Lesbian games with the pizza bootes | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I found this beautiful story online. When Mareike goes to her aunt Clara on the summer vacation shortly before her high school diploma, she is still young and innocent … The school year was over and Mareike was looking forward to the two weeks that she would spend again with her aunt Clara in the Black Forest. Clara was her mother’s little step -sister and thirteen years younger than this. When Mareike saw the light of day, Clara was only twelve and so Mareike considered her aunt as a kind of big sister.

Mareike was infinitely sad when her father took on the new job in Frankfurt eight years ago and the family moved from the Black Forest to Kronberg to Taunus. Since then, she has helped her have helped her to get farewell pain. This time it would be the last big holidays, because the Abitur was at the door and who knows what comes afterwards!The ICE arrived on time for the minute at 10:15 in Freiburg.

Mareike stood at the front of the door, the big backpack on her back and her mother’s hastily packed back package under her arm when she saw Clara waving on the platform. Immediately it shot through her head how beautiful her aunt was. With her long brunette hair and her deep blue eyes, she resembled Brook Shields from the blue lagoon. Her sporty -well -trained figure came into its own in the deeply cut summer dress and attracted the eyes of many men.

“Come a little one, let yourself be looked at,” Clara greeted her niece and hugged her in her arms. “You’re bigger than me! If this continues, I have to buy shoes with higher heels!“The two laughed and it bubbled out of them. Mareike had to tell her aunt about her first hour of driving, where she had choked the engine five times the day before. “Appropriately, I also have to tell you something,” replied Clara and pulled her niece at the hand towards the station outcome.

“You don’t believe what I finally got yesterday after a long wait!“She said triumphantly without explaining her hint in more detail. “Come on, tell me and don’t really excite me on the torture”, Mareike was pushing, but her Clara only smiled mysteriously and pulled her to a parking ticket machine, paid and took the ticket to the gray box. As much as Mareike drilled, she was unable to elicit her secret Clara. The cars stood very crowded in the parking garage and Mareike alternately looked to the left and right to discover the silver blue smart “Limited Two” of her aunt as early as possible.

But as much as she stretched her neck, she couldn’t find the smart. “Traraaa!“Clara called out triumphantly, pressed the remote control of her car key and unlocked the central locking of a brand new, white fiesta that was licked between two faceless mid-range combination. “It belongs to you about? How cool is that?“Mareike took it and she was amazed at all at all. “Since yesterday!“Clara did not replied without pride while she opened her tailgate and Mareikes backpack in a trunk that was almost gigantically large for an ex-smarter.

After both turned a round around the new car and examined it in all details, they got in and made it comfortable in the anthracite -colored armchairs. “Give me your cell phone!“Clara asked her niece. With experienced routine, she navigated through the menus of the smartphone and had connected it to the car in no time via the Bluetooth interface. “So, and now you will send your mom an SMS that you have arrived well.

“Mareike complied with her request and they had hardly left the parking garage when a female voice from the speakers announced a received SMS. Clara pressed a button on the steering wheel and asked to get the SMS read aloud. The female voice repeated the command and from the loudspeakers the answer from Mareike’s mother sounded to the SMS that has just been received. Mareike and Clara were delighted with the monotonous computer voice, which did not want to match the happy message of Mareike’s mother and because Mareike had such fun, one was sent around the other SMS before laughing at the read answers.

So the journey passed over the country road as if in a flash and they came to Hinterzarten in no time. The white fiesta turned left into the cross path from the Windeckweg and Mareikes heart knocked a few bars faster than she recognized at the end of the path of her grandparents, in which she spent many years of her carefree childhood. Everything was still as she remembered from last year. The gravel drive to the house, the property with the old tree population, the high hedges, which surrounded the property and the large meadow with the old children’s swing, which her grandfather had built for her first birthday, immediately gave her the feeling of home,,that they are so missing in Kronberg.

When they got out of the air -conditioned car, the embers of the summer lunch sun mercilessly struck them. They hastily grabbed the luggage from the trunk and fled into the protective shadows of the house. The planks creak familiar under their feet when Mareike dropped the door into the castle. Immediately she took this familiar fragrance of fresh country air and old wood, which she had connected to this house since her early childhood. Clara has lived in the house all alone since her parents, Mareike’s grandparents, had moved to a residential pen in the center of the city five years ago.

Clara could never have afforded this house from her salary as a physiotherapist, but Mareikes grandparents left it to her, so that she could lead a carefree life without financial hardship. Mareike was just about to climb the stairs and drag her backpack into the attic, in which she had lived over the past few years during the holidays when her aunt held her back. “You are now welcome to sleep with me in my new bedroom. I renovated it in spring after it has been empty for the past few years.

Now it is much more comfortable than the musty chamber under the roof. “Clara opened the door and let Mareike go ahead. The sun shone brightly into the big room and gave a view of the huge balcony, on the parapet of which the geraniums bloomed in full splendor. So she remembered the balcony from the time when this was still the bedroom of her grandparents. Now it looked much friendlier here.

The walls and the ceiling were covered with light wooden panels. The heavy roof beams that stretched over their head over the entire width of the room were now exposed, which gave the room a rustic ambience. There was a large oil painting on the wall, which shadowly represented an erotic act that stimulated the imagination of the viewer without revealing concrete details. The best, however, was an almost gigantic four -poster bed, which almost took two thirds of the whole room.

Mareike had never seen such a gigantic bed. Clara opened the door to the balcony, took her niece by the hand and pulled her out into a magnificent paradise that she had created here. On the half of the balcony, two cozy deckchairs stood, shaded by an oversized, bright red coca-cola sunshade. The other half was almost entirely taken by a kind of children’s swimming pool in which the water was kneaded. “Not a real swimming pool, but just wonderful in this hot summer weather!“Clara enthused.

“And in the evening, when the sun goes down, I only need to turn on this rooster and the entire garden is automatically irrigated!“Clara showed her niece the process installed in a corner of the pelvis, which led over a short hose to a copper line that led down to the garden along the rainfall tube. “Holger installed me everything in spring. “She explained proudly. “Who is the Holger?“Mareike asked curiously. “Holger is my new friend.

You will get to know him next week. He is an engineer and works for a large oil society. Most of the time he drives himself on some boring rigs into the North Sea and is often on the road for several weeks but on Wednesday he comes over and then stays for a few days. In any case, you can sleep with me by then and make it comfortable here!“Mareike liked the prospect of sleeping in a bed together with her“ big sister ”and she was already painting how much fun you would have if you would tell yourself about your experiences of the past year until late at night.

She took her backpack and started to grab her all her clothes, books and other stuff into the small closet that her aunt had assigned to her. The two weeks would be wonderful!“What do you think of it when I make a nice salad for both of us and then an iced coffee and we then put ourselves in the pool for relaxing?““ Au yes, that would be exactly my taste now, but relaxing is old school, nobody says today.

Chilling is called today!“Laughing, Clara accepted the instruction. “O. K. , Then let’s chill a round in the pool after the salad!“While Mareike continued to sort her things into the closet, Clara disappeared down into the kitchen, where she prepared the salad, crowned by some juicy tomatoes and fresh herbs from his own garden. She put the freshly brewed coffee in the fridge to cool down and the cream was quickly beaten.

Clara enjoyed herself over her niece, who fell down the salad, as if she was completely starved. First she fished down the cheese and turkey breast strips, then came the tomatoes and finally the rest. “Well, still on the separating food trip?“Clara, who had always been amused by Mareike’s way of eating. “For me, the best always comes at the beginning, so that none of it is lost if I don’t create my portion,” said Mareike.

Both felt wonderfully relaxed under the large parasol that donated them pleasant shadow and made the midday heat somewhat tolerable. The sun had now hiked a little further and reached the edge of the pool with its hot rays, where it made the water strip it had made to sparkle. When the ice coffee was finally taught, the sun had already conquered a third of the swimming pool. Clara cleared the dishes and asked her Mareike to move for the pool.

She quickly cleared the pair of things into the dishwasher, switched on the machine and eliminated the remains of lettuce plasters. From the bathroom she grabbed the bottle with the sun milk fragrant after almonds. Once at the top, she found her niece crouching on the floor between her clothes, which she had all torn out of the closet. “I don’t find my bikini that I had bought a new one for the vacation!“Mareike whined as she desperately searched the stack of clothes.

“That doesn’t matter, then we just bathe naked,” replied Clare, grazed her summer dress from her shoulders and let it slide carelessly to the ground. In the next moment her string slid down on her legs and she was completely naked and with a happy laugh on her face in front of her niece. How to electrify Mareike her aunt. She was not new that her aunt is a beautiful woman. Now that she was so completely naked in front of her, she became physically aware of this.

A feeling that was unknown to her previously went through her middle of the body, and she felt an irrepressible desire to touch her aunt. However, what fascinated her the most was Clara’s completely smooth shame, from which she simply couldn’t let her look. Clara, who immediately noticed the change in Mareike’s behavior, dissolved the formally noticeable tension with a hearty laughter. “Well, you’ll see it as if you’ve never seen a naked woman!“She joked in a good mood.

“Yes, but none yet that is almost as beautiful as you” replied Mareike, and looked at the ground ashamed because she felt caught. “Well, then have a look at how beautiful you are,” countered Clara as she pulled her niece over her head over her head. With clever fingers, she loosened the band of her shorts and also pushed them with a resolute grip on the ground. Mareike let all of this happen without resistance. She also let her hip stripes the panties until she was just as naked on the soft carpet as Clara.

Clara took a big step back and looked at Mareike benevolently from head to toe. “So if that is not a beautiful young woman who is currently naked in my bedroom! After you every man and some women would lick their fingers between the north and south poles! Apart from the fact that you are also dressed, you have a really envied figure. Just look at what you have for beautiful breasts.

What would I give if I had as beautiful solid breasts as you!“While she spoke these words, she gently encompassed both breasts of her niece and played around the little nipples with her fingers, who straightened up under the tender touch. Mareike felt how her knees became soft and the touch of her nipples sent her lustful feelings through her body. Feelings that were completely unknown to her until then. Unfortunately, the unexpected tenderness ended as suddenly as it started.

“Come sweet, let’s jump into the pool before the whole water evaporates,” said Clara and gave Mareike a friendly pat on the buttocks!Clara made a large set of the balcony of stairs into the refreshing pool and had the water injected into all directions. Mareike did it and when both of them were in the pool, a wild water battle broke out, as a result of which half the pool contents beyond the pelvic edge soon found itself. The two of them raged exuberant with a high waves until they were finally exhausted with laughter in their arms.

