The hot company party | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Author: (c) 2000 by Eroticgeist 0 part 13 of the stories from Petra Kirsch’s Environment Petra left her apartment and went to her Audi when she saw Ingo and the girl also left the house. Ingo worked in her company, and Petra therefore assumed that the two also wanted to go to the company party. She waited until the two came close to their car. “Hello!“Petra called and waved to them,“ you also want to go to the company party?“Ingo looked over at her and stopped.

He hadn’t noticed her in the parking lot. Ingo looked at his girlfriend questioningly. She steered him purposefully on Petras car. “Hello Petra!“, He said unsafe. Ingo hadn’t told Ilka about his adventures with Petra. Why, too, she had not yet asked him about his earlier sexual experiences, and he was not asked to tell about his previous experiences. “Who is this?“Asked Ilka quietly, but with an undertone in the voice that demanded an explanation.

She had a strange, disturbing feeling with this young, beautiful, good -looking woman. In subconscious she looked at Petra as a competitor and was afraid of losing her new friend to this woman. “My boss!“, Ingo replied just as quietly. “Hello,” said Petra in a friendly manner and gave both hands. “This is Ilka,” Ingo introduced his new girlfriend. “She surprisingly visited me. I’m not sure if she is welcome at the company party.

We wanted to go by bus and I had to speak to Mr. Kloß if I could bring her with me*“But of course! The other employees also bring their family members with “” We don’t know each other for so long, “said Ingo questioningly and looking Petra in the eye. “Do you think I only allow the wives to accompany their men, or only bring their husbands to the women? The friends and joy are just as welcome, although it is irrelevant how long you already know each other.

No one can be so prudish today. You can drive with me. You don’t have to spend the money for the bus. After all, I’m not a inhuman. “Petra put the key into the door lock and turned it around. The central lock opened the doors and all three stairs in. Ingo sat on the passenger seat while Ilka took a seat in the back. Petra quickly steered the Audi from the parking lot and headed to the main street.

They drove through the town in silence and came freely onto the country road. They had opened the windows. It was very warm this Saturday afternoon. It burned down to earth without grace. Petra estimated the temperature in the shade to 30 degrees. In the direct sun it might be a number of more degrees. The driving wind cooled them down a little and the summer temperatures were endured. The sun protection glazing of the AUDF did another to hold the temperature inside of the car tolerable.

The landscape passed them. Petra looked briefly into the rearview mirror and noticed that Ingo’s new girlfriend was watching her. She smiled at her and looked back on the street. “Are you three of us in a cigarette!“, Petra asked the Ingo sitting next to her. She said three, although she didn’t know if Ilka smoked at all. Petra didn’t want to make a false impression on Ilka. Apparently she felt that something runs between her and ingo or had just run.

Women had a sixth sense for something like that. “Do you want one too?“Ingo asked the Ilka sitting behind him. “But gladly”, it came from behind. “There is a full box in my handbag,” said Petra and pointed to the bag lying in the Fuj3 area. Ingo looked over to Petra uncertainly. He was not sure if he should just open his bag. Maybe something would come to light.

Ilka’s suspicion slowly disappeared. This woman became sympathetic to her over time, although the familiar way between the two was not entirely like her. What the heck she thought. I’m not a child of sadness either. After all, I had turned him on and not he me. Maybe he banged with his boss or not. I couldn’t even take it crooked. She looked good and had a wonderful body.

She immediately noticed the well -shaped breasts. You could clearly see that she was not wearing a bra. Ilka moved into the middle of the back seat, leaned her upper body against the front seats and put her arms on them. She looked over her shoulder and watched Petra’s bag opened. Ingo raised the zipper and opened it. He got a slight goosebumps when he discovered the vibrator. He looked at Petra questioningly.

Petra noticed his gaze and looked over at him and then on his pocket. She saw that in-go had discovered her rubber mineral. It wasn’t embarrassing her. “You can’t smoke that! He is only for a possible emergency. “, She said amused and looked into the rearview mirror. She saw that Ilka smiled her through the mirror. You didn’t seem to do anything either. If you quickly push a number like the two of them, you shouldn’t get red when you see a vibrator.

Ingo found the cigarettes and put on everyone. Ilka leaned back and put the tilt in the mouth. With pleasure she pulled the smoke into the lung wings. This horny woman, she thought and continued to watch Petra through the rearview mirror, really has a vibrator in her handbag. For them it was now clear that the two had guaranteed to have banged together before. In front of her spiritual eye, she introduced herself as Ingo had obtained his boss.

How he pushed his stiff cock into the hungry cunt. And then sprayed his juice on the tits. These ideas did not remain without reaction. Her cunt began to burn again, although they had just put a quick fuck in his room. They had now reached the industrial area of the neighboring town and would arrive on the company premises. Petra turned right from the thoroughfare to get into the street in which her company was located.

It was the fifth property on the left. They drove through the gate onto the area of the company and parked the car on Petras reserved space. Ilka climbed out of the Audi in astonishment and looked around. She hadn’t imagined the company so big. “And that belongs to them?”She asked Petra. “Yes,” she said proudly, “I didn’t build it all alone. My father laid the foundation stone with this building about 25 years ago, ”and pointed to a somewhat older house.

“I have expanded the company in recent years. The order situation was so good that we had to increase. After all, you have to adapt to the market. We’re too small again. If we get an order for Switzerland, we are back at the end of our capacity. “Ingo looked at Petra surprised. He hadn’t heard of such a big mission yet. She noticed his gaze and turned to him.

“Yes, we pulled a large fish ashore that requires our full effort. There will probably be several employees in Switzerland for weeks. “” You don’t have a job, open in this expanding business?“Asked Ilka suddenly. “I can’t answer that so easily now. It comes to their qualifications, but usually we always had a job for young emerging people “” good, then please notice me, “Ilka said quickly and thought: If you are already banging with my friend, then you canalso get a reasonable job.

“My word on it. But now with the topic of work. We are today to enjoy us. “Said Petra and went towards the administrative building. “I just have to do something quickly and then come after. “Ingo looked around and discovered some of his new work colleagues who looked over at them. “Come on to my colleagues,” said Ingo, took Ilka by the hand and pulled her after her.

“You have already banged with your boss!“, She said out of the blue. You can see that. Ingo had no reason to deny it. “Yes I had something with her. Do you mind?”” No I just wanted to know “” I am definitely not the first man in your life. Each of us has probably already had their sexual experiences. “Ingo tried to justify himself. Already an hour before the start of the festival there was a lot in the company.

It was built up and decorated everywhere. The truck driver of a beverage retailer was still inviting the last boxes that immediately disappeared into several large refrigerators. Some of her employees had already appeared and put on hand to get everything in the right place. They waved Petra Fröhlich when they discovered their boss. The men had already approved a few beers as it looked. Several empty glasses stood on a table.

Why not, Petra thought. You were not obliged to help build. And if you did it then you should also drink your beer. She had never made any difficulties in her trade fair construction department if you charged the box of beer you had drunk during the assembly or dismantling. A fair was expensive enough. It didn’t matter to the beer either. But her employees knew that her boss could not be ragged with such little things and also worked for an hour or two longer.

