and then pushed between my legs.

I was silent because I had now found out that he did not want to answer his questions, but rather rely on the results of his own controls.

I spoken his heavy hand between my legs, his strong fingers, which now pushed over my eggs and my dam and then prasses a st stop into my butt. I breathed in sharply, the situation excited me more and more.

“Ohh yes – you are well wide, my sùßer!“The pirate captain now flushed close to my ear.

“You probably had a lot of fun with my men, in the last few days what?

I have walked, they took you strongly – you are really well rode now and let you fuck you ..?”

I didn’t answer. Finally, I knew from experience that the Captain preferred it if you gave himself a little unapproachable and he had the feeling of cap.

“Aha!“He hissed now, unguardably horny,“ still the proud captain’s son from a good house, which is too elderly for a pirate tail? You should finally be reasonable, my Hùbscher! Tomorrow we are already in Tortuga and there are already a few big, hard male tails on your sways, round butt!

So you’d rather think about your thoughts: you are now fucking meat, my young, tender, fresh fuck meat, cheese and rode well ..!”

He pulled me to the table as he kneaded his pants, pushed the empty tin dishes aside with a strong movement and lifted me on the heavy oak table plate.

His pirate tail was almost horizontal, fat and hairy, with a tip dripping from the juice ..

I couldn’t prevent it that I became rat -horny at this sight.

“Oh yes …” the captain now flushed while he raised my legs and she lay over her shoulders, “Now you get my cock in … and while I fuck you, I will think of the many horny guys in the futureSlide their huge cocks in your tight, delicate butt ..

ohh yeah ..!”

I spoken as he put his cock, a couple of times the tip rubbed the tip on my hole and then slowly penetrated me..

. I was now widely widened that his stone -hard stake slid into my butt almost as if by itself.

Nevertheless, I whimpered quietly, after all I knew that the Captain.

I lifted my head and watched this huge, hairy stùck men’s male continued and further in me and at the same time fitted how it was long and plump in my body.

My dick now started to grow and I groped carefully afterwards. But the Captain pulled my hand away again.

“Oh no …” he flew Heiser, while he started fucking me with rapid, hard stuff, “that should get my bos’n! He has done a good job in the past few days, which deserves a little reward!

We will both ride you both tonight until we both have no juice in our eggs for a week!”

As if for confirmation, he pushed a little more strongly, drove his huge rod of hot panting again and again deep into my body.

“Aaaahhhhh!”He stood,” Aahhh – that’s really good, Bengel, Ohh Jaaa! Like the other day – when I fucked your south, virgin butt for the first time – oh yes, it was cool!

And I can hardly wait to see how the Bos’n fucks you while I let your tail blow my tail ..!”

I also breathed faster now.

The situation and these prospects more and more horny me! But it should come differently ..

The Captain took me really hard.

Always penetrated into me, sometimes with long, strong shots, then again with short fast stuffing until he finally left his male sauce in my body strouse.

Then he pulled his cock out of me again and went to the Tùr.

“Hey!“He called outside,

“Bos’n – do you have an appetite for a sake of pleasure boys?”

The Bos’n appeared shortly afterwards in the Tùr, it looked pretty excited.

“The ‘Pretty Laura’ showed up earlier,” he explained breathlessly, “they are currently putting on!”

“This dog’s epmergle!“The Captain called, but it sounded rather pleased than angered,.

“Then we’ll have a little orgy here tonight!

And for my kohn I will need a little fuck meat – the best of the best, mind you!

So, Bos’n: Take the Hùbschen Bengel down here and get the delicious ship boy from the English on deck!

This will give a small selection process, who of the two of the two can use our cocks here!”

“Aye, captain!”

The Bos’n turned and called a command down.

Then he grabbed me and took me on the deck, to two barrels that stood next to the mast.

Two other pirates were pulling Jake on the deck, who looked pretty well taken away.

Now I also saw that a second ship was lying alongside our and that the team from this ship was already frolicking on deck with us.

“So,” said the Bos’n now, “a big orgy is planned again tonight.

We got a very sensitive visit from another captain, that must be celebrated!

The two captains celebrate in their kohl and for the rest there is a pregnancy here on deck!

And so that the sexual joys are not neglected, the celebration begins with a betting fuck.

These two s ss Bengel here are placed on the two barrels and the Captain searches for the ten large and longest cocks here.

The owners are divided into two groups and each gets one assigned by the two pleasure boys.

And then it is fucked around the bet:.The group, which is first finished with cumshot, gets an extra!

The other angel can then be killed with the remaining straws from the load around the pleasure of the two teams!

Well, what do you say about it?”

The answer was a job.

Jake and I were packed by several strong arms and dragged onto the barrels with my stomach so that we could look at each other’s face.

The men tied our hands together, put our legs around the tons, so that our rear parts were presented in an easily accessible manner and also fixed them with knitting, so that we could no longer move.

So we stayed for a while, while the sailors in horny anticipation for our goods for and gross jokes tore until the capt’n with his colleague finally appeared.

“Place in a row!“He commanded and the pirates resorted to obey him quickly.

“Leave pants down!“Came the next command.

The men made themselves to create their gnaws and gover and after a few moments their pants hung on their knees.

“Distribution champions – examine cocks and divide men!“Ordered the Captain.

The neighborhood champion appeared and scattered the tails of his sailor.

“Carper!”He finally called” there!”

He pointed to me. The appealed pirate appeared and stood behind me.

“Jerk off your cock hard,” the neighborhood master recommended that “the Captain will soon be the signal for the starting shot!”

Then he turned to the other again.

“Foster – because Rùber!

Hull – there!

Ridge … “

The teams were divided after a relatively short time.

The captain and his guest now also took out their cocks and sat down to enjoy the spectacle in peace.

I saw the Bos’n raised his pistol and tried to relax in order to be able to accumulate the huge, already dripping member of Carper with Carper with painlessly in me.

Immediately after that, the shot crashed.

I spoken how Carper got me to believe and pushed his hard into my intestine with a single movement.

Despite my many exercise and although I was now reasonably wide, I gasped shortly before pain.

I took a look ahead and found that Jake was apparently similar.

He also lay with wide eyes over the barrel and snapped to air, while a huge hairy men’s tail disappeared into his butt. But only for a moment, then he closed his eyes and sighed in a gen were.

“Ahhh!”He stood,” Ahhh, does the good!”

I felt the same way.

After I had afraid of this amount of men’s meat in my butt, I started to enjoy the situation.

The powerful stumps with which the pirate kept entering me deeply and my pleasure center stimulated, the sight of Jake, who was facing me and was just fucked by an incredibly horny -looking guy, the rough voices of the broken pirates thatcheering on their respective favorites ..

I caught carper behind me while increasing his pace.

“Ohhhjaaaa …” he gasped, “Uhhh, that’s cool … I feel like it, Bengel, oh yes, come here, I’ll spray my men’s juice in your sù yes, oh yes ..!”

