On a horny escape part 3 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

She went into her room, pulled out to the panties and lay down naked as she liked to do it naked. Her brain rotated and prevented her fell asleep. The lights from the now so enemy world there to be created out there on their walls. Lea followed her and remembered how anxious she had reacted to these things as a child.

Sometimes her came Mother, To comfort them. Mostly a nanny. The song and the stories she had heard in these situations came to her mind. Unfortunately, they no longer calmed them down today.

And then Marvin was in her head.

All suddenly and all other thoughts displaced. Marvin the terrorist? The killer? She remembered how they had met. At a party at the university he spoke to her. He was funny and somehow mysterious.

Lea was immediately caught by him. It was used to the men to crowd around them, but she already knew all the sayings with which they wanted to end up with her. And they usually bored them. Although many men looked good.

Sometimes she went into it, experienced a more or less hot night and then disappeared again. No last name, no telephone number, sometimes a wrong first name. It was enough for you.

If she got into more, then only for a few weeks.

An affair with an actor, a liaison with a rock star. However, Marvin immediately delighted her and he had her full attention. She felt that he was different. The first night with him was how liberating.

For the first time in her life she felt a real woman. He led them to several highlights that she had not yet met in this intensity.

Marvin opened a secret passion in Lea. However, she believed today that it was a special feature in her relationship with Marvin. He dominated her, that was clear to her.

He had freedom of fools, could do everything with her. She remembered Johann’s words. “In the games that they both and above all he drove with them in their apartment, I was about to intervene several times without intervaling without her father’s consent,” he said. So Johann had actually observed her how she had thrown all the pubic boundaries overboard and Marvin fully gave herself.

In the last phase of her relationship, Marvin always wanted that she wore white high heels at an extreme height and holding -free stockings. She was allowed to put on a thin white coat. So she had to receive him.

When she prepared for his visit, tested the flawlessness of her intimate shaving, put on the stockings and selected the shoes, she was always wet afterwards. Their unrest rose from minute to minute, became really tangible.

Then the doorbell rang and she felt how the nipples stiffened to her perfect big breasts. She saw one of the visits in her memory in front of her. Lea opened the door, Marvin came in and kissed her consuming. She groaned as she felt his tongue in her mouth, took the place she needed.

She lured away, gone away and constricted. When he took off from her, she ran after air. He sat on a stool and looked at her. The greed in his eyes was clearly recognizable.

“Pull off the coat and run up and down a few times.”

She turned his back on him, let the coat slide off his shoulders and looked him in the eye.

Slowly she turned and presented him with her perfect body. She enjoyed his eyes and started going up and down. Her butt was wonderfully tense through the high heels. Her breasts rocked slightly in the clock of their steps.

Each of her movements was fluid, exciting, was absorbed by it. She knew that and it excited her infinite. His eyes literally felt them and Lea believed that they could almost feel them. She was of the opinion that her juice can be felt on the inside of her thighs.

“Come to me!”

Lea went to him hip swinging and stopped right in front of him.

His eyes had a tough expression that did not match his obvious excitement. The nose close to yours pussy so -called her fragrance. The petting of his hands on her stockings gave the mandatory noise. Strong hands kneaded their beautiful round buttocks.

Knowing fingers stroked through their moisture. Lea groaned and screamed when Marvin suddenly pushed a finger deep into her can. It hurt and she had to hold on to his head so as not to fluctuate.

The finger remained and pain was removed by lust when he started fucking it.

The beautiful young woman whimpered and couldn’t let go of his head. A second finger was added, the movements became harder. His tongue stroked her clit. This sudden pace surprised her but she gave herself, climbed higher and higher.

She perceived the smacking sound of his fingers in her wet. Thought they could smell their excitement. The door to a redeeming orgasm was wide open. Only briefly and then … he suddenly stopped.

The fingers left it and there was a terrible emptiness.

“Lay on the bed but let your shoes on!”

She needed a moment to orientate herself. Her breath was difficult and she still had to support herself with him. Marvin reacted differently than she expected and just got up. She almost liked it.

Then finally she could react and straightened up with a somewhat failed smile. Marvin stood at the foot of the bed and was already waiting for her. He was still completely dressed. Lea lay on the bed.

Your lover shouldn’t have mentioned that she should start her shoes. So far he had always taken her at least the first time while she was still wearing the high heels. For them it was something additional wicked and therefore not only turned on Marvin.

She looked up at him and was still surprised about the hard expression of his eyes.

He sat down on the bed next to her and kissed her. She greedily answered his tongue. He took one of her arms, pressed it up and fixed him with a handcuff on the bed frame. Lea looked in astonished Marvin and a little anxious.