A good relationship between boss and workers increases willingness to perform, and ultimately benefits both sides. As is well known, life always exists and give. Petra returned her greeting, waved the men with a smile and made his way to the main entrance of the office building. Following the way, she had turned her back on the way. She literally felt her eyes all over the body. It was men. And in the nature of the man it was just a beautiful, well -dressed young woman to look after.

Petra briefly considered whether she should swing her butt seductively so that the boys could see something. She quickly rejected the thought. For a boss, it was not to be found in the publicly noticed employee. But the consciousness that each of their steps was observed by theirs had the excitement awakened in their body. She felt the nipples upright under the thin fabric. Once in front of the door, Petra came out the keychain out of her handbag and apparently looked at the men by chance.

She knew the male gender very well. She hadn’t deceived. How banned everyone looked over at her. Now she couldn’t help it, she had to irritate her employees a little. The keychain slid to the ground. With her legs stretched her legs, she bent and picked him up again. Petra believed to hear a murmur when she fished the covenant with the key and slowly straightened up again.

They refrained from looking over again to see the reaction of the workers. That was enough for her. Petra found the right key and wanted to unlock the front door. However, she had to find that she was not closed. She pressed the large, frameless glass door to the side and entered the porch. Nobody was to be seen. Maybe one of her department heads had something to do in his office. Petra entered the elevator and operated the button with the number five.

Your office was on the top floor of the office building. A quiet gong sounded when the elevator reached the fifth floor and the doors opened. Petra left the elevator and looked around. The fifth floor was spacious and included only a few rooms. The half consisted of a large reception corner in which there were several cozy seating groups. Two sides of the room were equipped with windows to the floor, which were completely pushed aside in summer, so that you could practically sitting outdoors.

Customers were also received here. When it became formally, you came together in the conference room next to it. The office of Ms. Becker was next to this. Petra had incorporated the rest of the floor. Their empire now consisted of the office, the drawing room with a large drawing board and its latest achievement, the relaxation room. Petra entered her office and took off her costume jacket. It was far too warm for this piece of clothing.

She was thirsty. She opened the fridge and examined the content. Your choice a lot on a bottle of sparkling wine. Petra hadn’t going home with her car anyway. So she could afford to drink alcohol. Even if she had planned without getting along with alcohol, she would not have made it. As the boss, she had to drink a glass with her employees again and again when she made her round through the individual departments.

Petra fed up a glass and took a big sip. The sparkling wine ran out through her throat. She filled the glass again and started the window, From which she could see the depot. More and more people arrived. Some of them did not know them. Apparently the life partners of their workforce were. Petra’s focus was particularly on women. She looked at some more closely and came to the conclusion that they would definitely like to fuck.

Her clothes were casual and open. Petra discovered three younger women who had given up a BH. You could see her breasts through the fabric, even on this distance. Petra heard steps that came closer and turned around. Like Volker Kleinert, she saw her office. “Hello Petra!“, He said cheerfully. “Or do I have to say Miss Kirsch or even boss?””No. As long as we are alone, this would be nonsense, ”replied Petra to him.

Volker came around the table and fleet Petra on the cheek. With one hand he stroked her over her butt and gently pressed him. Immediately it started to twitch back into Petra’s cunt. The lust awoke in her body and asked for a stiff men’s tail. She reached for his pants. Through the fabric she pressed his strap. He had no excitement yet. Slowly she massaged the silent tail, which also began to set up.

“Are you here on your own?“Petra asked in between. “No,” he said hesitantly. “She is in my office and makes her fresh. “He took a short break before speaking. Slowly he told Petra how his wife had changed. And he couldn’t understand how something like that could come about in such a short time. Petra had the impression that he would find it difficult to talk about this topic.

“Be glad that she found her body again and now wants to bring everything to. See it positively. . ! Don’t worry about it. who knows what on holiday has happened. Maybe one day she tells you. ““ I don’t know if I want to know it at all. On other side I am interested in whether she banged with another man. “He said after a while.

“You can’t blame her if it was. You didn’t behave like an innocent angel either. “”I know. . “, He replied hesitantly. The tail in Petra’s hand had in the meantime fully erected and now pressed against the pants. Petra played with the thought of freeing him from his prison and keeping her horny cunt. She let it be.

Just as Volker had surprised her here, someone else could come to her office and discover them. Petra let go of the stiff cock and took a step to the side. “Since the situation has changed, I should leave your wife’s hard strap. “When he just wanted to say something, it knocked on the room door. Petra looked at Volker anxiously. In no time at all stowed his straps back in his pants.

“Yes?“, Called Petra. Volker’s wife entered. “Hello!“, She said lively. “We just wanted to pick them up and go down together. “, Said Petra, took her handbag off the desk and hung around. She emerged behind her desk and sought the office door. Hellen Kleinert had also walked towards the door again. For today, she had chosen a half -length, wide -cut cotton dress that emphasized her well -shaped female body.

She had held well for her age. You could estimate her for ten years younger when she was actually. The butt passed perfectly to her slim thighs. Petra left the office, closed the door again and followed the smaller to the elevator. She just saw Volker of his lights knack in his butt. Hellen acknowledged this with a quiet cry and turned his head back to Petra.

She wanted to see if Petra had watched it. As Hellen, the Petra seemed to be stowed away her key in her handbag and was therefore unobserved she quickly grabbed Volker between her legs. He took it in silence. Together they lead with the elevator on the ground floor, left the office building, crossed the path of the administration and production building and went to the festival area. Petra welcomed some of her former employees who had now retired.

She had asked Völker Kleinert to invite her to the company party. Petra thought it was also to think of their duty to think with whom she and her father, as a former boss, had worked together. Petra sat down at the table. They were all positive about this invitation. They hadn’t thought that they were again counted among the company of the company. Petra expressed their joy about the numerous appearance of their former employees and wished them a nice afternoon.

She told them that they should feel like they are at home, and if they had a problem they should turn to them. “Yes. . Yes. . Girl, I’ll do that, ”Paul Brand called at the other end of the Saj3 table. The rest of the old smiled. Petra had to laugh out loud. Paul Brand was already well over seventy and went on the stick. He had spoiled Petra his butt many years ago when she had stretched out his tongue as a seven-year-old child.

Petra’s father had laughed at the spectacle at the time, how Paul hit her on her butt. “I know Uncle Paul that you are not afraid of me. But I don’t let your butt get tangled by you today. “, Petra replied in a tone that reflected the respect for Paul Brand. He is the grandpa for her that she never had because her biological grandfathers had both fallen in the war.

“I still put you over the knee if it has to be,” he proudly announced. “I have to leave you now. I also have to welcome the others. “, Said Petra and got up. “You have a very dry construction site here, Petra!“, Paul called with a meltdown grin afterwards. “I’ll get you a little more to drink,” said Petra with a wink. On the way to the next table, her Monika Lackmann came towards.

Petra asked her to take care of the old women and men. “I like to do that,” she said, and went directly to the table of the former employees. From the corner of the eyes, Petra saw uncle Paul Monika Lackmann and asked her to put them next to him. The old pointed clicker cannot leave it, thought Petra and turned to the next table. She had landed at the table of the department head.

