The girlfriend of my cousin | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My big cousin Lissy came home to me. My wife opened the 18-year-old high school graduate, who looked a little sad in Marikit’s eyes. This Friday, it was raining in streams, so it was actually the weekend for the students of their high school, but everything started now.

She gave us to understand that a young lady from her class should not know where to sleep, because her adoptive parents, had put them outside the door to go on a trip. Lissys Mother Had visiting our family and could not take the classmate.

I believed in a fairy tale or a wrong film, but it was a fact.

The young lady had been waiting in front of the door in the pouring rain. Lissy knew that I would not let anyone down what we asked their girlfriend into the house. I looked at her shocked, “Why didn’t both come in at the same time?“I was going through my head. Lissy’s classmate was ashamed because she is on the one hand an African descent and on the other hand did not know us.

Lissy introduced us to her friend, but I immediately asked to put on something dry in the bathroom. Mnobyj got fresh laundry and pushed the young lady into the bathroom. When she came out she looked at us embarrassed. Now we learned your name.

Mbali was called 155 cm tall, slim long black fragrance hair to the buttocks. She already had a shrinky fingertips as long as she was wet in the cold rain in front of our door. Oh god in heaven, I felt sorry for the young woman. But now her warmer.

Ellen put a wool blanket around her shoulders and brought her a hot tea, so everything was fine again.

The adoptive parents of the young African took away her house key in the morning and literally threw out with the words, “The youth welfare office pays us too little child benefit and from other places we will no longer get any coal for you. We want to travel from the money we got for you, from the offices, so get out with you “.

Disappointed and sad she sat on the sofa. Marikit took her in her arm to comfort her. I thought in myself “I will find the parents to enrich themselves at the expense of the daughter, then run away so that I will never see to disappear again.

Wait if I catch you “. But I neither spoke the thought nor did I see my wife’s face or mnobyj. However, they suspected my project. My wife carefully asked where her parents wanted to travel, whereupon our guest informed her that they wanted to fly to Brazil.

I thought well.

Europe borders on this country because French Guayana belongs to France and is therefore the only country on this earth that is not on the European continent and yet belongs to the EU. There is the foreign legion training camp, so I had allies of our NATO units in South America. At this point in time, British troops took part in the training. My wife knew what I was doing when I talked to someone in the French national language on the phone.

She grinned at me and asked Schelmisch “you sent out the mountains of mountain navals, or the diving unit of Mount Everest”. To date, I belong to our state and NATO as captain. Why should I not use my relationships to make such parasitic ding. South American military units from Brazil, Paraguay and Peru, but also associations of our NATO troops train in the Legion camp.

She got the answer “No, only Jaguare I left the answer from me”. My wife knew that there was this unity of Legion. They carry the head of the black big cat on the left upper arm of their combat suits and don’t even have friends in their regiments. They include 118 men, whom I now called.

Mbali cried and thought of a temporary accommodation, with us.

Although she believed that her parents were soon back in Germany and she could go back to them. However, we couldn’t give her an answer. As long as the young woman, which has just become 18 years old, alone without an apartment and without her own income, was clear to us that we had to help. Regardless of whether I have to grow or our children had to move together.

But we had a room in the basement, it is a basement. The room, of about 40 m², is not used by us. Rather, there are things in it that are not needed, as well as a closet with the clothes of our daughters who no longer fit them. But he is tiled and also has underfloor heating.

In addition, my office closes with its approx. 60 m², on. The rooms are separate from each other, but they are connected by the fire shaft of an old fireplace. This means that wood can be thrown into one and the same combustion chamber on both sides.

A few years ago I tried my first tiled skills there and created a small bathroom with it, which I stood out beforehand and provided with a massive book door.

Ellen called our neighbor Heidi, she still had the entire room equipment of her guest room, which she had wanted to dispose of for a long time, but did not do it because memories were hung on it. In this room she was from Jaali and me the first time fucked in the sandwich. There she cheated on her husband for the first time, when I deflowered her granddaughter Anja. When Heidi feels like me again and sleeps her husband Horst, or if she wants to be fucked by us in the sandwich, we meet in the room where I use the secret passage that connects our two houses together.

She wanted to completely re -set the room.

Both buildings have three basements, one basement, including the actual basement with the storage rooms for the buildings, another floor is the deep cellar, which currently served as an air -raid shelter and connects the real estate. Thick steel doors close the gears, air shafts and compressors still decorate the rooms that are located there. The bunker was built for 224 people, in which, according to records, up to 478 people were protected when Hamburg was bombed. The entire system is serviced by us and is ready for operation.

But now it was up to me to prepare our guest’s room.

A thousand things ran like a film in my thoughts in front of me. I wanted to be alone and entered the basement room. In the thought I cleared it out and started to put him into action. Waiki and her twin sister Lian, who had become too small, needed Lian, for her twin daughters, as well as Heidi’s daughter Petra, for her girl.

