Have a nice vacation | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

We have been on the terrace of this ice cream parlor like every day since ours Vacation It started for the fourth day now, again and again we arrive here in the evening, a little tired of walking around, there is so much to see here in this part of the city, near the river. The sun is already very deep, everything dives in a mild, reddish light, is reflected in the slices of the surrounding houses.

It is quite empty today, two tables continue to sit a young couple in front of almost empty glasses. It has an almost transparent blouse, just three buttons closed, and her nipples are characterized by the thin fabric. My gaze falls on her legs when she turns a little on the chair, her short jeans skirt slipped up. Long, sun -tanned legs, whipped on top of the other, the skirt just covers a hand’s breadth of her thighs.

She must have noticed my gaze, look at us briefly and changes her seating position, lean back and puts the legs side by side. She has put her head slightly, turned to the sun, the legs open a little and I can clearly see that she is not wearing anything under her skirt. Obviously, she enjoys my eyes as well as the sun’s rays, which is this wonderful sight of a partially shaved pussy irradiate. Her hand walks onto the leg of her companion, further upwards, strokes an increasingly expressive exploitation of his pants.

He slips a little nervously on his chair, looks around and sits down a little deeper, further forward on the chair. A rather inconspicuous guy, with a sweatshirt and dark flannel pants I can’t solve my eyes, it is incredible, it actually begins to button up his pants. You haven’t noticed anything of all of this yet, you look at the sun that is reflected in the water of the river. When I lightly offset you, you start up from your thoughts, look at me questioningly, and I point my head in the direction of the young couple, the woman now has her hand in her companion and slowly moves her up and down her.

In itself I had expected an outraged look at me, but apparently you actually like what you see. The woman changes her sitting position again, her movements had the skirt slide a little higher. A narrow strip of dark short hair covers the middle of your venus hill, and her labia are slightly open, damp glossy in the sun. She looks around briefly, we are the only guests on the terrace, and with a short jerk she gets it tail of their companion from the pants.

Obviously, the young man is more excited than surprised, he slides a little deeper on his chair, further under the table, to be more protected against looks. However, this is getting an even better view for us, and you look spellbound on this magnificent penis, which stands stiff and firmly upwards. A slight reddening rises in your face as you take your hands off the table and put it in your lap.

The young woman’s hand movements are getting faster and faster, the man crashed his hands around his glass, his eyes are half closed. I look alternately at this picture and to you, don’t know exactly what wanes me up more. You sit uphill on your chair, the light linen dress emphasizes your wife’s shapes, and your breast lifts and lowers in the rhythm of the violent breath. Your hands move slightly, rub the fabric of the dress on the silkbody that you wear underneath.

I put my arm around you, my lips approach your ear, and I say softly “pretty brave, the two“ to you. You nod in agreement while you continue to look at how this hand pulls the foreskin far back under the table and then pushes forward again, firm and fast. Suddenly the woman stays in her movements, apparently touches the shaft more firmly and a white ray shoots out of the glans again, again and again, and I press yourself firmly to myself, feel it more excited you.

The woman now has her hand with herself, straighten up and pulls her skirt straight, her companion stowed away a little slumped limb in his pants, and the two drink their glasses and get up, leave the terrace in our direction. When walking past, the woman greetings from her head, with a light, almost conspiratorial smile, while he sees as insecure aside. We look at ourselves, shaking his head, still can’t quite believe what we have just seen.

I go to the restaurant to pay and see you standing on the other side of the street while coming out, leaning against the railing of the riparian promenade. In the light of the setting sun, the silhouette of your body shimmers through the dress, it is a fascinating picture. The silkbody suits you very well, but in my current mood I would like to have the most if you didn’t wear anything under the dress. “We want to go for a drink before we return to the hotel?“I ask you and you nod in agreement.

We go down the stairs to the river bank, stroll along the footpath and see a luminous clay, apparently a restaurant, which was built in one of these warehouses that are built here in this embankment between the river bank and the street. At the entrance to the restaurant there is no indication of what kind of gastronomy hides behind the door, but loud scraps of music penetrate outside. “Whether that is our taste?“I ask you because it sounds very loud and wild, almost towards the heavy metal.

You look at me challenging and say “forget, we are on holiday, Everything is different about it ”and see it very charming, not like the 39-year-old Mother two children who attach great importance to etiquette at home and is rather reserved and undercooled. We enter, go along a narrow passage that opens into a hall after a bend and look into a witch cauldron. There is an incredible crowd in it, in front of the bar, people stand together in grapes, all tables are occupied, and there is hardly any space on the dance floor, you look over a sea of twitching bodies in the rhythm of music, the light is very subdued, but colorful headlights flash from all corners, the music booms, everything is in motion.

