My first XXL tail | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I got this story from a friend and would like to share it with you, have fun reading. Lgsilke 🙂 Nilla was nervous that morning. She had not made the decision easy, but was now relatively certain. Nilla grabbed the shower gel and rubbed itself. The warm water rays of the shower shower were a blessing. She pushed her hand between her legs and began to wash herself. She devoted herself particularly intensively to her intimate area, which she had already shaved thoroughly.

For Nilla it was a strange feeling that she did not prepare this area for her husband today, but for someone else. After cleaning the body, she let the water run for a while before she went out of the shower cubicle. After putting on the dressing gown, she took a seat at the breakfast table. ” What is the matter darling?“, Her husband Mattis seemed to notice her nervousness. “Everything is fine,” Nilla smiled for forced her husband, who was sitting opposite her.

“Come on. It’s something? , he hooked after. “No, really not,” she returned and Mattis accepted it with a skeptical expression. “What are you going on today on your day off?“He asked after a short break. “I drive into the city and meet with Elsa,” Nilla was not honest. “Very nice. “Mattis looked at his clock. “I have to go. There is a lot to do today in the office“, He said, grabbed his jacket and gave Nilla a kiss before he disappeared from the front door.

It would be nice if he got a lot of money for the lot of work, thought Nilla and went to the desk. She opened her laptop and opened the email of the foreign man who called himself Chris again. There was no new information. Everything had stayed the same. She folded the device again and got ready. She attracted the outfit that Chris had sent her and gave her the dress right that she reached to her knees.

In front of the mirror she directed her chin -length hair and looked at her slim 1.60m with satisfaction. It was immediately recognized that Nilla came from Sweden. Her bright complexion, the blue eyes and the light blonde hair had her from her Mother inherited. Experience has shown that this Scandinavian appearance liked many men, although it was not exceptionally pretty as it was herself. Despite the many advances, she had only become weak with Mattis and had come to Germany from Stockholm.

Now Nilla has been living in the Federal Republic for 10 years and only the at least the Swedish accent still heard out. The only thing that was still missing for their perfect happiness were children. At the age of 32, this was also time, as Nilla had decided. However, it had finally turned out that this project was difficult to realize. Nilla opened and took the regular bus into the city center. A short time later she was at the stop and the S-Bahn line 12 drove in.

As ordered by Chris, she got in there, went to the end of the last wagon and leaned against the back wall. The S-Bahn started and after 3 further station it was totally overcrowded. Nilla turns to the wall with her face, otherwise she would have stood face with an older gentleman. After another station it got a little empty again and Nilla was about to turn back when someone was pressing against her from behind.

“Hello Nilla”, someone whispered her in her ear. “Are you chris?“, She asked shyly without being able to see his face. “Yes, I’m,” he breathed in her and started kissing her neck from behind. This brazen guy went aggressively and was probably the assumption that this claimed procedure. Nilla was extremely uncomfortable and she considered whether it was really a good idea.

However, she called her memory that it was the only option. She had decided and now there was no longer back. Chris reached under her dress and pulled it up a bit so that her butt was blank. Under her dress, she was not wearing a slip or a bra. As wanted by him, she was completely naked underneath. In the crowded S-Bahn, nobody was probably not able to get away from them. She felt something soft between her ass cheeks.

It was obvious what it was. He began to move and rubbed through her poreates with his masculinity. ” Where shall we go?“, Nilla wanted to know the further process. ” We are staying here!““ You want to do it here?“Nilla replied horrified. “Yes, of course. “”No, that is not an option!””I am in a hurry. Either here or not at all!“, Chris Rigoros replied. Nilla considered while the stranger continued to press her butt.

She had her hot phase and if she didn’t do it now, she would have to wait another month and look for someone new. This new one would most likely have special requests again and would not be so easy to find on the quickly. Nilla wanted to go through it now. ” OK. Then we do it here. “, She agreed. “Very nice”, her behind man was rejoiced by. Nilla could not believe that she was actually doing it with a stranger in a crowded S-Bahn.

Such an intermezzo did not like her at all. But to realize her lifelong dream, she was now ready to do anything. Nilla looked back over her shoulder and could see that her behind man was very big. She estimated him at least 1.90 m. With another look she could even see his face and that he was wearing short brown hair. He didn’t look particularly good, but was also not an ugly appearance. An absolute average type.