All children have a father when I look in the mirror, I see him. Suddenly Horst, Felix and Jaali stood next to me, also in front of the house was part of my crew of a frigate that I led, reservists and old served old. Ellen and my wife called them.

We had made it within a few hours. The young lady could move in with us.

Felix and Horst drove off to buy something, but they left us in the uncertain. When they came back with big and small boxes, we knew where they were. They had bought a PC including a printer and a screen that can also be used as a television. I drilled a hole for the network cable through the wall to my office.

So this thing was done. Felix conjured up a resiver from his jacket pocket and everything was perfect.

Mbali was happy like a little queen. Lissy’s mother, Lindsay, also came to us when she learned that we took a young lady with us. However, my Holde wife called us one floor higher.

The food was ready. The entire team and women quickly sat at the table. I had to ask my children from their realm when I blew into my boat pipe. The rejected African made big eyes when more and more children entered our dining room.

Only so much, my five 18-year-old daughters carried the four twins from Lian and Waki on their arms with the words “Paps we have made prisoners on our pirate ship, we also have to take care of it” I grinned into me. Petra also came to eat with her youngest daughter, Anja was still at the university. Anyone who counted were 10 of my daughters present. A total of 17 children say dad to me, I have been shown to be their producer, but they are all girls.

My wife asked me to fry fish again in the pans, so I lay a pre -binder around my hip and went into the kitchen.

Lissy and her friend watched me, Mbali saw the potato peeling machine. The two saw a large 50 kg sack with rice and asked me how long the crowd would last, whereby Hoshiko called from behind “I also need it for the fish market, there I sell sushi and other delicacies, but it only lasts one day,Then I used it. The potatoes come from the garden, the eggs and the vegetables we exchange for fish “. What she did not say that a Highland beef hung in the refrigerator that is bordered on the kitchen.

Parts of it should be frozen in the smoke, some things, but it had to be frozen, but it had to hang there for two more days. My cousin had worried it. I was responsible for everything else. What nobody knows as a hospital at the time from 1940 to 1949.

My wife is not a housewife, it doesn’t fit the name, she is a manager of a family company, and she is also responsible for creative bookkeeping.

The two young women also seemed to understand that, only those who plan well will achieve something. When I am asked by customers, whether they want to go to me as an operating holder or to the person who knows their way around, many begin to grin. Without Marikit and Ellen I could never have built it all up. When the children come from school, homework in the kitchen is only done.

Everything under the supervision of my wife and the two Africans Ellen and Mnobyj. The women whirl at the same time with the pans and pots. But now enough of it.

We asked Mbali to tell where she comes from.

She announced us to have been born from Benin in Ouidah.

But their parents out of poverty gave them to adoption. Their adoptive parents are German entrepreneurs, who, however, were broke after the other, but enjoyed being able to adopt them as an infant. Marikit has today on Tuesday, 03.03.Let your accounts lock in 2015. But how much criminal energy does a couple have to act in order to throw out their daughter just because our state does not pay anything for them or not enough.

The young woman began to cry bitterly and said “If I had died at my birth, after school I would go back to my country, no matter how poor it is, nobody wants me anymore”.

Ellen stood behind her and hugged her in her arm. You stay with us. “Both women looked into their eyes. Only colored the pupils from brown on blue their iris shone in the eyes and our two twins Joy and Elsa.

Lissy announced to us that her friend had told witches who are supposed to live in Ghana, who can change their eye color. I grinned and said “not only in Ghana but also here in Hamburg, Ellen is one of them and passes on their strength to their daughters”.

Mbali understood because she had researched and read a lot about the ladies of the qua, now she saw it in front of her. However, she did not really believe in the power that should be assumed. I brought her plates to my big cousin and her girlfriend with fried crowds and perch, which is caught in front of Africa’s west coast. Kim and Chin Mea provide us with the excellent goods for our fish trade.

The two seafarers come from South Korea and followed me with their two old whaling ships, “the rising sun” and “dawn” to Germany around half the world. Her and our two daughters also sat at the table, they are the fourth and fifth of the fifth gang of my seven-year-old pirates. Her mothers are in use with their ships before Africa, they bring their catch to us in Hamburg. They always pay attention to the tooth whales, follow in their fairway.

I had taught that to the two ladies. But must you not bend a fin to this marine mammal.

Ellen raised her left index finger as I wanted to give the plates to the ladies, gave Joy, Elsa and her mother Ellen, small fire balls on the dishes that sprang from their fingertips. Now the high school graduates knew who lived here.

Chqui said to them in broken German “Africa nothing, because long, Swei (two) street Weita, then left, street you follow, then you come where I bore in Ghana, nothing far away, but here beautiful at Joona and family,You don’t believe that there is a horse in the garden, I come across the country to Hamburg. Here many more beautiful for horses, so I stayed here “. I had to grin when she said that. Many words are not really pronounced, but they go to Africa and try to speak their national language perfectly after 5 months.

My wife smiled and knew where she got this sentence from.

Jaali, a great black man from Gabon, taught her this sentence. Chqui should be able to defend herself when she was addressed stupidly. But also in the citizens’ office, she tried this in this way, that was not so well received.

