My dream woman | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The concert from the depths of the WWW … The concert hall IES was loud and confusing that evening in the concert hall. As otherwise, I went to the concert alone in the hope of getting to know a few nice people or at least conquering a nice evening contact. In the middle of the chaos of fan groups, music interested and withdrawn, I was looking for my way to the bar bored. Here I had a good look at the events. Who came in, who went out.

I looked through the room more or less aimlessly when I suddenly saw a woman coming in. Her face immediately put my heart into a bright excitement. Your steps, rather her movements seemed to be the same eleven. I eyed the location. No accompaniment, no one who was waiting for her or who she missed. From then on I watched her at every turn. She was probably not a big fan of the group, a band shirt was not wearing her. I took my beer excitedly and nervously and tried to follow her, even to approach her.

She was on the way to the stage, I took up clothes. She stopped abruptly and turned around. We stood directly opposite each other and looked directly into the eyes for a fraction of a second by chance. I could have fallen over immediately. She had an enchanting smile, her brown eyes gave me deep, inner warmth. Unfortunately I dropped my beer, whereupon I had to interrupt this perfect second less perfectly. I bent down to the ground.

She didn’t seem to take care of it and step towards the bar. Why didn’t I take the initiative? My heart knocked to his neck. With a dry mouth, damp hands and one now much too full of bubble, I strolled as inconspicuously as possible. It was no longer empty. Many fans thought the same thing. Don’t get a dry throat during the concert. However, she was one of the lucky people who were immediately made at the bar.

I decided to prioritize my needs and to pay tribute to the bladder. The toilet on the first beer corpses and hardcore fans I found my way to the toilets. Surprisingly empty it was and praiseworthy clean. I looked for a chic urinal, opened my pants and let it run. A man next to me stood a few moments on it. There were many other places free around us, but he chose the place next to me.

I didn’t look aside and stayed calm. “Hey you. Did you see this one horny with the thick bags? Where you spilled your beer? That is awesome or?“I grinned, but did not replace with any syllable. “Do you feel like popping with me? I know a deadly sure method how we can get this bitch around. “I was still doubtful, I slowly waved my head in its direction. “If you tell her what I’m telling you now you have her here in 5 minutes and we both fuck her the cunt until the sow is all.

Well, how does that sound?“Now he had my attention. “I’m all of my ear” I replied. “You go to her and ask if. “So he told me a little story that I should serve her. Total thing, dozens of times tested. I doubt and hooked: “If this is such a steady thing, why don’t you do it yourself?““ I don’t dare to do that, I always look for a co-pilot that makes the women clear.

You also had eye contact, so she knows you. Come on, in 5 minutes you will be here with her and in 6 minutes she has yours tail In her fuck face. ” I considered. A fuck would certainly not be bad. “Ok, I’ll do it. “What did I have to lose? Either she took part and we had a great evening or she said no, at least I would have tried it for that. So I got ready, went back to the hall and left the mysterious stranger behind.

The concert hall iies filled noticeably. I had problems finding her again under the crowd of people. Fortunately, she was not too far from the bar and held on to her beer. On the way to her I was able to get a first overview of her body. She carried a bag around her shoulder. Long brown hair, a sporty, female figure, perfect breasts and an ass to bite in my new dream woman now distinguished my new dream woman.

I still felt queasy. With shaky legs, pounding heart and wet hands, I stood next to her, taped her free shoulder and waited for a reaction. She turned to me, smiled and looked questioningly. Now I put all my courage together. “Hello, please excuse. I have a question about that. “”Yes, please?“Your voice was amazing. My heart almost hit me through my chest. I scratched all thoughts and started with the story of the unknown.

“I read that women at the first Contact 95% value of respect and decency. I hope I do this right now. “I took a short break. She continued to smile. Next Step. “Furthermore, it said that women 90% of absolute honesty demand from their partner. “I took a break again. she nodded. “I’m absolutely honest when I tell you that I noticed you directly when you entered the hall.

I am not one otherwise who appeals to women so easily, but it had to be easy with you. I want to know more about you. “” Why did you have to address me?” -” You are beautiful ” -” Thank you ” -” Your smile is unique ” -” Oh, thank you “she smiled again. “I want to ask you something very important now. “Your expression became serious. “Are you ready to make the evening once?“With these words, according to the unknown, I should start a firework of brisk sayings and then knock them softly.

I thought and decided against it and continued with my style. “Please don’t laugh now, because it is the truth. I immediately palpated when I saw you. Your walk, your hair, your charming eyes, everything made me forget the world around me. I was here to listen to music. However, I am infinitely grateful that I met you. If it were up to me, we would leave this hall immediately and retire to a more romantic place.