It is contagious, you start movements with the music and call me “Let’s drink something” while we push ourselves through the crowd towards the counter. I keep knocking together with bodies, my arms paint along breasts when I put myself past the people standing everywhere between the tables. You too are struggling to follow me, we find ourselves in a somewhat quieter place next to a pillar, and you say “hardly to believe how many hands there are” and arrange your dress, which slips completely from the jogie.

I fight the few meters through to the counter, and now see why the devil is going on here. A large sign hangs on the wall, with the indication that today is a “power dance -evening” and all drinks are twice and that at half price. I come back with two giant glasses Vodka-Lemon, and it seems to be vodka as a lemon of the mixing ratio. We look into the crowd, the glasses are quickly empty and you take me by the hand, pull me to the dance floor.

It is really understated to speak of a cauldron on the dance floor, we dive into a sea of swinging arms, pounding legs, twitching heads and waving hair. It is an indescribable smell of sweat, alcohol, Perfume, razor and smoke in the air. You start dancing, wild and wilder, the hammering rhythm of music has captivated you. I also move in this rhythm, faster and more violent than usual.

Again and again people crowded between us, bodies collapse, and I have often unintentionally Contact To others, patrol along the back of the hand along breasts, feel nipples through thin fabric, many women here do not wear a bra, and now I also understand what you meant with the “many hands” earlier. The crowd separates us a bit, you suddenly dance a little further away, you are in a further area of the dance floor.

Suddenly the music changes, becomes even faster, with strong bass and drum sequences. The light is almost completely darkened, and a stroboscope divides the darkness into flashing moments of light. Everything looks like in slow motion, the movements appear jerky, it is not very recognizable. You suddenly feel your hands everywhere on your body, some of the men on the dance floor apparently use these moments, consciously or unconsciously. You look around, see in ecstatic faces, you are almost in a trance yourself.

The vodka also seem to be starting, and you don’t even wonder that your dress is completely buttoned up like a coat around you. I can only see it from a distance, your white silk body lights up in the flash of lightning of the stroboscope, and the men around you hardly move to music, urge you close to you. You feel rough palms that lay over your breasts, and others who drive over your belly and buttocks, touch your thighs, and suddenly you almost froze.

One hand has pushed into the leg neckline of the body, stroke fingers through the dense hair fur and over your labia. You hit your hand violently, but tear off both buttons that close the body below. Again you feel the tactning fingers, feel an unprecedented excitement in you, just keep dancing like in ecstasy. The body has completely shifted due to the dance movements, gives a view of your full breasts that rock in time, with nipped nipples, and also on the neatly exhausted triangle of your venus hill.

Your hands also meet body again and again, drive over hairy male breasts in open shirts, stroke over bulged jeans, feel erections under thin fabric. One hand grabs yours, leads it down, press your fingers on something warm, hard, you have a stiff cock in your hand. Your fingers close around the shaft, you quickly stroke back and forth before you let go of and dance on again. Suddenly the music falls silent to change slow softer sounds, the light becomes lighter.

I quickly push myself to you, pull you out of the crowd and take you into my arms so that you can close the dress again. We dance closely, you feel my breath on your neck, in your ear and I whisper to you what great woman you are. After this dance we go back and see a free place at the bar, you sit on the bar stool and we order two more drinks.

Your dress is just closed with the four of them, the fabric falls apart over the legs, I can’t keep my hands calm when I see. “Almost like this afternoon” I whine in your ear, and my hand strokes the place of my desires over your thigh, and I feel how moist you are and slowly I push your labia apart with a finger and it glides into this wetCave, it’s a wonderful feeling.

“We are being observed,” you whisper to me without noticeably moving. On the contrary, your legs open a little more to grant my hand unhindered access. I lightly turn my head, look into your direction and can see two men who see just as spellbound to us as we did this afternoon this afternoon. A feeling grows in me from a mixture of pride and lust.

My hand moves slowly back and forth, then I pull my finger out and take it to my mouth, lick it with relish and kiss you afterwards. “Come on us” If you hardly whisper, with vibrating voice “I want to feel you in myself as fast as possible. “And you climb from the bar stool, whereby your dress opens again and all the greedy looks of the two men reveals, since the body can no longer be closed.