At the same moment he winced and I spoken how he sprayed in me vigorously and immediately pulled his cock out of me with a rapid movement.

“Now it’s your turn!”He said to his colleague,” I already fucked and lubricated the little one to you!”

“Then this will be a pleasure here!“The pirate stated satisfied while he was standing behind me and starting his hard.

The betting fuck was now in full course and the two teams were really going on.

Jake now whimpered with lust, turned under his bonds and seemed to be just before the high point, while the guys drove their huge pistons into his intestines with rapid, hard stuffing.

I could hardly do it any other way.

For me it was now the turn of the team from the team and I spoken how his long and iron -hard member slid deeply into me again and again, with uniform, strong movements until he reared up and distributed his men’s juice in me.

“So,” called his buddy, “now pull him out and make a place for mine – firstly we are in the event and secondly I am very keen on the villain here!”

The pirate obeyed and I spoken as his bar slipped out of me – a great feeling! But immediately after that, the next pirate tail broke my gate and pushed into my body impatiently.

On Jake’s side the men were already nervous.

“Spray”, “they fired at their cronies,” go, spray your juice in it, damn it ..!”

At the same moment I spoken as ‘my’ man rearranged and unloaded in me.

We had won – we had actually won!

The pirate pulled its still dripping limb out of my butt and presented itself proudly and triumphantly to the two captains, whose cocks were now vertical up.

“All right then!“The captain called,“ the team of Carper won!

An extraization around for the fùnf – and creates my hollow whores into my cabin! That will still A horny evening become!“He said to his colleague grinning grinning.

I felt packed by four fists, freed from my knitting and then dragged into the captain’s skajass.

The captain and his buddy were already there, sat at the table and were just a few bottles of emptying with expensive red wine.

I eyed the strange pirate captain.

Well, at least he looked quite passable, I thought.

Growing up and no gram of fat too much, his sustainable body was only covered with just sitting trousers, worn boots and a formerly elegant silk shirt, under which a few stately muscles emerged.

It was perhaps in the early thirties with a stranded, rouk brown hair and a male-marked face.

When he saw me, he laughed satisfied.

“Well look at!“He called to his cronies,

“That’s a sanchper Bengel! I see you know what your guests like!”

He pulled me on his knees and his hand slowly pushed between my legs.

I sighed softly when he stroked my soft cock slightly, let him slide through his fingers for a few moments and then slowly pushed my foreskin back and forth back and forth.

I hugged him while my hands carefully drew off his worn silk shirt and slid slightly over his chest and shoulders. Now it was he who faded the air while he carefully pushed me off his knees.

“You are really a damn horny boy!“I had his quiet voice close to my ear.

“Something like that is rarely with pirate prey – most of them have to become a little more clearer until they can be fucked …”

He pulled me across the kohl to the wide bed and slowly õffet his pants.

If she pulled her knee down just as slowly, pushed my thighs apart, knelt in between. His tail stood out for long and hard from his stomach and he let him slide through his hand in a delightful way.

“You want it, it is not true?“He asked Heiser with excitement while slowly lying down next to me.

“Tell me if you want it!”

“Yes …” I flew while I spoken on my thighs on my thighs.

“Yes / Yes…”

“Then tell me that I should do it – go, say it!”

His strong hands stroked my chest, tender and at the same time demanding.

“Please – fuck me, push your hard in me!“I stealed quietly.

He nodded.

Turned me on the stomach.

I spoken as he sinked on me, spoken his hot breath in my neck, the warm and moist tip from his tail, which was slowly rubbing between my legs, tasting forward, until she found what she was looking for, and andThen slowly broke through the last resistance, penetrated into me – very slow and almost tender.

I found the male meat in me, which pushed itself into me, slid along my intestines, continued and further ..

I gasped with excitement and also stood the stranger on me quietly.

He was moving in me now, slowly and carefully, meating out every second.

His big cock seemed to be able to fall out, and again and again gave way against this one, so incredibly excessive area deep in me until I whimpered with lust and rank after air.

At some point he got a little faster, pulled me on my knees, kneel down behind me with light, rapid stubs, while his hand stroked and tenderly researched my young masculinity. Then he let himself go back, slowly and deeply slid into my body again, granted granted until I felt how he reared up briefly and splashed his hot men’s sauce deep into me ..

He pulled out of me, still panting quietly, and turned to the pirate captain.

“The boy here is really a horny villain!”He said admiringly,” with that I could still do a lot.

How would that be: I take it on my ship for this evening and you get a golden stick for every full hour that the boy spends in my kohl!”

The pirate captain bites immediately.

The view of gold made him forget everything else that he had planned with me – and besides, I wasn’t the only boy on this ship with which he could have fun with.

So he only nodded briefly and stopped his guest outside.

The foreign captain took me my arm, pulled me over the deck and on his ship.

He led me into his kohl and then locked the one behind me.

“You are really a horny boy!“He stated admiringly.

“You are so willing to fuck so well ..

How is it, you like it a little harder too? Or tied up and overwhelmed?”

I thought of my first time and nodded. “Yes – that too …”

“Then come!”The captain flushed Heiser and excitedly,” be my huge young prey tonight!

You can calmly whine and beg for mercy, nobody will hunt you: my men are all drasses on the orgy … “

He reached for me, pulled me to his bunk, had a few ropes in my hand and tied me with both wrists of the decorations from the head end.

I turned under his hands, the situation excited me more and more.

In my now rather defenseless position, I watched how he hastily tore his clothes off the body and then came back to the bunk.

“My hollow young prey,” he repeated softly while his hands were estimated to be bare and my face, “a Hùbscher ship boy – or no, even better a kohl boy!

Unbeared, still innocent, still inexperienced … – it was your first trip, you know?

You don’t know anything about the things I am doing with you yet, nothing knows about the desire and desire of a man … “

His hand pushed himself between my thighs, his fingers stroked my skin, slowly penetrated me into me.

“You don’t know if you like it, it is not true?“He fluttered.

“It is still a little uncomfortable – but it is always at the beginning, you will like it when you have only done it a few times …”

Slowly I understood what he was expecting from me. I dragged on my bonds, whimpered quietly and noticed how it excited him.

His knee pushed between my legs, pushing her apart, he lay down on me. I relaxed my body, got ready to take his hard cock willing to take in me. At the same time I turned under him, whined, hooked him excitedly.

“You will already like it, my Hùbscher Kajùtjunge!“I had his voice hoarsely next to my ear while he hugged my habitually.

“Still ‘Still … yes, so!”

At the same moment he penetrated me, rapidly and impatiently, pushed his hard with a single rough movement deep into me.

I only put an excited stomach, moved under him, tugged again on the knitting, which held me and at the same time the hard, strong, fast steals with which he now fucked me.