I want to be as close to you as you allow it, I want to fulfill everything your heart desires. If you give me yours for it. Please let us spend a good time together. “She looked at me, drove her hand through her hair and said:” I have never heard anything like this before. Your offer sounds tempting, but I would find it nicer here. I don’t need stars or any other place. I also thought you were likeable and hoped that you were talking to me.

It would be enough for me to spend time with you. No matter where we are. ” !JACKPOT!“Then let’s enjoy the concert together. ” – “Very gladly. “What followed were the 120 most beautiful minutes of my life full of music, romance and enjoyment. We often changed our positions. My fear was seen by the stranger and being confronted. After the last encore, the question of all questions came. “What else do we do?” she asked.

“I can offer you a nice lounge nearby. “I suggested. “I feel more after a quieter one. “Well, I live in a hotel nearby. There is a late night bar. It is definitely still open. How about it?””Sounds good. “We fled out of the hall and got into a taxi. Some time later we reached the hotel. At the bar I got out and made our way to the bar.

Due to the lobby that was already darkened, at this time only occupied with a hotelier, we went in a left arch through a glass door to the bar. It was relatively late, but some couples and older men frolicked. A large plasma -seeker was attached to the wall, but showed no picture. We looked for a somewhat remote table, put their bags off and faced each other. “Pretty warm here” she gave me to understand and pulled out her jacket and her top.

My mouth almost stopped me. Under her top, by already having great breasts, she was still wearing spaghetti top with the bra underneath. This brought her breasts even better. My gaze then quickly hiked onto the map. “What you want to drink?”I asked her. “First something small and then what red. What do you think?””Count me in. Of course you are my guest. “” Thank you, very charming. “Your eyes clipper. A bartender came shortly afterwards to record our orders.

2x somewhat small and 2 glasses red wine. We spent the subsequent waiting time with Small talk. When the drinks were finished, my view of the counter was excellent, I gave her with a short finger signal signal. She looked around the bartender immediately, put her elbows on the table and inevitably pressed her breasts closely together. Your décolleté seemed to be horny and more exciting with every pose. My tail was stone in this view.

I didn’t have very trouble to be caught by her. A few seconds later the bartender came with our drinks. The short ones quickly sink into the head and further in the eyes of my new dream woman. She kept her arms in the optimal position in which she could present her breasts. We started to flirt together. The conversation rippled there. Intimities inach just over half an hour I started to stare at her breasts more intensively, which inevitably noticed her quickly.

Every few minutes, she risely straightened up, stretched out, pressed her cross and kept my femininity in mind. “My two things seem to be liked. “She said to me at my looks. “Who do not like these perfect breasts. I would have to lie when I say that I haven’t dreamed of touching her for a while. “I admitted. “Well then just do it. They don’t bite and don’t break, ”she laughed.

“Do you mean that seriously? You do not mind?” -” No, make you calm. “I could hardly believe my luck, but I didn’t want to attract a lot, after all, there were still enough other people here. With carefully I stretched out my hand and gently touched her left chest on the side. She felt soft and warm through the fabric. My pants almost burst. “You can access a little more firmly. ” -” I prefer to wait until I have it all for myself “I now went on the offensive.

“Mmmhhh. Do you think you can still see her today?“She asked pointed. “I don’t think so, I know. ” -” You are suddenly convinced of yourself. ” -” I’ll tell you why. We have been sitting here for almost 30 minutes. You took off your top directly when we sat down. You know that your top will show your advantages perfectly. You pose in front of me all the time.

I have an erection of that and owe it to you alone. “She was startled. “You have an erection?” – “Yes. ” -” May I feel?” she asked. “Loyal, you also let me touch me. “Her hand wandered along my leg under the table, further up to my bar and searched my pants for a bump. She found her, gently stroked over it, grinned and pulled her hand back.

“You are welcome to feel a little longer. ” -” Thank you, I’m waiting for the whole copy. “Insights became later and later. The bar left more and more guests. Without realizing it, we suddenly found ourselves the only remaining guests. “Would you like something else?“It echoed from the counter. “What are you saying?”I asked her. “I like to take a little more, but I have to go to the toilet beforehand. ” -” Ok, I will take care of it in the meantime. “She got up, took her bag, turned towards the exit and presented me her ass, which was clearly revealed above her skirt.

I just had to look when she got off. Each of her steps gave her the impression that she would show her perfect femininity here. For me it worked just as it should work. I couldn’t leave my eyes off her. After she had walked through the front door of the bar to turn left to the toilet, she stopped for a fraction of a second, swung her head in my direction and took a direct look at me.

I still had my eyes on her ass and was completely surprised. she smiled. Shortly afterwards she finally disappeared. I thought about how the evening would end. I ordered the drinks, moments later they were served. Again 2 small and 2 red. This time I had ordered the glasses a little smaller. I finally had a lot ahead of. As my dream woman Back around the corner towards Bar Bog, I noticed her changed gear directly.

