The teacher is blackmailed and hard humiliated | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The story is fictitious and I would be happy about comments.

My name is Nina Schmidt and I am 32 years old. I have had a job on one for half a year School for children of rich people. I teach English and history in the upper level. I get along well with most students, only with Katja I have my problems.

She is the class beauty and feels comfortable by me that the boys could find me nicer. But of course that’s nonsense because I have no desire for it with you Pupils start. Even if I’m single at the moment. I just don’t have time to take care of a partner.

My job has priority. That I got a job at this school at all makes me proud.

That’s why I was very surprised when Katja was at the door in the evening after Christmas. Of course I asked her in and when she had taken a living room, I asked what I could do for you.

Katja asked “You were in the USA during your studies?” “Yes that was me. Do you want to do something like that too?“Katja smiled a little condescending. “Maybe” she said.“But they would have something to drink for me, Ms. Schmidt?”

I went to the kitchen to get a bottle of cola and two glasses. When I came back into the living room Katja had built her laptop there.

“Would you like to show me something?”I asked her. “Yes, I want that” immediately came back from her. I handed her a glass of cola. She accepted it thankfully and turned the laptop screen to me.

What I saw let me bleach on the spot. The screen showed a porn film and the bad thing that I was the female actress.

During my stay in the USA, I had participated in three films of this kind to improve my account. I would have liked to undo it afterwards, but I had just turned 23 at the time and I was able to use the money well there.

And I never thought that these films would come to Germany.

“Where did you get this film from” I asked Katja. “A friend from the USA sent him. And when I saw the actress I had to think of her.

He also told me that the actress is actually called Nina Schmidt. But I shouldn’t have asked about their reaction.“Katja had expressed the last sentence with so much mockery that it was cold down my back cold. After a short break I asked Katja “What do you want? Why do you come here and show me that?“A bad smile scurried over Katja’s face. “Let’s say Ms. Schmidt or I can say Nina, or? Of course I can report you to the director and show him that and then you would be released immediately.

But that doesn’t help me. But if you do what I tell you, then this could remain our secret. I am in Summer Finished with the school and after that I don’t care what with you. Promised.

But until then, you do what I want. If not, I’ll go to the director right away. You now have the choice.”

I was shocked and relieved at the same time. What could Katja want from me except for a few good grades.

And she should get it too, she was a good one anyway pupil And that’s why I had little concern. That’s why I said slightly “Ok, I’m sure we’ll be able to get that.”

“This is the right answer, Nina.”Said Katja. “And so that I can also check whether you are serious, you are now pulling off immediately!“I didn’t think I could trust my ears. What should I do? Take me off in front of Katja? But still while I was thinking about it repeated Katja her demand.

“Well, Los Nina, I don’t wait forever. I’ll give you thirty seconds.”

I didn’t know how to react. “Another twenty seconds” said Katja. I got up and opened the buttons of my blouse.

Then I pulled it out and continued with my pants. Now I only had my slip and that bra at. “Keep it up,” said Katja Scharf. So I opened my bra and let it fall forward over my arms.

I now also moved out my panties. Now I stood naked. Katja looked at me rest. “Your tits are not the biggest.”Said Katja.

I had between B and C. B was a little too small and C was a little too big. But small? I couldn’t think about thinking about it. “Turn around” Katja drove me on.

I willingly turned around. “Spread yours Legs and lean forward.“I was commanded by Katja. Of course I did it. I now put my ass towards her.

Katja got up and stood behind me. She stroked my ass with one hand now and it didn’t take long for it to reach between my legs. She kept driving over mine with one finger pussy. And whether I wanted or not, I became wet.

Katja wasn’t hidden either.“You like that. You are not just one Teacher, You are also a real bitch. But because you hesitated something earlier, I still have to convince myself whether you understood that you follow my commands immediately. You now sit down in the armchair, angle your legs so that you present your holes to me and then you beg to get me to get it.”

I immediately went to the armchair and took the required position.

Then I said in a pleading voice. “Please dear Katja, use my holes as you like it. I need it, please do it.“Katja now went back to her pocket and got something out. I couldn’t see what it was. But it didn’t take long to feel it.

She had brought an anal plug and she now pushed it into my ass. She wasn’t squeamish and when he stuck I realized that she also had a vibrator. She now switched it on and pressed it onto my clit. I immediately started moaning.

It was a bit ago that I had sex and I realized that now. My pussy reacted immediately to this treatment and immediately got wet. Katja pressed the vibrator a little more firmly on my clit, which I immediately acknowledged with a loud groaning. “Please put the vibrator in me,” I borrowed Katja.

She just laughed and replied “that was not clear enough, give yourself more effort if you want that.“So I tried again. “Please Katja, please fuck me with the vibrator. I plead you, I need it, stuff him into my fuck hole, I bitch need it. Please!“Now it seemed to like Katja and she put the vibrator in me.

At first she just fucked me easily, but it didn’t take long, so she started to fuck me really hard with the part. It didn’t take long and I couldn’t stay anymore. I shouted “I come, ohhhh.“It twitched me. Then Katja let off from me.

From above she said “You are a real sow, but that’s a good thing. I already see that we will have a lot of fun.”Then she packed her things together, said” I’ll get in touch with you, bitch “. Then she went. I was still naked and quite finished in the armchair.

I didn’t care that Katja had put the anal plug stuck. I wondered what else should come to me.

Continuation follows if fell.

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