The hot babysitter | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Important persons:

Klaus, 47 years, short black gray hair, 190 cm tall, approx. 80 kilos

Susanne, 46 years, brunette long hair a good 170 cm tall, approx. 65 kilos

Vivien, 21 years, blonde long hair, good 160 tall, slim, approx. 55 kilos

Friday evening:

Klaus later came from work as planned.

Today it was not a problem because his wife Susanne was at home and on her 8-year-old Daughter Emma watched out. Klaus and Susanne were lucky enough to become a parents for the second time. Emmas Sister Klara is already 19 years old and studies in Munich. Klaus and Susanne wanted another child shortly after the birth of Klara, but it didn’t want to work for a long time.

The joy of both was all the greater when Susanne became pregnant again 9 years ago and Emma saw the light of day a good 9 months later. It only became more difficult when Klara moved out and now Klaus and Susanne – both working – had to take care of Emma. Nevertheless, it almost always worked that one of the two was there and was able to take care of Emma.

Since today Klaus knew that it will not work again next week. Susanne will be on the North Sea with her school class for a week and Klaus has to stay in the clinic on Tuesday and Thursday until late at night, as two doctors failed.

But as in rare cases, it will also find a solution, as in the rare cases. At home he greeted his wife with a short kiss. He still loved Susanne, even if the 22-year-old marriage has certainly become quieter in some areas. They still got along very well in all situations and sex was also – albeit not so exciting, not quite as often and not always as long as before – still an important part of marriage for both of them.

Klaus would never want to exchange his wife for another. Nevertheless, a man has his needs and Klaus also liked to look at one or the other nurse, doctor or other woman. Look will still be allowed. Sometimes Klaus satisfied himself to him known women in thoughts and pictures or porn from the Internet.

But Klaus never broke out.

Susanne replied the kiss: “Hello darling. The food is in the fridge. There was lasagna … “

“You are the best treasure!“Klaus took off his jacket. “I have to work late on Tuesday and Thursday next week because Wolfgang and Markus failed.

I will probably need a babysitter for Emma.”

“Oh crap, of all things when I’m on the North Sea. We would be with Vivien? She likes to earn something about it and she gets along great with Emma.”

Vivien. Klaus had to admit that he has already thought of Vivien. Vivien is the daughter of Carolin and Robert, a friend of a friend.

Vivien took care of some pocket money on Emma last year when Klaus was on a training course and was very reliable. And that’s not the only moment when he thought of Vivien. Vivien is one of the women who radiate a certain attraction on Klaus. He rarely sees her, but when he sees her, he is enchanted by her every time.

Vivien is now 21 years old and is training. Her natural blonde hair usually hangs a little shaggy over her shoulders. It is small with about 160 cm in size, but still has two very handsome and firm looking breasts on her slim body. In short: Vivien is a dream of many men and even nicely in front of the mirror for hours.

“Ah Vivien, right. I’ll call tomorrow and see if the time and desire has. You can always use money at that age.”

Then Klaus looked in at the deeply sleeping Emma, got the lasagna warm and looked a bit away with his wife. At around 11 p.m. both went to bed.

While Klaus in bed in bed briefly of Vivien, he felt how his wife’s hand drove into his pants. “What’s that my darling?“He grinned and leaned over to her. All clothes were quickly stored and Klaus and Susanne loved each other. After both of them had come, they slept arm in arms side by side.

Tuesday evening:

Klaus was happy.

On Saturday, Vivien had agreed immediately and without superior to today and Thursday and picked up the key to the house. So Emma was in good hands. He thought of Vivien for a moment and had to smile imperceptibly, but the next patient was already admitted. Hell was going on in the hospital today.

He was finally finished around 1 a.m. and drove home.

Klaus expected both Emma and Vivien now sleep. That’s why he opened the front door quietly and crept into the house. And he was right.

When he passed the living room, he saw the head of Vivien on the sofa tendon. she was sleeping. He put his things off and took off the jacket and shoes. Then Klaus crushed into Emma’s room first.

As expected, she slept deeply and firmly. He gave her a kiss on her forehead, left the room and closed the door again. Then Klaus went into the kitchen and drank a sip of water. He pulled out his cell phone and wrote to his wife that everything was fine and he love her.

He thought that she would probably only read it tomorrow, but since she was always well informed, he wrote to her immediately. Then Klaus went into the living room. The television was still running, some ancient film. He went around the sofa and looked at Vivien.

