Lustful BI women | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Bianca was happy about her decision not to spend the Easter days on Rügen, but to spend with her friend Hanna in Taunus. She would not forget the two wonderful nights with Hanna and Lisa and her common husband Horst so quickly. Today was only Easter Sunday and after some horny sex adventures she would surely experience with Hanna. The four welcomed a bright morning at breakfast and Hanna and Bianca decided to take a small tour in the Taunus.

Half an hour later, Bianca had changed and they set off. It was sunny outside, but the temperatures were rather early spring. When they left the immediate vicinity of the Taunusvilla, Bianca Hanna took her hand and both of them struggled into nature. Forest and field changed, and they took ways away from the streets and traffic routes. Now they had time to talk and enjoyed the clear air of the Taunus near the city of Frankfurt.

Bianca told Hanna about herself and her life in all openness, and Hanna also held nothing behind the mountain. They let the facades with which they surround themselves, fall and took off their masks, and between them people came to light. People with many quirks and weaknesses, secret longings and dreams, but also strengths and light sides. Both did not make a killer pit out of their hearts, and Bianca learned many things from Hanna that she did not know from her stories or from her correspondence.

But Hanna also met a Bianca who had a Januskopf. One side was Bianca with her decent life, her job, the sunny side. Bianca, rather a little shy and introverted from nature, but also open and confident in the right environment. Bianca, who has a penchant for dreaming and is happy that the dreams that she enjoys in her head with a smile. Otherwise a red head would be your constant trademark.

The other side was Lollipop, the dirty old ego of a young woman with a penchant for extreme drive and a thoroughly dirty nature. Lollipop is bursting with self -confidence, always and constantly after satisfying their senses and has no inhibitions to live their instinctual thoughts and fantasies. While Bianca mostly dreams and enjoys her sweet dreams and fantasies, Lollipop has no concern to give her dreams and sex fantasies and to live out uninhibitedly.

As different as the two faces of these one woman are, she unites the common motto of life again. Carpe Diem! Carpe Diem! However, both do this in the most different way … Hanna listened carefully to her without asking questions. She just let Bianca talk and that was a good thing. Bianca was not a good rhetorist, so it works much better when writing. And Hanna was one of the very few people, opposite her in this respect.

But both just didn’t need masks anymore!They found a bank on the way that was in the sun at that moment. Bianca let Hanna move to this bank, they were completely alone and let the early afternoon sun shine in the faces, while both of them succeed their own thoughts. “Tomorrow I would like to go to Frankfurt with you,” Bianca interrupted this silence and Hanna looked at her amused. “What do you want to see, science? Of course we drive into the city.

“Bianca looked at Hanna before answering. “I’m still thinking about that, but certainly the sinful and dark side of your city. “She saw that Hanna was startled, but she smiled at her. “Let’s spontaneously decide that tomorrow when it is right for you. You have to be my guide anyway, because I don’t know the city a bit. “Hanna smiled pensively. “I’ll show you the city, Bianca, you just have to tell me what you want to see.

“She accompanied this offer with a sweet wink. And immediately Bianca nailed her mercilessly on her frivolous wink. “Hanna, my love, I know the station district, I know the palm garden, I know Rhein-Main and I know the zeill. I am not interested in all of this. If I might also like to stroll across the zeill with you, but then only in the right outfit, and for me that means in the minimum without panties under the skirt.

And of course without a bra. But what I really want to see are the places where you had your horny adventures. Your apartment in Frankfurt, the hotel in which you met Alexis, the café, by driving the men down without the shop window glazing, the desire in which you regularly met with Walter to meet his wishesto be. In short, the places and places of your planned career as a whore or even as a hobby hooker, which really did not only take place on the Internet.

So, my love now you know what I want to see and visit with you tomorrow. “Bianca leaned on the bench Back and looked at Hanna from the side, who had started red on the one hand, on the other hand rolled and crumpled a handkerchief in her hands and then looked at her heavily breathed. “You really want that, Bianca?“I nodded determined. “Yes, Hanna, I want that. And now I would like to hear from your own mouth, which mess and horny advances have led to the fact that a spotted and hobby hooker that is sitting next to me today has become of a Frankfurt housewife that was once so good.

I have read your stories, I know the little demon almost by heart, but I want to hear this horny and shameless development from the respected and faithful wife to fast hooker from your own mouth, Hanna. And don’t worry, my love, you are not alone with it. I think in our so -called better society there are many women like you. Outside and almost prominently courted, but inside, the demon lets it crack and the perfect world gets out of joint.

During the day, healed world and inappropriate society, but at night, in other places, at dark locations, then all the dams break and the lady of the day becomes a vamp. To the vamp, to the big cat, to the whore. And don’t believe that many so honorable husbands do not have their fingers in the game – if it is useful for their own little interests. And let’s be honest, Hanna, how many men are grateful if your wife is birded and satisfied otherwise.