She put her feet much closer and closer to each other than before. This increased the movement of their hips. It was also easy to see that she was no longer wearing a bra. Her breasts were still perfect, but their nipples were much more to see below their top. She smiled and sat down again. “Thank you, that looks good. “Delicately did it. “I just wanted to tell you too. Your course is indescribably erotic.

“When I pushed, I leaned to her. She came towards me. I heard a new fragrance that went out of her. Before I could classify what was she kissed me fleetingly on my mouth. “What was it for?”I asked surprised. “It’s such a nice evening. I just wanted to say thank you for that. ” -” Gladly, you can do that more often. Say, you wear a different perfume than just?” I asked.

“It is another fragrance, that’s right. But it’s not a perfume. It is a fragrance, 100% natural and personal. “I thought briefly. I knew how a wet cunt smell, this fragrance came very close. “Come on, out with the language. “” Well. I was just so horny that I stroked a little on the toilet and took off my panties. Then I left that out directly. Hence the somewhat different course.

It is my intimate area that you smell. 100% fresh, natural and hopefully stimulating for you?“Looked at me questioningly. “Oh yes, it’s very stimulating. But it smells as if you had really applied it somewhere else. So intense. “I became curious. “Yes, but only on the neck. ” -” May I cost it?” -” Sure, come here. “She leaned over to me, of course I looked at her breasts before I also approached.

My tongue gently licked over the point on the neck. She sighed relaxed. It tasted salty, strong with a pinch of sweetness. I didn’t get enough of it and enclosed the place with my lips. From then on I sucked tentatively and tried to take everything into me. She broke me and pressed me back on my place. “Hey. Not so greedy my dear. ” -” I would like more. “In her part she came over the table, whispered to me“ Can you have.

But there is only more of the source ”and tenderly licked on my earlobe. My hand was looking for her chest, but only found her hand, which in turn referred me to my barriers. She leaned back and looked at me with a smile. We both knew that this night was far from over. At the bar II “My Lord, if it is okay for you, would like to get the bar on shape. You are welcome to go to the counter, I would like to wipe the tables and sweep the room.

“Suddenly it sounded from the bar and we were torn from all clouds. “Yes, of course. We’ll come across right away. Still a moment. “I answered the answer. “What do we do now? So I can’t get up, ”I asked for your help. “Wait, I stand in front of you and take my bag, then it’s not quite as obvious. ” Said and done. I got up carefully. A thick tent stood in my pants, which conjured up a wide grin in the face.

She went to the counter in front of me, holding her bag at the hip height and sat down with her face to the lobby. I followed her and let myself down again. The stools had exactly the height in which the bartender was not possible to look under the counter. She liked this very much as I was able to find out soon. We took our drinks with us and emptied them while we did some company to the bartender. Intimities I hardly passed until the remaining glasses of the remaining tables were collected and brought to the counter.

We continued to sit on our stools with a dreamy look and played with our fingers. I whispered to her: “I can’t wait anymore, I want more from you” – “Don’t be so impatient, you will still get enough of me. Promised. “She smiled back excitedly. “How about if you give me your lips to drink?”I asked further. This met with approval. We kissed tenderly. Her lips were gentle and tasted to my amazement after their genital area.

“Did you cost yourself on the toilet?” I asked. “Sure, I have to know what to give you a sample. “She was definitely answering. “Mmhh. We are the only ones here, the bartender is busy with other things. How about if you put something from your juice on your lips again?“She thought briefly and slowly slidly slid between her legs with her hand, which is turned to the counter, and deeper. Your excitement was noticeable even for me.

She moved her arm a little back and forth, breathed deeply and finally brought her hand out of the depths of her shame again. Her index and middle finger was covered with moisture. She stroked her lips with it. I closed my eyes, came close to her mouth to a few millimeters and licked her lips with my tongue. Then I enclosed her mouth and let our tongues start a passionate game. We breathed deeply and lustfully, separated again after a few seconds.

I reached for her fingers, took her in my mouth and licked her off. When I was finished we both looked excited to the tip of the hair. Nobody knew what was to say anymore. From now on our shoots took over thinking. “Please excuse me, I have to go to the basement briefly. I’m back in 15 minutes. “It suddenly echoed from the bartender from a back corner of the bar. He disappeared shortly afterwards. “You.

Say once ”my dream woman came back to words“ I feel like you. ” – “Me too. ” -” I want to feel it. “She breathed and opened the zip of my pants. Your hand penetrated. As a welcome, my cock pressed against her palm. She promoted him outside. My eggs did not neglect them. They too were freed from the much too narrow pants. “We have 15 minutes. I want you here.