Clara felt how one of Mareike’s pointed nipples drilled into her flank. She had never escaped the effect that the sight of her smooth shaped shame had on her niece. Somehow she found this cute and at the same time exciting, as she knew from the many phone calls with her big sister, Mareike’s mother, that Mareike has so far showed no interest in the topic of “sex” and in this regard there was no experience of any own experience.

Although she would have had a short romance with a boy from the dance lesson, she would have ended as suddenly as she started. Perhaps it was just because Mareike was a single child and could hardly get excited about horses until the dance school? In any case, it could not be because of her parents’ upbringing that Mareike, despite her almost eighteen years, were so little interested in sex. Mareike’s parents dealt with their own sexuality quite openly and let everyone feel freely how much they not only emotionally, but also physically sought -after.

“Do you really find that I have nice breasts?“Asked Mareike hesitantly. “But hello! Feel how firm you are compared to mine!“She took Mareike’s right hand and took her to her chest. “In addition, you have wonderful nipples who can drive every man crazy when they are as pointed and hard up as now. “She stroked Mareikes chest and teased the stiff nipple, so that it continues to swell.

Mareike had the feeling that she was passing out and was startled by herself when she got a lustful moaning over her lips. She felt how a cozy warmth spread in her middle of her body. “If you like it to be touched by me?“Mareike did not bring out a sound but only nodded hardly visible. “Has a boy touched you like this before?”” Say what do you think of me? I’m not just let me grop by any boys!”” Why not, you let me too?”” Yes, but if you do that, it somehow feels nice.

“” Oh, and you think it wouldn’t be so nice with a boy?“Nah! The Jan, my dance partner from the dance school, tried this two years ago but I whispered a lot!“Oh, was that the boy you were so in love with?”” “I only imagined that before he got under the blouse with his pranks!““ Well, obviously he doesn’t seem to have made it particularly soulful, otherwise you would have found it nice.

I always enjoyed it at your age when a boy stroked my breasts. Once I even came!””Came? How do you mean it now?““ Well, I had a real orgasm!“Mareike was silent for a while as if she had to look for the right words to resume the thread. “What is that when you have an orgasm?““ How, you have never had an orgasm? Do not stroke yourself regularly?“Mareike shook his head laying.

This was an area where she had no experience at all. She knew that some of her friends regularly bragged about how they “got” themselves, but had never had the need to try it themselves. “Well, then you have a lot to catch up,” said her Clara and hugged her tenderly as if she had to comfort her for her inexperience. “You regularly stroke yourself?”” Well, what do you think? If Holger is not there, I do it myself at least twice a day and when I am in the shower, even much more often.

“”Under the shower?”Sure, of course! Have you never felt how nice it is to let the warm water jet run over the shell?“Mareike shook her head again. “And when Holger is there, you don’t do it?”” Nah, then I have his cock and especially his tongue with which he is a real magician!““ How, you leave the Holger with his tongue between your legs?“Mareike looked at her aunt incredulously. “Oh dear, how innocent you are still! I think you still have to learn a lot!“There were a few minutes before Mareike broke the silence.

“You Clara, it actually hurt with the shaving?“Now Clara had to laugh from the heart. “On the contrary, I enjoyed it! The first time I didn’t shave myself, but let myself be shaved. That was two years ago when I had my motorcycle accident and was tied to bed for weeks with the double broken leg for weeks. A colleague visited me regularly at the time and treated me here at my home. From time to time she also made my hair and one day she offered me to shave my shell too.

“” How crazy is that? You not only let your colleague treat you, but also shave below?”But yes, why not?““ So I don’t know, I think I couldn’t. At least not from a colleague. I would rather be shaved by you. “Mareike looked down and felt that he had crossed a border. “Oh yes, you would like that?“Clara drove her niece under the chin with her index finger and forced her to look into her eyes with a gentle emphasis.

Mareike felt in the Zwickmühle. If she looked away and rejected, Clara would surely see her through. She has always been a bad liar and Clara knew that. So she put all courage together and just burst out with the truth. “Yes, I would like to look like you too!““ Well, if that is the case, then we don’t want to leave you long!“Clara straightened up and handed Mareike hand to help her get up.

She fished one of the bathing towels from the deck chair, wrapped Mareike in it and helped her over the edge of the pool. Mareike frotted with skillful hands. First your back and the arms. After that, the stomach and the breasts came on, which Clara took particularly careful. Mareikes nipple immediately straightened up so that the towel literally caught up in them. Clara knew about it and dabbed the breasts carefully dry.

Then she got on her knees in front of Mareike to get better on her feet. “Come love, put your right foot on my thigh, so that I don’t have to bend like that. “Mareike did, as her mention and followed Clara’s instruction. After she was finished with her foot, Clara drove up the leg with the towel in a circular movements. Mareike ran down his back hot and cold when Clara’s hands of her most intimate zone approached.

She could only laboriously hide her disappointment when Clara suddenly asked her to change legs. Now the whole procedure started again, but Mareike had the impression that Clara was taking significantly more time now. As in slow motion, Clara’s hands approached the triangle that Mareike did not know that it would be the center of her desire very soon. With a smile inside, Clara noticed the damp shimmer on the half -open, virgin labia of her niece.

No, this moisture did not come from the shared bathroom in the pool and no, she would not yet redeem Mareike from her agony by touching her here. Instead, she changed the direction of her hand and pushed the towel between the open legs to rub Mareikes solid buttocks dry. Nevertheless, she treated her to a very small sample when she was walking back on the back of the towel, as if by chance with the back of the hand over Mareike’s youthful shame, which left her wet track here.

Mareike had closed her eyes and so Clara felt unobserved when she picked up Mareike’s pleasure juice with her tongue from her back of her hand and let the erotic aroma work on her. Smilingly, she looked at the sweet girl who knew nothing about the joys of physical love at all. Mareike, still as electrified by Clara’s fleeting touch, stood there motionless. Her breath was difficult and she tried to sort her feelings. Where did only those sensations that have been completely unknown to her come from, which seemed to bundle with an intensity that was previously unknown to her in her lap? Where were only Clara’s hands, the touch of which she did so much at that moment? Her thoughts circled ceaselessly when she was suddenly torn out of her daydreams.

“Well, how long do you want to rest on my thigh? Your legs will no longer be drier!“Mareike felt caught and pulled his foot back quickly. Clara had now dried herself and draped the moist towel over the parasol so that it could dry the sun again. She grabbed another bath towel, put it on one of the garden loungers and stroked it smoothly. “Come on, make it comfortable as long as I search for the razor!“Mareike, still half dazed, was on the couch.

The sun burned down from above, but the umbrella donated pleasantly refreshing shadows. Without being aware of this, Mareike’s hands were looking for the source of her desire as instinctively. First hesitant, then more and more coveted her fingers over the moisture that had formed between her thighs, sought and found, whose touch prepared her unexpected feelings of pleasure and the greed after even more touch. It was not necessary to find guidance to find the sensitive zone that nature had only devoted to its sensation of pleasure.

Tentative and at the same time curiously researching she stroked her pearl, which has so far been completely unknown to her in her naive innocence. Now that she was discovered, she seemed to grow too full of bloom under her touch and switched to reception with all antennas. The neurons shot countless flashes through their abdomen, cheered on by the perception of their apparently exposed nerve endings. She pressed her lap towards her hand and a demanding moan took her lips when she suddenly heard Clara, who rattled with a bowl full of utensils in the bedroom and had stent on the balcony later.

Mareike hastily pulled her hand back and hit her legs on top of each other. She stood asleep and was sure not to have been caught. How should she know that Clara has been behind the window for a while and witnessed her lustful journey of discovery for a while?“Well my sweetness, you won’t want to fall asleep in this wonderful weather? Come on, make room and let me go to the couch!“Mareike put on her legs and made her mind.

With spread legs, Clara sat down on the floor to the foot end of the couch, one leg and one leg to the left on the floor. “So, then open your wonderful gazelle legs and let me get the shaggy fur of your pussy!“Without waiting for Mareike to meet her request, she took care of Mareike’s legs and gently pushed her knee apart until Mareike finally presented her gender with wide -spread legs. The opened and reddened labia and the moist spot that had formed between her legs on the bathing towel announced the sensation of pleasure, which had just prepared this until a few moments completely innocent girls.

The bitter fragrance of the vaginal secretion mixed with the scent of geraniums into an intoxicating perfume, which was not without effect even on Clara. A cozy warmth spread out in her pelvis when the can with Holger’s shaving foam with a peach -sized foam nest. Mareike, who now presented Clara completely defenseless and presented with legs spread wide, now also had a clear view of the gender of Clara. What she got to see fascinated and tied her eyes.

A few moments ago, she felt reminded of the sight of a little girl in the face of Clara’s hairless gender. What she saw here, however, was something completely different, mysterious and somehow familiar at the same time. What she saw was big, moist, shiny and beautiful. So beautiful that she just couldn’t turn her eyes away. Suddenly she became aware that she also presented her aunt the same sight at this moment. Instead of feeling shame about this, she proudly fulfilled the thought of showing Clara in the same beauty.

Proud and at the same time felt deeply felt to offer Clara this beauty!Clara carefully put on the foam nest on Mareikes Venushügel. Mareike felt how the foam was slowly spreading on her shell under the gentle pressure of Clara’s hand until Clara’s hand finally lay down completely like a bell over it. Mareike pulled the air sharply through her half -open lips, and laboriously suppressed a moan when she felt how Clara’s hand seized her gender. The foam reinforced the sensitive sensations and Mareike inevitably tried to strengthen them by raising their pools and pressing themselves towards their hand, the touch of which was so eagerly awaited.

“Nanu, we now want to shave or have some fun at first?“Asked Clara with a mischievous facial expression and winked Mareike too. Mareike whispered “fun” and started Clara’s gaze when she started to distribute the foam on Mareikes after the redemption of pleading Venus. With her fingers, Clara drew the contours of Mareikes out of the outer labia through the foam, kept stroking the outside on the outside and then taking the path back on the inside, not without a mareikes lust pearl with the touch of one every timeTease touching.

Alternately she gave her attention to the right, sometimes the left side. Mareike caught her breath, her heart raced and she thought that she was almost passionate about lust. The thoughts raced through her head, while Clara spoiled her venous shell with new variations of her practiced fingers. She saw her mother in her inner eye, how she groaned loudly every time she and her father had sex behind the closed bedroom door and caught how she also acknowledged Clara’s tenderness loudly.

She imagined her school friends how to love herself to prepare such nice feelings and wondered why she hadn’t tried it for a long time ago. But it could be so nice if you did it yourself?Clara, who delights the effect that her finger game had on Mareike, grabbed her free hand after the blue can with the shaving foam, pressed down the donor button and let big flakes of the white mass swell out and rain down on Mareikes belly and breasts.