This creates air to them when their own loved one was too demanding the day before, but it also keeps the marital female at a stage of dependency, from which there is hardly any escape. Come on, Hanna, open her eyes! That is really nothing new now!“Bianca still sees the look with which Hanna looked at her. More relaxed, but still with a factor despite in your eyes. No, she was not on dispute and confrontation, but the marriage woman in her rebellious.

So Bianca looked at her with an amused smile. No, almost provoked. And the reaction came promptly. “My nest is not that! He doesn’t need an office lamp to relax. Or some cheap whore on his business trips. But, well, if he is traveling longer, he can’t sweat it out of the ribs. And from age to cheer his lust alone through his fingers, he is probably out. “Bianca looked Hanna in the eye and smile at her.

“So, so, your husband is out of age. Do you think. And we? Well, I’m younger – but Lisa and you? Do not need your nimble fingers regularly if you feel like it? Where is there the difference? I hope for you and Lisa that Horst from age is far from being out, but I also think that both of you, his women, will ensure that Horst will start a business trip with beads in his testicles in the event of a caseare larger than peas.

Because you have robbed him of two the urgent juices in sisterly loving and whatever kind of married connection to the last drop. “Bianca hears how Hanna giggles next to her almost girlishly and looks at her. “But you can rely on that, Bianca. Our nest does not leave us without being mapped out of the two of us and except for the last drop. “Well, Bianca just wanted to hear that from her girlfriend.

They were in the middle of the action, but Bianca urged Hanna to report her on her own mouth about the beginnings. About the exit from what, as one says beautifully, bourgeois marriage, about the sweet seductions with which she initially took Alexis for herself, then aroused her exhibitionist tendencies and seduced it into sexual diversity bit by bit. Hanna tells while Bianca holds her warm hand, and the longer this story lasts, the more fluid Hanna’s words become.

It is almost like an inner liberation with which she bombs Bianca in her own words. With words;who became more and more drastic and clearer, with words that came more and more freely over their lips and revealed their inner world of thoughts. Bianca heard for the first time from Hanna’s own mouth, which she thought and felt and above all that her life had changed so fundamentally. And she held her hand and listened to her.

“You know, Bianca when I listen on holiday got to know, on a romantic night at a dance event, I almost immediately fell into him. It was probably love with both of us at first glance. He campaigned for me and I fully fell on him that night. Yes, I was in love and I wanted to be close to my future husband. Very close. I wanted to feel, I wanted to smell it, I wanted to taste it, I just wanted to have it.

As a man! With me, on me, on me – and in me! That was an urge that I can hardly describe you. His kisses were a revelation for me, but they also opened everything else for him. And I was so ready for him, I can’t say that at all. Yes, I was very traditionally brought up by my parents, and that means nothing more than arch -Catholic. Sex played no role in this upbringing.

So I never experienced it with my parents. Of course, at some point they have to have fucked, otherwise I wouldn’t have, but later I had no idea of what between Man And Woman, Also in the trusted marriage, goes off. Even when I was at that age when the girls itch the pussy, where everything screams in him after satisfaction, I only gave in to this urge with a guilty conscience. But the drive was stronger than I was, and I just couldn’t resist him.

Of course only secretly and only in the evening before falling asleep under the covers. Even then I would have loved to cheer out my sweet lust and cheered, because it was incredibly beautiful – today I say horny feelings that sometimes literally overwhelmed me. But of course nobody could know that, because that was forbidden and unkusch. The sex only had to pass when entering the marriage, and then only with the aim of witnessing descendants.

So it was no wonder that in the youngsters in which I secretly and constantly satisfied myself with a guilty conscience, I always got this bad conscience with me. I had no one with whom I could talk to about it. Well, yes, my friend Pia already. She was a few years older and whistled on her priest (as she called it). Pia was a few years older than me, but she was also considered in the eyes of my parents, as a good Catholic girl.

That’s why I was allowed to stay with her from time to time. Pia, Latin “The Pious” was anything but pious, at least not when the light went out. She masturbated unabashedly in bed next to me, let me hear her lust and let me see and encouraged me to do it equal to her. At first I was quite shocked about Pisa’s openness, but then I also gave in my inner drives. And let me go. Many sweet and hot kisses have certainly done her rest.

I think it was Bianca, Pia that taught me this insane desire to kiss. A pleasure that I have kept and maintain to this day. God, my girlfriend was a bitch! Sex and mortal sin! With her my whole arch -Catholic education went down the stream. And Pia almost became an idol for me. But just between Mrs. you wife. Our kisses were harmless and “harmless”, no matter where we gave them each other.