Again I had to go to the kitchen and let the wok pans glow.

The six flames on the gas stove burned at full temperature. I quickly fried meat and took it out. Lissy looked at it, her friend looked over my shoulder. They are the aforementioned fried vessels with a stem, the steel -made breakdowns have a volume of approx.

6 liters. I gave the fried meat in ceramic bowls and now braise vegetables. A flame lit the oil in the conical steel containers when Joy and Elsa suddenly stood next to us and said “Paps let us. They held their hands flat over the pans, with the flames gone and rising as steam.

The smoke formed into a cobra that my daughters distributed with a touch in the kitchen. They looked into the eyes of Mbali, with the two woks to glow. My twins took the pans from the stove in which they found the glowing steel. A loud hiss was heard.

The African was afraid that my girls had burned themselves, Joy and Elsa said like from one mouth “We share our food with you”. They put the pans on the table and showed their hands that were neither burned nor showed wounds. Lissy’s girlfriend was careless and touched the glowing steel of the pans, whereupon she inflicted a fire bladder on the finger. Ellen said to her “Only we witches of the qua dominate the flames, they burn in us, as well as the poisons of the snakes” she opens her mouth and two long corner teeth as well as the split tongue of a cobra.

When she let go of Mbali Hand, her burn had disappeared.

Our guest believed to dream, she didn’t know everything until long. We wanted to prepare her slowly and not tell her everything immediately, it would have been too much. Then my old crew went, as well as Horst, Felix and Jaali, one of my boys in a Spanish dialect asked “Comandante when finding parents, I take it into the mountains to the river, the little dragon, there is a dörrfleisch out the, you have nothing to do against?”.

However, Mbali asked that her parents are not hurt when they are found.

She didn’t need to worry, we wanted her to live. Whoever violates his daughter should pay for it, I took my cell phone and called someone confidential who lives in South America and takes care of the orphans there.

However, I got a call on my service phone. Tianyu said to me “Paps, quickly, your phone goes in the basement”.

However, I knew who called me and asked my daughter to get the call towards demanding corsaries blood. She did it. The caller was shocked, but he said to her “we have her, tell the cap” “. She was in her element.

My girl came proudly like Oskar and announced to me “Paps, we have them, let’s run out and get them”.

Tianyu didn’t need another word from me, but she said “Captain, I let the girls compete”. She got her four half sister, as well as the two Spaniards, who are also at the same age. Our little pirates competed like my boys on deck, grabbed Mbali hands and pulled them in their row.

As if from one mouth, they said a sentence that has been accompanied by our family from my French line for centuries. Corsaires sang, Nous Appelons “. I will translate it “one for everyone, all for one. We demand Corsarenar blood “.

What nobody knows, never mandate at the same time as your own seven-year-old daughters.

I prefer to go swimming with sharks and orcas than to discuss with them. They bite their little teeth faster than you can imagine. But you are one thing, treasures and my daughters. Corsaries like me.

Mea asked me “Mom and Aunt Kim are only a week before Brazil, should they bring the parents of Mbali with them?“I announced her literally,“ you should be on board at the bug, bound for everything you can do with your daughter. But we will let them braise there “. A civil ship has no right -wing Mbali parents to transfer to Germany. But we weren’t that far yet.

The young African’s adoptive parents should get a free flight to Germany.

Since my wife had also switched on the public prosecutor, two police officers came and announced that Mbali’s parents would probably have more on the notch. It started with forgery of documents and ended with commercial theft on a very high level, in between there was human trafficking, prostitution, blackmail and a lot more. Even the adoption papers of the young lady were fake by them. Now the world collapsed for Mbali.

She started crying bitterly, taking her in my arms and she grew up against me. One of the two officials was enough for her a paper handkerchief, which she accepted thankfully. She wanted to see the people who never see this one again. Legally, she had the opportunity to get an apartment from the Senate and also financial aid, but she didn’t want it.

With us in our house she felt comfortable.

Lissy and Mbali followed me into the living room when the officials had left. I felt the anger she tried to suppress. My daughters came to us where they said to the African “You are ours from now on Sister, Here you belong here “. The 18-year-old who heard these words from my 18 year old daughters was touched and took her one after the other with the words “I always wanted a sister, now I have so many”.

When it was time for my little dragons to go to sleep, they wished all of us a good night. Armed with the Logbook of the BL ** Dy Mary, they disappeared into Tianyus Zimmer. Lissy gave me a loving kiss, but she also wanted to go home. However, the young African asked that her friend should sleep with her that night, she didn’t want to be alone in her room.

Together they left us and went one floor deeper in Mbali rich. But we also went to bed. We were all done from this day. Ellen and Chqui snuggled up and my wife nestled against me.

So we fell asleep.

My inner clock woke me up at 4:30 a.m. I let the ladies sleep and went to my office that borders on Mbali’s room, but I left the door open. After I drove up the PC, I saw a message that reached me. Kim and Chin Mea are on the way back.