Here distance was preserved and undercooled small talk was practiced. Her eyes crossed that of Hellen Kleinert, who felt out of place. It didn’t seem to be her thing to talk to these dry desktakers whose women did as if they came from another star. Petra also didn’t feel comfortable here and quickly said goodbye to the promise to come back straight away. Petra went to the drink and looked at the offer.

A waiter of the parties service came up to her and asked about her wishes. “A cool beer would be with now” “Your wish is a command to me,” he said, and went to the beer tapping system to tap Petra the desired beer. Petra was unobserved. She quickly opened her handbag and poured the contents of her vials into the punch. Petra looked around. Nobody had noticed anything. Relieved she breathed up. Action was successful, she thought and looked over at the waiter who finished her beer to hand it to her.

“Thanks!“, Petra said Höllich and looked into his eyes. He was the type of man who wouldn’t say no. “Please. Gladly happened, ”he replied with a look in the eyes of the said: I am ready. I wouldn’t throw you out of my bed. Petra continued her round. You had to find that the individual departments had always sat down. She couldn’t get a rhyme on it.

It was probably due to the routine that you felt most comfortable in the circle of people who were around in the company every day. Petra came to the women from the sewing. They immediately asked Petra to take up space. Here was the party Already fully in progress. Stalled looks at Petra on her wristwatch. There was no seventeen o’clock yet, and here the post was already fully off. Most women worked in the sewing shop halfway.

So they could take care of their families and still earn some marks. Some of them were also single women who could no longer sacrifice time without neglecting their children. Petra secretly admired these women who managed to go to work and still family and their children Mother to be what actually represents a conflict of conflict, since each is a full -time employment. “Come boss, sit down with us.

We women have to keep together with this superiority of men!“, Said Gerlinde Meier, who has been working for Petra’s company for fifteen years. Petra did not let himself be said twice and sat down at the women with the women. “I hope that you like it here and you have fun,” said Petra stalked and looked at the table of the former where Uncle Paul talked to Monika Lackmann.

She couldn’t see his hands, but she could imagine where he had her. Certainly a hand was on a thigh. Petra had heard of some older women that Paul was a grapese. No matter, she thought and concentrated on the entertainment of the women at whom she was sitting. Petra rose her cigarettes out of her handbag and lit one. A waiter came and brought a new round.

Women drank almost all beer to Petra’s surprise. “But ladies,” she said indignantly, “as a women of society you don’t drink a beer. It belongs to the cliché that the weak gender Divon ladies preferred drinks, ”said Petra, and looked hard over the table of the department head. “Waiter! Please bring us a round of this punch that these women drink there, ”said Petra apparently amused about the drinking behavior of the women of their department heads.

If these ladies know what they would drink, they will definitely spit it out in a high arc, Petra shot through their heads. Some of the women from the sewing egg looked at Petra stunned. Petra rode the devil. In the circle of these women, she felt comfortable and safe. She couldn’t feel a dislike. Somehow they swam on the same wavelength. Petra couldn’t explain it, but here at this table, among these women, who were mostly single fighters, she felt native.

The waiter came with the round she ordered and distributed the glasses on the table. When everyone had a glass in front of them, prolonged Petra to them. Everyone took up their glass and toasted their boss. Petra emptied her glass on a train. Most of them did the same and also emptied their glasses in one approach. “We’ll show them to them tonight,” said Petra and parked her empty glass.

“I have to continue to welcome the rest of the company“ Petra looked by all departments and had to drink at least one glass everywhere. She avoided drinking more bowl. Finally she knew the effect of the drink as an one. Where she trusted in the knowledge of the young woman from the sex shop. Petra looked around. Some of the old already rose and apparently wanted to start their way home. Only Uncle Paul was still in his place and seemed to have forgotten the world around him.

He flirted with Monika Lackmann like a young. Apparently she was fun. She allowed his hand to still lay on her thigh. So far could see Petra she had slipped up another piece in the meantime and already touched the edge of her already short skirt. Petra sat at the table of accounting. And these armchair pupers really had no other topic than talking about their work.

The men’s wives bored as well as Petra, who carefully observed the events of the rest of the employees. “I think I have to stop by at the table of our seamstresses,” said Petra. “We come with us,” said one of the women suddenly and pushed her neighbor to the side of her neighbor. In the three of them, they left the fuseless table of the accountants and strived for the women of the sewing. “Finally someone redeemed us,” said the dark -haired woman, who had pushed the elbow in her table neighbor.

“Miss Kirsch. . They have a little good with us, ”she said when they made their way through the series of tables to the seamstresses. “The guys really have no other topic than their stupid number and tables. ““ I think my age only calculates the number of movements until it comes. And if he believes that the effort is not worth it, he just doesn’t bang me, ”said the other, much younger woman.

They reached the table, which was the only one only occupied by women. “Set your sisters”, Ried Gitti exuberantly when she was sitting her boss with the two women with tow. Petra was able to find out that it was only drunk by her affected punch. They seemed to taste. Petra smiled inside and was satisfied with himself. Everything went its way. The bowle has its work and coups the mood.

She looked over to Uncle Paul again and couldn’t believe her eyes. Monika Lackmann had spread the thighs slightly, as far as Petra could see it. Uncle Paul Linke Hand was still not visible. The old lust newt certainly had his fingers on Monika’s pussy. Petra had to secretly smile. Petra sat on the edge of the table to have a better view of the old Paul, while the other two women sat between the women present.

They were greeted with a loud hello, and a glass of the punch was served immediately. “Bärbel,” said the dark -haired briefly into the group, and emptied her glass on ex. Everyone at the table looked over at the young woman and waited for her adjustment. She took her glass, emptied it and put it on the table again. “My parents thought they had to call me Samanta. I prefer the short form – Sam “” But why don’t you like the name Samanta?“Asked Gitti, who apparently felt appointed to be called as a speaker.

“Look at me?“, Said Samanta. “And what should be special there?“, Gitti asked the counter question. “I am blond. And my tits from Samanta Fox just avoid three centimeters. “Sam replied a little depressed. “But that’s why you don’t need to be ashamed. If your Macker has a problem with it hunts him to hell. Girls believe me when I tell you that there are thousands of men who would be at your feet.

“” Look at me, “said Bärbel to Sam,” you could also say to me “with both hands, she grabbed her huge boobs and pushed her up together with the BH. “Who are also not from bad parents. And if someone doesn’t get along with such a splendor, he was just bad luck. “” Then send him to me, “said Gitti,” when the tits were distributed, I was probably sick.

See I don’t need a titty holder. “Gitti stabs the flat hand over her T-shirt. The nipple immediately turned out to be significantly through the thin fabric. She continued to slide her hand over the fabric. “Girl stops, otherwise the guys stare at us all evening and stare at your nipples,” said another woman who was sitting opposite Gitti. “Are you afraid that nobody will remain for you?“Asked Gitti Keck.

Petra was listed. Should something be planned here tonight from which she didn’t know anything. She lit another cigarette and looked over at Paul. Petra was able to watch him closely from her new position. She looked through his table at the bottom and saw his hand on Monika Lackmann’s cunt. The old lustling already had his fingers under the fabric of her black briefs. He stroked her cunt several times with his flat hand.