Mareike enjoyed the refreshingly cool tingle that came from every single flake that came on her skin. At this moment, their senses were so highly sharpened that even this sensory stimulation was able to fuel their excitement further!Clara distributed the shaving foam in slowly circular movements. First over Mareike’s flat stomach, where she considered the belly button with smaller, faster circles and repeatedly penetrated the sensitive deepening with her finger. Every time you push a finger into the depth, she penetrated with the middle finger of the other hand into Mareikes wet grotto.

Here she was particularly careful, the Mareikes basin crowded towards her finger. In exploration, she felt the entire entrance around Mareikes All Sacred Sacred and pulled her finger back when Mareike is too researched by Mareike. It was only when she convinced that no hymen would deny her further progress, did she turn the back of the hand to lower and slowly slid into Mareike until the stop. So she could easily bring her thumb into play to stimulate the sensitive clitoris from the outside.

Mareike moved the air into ever faster and deeper breaths, pressed the heels into the deck chair with all your might and stretched her pelvis on top. Here, their back and pomusculars tensioned in such a way that almost their entire body weight only knew on their heels and their back head. Arrived at the depth, Clara had her finger rest for a while to wait until Mareike’s breath went flatter again and her pelvis sank back into the soft upholstery back.

Mareike was about to be hyperventilated and it would not have been nice, so she would have had to interrupt here. Only when Mareike’s breath was no longer a reason for concern did Clara continue with her massage. Slowly she pulled a trace of white shaving foam over Mareike’s stomach and extended it around Mareikes’s chest. She pulled the circles smaller and smaller, picking up fresh shaving foam that was ready for her here. She deliberately saved the nipple, which peeked stiff and expectantly from the foam carpet.

At the same time, she gently pulled her other finger of her other hand out of the damp, damp tunnel surrounding her to put it back until the stop. Only now did she take her nipple, stroked her flat hand over it, meandered it around with her index finger, pinched her very lightly and pulled it on her, whirled up with stretched fingers again and again quickly over her again and again with slowerPampering tenderness. In between kneaded and stroked the solid meat that surrounded the nipple.

Clara envied her niece around her big and firm nipples. She would have loved to suck her between her lips. The experience that shaving foam did not correspond to her preferred flavor, however, could be limited to the game of her fingers. Mareike could not say what touch was giving her more delight, Clara’s varied game on her chest, or the finger, who repeatedly slid into her and out of her, while a second zone teased the sensitive zone at her vaginal entrance? She had closed her eyes firmly and tried to imagine, which of Claras fingered in her and which supported it from the outside.

In any case, the sensations in total were so wonderful that they were given them full of desire. Instinctively, she recorded the even rhythm of the penetrating finger, raised and lowered her pelvis while concentrating her finger in her vagina. While she perceived the incessant increase in the sensations of emotions in her lap, she clawed in the armrests in order to be able to release even more strength for her pelvic bins. Clara recognized the unmistakable signs of the approaching orgasm, saw how Mareikes flatter breath accelerated, how the movements of Mareikes basin came more and more, as they continued to take their heads under louder moaning and the tension over the back, spread over the buttocks and the back of the legs to the heels, which pressed more and more violently against the couch.

She knew now that the moment was imminent that Mareike would never be able to forget again in her life! Now it was the right time to stimulate that sensitive point, always sought in vain for the host of desperate men, but mostly did not find him. But she knew the secret, knew exactly about the hidden location of this sacred grail of female lust. To strengthen this, she now penetrated Mareike with another finger.

She now repeatedly curved her index and middle finger, stroking this mystery of female pleasure sensation behind the pub. Now there was no back anymore! All dams were broken! Mareike believed to lose his hold, felt how something unimaginably tremendous the rule of her grabbed her, nown to throw her towards Clara’s fingers mercilessly. Without any control, she screamed out her lust, felt how convulsive twitches spread in her vagina, cramped Clara’s fingers and literally tried to draw them into herself.

She did not want this feeling to end up, so she again tacked up in a desperate attempt to draw this very first orgasm of her life into the endlessly to a non -ending staccato of violent pelvic bins, which Claras Finger willingly replied. After long moments of unknown lust, she only came back halfway when Clara’s lips tenderly put on her and took any opportunity to take part in her loud screams of lust.

Her orgasm had already subsided but Mareikes heart knocked like wild and her thoughts circled, looking for an explanation for what was just experienced. Never before had she felt something so intense, never before anything similarly wonderful! Only now did her hands let go of the armrests of the deck chair, which she kept in a convulsive way since the height of her lust. Happiness tears ran over her face when Clara leaned down to her and she kissed on her forehead, then on the tip of the nose and finally on her mouth.

She passed Clara with her arms, pulled her up even more firmly and returned the kiss. Her lips willingly opened to receive Clara’s tongue. Her breath, which had already calmed down again, immediately accelerated when her two tongues found each other and played around tenderly researching. First tentative, then more and more determined, most recently eager to penetrate Mareike’s tongue into the interior of Clara’s oral cavity. Mareike’s passion was immediately transferred to Clara, whose index and middle fingers of her right hand were still in Mareike’s pleasure grotto.

As her left hand now slid to her own body in the middle of the body, the shared labia, the hot moisture of which made it possible for her to get an effortless penetration to prepare the same desire that she had previously brought Mareike. At the same time, she also took up the thread with her other hand and continued her pleasant finger game in Mareikes, while at the same time the game of her two tongues passed into an uninhibited struggle of lust.

Within a very short time Clara felt how her own orgasm announced. In view of the approaching wave, it is difficult for her to keep control of her hands and to coordinate their activity that is directed towards the opposite direction. She couldn’t help but pause with her right hand, at least for the moment, the attention of which she had to give her left. At first it was only her index finger in the depth of her shell, she now also put her fingers crossed to delight her clitoris with quick, vibrating stimulations.

After just a few seconds she felt the pulsation of her gender and suffocated her own cries of pleasure on the summit of lust with the help of Mareike’s passionate kiss. Clara quickly had control back. She remembered that Mareike should play the actual main role that afternoon. She therefore interrupted the kiss, also read from Mareike with her hand and straightened up. “Come!“She said, Mareike handed her hand without further explanations and helped her out of the deck chair.

Mareikes legs still tremble under the aftermath of her orgasm and she had trouble orienting herself in the vertical. Clara led her to the pool and called her to get in. Mareike followed Clara’s request and was now in the warm water, which, given the midday heat, felt pleasantly refreshingly on her legs. Clara bent down again and again and scored water out of the pool with her two hands to let it run over Mareikes with a shaving foam.

Mareike enjoyed the fluid foam on it and observed how it quickly formed a carpet spreading on the water surface. Comfortable showers ran over her back when Clara supported the cleaning procedure on her breasts and between her legs with targeted friction of her hands. “We can still do the shaving later. Now I’m going to show you something much nicer at first “! With these words she took Mareikes hand, helped her out of the pool and pulled her into the bedroom with her over the door threshold.

“But I’m still very wet!“Mareike protested. “I want to hope that hard!“Laughing Lachend and Mareike, the meaning of these words first first, when her Clara grinned between her legs. As soon as they had arrived at the bed, when Clara was already putting a little shock, pushing her waist and let her fall on the bed together. Mareike lay on her back while Clara crouched over her in all fours.

Her lips quickly found themselves, followed by their tongues, who eagerly took up the passion that has just been interrupted. As they kissed, Clara’s fingers wandered over Mareikes Köper, traced the contours of their neck, stroking through the collarbone pit outwards over their left shoulder, from where they continued their way down. When they reached Mareikes thumb, they switched to the inside of the hand, stroking the sensitive zones between Mareikes fingers, a few times circle over the palm of the palm and then continued their way back up the inside of the arm.

When they arrived at the armpit, they lingered for a moment to play with the still young hairs. “We probably still have to shave,” thought Clara in silence, while her restless fingers continued to travel, and again and again small drops of water that the pool had left on Mareike’s hot skin. The next destination of her trip was the left chest, the nipples of which she visited them purposefully, tenderly pinched it up to leave it again immediately and to see the nipple of the right breast, which also gave tenderness.

Here they lingered a little longer, stroked one time and all the time over him, felt how he swelled under them to full size, let it up and down between them in the longitudinal direction to finally leave him again too. Furthermore, her path led down to the top of the sternum, over this, along the Linea Alba, to the navel, the penultimate station of her trip. After they had distributed their tenderness here, they set off on the last stage of their trip.

Hardly a hand’s breadth below the belly nabble encountered numerous small water droplets that had caught in Mareikes Krausem pubic hair, they let them turn away on their way through this dark blonde jungle until they finally found the wet food grotto, which presented themselves with lusty and theyHappy into itself. Clara dismissed Mareike’s tongue and loosened from her lips, who immediately took a demanding moan when two of her fingers searched the path between Mareikes labia and dived into the depth of the warm venous shell.

Almost as quickly as the fingers entered Mareike, they pulled back from her, but not without saying goodbye to the pulsating clitoris with a breath of a breath. Now Clara’s tongue went on a journey, looking for her way over the right side of the neck, her wet track over her shoulder pulled down on the outside of the arm until she finally got to the thumb. At this, she licked up and down the length of it, switching to the index finger, which she paid the same attention before she tongued with nimble movements over the sensitive skin between the index and middle fingers.

She also repeated this ritual with the other fingers until she finally removed the little finger and – small water drops on the inside of Mareikes arm – continued her way to the armpit. Here she found the sensitive positions, the touch of which Mareike always made a laugh as a child. Here and now, since Mareike had matured to the woman, she seemed to have ancestoring the greedy tongue on her skin, and so she no longer elicited her laughter, but loud annal lust!In feverly expectation, Mareike was how Clara’s tongue first took on her right, then her left nipple seized how she played, sucked, sucked, tongue, caress.

Mareike had long pasted the path of this tongue in her thoughts and painted out how it would be if she would achieve her goal. The time that remained until this goal was reached seemed endless. Requesting after redemption, she raised and lowered her pelvis as if – instinct -controlled – she was to simulate a coitus without ever experiencing it. Clara, whose tongue had now left Mareikes belly button, changed position and now crouched over Mareike that she found himself with the head between her knees.

Mareike, who dated Clara’s touch with closed eyes during the last few minutes, now opened them. At the same moment, when Clara’s tongue seized her clitoris, Mareike Clara’s gender saw, whose moist labia shone directly above her face in the light of the afternoon sun. Mareike was electrified when she felt Clara’s tongue, who routinely tracked down the zones of the highest sensitivity that she sometimes teased, sometimes high -frequency, then enjoyable and licked again with long lines.

It was difficult to suppress the loud cries of pleasure that their throat wanted to escape. Moaning she fixed the venus mussel in her immediate visual field. Hardly any hand width separated it from this aesthetic sight. As if the reflection of her own gender was presented to her, she imagined the way which Clara’s tongue hit exactly at that moment. A drop of shiny liquid gathered exactly where Clara’s labia rejuvenated at a pointed angle.