We quickly go out of the restaurant without looking around and have arrived at the hotel in a few minutes, I get the keys at the reception and we drive with the lift to the fourth floor where our room is located. When I entered the cabin, I knotted your dress back down, and it is an extremely cool feeling to be able to remove your pussy with my hand freely with my hand. “You should always wear open bodies,” I whisper to you with a smile, “that’s really great”.

“During the holidays, why not” you answer me with a smile that lets me melt like ice in the desert sun. As soon as we arrive in the room, we throw all clothes off, plunge onto the bed and with a loud, voluptuous groan I penetrate deeply into you, and my whole pent -up lust discharges itself in wild, ecstatic bumps and I inject my juice into you, a lotMore than you are used to from me.

“But the day also turned you on,” you whisper my ear when we are lying next to each other, still breathing violently. And I never thought, ”you continue,“ that it can make me so horny to be touched by strangers. Knowing that they watch me has already turned me on, and it was crazy to feel this cock in my hand without knowing who he heard “” you made him inject?”I ask in a hot voice and feel my cock stiff again at this idea,” I could hardly see you on the dance floor in this crowd and hardly noticed it “and you shake your head.

“No, the time was too short for that. But – if the music had gone on like this and the confusing darkness with these flashes of light, who knows what would have happened, as horny as I was at that moment. “It comes very quietly, I notice your fatigue and we fall asleep, nestled closely to each other, I only pulled a slight blanket over us on this warm night. The next morning, the sun burns high in the sky, I slowly wake up, see you sleeping next to me, you breathe calmly and your breast lifts and lowers regularly.

It is a great breast, full and very firm for your age, with large farms around the nipples that are now flatly embedded in it. Delicate my lips spread it, keep hiking down, lingering a little on the navel and then buried in the pubic hair. You move drunk drunk, open your legs, and my tongue finds you away to your clit, I start to suck firmly and you press your pelvis towards me.

I raise my head and shouted in a half. Love, quickly under the shower and down, otherwise we will not get breakfast “What a loud laugh triggers with you. “First you wake me up so well and then you stop in the middle, you replace“ only because of your profane hunger. “It is beautiful to experience you so carefree and I answer“ We have been in front of us all the next few days, let’s eat something first.

“We quickly showered and put on, I thrown myself into a T-shirt and my old Levis, and you wear a light sweatshirt and a short, bright skirt of two hand width ends over your knee. At home you would probably never wear such a short skirt, but it really suits you, which I tell you too. You blame it easily and tell me in the elevator that you don’t have as much courage as the young woman last night.

We smile like conspirators, the other people in the elevator cannot know what you meant by that. There is still plenty of operation in the breakfast room, we look around for a place and in the background someone waves two men sit at a table and you frighten my arm, the two of them are in the restaurant last night. “We have to go through now,” I say quietly to you and we go to the table.

“There are still two places available here,” says the larger one, “take a seat, we look forward to seeing familiar faces”. I can imagine that, I think and have to grin inside. Well, they don’t exactly make an unappealing impression, and the other asks us whether he should bring orange juice from the buffet, which we thankfully accept. After we were provided with coffee from the operation and got rolls and side dishes, we come to a lively entertainment with the two men who do not respond to yesterday’s situation.

They tell us that they are on business as an IT service technician, have two days to do and have to visit customers again this afternoon. “Have you ever been here in the hotel pool” asks us, and we both shake our heads, we have actually not used that yet, the hotel swimming pool. “Yes, a good idea,” you replied “Let us swim a few rounds, it will definitely do us” and turn to me, “I quickly get our swimming things, you can go to the pool.

“And you have already disappeared, the two already have their bathing suits with them, we go to the elevator and drive to the roof terrace where the pool is located. “It’s really great up here,” I say to the two who quickly get out of their clothes, they already have their swimming trunks on, and jump into the water right away. Now you also meet up here, in the bathrobe, have already moved in the room.

You give me my swimming trunks and drop the bathrobe, stands in front of me in a dream of bikini. “I don’t even know that yet,” I look at you in astonishment, and you smile at mischievous and say that you bought him the day before yesterday without knowing whether you would dare to put on him. “He is wonderful, dear” I say admiringly, and it comes from full heart. The top is very tight, made of a white thin fabric through which your nipples are clearly evident, the lower part is just as tiny and, for example, closes with the upper border of your pubMade of a narrow strip of fabric.