Nilla estimated him at the highest 25 years old. So she was a lot older than him, which made the matter a little grotesque. Chris pushed his dick up and down between her ass cheeks. The part had already gained noticeably volume and was getting tougher. If her senses did not decept, his strap had to be extremely big. The device continued to grow and she could feel that its thick glans bumped against her coccyx every movement.

Chris reached with the flat hand between her legs and drove over her vagina. The stranger’s cold hand on her genital area triggered a strange, stimulating feeling at Nilla. “You are not moist enough, Nilla,” he noticed whispering. ” And now?“She returned. He gave her the answer by pushing two of his fingers into her cunt. “Oh god,” Nilla escaped it. She wanted to protest, but then decided.

It would be a little strange to get upset in her slit over his fingers. Especially since he should push a much more intimate body into this opening in a few minutes. Nilla was surprised by her back man’s dexterity. With her husband, she felt pain rather than lust when he tried to delight her in this way. But Chris turned out to be much more talented. After a few seconds, Nilla’s pleasure level rose unexpectedly wide and this was clearly noticeable in her genitals.

Because her little mouse had now gained and audibly gained moisture. Every time Chris entered her you heard a loud smacking that luckily has not yet been perceived by the bystanders. He pulled back from her and spat in his hand twice and then distributed the sticky secretion on her plum. He repeated the same game on his stem. Apparently he was the assumption that she was not yet extensively lubricated enough.

When he put his stand on her front hole, she knew why he had a spit with his spit. His penis was even greater than Nilla had suspected and since it was relatively tight, a little more moisture could not hurt. Nilla pushed herself on the wall and pushed her pelvis towards her behind man so that he could take her better. He was not yet moving in her, but persisted in this position. This was also appropriate because her pussy had to slowly get used to the huge intruder.

It was the first time, that another tail, When her husband was allowed to enjoy her vagina. The length of her husband was much preferred to Nilla. Slowly started to push chris and Nilla had the feeling that he would tear her cunt tear. From all the guys in this Internet forum, she had to choose a three-legged corn. But finally she couldn’t look at the guy on the Internet beforehand. Chris now fucked her more and more demanding.

The surrounding travelers had to have noticed long ago that the Nilla was fucked. They were actually close, but people in close proximity, certainly did not escape that it was just covered. Nilla only hoped that nobody came up with the idea of capturing this scenery with his cell phone. That’s why she kept her face towards the wall and didn’t look back anymore. Chris held her on the waist with both hands and had pushed her dress up to this point.

Nilla’s initial pain had changed into pleasure. Chris breathed faster and faster and gave an idea that he was about to climax. Then Nilla would get what she wanted from him. “I’m coming,” he leaned to her whisper. Nilla pressed his tail again to record the precious secretion as deep as possible. But she could not take up more than half of his piston because her vagina surrendered to the giant.

She could clearly feel how this monster started in her. He catapulted a decent cargo into her treasure chest while groaning her waist moaning. If he had pushed her up a few more times, Nilla would have come and left like a suppository. But this was inappropriate in Nilla’s eyes and not planned either. The meeting with the stranger was used to be fertilized alone and not to experience passionate desire.

After he had extensively juiced to Nilla’s joy in her, he pulled out his lifting giant and leaned back to her ear. “Tonight 8 p.m. at the fair on the ghost train. “, He whispered. Nilla nodded, pulled the dress down and pressed a handkerchief onto the vagina. She wanted as much as possible sperm Keep in itself, because his legacy was already making the way outside.

She turned over because the S-Bahn came to hold. Chris was already gone and disappeared in the crowd. Nilla made its way through people towards exit. In doing so, she only looked at the floor. She could clearly feel the looks of the travelers. Maybe she was just imagining it, but she felt like a bitch. She acted selfish or it was appropriate to solve her problem in this way.

Nilla was slowly feeling that the desire to have children turned off her mind. The matter touched her guilty conscience much more than she loved. She jeopardized her marriage with this project. To fulfill her dream, it was worth it to her. When she finally got out of the S-Bahn and stood on the platform, she chose the number of her best friend Elsa and agreed with her in an hour. An hour later she was sitting in a café in the city center with Elsa.