I want you now. Give me your best. “She said with a dominant tone while she started wixxes. I groaned. “Only those who blown are licked,” she said and disappeared with her head between my legs. We both groaned lustfully when my glans disappeared into her mouth. I only saw stars. She knew exactly how to blow a cock. The Magic Point, the glans ring, the eggs. They all got caresses.

Not to see from the lobby she blew me in the 7. Heaven. “Mmhh. I want to see your breasts, ”I groaned down to her. She looked up at me, pushed her down top, over her hard nipples. Now nothing kept me and massaged her horny breasts. As in a trance, my greed merged with her mouth after satisfaction. From me it could have continued forever. From then on my mind was no longer present. Licking -> Dream cheeky tail was thick and completely filled my mouth.

My conquest in me felt audibly comfortable. His glans pounded and twitched. I had great fun to push him into new heights and then bring him back down. ‘Delayed as often as possible, then eat you out of your hand’ my best friend was said. Your advice stood out again and time again as right. However, a certain desire between my legs became increasingly. Also through his hands that knead my breasts and pulled on my nipples.

That always made me extremely horny. I needed satisfaction and that as quickly as possible, otherwise I would still go crazy. I slowly released his cock out of my mouth and looked up at him. His eyes were very glassy. Apparently it didn’t take long and he would want to inject. Time for me to inspire him for my needs. I got up and kissed him. I repeated my sentence “only those who blown are licked”, leaned back on the stool and looked at him with the most seductive look I had learned.

I pulled my skirt up. Not so high that he could see my lips, but this was always enough as a means of pressure. “Our friend is gone for a while. Come on with your tongue. Come and lick me. here and now. “I asked him. And he followed this request. At first he let me fidget. Incredible that he still had so much self -control. His hands started working slowly on my thighs.

His lips love costs my thighs and slowly, only very slowly he let them slide towards the middle. I almost turned through, I didn’t have to get a lot to come now. I pushed his head deeper between my thighs. And finally. Finally his tongue came to my most intimate places. I was as wet as it was possible. He licked and penetrated me with his tongue. He seemed to enjoy me to taste intensely and smell.

My samples had not missed their purpose. Greedy his tongue passed my column. More and more pleasure nectar flowed directly into his mouth between my legs. I groaned loudly, closed my eyes and enjoyed his work to the fullest. How may his cock feel in me. I started to tremble. No, I didn’t want to come yet, I had to keep it fidget. I had to tear myself together. Not yet. oh God. No. Not yet.

The evaluation of me was bubbling a volcano that finally wanted to break out. His tongue was the hottest thing I had experienced so far. Much better than that of my husband. Where he would only be? Whether he liked it that I just broke our agreement so and pulled away with the guy alone? After all, it was his idea to bring new momentum into our sex life. And at least he had chosen this great tongue among the many thousands in the hall.

I didn’t care. I continued to enjoy the game between my legs. When I opened my eyes tentatively, I was startled. The bartender was back, stood next to the entrance and looked at our hustle and bustle very interested. I didn’t know how to react, I also found this voyeuristic situation very stimulating. Fortunately, my trophy had not noticed anything and continued to lick like a crazy. The bartender led his index finger to his mouth and seemed to me to be indicated that I have to be quieter, calm down.

At the same time, he pressed his pants with his other hand. So he was horny too. No art, as great as I looked. I managed to make 2 men hot on me again. I winked at him, waving him to me. However, he refused to approach and signaled that he had to go away again. So soon he disappeared too. Whether he was a wixxt on the toilet? Whether he would take me as a template? My breasts? My ass? My moan? Mmhhh.

Ohh. This tongue between my legs. My horny breasts. This excited bartender. I was still turning through. I needed a cock in me now. Immediately! I looked down at my trophy. “Hey, my sweet. You lick so well. But let’s quickly go to the room, ok?”Dream woman -> I didn’t want to stop yet, I hadn’t had enough of her yet, I wanted more. Much more. I looked up at her. “I don’t want to stop” – “Let’s go to the room, you can also do other things with me.

“In turn, I couldn’t refuse this offer. I left the region between her legs and briefly sit down. With my mouth full of nectar I kissed my dream woman full of passion. The hand of my dream woman who turned to the counter put her slowly and soulful on my cock and wixxes. Seemed on the way as if she had looked at the clock. The bartender appeared not a minute after I was sitting. I wanted to press her hand aside.

However, she did not show anything from her game. “Sorry, took a little longer,” the bartender snorted. “Would you like something else? It is for free. “He looked at her, looked at me. He immediately noticed the rhythmic hand movement under the counter, but said nothing. “It would be great if you could bring us a bottle of the great wine to the room,” I asked. “Gladly. The bill will also go to the room this evening?” -” Yes and no matter how much it is, you can expect 15% for you.