You also jump into the clear water, and I hurry up with moving, but have certain difficulties to accommodate a beginning erection in the narrow swimming trunks. Only after two quickly swam my penis has normalized again, and we splash around and romp around in the water, all four have a lot of fun doing it. Every now and then your top slips, the bikini is apparently a bit small, and sometimes it seems as if you were to make certain movements extra, so that the fabric can then be able to pull the fabric over the nipple again.

It is already at noon when we get out of the water and lie down on the sun loungers that are placed around the swimming pool. You have laid the middle of the loungers in five rows of five, and before I could join, the other two are next to you, I have to be content with one of the outer loungers. When looking closely, it also becomes clear why they wanted to lie right next to you.

As I had already thought, the fabric of your bikinis through the water is almost transparent. The coolness of the wet fabric in the light wind up here has totally erected your nipples, how large cherries are drawn up, and the courtyards have pulled together slightly and shimmer darkly through the fabric. The lower part clearly shows your hair triangle and the thin fabric covers the labia, but they are clearly and provocative.

The effects, which are triggered in the two, is just as clear. In both swimming trunks, the wet fabric almost spans tears over the cocks that have set up very quickly. Even my swimming trunks are more and more ruminating, I lie down on my stomach to hide it, it can also be easier to look over to you. You seem to like what you see there and you are comforting yourself in the sun.

We are the only ones here on the roof terrace, and that seems to stare you. “Stripes on sun -tanned skin are not very attractive,” you say and simply grate the top. You look directly at this pronounced swelling of the larger one of the two, which indicates approximately 20 cm. Apparently it makes him a little unsure now, because he also turns on his stomach. “Such a crap” suddenly calls the smaller one, “our appointment” and jumps up.

“We have to get rid of it in a hurry,” he says and continues, “What do you think of it if we go to this danceable again tonight, together?”” Why not “I reply,” how about nine in the bar, if you are there in the past, please keep us a place. “The two disappear in a changing room, and you look at me, blink into the sun and ask me if I am not unable to go into this bar again, with the two.

“On the contrary, we had a lot of fun there and besides, it’s vacation!“I calm you down and we do something in the sun a little more in front of us. You have put your top back, slowly the roof terrace fills up, we are looking for our stuff together and we go back to our room to change for the afternoon. “You have planned a bit for afterwards” you ask me and I nod, because yesterday I saw a sign on the waterfront with a reference to a departure for river trips, and you will definitely like that too, I think I think so.

It is already dark when we come back from the river trip and get out at the jetty. It was a very nice afternoon on the river, we ate well, a folklore band played, the landscape that passed over to us was really impressive. You were on the back on the way back for a long time, looked into the falling sun and got a light goosebumps when I gave my lips to touch your hairline and told you how much I love you.

“Well, whether the two are already waiting,” you ask on the way to the restaurant, because it is now half past nine, the river trip lasted longer than expected. “Hopefully you actually kept us free when it is as full as yesterday,” I reply, and we see the neon lights seem at some distance. When we enter, we are completely surprised at what we find. Instead of the expected fray a rather calm atmosphere, almost all places occupied, but no quantities of people who stand around, a band plays dance music, the light is steamed, and on the dance floor it is also very popular.

One of our new acquaintances comes towards us from a corner, leads us to a table near the dance floor. “What does it matter when normal price operations are running here,” he says grinning, “Most people stay away. ““ Although it may be very pleasant if it is not quite as hectic as yesterday, ”says the other. We sit down at the table, look around and there is a waiter, asks us about our wishes.

Our two opposite have a bottle of red wine in front of them, and so we also order one because they say that it is a really good drop. “It was enough for your appointment today at noon,” you ask, and both nod. “Yes, it still worked out well,” and they tell of the order, about their work and we talk very much, the atmosphere is really pleasant here.

“Actually” you say with a smile, “Actually we came here to dance, and now nobody is dancing with me!”As soon as the bigger one jumps up and theatrically” Madame, I may ask “and holds his hand towards you. You disappear to the dance floor, while I continue to talk to the other about work and business, an endless topic. He has been working with his colleague for this company for a few years, they are on the road all over Europe.

Every now and then I look at the dance floor, I know what enthusiastic dancer you are, which you can’t say about me. At the moment it is a somewhat slower dance, I don’t know which one, and his hands stroke over your back, one glides over the hips briefly to your butt, he pulls you off every now and then. Soon you will come back to the table and we continue to talk and all dance with you during the evening.