That went for a long time, but then Ronald came and he really fucked Pia. And not only fucked, he inseminated it – and fertilized. Of course the two were not married yet. He just injected it into my girlfriend, and the result was Sabrina, who became my godchild after her birth. Life just plays colorful! So much for sex before marriage and death – my godchild is a wonderful result of a hot night, even if I haven’t seen it for too long …

And that night with my horst I also forgot what is probably called a good upbringing. He wanted me – and I gave himself up to him. With joy and with all your senses, because I finally wanted to know it. And afterwards I really didn’t know why something so nice was so damn and wished for hell, just because the two actors have no blessings from the priest or a halo yet.

But, I open it openly, it was like that. I had a guilty conscience for days and thought I was hell. Not laughing, Bianca, that was really that way, but I haven’t regretted it for a second until today. I got a marriage proposal from him that night – and I accepted him and we both were engaged. At that moment very informal, but it was completely enough for me. I was just happy.

I gave myself my feelings, the romantic evening did the rest, and then Horst deflowered me in love. It was like a intoxication of the senses, this first sex with the man I loved and who made me a woman. I’m certainly not telling you anything new if the first sex was not a huge orgasm frenzy, but I think I am not alone with this experience. But the sweet intoxication of falling in love, proximity and closing together make the first experience still appear wonderful.

Of course we both fucked regularly in our engagement time, and I can tell you that it was nice and it was getting nicer. My jadet orbit was now wide open, and Horst understood to seduce me again and again in the period, although I made it easier and easier for him, because the intoxication of the senses had long since grasped me and I longed for Horsts hard at every meetingAnd yet so silk -soft joy donor, who not only filled me up wonderfully, but also brought me to wonderful highlights with his bumps.

First of all awakening passion, and I tell you, Bianca, the passionate feelings, the intensity of the horny highlights have increased after our wedding over time, year after year and have become more and more intensive. We had sex almost every day because we just enjoyed this wonderfully horny and exciting thing when Horst was between my spread legs and I enjoyed the horny and delightful feeling when his hard cock in my wet cuntand is a danger and drove me crazy.

Yes, my little Bianca, that may have been bourgeois, but for me it was just cool. Horst fucked me, he satisfied me, and I just loved to give him whenever I saw that it was good for him. So we spent our first 10 years of marriage in love and satisfaction without the feeling that I was missing something. No other man, because I was absolutely faithful to my nest in these years, nor the thought of love for a woman, because I didn’t have the slightest experience with that.

I also had no needs in this direction, Bianca, why too? I had sex with my husband every day, his cock satisfied me and let me be experienced sexual lust. I had no reason to look around for other fields of activity. And I wouldn’t have done it to my nest either, because I loved him – and I still love him. No, my dear friend, I love him more than ever today. “Hanna sighed out loud and Bianca took her in her arms to kiss her.

They were sitting in a public complex on a bench that, according to a small sign on the backrest, was sponsored by a well -known local bank, but they were almost alone in this sun -like park. So Bianca Hanna took her arms and kissed her. And kissed them for a long time and sensual. It didn’t matter to her whether someone was watching them. Bianca had a need and breastfeeding this need and with Hanna.

And not only her eyes thanked her for it, even if both of them still kept her hands well. You would probably be reserved for further delights. At the moment, Bianca Hanna actually only wanted to keep in conversation, because for her the beginning was just started. Bianca wanted more, much more from her mouth. And after putting her arm around Hanna’s shoulder and cuddling into him, she continued seamlessly.

To do this, she put her head to her shoulder. “You know, Bianca, when I met Horst, everything feminine glowed in me. I was ripe as a young woman can only be ripe. But the encounter With Horst everything changed and I just liked to give himself too much, as a woman, as a fiancee. I think I was even a bit frivolous, because I didn’t even try to stop him on this unique night when I felt it in me for the first time.

I admit, bianca that the first time Heaven was not yet on earth – but I was finally a woman when I felt his hard cock deep in my cunt and then his warm juice was injected into my hot grotto. You don’t believe how proud and happy I was there! I was a woman – and Horst my fiancee, my husband! And I was passionate about being a woman.

And to feel the desire of my fiance again and again, which has always aroused my own lust, so that we had sex almost as regularly in our engagement time as a couple. Of course, my mom immediately noticed that a change had occurred in me, but she was a woman enough to understand, but also Mother Enough to drive the wedding at full speed. After all, it could have been that Horst would have pregnant me at the first fuck – and a daughter with a thick belly in front of the altar, my mom would never have tolerated that.

“Hanna leans back to Bianca, and this stroking her hand with her hand her soft and only thinly lull thighs, which her friend answers with an audibly horny mash. “Come on, Hanna, make a jump. I know that you and Horst have lived together very monogamous for many years. I also know that from other relationships. I am interested in your exit from stubborn bourgeoisness, your entry into your own world of thought, your change to your sexual deviations.

