Mother-in-law | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.


My parents-in-law had registered and wanted to stay to visit for a few days. It ran down my back cold because I could my mother in law do not stand. It is the type of nun;always does correctly and treats me very condescending from ever. No matter what I tried, my wife mother-in-law never treated me very nicely.

I hated her and I curled her ..

And it came as it had to come. My wife was of course the focus of her parents’ interests and of course I was not considered a little. My wife mother-in-law encountered me extremely cool and seemed to have fun to hunt me through the apartment because of some things. “Willi, give me a new glass.” -” Willi, the ashtray … ” -” Willi Dies, Willi Das … “I would have loved to put them out of the door.

But obviously my wife in particular liked mother-in-law with us that she briefly decidedly extended your stay with us for a whole week. My heart slipped into my pants, where my juice has gathered for three days, because when we had sex, there was never anything when we had a visit.

On the morning of the fourth day my wife and her parents wanted to take a tour of the nearby city. I would have loved to cried with joy, because my wife knew that I would not come with me and I would stay alone at home. My thoughts rolled over.

Finally I would be able to get rid of the pressure between my legs undisturbed. Of course it would be nicer if my wife took care of this immense pressure, but if necessary also put on a hand if necessary. With enthusiasm I registered that all three wanted to break up after breakfast. Of course, there was no debate why I didn’t want to come with me, which also surprised or bothered me.

Finally the pack made its way.

After I wished everyone a nice day and a lot of joy in their project, I closed the apartment door relieved. Immediately I reached into the crotch and I felt my plump eggs and my stiffness tail. I first cleared myself off the breakfast table. But my pants bothered.

So I pulled it out and made it clear in the kitchen – while I jerked off my latte happy and satisfied and forgot time and space around me. Whenever I was in forproof, I stopped abruptly, intensified my tidying up and only started again when he had calmed down – I finally wanted to enjoy it. When I was about to fire my load across the kitchen and put a break, I almost hit me ..

My hated mother-in-law had made it comfortable on one of the kitchen chairs! She just sat there with his legs overturned, said nothing and looked at me undercooled. I hadn’t noticed that she had come back, didn’t know how long she had been sitting there, didn’t know what she thought or would do ..

The situation was clear: son-in-law bounces through the kitchen half -naked and jerks you while he cleans. I would like to be sunk in the ground, but we would remain solidified like an oil idol. For seconds – and it seemed like an eternity – we looked into our eyes. My wife mother-in-law of course did not say a word again.

Suddenly she rummaged in her handbag and took out a file.

In all the soul rest she started to work her fingernails and seemed to take no further note from me. I have been doing this woman for a long time, but now I hate her even more. How could she sit so, watch me with the most intimate things and then do it as if nothing special had happened!? I got angry and drove her on: “Instead of just sitting there, you could help yourself a little with all of this!“My mother-in-law lifted her head calmly, continued to file her fingernails and looked at me in silence. Now I didn’t care! Should she crush my wife that she would masturbate her her master’s son in the kitchen caught had.

Pah! My wife would understand that ..

While she slowly rose and once twitched her armpits, she actually addressed the word to me. With incredible cold in the voice, she said briefly: “Good.“And while she continued to file her stupid fingernails, she pointed out with her chin on a small stool that my wife served as a kind of ladder in the kitchen. I was already a little irritated, because I had expected a violent scene, a hysterical word ply or at least with a slap in the face, but really not with that now. My wife’s mother-in-law was incredulating I went to the little stool half -naked.

But when I wanted to turn around and sit down, she said to the mind: “What will that be?”

I looked at her amazed. “Well, I want to sit down – what else?”

“Kneel!”She said cold. I didn’t know exactly what she wanted and looked at her Belämert. “Knees!“She got slowly again.

I was at a loss, so I knelt carefully in front of my stool and heard the cold voice of my mother-in-law to me again: “Place on it.“When I was about to prevent myself, she caught:“ Not you. That there!“I reached my tail and looked at her questioningly. “Exactly …” she said intensely and continued to be disinterested on her fingernails.