Monika’s nipples had already hardened and clearly distinguished themselves through the fabric. Paul looked around in the round. He wanted to see if someone was watching him. Shortly before his gaze reached Petra, she quickly looked in a different direction so as not to be caught. When she was sure that he ended his panoramic view, she looked over to him again. Paul had half turned over to Monika and thus prevented most of the guests a view of Monika, who had spread her thighs a little further.

The black, thin panties could now be seen exactly. Petra already believed something moist by her thighs. Monika Lackmann bent over her head to Paul and whispered a little in his ear. He nodded her and reached for his beer glass. Paul did a big sip and put it on the table again. Monika had got up and went towards the toilets. Petra looked at her.

She had pulled her up the short skirt again. There was therefore nothing to indicate what has just happened. With an upright walk and slightly swinging butt, she stepped towards the social building, opened its front door and disappeared inside. Petra expected Uncle Paul to follow her a short time later. She looked over at the women sitting at her table and tried to get some of her entertainment. Petra had concentrated entirely on the two at the neighboring table and didn’t notice anything.

Everyone laughed out loud. Bärbel had told a joke. Probably a kinky. Some stood the tears in their eyes. You could hardly calm down. They kept laughing. Petra laughed too. She didn’t want her to notice that she hadn’t listened. From the corner of the eye she continued to watch the neighboring table. Paul was still in his place. In the meantime, he had lit a cigarette and inhaled the smoke enjoyable.

Paul seemed to be looking forward to something. “Miss Kirsch, tell a joke!“Bärbel called over the table. ‘I’m sorry. But I don’t know any jokes. I just can’t remember her, ”replied Petra and took a little sip of her punch. She didn’t know the effect of the brew and tried to hold back. Petra didn’t want to go to the best man at his pants.

At the moment, their excitement was still in a controllable framework. The cunt has been itching for some time. When she moved to take another sitting position, she pressed her well -shaped thighs a little, so that the fabric of her briefs pressed against the excited tickle. Every time a gonne shower ran through her body, which briefly had the nipples of her tits hardened. Petra looked down and checked if you could see her hard warts.

Since she had bent a bit forward, nothing could be seen. She pressed her thighs together again to hunt a new shower through her body. The nipples still hardened and now easily touched their blouse. Petra quickly looked around in the round and looked at her workers. She wanted to come up with other thoughts so that her horny body calmed down again. Paul was still in his place.

Petra had been wrong when she assumed that he would follow Monika Lackmann. At that moment Petra saw Monika returned to her table. She sat down close to Paul again and took a big sip out of her glass. Monika emptied it and looked around after an operation. When she discovered one she waved the empty glass. The man nods understood to see what she turned her glass on the table and talked to Paul again.

Through the noise that the women sitting next to her, Petra could not understand what they talked about. As she knew Paul, he would shake with her and try to play around her cunt again. why not? If Monika put up with it, he should. After all, they were both unattached and could do what they wanted. However, Petra hoped that they would not drove it too far and the other guests became aware of them.

The fine ladies of the department heads would definitely show their indignation and do the acknowledgment of this unequal couple to the sharpest. In the secret, however, one or the other would be happy if her husband would really put her pussy again. “Would you like a glass of punch?“Asked one of the waiters and tore her out of her thoughts. “Yeah,” replied Petra with a smile. She would have preferred to wait a while with the next glass, but did not want to stand out and thus agreed to the waiter.

It took less than three minutes before he was back and Petra put a full glass on the table. “And we?“, Gitti asked the waiter. “Should we thirst here?””But no. I also get supplies for the other women, ”he said, disappearing towards the counter. Petra looked over to the neighboring table and saw Monika and Paul sitting even more closely together. Paul had a hand under the table. She saw that he had reached under her skirt and scurryed around between her spread legs.

Petra thought she hits the blow. That couldn’t really be what she saw. She could look directly at Monika’s wet cunt. Petra quickly took a sip out of her glass so as not to show anything. Monika Lackmann had got rid of her visit to the toilet of the briefs so that Paul was easier to get to the cunt. Hopefully nobody will notice anything about the hustle and bustle at the neighboring table. Monika spread her legs even further.

Petra could now look exactly between her thighs. The labia had already shared and let the view of their wet, pink shimmering inner interior parts. The stiff clitoris was clearly recognizable, which looked out of mind. He shone dark red. Petra’s gaze was interrupted by Paul Hand. He slowly stroked her pussy, let his hand rest briefly before his middle finger curmed and pressed Monika into the horny column, which winced briefly afterwards and closed her eyes for the fraction of a second to enjoy the finger penetrating into her.

At the moment she had a grip again and looked around hastily. She believed herself unobserved and Paul continued to play on her damp column. The first weak pink spots showed up on their cheeks. Monika’s excitement rose steadily. The warts on their mighty tits also showed emotion. They felt rapidly and clearly distinguished themselves through the fabric of the blouse. Monika looked down briefly and saw the finger disappeared into her wet cunt again and again.

She let the left hand sink under the table top, Paul reached unabashedly between her legs and massaged his straps. Paul slipped back and forth restlessly. The bump that Petra could see, he had a stand in his pants. This game dragged on for five minutes when Monika suddenly pulled Paul hand off her cunt and the thigh closed. Paul looked at her puzzled. He had been surprised by her actions.

He probably missed her hand the most on his latte and felt cheated on his fun. Petra, on the other hand, suspected that Monika had pulled the emergency brake. If Paul had worked on her horny cunt further, she would have been inevitably. Monika gave him his eyes to understand that he shouldn’t be offended. She said something and took her glass on the dark red lips to drink a sip.

Then she took her handbag and left the table towards the toilets. Paul also rose and strived towards the drinks stand. He smiled inside when he came past Petra’s table. The two have agreed on something, Petra shot through his head. Her pussy has been burning for some time. The observation of the two had increased their lust again. She also took the social building in which the toilets were located.

If the two wanted to have fun there, she didn’t want to miss it. Petra rose and straightened her skirt. “Do you want to leave us?“Asked Bärbel. “Only passing. I muj3 for little girls, and I want to make myself fresh, ”replied Petra, took her bag, put her over her shoulder and went to the social building. She didn’t know her way around and therefore did not know where the two would forgive.

Petra entered the building. The first door on the left led to the women’s toilets. She didn’t think they would go there. The probability of being discovered was too big there. You would look for a different place for your game. Petra went along the hallway to the next door and opened it. She entered a small anteroom and stood in front of another door with the inscription: – – entered only for employees – – changing room – -.

Petra opened the door to the changing room and looked around. Three walls were delivered with lockers in front of which a long bench was standing. The window front was on the fourth. From here you could look to the administration building. In the middle of the room there was a huge sink with a dozen taps. Petra was surprised that the women hadn’t complained yet. You could watch them out of the upper floors while changing.

Petra turned her attention back to the room. She looked around and discovered two doors that seemed to be led into other rooms. She went to Dielinke door and opened her. It was the shower room. He offered Petra no way to hide, unless she stood in the individual shower cabin that was located in the back corner. But what should say if someone discovered her there? The place was not good.