“Yeah …” he flew greedily, “Oh yes, that’s a good thing ..

Be my prey, my hollow, virgin prey ..! Ohhh Jaaaa – Jaaaa, it is like me … “

I stood up, excited, greedy, while now he was splashing his pirate sperm in my butt for the second time and then broke up on me relieved.

“Damned!”He flushed,” Damn, you are good, boy!

But that was by no means everything I was going to do with you today.

How is it, you’ve ever got a hard one?”

“Naturally – after all, I’m already sixteen!“I replied slightly offended.

“Then you are just right for it!“The pirate captain stated satisfied.

“My Kajùtjunge – Remy is called – has become sixteen a few days ago.

That means he is finally so far that you can take it.

He is already waiting for us – in the chamber next door.

You should have his innocence – a little ride him – and then I will do it!”

I nodded as he knotted the knitting around my wrists.

The thought of sleeping with a boy who inexperiencedly inexperienced, slowly familiarizing him with the love of men excited me.

My hand groped to my masculinity, closed around the warm, soft meat, rubbed it easily until it stiffened. Then I dabbing the chamber and entering.

Contrary to expectations, the secondary chamber was not completely dark, but a small tran lamp spread a pleasant dim light.

Remy was awake and was lying on his bunk, he wore nothing more than a Dùnnes shirt that just reached his thighs to half over half.

A young boy, dark blonde with a south face and a slim body.

When the captain and I came into the chamber, he raised his head and looked at us expectantly.

I lay down in the bunk to Remy.

Turned it on the back and slowly pushed his shirt up.

My hands shouted the silk -soft skin, pushed up researching over the slim legs, slowly stroked the soft member and the small, round eggs. I slowly turned his thighs apart, knelt in between.

“You know what to expect?“Asked the captain.

Remy looked at him unsafe.

“Not exactly, capitaine!”

“I’ll make you my pleasure boy tonight!“Explained the captain.

“First the boy becomes here and then I’ll fuck you.

Your job as a boy is to keep still and enjoy it when I penetrate you and want to fuck you. Understood?”

The Kajùtbursche nodded.

“You will already like it,” the captain continued, “if you have only heard about it, you will learn to enjoy it too!”

I slowly õtnet my shirt, it grazed over the slim shoulders.

My lips carefully shouted the delicate skin as I slowly sinked on him, explored the neck, the chin, the soft mouth ..

Remy made a fleeting movement and I stroked tenderly and calming his raps.

Carefully put on my hard cock and then slowly penetrated it into it.

Remy gasped and I stopped for a moment.

I could see from the corners of the eye that the captain was watching us.

I started to cautiously pull out my hard member and then slid into this warm, wet tight, first slowly and weighed up, then when Remy breathed faster, closed his eyes faster and fucked it quieter, I fucked him faster and deeper. I rode him.

His previously unobstructed butt was still very narrow, enclosed my cock like a second skin, massaged it while I kept getting into it with pleasure.

My lust rose, increased far too quickly to a huge point of which I shot my young sperm deep into the boy ..

I slowly pulled myself out of him while Remy was panting.

Watched how the captain came closer, slowly jerked his hard cock and his Kajùtburschen looked like it.

“Come on,” he finally flew and his voice was hoarse with lust, “come to my kohl ..

I want to take you … “

He pulled Remy up, through which the kohl, to his desk.

Pulled him. His hands explored the slim body, finally raised him on the table, pushed his legs apart.

His tongue slowly stroked Remy’s lips, his mouth researched the slim body, chest, body, finally the tail and the tender rounded eggs, they sucked extensively ..

A great sight: the naked captain, who caressed the naked Jùngling on his table, researched, stroked with his lips and tongue and who finally got up, which laid slim legs, put on his shoulders. His tail stood hard and big from his stomach, a few drops of the juice pearl from the tip.

“Your first male cock, my Hùbscher!”Flew the captain while he put him with one hand,” relax now, then it won’t be quite as uncomfortable … “

I watched the hard stùck male male slowly pushed into the gently rounded butt of the kajùt boy.

Remy opened, a sound between pain and lust, while the captain pushed his cock into him for st action, slowly pulled out a stick and then deeper into it.

Watched as he fucked him, with rapid, strong hùft movements, hooked Remy quietly and finally fetched… –

I still dreamed of this horny sight when I had long since sneaked back on our ship and was waiting to be brought to the slave market in Tortuga the next morning in the load room – nestled close to Camille.

A rough footstep woke us both the next morning.

“Hey! Wake up, your little whores!

Tortuga is already in sight – and you should get your legs spread again beforehand!”

I blinked sleepy and saw how Camille rubbed my eyes next to me.

At the same moment I spoken a wide, strong hand that was difficult to sink on my stomach, slid deeper, wrapped up the treasures in my pants ..

A second hand lay down on my mouth, I fell the hot breath of a pirate next to my ear.

“The Captain of the ‘Pretty Laura’ said that you also like it to be more harder – tied up and so … and the number with the unpaved kajùt boy, such a bit whine and whine and all that have all thatyou probably also quite in a good mood! Is that correct?”

I nodded;The hand on my mouth suffocated every tone.

His hand pushed himself into my pants, greedy me greedily while I slowly began to tremble with lust under his hands.

He tore down my clothes, pulled me on the fond, over the corridor, into a remote corner in which a little straw and a spotty, torn ceiling were.

With a quick handle he had tied my hands together and now captivated it on a bar.

Then he let himself sink next to me, looked at me Lùstern.

“A seless ship boy – I particularly love that!

I like it if you whine a little and resist it, that makes me a little horny … Well, come, my Hùbscher, what is it – leave me on it, your butt is due!”

His hands coated roughly and greedily on my thighs, pushed them apart, he knelt in between, jerked his huge cock.

“Come on – do the legs for me!”He hissed.

“I want to have a little fun with you, a little bit – a little bit of fun with you ..

“He let himself fall on me, his hard, sparkling lips slid over my face, searched for my mouth.

I could only bite a grin with mùhe: on the side – I still looked so innocent and inexperienced?

I probably had to work on myself a little – or maybe better not, the attention of other pirates was at least certain in this way!

I spoken the tongue, the pirate, which crowded between my lips, the almost coarse, greedy csse, while his rough hands raised my haules a bit and he put his hard cock, could hardly breathe with lust.

At the same time, dragged on my bonds when he penetrated me, slowly and deeply pushed his hard pleasure into my body and finally fucked me with rapid, strong, relentless stumps.

I whimpered loudly while his greed made me more and more excited me.

Turned me up under his body, as if I tried to escape him, appealed to his lust and at the same time enjoyed his long, thick cock in me, who kept going deep in my butt, widening me again until the pirate shouted and shoutedMy hot men’s sauce in my body splashed.

At the same time it also felt to me and I woke up in an enormous orgasm under his fat, hairy belly ..

He rolled from me, bound me, dragged me on my feet.