The drop grew, under the influence of gravity, increased more and more in order to finally rivetle on a thin mucus thread. Mareike, which was fascinated by this acting, raised her head just in time to capture the drop of pleasure with her tongue. As if she had been instilled in an immediately effective aphrodisiac, Mareike came over an insatiable desire to cost even more of this delicious secretion. Only a little she had to lift her head to dive deep into Clara’s grotto.

Nothing was used. She just had to give in to this urge and so she lifted her head to receive the goal of her desire with her tongue. At the moment Clara interrupted her own tongue game, surprised by the sudden turn and the intensity of the unexpected sensory perception of any ability to continue her own actions. She took a moment to get involved in Mareike’s tongue and to change the switch from “Send” to “Receive”, but could no longer avoid the role of the recipient when she felt the youthful tongue penetrated.

So she spread her legs to support Mareike in her project so that she could have her head sinking comfortably back on the sheet, without losing contact with her pleasure center. Mareike, already fascinated by the sight of this smooth shame, enjoyed it to be able to explore it with her tongue to the last corner. With fine antennas, she recorded any Clara reaction, however small, intensified touches that elicited a lustful groaned, rejected others who did not trigger a corresponding stimulus response.

Mareike was a learned student. She quickly found out what Clara reacted most violently. Half dipped into the soft cave and stimulated the sensitive pearl with nimble tongue movements from the inside. Clara acknowledged this with an increasingly louder moan, which was echoed by the walls of the bedroom and was gratefully taken by Mareike, she secretly made it proud. With both arms she surrounded Clara, stroked her buttocks with tender fingertips, felt his strong muscles vibrating, with researching hands along the spine over his back, searched her way out, stroked the flank and found it forward and found itWonderingly soft breasts with their small but hard nipples.

When Clara felt her hands, who lovingly massaged her breasts, it was done within seconds. A shrill outcry was out of her throat when she came over orgasm with unexpected force and put her whole body into vibrations, which spread convulsively from her middle of the body in all directions. Full of desire, she pressed her pelvis of the tongue that was still eagerly licking her clitoris in order to be able to enjoy the last foothills of this gigantic wave.

Meanwhile, Mareike, spurred on by Clara’s violent reaction, continued her tongue game with undiminished dedication. With both arms she comprised Clara’s waist and pulled them down even more firmly to herself. Clara felt how another orgasm was announced in the depth of her pelvis, while she fought against her inner need not to allow it to be able to turn back to Mareikes Venus again instead. Mareike, however, took this decision, pressed her up a vice and gave her no way to escape her.

Although she had already cost a lot of Clara’s love juice, Mareike only loosened her grip when it was hit by another wave. Clara, still completely overwhelmed by the intensity of this new climax, recognized the chance, stated the clasp and let himself be rolled on the back. It was so breathing with Mareike, whose face and hair gossip wet from the mixture of Clara’s sliding fluid and its own saliva. “What was that?“Clara wanted to know when she finally came back to reflection after an eternity.

She slowly straightened up, leaning on the forearms and approaching Mareikes, who gave her a transfigured smile. “You don’t want to tell me that you have never licked a woman!“In her voice, an undertone sounded like astonishment and gratitude for what was just experienced. Without waiting for Mareike’s answer, she kissed her niece, tasted of herself when she entered her tongue between the lips that opened up and finally found this wonderful tongue, which had just prepared her most beautiful feelings.

“I am proud of you, my sweet …” she whispered in her ear, bite tenderly in the earlobe and took her own taste again here. “… but now I want you to be the connoisseur!“With these words, she slid down to Mareike, this time took the direct path to Mareike’s vagina, which she presented to her with expectantly spread thighs. Four orgasms later let Mareike sink back and fell asleep exhausted but overjoyed in Claras poor.

The moments behind it would remain in the ages of one of those experiences that should burn themselves into their emotional world. Moments that your healthy desire for physical devotion, for giving and taking, demanding and fulfilling, determining after a liberating and taboo -free sexuality for your later life and should therefore represent one of the basics for a happy life!Clara didn’t know how long her niece had been sleeping in her arms. Mareike’s breath went calmly and evenly.

Like an innocent little child, she was there. At least this was the case with the viewer, because at that moment she couldn’t read Mareikes at all not innocent dreams, although she suspected her. Clara carefully pulled out her arm under Mareike, careful not to wake her up. The sun had long since gone down and a pleasant, warm summer wind blew through the open balcony door. Clara grabbed the thin ceiling at the foot of the bed and spread it carefully over Mareike.

Despite all caution, the movement of the ceiling on Mareikes naked skin was enough to awaken them from their dreams. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked around in the darkness of the room. “And I just thought I had a wonderful dream. It was reality!“” And whether that was reality, my sweetness. It was even a wonderful reality!“Clara tenderly hugged her niece and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

“You say, you are actually hungry too?””And whether!“Covered Mareike. “I could now even push half a turkey!”” I can’t serve with that but what do you think of it if I order a pizza?““ Au yes, pizza would be great. Preferably again a large family pizza as we always ordered it last summer!“” Quattro Statgioni?“” Quattro Statgioni!“Clara pulled out her cell phone under the bed and chose the number of her favorite Italian, which she knew by heart. “Si?“There was a somewhat misunderstood voice at the other end.

“Hello, I would like to have a Quattro Stagioni as a family pizza. “” But Signora, you don’t know how late it is? I want to make up oven, it is already after eleven!““ Oh please, please make an exception for one of your best customers!“Clara tried to persuade him. “I have to ask Mario first, my son, whether he can still deliver. “She heard how he called loudly after his son and took the subsequent change of words that he obviously had no desire at all to deliver a pizza this time.

After a few loud Italian curses, the voice came back at the other end of the line. “Alora Signora, Mario comes in fifteen minutes!“Clara thanked him, passed the address, hung up again and snuggled up to Mareike under the ceiling. They were just there for a while and listened to the silence until Mareike was the first to spend the floor. “You say Clara, after it was so nice before, I can’t imagine that I ever wanted to try a man with a man.

“” For God’s sake Mareike, you don’t know what nonsense you tell! That would be like as if you were reading the “little witch” as a child and then wanted to do without “Harry Potter”! Hopefully you will not find one day to find out that there is nothing better than being filled out by a really well -built male tail and ride it on it!““ So I don’t know if I would like it so well.

“” Just wait and see what life brings. If you find the right one and if the mood is right, there is nothing more hotter than sex with a man! It is also much more exciting to lick a penis than a pussy. “So I can’t imagine that with the best will in the world!“Mareike protested vigorously. “Well, then wait until you first feel a twitching penis in your mouth while he gives you his full load of sperm as a gift!““ Gifts? What does that mean?““ So listen, what kind of woman could there be sex for a greater recognition than when a man is completely delivered to her and she lets him come in her mouth? Well, maybe apart from that, she absolutely wants to get pregnant and prefer to be injected against the cervix.

“”Delicious? Real?““ A little salty maybe, but when I’m really keen on a man, I know nothing more hotter than to feel this taste on my tongue. Apart from that, sperm is nothing more than high -quality protein. Strictly speaking, the best strength food that you can imagine at all!“Mareike listened to the words of her aunt in astonishment. So far she has always thought that she had been comprehensively informed by her parents, but here she got much more detailed information.

It almost seemed to her that her parents had only told her about bees and flowers. She was just about to ask something when a moped was suddenly heard that came up the entrance. Seconds later the doorbell rang at the door. Clara jumped out of bed, hurried down the stairs and reached for her wallet, which was on the sideboard in the hallway. She almost opened the door when she suddenly realized that she was still splintered.

She turned off the heel in a flash, ran the stairs back up and grabbed the first best blouse, which she could grab in the closet. She hated hastily into her sleeves and pulled the blouse in front of her stomach. The fabric did not fail too long and barely covered her exposed shame. When she opened the door, Mario stood in front of her. In one hand he held the oversized pizza, in the other a bottle of red wine that always exists as an encore when ordering a family pizza.

He was a sympathetically looking young, about one one seventy -five and tanned. Dark curls and dark eyes, just as you imagine a cliché Italian. Clara appreciated him at sixteen, maximum seventeen. “Please come in!“, Clara asked the boy. He stepped into the hallway. It was visibly embarrassing to face a half -naked woman who seemed to be nothing to make out that her blouse hardly covered her smooth shame. Clara grabbed her wallet and was just about to pull out a 20 euro note when a coin fell down, opened on the floorboards and came to lie between Mario’s feet.

Clara bent down after the coin, although she could not prevent her blouse uneasy and the view of her breasts released. When she picked up the coin, her view of the growing bump, which began to emerge in Mario’s pants. At this sight you got a spontaneous idea. “Tell me, have you actually eaten something yourself? This pizza is so huge that I definitely can’t do the one with my sweet niece alone! You also deserve a reward that we have shortened your evening for you!”” So I don’t know, “stammered Mario a little.

“Come on, give the one jerk!“Clara followed up and Mario was still a 5-euro note as an extra drink. “And that is that you are so nice to wear things up. “Clara gave Mario her most charming smile, who has not yet been able to resist a man. “So good” Mario tuned in and followed Clara up. Clara made sure to have a few stages as possible. She smiled at the thought that he definitely had the best view of what her blouse should have hidden! “Mareike, I invited us to eat!“, She called on the top of the stairs.

Mareike was able to pull the duvet over her chest just in time when Clara entered the bedroom with Mario. “May I imagine that this is Mareike,” she turned to Mario, while pointing to her niece, who looked surprised, the duvet pulled up to the chin. “And this pretty young man is Mario. He was so friendly to accept my invitation to eat. Alone we would not have done the pizza and the wine anyway!“She gave her niece to understand.

“Come on Mario, just sit down on the bed, we don’t have any chairs here. But please take off your shoes and stockings beforehand!“She took the pizza and the wine bottle off and put both on the bed. Mario got rid of his shoes and stockings and was about to sit on the bed when Clara held him back. “Stop, please take off the pants too!“Clara pointed to Mario’s oil -smeared right pants leg. “I don’t want to have oil spots on the freshly -related bed!“Mario looked embarrassed and didn’t know what to do.

Obviously the situation was more than uncomfortable for him. “Come on, do it! Or do you have anything among them?“Set Clara after. “Yes, but already …” Mario looked at work and didn’t get a word out anymore. “So good” Clara tried to defuse the situation “Then I give you a morning gate to put on if it is embarrassing to sit down in your shorts. We also look away while you change. “Clara fished after the red Silk-Kimono, who hung behind the door on the hook and threw him on Mario, who no longer remained an excuse not to take off his pants.