She had to look for something better if she wanted to watch Monika and Paul. Provided that the two had to withdraw here at all. Petra left the door open and went to the next. She opened her and looked into the clothes room in which the work clothes of the employees were stored. This room had no window and was therefore dark. If she went into the back of the room you couldn’t see her.

Petra decided to stay here. She looked around and discovered several sacks with laundry that were stacked on a wall. She took two sacks from the stack and carried her to a closet on the other side of the room. From here she could see the changing room. Petra thought briefly and decided to get two sacks to prepare a soft camp. If you would catch her so she could still stand asleep and pretend that she hadn’t noticed anything.

Petra took off her handbag and made it comfortable on the laundry bags. After ten minutes she was no longer sure whether she was right with her guess. She decided to wait another five minutes and then leave her hiding place. The alcohol now added to her. She nodded one. The quiet creak of a door woke her up again. Petra was immediately wide awake again. “Come on, we are undisturbed here,” she heard Monika say quietly.

So, thought Petra. First she saw Monika, who carelessly threw her handbag on the seat. “You just made me pretty hot,” she said to someone who Petra couldn’t see. But she assumed that it was Paul. Monika sat down on the bench, sliding her short skirt and releasing her horny cunt. The damp labia gaped away widely.

She drove through the gap with one hand and briefly massaged the clit. “Do you see what you have done? I literally run out. My gold piece is burning in bright flames and you still showed me your happy creator. Come here I unpack it for you. “Now Paul also appeared in Petra’s field of vision. He stood so next to Monika that she could open his slit unhindered. Monika grabbed his belt, opened it and pulled the zippers down.

The pants slid to the ground as if by itself, and Paul stood in front of her in underpants. Monika grazed him down to his knees with both hands and his strap came to light. “A magnificent device that you have there,” Monika, visibly excited when she saw his cock. With her right hand, she reached around his strap while she comprised with her left hand. Slowly she pulled the foreskin back until the huge nille was seen.

Monika looked at his cock briefly and then started cutting his foreskin and cutting. When she pulled the foreskin back completely, she looked closely at the dark red Nille. Monika leaned forward and stuffed his stiff cock into his mouth. She sucked him deep into her mouth and sucked on him. Paul groaned dull and put a hand on her head. “Not so wild, young girl.

Otherwise you made him spit right away. “Paul gasped and slowly led Monika’s head back and forth. She let go of his sack and reached between her thighs. With the middle fingers she began to edit the clit. In his part, Paul reached the tits. He now massaged her voluminous meat mountains with both hands. “I haven’t held such huge boobs in my hands in my life.

“Paul started to button the blouse onto the blouse. When he opened all the buttons, he grazed her blouse and let her slide to the ground. He fiddled around at the closure of the bra and had pulled out the black titty holder shortly afterwards. Now he had free access, which he did immediately. His hands could not fully comprise the powerful tits. “What horny boobs. . What horny boobs, ”he stammered again and again and massaged Monika’s tits incessantly.

Monika continued to chew on his stiff cock, which apparently swollen another piece. His strap had developed into a handsome fucking bolt and was a straight line straight away from his body. Monika had released him again and now gently jerked the hard rod. With the other hand she still massaged her horny, wet column. Petra had pushed his skirt up in the meantime and was sitting on one of the laundry bags with legs spread wide, and also played on the clit.

The fingers that were driven through their column were covered with cunt mucus. She was soaking wet between the two. Petra opened some buttons on her blouse and massaged the tits. The lust had overwhelmed her body. She no longer knew reluctance. She also wanted to satisfy herself, get to the climax. Petra bored his index and the middle finger in her horny, twitching hole, and fucked himself. Her eyes were directed at the hustle and bustle in the next room.

She could hardly wait until Paul the horny monika rammed his stiff cock into the wet cunt. She would have loved to call it out loud: Fuck her finally. I can no longer stand it. Now she had to look at how Paul approached Monika, so that his stiffer stood exactly in front of her tits. He pressed them together with both hands. Monika understood his project and led the tail between her boobs from below.

Paul started with his titty fuck. He let his stiff strap slide back and forth through the narrow gap. Every time when he looked out, Monika sucked herself with denlipes on his nille. Paul had brought his hands into position so that he could rub his nipples with his thumb. Monika now fucked himself, like Petra, with two fingers of her free hand. This game was already taking several minutes and Monika started restlessly on the bench slip back and forth.

She seized Paul Hands and pulled her away from her tits. She got up and got rid of her skirt. Now she stood in front of Paul, who apparently didn’t trust his eyes. He stared on Monika from top to bottom. His gaze could hardly come off their tits. As if by itself, he had taken his cock in his hand and slowly jerked him. Monika took two steps back and sat back on the bench again.

Lusters stroked her hands over the excited body. From the thighs over the stomach to the tits and back again. She let herself sink back on the bench and took her huge breasts back into her hands. With her fingertips she pulled the warts in length. “Fuck me now, you wild stallion!“Monika gasped, and looked at his hard cock. Paul stepped over the bank with one leg, so he was exactly over her.

His stiffer found the entrance to her pleasure grotto alone. His Nille bored between her labia and disappeared to his sack in her hot hole. Monika groaned loudly when the cock stuck in her. “Do, get it well. I haven’t had a real cock in the tube for a few weeks now. Fuck, drill it very deep into the hole. I need that, ”she whimpered, hardly master of her senses.

Paul started slowly. His piston drove in and out gently. Monika let go of the tits that slid hard to get to the side and reached Paul through his legs on his nuts. Paul, for his part. As he fucked Monika, he kneaded her tits. His gaze had sucked on the tits. He was enthusiastic about these plump breasts. For him, Monika seemed primarily to consist of the huge tits.

Petra saw fascinated the spectacle that she was offering her, and also drove herself to orgasm with her fingers. She noticed how her horny cunt began to contract and thus announced the upcoming highlight. She slowed down her movements. She didn’t want to come yet. Petra pulled his fingers out of her cunt and only played on the nipples. This stimulation was completely sufficient to keep the horny body just before orgasm.

If she believed that the excitement was waned, she simply knack. “Fuck me. Do it to me. Fuck me firmer. fuck me. Drill your cock deep into the grotto, ”heard Petra Monika whining. Petra saw that Monika still massaged the sack. Paul seemed to be a buffed fucker. She knew men in which such a massage inevitably led to cumshot.

“I’m coming. For me it is time. “Monika gasped and tensioned her body. “Yes … yes … yes … now!“Petra heard and looked at Monika’s cunt. The mucus ran down her thighs. She had already heard of women who separated so much cunt mucus during her orgasm that you could think she would cum a man like a man. “That’s nice. Keep going. I haven’t had such a finish for a long time.

It doesn’t stop at all. Fuck on. Drill your hard stake on my hungry column. “Paul did like him. Again and again his cock penetrated Monika’s cunt and chased her into the orgasm sky. He seemed to be able to fuck forever. Usually it should have been ready for him. In the meantime, Petra had pushed his fingers back into the moist column and was now striving towards her own climax.

