Spontaneous fuck | Erotic sex stories

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Two friends and a favor

Christoph and Jenny are invited to a wedding of a few friends. Since they are also in their mid -20s, it is nothing unusual that some friends of them are now under the hood and so they have been invited to weddings more in recent years. Jenny is already looking forward to the wedding, because she is a maid of honor and her Sarah her bride her best friend from old days.

The two no longer see each other as often, the Sarah is very busy for the Sarah and Jenny no longer lives in the same city, so she is all the more happy.

Of course there was a lot to do beforehand in which Jenny was also involved, you choose hen party, wedding dress and so on. She helped Sarah where it went and Christoph saw his girlfriend only in the evening when she came home completely by the university and from her best friend.

On this day the buffet should be discussed, Jenny wanted Christoph with him, of course not to decide, but they wanted to go to the cinema afterwards and therefore offered themselves to drive two twice.

It was 13.00 a.m., Sarah was already waiting for her two friends, her soon had to work and so she received the two at home alone.

Sarah is 25 and a bit chubby, her inviting hip and her plump butt, go well with her huge bust.

Jenny already has a lot, but Sarah is another house number, Christoph thought when he took a seat in the kitchen next to his girlfriend and the three options went through the buffet.

After an hour and a half there was something like a concept and the three treated themselves to a break with a cappuccino.

“Wouldn’t have thought it would be so difficult.“Sarah laughed and her black hair fell in her face, she stroked her and sipped her cup.

“Well, we almost did it.“Jenny threw in and pushed the notes to the side, she drank a sip of the hot cappuccinos and leaned back in the chair.

“Hopefully Kevin will be satisfied with it too.“Sarah and Jenny says she calms down.

“Well why shouldn’t he …“She gives Sarah, nods and puts her cup on the table.

“It’s not easy lately anyway.“, Sarah looks at her friend thoughtfully and Christoph takes the opportunity to order the cards for the film that he and his girlfriend want to watch afterwards.

“I’m just ..!“He wags his cell phone and Jenny nods. Then she turns back to her friend.

“Why what’s going on?“, She asks Sarah.

“You know that we want a child too. But it just doesn’t work as we thought.“, Sarah looks at the cup that stands in front of her.

Jenny looks at her, “Well, sometimes it doesn’t work immediately, so you have to be patient.”

“Oh, we have been patient for half a year, if not longer.“, Sarah drinks a sip from her cup again and leans onto the table with her elbows.

Her tits touch him too and she looks at Jenny thoughtfully.

Jenny cares and Sarah tells her how she has already tried, in a wide variety of positions in which there is best to work and any tricks that exist, but it shouldn’t be, she wishes so much Pregnant to become.

After Sarah told her friend, Jenny is still pondering. In the background you can no longer hear Christoph who is no longer on the phone with the cinema, but has received a call, who she doesn’t know, but well, so she can continue to chat with her best friend.

“What if it doesn’t work at all?“Asks Jenny a little research.

Sarah looks at her, “I already thought of that.”, She takes a break,” maybe one Sperm donation Or something, Kevin and I have already talked about it. If nothing works, then something like that. But that’s the last remedy.”

“I also think that must be the last remedy.

From a stranger, I don’t know. What if someone else you know donates.“Jenny continues.

“Well, we don’t want that more people to notice that would be too striking the whole thing would be too conspicuous. Stand before Christoph would go donations if someone experiences where they were and what they did come about and in the end everyone knows what’s going on.“, Sarah looks at Jenny and back into her cup.

“Hm … I have a different idea.“, Jenny smiles,“ maybe you should do it differently. That may not be so noticeable at all.

Then he is better and everything works normally.”

“How come?“Asks Sarah a little confused.

“Well, find one you know, fuck with it and let yourself be made a child. Ready.“, She grins her friend.

Sarah is now pondering, as extremely the idea sounds. Kevin would not notice any of it and so maybe there would be you and the other guys who knew about it.

“You are currently thinking with whom?“Asks Jenny and laughs.

Sarah grins at her, “the idea is not that absurd. But not many are in question.”