“Mareike, look away so that the young man can change!“Mareike and Clara turned away from Mario, so that he couldn’t help but follow Claras instructions. “O. K. , You can turn around again, ”said Mario, after he overturned the glossy garment. “Well wonderful, then let’s strike before the pizza gets cold. Come on Mario, sit down with us. “Mario sat down on the edge of the bed and took a big pizza piece from Clara.

Mareike had to make a lot of trouble not to go loudly, because Mario really looked too strange in the Kimono. Somehow he did her suffering. She felt how much the whole situation made him embarrassed and how desperately he was looking for a way out of his apparently unpleasant situation. However, the longer she looked at him, the more he liked her. Mareike winked at him in a friendly manner and received a shy smile for this. Even Clara did not escape that Mario was not completely thawed yet.

“Come on, you’re sitting there as if you were on the go. Please sit down on the bed right with us!“Again she gives him her sweetest smile, so that Mario had no choice but to comply with her request. However, this now meant that the Kimono could no longer be closed properly and released the view of a magnificent erection that emerged through its boxer shorts. Clara, who did not miss a very big detail, as in this case and, as in this case, immediately noticed what happened between Mario’s legs.

Only Mareike noticed nothing, because she was busy with her pizza far too much. The surface threatened to fall down on the right and left, which claimed Mareikes full concentration. Clara pushed her inconspicuously with the tip of the foot to draw attention to herself. Mareike looked at her questioningly and did not understand the strange signs that Clara made her inconspicuous. Again and again she interpreted herself between her legs, rolled with her eyes to look at Mario afterwards.

It took a while for Mareike to finally understand and discovered the huge bump between Mario’s legs. She tore up her eyes wide and hit her hand out of her mouth. She laboriously suppressed an outcry of the surprise. Fortunately, Mario noticed nothing about this, because he looked into the pizza box in the direction of the pizza box, which he was just taking another piece. Clara gave Mareike a meaningful look. Mareike stood on the hose again and took a while until she understood what Clara wanted to understand her.

She looked at Clara questioningly, but she received just as many exclamation marks from Clara, supported by a requesting wink. “It doesn’t matter if we drink the wine out of the bottle?“Clara turned to Mario and Mareike. Since both shook their heads, they reached for the bottle and opened the screw closure. Fortunately, the bottle was not corked, because she should have got a corkscrew first.

So she was able to stay in bed and continue to direct the play, which she intended to stage it. “Tell Mario, you actually have a friend?“Questioningly, she looked at her counterpart with a winning smile. Mario hurried to swallow the bite so as not to have to answer with full mouth. “Nope, unfortunately not. “” But you definitely had a girlfriend, or?“Mario shook his head laying. Clara handed him the wine and he approved a big sip before passing the bottle on to Mareike.

“What is it, such an attractive young man and not a single friend yet?“Clara shook his head in disbelief and gave Mareike a meaningful look. Again she handed Mario the wine and benevolently noted that he again approved a big sip. The bottle made one around the other and was hardly half full when Clara picked up the thread. “Tell me, you actually find Mareike pretty?” “Yes, very nice!“However, Mario replied sincerely before he approved another big sip from the bottle.

“And how do I like you?”” You are also very pretty “came the answer a little less this time. The wine seemed to have had its effect. At least Mario is slowly thawing. Even he no longer continued Claras and Mareikes. Clara slipped closer to Mario and put her hand on his thigh. “Have you actually seen a woman naked?“Now she asked straight away while she wandered up a bit with her hand on his thigh.

Mario seemed to be relocated despite the effect of the wine. “Yes, already. On the Internet, and on TV. “” I mean really, close to grasp?“Clara replied. While she was slowly moving a bit higher with her hand, she suddenly pulled without waiting for Mario’s answer, the duvet of Mareike Weg. Mareike, completely surprised, read this without any resistance. Mareike didn’t know what to say. On the one hand, it would have been their first instinct to protest loudly.

On the other hand, they made Clara’s question and response game and in particular Mario’s visible reaction to this that they willingly participated in the game. She even supported the plot by attracting one of her legs and spreading it out to the outside world that she presented the unimpeded man of the unimpeded look at her bare shame. Mario did the language. Clara used the surprise moment and slipped through the open trouser slot with her nimble hand and comprised the stiff member, the steeply sustainable after liberation from his cramped dwelling.

“Obviously you like what you see. At least it seems to like this magnificent cock!“Clara breathed in Mario’s ear, while with her hand with slow, pumping movements she drove up and drove down the throbbing shaft. “Do you like that or should I prefer to stop?“Now she wanted to know about the boy. Unable to answer, he just sat there and stared at Mareike and electrified between the imposed legs, welding beads on the forehead. “So I prefer to stop?“Clara drilled after.

Only now seemed to wake Mario out of his trance. “No, please don’t stop,” he begged hard to breathe. “Well, then we don’t want to stop. But actually I would also like to see what we have in your pants here. Mareike, please help me to free this magnificent cock out of your pants!“Clara pulled her hand out of her pants and gently pressed Mario into the pillows. This reads this without resistance and resulted in his fate.

Mareike initially hesitated, but then straightened up and approached the two. With trembling hands she grabbed the waistband and slowly pulled the shorts down bit by bit. Clara pushed the stiff penis down, so that Mareike managed to pull the pants down freely over him. As soon as the pants were down, the object of desire was again full of size. “My God, how beautiful it is!“Mareike with a sincere admiration“ and how big!““ Good 20 centimeters!“Clara estimated and included the stiff member again with her hand.

“22!“Corrected Mario and let his head sink back when Clara slowly pulled down the foreskin, the sensitive acorn exposed and gently stroked with his fingers. “All the better! And also pretty thick. I can hardly comprise it with my hand! Clara discovered the drop of pleasure, which squeezed out of the urethra and picked it up with the index finger. “Here, try!“She stretched Mareike towards the index finger, which willingly licked him. Mareike let the taste work on you.

“It tastes really salty. Somehow interesting!““ Well, then wait and see how it tastes, what will come!“With these words, she approached the glans, licked the sensitive snack on the underside a few times, drove up the entire shaft several times with the tongue, licking over the acorn again and again until they finally licked itCompletely included in her mouth. Mareike watched the spectacle fascinated and caught how she reached between her thighs with her fingers and searched for her clitoris.

She quickly found what she was looking for and started moaning quietly while she didn’t let Clara out of her sight and satisfied herself. Clara noticed Mareike’s moan and let go of Marios Penis. “Come on, you try, you will like it. And I can take care of you as long!“Clara gave way back and made Mareike Place, which approached her completely unknown terrain. She carefully reached for the penis, who eagerly awaited her touch.

He felt hard and warm and somehow soft and plastic at the same time. She looked at the pulsating veins, which clearly emerge and shimmered blue through the skin. She gently put her hand around this beautiful part of the body, tried to measure his diameter and imagined how it would feel if this penis penetrated into her. He would certainly fill them out completely, but probably not fit in at all! Only now did her look at the testicles, which seemed hardly noticeable in their dwelling.

When she tenderly stroked with her fingertips, Mario could not suppress a demanding moan, so she lingered a little here and caressed these two mysterious balls that she immediately closed her heart. So it felt like touching a man in his most intimate place. Whether Mario feels the same pleasure that Clara had prepared her several times this afternoon?Mareike had to think back on the afternoon when Clara brought her to orgasm several times with her tongue.

At the same time, she had Claras shaved shell in front of her eyes, which she had licked so eagerly with her tongue that Clara also had several orgasms. With the tongue it was definitely the most intense, she thought and wondered whether this was also on Mario. In any case, she wanted to find out!She curiously put on her tongue. The touch of the hard cock with her tongue felt good. In any case, it felt right and she wanted to do it really well! Like her aunt, she explored the penis over his entire length with her tongue, kept going down and up again and again, felt the different contours and textures, which were sometimes firm and sometimes soft under her tongue.

Obviously, Mario had some particularly sensitive areas on his penis, because whenever she stroked her tongue over the skin on his glans, she heard his demanding moan. The moan turned her down and so she did this favor to him particularly extensively until she could no longer stand it to satisfy the summit of her curiosity and to answer the last open question: How would it feel if you feel like itAt the front of the rejuvenating curves of the acorn fully included in her mouth and elicited his seed this penis?At the same moment, when she gently led her lips over the sensitive glans, she perceived Clara’s finger, who slowly stroke down between her buttocks, and approached her shell.

When the finger drove tenderly over her rosette and lingered here for a moment with small, circular movements, she said, in view of this new, unknown emotional sensation to come back to orgasm almost immediately. She almost fired the glans out of her mouth. But the finger continued his journey continued to dive deeply by seconds later. At first Mareike concentrated on her finger in her, felt how he repeatedly disappeared into the depth to irritate this wonderfully sensitive bottom of her clitoris on his way back, only to immediately disappear back in depth.

Secretly she wished that Clara would be a second or even third finger in her sink, but she trusted that Clara knew exactly how she could prepare the beautiful of all feelings!Mareike internalized the rhythm of the finger that is evenly penetrating and picked it up with her mouth. Again and again her lips slid over the glans, over the edge of which downwards, down a bit on the shaft and then back upwards.

Little by little she recorded the penis with her mouth until it disappeared almost half in the depth of her oral cavity. She couldn’t go deeper, no she didn’t want to, because the first attempt was a strangling reflex, which she was only laboriously suppressed. In addition, it gave her much more joy to lick Mario’s acorn with her tongue, which was no longer possible when she was in the depth of her throat.

So she used her hand for the remaining section, which her mouth could not do. With pumping movements, she kept running up and down on the shaft, which thanked her Mario with increasingly violent moaning. The young Italian lifted her pelvis faster and faster, and sinks always came his breath. Mareike instinctively knew that his orgasm had to be imminent. She was looking forward to the moment when he unloaded his seed in her mouth and thus gave her his precious juice as a gift.

Suddenly she felt Clara’s damp finger pulled out of her, wandered back through the poreates, came to a standstill on her rosette and suddenly bored into her anus. Here he immediately recorded the rhythm, which he pretended in her pleasure grotto a few seconds ago. It came to her tearing her pelvic floor tearing her. The orgasm came over it completely unexpectedly and with such an force that she would like to scream most.

But she didn’t want to scream! She wanted to complete the work she started with her mouth, even until the desired ejaculation! And their efforts should be rewarded! And how they became! Mario reared up with her with loud groaning. Cashcades hot sperm shot out of his glans, poured into Mareike’s oral cavity and more and more filled them with this life -giving protein.