They showed me pictures of their catch. Just when the South Korean tried to contact me with a contact with the conversation on Skype, I got up and wanted to close the door, but suddenly Lissy and her friend stood there. I asked her to me. Wrapped up in thick ceilings they sat on the sofa and looked at who I was talking about.

Chin Mea had sent me pictures of the catch. Mbali didn’t quite understand who the two women are on the world’s oceans to catch the goods for our fish trade. The bellies of the old whaling ships were full up to the top. That meant a lot of work, but also money in the cash register again.

Now the two Asian women said goodbye to us again. The two old whaling are converted fishing ships. They do not hunt for marine mammals, but only on stable fish stocks. Of everyone but never catch too much.

Mbali smuggled her friend when I explained it all to her. I came to the two ladies to go under their thick blanket. They sat on my right side. Mbali right next to me.

We nestled together. Lissy gave me a nice kiss and told me that she had told her friend about us. The African asked me “Joona really got men and her mom fucked in the sandwich?“I grinned into myself, whereby I gave the answer without a word. So I learned from the two ladies that our new resident was still a virgin.

Next she said “The boys my age are too childish, only die with their cell phones and have a big mouth, but they cannot handle a woman properly. You talk a lot but more does not come from you “.

I looked into myself if I was like that when I was at her age. We three took our arms in our arms, but I avoided both women too close until Lissy took my cheeks between their palms and kissed me. The next moment she asked the African to touch my lips with her.

I shot my eyes and smiled, Mbali gave me a short loving Knutschi. When I saw her again, she looked at the floor ashamed. Now it was up to me, so I took her beautiful face between my hands to give her a loving and say nice kiss. I breathed this on her lips very tender, I experienced a crackle on my scalp.

When I held her in my arms I felt her bare skin under her long shirt. I avoided looking at her breast, with her stiff nipples smiled through the thin fabric that joined my chest.

Mbali looked at me in line, with the words “Joona, I don’t know these tenderness, I would like to understand her, be my teacher”. My big cousin knew that the sofa on which we were sitting, electrically over a button pressure, can be converted into a bed, we just had to rise. So the two ladies asked us to get up.

Lissy converted the sofa into a 3 x 3m lawn in which she operated the electrical loader. We were quickly back on the bed and under the large warming ceiling. The African nestled against me, where she was half on me. My right hand stroked her back.

In doing so, I accidentally stroked your shirt up so that your butt was only covered with the ceiling. Where my fingertips touched their solid buttocks. She was startled and pinched her two rounds together and buried her face between my neck and shoulder. A slight sigh from her lips, then I let my palm slide over her entire butt.

I felt her hot breath on my squad and heard her deep sobs, as well as a certain sadness when she spoke to me. She looked deep into my eyes “Joona, if I can I would also experience something that you showed Lissy”. She gave me a loving kiss. My cousin pushed her with her loins on my shot, then Lissy began to roam my leg smaller from my body.

Our bare skin touched for the first time, whereby Lissy reached between my thighs and started my love spear on Mbali sanctuary. She shared with the tip of my spear, the labia of the African and introduced her cock deep into her virgin vagina. Inside I heard the tearing of her cutting. Now she experienced as a real woman.

Small tears ran from their cheeks. She said to me “Joona, this is the spirit of my African soul, no grief, but I give it to you. You kept me and give me the chance “. I fell silent with a loving kiss, my tongue entered carefully into her mouth.

The slight touches of her tongue gave her soul free rein. Little beads dripped onto my chest from her dark skin, and she clung to me. Her fingernails drilled into my shoulders. Mbali asked “Please keep me, I experience it for the first time”.

Inside I cried so that I could give her the stability of my life, whereby she began to ride me.

Mbali should determine and decide. Her beautiful breast was just a few centimeters away from my eyes, so I started kneading her swift tits and nibbled tenderly on her bursts, the next moment I twirled her nipple.

She pulled me up with her poor poets so that our lips could connect again. Lissy held her shoulders. Mbali vagina was very narrow, she molk almost my cock like a milking machine.

I felt that her breath was getting shorter and shorter, she slowly lifted into a sphere that she wanted. The African experienced her first climax on this day and nestled to me.

But Lissy said to her “Now I’m tuned. Joona didn’t fuck me today “.

My cousin literally pulled me between her thighs and put my love servant on her wet grotto. Slowly I pushed my stiff cock into her cunt and started fucking her. Our new resident watched us eagerly. It was her first time that she was fucked and now also watched two lovers.

She nestled on Lissy and held her right hand. I put the Scottish’s lower leg on my shoulders to be able to satisfy her even deeper and intimate. She came towards me at every bump, but I literally pushed her over the lying surface until it was at the head end. Now I asked for a change of position and turned it onto my stomach, she started kneeling.

Although I pushed into her wet cunt again. The two friends were firmly and intimate in their arms. Again and again I drove my pleasure sword into the vagina of my dear big cousins. My scrotum clapped against her swollen pleasure button as well as my pelvis against her bare buttock.