She looks again between Monika’s thighs and saw the sack hit her labia with every push. Petra believed to feel the blows himself. When her fingers drilled back into her horny cunt it came tremendously. She had to squeeze her lips together so as not to groan loudly, and maybe be discovered thereby. Petra drilled her fingers of the left hand into the cunt while working on the right hand with the index finger of the right hand.

It was a nice orgasm that she got, but just a self -made one. She would much rather have had a real cock in her stomach, which would have brought her to orgasm. It is slowly fitting its climax and the excitement decreased. Your breathing normalizes again. Paul was still fucking his Monika. The orgasm had also subsided with her again. “Don’t come to your climax?“She asked Paul exhausted.

“But I come, but I want to inject my juice on the tits. That would be the biggest for me. “He said and pulled his still stiff cock out of her cunt. Monika straightened up and grabbed his belt. “First we make him clean once,” she said and stuffed him in his mouth. She licked the entire tail. When she believed that the strap was clean enough, she started to jerk him.

Since Paul stood between her legs, his Nille was exactly at the level of her tits. He went and held her with both hands spanned. The tip of his cock was just ten centimeters away from her pugs. “Like it that way?“Asked Monika and looked up at him. “Yes. . very. It doesn’t take long and you get my juice on the tits, ”Paul gasped for breath.

He looked down on her tits and lifted them a bit so that they were fully in his hands. “Oh god, the time has come,” it hardly heard about his lips audibly. His cock began to twitch and spit. The sperm shot out of him and clapped Monika on the breasts. Rush on the push it shot out of him. Monika’s tits were already covered with his juice.

She kept his stiff cock continued, and he continued to spray his juice. It didn’t seem to want to take an end at all. Finally his source dried up and the tail lost from his hardness. Monika let the foreskin slide back and forth for a while before she pushed the sagging straps into her mouth again and licked the rest of the juice. Petra had watched with interest, and when Paul came her body began to react again.

Her nipples had set up again and the cunt sought after a hard strap that fucked her properly. She scolds a fool. How could she hide here. Now she had to wait until the two would leave the room again. If it came to the mind of pushing a number to them, she would sit firmly here, and the other women would ask themselves where it stayed.

Petra began to lie down a plausible explanation when she heard Monika Sagen: “Let’s go back, otherwise the other still stupid questions” Monika looked at her splashed tits. The sperm covered a large part of her powerful breasts. With both hands she started rubbing the juice. “It’s good for the skin,” she said, when she saw that Paul watched her doing incredulously. Both took up their clothes and put on again.

Monika briefly checked the seat of her hair in front of the mirror. “I’m going before. You will definitely need a few more minutes, ”said Paul and picked up Monika again. “Yes, go before. I’m waiting for some time before I come after. “Thank God, thought Petra and relaxed. So it didn’t need to endure in her hiding place so long. Less than ten minutes later she was alone.

Petra’s fingers were still in her hot hole. The lust had not yet completely subsided. Her cunt had caught fire again and clutched her fingers. Petra gave up the temptation and jerked the pussy. I need something hard in the cunt, thought she thought and looked around in the storage room. She was looking for an object she could push in. She discovered a scrubber. However, the stem appeared too thin for her project.

She continued to look around and discovered a hammer handle on a shelf. Petra got him and put back on her laundry bags. With both hands she comprised the piece of wood and pressed it between the labia. Deeply drilled the wooden fuck bracket into the horny cunt. Petra groaned when he put in her. She fucked her stem until she came for the second time.

The orgasm had them shaken. Petra put it in him until the last twitches of her cunt had faded. When she finally pulled him out, she carelessly threw him back on the shelf. Petra rose and sought to the door. Petra left the storage room and stepped in front of one the mirror. She put her hair in order and followed up lipstick. She looked at herself from all sides in the mirror.

When she was satisfied with her appearance, she left the changing room and went to the beverage stand to get a glass of orange juice. She had a dry throat and emptied the glass with a train. Petra had a second glass filled and went back to her table. The moist panties between her legs rubbed her cunt and horny her up again. Even the nipples started to straighten up again.

The two orgasms hadn’t managed to completely satisfy them. Petra sat on her old place, put the glass on the table and rummaged out the cigarettes out of her pocket. She lit one and sucked the smoke deep into the lungs. The women albert funny around. They were fully on the move. Samanta had opened her blouse up to half. If she prevented herself, you could see her wonderful breasts.

You didn’t care about being. Gittis nipple also stood and distinguished themselves through the fabric. Petra apparently randomly let her look across all of them present. The nipples were more or less for everyone. The punch had horny it. Petra had to act if something was going on from the evening. She looked around the festival area and had to find out that a large part of the employees had already left the celebration.

She discovered Paul at the beer stand. In the meantime he had drunk a number of beer and could hardly stand. Petra saw Monika to come on her table and waved her to herself. “Please call a taxi and bring Paul home. Then you can come back. The company pays the costs for the taxi. “” I will definitely come back. Leave me to drink something else, ”said Monika slightly tipsy and went to the beer stand.

She talked briefly to one of the waiter who took his cell phone and probably called a taxi company. Monika took Paul under his left arm and led him to the parking lot. Less than five minutes later, a taxi drove to the pitch. The driver helped to place the drunken Paul on the back seat. Then she sat down to him in the back. The taxi quickly left the parking lot, turned left onto the street and disappeared from Petra’s field of view.

She devoted herself to the ladies at her table again. They always told each other new, dirty jokes, which became more and more revealing. Words like: cunt, bunze, tail and straps. They had lost any reluctance, laughed louder and more and more uninhibited. Petra decided to take the initiative. She got up and looked around. Some tables were only half or at all occupied. Since the table of the seamstresses approached the beverage stand, it was decided to ask the others at the table.

In a loud voice, she demanded the rest of the workforce to sit down at the table and thus be closer together. The largest group that the workshop brought her table with them, because they saw that it would not be enough space. They were greeted with a loud hello and asked to take a seat between the tipsy women. Several men already had problems staying on their feet, they had already filled up too much.

Less than five minutes later, they got used to it and brought their jokes to the lecture. Petra could literally feel the erotic tension that was in the air. Her gaze stripped off the people present. In some cases, flirting was flirted quite intensely and hands held. Petra was satisfied with what was seen. The festival developed splendidly. She kept going to the ladies and brought beer for the men. All saps like the holes.

Gitti and Bärbel whispered across the table. Klaus, who worked in the camp, could not tear his eyes off Samantas Möpsen. How hypnotized he stared at her. Bärbel, who was sitting next to him, followed his reaction. Samanta had also noticed his gaze. Temporarily, she directed her upper body a little so that the nipples of her tits were more firmly pressed against the fabric and more clearly emerged. Bärbel had let her right hand slide under the table unnoticed and Klaus reached between his legs.

She massaged his cock with gentle pressure. Klaus twitched briefly, but did not show anything. Bärbel stroked his pants and kneaded his stiff strap through the fabric. “Sam!“, She said in a half,“ if you knew what I have in my hand, you wouldn’t stay in your place so quietly. “Sam looked Bärbel in the eye. “I would say that you have your hand in his cock.