” -” Oh, thank you very much my gentleman. “I turned back to my dream woman. “Then we want to go to the room?” – “Gladly”. I continued to try to solve her hand from my cock, but I did not succeed. She continued to look at me with a dreamy look and smiled. What kind of beast, what a horny dirty beast. I loved it. “Please stay sitting for a moment. There are still some guests in the lobby.

I call them the elevator. Which room number please?“The bartender asked me to help. “101” – “All right, I call them when they can come” with a wink he left us towards the elevator. “You are a really cool bitch, you know that?” I said. “I now know exactly what your cock needs. “Grinned her back and pressed gel from my glans more and more and more and more lust. “Please sorry, the elevator is there.

“It echoed out of the lobby. I got up, my dream woman too. She took her bag and stood in front of me so that she continued to not solve her grip. Together we went to the elevator. “Thank you” I directed the bartender. “No cause, have fun and a nice night. I put the bottle in front of your door. “He still noticed, pressed the 10 and left us towards the bar. When the door closed my dream woman knelt in front of me again and sucked the shiny acorn again.

There were 10 floors to bridge the time. On the hallway the journey was in the elevator, unfortunately it quickly came to an end. Shortly before the elevator with a light tone signaled the final stop position to have reached my dream woman and standed in front of me again. She had already incorporated a lot of my pension. It seemed to taste visibly. With a careful look, she stepped out. Looked left and looked to the right.

The air seemed pure. With a courageous grip she pulled me into my latte into the hallway. My room was directly opposite the elevator. I gave her my card to open the door. She put her in the bracket, put her bag on the hallway, but did not open the door. “What do you think of a little fuck in the hallway?“She breathed over her shoulder in my direction. “Mmhh. Oh yeah. Gladly. Come here “I grabbed her breasts from behind while she held my cock against her wet entrance with her hand.

I pressed and pushed and really wanted to penetrate deeper. However, she didn’t let me go on. Your hand vehemently prevented every centimeter more. “What is…?”I gasped with lust” I thought you want to fuck. ” -” Yes, already. But I think it’s a lot hornier to let you fidget here. That excites me a lot more at the moment. Do you feel my wet cunt? How hot it is? Wants to penetrate your glans into me ..? Hmm ..?” – “Yes.

Finally let me in. “So I stammered. She moved my glans up and down between her labia again and again. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower. I was almost insane. But she didn’t let me penetrate. At some point she had enough of it, pressed the door, picked up her bag again and step into the room. I followed her on my foot and closed the door behind me. In the room “I’m briefly in the bathroom” she said and disappeared.

I towards bed. It was a small but fine room. Through the hallway with an adjacent bathroom you got to the bed directly. A double bed. I always booked a double bed in Weiser foresight, you never knew. I let myself fall on the bed. It was a box spring bed. High and perfect for falling in. I turned on the bedside lamp and undressed. My cock stood straight. Every smallest vein was filled with blood until shortly before the bursts.

The minutes passed. I finally heard the door from the bathroom. My dream woman came out. The this light of the lamp hidden my new outfit in part. Only when she was standing in front of the bed did I recognize her new laundry. She apparently had more in her pocket than I suspected. She now wore completely in black, hold-out-free pointed stockings and arm tulips decorated with a pattern, which left her wrist free. Thank God she left her breasts free.

She stood in front of me, put her hands on her hips and asked “Well, I like you like that?“I remained the breath to be able to answer. I only brought a thin “. W. O. W. ” out of here. Thank you, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear. “She grinned. She approached the bed carefully. The prone to the prayer remained just in front of the bed edge. Her left hand hiked towards the genital area while her right hand knead her breasts.

She groaned as her left hand disappeared between her legs and with rubbing movements began to wank. With your eyes closed she enjoyed. This moment. This situation. Your pure femininity in front of my eyes show off. My cock began to drip this spectacle. He was fully erect and pumped new lust from time to time. My thick glans shone. I started to wixxen. Slow and gentle. “Hey.

What are you doing?“She crumbled towards me when she opened her eyes again. “You’re so horny, I just have to wank. ” -” No, hands away. Immediately!“I did like me. She came to my bed and sat on my stomach wide legs. “First you massage my breasts. “She didn’t have to tell me that twice. I immediately reached for your tits. Your skin felt soft and warm.

Almost a little slippery. “Did you rub them in with something?” -” Special oil from China. You will remain so smooth and tender for a while. Use the time. “And how I used it. For a long time I hadn’t had so horny breasts in my hands. Her nipples were hard and stood out excited. In the meantime my dream woman was not idle. Slightly back softly back, she continued to wank her column and moved over my cock. Drops for drops she rained her sauce down.

