Slip overt [4] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Almost two weeks had passed, but in front of Corinna’s inner glance, the one picture always appeared to be naked in the meadow and the man petted her and tenderly led her to an unforgettable climax. Today was again such a wonderful summer day like that weekend, and again Rudolf was not at home – this time he was on a business trip. Now, in the early evening after the heat had subsided, Essie drove out among people. But for the planned bathroom in the crowd, Corinna had come up with something special and not only, as usual.

Only dressed in the light summer dress that the “the man” had chosen for her before leaving the swimming pool, she wanted to move as a naked one, so to speak, under dressed.
The pedestrian zone was teeming with people. It almost seemed as if the whole city was on its feet and the whole life is playing here. Corinna noticed the eyes of the men who seemed to score off their body shapes through the light dress. What would you do for your eyes only if you knew …

Your skewer, looks at me, which I have stripped all the conventions with the slip. You are tied up and trapped by your homemade, moral ins acids principles. But I’m free. She almost regretted it that she was not wearing a feasting dress, then she, she introduced herself, introduced a gust of wind underneath, led it and her femininity, framed by the banged fabric, exposed.

She enjoyed the airy feeling that gave her the nudity under her dress, and fought to the fullest of the feeling of freedom to move, albeit hidden from the environment, as in paradise. Corinna was happy about her body. She felt completely like a woman.
A street musician sat in front of a department store and tried his violin. He attracted her attention and at the same time her pity;Attention through this fencing melody of love and longing, pity through his miserable game.

Corinna bent down to throw a coin in the violin box provided. A grateful look met her. For a second she was in doubt as to whether it was her coin or the unexpected view of her hair triangle, because two buttons had just jumped up at this point, and the dress had opened a split width. She could just be buttoned the dress inconspicuously when she was addressed from behind.

“What a pleasure to see you again.“Corinna turned surprised. In front of her the man from Swimming pool. He bowed smiling. “Good day.

Sorry, I didn’t want to scare you.”” You don’t have that either. I am also happy. To see you.“In silence they went side by side for a while. Finally, however, he got up to the sentence: “I am pleased that you wear the same dress as then.”” You remember it?” “Yes.“The man stopped abruptly and seemed to put all his courage together.

“Want to eat with me? I know a pretty restaurant. I invite you.” “Gladly. Thank you.“It was a small French restaurant in which the man led her, with a subtle rococo equipment. The chairs with playful carvings in old white and gold, with pink upholstery and leaning, and on the walls velvet wallpapers in the same color.

He hadn’t promised too much, really pretty. They were the only guests. The upper was discreetly held in the background, patiently of the further wishes that would be placed on him. The wine has already selected the wine, a light, cool ROS, suitable for the hot season.

Corinna folded the menu too. “You know better. I will leave you the selection of the menu. By the way, we don’t know our names at all.

My name is Corinna.““ Ah, like the beautiful lover of the Ovid, an apt name.”” Yes, after her mine Father, A glowing admirer of this poet, named.“” And my name is Alexander, Alexander Blume. My parents had no such famous role model in mind when they let me baptize me. But my name should also remember one person. Alexander was called a good friend of my father, a Russian that he had met as a prisoner of war during the last war.

Today this has become a fashion name. Every child is called Alexander or, what is worse, Sascha is called. I regret this.”” “Alexander Blume”?” “Yes why?”” Then you are the author of the ‘chastity belt ’?”” Among other books, yes. Why do you ask?““ I read your book.

It is very amusing.“” Thanks for this compliment.““ That was not a compliment, but the truth. Recently I also have with my husband about the Chastity belt spoken.”” Why did they do that?“Corinna reported on the conscious Sunday evening and how jealous Rudolf on the story of her experience in the outdoor pool had reacted. “Maybe it wasn’t very wise to tell her husband everything in my husband. But they couldn’t guess that he would be so jealous.

I am least concerned with giving advice, but I still mean that this crisis must go through this crisis. Otherwise you cannot overcome them.“After a short break, Alexander continued:“ Did you notice that we are still searing ourselves?““ It would not be time to go on a more personal salutation?“They lifted their wine glasses and pushed. “You, Corinna.”” You, Alexander.“Alexander smiled and leaned over the table, a fleeting kiss hit his lips. He leaned back with a happy facial expression.

Alexander waved. The upper approached to order the dishes. Then he disappeared into the kitchen. Now that they were all alone in the restaurant, Corinna took up the thread of conversation.

“So since then Rudolf Evil has been on me. He also no longer sleeps with me. Except for one time, but that was half a rape – but I’ll bore you when I only talk about myself.””Not at all. Say if you think it is right and you have trusted me.

“Should I?“Alexander nodded to her. “Good.“For a moment, Corinna thought how to start. Then she gave herself a jerk. “Well, it was last Sunday.

Although I was still angry with Rudolf, we went for a walk in the park behind the castle. After all, it was the last evening before his departure to Japan, direct flight to Tokyo, where his company sent him. Suddenly it came over. He grabbed me on my arm.

Buschwerk and high grass were somewhat away from the path. This vegetation seemed to offer Rudolf enough privacy screen. In any case, he drove me there and took me by force. The worst thing was that I came up with nettle.

Imagine nettles!“Alexander nodded understanding. “Then the buttocks and thighs were covered with bright red wheels. For a quarter of an hour I had to grit my teeth, so very burned the back and abdomen. Without a word, as if nothing happened between us, we then continued the walk.