It was not clear to me what she was going to do, so I only put my half -tire on my stool while my wife was closer to me. Just when I was desperately asked what all this meant, she already lifted one leg, let her foot float over my Willi and continued to lower it very slowly on the da.

Only now did I notify that she was wearing her old worn -out birch stick clogs. The former white leather became gray over the years and formed a brutal contrast to her opaque black nylons and her dark knee -length skirt. But, somehow this contrary from elegance and worn -out birch stick had something special, something that erotized me.

I stared at the slowly sinking Willi sinking birch stick clog and was slowly doing it with fear. Then I felt the old sole on my stiff.

I would never have believed that it could ever make me sharp. But it was so;A thick stiff tail was made from my half -rifle tail in a fertilizer! My wife’s mother-in-law gave more and more pressure on the birch stick, which could only laboriously dirty my erection. Stunned and unexpected lust, I stared at the old clog. I was amazed that my lust rose disproportionately to her pressure.

Comfortable pain that I have not known so far spread from my cock through the whole body.

I bit my teeth together and threw my head back to prevent a loud groan. I looked at my wife’s mother-in-law. Incly, she worked on her nails with incredible meticulousness and did not seem to be considered in any way. Due to the rhythmic work with the file, the old gray -white birch stick clog automatically pushed back and forth in all directions in all directions.

Wow, what were these feelings for mega horny! Slowly the sweat ran down my forehead. Even if I have been hatred my mother-in-law for ages, my hatred struck into the opposite at that moment.

Again and again I looked back and forth between the clog on my cock and my completely carefree mother-in-law. This picture was unique for me. I knelt half -naked in the kitchen and had put my cock on the stool.

On the little stool that my wife had used countless times as a step aid. And at this moment my otherwise hated mother-in-law also used this stool as a step aid – just as indifferent to my wife – but in a slightly different, a hotter way. I found it indescribably sharp that my mother-in-law just put her birch stick on my cock and continued no note from me.

“What is there for noon?“My mother-in-law suddenly asked and looked at me completely uninvolved.

I couldn’t help it. This humiliating situation, this cold, uninvolved look of my mother-in-law, this incredibly horny tail massage with her birch stick ..

My pent -poured juice of the past few days was suddenly catapulted out of my eggs. Fat, viscous juice made a way out under her shoe sole, while I looked at my mother-in-law with half -opened eyes. This continued to look me cold into my eyes. “What is there for noon?“She repeated her question and slowly pressed her birch stick down on my stiff.

I gasped and shot under her shoe Salve around my eggs out of my eggs outdoors under ever more difficult conditions. I have never had such an orgasm;I never had such feelings beforehand;I have never had such excellent “sex” before. It was … gigantic!

My mother-in-law, on the other hand, continued to do completely uninvolved and disinterested in my person and what was going on under her shoes.

While I had the sperm drops out of my eggs on this peculiar and horny manner, she looked at me only questioningly and expectantly. Only slowly and with difficulty I got myself under control again and I looked her in the face of her pattern. There was no emotion to recognize. It seemed absolutely calm and completely distant from this hottest of all the hottest event.

She looked as if nothing had happened at all, as if it were the most normal and most void in the world with her shoe to stand on a male tail and to climax it. Cold and lack of emotion came from her. My mother-in-law was only interested in what there would be at noon. I felt the entire situation extremely sharp and unsurpassed.

I wanted this indescribable scene, these fantastic feelings and possibly unique situation as long as possible. That’s why I stayed with my unchanged stiff cock under her shoe in front of the stool kneeling.

Our looks dueled. In my eyes there was lust;In their indifference. It was amazing.

I pretended to think, but I enjoyed the aftermath of my orgasm and the incredible sight of my recently hated mother-in-law. In life I would not have thought that this woman would be capable of such interesting things. So far I have always believed that yours Daughter, So my wife, by wind pollination or something like that was created in the way;But that my mother-in-law was one ..

Suddenly the pressure on my cock subsided. Mother-in-law slowly led him in front of my face and put the sperm -smeared birch sole on the kitchen floor.