“Pack your clothes together!”He ordered briefly,” we arrived right away and then you go ashore – to the slave market!”

I obey.

Watched to my sleeping place with still trembling knees.

One of the pirates knelt in the straw, had pulled Camille on his lap and obviously pushed his hard in his butt, because he flinched and gasped violently as if he were standing shortly before the point. In front of the two stood a second pirate with down pants and let Camille blow his tail.

A horny sight – if I hadn’t been so published, I would definitely have taken one down at a safe distance.

So I just went there, put my clothes together, rolled it in, tied her in my neckerch and waited for the two men to be finished.

Finally the two of Camille let off, pulled out of him, one gave him a rough push that he tipped into the straw.

“So, you little stricher!”He said,” Find your stuff together – we’ll pick you up both and bring you ashore with the other pleasure boys!”

Camille straightened up, staring at the man frightened.

“But …” he pushed out horrified, “but – me too?

I – I go on the ship here … as a boy for everything – or not?”

The other pirate laughed at sparktically.

“Didn’t even know that you like it so much here!

But you are unlucky, smaller! We are getting bored slowly with you – and if a boy wants to stay with us longer, he has to be a bit more willing than you!

After all, you are not the only Hùbsche Bengel who drives to sea, we find a new pleasure boy on every hijacked ship. And besides, we can get a higher price for you on the slave market as long as you are still young and hollow!

A few more months on our ship and we can only ask for half for you: Boys’ boys age too quickly here, you have to bring them to the man as soon as they are closed and do not wait a long time … “

Camille’s face had always become paler.

Slowly he seemed to understand that the pirates were serious about the sale.

With slow movements he looked for his clothes, rolled them into a bond and finally followed me on deck.

When we rowed with the other slaves on land and then brought to the barracks from the slave market and he had to see that there was really no longer no longer anymore for him, he broke out in tears.

The morning we spent on the slave market was boring and hot.

We stood in a row in the elongated wooden -powered one, in which the future pleasure boys were offered for sale by the pirates.

The sun burned onto the sheet metal roof and you had the feeling of being fried in this rifly fried. The sweat ran into me in streak about the face and my bare, still sperm glued.

I looked around stealthy.

My companions and I weren’t the only slaves that should be sold here.

There were similar groups around us, sometimes also dealers who had no more than two or three slaves to offer.

The boys and men who were for sale were also naked, just like us.

We had been behind our clothes. The first buyers soon came and started to examine the goods.

Camille, who stood next to me, was still sobbing.

He was not the only one, I could discover more slaves that found their situation to cry.

But I couldn’t find time to continue to pay attention to it, because a customer came to our group and looked at us prassing.

According to the clothes, he was a pirate captain, but obviously one of the neglected, dilapidated variety, nobody who looked like he could offer us a pleasant life.

A fairly strong guy in whose grumpy trousers showed a large tail package.

He looked at Camille at first, then me, then me, touched me, my skin, my face and finally the treasures between my legs.

I turned my head away, the guy stank really bestial!

“Well, smaller – why is so squeamish?“The customer asked with a laugh, while his fat fingers pushed between my legs and prasses a stealth in my butt.

I didn’t answer.

The man dropped away from me and instead examined the young sailors who stood next to me, as well as me and broke out again in mockery laughter when the sailor moved his face disgusted.

Then he turned to the pirates who organized the sale.

“I’m looking for a little fresh meat to fuck,” he explained, “some hollow, well -suffered pleasure boys, what I can get my nights.

So’n horny gill who keeps silence when he is in my hard tough ..

I’m horny, man, and I have to put my big thing in somewhere again and sink strongly again!”

He continued to look around, discovered Jake.

I observed how he gave my friend greater, especially between his legs, and how Jake’s cock reacted immediately and straightened up steeply.

Bad luck, Jake, his fate was finally decided!

The pirate paid the required price without grumbling.

Jake was instructed to put on his clothes and then from his new owner out of his hollowed out and probably straight into the next remote corner.

That was the last thing I saw from him.

Then nobody came for a long time.

The pirate, which was commissioned to sell, became impatient.

“Come on,” he asked Camille and me, “play a little bit around you and make the rich guys horny here on you!

You are the hiding tapes here and therefore the most expensive articles, I definitely want to get rid of you today!”

Camille did not react, only wiped over the cheek. I obediently grabbed my cock and let it slide through my fingers listlessly.

I actually didn’t like the customers I saw.

Some time later someone actually came up to us again, a big, Muskulõser.

Exaggerated elegantly dressed, at first glance to be recognized as a pimp.

He had already had three good -looking boys with him, for example at the same age as Camille and I, who were guarded by two broad -shoulder figures.

The pimp was looking for the exhibited were long, then pointed to both of us.

“How much do the two cost?”

The pirate called a price in a currency unknown to me.

The pimp laid out for a while.

Then he came up with us.

The already known procedure of the set -up started again, I was letting his fingers, which briefly surrounded my cock, flirted my eggs, briefly laid over my butt and then pushed in a stick. Camille was then the same.

“Good,” the pimp finally decided, “the two are young, hùbsch and Schõn, i.e. the right one for my house. My brothel is right at the harbor, the guys that come to me, mostly can hardly run with lust and fuck my Bengels a little harder!”

With these words he pulled out a worn wallet and counted a few Mùnzen.

One of his companions came up to us and dragged us out of the row.

“Come on, put on!“He was stuck to us.

We reached for our clothes and grazed our grubdling and torn things over. Then we were tied together and tied away.

We left the hitting, went between the sales stalls and over the large square, where a slave auction was just carried out.

Our new owner stopped briefly and looked at the displayed slaves.

A hollow, red -haired boy seemed to please him because he gave his men the command to wait and mingled with the bidders.

The hammer fell and the just auctioned slave was given to its new owner on the podium.

Then the auctioneer read the next offer:

“Name: Andrew, male, about forty years old, educated, can read and write. So who makes me an offer?”

I held my breath away when I discovered my father there on the podium.

He didn’t seem to see me and actually I was even relieved about it.

If he knew that a pimp had bought me ..

The offers came, first of all, then faster and finally the hammer fell again.

An older, neatly dressed and decent -looking master entered the podium and received my father. I was strangely relieved, although I knew that this was a goodbye for always, but at least I had the feeling that my father had hit it well.

The two left the podium and disappeared into the crowd. I never saw my father again.

Next, the red -haired boy was brought to the podium and the auctioneer praised his preliminary.

‘A Hùbscher boy, name: Richard, Font -Zehn years old, unavoidable, well brought up, educated …’

The offers pounded, but finally the hammer fell.

I stretched my neck to see if my new owner had bought it, but instead a rounded, elegantly dressed and good -looking woman entered the podium, picked up the boy and took him to a carriage in which a gray -haired man onShe waited.