I kept her waist glamorous and raged in her tight inside. Together we experienced our orgasm, which we trembled trembling.

We settled closely on the bed and covered our bare bodies with the big blankets, but we would only have needed one. We nestled closely together to keep this moment of eternity caught in us.

At around 7:57 a.m. my wife came into the room and woke us up with a grin.

Through the window I only saw a cloudy sky, which now and then sent a ray of sunbeam to Earth. However, Marikit asked us under the shower, with depriving us of the duvet. We quickly jumped up three, now freezing to have the warm wet rinsed in the aqua area. We enjoyed the hot pounding water on our touching skin.

Cuddly, we felt like 4 hours so closely together, but in reality it was 10 minutes. Together we wash each other the traces of the morning from our bodies. Mbali who did not know this affection and could now experience us told us “I have never been treated as lovingly as with you. If I can stay here “.

I gave her an intimate passionate kiss, with our tongues dancing a welcome waltz. But my dear cousin also called for her tenderness from me. Around 8:22 a.m. we appeared three freshly showered and dressed in our kitchen, in which everyone was waiting for us longing.

The coffee smelled and fresh rolls were also ready for consumption.

Ellen and my wife announced that a truck with fresh fish from Cuxhaven, which still has to be processed. It was said that we had to go to our commercial bars and unload the incoming goods and prepare them for sale.

Lissy wanted to enjoy the day with Mbali and buy something in the city in the morning. However, the tractor -trailer with the marine animals was waiting for us. Our daughters and their two Spanish classmates also wanted to be there and experience how we processed the fish for sale on this cloudy Saturday morning.

We were all in our vehicles quickly and off we went.

Fish of all kinds of eel, marlin, cod, halibut, herring, mackerel, perch, fishing fishing such as the angle devil, up to the Barrakuda. Everyone was already excluded and were on ice. That was really 1a goods we got. The fisherman should get his required price.

So we finished everything for the trade. My wife and I called our customers, they were able to pick up their fish. Part of the goods came into the special smoke, beech streak with cherry wood shavings. But we also try out very, very old recipes from time to time.

Unfortunately, our clients could not take the sea creatures in the smoke. They are all small businesses. We do not sell to large companies that have their residence in Minden and Hamburg, but certainly not to the discounters that start with “L” and “A”, they buy in masses, but press the price, these are not our customers. You want 1a quality for 0 and sell with huge profit span.

For the fisherman and retailers, only cent amounts remain that hardly go to life. If you break, as a dealer, you have such a large customer away that you have a loss of sales that bring the operation to the edge of the ruin. So we only sell to small businesses, restaurants, hotels, hospitals and many other companies, as well as homes. So we have built up a stable healthy customer base.

Grandma Marta also obtains the goods that you sold in your little grocer shop, on the corner. Your shop is not greater, like the sales room of a petrol station, but she always has everything the customers need.

I drove to some restaurants, senior residences and the three orphan houses. I always have “hangover Karlo” on board. This is not a cat that you think again.

This is a bottle of Kööm, others also say “Plattmackers”. For me, the cat Karlo is due to me when I drank from the three pinks it goes so much in the morning …Eiden that I have a hangover (Karlo). This is nothing more than a grain with cumin with 32 volts more. The stuff tastes good for the Hamburg boys and the Deerns.

Especially when I do the ladies and gentlemen in the senior residences, please do not say old people’s or nursing homes, which is too unworthy, one of the Schapps, for them old wonderful times come back in memory.

(I had to pull myself together otherwise I would have written a few sentences in Low German) think Low German and write High German, that collides from time to time with me.

We stocked the big one of the two trucks with the good catch, Gitana and Zorra, the two Spaniards and friends of my daughters, took a seat in the front of me, and our trip went off. My wife took Joy and Elsa with them, on the other cool truck. They too had loaded their vehicle. Customers wanted their goods and should get them.

I had the three orphan houses on the program. We drove the first one. The home manager, a very nice loving lady, in his mid -40s, came to deliver and asked us to bring the fish in.

We recorded the Spanish children so that they did not end up in a home because their parents killed in an accident.

They saw and experienced how the boys and girls lived in it. It wasn’t a bad intention, but they understood me why I wanted her to have her with me. At the age of 7, they often understood more than some adults.

Then we drove another orphanage.

It was a Catholic pen. Sister Aurora wore a child in her arms, just 2 years old. When the girl saw me, it turned away so that she didn’t have to look me in the face. I have to explain to Sister Aurora nun and would sacrifice her own life for the children.

I also had smoked halibut and mackerel for the children’s home, so I wrapped something out of the goods and handed it out of no being that was protected on his arm sister Oberin. The little one looked at me with big eyes and devoured the handed food. Aurora told her “You get more of it, I’ll put it back”, but like a whirlwind, Gitana got some pieces of the two fish out of his truck and handed it over to the sister. I grin grinned into myself.

The little gypsy was concerned that not all children came. Sister Aurora paid attention to it, but always on it. Already at school she was always the one who divided. At that time she once put sausages and grilled meat aside to give this one family.