She looked at me calmly as she slowly turned her sole back and forth and rubbed my seeds into the tiles. “What is there for noon?“My mother-in-law repeated her question again.

I could not believe it. A few hours ago I hated my mother-in-law in such a way that I even had murder plans. But now…

After giving me such an orgasm … I can’t explain it, but suddenly I was a fire and flame for this woman. Without hesitation, I would have left her daughter sitting at that moment – just to be her together. Incredible, but true.

Somewhere I was ashamed at once. I was ashamed that I “sex” with that Mother My wife had. I was ashamed to feel lust, even though I actually hated this woman. I was ashamed, I was ashamed ..

Slowly I rose with my obviously constant tail.

When I was standing upright, my mother-in-law took a seat on one of the chairs. I watched her pretty stupid. She overturned her legs and looked at me cold but expectantly. I cleared my throat and wondered what should be at noon.

But my considerations were badly disturbed by their actions. My mother-in-law began to clatter with her upper birch stick hectically. Again and again her black -wounded heel removed from the sole and shot back onto the sole with a popping noise. I was fascinated by this sight and could no longer solve my eyes from her shoe game.

To my greatest astonishment, my eggs began to cook the juices again – I had never had that before ..

“Um …” I started. “Yes, what should there be at noon …” I tried to solve my gaze from the birch stick game and look my mother-in-law in the face. But her shoe game made my gaze magically caught. But knew that she would only look at me cold and emotionless anyway.

In the meantime I even liked her cold look.

“Yes,” said my mother-in-law and played more and more hectic with her birch stick on her foot.

As under hypnosis, I stared at their actions with the shoe. The popping of her sole sounded like a rhythmically clapped cheering on an audience that is not present in my ears. My eggs cooked. I was no longer at mind.

I fell into a intoxication out of lust. As in the trance, I slowly said: “The second part ..?“Suddenly the horny shoe game was ended by my mother-in-law. I got red, thought that I had gone too far and cursed me for my statement.

I saw my mother-in-law uprising and only one then put the other birch stick on the chair. Then she stood on the table and turned my back on my back.

I swallowed loudly when she raised a heel from the birch stick sole and offered me something that looked like a shoe cunt. I greedily approached my mother-in-law and brutally rammed her stiff cock into the shoe.

“Yes!“She said longly while I thundered against her toe ball with my glans, and then pressed her heel on my cock. My cock was caught in her shoe and her foot pressed him there violently horny there. I got out of control and tried to push my cock back and forth in his prison.

I only made this difficult, because my mother-in-law made it as difficult as possible by always putting herself on my tail with her weight. With all my strength I tried to push my pelvis back and forth, with my knees trembling with excitement.

I’ve had sex in my life very often and with lots of women. But what I was able to experience that day was by far the best “sex” in my whole life. I never got into rage before.

I fucked my mother-in-law’s shoe like a machine, which also stood in this. Welding beads formed on my forehead. I gasped and tried to fuck her shoe and foot as intensely and violently as possible. Especially at the moment when I tried to pull my cock back with all my strength, my mother-in-law suddenly let my teeth slide out of my shoe with my cock.

But at the moment when my glans arrived under her heel, she stamped her heel on the glans with all her weight and gradually squeezed it together like a stamp. My eggs literally exploded and pressed their pressure in my cock that through the sperm Was ever thicker. But her liner pressure on my glans prevented that the sperm could pour itself outside. I remained motionless in this position and slowly began to pour out my lust.

My mother-in-law turned her head half to me and looked at my eyes calmly.

Her eyes looked emotionless and uninvolved. Very slowly she lifted the heel a little and a small drop of sperm managed to get outdoors. But immediately my mother-in-law stamped her heel onto my glans and kept the rest of the load in my tail caught. I screamed loudly with lust, while my mother-in-law and again, piece by piece, drops for drops, a little of my sperm left out under her merciless heel.