– And now Rudolf is in Japan. He will stay there for a few more weeks.“Corinna looked thoughtfully into her wine glass. “This report shows me that your husband is still in demand. Gradually he will already catch himself and accept you as you are.

Do you just stay true to yourself.“The waiter brought the soup. “Your order, nettle broth with marksmen. Bon appetit.“Corinna and Alexander looked at each other, and chuckingly they broke out in a liberating laughter.
It was already dark when they left the restaurant. It would have been time to say goodbye to each other.

But like back then in the outdoor pool, it was again a secret force that prevented the. So they strolled through the dark park together. Alexander sought her hand tentatively. When he found her and she put up with it, he kept her tightly enclosed.

Corinna stopped. As recently under the street lamp, they nestled closely together. Alex-Anders right hand touched her buttocks and followed his notch. Through the thin fabric, Corinna felt how he gently pressed her Rös -chen with the middle finger.

“You have no panties at all,” he said in astonishment. “It is amazed? I gave you that.”” Yes, right – and I care as my secret treasure.“After a long, thoughtful break:“ After a hot day, I would like to go to the sauna.“Where did Alexander took the courage for this indirect invitation from, Corinna secretly wonded, but she only asked:“ Where?”” In the brine Mio ‘, that is still open.” “I’m coming with you!“The sauna bath house was only sparsely visited. In the half -darkness of the hall there were only here and there were a few older people on the rest beds, which were lined up around the sparkling basin. Corinna was already a more gratifying sight of a girl -probably eighteen years old -who climbed into the water with inimitable grace, followed by a young, athletically -looking colored man.

Her narrow, pretty face was framed by long brunette hair;Their slim shape, the small apple-shaped breasts, the level belly and finally the dark, unmistakably optical-erotic accents of hair triangle of her pub. Corinna and Alexander first went to the sauna. There they were sitting alone in the narrow housing, and everyone felt the heat of the other. Soon the sweat broke out of all pores.

With every movement, her wet skin rubbed together, she felt slippery. Alexander watched out with interest on how the welding stream ran over Corinna’s round breasts, took the stomach and filled their umbilical pit until it overwhelmed. The trickle finally seeped away in the thick hair of hair between the thighs. Was it the heat, the moisture, the small intimate room or corinas erotic charisma? Certainly the sum of everything, because suddenly sweet feelings overwhelmed him.

He grew a huge erection. Steep stand up its limb. The foreskin had pushed back a bit and gave a view of the groove of the glans. This time it was Corinna who watched him interested.
“I am ashamed of.”” Why, that’s human, or should I say better, male?”” Come on, let’s go before someone sees me.“The towel was wrapped around the hip so that no one could see his condition, Alexander left the sauna with Corinna.

They returned to the sparkling basin. It was almost deserted now. Only in a corner of the pelvis was there a young couple who kissed narrowly. Old acquaintances, found Corinna as they swam closely, because the two had already noticed on their way to the sauna, especially the flawless body of the blood boy girl.

Now, in the bubbling water, there was not much to see, but soon she realized from the rhythmic movements that the two loved each other. Corinna felt a strange pulling between the thighs. The longer they watched the couple, the more intense this feeling became. Somehow Alexander had noticed what was going on in Corinna.

In any case, he slowly pulled her up and began to stroke the inside of her thighs tenderly under water. As electrified twitched Corinna when his hand touched this sensitive area.
“Come on, kiss me!“During a never -ending kiss of tongue, Alexander’s hand gently made a way between hers Legs, Until the fingers find the wide column and play around the clitoris. His caresses, in the club with the throttle of the bubbling water, did not miss their effects – in addition the loving couple nearby – Corinna grasped a request that had never been known until then. With one hand she held on the edge of.

His member had set up again. “Take me now!“, She came out in a pressed voice. She firmly pressed her butt against his stiff member and steered it between her thighs. Trembling she felt how it entered her.

Corinna couldn’t suppress a quiet groan. Then her butt began to answer in slow, circular movements of Alexander’s gentle bumps. Even if they kept back and did not move too stormily, the other couple certainly noticed their actions, because again and again Corinna exchanged ideas with the two meaningful glances of a secret agreement.
Alexander’s bumps became less common. Realed his member in Corinna’s lap, comprehensively with his hands, he finally paused all the time, probably to extend the bliss of the moment.

Corinna observed the couple, who was now approaching the climax with undisturbed movements, carelessly about the presence of others. Corinna caught the spectacle to a greater extent. It was now that took over the active part. Seemen out of the outside and without participation, her vagina fought a silent struggle with Alexander.

Her vaginal muscles closed firmly around his limb, loosened. Then again Dievagina nestled closely to the penis shaft. Rhythmically narrowed her vagina, contracted, then again the clasp after. A quick look over to the neighboring couple.

Suddenly the young man threw his head back, a rearing up, then his upper body fell on the girl’s back. His lust had fulfilled. Shortly afterwards, the silent duel between Corinna and Alexander had decided. Corinna came with power.

She groaned behavior. At the same time, she felt how Alexander Ejaculated and the ray wet the vaginal wall. The swifted feelings of what has just been experienced, Corinna enjoyed the sparkling stimulus of the bubbling water for a while. Finally they dissolved from each other.

With a smiling look over to the neighboring couple, Corinna left the pool. The two smiled back.

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