Jenny already has an idea and she is not afraid to say Sarah, “don’t need long if you want to get pregnant, Christoph is right next door.“, She laughs and drinks the last sip from her cup, as if she just talked about who knows what to talk about and did not suggest that Sarah should be pregnant from her boyfriend.

Sarah looks at her shocked, “what … I mean … not that he was out of the question … but what about you?“Asks her best friend confused.

“Yes, listen, better he than any one who is not sure and you are my best friend. We used to shared everything in the past.“, Jenny looks at her with big eyes and waits for an answer.

Sarah thinks a few moments and again it shoots her through her head, why actually not.

“But Kevin must never experience that! He should think that he was.“, Her girlfriend sows and Jenny nods.

Christoph is still in the living room and has just hung up, he is not particularly interested in such conversations about relationships and he was happy that Dennis called him, who will come to the cinema afterwards and also brings his girlfriend Susann.

He goes back to the kitchen, where the two girls still sit at the table and giggle.

“Your cappuccino has become cold.“, Jenny points to his cup with the stale drink.

“Don’t do anything, I get you a new one.“Sarah grabs his cup and makes him a new one.

The machine is running straight and Sarah stands next to it.

“Tell me would fuck Sarah?“, Jenny asks her boyfriend and he almost chokes, although he has nothing in his mouth, he looks at his girlfriend shocked.

“What?“, Why, how do you come up with it. Not that he has already thought of it, even if she is not quite his type, but it would be enough for that. But that Jenny him here and now, then before Sarah asks, that irritates him more than anything.

“Well, if you would fuck her? Now here?“Jenny drills further.

Slowly Christoph’s pulse goes down a little from the first shock and he grins ashamed.

“Joar, well, ok yes!“He stems and Sarah puts his new cappu in front of him. She sits down and Christoph notes that the blush has risen in her face and she looks nervous.

“Ok, but that’s not all.

Sarah tell him what else you want from him.“, Jenny, the two like it a little to annoy, because both are so open about something like that are not used to each, especially not before, which is somehow uncomfortable for both.

Sarah looks at the floor and ashamed, but Jenny doesn’t let go, she looks at Christoph, who in turn stars at Sarah and waits for a reaction. She looks at him and seems to have become red.

“I … I … want to get pregnant … and … you should …”, she doesn’t get that far, Jenny will come before.

“You should pregnant her! And you do that too!“, This is almost a command and Christoph twitches together. He doesn’t know what to say and stay silent, one shock chases the others and looks at both of them one after the other. If he had stayed in the kitchen, he shoots him through his head and he leans back, snorts and carefully.

Jenny wants to loosen up the situation a bit and pulls Sarah over the table, she whispers something in her ear.

First she shakes her head, then she nods. She is still red in shame and gets up, she disappears in the hallway and Christoph hears the bedroom door.

“What’s that Jenny? I should fuck and pregnant her? How do you get something like that?“He asks his girlfriend.

“Kevin and you don’t work and since you are there and you don’t want anonymous donation. Nothing has to do anything unless they fuck, unless we three, nobody knows it.“, She looks at her boyfriend and waits that he says something.

Christoph thinks and pondered, well you can do Sarah and if nobody knows. He is undecided, but somehow it makes him horny to think of pregnant, his girlfriend is there and everything is so spontaneous.

“Hm … so … well, but don’t complain if it doesn’t work.“He laughs and relaxes slowly.

Jenny is relieved that her friend has agreed to this crazy idea and gives him a kiss on his forehead, then she too disappears in the hallway and in bedroom.

Christoph sits alone with his cappuccino in the kitchen and stares out of the

Windows, opposite a large oak in the wind, it almost looks like their branches like arms like the birds that fly around. His pants have formed a bump, his tail stands in her stiff and he can hardly wait suddenly that it starts.

What do the two do in there, he thinks and bobs with the chair.

Then he hears steps in the jenny hallway comes into the kitchen first, then Sarah. Christoph is amazed when he sees her.

She wears the snow -white wedding dress, which hangs splendidly on her nestled over her white high -hooky shoes. His cock grows a bit in his pants on his shoulders with whipped ruffles and a deep décolleté, he looks at her with big eyes. He turns to her with his chair and Jenny leads her to him.