And they probably started with Alexis and their revealing club. Come on, tell me about it, Hanna. “Bianca saw that Hanna ran a shower over her back, of which she suspected more than knew it was a shower of inner excitement. She had obviously not removed Alexis from her thoughts, even though a lot of time had passed and both knew that Alexis was on the road on social networks, among other things, without even reporting to Hanna once.

Bianca was only able to congratulate Hanna, because the result of a new contact could only end in her eyes in her eyes. Hanna seemed to think quietly for a moment. Then she smiled. “Bianca, you know the feeling when your world is literally turned upside down from one moment? When doors and drawers suddenly open in your head, which you are of not even suspected that they exist at all? When your world view, your morality, your inner settings change almost radically? And almost from one moment to the other? If so, then you know what Alexis triggered in me and from the first moment.

No, if I’m honest, it started earlier. With Pia, for example, who seduced me as a young girl from the arch -Catholic house and has led openly to the joys that I, as a girl, have only secretly enjoyed in the dark and under the covers. With her I learned to love the desire and also enjoyed uninhibitedly. Pia was so free and open that I couldn’t resist her back then.

In this respect, Alexis was probably only a trigger of what has slumbered in me for years. But I can’t tell you that exactly today when I’m honest. For a good ten years I had made an unfamiliar marriage to my husband, socially respected and recognized. But I admit that it has spread over the years between Horst and me a certain monotony. No, not loveless, not at all, and certainly not orgasmless.

When Horst and I had sex in the evening, my husband regularly brought me to the climax before inserting my twitching grotto, and often it was exactly the moment when I felt how his cock splashes into myself, who also splashed meto let something explode. No, Bianca, I had no reason to be dissatisfied, not at all. But then it was he who persuaded me to the first mixed sauna and I swallowed before I agreed to his proposal.

Oh, how did I ashamed to show myself naked in front of everyone, especially in front of the men. I didn’t know that and it was just not used to it. Of course I saw the stealthy looks of the other men, how they looked at me, how they stared at my breasts, but also between my thighs and my gender. Oh, how much I would have loved to have crawled into the little mouse hole like a mouse and made me invisible.

But one thing, I still don’t know why, Horst had reached back then. When he climbed me in the evening and I felt his hard cock in me and felt how he rubbed and spoiled me inside, then all lights went on with me. Then the fire blazed really high and made me hot. I couldn’t help it, I had to go to the many clear looks of the men in the sauna Think that enjoyed my pussy – and then got an orgasm that was as long and hot than ever before.

It was like an explosion that overturned me like a tsunami. I can hardly describe it to you. “Hanna stopped again and breathed in and out deeply. Bianca didn’t pay attention to where they were, she took her in her arms and kissed her. Long and full of desire. Hanna sighed deeply after the kiss and as redeemed. And once in her flow of speech she continued. “You know, Bianca, after this experience I almost maintained that Horst made me the suggestion for a new visit to the sauna.

And when the time came, we were sitting and sweating again in the mixed sauna, when I closed my eyes in the consciousness, everyone present would now look at me even more inevitable and enjoy my bare body. No, what does please delight? I longed for the other sauna guests to heal on my body!Today I believe that this was the first inner encounter with my little demon, still timid, but still audible, even if I always ignored it for myself at first.

But these encounters were also harmless and shallow. But over time they became more and more crowded, no more demanding. My husband’s proposal in Vacation I was already following a nudist beach and presenting us naked with enthusiasm in me, even if I didn’t show him it at first, but the inner urge to show me to show everyone was laid. I wanted to present myself because this feeling of being seen by everyone just made me insanely horny.

Horst felt it later, because he had never had a hotter and hotter wife in our bed during the nights. No, no wife – a fiery lover. That was not without consequences, because Horst also felt the change that was going on in me. And he shamelessly used them. I assume that he had long wanted such a “new woman” who pleaded his potency and manpower at completely new heights.

And in this mood, in this new becoming, my husband confronted me one evening with a porn video that he inserted and let it play. We had made it comfortable with a glass of wine on the couch, and I had already changed for night, so I was wearing my bright baby doll. The wine should be our abscess before we went to sleep. Before that a crime thriller had run that we had looked together, then I had put myself in the bathroom.

So Horst had time to surprise me. And he surprised me! So much that I coughed a good sip of wine over my nighty with the first hard pictures. And Horst had nothing better to do than lick the grape juice from the fabric and my skin with a laugh. Then he warded back the cassette and restarted the film. And I experienced the film in my husband’s arms right from the start.

I don’t want to say anything else, it was a Lassen-Braun film, as I learned later, but he impressed me as well as the horny scenes excited me. The uninhibited fucking, the revealing licking, sex in the great outdoors, but also scenes in which the main actress was used, forced to suck other cocks and let the men’s juice inject in the face. Scenes that I would never have thought possible. Of course I also liked to suck a little bit of horses, of course he also licked my pussy before he climbed me, but that in the film seemed so much hornier and hotter.