Elsa was the only person next to Chris who knew about Nilla’s crazy project. Nilla couldn’t imagine a better friend. Elsa was already 37 years old and a very good listener. In addition, she was able to keep a secret to herself, which was very important in terms of Nilla’s external fertilization. Elsa had a slightly expansive butt and a little hip bacon, but also relatively large breasts for which she envied Nilla. Elsa mostly wore her shoulder -length dark brown hair and the glasses gave her an intellectual look, which also reflected her person.

She wasn’t exactly the kind of woman to take the men. This was also due to the fact that she did not veil her disadvantageous figure and mostly dressed up and simply dressed. Because actually she had a pretty pretty face. “So you actually let yourself be fucked in the S-Bahn?“, Elsa still couldn’t believe what Nilla had done. “I’m really not proud of it. “” And what happens now?““ I will be fruitful for the next three days.

During this time I meet as often as possible with this Chris and sleep with him. He defines the places. “, Said Nilla. “That is really crazy. Is there really no other option?“, Elsa drilled after. “Mattis would have to undergo an operation so that he could pregn up me. The likelihood that he pregnant me without an intervention goes against zero. “” But you could try it. At least there is a little residual chance that he will swear to you.

“” This chance is negligible and it would be a little miracle. We have tried it unsuccessfully for the past two years and Mattis has given up. In contrast to me, he has concluded with the desire to have children and he is not ready to pay the costs for an operation. To be honest, we can’t afford it either. “” Really not?”” No. We have to pay off the house and Mattis inherited his father’s debt. We can hardly make ends meet, ”said Nilla.

“How about artificial fertilization. “” Also too expensive. “” What do you pay for this chris that he pregnant you ?”” That’s just it. Nothing. He offers his sperm for sex. “” Understand “, Elsa considered. “What do you want to tell Mattis if you pregnant are? “”As I said. There is a little residual chance and I would have to make him believe that this little miracle has occurred. He trusts me and will believe me.

“In this saying, Nilla became aware that she abused her husband’s trust in a fraudulent way and Elsa also noticed this. “Are you sure that you want to risk all of this for the desire to have children. “Nilla was very sure. ” Yes, I am. This desire to have children would always be between us. Sooner or later our marriage would most likely fail to do so. “” So you believe that you have to sleep with another man to save your marriage.

“Elsa summarized a little sarcastically. With her words it almost sounded ridiculous. But Nilla was now certain than ever that she did the right thing. In the evening, Nilla went to the fair as ordered and stayed in front of the ghost train. She wore the same outfit as in the morning when she was climbed by the instinctive Chris. She winced startled when he pressed her again from behind.

“Hello Nilla. Then I’ll be again, ”he whispered in her ear. “Hey”, Nilla greeted him less enthusiastically. The game this morning was repeated. Chris pulled her dress up, released her little buttocks and placed his half -stiff trunk between her buttocks. Apparently Nilla’s ass chunk gradually became a regular place for his penis. He pushed her up a bit so that she stood in front of the ghost train in the queue. Her dress covered her intimate area to such an extent that the fellow human beings in the dense crowd did not notice that he rubbed her from behind.

Nilla felt like a piece of meat that was needed for printing and actually it was so. The situation was anything but pleasant for her, but she was finally here voluntarily and had decided to make a clear piece for this work. “What do you have before Chris?“Asked Nilla with a excited voice. “Had sex in the ghost train? , he gave back versatile. Her inseminus probably had a soft spot for sex in public places.

Nilla would have liked to do this company in a bed for a change, but Chris had the reins in her hand and so she added. “No, I haven’t had yet. “She said in a shaky voice. Chris started moving faster now. The dry sex had an effect on him and Nilla was afraid that he would already discharge on her buttocks. She could clearly feel his shaft on her rosette rubbed and suspected twitched.

He reached between her legs and began to twire her plum while throttling the pace of Nilla’s ass cluster. During the finger game it was as clever as in the morning and transformed her intimate area into a wetland in a short time. Nilla’s fear was not confirmed and Chris kept his load for himself for himself. However, she was now shortly before the redemption and got soft knees. This project only served the external fertilization and it seemed wrong to feel pleasure with this extramarital intimacy.