With one of these dances, it is very slower, if you whisper in my ear that you have to look very exciting on both, because when dancing you felt clearly how swollen they were. “And” I whisper back “turns you on?”” Somehow I wouldn’t have thought to have such an effect on men “Questioningly, you look at me” is bad?”” No, on the contrary, happy about it, and I proud to have such an attractive woman, “I say, and go away with a smile.” We are on vacation, there is a lot different, much possible, do not forget that.

“We go back to the table, it has become almost a clock, the fourth bottle of red wine is empty and we decide to break open. It’s still very warm outside and we are running back to the hotel. When we have our keys and wait for the elevator, I ask how it would be with a last sip before going to bed, after the pleasant evening, and with enthusiasm our acquaintances agree.

“We bought some bottles of red wine tonight,” says one, “let’s go to our room” and you answer “why not if you have enough space. “Your room is on the fourth floor, almost above ours, and has roughly the same cut. A wide bed, a small cupboard with drawers on the right and left of it, two armchairs, a small table, the minibar and a closet, that’s all. “These are not the most stylish glasses” notes our counterpart when he poured out, “but I hope the wine tastes anyway” and reaches two water glasses over us.

“So” he continues “now I have to catch up with something that we have missed all the time, and that is now a good opportunity” You look at me irritated, I am also curious about what may come now. He stands up from the bed, bowed slightly and says “allow, my name is Paul, and that is” he points to his neighbors, the bigger of the two, “Fred, my colleague and best friend”.

Only now does we realize that we didn’t even know the names of each other all the time, and I imagine: “Marion, my better half, and my name is John. “With these words I raise my glass and we proste ourselves. “Stop, stop,” says Fred with a broad smile, “we have to do that right, the shape according to the shape – we are now drinking brotherhood” and he sets himself in front of you, hooks his arm with the glass with you, and you drink with youCrossed arms a sip, the same way Paul and I do it.

We then park the glasses and Paul and I touch the cheek as an indicated brotherhood kiss. Fred, on the other hand, has your head in both hands, pull you to him and press a loud kiss on your lips, and with the words “So, it just had to be” he lets you go again. Now we exchange the places, the same ceremony with me and Fred, also Paul and you take a sip with crossed arms, but then he bends directly to you, pulls you up with his left arm and kisses you on your mouth.

You can feel how his tongue is pushing and opening them a little, it becomes a violent, passionate kiss, which you will hesitate and then a little more courageous. I see how you close your eyes, obviously you can enjoy this kiss, the wine and the clear admiration that the men put on you – then as if you suddenly noticed that it could be too intense, you drive back.

Due to this jerk -like movement, the wine spills over in your glass and spreads evenly over your dress and over shirt and pants by Paul. Startled, you turn off your glass and call “Sorry, I’m so sorry, red wine of all places” and drive away “We have to wash it out immediately so that there are no stains. “With these words you go into the bathroom, buttocking your dress, and Paul follows you, he also button up his shirt and opens his belt.

“Down with the things” we hear your voice from the bathroom, and then the noise of the tap and the sound of the immersion of the wet fabric. Shortly afterwards you both reappear, Paul in a narrow -sitting panties, his shirt and his pants in his hands, a trace of water. You only come with a towel that is knotted over the hips into the room, wear your dripping tight dress and also the bra and the wafer -thin panties in front of you, both were apparently also affected by the wine.

Your breasts rock while walking, the nipples stand out, it is a wonderful sight that offers us. Fred opens the balcony door and you wear the wet things outside, puts it over the railing. “At these temperatures, things should have dried quickly” you mean when you come in, and with a look down at yourself “because that’s how I can walk through the hotel badly” and turn to Fred. “You have seen a lot more from me anyway.

“” One of the misfortunes is the other joy “laughs Fred” So we will come to wonderful views tonight. Don’t take that tragic, John, your wife can really be seen. “With these words we sit down again. “On the fright, I really need a sip now,” you mean and grab your glass and drink it empty by a train, even to overplay the uncertainty, almost completely naked in front of the two.

Fred and Paul sit opposite us again, and I see Paul dragged on his panties so as not to show his erection too clearly. The situation is indescribable, the air literally trembles with excitement, seems to be electrically charged. “Would you like another glass?“Asks Fred, because I also emptied my glass for a long time, had to moisten my dry neck several times. We both nod, and he leans over with the bottle, first pour the glass full again to then fill up yours.