“”Exactly. . And what a wonderful piece of man I have here in my hand. “Seconds later, Bärbel felt something on her hand. She identified it as Sam’s foot and released the stiff. Now Sam’s foot stroked over his strap and continued to heat him. Gitti rose and went to the toilet. Shortly afterwards Bärbel also went. Three other women got up and also went to the social building.

Three men rose and sought the men’s toilet loudly. Now it starts, Petra shot through his head, they definitely have something. She wanted to jump up and follow the women immediately, but said that she should wait a few more minutes so as not to suffocate the matter in the germ. Her cunt began to twitch and itch. In the spirit she already saw a huge bum orgy that ran in the changing room.

Klaus had freed himself from Sam’s foot and grinned with Dieter in the direction of the toilets. They disappeared together in the building. Petra couldn’t stand it any longer. She rose and straightened up. “I’m on the toilet,” said Sam and also got up. She caught in Petra and went next to her along the way. “They have something in mind,” said Sam softly when they passed the drink, “I couldn’t understand properly.

She said something about guys. “Petra’s excitement increased. She accelerated her steps. Together they entered the social building. Petra indicated Sam to be quiet. Sam just nodded and looked around. She did not know herself here. Petra progressed and Sam followed her on her foot. The door to the changing room was only slightly ajar. Petra listened to the door. She heard nothing, pressed her carefully and entered the room.

The room was empty. Sam stepped past her and went to the big sink. She washed her hands and face. Petra was disappointed. Where are they all, she thought and looked in the eyes of Sam, who understood her question and twitched her shoulders. Petra looked at the door in the corner of the changing room. So there had to be another room. How scales fell from her eyes.

The shower!! Why didn’t she come up with it right away. Just when the two wanted to start moving, Monika came in. She looked at the two questioningly. “Where are they all there?“Asked Monika with a slight tongue. “No idea. We just wanted to look in the shower room. “Sam said and pointed to the door. “Let’s go. What else do we wait here?“Asked Monika, looked at Petra and Samanta briefly, and went to the said door.

Slowly Monika opened the door and looked inside. “Girls here are right,” she said without any respect. Petra was her boss after all. Sam pushed Monika into the shower room. It was no longer to be broken. She had packed the fire of excitement. Petra was the last to enter the room and saw her gender enthusiasts, all of which were in the huge shower tray. Eight people could take a shower here at the same time. The women had gathered in the middle of the tub.

When they saw the three newcomers, they fell silent for a moment. Petra’s presence seemed to have brought her out of her concept. The silence only lasted two seconds and turned their eyes back to one of the women who knelt between them on the floor. Petra couldn’t get rhyme on it at first. However, when she approached closer, it almost made her language. A male strap protruded from a chrome -plated ring, which was grabbed by the woman.

“That’s sharp!“, Said Samanta with big eyes that she couldn’t tear away from the tail. “Let me edit this cock,” said Bärbel and also went to his knees. The other woman willingly moved to the side. Bärbel swallowed the whole piece of tail that protruded from the wall and massaged the Nille with her tongue. She had not yet edited the stiff for two minutes when she pulled her head back and took her tail in her hand.

She pushed the foreskin back and forth a few times when the tail turned dark red and splashed. The male juice clapped her on her blouse. Petraware enthusiastic. The women no longer knew reluctance. When the strap had sprayed his juice and visibly lost hardness, Bärbel let go of him, whereupon he disappeared from the hole in the wall. Less than ten seconds later, another cock became visible. Two women immediately plunged on the man who was presented and stuffed him alternately into his mouth.

The game was repeated on a new one. After he had hosed, he also disappeared and was immediately replaced by another stiff tail. “I now want to feel such a cock in my pussy!“Gitti gasped and pushed up. She briefly stroked the new belt with one hand and pulled the foreskin back. Gitti turned to the wall with his butt and hit her skirt so that her narrow butt came to light.

Apparently she had already put the slip. Gitti skilfully put himself in the right position and pressed himself against the wall. “That is nice!“, She said when her ass clapped against the tiles. For a few seconds she let the cock rest in her cunt before she started moving. The bystanders could only watch their face and see that it would come soon. Red spots emerged on their cheeks.

A short time later, Gitti groaned. She had reached its peak. How wildly clapped her ass cheeks against the wall. The orgasm decreased and Gitti’s movements slowed down until it finally loosened from the wall and occurred a few steps. Nuncted everyone again see the stiff men’s tail protruding out of the wall. “But that was quick!“, Said Bärbel to Gitti, who stood in front of her with a weight. “That was only for warm,” Gitti replied her.

Bärbel picked up the cock and slowly jerked it. She looked at Petra, and then the stiff cock in her hand again. “It is well in his hand, and he has not yet sprayed anything,” she said with a challenging tone in the voice. Petra knew that she should take care of her tail now. If she would pinch now the evening would have run. So she occurred.

Bärbel went to the side and made Petra Platz. She grabbed her strap courageously and began to massage it. Under their actions the tail grew a bit. Petra knew this sign that he would spray right away. She leaned forward and devoured the stiff belt. “Yes. . Yes. That’s how it is, ”said Petra someone said behind him. “Our boss is not a child of sadness either,” said a different voice.

Petra let the tail slide back and forth. When she felt how the juice went on the journey, she let the cock slide out of her mouth to the Nille. Her lips sucked at the top of the tail, and only moved a few millimeters and. The strap in Petra’s mouth emptied the push for shock. The sperm shot her deep into her throat, so that she almost swallowed in the second surge.

When the current was dried up, she put her tongue into the slit of the Nille again and stimulated the tail again. To her surprise, he did not let up. He continued to stood bone hard. Petra released him. She wanted to hold back and let the others go ahead. They literally plunged on the stiff, kneaded and sucked on it until he sprayed his seed again. Another cock followed and then another.

The straps were spoiled alternately by all women present. Petra looked around in the shower room and discovered Gitti and Samanta in one corner. They fingered each other on the cunts. “I can no longer stand that,” gasped Monika excitedly. “I need a dick in my cunt. “”Me too. Come we get each one. “Together they left the shower room. Petra paid her attention to the others who worked on the respective cock in a flying change.

Her cunt burned light -hearted. She was tried to bring herself to orgasm with her fingers, but left it because she still wanted to feel a stiff in her stomach. A woman who remembered Susanne, like Gitti, stood on the wall like Gitti, and had pressed the cock into the pussy. It didn’t take three minutes to reach her climax. She groaned out loud and let the tail slide through her hot column.

Petra suddenly heard male voices in the changing room. Bärbel turned her head towards the door. She had also noticed the voices. “We got a visit,” she said to Petra and went to the door. She carefully ripped into the changing room through the narrow gap. “Oh. . My God. I can’t believe what I see, ”whispered Bärbel. Petra pushed next to her and saw the naked Monika lying on one of the long benches with his back.

Klaus Stand had bent over her and massaged Monika’s plump tits. Samanta held the stiff cock in one hand and conducted it to the wet column. She stroked the Nille between the diligent labia until the tip of the stretch was covered with cunt mucus. Now she pushed him into the cunt Monika. Klaus slid into her by train. He drilled Monika his stiff cock to her greedy hole until the stop.