Our new owner came out to do so, that the business had gone through the rags, and drove us from the sales area through the streets until we came to a large, neglected house at the harbor – our brothel ..

We were followed by the backtùr and a jet, shabby gait, a staircase upstairs.

Our new owner looked at us again, while his companions took the bonds to us.

“So, you hollow!”He said,” from now on you are fuck meat for my customers! Delicious, fresh fuck meat!

Each of you gets a chamber for himself, where he will live and serve his customers.

I will take a close look at you once again – and those who are still too inexperienced for my house, or who don’t want to let it go and maybe want to do a little butter?

Freezing is out of service here, even if you make it outside.

So far I have got every run -up slave back! And if you are always friendly and willing, you will have no reason … “

I spoken how Camille reached for my hand and replied his stealthy handshake.

Our new owner grinned broadly and maliciously when he noticed it.

“Aha – what do we have here? A loving couple? How cute!”

The ridicule in his voice could hardly be overwhelmed.

“But you will be amazed: It doesn’t make me the slightest if you get along well with each other and what starts together! As long as you don’t forget that you are a boy and let my customers and my customers and me at any time, it is equivalent to me!”

He laughed again loudly and then turned to his servants.

“Surks for the fact that the Bengels wash and then bring them to their chambers!

I will then examine her a little more precisely afterwards!”

We were led down a staircase, into a tidy spacious, which was divided into small cabins with boards.

In each cabin there was a wooden zuber, a bath oven, a stool and a frame on each of which two towels hung. At the very back of the room there were a few boys on a bench.

“These are the wet cells!“Said one of the servants.

“After every customer you come down here and washed yourself through before you go into the bargain room.

Each of us gets their own bathing cabin – remember which it is!

The bathing boys worry about that you have warm water, dry handtom and enjoying soap and give you fresh clothes after swimming.

If you have any wish to do it or want to have a pleasure with one of them, do not do any compulsion: the Bengels here are only there for your operation and also well trained;You can certainly learn a lot from them!”

He clapped his hands and one of the boys raised his head.

“There are new ones!”He informed him briefly,” everything is ready?“The boy nodded.

“Yes, Lord – the water is warmed and we let it in!”

He got up, his comrades too, and they had to work on the bathing.

Hot, pleasantly fragrant water ripped into the Zuber.

“Take off now and have a lot!“Ordered us to” when you are finished, you will be divided into your chambers. There you will be briefly examined by your new master.

Then I recommend you to sleep something: Before tomorrow, you will no longer have an opportunity to do so!

And one more thing: the stuff that you are now attaching will of course you will leave in your chests of drawers during working hours!

For the work in the bar you get clothes from us. And I would advise you to put them on without grumbling and mutants! Understood?”

We nodded a brief confirmation – after the many, confusing new crucens, we were no longer particularly talkative.

How ordered we brushed off our clothes and led the nimble and skillful hands of the bathing boys, who took us into our cabins, helped us to climb and our welding and dust glued.

I enjoyed the hot, perfumed water, the slim fingers, which rapidly and rapidly slid over my body, washed it, foam it, scattered with fresh water, killed around my hair, dried myself and then dried myself up with a fragrant cream ..

“Leave your clothes with me!“My ‘young flew me too.

“I’ll get you up as soon as I washed it and dried them. You can go up naked naked, none here – on the contrary!”

With these words he grabbed my things and threw them into the cluster with the still hot water. I took it up so that I was finished in the bathroom and joined the other boys who now also went up.

On the first floor of the brothel, each of us was assigned a chamber in which he should sleep and operate his freer.

I closed my thunder behind me and looked around.

The chamber was tight and only sparsely furnished.

A wide bed with various pillows and ceilings made of ailated velvet velvet and stained silk, on the ceiling, was a faded curtain like a canopy draped.

There was a chest of drawers on the wall, next to it is a heavy lean chair and in the corner next to the one a standing mirror in which you could look at yourself from top to bottom.

A heavy, seless, but not unpleasant fragrance of any tropical flowers hung in the whole room.

Later I learned that the rooms were geled every day and then parfed with incense.

I was still looking around when the Tùr opened and my new owner entered.

“Well, you Hùbscher Bengel?”He asked grinning,” already unexpected?”

I twitched my shoulders, had no suitable answer ready, but apparently he didn’t expect any, because he continued to talk:

“So, to make it clear: this is your chamber – here you use your customers if they don’t want to fuck you below, and here you can also sleep after work.

If you want to am power with another Bengel or one of the house servants after work: do no compulsion to you!

You can only learn to do so, so fucks so much and with whom you want!

You do not need to pay for bed and food, it works from the money that I get from your customers.

I naturally do not want to force you to operate any customers, but I recommend it if you want to stay here: Health boys are in desire in Tortuga and if you still don’t be willing after a few times, I willyou can easily get rid of here.

I don’t make a long selection: If you want to buy an object from me, you can get it – and who knows whether you will meet it as well the second time as here!

Just so that you know from the start.

You can keep your own clothes in the chest of drawers, just like your other stuff you may have.

In the top subject is a cash cassette: if you get money from a customer, it is for you and you can use it as you are funny – the price for fucking is paid for by me, so you don’t need to make yourself! So I avoid annoying anger with taxes and similar stuff.

So – and now let yourself be viewed carefully!”

He grabbed me on my arm, turned me back and forth, his hand stroked over my body, explored every centimeter.

“You are a damn hidingcher Bengel, really!

Would be worthwhile to find out whether you are also easy to ride!”

He let himself fall on the bed, pulled me to the ceiling and spread his thighs.

“Come on, boy, make your tail hard!”

I let myself sink between his legs, took his huge, limp member in my hand.

My tongue slowly stroked the tip a few times and I spoken as the tail slowly stiffened. I let my tip of the tongue slide a few times over the underside, then I took the tip into my mouth and sucked it slowly and gently.

My owner stood out of lust. I slowly let his hard cock go back and forth between my lips.

“Your sore little lover … – Oh yes – I just fucked it earlier …” I sighed my pimp with pleasure, while I explored his hard men’s meat with my tongue and licked his praise from the top, “The little one is ..

So horny … Ohh – ohh Jaaa … to fuck … Ahhhhhjaaa ..

So ridden… Oh yes … and at the same time… ahhh ..

Still so tight … Yeah … – it becomes my customer … ahhhh ..

Prepare a lot of pleasure … “

He pulled his huge cock out of my mouth, dragged me next to him, pushed my legs apart, slowly lay down on me.

“And now I just have to see if you are good to fuck!“He flushed excitedly.

“I am horny – you know – and you are a sùs Bengel … still very fresh, I see that at first glance … let’s go, my sù leater, let me do my cock in you ..!”

The situation also excited me:

This strong, male and greedy, horny guy, my owner-and I here, as a pleasure boy of countless pirates, in a joy in Tortuga …-

He started his hard, penetrated into me, I spoken how his huge cock was slowly but decisive in my body – painful and at the same time exciting.