You have to prevent yourself far to get to your glass, the table is closer to the bed than to your armchair. The towel slips because it is only loosely knotted, I see how both can no longer solve their eyes from you, and also look at this pretty furry triangle, which is no longer covered by the slipped towel. I am curious about how you will master the situation, you will reach for the glass or towel? I am almost relieved how you pickle the glass and sit down again, without further paying attention to the towel that has now fallen onto the ground.

An unprecedented lust has taken me, my cock is hard as a rock, I look at you as you sip on the glass, look over the border on the bed and notify: “Now look at one, you have definitely looked at itA naked woman has often been seen before – and now these reactions ”you point to the lap of the two, which is well bought, a large damp spot on the panties is already visible at Paul.

I can hardly believe it how you have so loose this one for yourself, but I also have a completely new situation under control, but I hear a vibration in your voice that shows me that the excitement also grabs you more and more. “On the other hand,“ you continue to me and Fred, “it is a little unfair from you, Paul and I are involuntarily naked in front of you, and you are here in full gear – that’s ….”” You are absolutely right, and we should change that immediately, “Fred agrees with you and pulls his shirt over your head, grazes his pants together with the underpants and now sits naked on the bed.

My heart almost knocks on to break down, while I too get rid of my clothes. I look alternately on the stiff cock from Fred, which shows really remarkable dimensions that it is even greater than it appeared at the pool this morning, the shaft is darker than the other skin, it looks wavy and knotty and the foreskin hardly covers its glans, what the size of the size of an apricot, on your protruding nipples, which signal your excitement, on Paul, who has now also stripped the panties and presents a stand that is slightly bent and apparently cut, because the glans stands without any foreskin wrappingThick and plump and moist shiny forward.

You throw me one of those looks that you know that I can meet everything you can ever want from me, but this time it contains a question that has not been pronounced, I notice a certain uncertainty with you. “So now we are at least again on one level, or?“Fred states, his voice also trembles slightly, and he quickly takes a sip from his glass. You stand up, go around the table to the open balcony door, touch the clothes and come back into the room with the remark: “It will take a little while to dry”, which is a relieved “God at the same time with Paul and FredThanks to “triggers, something that I just thought, to my astonishment I have to say.

A few days ago I would not have dreamed that it can make me so horny my wife to see the eyes of two strangers. But it seems to please you too “that sounds like it is as much as mooring to see me here,” you say, while you are turning around yourself. “More than that,” says Fred Heiser, and continues “Since we saw you yesterday in the restaurant, you no longer have been going out of my head and I was overjoyed this morning that you came at our table at breakfast, and at the poolYou definitely see what you trigger in their, it is not true ”and he points to his tall -up tail.

You are now standing right next to him, his head is at the same height with your belly button, he looks up at you and you smile down to him and say: “You don’t think that I didn’t notice it, the signal was really clear, that was really clearthis mast sent. And to be honest, it didn’t really allow me to see this, “and turn to me” on vacation, you said, a lot is possible and you also seem to like it, as I see.

“What you are absolutely right, because my cock is as stiff as rarely before and my pulse is definitely over 130. “Yes, honey” I reply, “and now you also have the best proof that it is true if I tell you what attractive woman you are,” Fred nods in agreement and puts his hand on your hip, slowly drives back and strokes overYour butt down to the inside of the thigh and says in a hoarse voice: “That’s right, you rarely see such great curves” He slowly lets his hand slide up again until it touches your pubic hair, and you feel like his index fingerPresses, against your labia, which are already slightly open, and this touch chases Schauer der Lautust through your body.

His handle becomes a little firmer, pulls you towards him and Paul now reaches for your hand, together they pull you towards the bed, back to make room for you. You sit between her and look at me questioningly, and when you see my encouragement smile, if you go over your lips with your tongue, signal the desire for more who has taken you.

This sign makes me tremble internally, think of past discussions. From time to time we had talked about what it would be like to experience sex with several, and such conversations were usually transferred to a wild bird, both of us fueled us very much, but the thought has never come up until now, to put some of it into reality. My heart taps like wild, my breath goes violently as I watch Paul begin to stroke your breasts.

Your nipples stand out hard and I hear you moan quietly when he bends over you and starts nibbling with his lips. You have leaned a little backwards, support you on the bed with your hands, and enjoy the touches with your eyes closed. Fred begins to stroke your legs with both hands, suddenly kneels in front of you, his hands migrate to the inside of your thighs, they push more and more apart.

You add more and more to this urge, continue to open your legs, and suddenly he reaches into your knees with his hands, put them on his shoulders and push his hands under your buttocks, lifts you up a bit and buries his head in your lap. With a loud sighs you let yourself fall back, feel how his tongue penetrates deeply into you, waves about waves of excitement over you, make every clear thoughts, every hem-in-term disappearance.