We both connect the belief in the children who are close to us.

What nobody knew, together we sat side by side in a school class. Our paths separated when she found her way into the monastery, mine started with the navy.

Off it went through the middle. The Elbe tunnel greetings, we were suddenly stuck in traffic jams. A tough progress, only a few meters until we made it.

At the scene of the accident, only sheet damage, past and off to the gas. I suggested my two companions that we would now literally fly to our goal. After a few minutes we were on a senior residence. My old friend Aunt Käthe came towards me with her almost 90 years, she is a former main commissioner and had experienced a lot.

I pressed a big kiss on her cheek, whereby I lovingly hugged her. She has known me since birth and was then a village sake in our place. With her old Service VW Beetle, she caught some traffic offenders and drunks the home from her wife who got the rolling wood. I myself was a drink of 4 years when she drove up our road with her company car and carried four cattle on the back bumper that had run out of a pasture.

Oh long it was here. I like the old lady. She asked me “Joona did not have a Kööm today?“I grinned where I got two pinks and the caraway schnapps out of my pocket. We entered, I gave her a smoked sea hall, it was still warm and packed in aluminum film.

It was and is still a good one Angel, Not just in my heart. Käthe kept me when I overlooked a child by bike a horse -free work. At that time I was just 18 years old. In me she has her place.

She held me on my arm and pulled me off the bike, where I felt a blow on my buttocks from her and watch her words “Joona”. When I was 18 years old and owned my driver’s license, I got my first criminal slip of her personally, I wonder why I wonder why. But she gave me an envelope for Christmas that year, in that my penalty money was “young passport when you drive”.

Who thinks it would be old, is wrong. She put her last handheld die at the age of 83, but now she feels very comfortable in assisted living and is also invited and picked up to our family festivals.

If my mice write invitation cards for their birth celebrations, Aunt Käthe should not be missing.

We quickly released our goods and off we went home. My companions now experienced how it works with us. Give those who need. The last thing you do not take from the meal and do not take.

But the two Spaniards were well brought up and showed their modesty nobody because they were nothing but they came to us and used the dish. I took Gitana on my lap and wanted to feed her because she didn’t want to eat anything anymore. She looked at me pouting, with the words to “Joona I don’t know that much, with you there is always so much on the table” with you “.

Both girls should have it with us forever. As a child I was always fed up with eating as well as my children, so why not everyone else.

Lissy and her friend came back from their shopping spree.

My children disappeared into their rooms and left us alone. Mbali showed us a nice top she bought. My cousin hadn’t found anything suitable. However, the two young women looked at what Hoshiko did by the window, she had placed small bowls on the windows’ places that she was pouring.

The young women were inquisitive and now wanted to find out more about what was in the vessels, in which small green stems protruded from the black potting soil. The Chinesin began to explain to them that it was the birth of plants. She had sown various tomatoes, cucumbers and much more and maintained them with dedication. The young African knew the fruits only from the supermarket, but not how they are grown.

From school and television she knew how the plants grow, but that was actually everything. Now she literally experienced the births of Hoshiko’s green children. Which if they are big wear excellent fruits.

Hoshiko had provided every planting bowl SC *** with Chinese characters, which I said so much “Brath chicken” or “Schnitzel”. The Asian woman looked at me again questioningly if I had a fever we looked at each other’s eyes grinning.

She knew that I was fun again. She had some new breeds of old tomatoes that refined her, but she lacked the right names, so there was a plant that was supposed to wear a black fruit that she simply christened Mbali. The gold-orange tomato should be named Hermione and the white fruit was given the name Hedwig. The last two are the names of the gypsies who live with us.

Hoshiko baptized two new old pepper variety “Victoria-Xalvadora Gitana” and “Zamora-Yanamarie Zorra” after the baptism and nicknames of the two young Spaniards who also live with us and are friends of my daughters.

Mbali looked at the delicate offspring, with Hoshiko enough for her a book about plant science. The young African knew more and more the interaction between nature and the Chinese. I think she could plug a match into the ground, a tree would grow from it.

The Asian who noticed that the adoption of the African was i ***** l, asked about the surname of the young lady that Lissy tried to pronounce with her English-Scottish accent, which she clearly failed. I just want to give you part of your name “Qxzququ ….“But this is just the beginning of your actual birth name.

She herself can hardly say it. However, she asked me for a favor “Joona, I don’t want my birth name, but also not the name of my adoption self, there is a way, if so give me a name that everyone can express.”

This option existed, so I called Jacqueline our lawyer, whom I asked to stop by, in which I said “Mouse, please come on the bord, on Nord-Nord-West”. Mbali made big eyes when suddenly a dark -skinned woman, from her continent, with long rasta pots to over the butt in our apartment. That was Jacqueline, she has a key from our house, for that she is our lawyer.