So Nilla tried to maintain the content and hers orgasm to avert. This succeeded because Chris reduced the manual work on her vagina. She was now shortly before entering the ghost train. The cars were half shells with 2 seats each. Chris Schob Nilla in a free vehicle and took place next to her. Immediately he reached between her legs again and worked on how he jerked his piston with his right hand.

He only had the zipper of his pants opened and his hard cock stuck out of this. In the dark ghost train you could see a maximum of one meter and Nilla only recognized the outlines of her neighbor. Chris had deliberately chosen this place, because they were able to do sexual intercourse relatively unobservedly. Every now and then a bright light flickered for seconds when one of the hideous ghosts or monster figures appeared out of nowhere.

During this short lighting, Nilla was able to catch a glimpse of his cock for the first time. She had already suspected that he was well stocked. The strap was huge and certainly had more than 20 cm. No wonder that he couldn’t penetrate them completely. At the sight of this spanking, Nilla was a little afraid of her pussy. Perhaps Chris would be satisfied with a weakened form of external fertilization. “I would have a suggestion,” Nilla started with a quiet and brittle voice.

Chris knew the Lümmel and continued to finger without reacting to her. Then Nilla continued. “How about if you bring yourself until shortly before orgasm and then only briefly penetrate me into me?”Chris continued to work his insemination apparatus and her genital system without a word, he elicited Nilla a short” Oh god “. His nimble fingers heated her up and this was extremely uncomfortable for her. “We have 6 minutes until our journey ends.

We should hurry!“He finally looked at her. “And what do you say about my suggestion?“, Nilla, again, in the hope that she would miss an annal ramming. The likelihood of succumbing to an intensive orgasm was relatively large and this would significantly increase the guilty conscience towards her husband. ” No. I want to fuck!“, The young man answered narrowly and surrounded by Nilla’s waist to pull her on his lap with a strong jerk.

Chris had plucked her dress in no time and brought his piston to the destination. The goal was of course Nilla’s gossip wet cunt. Her punch was so moist that the XXL tail slid surprisingly easily into it. Nilla was surprised by his action, breathed in deeply and looked incredulously between her legs. Half of the part had sunk in her straight away. Her labia gaped up tightly and the long staff stabbed fucking and demanding, in which he is much too small for him.

She could still see that much in the dark environment. Chris gave her a few seconds before moving slowly. Nilla feared briefly to lose her consciousness, but then she caught herself. Chris leaned forward with her, so that Nilla could support herself in front of her on the holding bar of the ghost train car. She was now in a similar position as this morning and he didn’t seem to lose time now. His cock could sink a good deal further into her when the first meeting with her vagina.

However, a few centimeters were still missing to completely find their way into it. In this position, Chris was able to fuck her better and this immediately made itself felt to Nilla’s pleasure level. This now increased to a threatening maximum. He now turned into Nilla from behind and she had the feeling of being fucked out of this world. If the noise level in the ghost railway hadn’t been so high, then it might have been heard. Nilla pushed her fist between her teeth and bites it.

Her lust climbed into the immeasurable one and her climax was no longer to be averted. She hung over the holding stick of the vehicle and trembled all over the body when she finally came. Chris kept her firmly under control, otherwise she would be overturned. With a strong jerk he pulled her back onto his lap and he let himself be plumed back to the seat. As a result, his extended slipped a little deeper into her fully completed pleasure bunker.

Mattis was definitely not so deep in Nilla and Chris still lacked a few centimeters until he could park the full splendor of his pipe in her. His cock stuck firmly in Nilla, who was sitting on him again when a piston started. Nilla’s body was still winctering when his penis. Uncontrolled, he fires his cargo in her. Nilla could clearly feel how the contents of his scrotum made its way to her uterus unstoppable.

It had to work, Nilla thought. This amount of sperm so deep in your body should be enough to finally meet your heart’s desire. Her sweaty bodies calmed down slowly and Nilla climbed heavily from her patron and dropped to the seat next to him. Both needed a few seconds to take a deep breath before the end of their journey announced. Chris turned to her. “Tomorrow evening 8 p.m. in the Exotica in Hanntstraße!“, He stuck.

Nilla had no idea what the exotica was ever. She just knew that she would be there. The worrying thing was that Nilla did not know whether she was just doing it to be pregnant or because she just wanted to restart the pleasure of the evening. Nilla nodded and Chris disappeared ……

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