He was speechless for a short time. She lay there, her feet laid out on the table wide -legged, her head on the backrest and breathed very calmly. She was wearing a skirt that just went to the knee just shortly and was slightly slipped. The tight-fitting and narrow top did not quite cover a black and white bra that was occupied.

Klaus was imperceptibly licked over his lips. His eyes drove off the body of beauty and it immediately became closer in his pants. The woman of many men’s dreams lies in front of him. Immediately he got a guilty conscience because of his wife, but the longer he looked at her, the more these conscience got into the background.

Look will be allowed.

Klaus stared at the regularly lifting chest and imagined how these young breasts sow without top and bra. Then his gaze wandered back towards skirt. Whether you can see from the table he asked himself. No, he can’t do that.

That goes too far … but Klaus could not get rid of the thought. At some point the doubts were eliminated;His pants were already filled and he wanted to know if he could catch something. Slowly and quietly, Klaus knelt in front of the table and tried to look under the skirt. But it was too dark.

With a little light, however … as soon as this thought was formed, Klaus pulled out his cell phone. He switched on the lamp and shone under the skirt. What he saw made Klaus even hornier. Vivien wore an equally black and white panties that was even partially transparent, so that he could see her bare lips.

That was too much. Klaus took a photo. He was startled, he had forgotten to make out the tone. But Vivien continued to fell despite the sound of the trigger.

Klaus made the tone and took another photo and also a photo of the upper body. Then he pulled back. Klaus had to satisfy himself. But not in front of her, what when she wakes up he thought.

So he went to the bathroom. He pulled his pants and boxer shorts down and sat on the toilet. His rock -hard penis jumped out. Klaus Stark immediately started jerk off.

With the other hand he took out his cell phone and looked at the photos. How horny it has to be to sleep with her, he thought and imagined how she would look very naked and how he sleeps with her. A message appeared on his cell phone;Susanne replied. Briefly he wondered why she was still awake, then his guilty conscience came back.

As soon as the message was out of his eyes again, he thought of Vivien again and sank back into your world of thoughts. Suddenly he heard a knock. Vivien had to be woken up, stood at the door and whispered his name. Klaus became slightly panicked and replied quietly “Hello, I’m um again.

Come to you right away.“He pulled his pants up at lightning speed, packed his still rock -hard penis in it and and put the cell phone in his pocket. He wanted to go out, when he thought he was still rinsing about it. Then he went out. Vivien was probably back in the living room.

He looked down at himself and went into the living room. She sat there and smiled at him slightly tired.

“Hello Vivien. Uhm I’m back as you see.

I saw you sleep and uh thought I first go to the toilet until I wake you up.”

Vivien smiled at him. “Yes I fell asleep. But Emma is in bed and sleeps well.”

Klaus saw how Vivien looked over his body and said that she kept her eyes briefly in the crotch. “Yes I … have already looked for her.

With you it is always in good hands.”He stammered.

“Was it a strenuous business? Your head is bright red.“Grinned Vivien and looked over at him with an outrageously sweet look.

Klaus was still red and didn’t really know what to say. “Yes … so no … um.”

“And when when men get such a close trouser while doing business?“She deliberately replied provocatively.

Klaus was surprised and now completely surprised.

“Uh … what do you mean?“Was the only one he brought out. He hadn’t expected that.

“Well you can clearly see your stiffness tail in the pants and the red head. I bet you didn’t have to go to the toilet but did something completely different.“But she answered Keck lovingly.

Klaus was overwhelmed.

“That’s nonsense.“At the same time, Vivien got up and came up to him. Klaus swallowed. “Well, if that is nonsense, why …” said Vivien and her hand stroked the tense step of Klaus “… you then have such a stiff part in your pants?”.

“Uhm …” Klaus started.

But Vivien was faster and said: “You don’t need to be ashamed of Klaus …”. Then she continued to stroke his crotch, stretch up to him and gave him a kiss. Her tongue carefully penetrated his mouth and Klaus replied the tongue game just as carefully. Then Klaus interrupted the game and gave way back a bit.

“That doesn’t work. Susanne … I’m married. You could be my daughter.”

“Could Klaus, but I am not. It’s just sex.

Your wife doesn’t have to know about it.“Vivien went back to Klaus. Her hand stroked his stomach and slowly drove into her pants. Klaus groaned softly. “No Vivien … that doesn’t work.“But Klaus noticed how his desire for this young woman rose immeasurably and he actually wanted Vivien.