Shaped his hard stumps, with which he drove his enormous limb deep into me, slowly. Damn, the guy really knew how to fuck.

It became more pleasant, horny, exciting from the push to bump ..

I stood quietly.

“Look, so you like that, you little whore boy!“My owner hissed my ear,“ then I can promise you a lot of fun!”

I was silent, just enjoyed the vessel, like this huge hard stùck cock meat and then slide out of me again and then into me again until it bumped into where the center of lust seems to be ..

My new owner increased his pace, kept pushing hard and rapidly in my butt while I whimpered and stealed below him.

At some point he also began to stab, his cock shrugged and I laid out how his hot juice splashed in my butt.

The stitch became slower and finally my owner pulled his cock out of my body.

“So, smaller,” he said, while he got up, “you are good to fuck, so we can save ourselves – but we still have to prepare you for a bit …”

I was about to ask what he meant when the Tùr opened and two of his house servants came into the room.

Before I could ask or say something, they had already grabbed me and turned on the back. My arms were torn up and tied up from the bed with knitting to the head end of the head end.

Then they put a cloth under my body, dragged my legs apart and tied them down on the two corner posts, so that I lay naked and with wide -spread legs on the bed.

“So, boss – the little one is ready!“Said one of the servants.

I got to do it slowly with fear. What did you have with me?

Why had they tied me up?

They wanted to burn me a sign, as you do with horses?

My owner left the room and came out after a while with a tray.

“Then start!”He just said.

I desperately dragged on my bonds until one of the two servants grabbed with a firm handle.

“Now stop, damn it again, boy!”He said to me.

“It is not dangerous and it doesn’t hurt either, so leave the sparrow!”

I gave up my resistance, just trembled.

The next moment I spoken something cold between my legs and raised my head.

The other servant had started and now cut the hair with a scissors that grew around my cock.

When he was done with it, he smeared a large amount of foam in all hairy areas and finally opened a razor.

“So, smaller,” he said, “now ‘better gaaanz – after all, we don’t want you to cut yourself, or?”

I nodded. So they had to do that – no brand or something, just a shave!

The other servant laughed while the first started to carefully scrap my hair.

“Your Hùbscher cock looks even longer,” he explained grinning, “and besides, you have less trouble with felt lice and such stuff!

You get damn quick here if you have what to grow down there!”

I hardly dared to breathe when I slide the knife over my skin.

It was strange exciting, this cold, sharp metal, my thighs, my cock, my eggs stroked my thighs.

My owner laughed out loud when my cock slowly raised under this treatment.

“You are really a horny villain!“He stated admiringly.

“I probably made a real gliding handle!”

He waited until The shave ended, then he tied me off again.

“I would like to watch you now how you take one of my boys with your cock and make him strong … – but let’s let it go for now!

You should better rest and sleep for a few hours – I don’t like it if my Bengels are in the evening for the company!”

He pulled out the ceiling under me and threw it to me with an equally movement.

I took her and stretched out between the pillows while my owner and his two servants left the chamber.

Although everything was new and exciting for me, I soon became overwhelmed by sleep … –

When one of the house servants aroused me, it was already dawning.

“Come on, put on!“He hissed at me,“ it is full below, we need fresh meat!”

I looked around and discovered a few coarse pirate boots next to the bed and a wide leather gover on the armchair next to it.

“Where are my clothes?”I asked overhanged.

The servant pointed to the boots and the Gùrtel.


I understood. Stand up, got into the boots and put my Gùrtel upside down.

I looked in the mirror.

Damn, I looked horny, I thought.

Only covered with boots and gùrtel and freshly shaved between the legs … like a rattled, through and through spoiled pirate angel in search of erotic adventures!

I met Camille in the hallway and I had to grin.

They had put him in a white sailor uniform in which he looked like a good, innocent ship boy at sea on his first day.

He looked at me in astonishment from top to bottom.

“Oh man, you look perverse!“He finally said.

I smiled flattered.

But for a long time we didn’t have to talk, because the house servant shook us down to the other boys.

When we arrived, the company was already in full swing.

A few men went into the chambers with their favorites, others could be used by their young people in the bars.

I watched our new owner grabbed Camille and tugged on a podium from coarse boards.

“Here I have something very special for you,” he explained in a loud voice, “a south -facing ship boy!

Still very fresh, the Health Bengel, na, who wants it first?

The little one is well wide, you only need to take it and to enjoy it with him … “

A big and strong man got up, stepped closer.

“Would be something for us!“He explained as he screeded Camille greedily,.

“We haven’t done such a cute boy for a long time!”

The men who had sitting at the table with him jaws loudly applause.

“So how much?”

Our owner called a sum.

The man reached into his pocket, pulled out a few mùnzen and received Camille.

While the brothel host was auding the next boy, I was able to see how Camille was brought to the table to the men.

At the customer’s command, he let his pants down and was laid across the table.

I watched his customer slowly get his hard out of his pants, then pushed him in Camille’s butt and finally started fucking with long Schùben.

His cronies now also knew their pants on and after a short time Camille was the center of a zoon brass and fuckorgy.

But I had no opportunity to watch it longer, because my owner pulled me on the podium and presented me to the guests present.

“Here I have a little fresh meat for you!“He explained.

“Sixteen years old and well wide, just the right for big cocks!

And should I tell you something: This horny pirate angel enjoys it here if you fuck him vigorously!

So who wants to have it?”

A few guys got up, shouting their offers, but after all, a man -made man pushed forward in early thirties.

“I want the boy!”” He said “I’m so horny, I need a hollow butt in which I can get some relief to my hard cock!”

He pulled a few coats out of his worn trousers and pushed them into my owner.

Then he pulled me off the podium and stairs up to my chamber.

He locked the Tùr behind him, turned and looked at me prassing.

“You look like it, smaller!“He finally stated while he õffet the Gùrtel from his pants.

“Your eyes, your mouth, the way you wear your hair – you remind me very much of a particularly sunk boy who is denied to me – his parents keep him too strict.

Do you know, I have no opportunity to approach him, to tell him how much I desire him to do with him, what I long for … – I would like to fuck him so much, I would like to breastfeed my desire, so much.make him my lover –

My cock longs for this enjoyment, longs for hollowing Jùnglingen – like you … “

He grazed his pants, pulled his shirt over his head, came up to me.

I looked up and I almost instinctively knew that he now wanted to take me as a replacement for his secret lover, after which he longed and who was unreachable for him.

“You are so Beautiful!“He fluttered.

“Look so innocent – as that day when I am the first time have seen.

You know what?

The day on which yours Mother has married the innkeeper to my house and moved in there with you! Are you still as pure and unavoidable as it was then? Or have you secretly prepared for me in the meantime?”

I played the game, came up to him, nestled against him, spoken his warm meat on mine.