And wild. I saw the film and imagined that I was the woman who was used and used in the film by so many men in every kind. And I had an orgasm in my husband’s arms, in which he had no share because he stared on the television and his tail was hard and thick under his thin pants. Then I felt that there was something in me that, like an inner voice, whispered to me, that there is more, much more.

Things that I have not even dreamed of by then and that I didn’t think in myself. And I started looking for me to look around, to be interested. In this way I also found Alexis on the Internet, with which the colorful kaleidoscope of my erotic experience really started. And I felt an almost relentless inner urge that drove me to sink deeper and deeper into my own shallows. I don’t have to tell you what has become of it, Bianca, because with these ultimately successful temptations through my little demon my book begins.

“Hanna smiled pensively and looked at Bianca. This pressed a quick kiss on her lips and smiled back. “No, Hanna, I don’t know the feeling. At least not that, even if, like you, I always feel a little devil in me that drives me to things that shouldn’t even think of a well –ed young woman. But I now know that I am not a well -being young woman, but, like you, actually let my horny drove too wild.

I’m not married, no I don’t even live in a steady relationship. Many mothers have attractive sons and daughters. And many husbands women who get bored because at some point the salt simply lacks the soup. Then you no longer live together, but side by side. I don’t want to know how many marriages are guided today. Some keep it through to the famous “until death separates you”, but I think most of them break up on the monotony and boredom as soon as a key experience, how did you say? Open doors and drawers, of which the person concerned did not even suspect that there were.

And your key experience, Hanna, was initially Alexis, this young hooker out of conviction. I don’t even talk about Petra, Hanni and Steffi. It was Alexis who made you naked in a perfect way. Nude. She has mercilessly opened one door after another and revealed your true sexual needs. Your penchant for obsessions, your urge to show you naked to the whole world, your desire to serve and submit.

Hanna, I saw the pictures of Alexis. Sometimes I am glad that I never met this young woman, but can only understand too well that you have really fallen into her. I would be in your situation too. But then, as I know, Alexis suddenly disappeared after your Sylture vacation, your Facebook account was blocked, but all the photos that you set up at your behest brazenly buzz around in world history. But what is actually essential for me: Alexis has dipped, but she has not closed the many doors and drawers in your head.

She opened something that I would compare with the famous pandora box. Only that not all of you have come into the world evil and bad, but everything horny, lustful and stimulating. Alexis made a horny and demanding bitch out of the good and loyal marriage female Hanna. Across all social conventions and moral borders. I think Hanna, that’s it, in a nutshell today. “Hanna saw Bianca and smiled a bit tortured.

“What happened to me, Bianca? Sometimes I think I didn’t deserve such a fantastic man like Horst, after everything I did to him. “Bianca spontaneously took her girlfriend in her arms and pressed her tightly. “No nonsense, Hanna,” she whispered in her ear, “the story continues. And should I tell you something? Just as Alexis effortlessly opened the most intimate and secret doors in your inner, so you do it afterwards with your nest.

You don’t even notice that? Remember your vacation on Sylt last year. On the nudist beach. You shaved and smoothed your cunt and then shamelessly exposed yourself to the lustful looks of other men with spread thighs, while Horst read in the beach chair, you remember? And how did your dear husband react? He dragged you into the nearby dunes like a Neanderthal female, thrown on his back and then fucked you completely without foreplay.

Regardless of that you could have seen both of you if only someone had come across the dune crest. You came with this fuck like a soulful woman and Horst got you like a pavian man. And if I remember correctly, after eating in the hotel room, you have driven so wildly and uninhibited again. Remember these days and then tell me whether that was the nest who has regularly but boring well for years.

No, Hanna, that was no longer this man, and I think he didn’t know what you drove with the horny seller in the changing room of the sex shop, not to talk about your experience with Manni and Uli in theVideo cabin. But after that you had the hottest sex of your life with Horst every time. “Hanna sighed freely and looked at her. “You know, Bianca, you have an almost inimitable way to keep my deteriorated sins, but at the same time to sell me as a desired and desired sex experience.

But you are right. And if I think about it, you are particularly right about Horst. I haven’t noticed that until today. And yes, the spontaneous sex in the dune of Sylt was the hottest for me that I have ever experienced with my husband until then. Above all, his exciting male way of dealing with me and taking me like a horny beach bitch, I let me come like never before.

But, Bianca, Alexis was just the beginning. It went on because in mine, yes, I admit it, sex rush, my fingers couldn’t leave my fingers from the ignition wood. “” I know my darling, I finally know your stories. But let’s move it to the morning, because I now have very clear ideas about what you should show me tomorrow on our trip through the Frankfurt sinspfuhl. Then we keep talking, sweetie.