Pauls has his head now between your breasts, you pull it to you and look for his lips, his tongue researches every corner of your mouth, his right hand is below your school, with the left he rubs and kneads your breasts, turns and presses them gentlyNipple. He has now laid very close to you and you feel his stiff tail presses against your site. Your hand grabs its stomach down, your fingers feel his solid pubic hair, play a moment, hesitantly, and then they grasp the shaft of the pulsating tail, close to it that you feel the slightly sticky liquid on its tip andThe wish in you is becoming more and more powerful to feel this thick glans on your lips, to feel in your mouth.

“Give me” I whisper Paul in the ear “I want to taste you, come into my mouth” and he straightens up, slips up, the shiny glans is right in front of your face, you suck them deep in your mouth, your handPlay with his eggs. You have now spread your legs far to give Fred unhindered access to the place of his desires, he pulled your labia apart, pushes his tongue more and more closely into your wet grotto, which opposes him.

His lips enclose your clit, suck on it and he keeps stroking the tip of the tongue over and over again, alternately light and then again firm, which elicits a cozy groan, but that is hardly heard because Paul’s tail is completely filled up. Such a horny picture is that I have in front of me that I start, to eat my cock, my hand closes firmly about it, moves faster and faster, I get up and go to bed, stand next to you and feel howSlowly builds up my orgasm, feel the tingling and pulling in my loins, the rhythmic pulling of my testicles together.

Paul begins to moan loudly, with him it is too far, a hot load sperm pour in your mouth, you can hardly swallow it as much as it is and he splashes so quickly in a row. It also comes to me, I pull my foreskin far back, go slightly into my knees and syringe in a wide ray on your stomach, your breasts. Paul pulls his cock out of your mouth with a deep, long sigh and you straighten yourself up, crown your hands in Fred’s hair and pull his head firmly against your wide -open vagina, feel the beginning contractions that end in a redeeming orgasmLeave the body.

Made you fall back onto the bed, breathing violently and with your eyes closed. Slowly you sit up again, look into the round as if you return from a deep dream to reality, and grab your wine glass, take a deep sip. Fred still kneels in front of you, slowly he straightens up, his tail is now in front of your face, thick and stiff. You comprise the shaft with both hands, and he still looks a lot beyond your hands.

You go a little deeper with one hand, play with his eggs, and push his foreskin back and forth with the other, then pull them back tightly and put your lips over his glans, which makes him groan out loud. Then you stand up, rub your body on his and kiss him on his mouth, have to put you on the tips of your toe while he goes slightly into his knees. His cock is pressed firmly on your stomach and he takes the opportunity and pushes it down so that he slips directly between your legs and the shaft is compensated for by your wet labia, you feel how he presses up, it is like thatbig that the tip protrudes a little above your buttocks.

Fred carefully pulls him back a bit, tries to penetrate you, but you push him from you with a smile. “Please don’t be angry with me,” you say quietly to him “But I couldn’t, it would overwhelm me, let’s let it go at what happened. “And you go to the balcony, look into the night for a moment and come back with the now dried clothes. We start to get dressed without a word, unsure, nobody knows what to say.

And again it is you who masters this slightly grown situation, with a smile you say: “What red wine can trigger when it is spilled, you shouldn’t think it is possible” and we break out into a liberating laughterto yours. “So, now we have to go to our beds” I say, “otherwise it will be nothing with an extensive breakfast tomorrow, and that would be a shame, not true” and Fred continues “We can have breakfast together tomorrow, or?“What we affirm and meet for 10 a.m. so that we can still get a little sleep.

When going out, Fred brings us to the door, you spread over the cheek and say: “Even if you didn’t come like the other two, I hope that it was nice for you” and he nods with a wide grin, grab yoursHand and pushes her to his heart with the words “the most devoted servant, My Lady, I enjoyed what they granted me, and it was more than I was ever able” and continues “Seriously, I would never have believed thatThis evening would end so wonderfully, you are both really great. “Then he turns back to you with his cheekiest grin:“ And nobody has died of a seed jam yet.