I couldn’t help but scream loudly than with any drop and to look her in the face. She also looked me in the face and, as always, looked cool, distant and – because it was about me – disinterested. On this day, I would never have it possible, I even enjoyed her cold towards myself.

It took a while until my cock was finally empty. I hadn’t looked at the clock, and I didn’t care how long it took when she gradually “ceded” me.

It was only important for me that it had taken a long time and that it was insanely horny for me. It was the hottest and longest orgasm in my life – and also with my wife’s mother, which I had hated a few hours earlier as the plague!

When my Schanz was now emptied, my mother-in-law let me out of the horny birchstock clog prison, just climb down without further attention from the table on the chair and sat on the same while she crossed her legs again. I held up a little at the table and ran for air.

“What is there for dessert?“Stunned I stared at my mother-in-law. As always, she asked me tonelessly and without any emotion.

Dessert? I could not believe it.

This woman drove me from one orgasm to the next on this day. “Dessert!?“I asked, turned her and looked into her cold face.


I thought feverishly. Clear, dessert! Why not? With a horny look I looked at her and said: “Loyal what is in mind?”

My mother-in-law looked at me calmly and silent. Her silence did not take long, so I thought I had seen a dangerous flash in her eyes.

Suddenly her upper leg shot up, raced into my crotch and hit my eggs unchecked unchecked. The energy of her step was unloaded like a bomb between my legs. Brutal pain took my air. I stared at her with a glassy look.

For the first time I saw myself smiling. And again she hit my eggs with her birch stick, which again triggered bad pain for me and seduced her to a cruel smile. Then she pressed her lips together, took a deep breath and rammed her birch stick again and with all your strength between my legs. I tore my mouth up to a silent scream and threatened to go to the ground.

I leaned against the table with my butt and tried to stay on my feet.

Suddenly my mother-in-law brutally grabbed my eggs at the root and suddenly held a birch stick clog in the other hand. Then she pulled hard on my eggs so that the tail showed in her direction. What followed was outside of any imagination. My mother-in-law beat my glans with the sole of the shoe so that the blows like hail on me a pounded.

I stood on the tips of the toe and tried to avoid, but my mother-in-law pulled hard on my eggs so that I couldn’t escape. Again and again she struck hard and quickly to the left, sometimes right, sometimes from above and sometimes with the shoe sole loudly clapping on my glans. I screamed – partly because of the pain, partly because of this unnatural lust that came up to me. I felt how the juices gathered in my eggs for the third time.

Stunned and with a wide mouth, I stared at the action between my legs, then I stared at my mother-in-law.

She sat on the chair and pressed her lips together vigorously. Concentrated like one, she just looked between my legs and hit my glans quickly and strongly with the shoe sole. I couldn’t stick to myself anymore and shot my juice out again, and while I gave my cream from me, mother-in-law continued to struck my wanking acorn. She hit me for a while after I gave the last drop of me.

Then she suddenly stopped, loosened my eggs from her handle and put on the birch stick. Without saying a word or considering me, she got up and left the kitchen. I stared at her word and breathlessly ..

A little later she appeared freshly made back in the kitchen. Her cold gaze hit me as she looked at me from head to toe.

“They come home every moment.”

I hurriedly hurried into the bathroom, made me fresh and put on clean clothes. Then I hurried back into the kitchen where my mother-in-law was sitting on a chair and looking out of the window. As ever, she was cold and distances towards me and not ready to go at hand. I quickly cleaned up the kitchen alone and just when I wanted to sit down my wife came in along with her Lord Papa.

The usual welcome ceremony followed with a lot of chattering.

In the evening my wife asked me: “And … it was bad to be alone with my mother in the apartment?“I winced with my armpits in silence and had to grin inside. “You know, my mother-in-law said to me earlier that she was very happy to be here with us. She would like to know if we have something against it if she comes to visit more often from now on … “

The eggs pulled out to me with fright and lust when my wife revealed this to me.

But I replied: “Well … if your mother is behaved like today, then it should only be right for me.”

My wife gave me kiss on my mouth and said happily: “Funny, the same thing said mom earlier …”

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