“So far I have given you the opportunity to distrust myself?”

He didn’t wait for her answer and kissed her again.

The other arm was pushed up and he could feel that it was unsure. The handcuffs clicked. He looked at her and got up. Lea was now a little afraid of being delivered.

She really trusted him so much? What did she know about him so far? The expression in her face increased unmistakably its excitement. For Lea a little surprisingly, her body also reacted with pleasure to this situation and she felt a pull in her breasts, longed for his touch. Now Marvin finally took off. Exposed his strong upper body.

Lea loved this wide chest and the defined muscles under the abdominal blanket. His more beautiful tail Was already hard and unmistakably emerged under his pants. Lea groaned at the sight. The last pants fell.

The thick and long cock that had so far gave her so much pleasure steeply steeply from his muscular body.

“Now my cock is blowing me, fucking dolls!”

In the name he gave her, moaning automatically came out of her mouth. The excited both were, the more he gave her dirty title. And right now, tied to the bed, with hard nipples, with your legs opened, swollen lips, wet like a moor and hooker shoes on her feet, she was his fuck cuff. He knelt down to her and pressed his cock into the already opened mouth.

In short she caressed him, then he took her head into his hands and pushed in himself. His moans and gurgling filled the room, tears ran over the beautiful face. Then he escaped. However, Lea was only able to take a short breath because he immediately pushed back.

Now he did not push into her mouth, but pressed his hard as far as possible. Her tongue was caught under his cock, he continued and she had to choke. Somehow she mastered the task and felt his cock in her throat. Now he started fucking her mouth again and she felt the movements of the glans in her neck.

Lea suddenly knew that he wanted to end it that way. The movements became faster, his hands almost put their heads like in a vice. He groaned again loudly and sprayed his juice deep into her throat. She felt his cock pushing his load in her esophagus.

Marvin moaned and sighed freely and Lea could feel his relaxation directly. The grip on her head loosened and finally he pulled his spear out of her neck. He was wet and only now did she realize how much her face and her cleavage had been covered by her saliva.

So far she had swallowed his juice and she was divided as she should classify it for herself. She had told him that too, but apparently he didn’t care about it.

He had used it, how should you call it differently. But, and she was amazed at it, she liked it. The game excited her. So far, her life has always been very protected and guarded, somewhere now the mercenary was awakening about her.

And here she could break out. Everything was different here. She dragged on her handcuffs.

“Please, get rid of me. I want to hug you, I want to be with you.”

“Later.“His breath had calmed down significantly.

“The extraordinarily attractive Daughter One of the two most important entrepreneurs in the country lies defenselessly chained in front of me. Only covered with fuck shoes and stockings. And she just waits to finally be fucked by me. How many men out there would sell the house and yard to exchange with me? How many people out there would give her right arm to take revenge on her for the injustices that her Father has taken with you?”

He took a short break and put his head diagonally as if he took an answer to his own questions.

“No, I will not get rid of you, but fuck this horny body when and how I like it.

And now I’ll get something to drink.”

Lea looked at him with torn mouth and eyes. Marvin left her bedroom and lit a cigarette while walking. His short monologue left her shocked. The cold that had sneaked into his words gave her goosebumps.

She fluctuated between horror and excitement and tugged and pulled to her Tie up, Until she had to give up exhausted. She heard clearly how he whistled in the kitchen and filled a glass with tap water. When he came back, she had to close her eyes. The risk of breaking out in tears was too great.

And yet she still felt the pleasure in herself. What had he done with her that despite everything she actually wanted to feel his cock?

Her eyes opened again and she saw him smile. He carefully put the glass on her lips and let her drink. Briefly only.

She would have needed more and chased the glass with her head as far as she came. His hand touched her arm and it was like an electric shock. A twitch was running through her body.

“My little cunt has become so fearful through my words.“His hand stroked her arm and head. “You don’t know your role in this society? The beautiful princess who will eventually follow the king on the throne.

The public person whose lives move people. Sometimes because they like them, sometimes because they hate them. But you can’t avoid her.“His hand continued to stroked her body, played around her neck and breasts. Gently stroked her stomach and caused the twitching again.

Stroked back. Lea stopped the air and yet she escaped a whimper. What should that? Was the part of the game? And again there was the excitement that she could not deny and was reapplied again by the flattering tone and its gently stroking hand.

“The men see you in your erotic clothes with high heels or in bikini. Your body, your face are public.

You want to fuck you, no matter what you say. And they hate the men at your side. They envy you for your money and your power. Or hate yourself for it.”

He looked her in the eye and smiled kindly.

Lea felt his hand back on her breasts. Felt how they pressed the solid meat tenderly and played around the nipples.