Jaci comes from Ghana, I brought her with her parents, as well as 561 refugees on our frigates and the Charles de Gaulle here to Germany when she was 2 years old, in which we fished her out of the sea. She studied in Osnabrück and came to me in Hamburg, her law firm runs her with my eldest daughter Heike.

But now on, Jaci announced the young lady because she can be adopted by us without the consent of third parties, only her own consent is required. However, we had Saturday, so that the responsible offices had closed.

Jaci took the matter in hand and told me to initiate everything for us after the Mbali and I gave her our powers of attorney. She said goodbye to me with a passionate kiss after which she then shared my future adoptive daughter.

We went to the winter garden. Ellen got firewood and heated up the fireplace. Lissy, Mbali and I were sitting in a blissful warmth and watching the flame game.

However, we heard the film of our last trip on my Bark of the Bl ** dy Mary. In it it went that we brought the equipment to the Jaguar’s counting to South America, then drove around Cape Horn and load grain and drove to Ghana. Especially the places in the film when we drove around this southern tip of South America was always the most exciting for them. Since the meter -high waves reached to the sail and we still had to change sails in wind force 10.

Mbali thought it would be a pirate film far from it, she suddenly saw Ellen and me in the Rah when we beat new sails there. The African looked on the TV with opened eyes and asked me if I was there with Ellen, when my daughter Tianyu replied “Of course the dad is, I was also there when the whales hiked there”. I had my girl right 2 years ago when we were at the Cape. There is no other place in the world on which more sunken ships lie on the bottom of the lake than there.

What she didn’t say is that she was sitting on the seat of the rudder guest and was strapped. In her my blood flows in it, however, whether it goes to the marine, we will see. In any case, she has what it takes like her other siblings. I wanted to explain this to Mbali, but she asked “You are the red Corsar, a lot is told about you, but that’s all right?”

I know that a lot of people make a sperm whale.

Tianyu asked me “Paps, let’s go to the ship, Mbali should see for herself that she lives”. I grinned into myself and took all the children as well as Lissy and her girlfriend “. We walked through the port to the shipyard. My daughters grinning an old sailor song, but the text was more about whaling, lake and homelessness.

When the young African saw the bl ** dy Mary, she stopped. She didn’t want to believe what she saw there, a threemaster Rahsegler, in her splendor. My girls ran to the jetty and hijacked the ship. At some point when you are grown up, you understand why your father handed over the Bark to you.

But you still have to wait as long as.

Mbali asked me “drives it too”. I grinned and took my cell phone, so I called 20 men of my crew. Smutje Piet stood at the stove of his restaurant when his wife said to him “disappeared Joona needs you on the bark, but be here again on time tomorrow morning. She the herself is a cook granted her husband to run the fun with us from time to time.

Fitten, Jan and all of the others also came Jaali. We ran out in the fairway, and my boys skillfully put the clüver and basan sails. It started, we knew that we would stay at sea before the next morning. It didn’t take long for us to reach the North Sea.

The wind blew from the country and filled the sails. Row guest Jaali left the children at the wheel and made sure that nothing went wrong, they adhered to his instructions. He comes from Gabon, but he came from an old whaling ship and ended up here in Hamburg. Usually he should have been on the ship at Kim, but also has a sailor once Vacation.

With us on the Bark everyone drives along the seafaring. The boys always drive it at sea. On the whole, we just wanted to make a short trip to give the girls a pleasure, not noteworthy and return to the port after a few hours, but on the Bandungsbrücken. There the guests of the Hamburg fish market should see them the next day.

Ellen, Marikit and Hoshiko came with our cars and brought our team home, but I asked Jaali to spend the night with us. Then the three named ladies brought us back home into our kingdom.

Once there, Mbali and her friend Lissy thought to have dreamed, but our girls and Jaali, the two women, explained that we are making our trips with the BARK. Lissy hugged me and asked “Joona I would like to do with you in Summer to Scotland with the ship “. I nodded but I explained to her that this will not be easy, because the entire British lake is tricky.

Jaali began to report on the lake heals that would lurk on us there until Ellen said to him “Do the sea creatures a little smaller and I make the light on the bottom of the submarine, which is down there on the ground.”

For my girls it was time to go to bed. However, Mbali and my cousin were putting up when I wrote the logbook entry, Tianju and Lin explained this that on the ships that have to be recorded on the ships that have to be recorded on the ships. The young women understood it where she looked closely what I wrote, my prospective adoptive daughter asked me “Joona, how can you remember the details, from where the wind came and with what strength, how fast we drove and how many sails there up thereThe masts were?“Now it was up to me to teach me all who I really am, I asked Mea to bring one of my photo albums. Mbali intently sucked the pictures and my reports on how my naval period began up to when I was commanded because of Marikit and ended the actually active service as a captain, but was repeatedly used for certain maneuvers and also on theBark civilian and marine -cadets training.

The young lady understood our family and my life more and more, and she nestled closely to my left side.

I held Lissy in my right arm. However, my wife asked us into the living room, with a good red wine we ended the nice evening.