Mareike took it eagerly until she also sucked the last drop out of the pulsating and twitching glans and Mario’s penis slid her lips after a long time and licking up for half size. Mareike still had Mario’s sperm in her mouth, resistance of the temptation to swallow it down, wanted to continue to enjoy his taste. Slowly Clara read her finger from Mareikes Anus again. With both arms she poured her niece and hugged her as if she wanted to tell her “Well done, I am proud of you!“Mareike straightened up, came up to the knee and turned Clara.

Both sought and found their lips that opened to share the delicious elixir of life … Mario was lying between Mareike and Clara, who was heavily breathing and visibly taken away. His penis shone in the slope of the bedside lamp, and lay limp on his stomach. If you would see him like this, you would never trust him the 22 centimeter he brought it in an erect state. Clara considered the boy knowing that he hadn’t shot his powder for this night.

Boys in this tender man’s age could always! She gave her niece a loving look and stroked her hair. The salty taste of Marios sperm in her mouth looked like a potent aphrodisiac. The desire in her lap burned strongly to finally feel this wonderful penis that was gone and that is bursting with young people and to be taken really hard by him. It was a long time since she was spoiled by such a magnificent piston for the last time! But she would take back and let Mareike go ahead.

Mareike, who had almost made her unexpectedly quick metamorphosis from the girl to a woman. “Yes, almost!“Clara murmured quietly while looking at the boy among him. “I’m sorry, what?“Mareike looked at Clara questioningly. “Oh nothing” replied this, let himself sink on the bed and nestled closely to Mario. Mareike did it to her and lay down on Mario’s other side, so that they formed a sandwich together, Mario in the middle.

Clara turned to Mario and drove his hand over the sparsely hairy young men’s breast. “Did you like being spoiled by two women at the same time?””Hmmm!“Mario answered Einsilbig and nodded with his head for confirmation. “You really have a gorgeous tail, he will definitely make a lot of women happy! It was really cool to see how you got into Mareike’s mouth and I think Mareike also enjoyed it very much. “There was a longer break in which the three simply heard dalages and into the silence of the night before Clara turned back to the boy.

“Do you think that you could like it to spoil our pussies a little too?“Mario got big eyes to answer unable. “Well, but a little shy?“Clara reached for Mario’s hand and took her between her thighs, which she spread a little bit to facilitate access to her pleasure center. Her Venusmussel was moist and eager to receive Mario’s touch. He initially set himself a bit clumsy, so that Clara had to help him.

“Come on, I’ll show you how I like it,” she breathed in his ear as she conducted his fingers to her pearl and showed him how she liked it. Mario quickly knew how to follow Clara’s instructions and so she was able to lean back into the pillows and entrust himself to his skillful fingers. Mareike, who fascinated the game for a while, became more and more restless. She just wanted to become part of the action again and at least Mario had two hands.

Spurally decided she knelt over Mario, took his other hand and also took her to her wet gender. It was shown that Mario had actually learned quickly because he was quite clever. “How horny is it” thought about Mareike when she felt Mario’s finger at her gate of pleasure and was also a witness how he penetrated with the other hand in Clara. Mareike couldn’t see this, but Clara did not escape that Marios Penis was slowly getting back with blood.

He was on the best way to find his original size back. This was the moment that Clara had been waiting for and so she slowly withdrew Mario’s hand. He hardly took any note of this, because he had already fixed himself on Mareike, who had her pelvis circularly circle while working on her pearl with his fingers. Again and again she looked at him from her bright blue eyes before she closed them again to concentrate entirely on the lustful sensations in her middle of her body.

Clara once turned around her longitudinal axis to get within the scope of the small bedside table. She pulled the drawer open and fingered it around until she finally found what she was looking for. With a small packet in her hand, she rolled back, rose from the warehouse to crouch directly behind Mareike over Mario. Clara cleverly opened the parcel with her teeth and took a condom from him.

Mario’s penis was now fully operational again. He steeply protruded behind Mareikes’s butt, like a post that was rammed into the ground. Clara carefully grabbed the condom on his reservoir, gently put it on the plump acorn to roll it over this wonderful cock immediately. Mareike, completely rushed, noticed nothing of all the events behind her back, but Clara wanted to make sure that she would notice it right away!Mareike’s position was ideal for Claras Plan.

Only a little bit would have to go to her knees. This should be the least problem, thought Clara, nestled from the back of Mareike and included it at waist height. At the same time, she covered Marios penis with the other hand and pressed him up a little to put him in the right position. Mario, of course, did not go unnoticed by Claras, immediately understood what she wanted to go out. He carefully slid up a little under Mareike until his spear was directly under Mareikes vagina.

He had already shared the damp labia and had penetrated Mareike with two fingers. Now that Clara had set the acorn to the goal of his countless damp dreams at this entrance, he carefully pulled his fingers back to make something other, much larger space. Mareike Mario’s finger only missed for the fraction of a second, until she suddenly perceived something different, at first undefinable at her vaginal entrance. The time was not to think about it, because before she knew it, she forced Clara gently but certainly on her knees.

She felt something big a big way between her labia, slowly but purposefully penetrated her and stretched her narrow channel. She heard a loud groan, but was not aware that this escaped her own throat. The conspiracy came too surprisingly to understand the events in its full scope. It was only when Mareike found herself on Mario’s thighs that she suddenly realized that she had taken Mario’s penis in full length! The feeling that she spread into it took possession of her whole body immediately.

She felt how this wonderful phallus pulsed in her, how the hard tip was soft against her uterus, how her vaginal walls clung to this solid piece of living meat in order to close each tactile perception with all sensory cells above her spinal cordSend where your brain processed the incoming information and formed into wonderful emotions. She felt it. And she loved it!Mareike’s mind was slowly back in. Mario made her a wife! How easy it was after she had thought about so many years as much as it would be, how it would hurt it.

But no, nothing hurt at all. It was just there. It was there, big and huge! And it gave her feelings that put everything she had ever felt beforehand. Just the curiosity about what should follow now, Mareike Schauer chased the lust over the back! She was so sunk in her world of thought that she only now became aware that there was still someone else there.

Mario! Mario, who filled her so wonderfully with his big penis and seemed to be anxious how it would go on now. With questioning eyes he looked at her as if he were waiting for her to take the next step. She returned his gaze, tenderly, lustful, right, a little in love with this pretty Italian, who was supposed to lose his innocence with her!Mareike didn’t need instructions on what was next to be done. The penis in her aroused urine instincts that now took the direction of her body.

Slowly she lifted up to let the plump piston slide out in centimeters by centimeter. Until almost to the glans, she let him escape before sinking down again in order to take up this wonderful masculinity completely. She felt the intensive friction on her vaginal walls, this endless friction from this never -ending tail, which repeatedly penetrated her again and sent her indescribable pleasure shower through the abdomen. She quickly found her rhythm to grant Mario’s penis again and again to her holiest.

Mario also no longer remained idle. He accepted Mareike’s leadership role and adapted his own pelvic bins to their pace, although the restraint was not easy for him and he would have liked to promote the pace. Nevertheless, he gave up Mareike completely, ignorant that it was the first time for her too. She would already know what she was doing, he thought of himself, while he kept sunk his penis until the approach in her damp cave.

Clara had to keep it difficult not to actively intervene in the action. This first coitus of the two lovers was too sacred to want to disturb or influence them. However, she could not and did not want to stay in idle, because the sight of this youthful cock, which in its entire length was immersed in Mareikes Venus again, was more than she could tolerate! Without letting them out of sight, she felt under one of the pillows until she found that she was looking for.

It was a silicone dildo, good and happy as long as Mario’s tail, although not quite as thick as this at about four and a half centimeters. The suction cup at its base had already made many horny numbers possible for her. Sometimes at the door frame while standing, sometimes crouching in the bathtub or sitting on the small side table in the living room. Holger had ordered this “European Lover” for her in an online shop so that she would not get stupid thoughts if he had to leave her alone for several days.

Since then this dildo has been her daily companion, who had already given her countless orgasms!Clara made herself comfortable with two large pillows under her back, so that she had an eye on the action and put on both legs. It was so wet that the dildo slid into her effortlessly. In her thoughts, she painted herself that it would be pierced by Mario’s cock and so she introduced herself to the dildo synchronously to the bumps with which she saw these wonderful two -centimeter diving into Mareikes lust grotto again and again.

Mareike supported his hands forward. In this way it was easier for her to parry Mario’s bumps that were now getting stronger. Her buttocks clapped out loud with every push on Marios thighs. Mario recognized his chance and seized her breasts, whose steep nipples have already fascinated him all the time. However, he was rather awkward here, because he had never touched a female breast. His hands worked greedily as if they wanted to knead it into a different form.

Mareike stopped and straightened up. “Come on, I’ll show you how I like it. “She took Mario’s hands and took her over her chest, played a little with his index fingers on her nipples, as Clara had done with her. “So, and now you!“She asked Mario, who gratefully accepted the help. “It’s so nicer for you?“He wanted to know while using his hands much more soulful.

“Yes, much nicer. So you do it really beautiful!“Mareike replied while she was slowly starting to ride the big cock again. “Come on Mario, F. Ck me while you stroke my breasts. I want to feel you deep in me. Yeah, that’s good. Cases even more firmly into me! Yeah, it is beautiful so!“Mario set up his legs in order to be able to take even more strength. Mareike thanked him with a loud moan and the desperate attempt to also reply the bumps more violently.

Her sliding fluid seemed to be inflicted out of her in true fall streams, because the smacking noises that could be heard with each impact even drowned out even her loud moaning. Mareike had to suppress a laugh when she suddenly became aware of where the vulgar expression “f. T. e “for the female vagina received its justification. “What’s up?“Mario wanted to know, who hadn’t missed her minds. “All well Mario. Come, f. I continue, I think it will soon be with me!“She felt her orgasm slowly began to announce in the depth of her abdomen.

It couldn’t take a long time. She now knew this feeling well, since Clara had already driven her over this threshold several times today! Suddenly her Clara remembered her again. How could she forget Clara like that? She looked around for help until she caught her behind her how she almost brutally rammed the artificial penis into her Venus. Your eyes met. Both looked into the face of the other, which was drawn by horny lust, a sight that could hardly be more erotic!“I’ll come Mareike right away, you come with me?“Clara asked while driving the synthetic penis again and again.

Mareike had no time to answer. The moment Claras groaned the reaching her climax, the dam was broken with her too. A cascade of convulsive contractions seized her vaginal walls, which attempted to milk the Penring Phallus. With a loud outcry of lust, Mareike threw her head back, completely surprised by the almost incredible intensity of her first vaginal orgasm, which seemed to rob her of all the senses. Driven by the free energy of this climax, she pushed the bumps of her pelvis again as if she wanted the young stallion below and on it and also the final foothills of this wave to the last enjoyment.