“Laughing, we go back to our room, do not even turn on the light, but pull ourselves into the room in the pale moonlight and fall into our bed exhausted, cuddle closely together. “And” you whisper my ear, “are you angry with me now?“I have cunning my tongue in your ear, which makes you briefly squeaked out, and say“ by no means, sweetheart, on the contrary, I am grateful to heaven to have experienced such a wonderful evening with you, you are the greatest woman I know, honestly, and that’s why I love you that too, ”and I stroke you tenderly, my hands drive the contours of your body, touch your skin to a very easy one, give you goose bumps with you and your nipples stand up again.

“These holidays really have it,” you whisper my ear, and I tell you how brave I found it to just come into the room after washing out the stains only with the towel. “Well” you whisper “that was also because I was already very fueled, the whole course of the evening, and then in the bathroom … “You take a little break, then continue” So that was a very cool situation “I feel how my cock starts to grow, and you too will notice how it presses against yourself, swelled more and more.

“What was in the bathroom?“I ask curiously, and notice how horny it makes me listen to you. “When I moved out my dress, I was only in the bra and panties in front of the tub, Paul also gave me his shirt and his pants and told me that there were also wine stains on the bra. In doing so, he interpreted these spots and put as if he was trying to rub them out.

I put his hand aside, but he has already noticed how my nipples faced, and then I also took off the bra and put it in the tub. “” And on your panties, he also wanted to write out stains?“My breath goes faster on this question, my cock is like a tree again, my hand moves from your breasts over the stomach further down, pushes this little surge between your legs and my fingers between the upper labia, whichI start to stroke slowly and carefully.

“No” you replied softly, “these were not wine stains, they were from him, but I had to wash them out the same way” and I breathe in very hard when I hear that. “How that” I ask and press yourself firmly to me. “When I lended the things into the tub and leaned over it to let the water let in, he suddenly stood very close behind me and had encompassed my breasts, and I clearly felt how he pressed his stiff cock on me, andHe rubbed himself with me.

I didn’t know how to react because, to be honest, it was a nice feeling, and I also came across the tub a little, and that really turned me on at that moment. Suddenly I felt his cock between my legs, he must have pushed his panties down, and then he tried to push my panties aside with one hand in order to be able to penetrate unhindered.

However, I quickly turned because I didn’t want that now. It was a delicious picture of how he stood in front of me, his cock in his hand and with a look like a kicked dog. He stared on my breasts, on the dark triangle that shimmered through my panties, and tried again to get there from the front with his hand. He rubbed his cock back and forth, and …

It made me horny to know that because of me is so stiff, and he got it down because of me. I then had his hand granted, he pushed it into my panties from above and rubbed my clit with his middle finger, like you are now, then he spread my labia apart and put his finger in it. I sat down on the rim of the tub so that he could continue unhindered, I wanted to feel his finger in me at that moment ”“ only his finger?“I ask you, my heart knocks on as crazy, and I rub my glans on your labia, which open as if by themselves, and slowly penetrate into you from behind, you push yourself towards me, your breath will also be more violent, while you keep talking.

“Yes, just his finger, and then it came straight away, he sprayed everything on my stomach and on my panties, so I took it off and also washed it out with it. He then gave me the towel and I wiped his juice from the belly and hair and then tied the towel, well, well, you know the rest. But now you definitely understand how I felt when I came into the room.

“Then Fred had twice the bad luck” I whisper in your ear “Paul could come twice and Fred not at all, the poor guy” I try to say that sarcastic, but you hear the intermediate tone that swings with them. “He didn’t get you at all – he was almost in when he was standing in front of you?“I ask, keep deep inside you and only move me back and forth very easily, I know how the game makes you wild and also feel how firmly you press your back to me to feel right.

“Actually you are right,” you say with a coquet voice “He really came too short tonight, think that I should remove his seed backlog, as he called it earlier – somehow … “You hesitate a moment before you continue” so I don’t know what you think, but … Somehow the thought turns me on, and I don’t know if I might not … “Again your voice stops while I feel how my testicles begin to contract, a strong orgasm announces with me” …Would be with his tail?”I will finish your sentence, my voice trembles with lust, and your answer” Yes, I think that could happen, I would be curious about such a big cock “triggers an orgasm with me, which is far strongeris as the second time, I have the impression that I spray such quantities into you as rarely else and you too feel how a strong orgasm floods you.

“Please stay in me”, “you whisper to me,” let’s put us in a sleep “and I keep you tight and whisper your ear:” Darling, sleep well-it is so nice to be with you-and,Don’t forget, we’re on vacation, are on vacation, and I think we really have adventure holidays from your most beautiful side this time. “You stroke again softly over my side, press my back, delicately, feel my breath on your neck and we sleep in a teasing, new adventures counter.


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