After just a few minutes my cock was covered with lust nectar. She felt briefly and said: “Cut on you. Here we go. “Sex isie straightened up and pressed her labia to my glans. I slowly and evenly penetrated them. Closely. She was very tight. But their game still didn’t seem to be over. As soon as my acorn was disappeared into her, she rose again and let me slide out.

She repeated this several times. Always shortly after successful penetration she released me again. For a long time I did not endure this ordeal and took the initiative. Coal was my glans again to the edge of her, I grabbed her hip with my hands and pushed with a hard jerk until the tail root I penetrated. You, more than surprised by my action began to tremble all over the body. Intawn she straightened up and pressed her pelvis against mine.

She groaned loudly and for a long time. she came. It winced wildly between her legs. I enjoyed this spectacle. Her condition stopped almost a whole minute before she was shimmering together. “Everything is ok sweet?”I asked worried. She breathed heavily and tried to accept attitudes again and again, which she only succeeded after a while. She raised her head. Completely done but happy she replied: “You little evil boy. I totally surprised me.

Bouquet. I have to get along again. Give me a minute. “Trembling she rose slowly. My cock was still deep in her. Again and again she was thrown back to the beginning by other small orgasms. After a not small number of attempts, she asked for my support. I grabbed her on her shoulder, put her gently and pulled my still fully erect tail out of her twitching hole.

She screamed when I left Eichel her labia. “Thanks. I was no longer able to do so. “So she stammered” I came so often. Oh man. Bouquet. Give me a minute. “I was next to her, admiring her pulsating cunt and wanked my cock. He finally wanted to be milked. Blasenda my dream woman was still completely perplexed on the side minutes later, I decided to move towards the bathroom.

“Don’t run too far away. “I heard her call before I closed the door to the bathroom. I look around. In addition to a small shower cabin that was separated from the rest of the room by a curtain, her bag stood. A lock secured the content in front of uninvited guests. I turned the tap on and granted my face a little refreshment. That was good. I heard a gentle knock against the front door through the door. That had to be the wine.

I wanted to get it in but I didn’t have any. “There will certainly be an opportunity later. ” I thought to myself. Refreshed and full of anticipation for the coming coming I stepped out of the bathroom and saw my dream woman sitting upright again. “So my dear, then give me your cock to drink. “She asked me to come back to her sitting on the edge of the bed. I only liked to meet her request again.

When I was standing in front of her, my cock at her eye level, she advised me: “You splash better this time. Otherwise there is no dessert. “Immediately after that she started to wank me. Vigorous and without fear of contact, she pushed my foreskin back and forth, faster than before and more intensely than ever a woman before. I groaned. My eggs were also kneaded. “I want your sauce. “She said on my glans with her eyes.

” Oh yes. gladly ” -” I didn’t talk to you!“It echoed back. She actually talked to my cock. An interesting idea. “So, my dear glans. I hope you will give me your cream soon. I finally want her in my mouth. “Said her and pressed her lips onto the already dripping acorn. She took him in her mouth to the tail root. With quick movements she fucked me. I couldn’t stand this procedure for a long time and didn’t want it anymore.

My moans got stronger. My eggs contracted. I would only horny a few more seconds Mouth fuck be able to endure. I cramped. I closed my eyes. I only saw stars. I twitched. I trembled. I enjoyed the feeling of letting go. I took her head in my hands and pressed my cock deep into her. I groaned. I pushed. She did not fight back. I fucked myself with her fuck face. I pushed..I groaned.

I pushed. I came. I -> Dream fraud for thrust my mouth filled with his sperm. I enjoyed the twitch. With every further eruption he pumped more of his cream into me. Only after many thick, viscous slots did it slow down slowly. I continued to suck on his crossbar, which was now noticeably smaller. Even the last drop I got out of his eggs. What did I do with the many sperm? Should I start a little game as I did with my husband often or should I swallow it directly? I looked up to my conquest.

He still didn’t seem to be quite with himself. I pulled on his sack. He reacted and looked at me. “Do you still have everything in your mouth?” asked he. I nodded. “Swallow down!“He ordered. Mmhh. No, then I had other plans. I shook my head and leaned back on the bed. I looked at him with my arms. He didn’t know what to say. I kept direct eye contact, looked at him as dirty and cool as I could and slowly I opened my mouth.

His sauce ran out immediately. It was a large amount. Everything ran down the neck over my chin and slowly fell his way over my breasts. His sperm continued to ran over my body. I kneaded my fully -dressed breasts and groaned slightly. His sperm collected on my stomach. He was only there, completely perplexed and couldn’t believe what I was doing right now. He immediately grabbed his cock and wixxes wildly on it.