She leads her to put her on the table in front of him, then she pushes Sarah’s dress up a little and Sarah spreads the Legs.

She does not wear anything underneath and her smooth shaved one pussy Smilates Christoph literally.

“And you like it?“Asks Jenny and grins at her boyfriend.

Christoph nods and winks at her, “yes that won’t be a problem.“, Jenny opens the dress a piece and Sarah’s tits jump towards him, they jump out of their cleavage and their nipples seem to be stone hard.

Sarah has become a bit red again and ashamed a little, but Christoph gets up and presses his lips on her, she cannot defend herself and doesn’t want to, Jenny has sat down on a chair and watches them two,

How they tenderly smooch together.

Her tongues play together and from time to time you can see how the two wrapped, slowly the two lose their caution, she thinks and smiles, she leans back and overturns her legs.

Christoph, like Sarah, feels his cock through his pants with her hands and then slowly opens, she pushes her down, together with his short and jerked his somewhat damp cock. Her thumb always drives over his wet glans and she jerks faster. Christoph plays on her pussy with some fingers and finds her buttons, he plays with him and fingers Sarah carefully.

Then he crouches down and his tongue is looking for her way between her labia, she tastes sweetly salty and more and more precisely from her pleasure juice.

His tongue drives between her lips, past her button, then into her hole and up again.

Sarah feels a hot feeling from her pussy and opens her legs even more. She strokes him through his hair and fidgets a little back and forth on the table. She is impatient and finally wants his cock.

Christoph notices it and stands there, his tail close to her pussy between her legs, his tail.

He rubs with him on her button and slides between her wet labia to her hole, her juices mix on her pussy entrance.

Christoph pushes his hard cock into her, he disappears a bit and then more, he is half in her and then completely with a push.

Sarah groans and Christoph pulls her closer, he presses his lips on her and she sticks to him, she clings to him.

Christoph climbs firmly, again and slowly, she feels his thing in full length and it tingles in her pussy. Her tits are kneaded vigorously by him, he kisses her and fucks her pussy as hard as he can. If the girls already want that I do that, then correct, he thinks and pounds in them.

She screams with lust and cozy feelings, her pussy seems to explode, with every push she claws more firmly to the edge of the table.

She leans back and wraps her legs around him, her dress swings back and forth on the table, her huge tits with him and always knead her as if he never had tits back in his hands.

Jenny grins and she likes the spectacle, but she doesn’t want to participate, it should happen between them. Another time, she thinks and fires the two of them.

“Yes, do you!“, She shouts at her boyfriend,“… fuck her… go… Yes!”

Christoph is spurred even more, Sarah didn’t notice it between her groaning and just enjoys this hard fuck that she never got from her soon -to -be husband.

Then Christoph feels a tingling, his Egg twitch with every push as if his juice is in his cock pump. Then it is as far as he groans loudly and Sarah can hardly wait, she screams and groans, she comes, it gets wet, from her injects a little bit of Christoph’s tail on the table.

He feels the time has come and pounds hard into her, it splashes out of him and he presses his cock deep into her, he no longer moves and remains in the position.

His cock shrugs into her and pump her full of his sperm, It comes for seconds

Shot from him and Sarah sighs, she feels every drop as he is pumped into her and Jenny wipes a little sweat off her forehead.

Then Christoph slips from her and Sarah slips onto the floor, she kneels in front of him and licks his cock clean, she sucks on his glans and then licks around him until he is clean.

“Madness, you two. If that hasn’t become.“, Jenny laughs and sits down again.

Sarah lets her fall on the chair, her cheeks are red and her long pitch -black hair messed up, her tits shine from sweat and she is completely out of breath.

Christoph sits again and winks Jenny, “So we have to.”

It worked that afternoon, a short time later Sarah called Jenny and announced the good news.

The wedding was just great and everyone was happy, so it should be, thought Christoph with a bit of a distance and was looking forward to a visit to the Sarah and her husband, which was pregnant in the sixth month.


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