“I’m already coming,” Japste Monika, “Fick. . fast. “Monika’s body trembled when she reached the climax. The tail that stuck in it was not enough for her yet. She also worked on her clit with one hand and thus drove even higher. Now the second man appeared. Christian Lasch had stood outside the field of vision of Bärbel and Petra. He was naked. From behind he approached Samanta and reached her ass.

His hands wandered around to her belly button and a little later Samanta reached magnificent tits. He held her briefly spanned her with his hands. Now he started to undress her. Sam supported him in his project with skillful body turns. A short time later she was also naked. Christian’s hands were on her entire body. Sometimes he caressed in a toughness and then demanding again demanding. Sam rubbed her butt on his stiff cock.

She lodged herself to finally point to her. When he did not react, she reached with one hand between her spread legs and grabbed his latte. Christian looked down on himself and watched Sam’s hand. At that moment when his nille between her labia was climbed and the cock into her cunt. Samanta held his breath and frozed to the column of salt. He immediately started with his fucking movements.

Now Sam gasped out loud. Bärbel and Petra watched the hustle and bustle. Petra noticed how she drained. The cunt mucus ran down on her thigh. She would have preferred to pull the spanking out of the column and incorporated it himself. A third man appeared. He also had no scraps of fabric on the body. It was Ronald Rücker from the warehouse. Without paying attention to Christian, he stood up next to Samantas, who now had the stiff cock right in front of her eyes.

Sam opened his mouth. Ronald took another step and his strap was devoured from her greedy lips without outside help. With his eyes closed, she gave herself to the two tight straps. Lusters she grabbed Ronald to the nuts and kneaded her while massaging her nipples. Petras cunt burned lights. She couldn’t hold back. She entered the room quietly and inconspicuously to sit on the bench in a corner.

Bärbel followed her on foot and sat on the bench next to Petra. From their place they were able to watch the hustle and bustle of others unhindered. Bärbel rose briefly and grazed her panties. Petra also got rid of her briefs and sat down again with slightly spread thighs. Her cunt was gossip and the cunt mucus began to run into her kimme. Her right hand wandered to the skirt hem and pushed it up.

When her hot cunt was exposed, she stroked the damp column with two fingers. A gigantic blissful had her horny bodies tremble. Petra began to play at the clit and watched Samanta with her two fuckers. From the corner of the eye she could see that Bärbel fucked herself with one of her fingers. Ronald turned his head and discovered the two women who got it themselves.

When he Petra, his boss, realized he seemed to be unsure for a short moment. Finally the lust of his fear won. Determined he pulled his strap out of his mouth and came across Petra and Bärbel. With his stiff cock in his left hand, he stopped in front of them. He looked at both women. His gaze commuted back and forth between her wet cunts, who presented himself in all openness.

The sight that offered him exceeded everything he had ever experienced in his life. Two women sat in front of him and jerked off the cunts. And he was spoiled for choice. Which one should he drill his strapped strap into the cunt?Bärbel took the decision. She stretched out her hand after his cock. “Don’t stand around so stupidly. Here are two horny pussies who want to be satisfied, ”she said in a trembling voice and grabbed his strap.

Ronald went to his knees between her thighs. Bärbel led the Nille to her labia and stretched her body towards him. The stiff cock bored deep into her wet column. Ronald immediately started to push Bärbel vigorously. “It comes to me,” she groaned two minutes later. “Yes fuck my horny cunt. Push. Drill your cock into the hot fuck tube you horny stallion ”and Ronald did as ordered.

Again and again his cock disappeared into Bärbel’s pleasure cave. When Bärbel breathed normally again and her orgasm faded, he moved more slowly to finally stop completely. As far as Petra had seen, he hadn’t happened yet. He pulled his still stiff cock from Bärbel’s cunt. Petra spread her thighs far. She hoped he understood what she wanted. Ronald mind. He slipped over to Petra and pressed his hard strap against the wet grotto.

Petra slipped a bit, and the strap stuck with his nille between her apart labia. A light jerk under was all in the horny cunt. With the same strength as he had already fucked Bärbel, he now got it Petra. The previous finger game had also followed with her. The climax started very quickly with her. Far too fast for Petra. She wanted to feel the stiff belt in the pussy for some time.

She did not show her orgasm. Only from the tense abdominal muscles could it be seen that something happened in her body. When the climax had subsided, she looked over at Bärbel, who was carefully persecuted by the spectacle. Samanta and Christian also watched Petra and Ronald. Petra didn’t care at that moment. She wanted to fuck and nothing else. When the second orgasm overwhelmed her hot body, she let herself go completely and groaned her lust out loud.

Petra lived the climax fully. Unfortunately it didn’t take forever. Ronald accelerated his bumps even more. He seemed shortly before his orgasm. Petra grabbed his sack between his legs. Ronald was injected at the moment. Panting, his eggs escaped. Petra felt the sperm running out of it. He literally pumped her. But finally his source also dried up and the tail shrank together. Petra breathed deeply, her cunt still itched.

She was thinking of being done by Christian again, but repressed the thought again. “I would say that we let the others see again before they are looking for us,” said Bärbel and already rose. Together they dressed Sichan and sought to the starting door when Bärbel looked briefly into the shower room. Some women still sucked the stiff straps that were stuck through the opening.

“Break! Let’s stand something for later 1, she called into the shower room. “Let’s drink something again. “Gradually they all came back and sat down at their tables again. The waiter was booming. She had made her thirsty fucking and blowing. “I have a hair on my tongue,” said Gitti with a frivolous tone, and actually pulls out a hair. “It’s black and clearly a sack hair! I want to know how it got there.

“In the last words, she turned her head towards the table where the workshop was sitting. All women now looked over and looked for the man with black hair. The only one who came into question was Manfred Tinner. He did not let Gittis be disturbed by Gittis and drank from his beer with a barely visible smile. Petra found that a new seating order had formed.

Several couples had formed. And under the tables, it was continued to folle diligently. The mood became more and more exuberant. Samanta and Bärbel also came back to the seamstress table. “We sent our Mackers home. Who drunk and bring nothing announced anyway tonight anyway. “Now we can really get started” “I could take a shower again on the spot,” Sam called out loudly.

General laughter started immediately because everyone knew what she meant by that. Saman-Ta had apparently sat down next to Christian and was close to the pelle, so that she touched his upper arm with her left nipple. Petra looked at the illustrious round. They were still around twenty -five people. To her surprise, she found that Ingo and Ilka were still present. If there should be a second part of the performance so it would be a huge pack of packs.

This was Petra hundred percent sure. The sun sank slowly as a glower ball, behind the trees, and the evening approached. The waiter began to clear the empty tables and collect the dishes. Petra didn’t want to have outsiders anymore, so she went to the waiters, and told them you Quitting time could do. The rest of the guests would use themselves. They couldn’t be said twice. They were gone five minutes later, and the rest of the workforce, the cherry furnishing and design company, was among themselves.

Klaus and Ronald dragged plenty of drinks. The company celebration could continue. It continues with.

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