Vivien opened his pants and pulled the boxer shorts down a bit. Klaus Penis shot out of his pants and Vivien grinned the 17x5cm grinning. “It can be used to work with it,” she said and slowly pulled the foreskin back. Klaus groaned softly while Vivien slowly started to drive up and down on his shaft.

“Well, you like it Klaus?“She asked Klaus, but he was unable to answer. The hands of Vivien on his penis were more than Klaus could ever have imagined. Vivien meanwhile went to his knees and pulled pants and boxer shorts completely down. Again she reached for the object of her desire and massaged Klaus Hoden with the other hand.

Then Vivien kissed his glans and then picked them up in her mouth. Klaus immediately noticed that he would not endure this long and said this to Vivien. However, this continued unimpressed and took Klaus Penis as deep as possible. Klaus had to find that Vivien not only looked damn good, but also some of the bubbles understood.

Vivien’s tongue played around Klaus’s acorn and then go over to the ribbon. Then she sucked to repeat the procedure. Klaus already felt the first signs and said to Vivien “I’m sorry, but I’ll be right away.“But Vivien made no institutions to stop. She released Klaus Kurz’s penis out of her mouth and then resumed it again.

She looked at Klaus with seductive and sweet view from below. That was too much for Klaus. Under a loud groan, Klaus Schub injected to thrust in Vivien’s mouth until it released his cock and the last splashes on the face and on the top. Then she knelt in front of him: the one with his sperm Sucked young Vivien, sperm dripped onto her top and onto the floor.

A picture for the gods. Then she swallowed the part in the mouth. Klaus was speechless and still stood in front of Vivien with half -tires penis, who licked his lips with relish, and then get up.

“You cheated me on completely,” said Vivien grinning and lasciviously lascivious to the sofa. Klaus had his version again, now finally climbed out of his pants and boxers and went to Vivien.

Now he wanted to see her naked as God created her. “You didn’t give me a choice you Luder!”Said Klaus, wiped a splash away from her mouth and kissed her lovingly. Vivien returned the kiss. Klaus Händen drove over his neck to Vivien’s breasts.

He stroked her breasts tenderly and felt her excited nipples. His hand hiked deeper and slid under the top, pulled it up slightly and reached her firm breasts under the bra. “What wonderful tits you have Vivien!“He said and was surprised that he put the word tits in his mouth. Klaus grabbed the top with both hands and pulled it over Vivien’s head.

A very noble 70c bra came to light, which Klaus immediately opened and threw aside. Klaus raised Vivien and she clung to his body with her legs. Then he went to the sofa and put them off. He lay over them and kissed them tenderly from the neck to the breasts.

He licked the nipples, nibbled lightly and sucked. At the same time, a hand drove towards the step. The skirt was pushed up and Klaus Hand found Vivien’s column. His fingers stroked the panties and pressed on their lips slightly.

Vivien groaned softly. Slowly kissed to the step before. He pulled out Vivien’s rock completely. In the high arc also landed somewhere in the room in the high arc.

Klaus gave back briefly and buttoned up his shirt without leaving his eyes off the smiling beauty. He looked at her firm breasts and her completely shaved column. The lips were almost closed, but already shone slightly moist. Such a narrow -looking pussy Had seen Klaus maximum on the Internet;He would never have dreamed that he could enjoy himself with her himself.

When the shirt had moved out Klaus lay back to Vivien. His hands stroked Vivien’s pussy. Then he slowly kissed his thigh until he the first time Smell their fragrance and taste their pussy. His tongue slid over his lips to stimulate her clit.

One finger penetrated slightly into the tight but damp cave and the tongue also started to explore the young pussy. Vivien groaned and became even wetter. Klaus tongue played more and more intensely with the young column and Vivien’s moan grew louder until after a while. Klaus was afraid that Emma could wake up.

That’s why he picked up Vivien and carried them into the bedroom further away, put them on the bed and closed the door. Again he lay down next to Vivien and they kissed passionately. While Klaus stroked and fingered Vivien’s pussy, her hand wandered to his rewarded penis. She groaned him quietly “please fuck me!“In his mouth.

Klaus replied “Do you want it? Now and here?”And Vivien replied” yes please. Get it in your marriage bed!”. Klaus asked “condom?“What Vivien with a grinning“ I’ll take the pill!“Rejected. Klaus could hardly believe his luck.