But he was not stiff. After a few moments I asked him to the bed. I comforted him with a wide grin on my face. “Don’t worry about it. You are recovering first and I’m going to be fresh in the meantime. “”OK sweetie. “I got up and went to the bathroom. Meanwhile he went down. A short time later I heard quiet snoring. “Poor trophy. I get you awake again. “I thought and closed the bathroom door.

Contacting area looked in the mirror and admired my work. So forbidden horny. The sperm had gotten many ways over my body. I absolutely had to take pictures of that. First of all, however, I removed the little anal dildo, which I had introduced to the toilet next to the bar. Once again he had fulfilled his cause excellently without making noise without being recognized. I opened my bag and got my smart phon out.

Briefly placed in pose and made a few snapshots. Wow, I looked great. If I hadn’t been satisfied, I would have started masturbating again immediately. I looked so damn good. With a further look at the display, I saw that my husband had registered. 3 missed calls and 1 text message. “I hope you have your fun. So it wasn’t agreed. get in touch!“I sent him one of the pictures and wrote:“ As you can see, I had a successful night.

Too stupid that you are not there. *Kiss*“A chat window opened. “You stupid bitch. So it was not planned! Where are you?””Where is the problem? You certainly took a stupid bitch to fuck “” That is not up to debate. You should be the victim. A 3 series was taken off!““ Now it’s just as it is. You still get the 3 Series. You don’t find me nice as I look in the picture?““ As long as it is not my sperm you are just another bitch for me, which is targeting my money.

“” You know that there is more than just your money between us. I feel a lot for you. Otherwise I would not have agreed to this matter. ANEW!““ You should have come to the toilet with him, as it was agreed. Now I can no longer trust you. Where are you? I’ll pick you up immediately. “”I do not know where I am. We are in such a hotel. I’ll send you the address tomorrow morning. “” No, not tomorrow morning.

NOW! I’ll pick you up immediately and you can send the guy home. When I catch the. “” You won’t do anything to him either. I’m still sitting on the longer lever my friend. I am that looks good, I am with which you can indicate before your work colleagues every time, I am the hottest sex that you have ever got, I am that you blows one every evening without grumbling.

Which woman does that! do not forget that!“” And don’t forget who your tits paid you! Never forget that! You send the address tomorrow morning! And don’t forget to shoot your guy in the wind until then. And now say goodbye as it should be for a bitch!””Yes my Lord. I wish you a nice fuck. If I can afford the question, it looks good?““ From your ass you could cut off a slice of.

She lets me in there, different from you. And a feeling. Mmhh. I just say tight and hot. “The window closed. I sit down on the toilet and ordered my thoughts. He has never been so angry. We had played this game more often and I had been torn out before. But then he reacted much more easily. It was new that he wanted to pick me up the same night. I thought back and forth. Should I quickly grab my things? I actually had to take the risk? Then I remembered the bottle of wine that was still at the door.

I opened the door to the hallway, my trophy slept deep and firm. On the tips of the toe I crept to the room door, opened it and brought the bottle into it. A card was attached to her: “With many regards from the bar I wish you a nice evening. “Nice bartender. Now I had to quickly go back to the bathroom and shower the sperm before anyone could see me. After the extremely refreshing shower, I wondered how I was able to successfully complete this night.

I thought back and forth. In his current constitution, my trophy no longer comes up. I browse around in my pocket. And found it. The night was saved. dream woman -> I the surprise I slept deeply and firmly. The evening demanded its toll. My dreams were awesome. I definitely had a murder latte in bed. Everywhere I only saw breasts, asses and cunts who wanted to be fucked. My cock felt strong and powerful. I pushed everything that moved, sprayed a lot of sperm every time and continued.

This dream couldn’t have been hornier. Hornier couldn’t have been that night. But suddenly something seemed strange to me. My cock suddenly felt strangely warm. Slippery and wet. Horny feelings penetrated me. Unlike in the dream. I slowly woke up, opened my eyes and saw that my dream woman used my cock. She blew him. With a lot of feeling and passion. But he wasn’t really stiff. I groaned.

“You never get enough?“She looked up:“ Ah, you are awake. Very good. “With a skilful rotation, she dropped out of me and tilted the chest of drawers. On her there was an open bottle of wine with 2 glasses. They were filled up to half each. My dream woman took both glasses, handed me one and lay down with me. She toasted me: “My sweeter to you. “We kissed, our tongues touched briefly.

Then we drank. She only took a little sip while I tipped half the glass down at once. “But there is still something in it. “Commented my desire for something liquid. I put on again, drank another sip and wanted to set the rest aside. However, her hand kept the glass further up, which made me a drink. “Braver tail. That’s how I like it. ” -” What should that be?” -” Look down at you.