“Just on you!”I replied softly,” our house knecht taught me everything I need to know in order to give you great pleasure!

I am ready for you, take me, make me a man!”

I took off my Gùrtel, took off my boots, let me sink on my bed, presented my customer my naked body.

He let himself fall next to me, leaned over me, his lips shouted my mouth, his fingers painted lightly, tenderly and almost shower at my shoulder, my arm ..

I closed my eyes, led myself to his delicate, cautious resolutions where there was nothing rough or greedy.

Enjoyed the slight tingling on my skin when his fingers – only – just – are partially.

Opened my mouth under his kiss, enjoyed the game of his tongue on my lips and my teeth, while he slowly sinks on me Lieö and gently and tenderly my thighs apart. His hands stroked my shoulders, my bricks, I nestled against him, spoken his naked, hairy meat on my stomach and between my legs, sighed softly with pleasure and enjoyment.

His now hard cock rubbed his dam, searched, groped, finally found and shoved slowly and very tenderly into my body.

I spoken as he continued to pour into me, made a way into me, spoken the hard male meat that rubbed itself in me, spoken the excitement and lust that spread more and more in me.

My customer slowly fucked me, with almost uncertain movements, as if he were afraid to hurt me.

It was different than usual – but still pleasant.

It didn’t matter to me that it was actually not me but another boy was that the quiet, tender words were instead of me and the gentle rides were actually intended for him.

It even gave me pleasure to put a little into his role, the role of a secret and forbidden lover.

It gave the whole thing an additional charm.

My customer slowly became braver, his stuff stronger and I opened as he kept entering me deeply and my lust continued to shred ..

I dropped.

Let my customers do whatever he wanted.

Enjoyed only his strong movements with which he pushed his hard cock into my body, his greedy stoning, spoken his hot breath on my skin and my lust that burned in me, stronger and stronger and at some point as a hot flame over me,Shortly before my customer also came and he collapsed with a hoarse, suppressed scream.

For a while he stayed like that, then he rolled down from me silly.

He put on a wordless, it almost seemed as if he were ashamed of it that he had used my services. Before he went, he rummaged in his pocket and threw me a little bit.

“For you – it was horny with you!”

Then he hastily left the room.

I picked up the Mùnze, looked at it more closely.

She shone golden in the glow of the lantern under the ceiling, but I didn’t know this currency and did not know whether the money was now worth a lot or little.

I raised the top subject of the chest of drawers and carefully put the Mùnze into the cash cassette.

Then I put the boots in a corner and put the Gùrtel on it. Left the chamber, went down to the laundry rooms, let me sink into the tub with hot water and wash me from one of the bathing boys.

The boy smiled at me while he sipped my body.

“Well – it was fun with your first customer?”

I just nodded, didn’t know exactly what to reply.

“The boy who was here – Camille is called his name – he was pretty finished!

Has been put in here like a dance bear, who is hailable and first needed a cup of coffee before he could see again clearly.

Do you want one too? Or are you not yet?”

I shook my head.

Bloö nothing hot to drink – the tropical Caribbean night was already hot enough anyway, even without coffee.

“If you have hunger or thirst or something, just have a look at Pedro after bathing!“The boy continued to chat while drying my body.

“There through the Tùr at the front. Pedro is responsible for the kitchen and gives you your food. Our innkeeper pays attention to healthy and good nutrition here. Too meager or fat or due to wrong food unwilling and passionate guys also mean business losses for him – only well -fed and satisfied boys are also good for the business!”

I had other thoughts in my head:

“How is Camille?”

“The boy from just?”

The bathing boy looked at me and then laughed at me.

“Why do you ask? Do you know him?” I nodded.

“Yes – we were sold together.

He is better again?”

The bathing boy, who was now drying me, nodded in agreement.

“Hmmh! It’s outside again, probably he already has the next cock in the butt.

And you don’t seriously believe that the boss offers goods that are not flawless!

If one of you makes you limp, Pedro takes him first and sees that he gets him back on his jet.

Even has an extra chamber for it, with bed and such, and a well -sorted pharmacy ..

But why are you so interested in this boy?

Are you in a relationship with him?”

I looked at him confused.


“Well, you have something together – is it your lover?”

I shook my head.

“No – but he is my friend!”


The bathing boy took one of the many doses from the wall of the tub and rubbed my body with a fragrant cream.

After he was finished, he pointed to a shot, faded silk trousers and an artistically shattered lace shirt on a stool next to the tub.

“There are your new things.

You will have to change your stuff to every customer!

Our customers love the variety and also indicates that you follow in any role that they expect from you!

The things here are ideally suited for a impoverished noble, a young pirate boy or a stranded ship brittle!”

I must have looked pretty amazed because the boy laughed at.

“Oh yes, you are amazed, what?

You and your Hùbscher Lover, you have ended up in one of the best and most popular men’s brothels in Tortuga!

The boss has all kinds of our customers in stock: always freshness, sided boys, good drinks for the mood and also all possible scenarios for special wishes.”

I must have looked at him pretty uncoverly because he laughed again.

“Nobody has yet been fed through the lower rooms?”He asked overhanged.

“Then you would like to know what I talk about: the rooms are specially set up there – one like a jungle and others like a lonely island or a prison or something else ..

Depending on what the customer is straight!

And your task is to take over the part of the scored part – to experience their most secret dreams to the customer … “

He gave me a friendly slap on my bare butt with his flat hand and pushed my pants in my hand.

“Tighten now! We are not to chat here in the brothel!”

I quickly slapped my pants, pulled my shirt over and went into the tapping room. Thought a quick look through the room, looking for Camille.

Somehow I was responsible for my friend, after all, it was partly my fault that he had been sold to slavery with me!

But I couldn’t see him anywhere.

My new owner discovered me.

He grabbed me on my arm and pulled me across the bar to the counter where the customers could get drinks.

“Come on, I already – I have a new prospect for you!”

I looked at the two customers who stood next to my owner.

A man in medium years and next to him is a boy who was probably as old as Camille and I.

He was very slim, almost slimming, and seemed pretty bad, which was good for him.

“My son here will set sail as a ship boy in a few days!“The man just said.

“He is still unavoidable – and that’s why he should have a little bit of hard cocks beforehand.

I know that sounds pretty flawless – but it is better, he loses his innocence here and learns to enjoy it as if he is raped by his comrades – or ‘mandate’ as they call it.”

“I have the right thing for your boy!“My owner replied with a laugh.

“A new young newcomer – his innocence himself just lost a few weeks ago! Sixteen years old, but his cock can take it with a men’s tail at any time!

Take a look at him!”

My owner grabbed me on my arm, turned and turned me, presented me with the customer from all sides. The man turned to his son.

“Well, what do you think of this one?”

The boy shrugged layers, did not answer.

I came up with a stick, my finger stroked his face, his lips, his neck ..

“Come on!“I fell in a lot of,.