For today, let it be enough. I also urgently need a new slip, dearest friend. “Hanna Kiggte, got up and looked at the clock. “Let’s start our way back, Bianca. The sun goes away and it will be cool here. I also have an appointment in the studio this afternoon. Say, ”Hanna looked at Bianca with a smile,“ how was your appointment earlier? Lisa left her fingers from you or again couldn’t control herself?“Bianca grinned Hanna Spitzbübisch.

“Jealous, sweetness? But you can be completely calmed down. Lisa worked well, look at her sketches from me. I never believed that you can draw so much in an hour and so life. Lisa is really an artist. “Hanna shook his head. “A session without sex? I absolutely have to note that in the calendar. “Bianca cleared his throat quietly. “Well, Hanna, at the very end … Well, I spoiled Lisa a little bit of my pussy, her hard lust cherry, to be precise.

“Hanna looked at me and now she grinned. “Aha, and I assume, dear Lisa has only come a little bit. “They continued with a double bell bright and watched that they came back to the villa. Bianca wanted to sit on her laptop for the duration of Hanna’s absence in the studio. She had a lot to write about the first time in Lisas Villa. After a quick shower, Hanna disappeared into the studio, while Bianca also changed and made a quick jump under the shower.

Then she would look for a place to write. Maybe she also found a coffee in the kitchen. When she came out of the bathroom and wanted to scurry into her guest room naked, she saw Horst in the living room, who either took a break or had stopped in his study today. Which was probably only understandable on the holiday. So Bianca quickly pulled a house dress in her room and went down into the living room.

Horst had a cup of coffee in front of her and immediately got her when she asked. He nodded when she told him that Hanna was in Lisa in the studio. He knew about the appointment. While we were sipping our coffee, Bianca Horst told about her long walk and her enthusiasm about the wonderful environment. She left her long conversations with Hanna. She was certain that her friend had told her a lot under the seal of confidentiality, and she did not want to blossom, especially with Horst,.

She also kept her plans for tomorrow. Hanna would inaugurate her husband in good time, so she didn’t want to anticipate her. Despite Hanna’s stories, she knew so well, because not yet. Well, he knew about Hanna’s erotic escapades and border passages, and he loved her today as on the first day. No, rather more intense, since Lisa was in his and Hanna’s life as a second woman. Still, it was safe. Horst also spent the day in very comfortable household clothes, and when they talked and drank coffee, Bianca did not escape that he fixed them on the one hand and, on the one hand.

Well, his beautiful and so exciting morning number with Hanna had been back for a while, and Horst was a man of impressive potency. And Bianca had him all alone for a while, so she sank her eyes into his hung about. So she put her bare foot in his lap and let her toes play over the thin fabric with his now fully extended stand. Her toes twitched, her little devil was totally programmed again and tasted like crazy about her little labia.

Horst took her foot out of his lap, picked him up, and then her toes were between his lips. What followed, Bianca Fast Kirre, because Horst sucked her toes, with the largest starting down to the little one, and she swam into lust and inner warmth. She had never felt it so intensely, but she was condemned to inactivity, because Horst had raised her leg so high that she was simply unable to move.

But her jar glowed before he had licked and sucked the last toe. Bianca only wore her thin house dress, no panties, no bra, and her body began to glow, like not even in the hottest sauna. Her hands massaged and rubbed her breasts under the fabric while her eyes were indispensable on Horst’s mouth. His hands massaged her foot and then put it back in his lap. Bianca straightened up, because now she had freedom of movement again.

Her breasts almost burned and her pussy felt like a blazing fireplace. Horst got up and pulled her up too. His erection now stabbed the arrow line through his pants. “Come!“He just said, took her by the hand and led her up the stairs. He closed the door of her room and undressed. Bianca couldn’t get rid of her dress quickly enough and then threw himself on the wide bed.

Almost automatically she spread her legs and actually expected Horst to jump her immediately. But she was wrong. He sat on the bed with her and then lay on his back. His stiff tail protruded like a meat stick and was so tight that his mushroom -shaped acorn was completely free. Bianca became dry with the mouth and suddenly she just missed a sip of champagne. Just to add her mouth.

Especially when Horst spoke to her. “Would you spoil me again like last night. With your sweet mouth, I mean. That was almost unearthly beautiful. “Horst smiled profitably and she caught laying laying. “I have a completely dry mouth, you would have no pleasure on that. “Horst laughed softly and got up. From the small minibar he took a little bottle and opened it. It was pure mineral water, and Bianca drank it right out of the bottle.

Not just lady -consuming, but extremely beneficial. But that didn’t play a role at all. She leaned her head over Horst’s lap, made it comfortable, and the next moment his sweet mushroom was gone between her lips. And the mushroom slowly followed all the hot and thick stems. She heard Horst Sieben Sigh and moved her lips slowly up and down, and she kept voying the pressure of her lips. Horst was even hornier on her sucking today than yesterday and she had him enjoyed.