When my little corsaries already slept, Ellen called our two neighbors Horst and Felix to come to us. When the two gentlemen also arrived at us, we all went together to the basement in the Mbali and I had our above -mentioned premises.

Mnobyj and Chqui who are also Africans followed us.

Mbali should first watch a woman fucked in the sandwich. If she still wants it, she could try it out. Arrived there in my office, I hugged the young lady in my arms. Our lips sealed our project, although she nodding me, but she told me very quietly “Joona, but I have never had sex with a woman, I would also like to try that too”.

She did not need my consent or an answer, because she determines her life herself and is in no way restricted by us. She loosened from me so that she could hug my cousin. Mnobyj came to me to take me out. Apparently the women had agreed.

Chqui already serenaded Horst. Ellen and my wife had reached the young Felix to undress him. Mnobyj pressed me onto the mattress and swung on my loins, now also naked. She took my love sword into her tight vagina to start her ride.

My cousin and our prospective adoptive daughter were in the 69s to indulge in their lust. Felix Fucked with Ellen in Doggy and Chqui was licked by my wife, with Marikit being in her cunt over her and Jaalis. The ladies had consciously taken care that black and white were always paired. Why she did the deeds remained a little secret.

Because Horst pushed his fuck bridge into the cunt of Chqui.

Mnobyj clutched my shoulders and rode on me like the devil that would be behind his grandmother. Horst looked over at us where I asked him “neighbor, can you make the pipe cleaner clear and bring your flashlight with you too.

Mbali looked up and thought of a cane, but we had something else in mind. Horst stepped behind the mother of my triplets and put his fucking stick on Mnobyj’s rosette to slowly penetrate her.

We quickly found the right rhythm with which everyone must have. Together we fucked the young lady who clung to me. My cock stimulated her swollen pleasure button, in return she moved in harmony with our movements. At each of our bumps, she held against it and let us fuck, and she pressed her lips to mine and enjoyed this sandwichfick.

Mbali looked at us how my breastfeeding treasure was trapped between Horst and me and our cocks stuck deep in her abdomen. Weld ran together Mnobyj on the breasts and ran down like a waterfall over her belly button to find the mouth of her pubic bone. More drops gathered on their stiff nipples and dripped onto my chest. My future adoptive daughter now went to us with Lissy and looked at our hustle and bustle greedily.

When she knelt in front of us, she suddenly felt Jaali behind her who sank his thick long stiff love servant into her little chocolate brown cunt. She greedily held up his bumps and always came towards him. But we wanted to present Mbali something new, I asked Felix to us who was still fucking with Ellen. He stepped behind Horst and pushed his fuck lance into the cunt of the African, in which my cock was already stuck.

Now she was fucked by us in three.

Mnobyj bit my left shoulder and buried her pointed sharp fingernails in my skin. She lifted into a sphere that did not want to end. She experienced several orgasms one after the other and surrendered. We understood your request and withdraw.

She was resting next to me, and she let her fuck run like a film in front of her.

Now I asked Felix and Jaali to lie down on the bed, but in such a way that their feet showed the face of the other and Jaali slipped between Felix’s legs, so their two cocks were close together. First we asked Lissy to take a seat on the two gentlemen, which she did too. She introduced her cocks into her tight cunt. In doing so, she sat with her face to the African.

I knelt behind her and pushed my love spear into her little cunt. In doing so, she clung to Jaali and enjoyed this fuck, but this tightness was hard to endure. So I withdraw my fuckharpune out of her narrow vagina and pushed it into her buttocks. Well lubricated I fucked her little solid ass.

Now I asked Horst “So now you bring your flashlight and the pipe cleaner with you and push to us.

Our neighbor withdrew our dear African beauty and first pushed his big fuck lance with Lissy Fotze, so she had three cocks and mine back in his ass, but now he complied with my request and pushed his lover into the buttin in the Scottishwho was already my cock. However, we did not endure this game for a long time. After only five minutes of only five minutes, we withdrawn this tightness, which now wanted to try Mbali.

My cousin rose from the two cocks and gave us a loving kiss.

She introduced both fuck lances into her vagina in order to then start the ride of her life. Chqui, Ellen and Marikit were in a circle in the three -man team and licked their wet pussies. Mnobyj needed a break. Horst initially stood in front of Mbali and pushed his cock into her mouth that she greedily started sucking.

I knelt behind her and slowly joined my love servant to her rosette to insert it into her intestine with a millimeter by millimeter. Our dear neighbor said to me “I hope you still have enough light, but before that I have a look with my flashlight with Felix and Jaali. So he stood behind me and pushed my adoptive daughter his thick long cock in the cunt, which now shouted out and stammered something of pussies. Next, our neighbor removed his pleasure sword out of her vagina and joined me in Mbali little tight ass.

We fucked her with relish, holding it by Lissy and Mnobyj. However, we felt four boys close our highlights and came into the openings of our young lady again more often.

Mbali asked us for a break that we men also needed. The young African nestled into my arm and enjoyed her just experienced.

We hope that you liked the little story and ask for nice comments and a thumb up.

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