“The women envy you around your body and your possibilities. You want to be like you. Want to be as beautiful as you.

Want to be in all these newspapers and be adored by all these men. Or they hate you for it.”

His hand stroked her neck again. He pushed a finger into her mouth and she immediately sucked it hard on it. Slowly she went crazy.

His words confused her, his hand excited her.

“And then there are people who believe that your father is to blame for her misfortune. On their poverty, in their debts, in their hopelessness. These people just hate you.”

His eyes were now iron hard in theirs, they do not release them from his gaze. And his hand continued to stroked her body.

“But no matter if people love you, envy or hate you: the beautiful princess does not see her.

She lives in another world and has no idea what people around them have to suffer to exist in this country. She doesn’t see the fear that these people have. Fear for their health, fear for their children, fear for their existence. This fear is an uncertainty about what follows tomorrow.

And this fear, this uncertainty, is now experiencing the princess too. Only in contrast to the people out there is not just afraid. On the contrary, like everything else, she uses this fear for her pleasure. Because she makes her horny.”

He whispered the last sentence in her ear, while his hand stopped stroking her, found the way between her open legs and hard into her grotto with two fingers into her grotto.

With surprise, pain and lust, Lea reared up and screamed. No matter what he said, no matter how he meant it, she was hot and now came in an explosive orgasm after a few movements of his hand. She tore on her bonds, groaned loudly and wildly, her whole body twitched. Colors exploded in a thousand -fold stars in her head, accepted shapes, disappeared, came back.

She didn’t know how long that lasted. It could have been minutes, hours or days. Any feeling for that had been lost to her. At some point her brain gave up, the pleasure signals flooded their receptivity.

She woke up from the little protective fainting.

After a short orientation, Lea was able to remember. She was still tied to the bed, but there was nothing to see from Marvin. He won’t have left? For God’s sake, he couldn’t do that to her! However, she was not sure about the strange things he had told her. What did he want from her? Was that only part of a game or was it serious? For the first time in her life, she wished that the mercenary would be in the room.

As little as she liked him, so much she was suddenly convinced that she could rely on his protection. However, she would never have experienced this pleasure that was consuming. And if she imagined that the mercenary would have seen her in this situation. Unthinkable! Then she could shoot herself immediately.

She called to Marvin. Anxious, nervous. However, she was also angry about being chained. And she was still excited.

And that after such an orgasm. Had to scare her too? Marvin came over from the living room to her. A whiskey in hand, a cigarette in the mouth.

“Marvin, please let go of me.”

“You’re awake. How nice.”

He did not go into her request, but first gave her to drink from the whiskey.

Actually, she loathed this stuff and only had a scotch in the bar for guests. In her location and with her dislike, she did not try to explore the special features of this noble drink. The high -proof alcohol burned in her neck, but also woke up her spirits. She tore on her bonds again and reared up, screamed at him to get rid of her.

“And if I don’t do it, what do you do, princess cunt? Do you tell your father and make sure that I fly from the university? Or does he only make sure that you meet with decent boys who are looking after you with decent sex – or we want to say: when it comes to sleeping? Up, in, out, down.

You dream of it in your ivory tower?”

Marvin was still naked as before. He moved unabashedly around her. Knew about his own attractiveness, knew about his superiority. Lea was silent.

“No, you don’t dream of that.

You want to be fucked by a cliché. A man from the people. Sex should be hard and dirty so that you can forget your own prison. So that your bonds come loose for a moment.

Maybe the man should be a little dirty too. Of course good -looking, somehow it has to fit you. And in me you think you have found the cliché.”

He smiled at her. Lea stared at him again.

She had been wrong in him? That couldn’t be a game. He insulted her, really put her down, scared her. And she excited again. The short description of how she supposedly sees him led to a twitch in her breasts again.

She saw Marvin smiled at her. He knew how to read thoughts about her. He waved the rest of the whiskey in his glass and looked at the perfect coloring interest. Then he looked back into her eyes.

“You know, sometimes I’m sorry for you.

You are such a beautiful woman, one of the most beautiful, most attractive and exciting women I met or even saw in my life. You have so much money, so much power and so many options and yet you can only move in a close corridor. Because everything you have and you are also scared you too. Fear of those who are not like you.

You feel them as a threat and lock yourself into your prison yourself.”

He emptied his glass and put it on a small table.

“And now we’re going to free you. At some point it will be completed.”

When he rose, she could see that his cock had already rose slightly again. His monologue, which she was repeatedly unable to interrupt, had also excited him. Or was it just the realization of having a toy here that would ultimately be the sake of wet pussy? Because Lea knew that that would be the case.

She still didn’t understand what he wanted from her. But the situation excited her very much.