Slow and enjoyable. At some point Bianca took his cock out of my mouth and looked at Horst. “Do you want to come like that?“She whispered to him. “Would you want to let me come like that, little one?“He let his answer smile. “With the greatest pleasure when you enjoy it. In any case, I love to get a sweet and abundant sperm machine in my mouth. Especially from a man like you. Especially since I saw the fervor with which you delighted Hanna this morning.

That made me very excited. “Horst looked at her incredulously. “You’ve seen it?“Bianca nodded. “I stood in the bedroom and watched – until you finally shot your hot sperm into her twitching pussy. That was an incredibly horny spectacle. By the way, Hanna saw me and enjoyed it that I watched you. “Horst looked at her as he scratched her neck, but he smiled. “My sweet, hot, horny and insatiable Hanna! What would I be without you and your incredible fantasies and wishes!”” Come back and make it comfortable, Horst, your little brass will now spoil you until the sweet end.

“Horst smiled, lay back and pushed a pillow under his head. Bianca spread her thighs and lay down comfortably. Her long hair tickled his abdomen, and she put her so that her or all lover could see what she was doing. With one hand she held the twitching men’s pride, the other put her under his big testicles. And then she couldn’t be disturbed. Your tongue stroked the thick shaft. Up and down every now and then, while her second hand gently caressed and massaged his eggs.

Horst groaned lustfully, then he set his thighs wide -legged. Oh yes, that gave her other regions that could explore her fingers curiously. Bianca saw that her lover had closed his eyes and his chest rose and lowered under deep breaths. Now her tongue played with the twitching eggs while gently rubbing the hard shaft. She still reached the dam, unfortunately her tongue was not long enough for deeper regions.

When she felt that it began to get restless in Horst’s scrotum, she held and interrupted her rubbing on his trunk. Because, no, the Prussians don’t shoot that quickly! Instead, she pushed a hand under his buttocks and was looking for the little back hole there. And the way it twitched and trembled showed her that her lover was by no means unconscious there. Like most men, by the way,. After a little while she took up her tongue game, only that she now put her lips over the trembling tail and included the thick glans into her game.

A loud bliss from Horst’s mouth showed how much he enjoyed the enjoyment. She sucked his hard cock deep into her throat, and managed to close her lips directly at the root while her tongue licked and licked. Then slowly up until only the glans was in her mouth. Some fast tongue strokes on the sensitive men’s meat had Horst baleed the hands into fists and now moan uninhibitedly. So now up and down three times on the hot shaft, then a few tongue gyrosa on the glans, three times up and down, tongue kit, three times up and down, tongue gap.

And for every up and down Bianca strengthened the pressure of her lips and also the intensity of your tongue game. Horst was a master of reluctance, but his twitching eggs revealed that his control was finally finally. Bianca’s nod became faster and a handle to his rear regions then caused a loss of control. She felt his seed shot through the hard shaft and was prepared. Four, no five eruptions caught her with my mouth, swallowed her, bathed her teeth in Horst’s sperm, which tasted incredibly good.

It was spicy, but not bitter, a touch of horse chestnut mixed with almonds. Bianca enjoyed this eruption blessed, while Horst was so wild that she troubled to keep his now slowly shrinking tail in the mouth. She only let him in freedom when he had withdrawn completely, and she had also licked the last of his horse-drawn-almond milk from his skin. Very careful, as is well known, the men on their crown jewels are quite sensitive to the orgasm.

A few minutes both remained in peace and relaxation, then Horst opened his eyes and straightened up. He looked at Bianca with a smiling but also shaking head. “Dear heaven, Bianca, I’ve never experienced that so intensely and horny! Where did you learn that?“In the end she owed him the answer and straightened up. Horst had done it well because his eyes shone, and only that was important. With a deep sip washed out of the water bottle and drank his sperm out of her mouth, then kissed her Horst.

“I am happy that you liked it and did well. “A little later, Bianca spread her house dress while Horst moved into the bathroom briefly. She took a Prosecco out of the small minibar, opened her laptop, drove it up and began to make the keyboard glow. She had a lot to write again. At some point Hanna came to Bianca in the guest room and beamed. “Horst told us what you drove while we worked in the studio, sweetie.

Compliments, Bianca, so enthusiastically he has never raved about an oral sex experience. “Hanna kissed her, and Bianca promptly described herself. So after the correction she worked the laptop. Lisa was in the process of straightening a small evening snack in the kitchen, because on this holiday there was hard to think about the food. In addition, they had breakfast very late, so that a little dinner was completely sufficient for her too. Hanna took a sip of Prosecco out of her glass and winked Bianca.