“You will like it – I do it really well, you know?”

The boy took a look at his father, then shrugged with his shoulders and let me move through the bar and stairs up into my chamber.

I closed the one behind me, pushed the bar and turned to my new customer.

The boy sat on my bed, looked at me with big eyes.

I flinched my shoulders, õffnten my shirt, let me fall next to him.

“You don’t need if you don’t want!“I explained as I slowly pulled out the shirt and let it slide onto the floor.

“If you want, I’ll leave you in peace and tell your father that I did it.

It’s your decision!

But you have to know what you get into.

If you are only on the ship, you will be fucked earlier or later – and who knows whether the sailors are as careful as I do!”

“And when I defend myself against them?” asked he.

I had to laugh.

“Reflow?“I repeated,

“Do you want to know how I spent my first time?

With the captain, in his kohl.

I was lying on the table with my stomach, my hands and lines were tied to the table legs and almost at the same moment I already had the huge cock from the cap in my virgin butt – how do you want to defend yourself in such a situation?

Well, if you like it, why not?

But if you prefer to get on the gentle kind of it, you should do that before you go on board!”

I õffnten my worn silk pants, grazed them.

Now sat naked next to him.

“If you want, you can only touch him first!“I continued to lure it,.

“Nothing is there – maybe you want to know how my cock is at all at all!”

I took his hand, took her between my legs, closed his fingers slowly and almost tenderly around my treasures.

Spoken as he flinched slightly when he shouted my naked meat.

I smiled at him encouragingly.

Bang me slightly, lifted my hand, stroked easily, only with two fingers, over his face, his forehead, his cheek, his mouth ..

He breathed in sharply, bit his lips quickly, became red.

“You like that – I’m right?”

He did not answer, just lowered the look layer.

“And now you are ashamed of it!”

He nodded slightly.

I leaned out, my fingers stroked tenderly on his neck, my lips gently shouted his mouth.

He winced shocked out.

“What … what do you do there?!”

He didn’t look at me.

“Do you like it?”I asked with a smile.

“No!”He cried out – and then, quietly, zõgregs:” Yes, yes – yes – yes!”

I leaned over him.

He could, carefully, tender, again and again.

Slowly opened his shirt, grazed it over his shoulders, shouted the bare skin, slowly stroked it, felt me deeper, over his pants, between his legs, after what was between his thighs. Knew his pants, she pulled him au.

Looked admiringly at his slim, well -shaped and virgin body.

My hand stroked over the silk -soft skin, briefly bought the still limp tail, played tenderly with its gently rounded eggs.

Then continued, massaged him slightly until he gradually relaxed.

My cock now stood hard from my stomach, ready to make the boy known with completely new joys in front of me ..

My young customer sighed softly under my advances.

Also began to stroke me, still zets and insecure.

I pulled him to myself.

Laved my cock lightly and dragging along his thighs.

Slowly pushed me in between until I was where I wanted to go.

My cock rubbed hard and greedy on the virgin ass, was ready ..

My young free gas pantry with excitement.

“Yes …” he flew, “Yes … yes ..

– !”

I slowly penetrated him.

Fitted how the top mùhsam made a way into the boy’s body, how my hard cock slid into a hot, horny tightness, further and further.

Happed him softly and smiled at him encouragingly.

“It is only the first time about uncomfortable,” I explained, “if you have had it, it will be really cool ..!”

I was half in there now, carefully pulled it out and tried to penetrate with a slight shock.

The boy stood again, but this time it sounded more like lust than pain.

I strengthened the pressure.

Now slid quickly and to the tail root in the horny, narrow butt of my customer.

“Imagine it!“I flew while I was slowly starting to fuck him with light movements,

“Imagine these horny guys, hot men with rock -hard tails.

They are already waiting to take yourself in the team accommodation in the evening, to fuck you, one after the next, you can put your hard, horny cocks in … “

My talk seemed to really excite him, because he stood quietly below me.

“You will take you,” I continued, “Tugging you naked on the table or into one of the berths, standing around you and jerking off your cocks ..

And then the first occurs – what do you think, what will it look like?”

“Large!“My young customer replied, meanwhile heis with excitement,

“And slim. With black eyes and long, black hair …”

“Good! How does it look?”

“Muskulõs – his Kõrper is pretty hairy … on the stomach and so ..

– between the legs…”

“He comes to you!“I fluttered.

“His huge cock is long and hard off his stomach..

. He has an appetite for you – on a hollow ship boy – he pushes your thighs apart, puts himself in between, jerks up again challenging his cock while his friends applauded … ”The boy breathed a lot of lust, gasped violently.

“… he pushes his arms under your legs, lifts them up a little while two other sailors hold onto your arms and push their cocks in your hands. He puts his cock on … pack your feet ..

Push him in – so ..!”

I drove my hard cock with a strong movement in the boy, now fucked him with long, hard stumps while he was whimpering with lust and finally reared up in a violent high point below me. Only shortly afterwards it came to me and I sprayed my hot sperm in his now broken butt.

We stayed for a while, panting, then I pulled out of him.

“You should look for a few men in the next few days,” I recommended him, “only to practice, you understand?

Sailors prefer it when their ship boys are well ridied!”

My young freer nods while he pulled his shirt over his head.

Hardly anything had remained of his initial shearingness, only when he went to the Tùr, he was relocated a little again.

“Thank you …” he murmured, “You – you did it very well …”

With that he disappeared.

I got up and went down into the bathing area, let me make up for the next customer and advertise in the bar ..

It took almost four o’clock for the last one to leave the brothel and we could finally sleep.

When everything was calm, I got up again, crazy about the walk to Camille’s bedroom and õFFNTEN.

“Camille?”I asked softly,” are you awake?”


“May I come in?”

“Yes – come quiet!”

I stepped into the narrow chamber and pulled the Tùr behind me.

Camille was lying on his bed, he looked out.

“How are you doing?“I asked.

“Oh man, damn!“Camille sweared while,“ where are we just hinged here!

To the Hõlle with these dirty guys!”

I crawled on the bed to him and put my arm around his shoulders, pulled him to me.

“It was so bad?” I asked. Camille twitched the shoulders.

“If it were just fucking and blowing cocks, I would even like it quite a bit,” he replied, “but you would have to add some regulation that you can only get freshly washed into a brothel!

You, I tell you, a couple of the tails that I sucked out have definitely not been able to use water for a few months!”

I was shivering. I really had it today!

“And everything hurts me!“Camille continued.

“You can’t be careful instead of squeezing your huge things so dry in my butt?!”

He let himself sink into my arm weakly, sobbed quietly – with anger? Pain?

I just stroked him, nothing replied.

What should I say, after all, I liked it when my customers fucked a little harder. Camille snuggled up to me, buried his face on my shoulder, closed his eyes.

We both had no great desire on sex today and so we soon fell asleep.

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