Mario looked at Mareike completely, and initially did not know how to classify her screams properly. He paused and interrupted his bumps. “I hurt you?“He asked Mareike visibly unsettled. “But no, Mario! Everything is good! I just had an insane orgasm! Come, f. Ck please keep me!“Mario didn’t need more to know. Visibly relieved and proud to have brought this young and beautiful stranger to orgasm, it released a real energy boost in it.

Like a young breeding bull, he bumped his penis in Mareikes, still twitching Venus, yes, she was almost pushing with his mighty tail, which he drove into her again and again until the last millimeter. Now he was ready too. Although he had only emptied into Mareike’s mouth a good quarter of an hour ago, another huge sparrow charge shot out of him, ready to testify to a child at the end of the way, but prevented from a thin latex membrane that prevented his seed on the further advancement.

Mareike felt the pulsating wave that grabbed the penis in it. Almost at the same time she came back. Again, her muscle tube contracted the hot -sporn intruder, as if she wanted to elicit his last drops. He held up her wild ride for a few more minutes until he finally slipped her down. Completely out of breath and overwhelmed by the new impressions of their still very young sexual experience, Mareike rolled down from Mario and came to lie next to him.

Clara, who had fascinated the spectacle, knelt over the two young people and pressed both a big kiss on the forehead. “That was the hottest number that I was ever allowed to watch. I’m proud of you!“The sun had already risen when Clara was torn out of sleep by the sum of her alarm the next morning. She had promised Mario to wake him up in time because he had to go to school at the third hour. Unlike Mareike, Mario had no summer vacation and had to go to school for a few more days.

Clara quickly pressed out the alarm clock. Intentionally, she had set him so early that Mario did not need to hurry to get to school on time. Mareike and Mario still slept deep and firmly and that should stay that way for the time being. At least as far as Mareike is concerned, Clara thought and smiled mischievously when she looked at the two young people who really deserved her sleep after the hot night. She carefully raised the thin blanket, which covered the two sleepers.

What she got to see read her heart a few bars beat faster. “All men are somehow the same!“She thought when she saw that the penis of the sleeping boy had a stately size. The erectile tissue was well filled, so that he immediately straightened up when she slapped the ceiling back and released the object of her desire. Actually, she had hoped to have this magnificent cock for herself last night.

How could she guess that Mario would fall asleep immediately after Mareike had elicited his precious juice for the second time?Clara carefully put her hand around the stiff member without taking a look at Mario. With a firm handle she slowly drove up and off on the shaft, which immediately promoted even more blood into this sensual organ. It didn’t take long for Mario to open the sleepy eyes to find out that it was not a nice dream from which he awakened.

It was a wonderful reality and immediately the last night was remembered again! Clara held a finger in front of his lips to signal him that he should be quiet so as not to wake Mareike. Clara left Marios Penis and hugged him tenderly. “You still have a lot of time before you have to go to school. “She whispered in his ear. “Follow me. “”Where to?“Mario replied, just as quietly whispering. “Well under the shower, or do you want to go to school so sweaty?“Clara shaked his hand and helped him out of bed.

Mario followed her, still plenty of sleeping. However, the sight of the naked Clara quickly woke him up. He saw relieved on the wall clock that he still had over an hour before he had to go to school. Fortunately, he didn’t have to take any school matters with him, because in the last few days before the holidays there was no longer any lessons anyway. The sun dazzled the two when they entered the spacious bathroom. In the morning at this time she seemed directly to the window and already spread a pleasant warmth that announced the upcoming hot summer day.

Clara reduced the light blinds and turned the slats vertically so that the room was immersed in a steamed light. She loved this room because here she felt most comfortable in her house. Even when her parents lived in the house, this bathroom was completely rebuilt. Where her big sister’s children’s room was used on over fifteen square meters, a luxurious bathing temple was created that invited everyone to linger. A huge shower landscape with a flat -earth access took a large part of the room.

To one side, the shower was limited by a room -high, double -winged door made of clear glass. On the other hand, a hip -high wall limited the shower, which also passed into a glass wall, which released the view of a large corner bathtub. Toilet, bidet and sink were on the opposite side of the room, separated from shower and bathtub by a cleverly arranged room divider made of light -translated glass blocks. “I think I have to be” Mario noted when Clara pulled the door behind them into the castle.

“The toilet is behind the glass wall. I hire us as long as the shower. “Mario disappeared behind the room divider, while Clara slowly turned the water and regulated the temperature. At first she was shivering when the first drops are cold from the oversized rain shower. However, the water quickly got warm and the water ran down to Clara pleasantly tempered. Only now did she realize that her bladder was full, so she just let it run.

It flowed warm down on the inside of her thighs, mixed with the shower water and found its way to the process in the middle, where it finally disappeared. Now she felt more comfortable. Everything that was still missing for her was this young man, whose cock she finally wanted to feel in her. All night she was persecuted in her dreams by these erect twenty -two centimeters, as she dived into Mareikes Feuchtheißen vagina again and again.

She could no longer say how often she had worried herself that night until she had finally tired herself in bed with the two of them. Clara heard the toilet flush. At last it was time! Now this wonderful cock would belong to her! No Mareike who had to grant her progress, no post -coital fatigue that would put this young Adonis out of action! She just wanted to have him for herself, wanted to enjoy his man’s power unadorned.

It didn’t matter to her whether they first drink his sperm or simply get through the youthful potency of this inexperienced boy to the lack of contemplation. cken!“Come on Mario, the water is wonderful!“Clara exclaimed when she finally saw Mario’s silhouette behind the fogged glass wall. He carefully opened the door, unsafe what would expect it. However, Clara gave him no chance to think. As soon as he pulled the glass door behind him, she had already grabbed him.

With both arms she fell around his neck and pulled him closer to him. She searched and found his lips, pressed her on it and penetrated into his oral cavity with her tongue without warning with her tongue. Mario was completely caught by the violence of the attack. He felt this wild tongue, which entered his mouth completely unexpectedly and almost took his air. He had never been kissed by a girl before and certainly not by a naked woman! He quickly liked this passionate kiss and felt how the blood centered in his middle of his body.

He took his hands, who slid down on his upper body with cream soap, sensed their goal when they wandered to the front from his butt over his flank and finally groaned when they found his stiff penis and insisted with the skill of an experienced woman. It almost robbed him of the senses when these hands withdrew his foreskin and exposed his glans to edit them with soap. Clara put her head back and caught the shower water with her mouth while massaging the stiff penis with quick ups and downs of her hands.

She leaned down and spy the water with a targeted beam on the erect link and repeated this process until the soap was completely washed off. Slowly she hiked down to Mario with her tongue, found one first, then the other nipple to suck them between her lips and to play around the hardening nipples with her tongue. She knew that men react similarly to women and did not want to withhold this knowledge from their inexperienced lovers.

Furthermore, her tongue followed the path down the path, where she took the navel halfway, which she caught with extensive tongues, carefully carefully considered to keep enough distance from the steeply updated penis in order to torture it as long as possible. Furthermore, she continued her way down and kept on her knees to approach the object of her desire from below. Her heart knocked faster than she saw the blood -filled organ directly over her, but she took her together, wanted to have this boy fidgeted for a while!Clara’s eyes searched the shower temple and finally discovered the soap dispenser that she needed for her further project.

She grabbed the bottle and let the soap run generously in her hand. With the soap in her hand, she comprised both testicles of the boy and let them roll through her fingers. Mario stopped the air and enjoyed the tender touch between his legs. Clara pressed his right hip with his free hand, so that he involuntarily had to spread his legs so as not to lose the stable stand. The water from the inside had rinsed the soap of Clara’s hand for a long time, so that she had to take out the bottle again.

“Please turn the shower off, Mario. Otherwise the soap may not be enough for what I’m going to do. “Mario pressed the lever of the shower fittings and immediately dried up the water swall. With the elimination of the water noise, it was now Mario’s moaning, which sounded from the walls of the shower. Again, Clara let herself run generously new soap to lead them backwards between Mario’s legs. Here she initially distributed the soap over the strong buttock muscles, which she massages with knowledgeable massage concepts of a trained physiotherapist slowly and extensively massaged.

Mario, who seemed to expect more and more groaning impatiently that she finally took up his penis, was almost a little sorry for her. But she didn’t want to give him this salvation yet, wanted to further increase the tension and let him fidget for a while. Above all, she wanted to treat him to a completely unexpected joy of meaning that he certainly did not expect. Clara again took a large portion of the soap bottle of the soap bottle. This time, however, she let the soap run from the bottle directly from above on Mario’s butt, exactly in the middle, between the two strong muscles, which limited the deep furrow to the right and left.

She reached far between Mario’s legs to spread the soap between the muscles to the tests. She repeated this process several times, lying to the rosette for a short moment, on the middle of which she had a slight pressure with her thumb. Mario’s moaning came more and more violently. As if he were suspecting Clara’s project, he spread his legs even further to make it easier for her. Of course, Clara did not escape this and so she decided to finally reward the boy who was already trembling with lust for his patience and sank her thumb deep in his anus.

For a little moment she let her thumb rest in Mario, only let him get used to this. She looked up and looked into the face disfigured with lust. She saw the tension in the facial features that could literally be seen from the longing for redemption. And she wanted to give him redemption, wanted to give him an orgasm that he should never forget!In the depths, it gently gropes according to the sensitive point, which – provided that knowledgeable stimulation – is able to do every man in ecstasy.

She found the sensitive zone and screeching tender with the thumb top over it. At the moment, further blood shot into the erectile tissue and let the acorn go purple. This sight also made Clara forgotten all the reluctance. She greedily grabbed the hard penis, wrapped it with a firm fist and w. Chest with violent before and back. She enclosed the plump glans with her lips and took it up in her mouth. With the tip of the tongue, she found the sensitive ribbon on the underside of the glans and tracted it with quick tongue blows.

At the same time, she built a negative pressure with her mouth in a steady rhythm, like a milking machine. Yes, she wanted to be a milking machine now too, wanted to elicit his protein -rich juice in her mouth as quickly as possible, because she had more in mind with her lover before she would let him go to school!Mario was hopelessly lost. The sensory perceptions that this experienced woman gave him robbed him of the mind. The thumb in his intestine had now intensified its activity, pushed deeply into it again and again, interrupted by short phases, in which he found deepest deep points in the deepest deeper and considered it with knowledgeable touch, only to get out of it again and into drive.

At the same time, a firm vice kept its penis, pumped vigorously from the root ascending towards his glans, in order to start the way back immediately with a somewhat loosened handle. At the same time with his glans in Clara’s mouth, being worked on by her nimble tongue was more than he could cope with. Now there was no back anymore! Violent, almost volcanic, it quires out of its depth. In never -ending eruptions, his sperm shot out of him, gratefully and greedily received from Clara’s mouth, who only hired her sucking and pumping when she had also elicited the very last drop of his precious protein.