There would be food in half an hour. Then she left her alone. Bianca ended her heel, then she drove down the laptop and turned it off. After a small but exquisite dinner, everyone sat together in the living room. This time with a light wine that was significantly more digestible for Bianca than the heavy champagne from yesterday. However, she was certain that it would not be as late or better today as last evening.

However, no guests were expected today. Lisa was very satisfied with the result of her work with Hanna today and told enthusiastically. She had also exchanged her Palkittel for a thin Kimono to eat, and Hanna had also been slightly dressed in the evening. It is easy to guess that Bianca’s both friends are still planning something when they are together with their cozy get -together. Bianca looked at Horst, who apparently thought the same thing with a smile. She leaned back a bit and sipped her wine.

She wanted to hold back a little bit, because she just had before eating. Hanna got up and meant Bianca to follow her, so she also got up. She led Bianca onto the terrace and she suspected what she was up to. So they smoked a cigarette together. They were very close together, and Hanna’s free hand was on Biancas Po. Her gentle stroking made her shower run over her back. Bianca wore nothing on the body besides the thin house dress, and her friend’s fingers were lively, almost impatient.

“I promised Lisa Horst,” whispered Hanna, “she is the only one who still went out empty today. Horst nibbled me very wonderfully before breakfast, but you know that best, and you enjoyed it in your own way this afternoon and above all enjoyed it Horst. I think I can still learn a lot from you in the game. Now it’s Lisa on. “Bianca expressed her cigarette and looked at Hanna in the matt light on the terrace.

“This is just just, sweetie, but that’s why we don’t have to do it. “Then she kissed Hanna. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear from you, dear. I’m just really horny, you like to feel?“Her hand was immediately under her thin dress, Bianca felt her dense pubs under her palm. Very hot and very moist. When she pushed two fingers between her wet labia and Hanna’s clitoris felt, she groaned together and kissed Bianca hot and demanding.

She pulled her wet hand out of her lap and pulled her into the house. They were only outside for a few minutes, but when they came into the living room, it was empty. But it was clear from the big bedroom that Lisa and Horst had a lot of fun. Lisa jeeped happily, and Horst’s moan also sounded like tubes of a Brunft deer. Both took their glasses, and Hanna moved Bianca into the guest room. Immediately they got rid of their clothes and then they blended happily on the bed.

Bianca’s hand slipped in Hannas, and now she reached properly. Was that a tight, hot, horny cave!Hanna screamed and Bianca closed her mouth with a long kiss of tongue, which she returned violently and passionately. “You drive me crazy, Bianca,” Hanna groaned in her mouth. “I’m just starting,” sighed it blissfully back. She slid down to Hanna’s body, sucked on the way to each of her hard and long nipples and then dived her head between her hot thighs, which spread only too willingly when Hanna spent her intentions.

Her butt twitched, and Hanna cried out when Bianca replaced her fingers with her tongue and licked her hot and wet lust grotto frenetically. Bianca enjoyed Hanna’s warm, spicy juice on her tongue and her bewitching fragrance in her nose. She alone had it hovered. Now she found Hannas Kitzler, who was now long and hard, so -called him between her lips and sucked gently. That was too much for them, and Bianca experienced an orgasm of Hanna, which is not much offended by this morning under Horst.

She had trouble keeping her royal butt in the bridle and not being choked by her twitching thighs. When her senses had calmed down again, because Biancas Libido also had a lot of pleasure to experience Hanna exploded so much. Her little devil was almost out of the house. “I need a little break,” said Hanna with a bad breath. “My god was crazy!“Bianca lay down next to her and just stroked her big breasts as she enjoyed her closeness.

At some point both got up and hiked into the big bedroom. There they met Lisa and Horst in a blessing community. From Lisa’s naked pussy a little brook that proved to them, Horst once again sprayed his men’s cream into her. When Bianca saw that Hanna lay down to Horst and kissed him for a long time, she slipped over Lisa, whose breasts still testified to a horny love campaign. These too kissed, and Bianca again found how different Hanna and Lisa were kissing.

Where Hanna was only soft and sensual, she felt a bit more dominance at Lisa. “May I?“I asked Lisa after the kiss breathless. “What, little one?”” Snack!“Lisa smiled and understood. “Nach, sweet bianca, nic. “Lisa spread her thighs in a visible anticipation and Bianca did not lose time. Horsts and Lisa’s pleasure mixture before falling asleep – she would sleep wonderfully again! Her tongue licked and searching, and she found what she was looking for.

Everything she found in her pussy from Horst and Lisa, she enjoyed again with all his senses and Lisa accompanied her licking again with horny mash. The mate grew louder, and Bianca managed to lick a little orgasm from the twitching shell, while she also gave her pleasure and joy with her fingers in sync with her fingers. At some point Bianca cuddled with Lisa and closed her eyes. The sleep came in seconds.

(Extract from my 2. E-book “My Little Demon and his little devil” this time written by the little devil also known as).

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