Marvin knelt between her legs. Her thighs were on his. His swelling pipe was in front of her hungry love lips and a short touch was enough to elicit a horny groan.

Finally his strong hands explored their full breasts, they kneaded, walked them. He pulled the warts long and pinched it in slightly. She wanted to throw herself back into his arms, but only dragged her bonds and howled with anger, disappointment and excitement. Again he penetrated her cave with a finger and she joined her abdomen with her abdomen.

Wanted to finally be taken. But of course he deprived her of his finger, which she had collapsed again. Immediately he put his finger in her mouth and let her lick it. She brought her own taste even higher on her excitation manager.

She closed her eyes and just gave his caress.

“Yes, let yourself fall, my fuck dolls, let yourself go. Forget your bonds and your prison.”

Marvin slid down on her and she felt his tongue on her can. She reared up immediately and pushed towards him. He played around her lips, she said, penetrated and enjoyed the taste of her abundant nectar.

Her groans aroused him and together with the twitching of her muscles, which made the approaching orgasm more than clear, he almost lost his mastery. This woman was just a gift and he had the pleasure of playing with this gift. However, since he had other plans, he straightened up and put his now on her can to burst hard cock on her can. She was disappointed for a moment, but then felt what he was going to do and greeted his hard companion with a loud moan.

She felt him pushing herself around every inch and thus came closer and closer to her goal. When he put it entirely, she came to a violent orgasm. She screamed, reared up and threw her head back and forth, tugged hard on the bonds. She felt the approaching unconsciousness again, but fought against it.

“Finally fuck me, you damn pig!”

She screamed as if from your senses.

Marvin smiled and did her a favor. Her orgasm was awesome and he could hardly see himself enough. First their request brought him back to reality. Immediately he fucked her hard and powerful.

His perseverance was literally and he had shown Lea that has been shown more often. Nevertheless, he deliberately did not consider her and worked towards his shooting. At first he clawed in her breasts, later in her hips. Lea already twisted her eyes again and in her tight cave he felt the twitching of her muscles.

He fucked her hard and ruthless. Only took note of her renewed orgasm. He was pounding his cock into her more and more hard into her. Suddenly his hands were on her neck.

Tighted, pressed stronger. Panically she tore her eyes open. Her constant loud moan, which accompanied his hard rams. Marvin looked down at her despite her own strong excitement, saw the fear in her eyes.

Her fate was in his hands, he decided on her life and her death. All differences were now wiped away. The power of her family useless.

It overslooked him but he wanted to continue savoring this woman, further enjoying her. His hands put her breasts again, then her hips and he hammered them both into a final orgasm.

Lea was already on the destination despite or because of his strangling number, a few more bumps then he was ready too. He pulled his thick tube out of her narrow channel, leaned over her dreamlike body and injection his cream with a loud cry on her flat, trembling belly and full and firm breasts. Thrust around thrust shot out of him and he had the feeling that it wouldn’t stop. The juice stuck to her or ran toughly on her hemispheres.

Marvin had the impression that this sight alone extended his orgasm.

Then he straightened up and pushed his still hard cock back into her can. Lea looked at him to speak unable and received his kiss. Marvin felt his sperm Now stick to his body when he was finally on her.

Together they enjoyed the end of their violent highlight. She enclosed him firmly with her legs, never wanted to let him go again. He opened her bonds and her arms flew around his body, pressed him firmly to hers.

“You see, we are on the right track to your liberation. You are closer to her than you believe, princess thousand beautiful.”

Lea woke up and sat up.

She had actually fallen asleep and had experienced this episode with Marvin again in a dream. And she was excited. The hard nipples could hardly be ignored and she didn’t have to put her hand between her legs to know that she was wet. Neither before nor afterwards she had experienced sex in this intensity.

It was her as if she could experience the events physically again, who feel the bonds, feel his cock, to suffer his hands to be pressed on her neck. Above all, she was disturbed. Princess TauSendschön he had called her. Just like the guy who wanted to rape it yesterday and certainly killed her yesterday.

Marvin wanted to kill her. She was frozen. Johann was right.

He had probably saved her life twice.

He had also seen everything. How should she handle it. How do gratitude and shame go together? Lea lay down again. She suddenly became aware that the power failure that was supposed to be at the beginning of the end of her life had ultimately saved her life.

Without this event they could hardly have escaped unseen. A troubled sleep gave her. In the dream she saw Marvin again, who was lying above her, but then it was suddenly Johann, then both together. Marvin suddenly had a knife but Johann protected her.

Here, too, Marvin simply disappeared and Johann stayed. Lea relaxed and her sleep became calmer. She knew she could trust Johann and she knew she would escape from this country.

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