He was also allowed to penetrate in Vivien unprotected.

Klaus rose and pushed towards her sweet pussy. Slowly he approached and put himself in position in the mission representation. His glans slid over her wet young pussy. Klaus repeated this a few times.

Vivien breathed calmly. Then he put his glans on the young pussy and slowly penetrated. Vivien groaned. Klaus hadn’t deceived.

Her pussy was actually tight, much narrower than his wife. He hadn’t felt such a tightness for a long time. Slowly he penetrated deeper in Vivien, which she acknowledged with a groan. After two thirds, he slowly pulled it out and then moved back a little faster.

Klaus repeated this a few times until he penetrated in Vivien. Vivien groaned on every thrust and Klaus could not resist a groan. Now Klaus increased the pace and penetrated in Vivien faster and then suddenly pushing slowly again or staying deep in it. Vivien became more and more restless.

Klaus kissed Vivien at the same time and massaged her breasts. Again Klaus quickly penetrated her when he realized how Vivien began to come slowly. He continued to penetrate them unwelted until Vivien came twitching with loud groans. Klaus got stuck in her and kissed her passionately.

Then he turned from her to say “riding me!”. After Vivien had recovered, she swung on Klaus and put his cock on her pussy. Klaus enjoyed the sight that offered him. Her shaggy slightly sweaty hair, partly in front of her solid breasts and then her tight pussy directly above his penis.

He smiled and Vivien slowly sat down on him. Klaus groaned like Vivien. Vivien began to ride him slowly. With each impact their firm breasts moved slightly.

Klaus reached for them and massaged them. He sat up while riding and kissed her breasts, then her mouth. At the same time, he bumped into her light rocker movements with his pelvis as much as possible. Both continued for a while until Klaus noticed that both he and Vivien came closer to their orgasm.

Klaus shouted Vivien and directed them to all four. He knelt behind her and slowly penetrated doggy into her. He encounters her breasts from behind and massaged her nipples. Klaus steadily faster and sometimes got very tight.

Vivien groaned loudly every time. Then Klaus pushed her upper body down and held onto her hair. Again and again he penetrated her. He felt that both were close to their climax and wanted to come together with her.

Klaus pulled up Vivien again and leaned slightly over her, kissed her neck and included her solid breasts. With the second hand, Klaus Viviens stimulated the clit and penetrated her faster and faster. Klaus groaned “I’ll come right away!“And he knew that Vivien would come the same. Both groaned loudly until Klaus Viviens felt violent twitching.

He penetrated them again as deep as it went into them and poured out loudly and still being connected with several batches in Vivien’s young pussy, while they too were their climax.

Klaus and Vivien were still on top of each other for a while, he is slowly lifting in their pussy. They kissed until Klaus remained with her and laid next to her. His sperm flowed from Vivien’s pussy and left a clearly visible stain on the marriage bed.

Klaus put the arm around Vivien and both fell asleep very quickly. Half an hour later Klaus woke up again and had to go to the toilet. He sneaked out without Vivien waking up. When he came back he looked at her again.

In the short hand, he decided to take a few photos, took his cell phone out of the living room and photographed Vivien in this position with dirty and wet pussy. Who knows if it would happen again. There would be the next chance on Thursday, but maybe Vivien wouldn’t want anymore. Then he should at least have a nice memory.

When his view of the spot fell, he wondered how he should explain to his wife that he re -moved into the marriage bed. But there would be something. Already slightly excited again, he put the alarm clock, he lay down next to Vivien and fell asleep.

The next morning his alarm clock went. Vivien was no longer next to him.

He got up and looked if she was still there. Her clothes were gone and there was no trace of her either. However, he found her panties in the kitchen. He was attached to the fridge with a magnet and a piece of paper.

It said “I’m looking forward to Thursday!”. Klaus Roch on the panties, got horny again and looked whether the photos had become what. At the sight of the body, Klaus immediately became stone hard again. Then he remembered the nightly news of his wife.

He read them (“That calms me down. I wish you a quiet night and think of you. Give Emma a kiss from me. I love you!”).

In short he had a guilty conscience, but then replied with “I had a quiet night, unfortunately without you. The kiss is forwarded. I miss and love you! “. She was never allowed to know the events of the last night.

Then shower Klaus and wait until Emma wakes up to bring her to school and then drive to work.

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