Slowly Clara released the glans again and carefully pulled her finger out of the anus. With her tongue, she stepped up the way back, not without this time belly button and nipples with a short stopover until she finally stood in front of her lover. She reached behind him, pulled on the lever of the mixing battery and let the warm shower rain down again from above. She felt Mario’s penis, who was still stiff and pressed against her belly.

She looked at his eyes tenderly. As if by itself, their lips were found. When her tongues met a passionate kiss, Mario was able to perceive his own taste. “Come on Mario, we still have some time before you have to go to school. “Clara opened the shower and pulled Mario with him. “If necessary, I would also be happy to write you an excuse if it should be a little later,” she followed with a wink. Wet as they were, they crept through the bedroom on their tips.

Mareike was still deeply sleeping in bed. The duvet had slipped to the ground, so that her naked body was revealed in his youthful beauty her eyes. Mario could hardly leave her eyes from her, but Clara pulled him into the balcony with him bravely. Here she took the upholstered pad from one of the deck chairs and put it on the narrow stripes of the wooden floor, which the morning sun had already grasped. “Before I let you go to school, I would like to get from you.

go to. Here and now!“Without waiting for another prelude, she let herself sink on the upholstery, spread the thighs wide apart and presented her moist, glossy, reception gender. “But we still need a condom!“Mario turned unsettled. “Oh what” replied Clara, “you were still a virgin until a few hours ago, you will not have any contagious diseases. I also take the pill and will definitely not be pregnant. Above all, I would like to feel how you splash your sperm into me!“Mario was unable to counter this reasoning, so he had Clara pulled onto the upholstered pad without resistance from Clara.

He cautiously knelt between her thighs. Clara grabbed him on his hips and pulled him down to him. As if by itself, his glans found the soft entrance, shared the damp labia and dipped in centimeters in centimeters into the smooth cave, which eagerly devoured him. Clara held her breath, clutched her inexperienced lover with her legs and pressed her heels against his buttocks in order to force him with gentle violence to introduce her to the very last millimeter of his stiff masculine.

Like a vice, she kept the boy trapped and enjoyed the feeling of being completely filled out. Rhythmically, she contracted her pelvic floor to intensify the contact of her vaginal walls with this wonderful penis, even without it moving in it. A felt eternity kept him captured so to just feel how he filled her and took possession of her venus mussel. Mario leaned onto the stretched arms and eagerly waited for a sign of Clara.

He was aware that it was the one who directed the director and all too willingly he submitted to her. He perceived the pulsating contractions of the pelvic floor muscles with his penis, felt how the tight hose spanned him to release it again immediately. Clara slowly loosened the pressure of her heels with which she kept Mario deeply caught. “I want you to pull your cock out of me almost very slowly now.

Yes, it is nice, Mario!“Mario Clara’s wish followed. The friction of his stiff cock on the walls of this narrow channel was simply indescribable. Nothing compared to the past night, where the condom of a large part of his feelings robbed him of it!”So, now, now into me,” Clara groaned when the penis drove into her again. “Come deeper and firmer, Mario. I want you to sink your cock completely in me! Yeah, keep it up, you do that really!“Mario Claras had quickly put the clock of clock into practice.

Again and again he pulled out his penis to the base of his glans to immediately add powerfully and to sink him until the stop in the wet grotto, with his testicles clapping noisons against Clara’s butt. “Yeah Mario, Come F. ck me! Show my snail your cock!“Clara groaned loudly to her intruder, forced him every millimeter he had to introduce to her. “Come on Mario, impact more! But woe, you spray before I allow you!“Mario was now entering Clara with all his strength, penetrating her again and again.

The clapping of his testicles became louder, as Claras groaned. In shape, her breasts rolled up when he sank into it. He wanted to reach for them with one hand, but gave up his project because he could no longer be so firmly borne on one arm. He greedily tried to capture one of the stiff nipples with his mouth, but failed miserably because he kept slipping her. Clara noticed how Mario desperately struggled to capture one of her nipples and supported him by capturing both breasts with his hands to present them to him poorly.

“Here, come to my tits, suck on them. – you like sucking on my nipples? – Yeah, keep going, but don’t stop. ck! – Yeah, come into me! Give me your hot cock! – But woe, you splash off, you hear! – Yeah, come even deeper!“Like a young rammler, Mario pushed his penis into the moaning and whimpering Clara. He could have been pouring into his loved one for a long time, but Clara’s admonition, not to do this, forced him to put his own needs back and to get Clara as much as possible.

And how he got her to her! Clara hovered in the seventh heaven. She could not remember to ever have been taken like that. This youthful cock filled out every millimeter in her, rubbed hot in her damp lust grotto and drove her unstoppably towards the climax! She quickly felt the harbing of her orgasm, felt how the arbitrary contractions of her pelvic floor were replaced by involuntary twitches that spread over her abdomen in cascades. She came to the climax of lust screaming, clawed with her fingernails in Mario’s shoulders, while he continued to sank his masculinity with a high number.

Clara hastily pushed her lover, turned on all fours and presented his downside to him. “Come on, you young stallion, f. Ck me from behind!“She helped Mario to set his glans at the entrance to her shell. When she felt him in the right position, she cheered him on: “Come on, f. Ck my soul out with your gorgeous tail! – Yeah, come deeper! – Woe you spray before I allow you!“But Mario didn’t think about spraying.

As if he had put the lever on to autopilot, he rammed his penis into Clara. He was now able to push even more strongly behind her kneeling, so that his loins were slapped loudly against Clara’s butt every time when he sinked his spear into her until he stopped. Mario pushed her so hard that she had to support herself on the balcony parapet so as not to clasp it with her head. Such a struggle it took only a few moments for Clara to come back.

But this orgasm should also be a new experience for Clara. As if a rooster had been turned on inside, it shot out of her, squeezed between her narrow channel and Marios penis to run down on both legs, where her juices were finally absorbed by the upholstery fabric. CLARA had never ejaculated in orgasm before, and it had never been so violent for her! Screaming with lust, she pressed towards her lover, who undeterred to her, almost stoically his penis into the twitching and flooded vagina flooded by pleasure juices.

Clara said to perceive the contractions in her abdomen for a felt eternity. Clasting wet shone her thighs in the morning sun, the warm rays of which had already grasped a wider section of the balcony. The intensity of her orgasm had completely surprised her. Exhausted and grateful at the same time, she straightened up, grabbed Mario in the neck and pulled him up to thank him to thank a passionate kiss for this wonderful orgasm. Mario slowed down his pace to return her kiss.

Clara reached between her legs to restart the stiff penis when she suddenly came up with an idea. “Mario, you have really earned a reward now!“She said to the astonished boy and pressed his glans up a little bit of her vaginal entrance until she felt her on her rosette. “Come on Mario, I want you to get me into the A. Sch F. But please be slow and careful when you introduce it to me!“Clara tried to concentrate on relaxing her sphincter, which she did quite well.

What she hadn’t considered was the scope of Marios Penis, who stretched her rosette powerfully while entering. Clara screamed in pain at first and involuntarily tensioned her sphincter. However, she quickly tore down and tried to bring her gatekeeper back to the Raison. In any case, she wanted to take this huge cock completely, it cost what it wants! Fortunately, he was wetted by her natural lubricant, so that she finally managed to absorb all the twenty -two centimeters of Mario’s stiff masculinity in her intestine.

It seemed to her as if he were pushing against the abdominal blanket from the inside to get out in front. She paused motionless to get used to the mighty tube in her intestine. As a physiotherapist, she knew the anatomy very well, so that she painted in her thoughts at which point the plump Eichel was now in her lower abdomen. Searching she touched her lower abdomen. She tried to relax the abdominal muscles in order to be able to feel a little more deep.

In fact, she managed to feel the tip of this huge foreign body a little on the left of the center line. What she felt here clearly did not belong to her own body! Became curious, she moved a little forward so that the penis slid out a little out of her. And really, the intruder disappeared again under her groping fingers! Clara pressed Mario towards and a lustful shower ran down her back when she could feel the solid glans back with her hand.

“Come on Mario, F. please me very deeply and slowly. If you want, you are welcome to cum now now!“As if she wanted to help him with this, she put her sphincter in a targeted support, relaxed him when he entered her, pinched him up when he retired. Mario believed that the ground was pulled away from him under his feet. As if he was connected to a milking machine, he felt the pulsating ring muscle, which literally seemed to suck him out. This was clearly more than he could cope! Also an invitation not to cum out would have been nothing more than sound and smoke.

In a huge outbreak, his sperm shot out of him and poured into the depths of the abdominal cavity, supported by Claras milking, with which they also withdraw the very last drop. Only after several gush -like eruptions did his source hire. Mario moved back to Clara’s sagging penis and let himself be sinked back onto the upholstery. Clara leaned over the completely exhausted pizza messenger and tenderly stroked his sweaty curls out of his forehead. “That was incredibly horny, Mario.

Do you think that you still have the strength to go to school or should I write you an apology?””School? Oh shit!“Mario cursed. “I didn’t think about them anymore!“He jumped up as if bitten by the tarantula and fell towards the bedroom, where he had put his clothes on the past night. He in a hurry he jumped into his pants and pulled his t-shirt on the left in the hustle and bustle.

Meanwhile meanwhile Mareike still slept deep and firm and got nothing from all of this. Clara has long since been in the kitchen and quickly smeared Mario on the half a Nutella roll so that he at least did not arrive at school completely starved. Before she pushed the bun between his teeth, she gave him a kiss on his mouth and said goodbye to him with a friendly pat on his butt. She still watched him turn into the Windeckweg at the end of the street and only closed the door when the engine noise of his Vespa could no longer be heard.

In a good mood, Clara climbed the stairs up. She lovingly looked at her pretty niece and secretly envied her for her healthy sleep. You would have to be seventeen again, she thought with herself and snuggled up close to Mareike. Certainly she would experience some exciting vacation days with Mareike this summer, she thought of her. In the thought of the past night, she had to smile before she fell asleep again happily and satisfied. It smelled of fresh coffee when she woke up again.

Mareike was sitting on the bed in front of her in front of her, breakfast on a large tray,. “Oh man Clara, you may be a sleeping hat! I already thought you wouldn’t wake up today!””Good morning dear. Why, what time is it?”” Almost halfway! By the way, Mario is already gone. He must have sneaked away at some point without saying goodbye. “”Oh yes? He probably didn’t want to wake us up because he had to go to school so early.

“” Yes, it will be like that. “” “Say, we actually want to do something today on the beautiful summer day?”” So I honestly feel more like chilling but we can get a pizza again tonight … “.

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