Your cock is no longer to be used. Then I thought I helped something. “She grinned and sat on my lap. All the time she was already naked. “You just drank half a blue pill when you know what that means, my sweeter. In 15 minutes you will be fit and I’ll make sure that you have your bright joy on this pill. But first I have to make you horny again.

“She said and pressed her breasts in my face. That was all a lot now. But overwhelmed by her breasts I took on her passion, pressed her vigorously and then grabbed her on the ass. We started to kiss passionately, touched everywhere. It was heavenly. My cock left it all cold. I started to wixxen impatiently, but she quickly stopped me and pressed my hands behind my head.

“Believe me, my sweeter. “She whispered in my ear“ He will still grow. Believe me. “With these words she turned on me, pressed her cunt in my face and took my glans into her wet mouth. I groaned and started with an intensive tongue game. The minutes passed. Her cunt got wet and my cock actually greater. From a minute to minute he grew up in her mouth until he finally reached his full strength.

“Do you see my sweeter. I only read some time, then everything regulates on its own. “She came back to me, led my crossbar to her entrance and pressed her hip against mine. This time she seemed ready. A loud sighs out of us when our pelvis touched. The ride started. We fucked in all conceivable positions. Her cunt was hot and wet from minute to minute. I fucked like a obsessed.

Missionary, rider, doggy, spoon. All positions that we could think of were taken away. Like after a marathon she fell on the bed after an almost endless fuck. “Phewh. You still make me today. “She gasped and asked for a short break. However, I couldn’t stop. Not that night, not for this pill, not with such a dream woman. I turned her on my stomach and pulled her ass to me. Totally from your senses I licked through her column.

I licked her cheeks wide spread out from top to bottom. By chance also her rosette. This made them twitch together all over the body. “You like that my dream woman?” I asked. She hesitated. Not sure if she liked it I licked on her back door. Over time, she seemed to please her. One hand began to massage her clit. For me the signal would continue to fuck through it. I put my cock on her cunt and pushed.

My hands stayed with their rosette. I let my index finger slide into her ass and waited her reaction. She was totally wild and groaned violently. “If your horny ass also wants to be fucked by?“I heard myself talking and at the same time wondered about myself. “Dearest. Please leave it with your fingers. OK. ” What? She was groaning like a nymphomaniac who just got every hole and didn’t want a cock in her ass? Where your fingers liked so much.

Mmhh. Well. Your cunt was also awesome. And so I fuck her for another long time. She was an absolutely desirable woman. Beautiful, open and experienced like no other before. When we stopped. No idea. At some point I lost reflection. Film crack. End. The morning then woke up at some point in the late morning. I looked around, but the bed was empty. No trace of my dream woman. I looked down at me. My cock was red.

He hurt with every touch. What kind of A horny night, I thought with me. However, the grief about the loss of my dream woman quickly caught up with me. Without saying a word she had gone. The room. Nothing pointed to her, no trace of her. I looked for my pants and got dressed. I also noticed a note next to the empty wine bottle. A few final lines from her: “Hello my sweet stranger.

If you read that, I’ve already been gone and will never see you again. I won’t forget the night with you so quickly. You were honest all evening. Now I can be honest too. I am married. It was all just a game that went differently than planned. I should go to the toilet with you in the concert hall to be fucked by you and my husband. He likes this adventure.

A stranger fucks me while I have a bladder. So we do it more often. I pay my breasts back on this meadow. But you were sincere and polite from the start. I just didn’t want it to be like always. Not me. I had wished so much that our evening would be different. And you fulfilled this wish to me. How on hands you wore me. I felt like a lady.

Coveted and valuable. I thank you for that. Your dream woman ”I held these lines in my hands for minutes. Tears dripped onto the sheet. So there was there. A game ball, a stupid someone for an evening, one who finishes you finely and treats her like a first class person. What kind of man does she have to have. At that thought I was almost sick of me. Such a dream woman with such a seedker. The anger predominated my grief.

I got ready, took all of the habits and made my way to the elevator and the lobby. During the elevator, I inevitably had to think of her blowjob, which she gave me here a few hours ago. All of this was over now. When I arrived in the lobby, I went to the check out. The bartender from last night was behind the counter and grinned at me. “Good morning mylord. Here your bill.

“I accepted her with a whipped head”. And here is a note of your wife. “He gave me a small folded sheet. I looked at him puzzled. “Your wife left us a few hours ago. She asked me to hand over this note. Have a nice day. ” – “Thanks. “I still looked at him in astonishment and opened the note. There was a mobile number and the sentence on it: “Our love is stronger.

Please write to me “And a smile came on my face. I paid and went outside through the front door. Looked at me. The sun shone in my face. It was a wonderful day. End….

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