Everyday life | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Author: (c) 2002 by Eroticgeist 0 part 17 of the stories from Petra Kirsch’s Environment Petra Kirsch opened her apartment door, picked up the packages that she had departed to unlock the door, and entered the hallway. With her butt she pressed her apartment door and threw the keychain on the cloakroom. She got rid of her shoes with two skillful turns. The shoes landed exactly in front of the shoe cabinet, which stood in the back right corner of the hallway.

Barefoot entered Petra the bedroom and carelessly put her bags and bags on the wide French bed that stood in front of the mirrored wall. She carefully put her new clothes over a chair next to her bedside table. She took a deep breath and tried to relax. The long journey had strained more than she thought. Petra saw her houseplants, who framed the bed on the left and right. At the age of seventeen, she had bought the two Ficus Benjamina from her first money earned and always cherished and maintained.

They have grown over the years and now almost reached the ceiling. They had a size of around 1.5 meters each. You could already call them small trees. Petra was proud of her plants. Yes you could say that she loved her Ficus Benjamina and spoiled what she thanked her with healthy growth. Petra had decided not to go to the office in the morning, during breakfast, but to feed her ego.

When she was standing in front of her clothing cabinet, she found that she had no longer bought new clothing for some time. She wanted to go to Frankfurt to dress up again. There Petra had a higher number of specialty shops and a better selection as in her hometown. Another point was that you didn’t know her there and she could move unbiased. So Petra could also buy sexy underwear without becoming a city talk right away.

She called Tanja around nine o’clock and asked if she wanted to come with her. Tanja was enthusiastic about her idea, but unfortunately had to fit because Lars planned several conversions in the night bar and her tax advisor would come this morning this morning. They were entertained about some irrelevant things until Lars wanted to speak to her. “Good morning Petra!“, He greeted her happily on the phone. “Good morning. “Petra replied to him. “It’s a shame that Tanja can’t come along.

““ She doesn’t necessarily have to be there. But you know how it is. In terms of things that affect business, she is happy to be present. Mainly with design matters, she would like to be informed and help shape. And that would be the subject of. I wanted to ask you if your company can take over the order for the new interior?”” That should be set up. I’ll come to you tonight and then we can talk about it!””Fine.

So until tonight. Bye. “, He said and had already hung up. Since Tanja couldn’t do Petra had to drive alone. Petra noticed that the blouse in the armpits stuck to her skin. She sweated, which was no wonder at today’s temperatures. The sun burned down mercilessly from the steel blue sky and drove the thermometer to over thirty degrees in the shade. She went into the bedroom, pushed the curtain aside and opened the door to the balcony.

A gentle breeze came in. Petra went to the kitchen and opened there the window. She happened to look at the neighboring house and discovered Anke Scherer, Ingos Mother, Stand at the table in the kitchen and peel potatoes with a panties. Anke Scherer looked up and looked out the window. She discovered Petra and smiled. With waving arms she indicated Petra that it was too warm for her. Unabashed, she drove with one hand under her right chest and kept her towards Petras.

Petra understood what she wanted to say with it, nodded to her and laughed. Now Anke Scherer followed her work again, as if nobody could see her. Why should she be ashamed? Just because she was seen by another woman, half -naked at the potato?Petra looked at her body. She was over forty years old and despite her two children still had a impeccable figure. Even the full breasts with which she had breastfed the children offered a wonderful sight.

Her flat stomach showed no stripes of brotherhood. There was nothing to complain about on the butt, with its subsequent, well -shaped legs. On occasion she would address Anke and ask how to keep your figure after two births. Petra decided to go one step further like Anke and went into the bathroom. She got rid of all of her sweaty clothes. With a towel she wiped the sweat out of the armpits.

Then she also drove through her magnificent tits with the towel. The fluffy fabric let her breasts react, which straightened up immediately and chased a slight shower through her body. The lust woke up in Petra’s body. Your cunt began to twitch. Petra let the towel hang down in front of her stomach and spread his thighs. From behind she took her thighs and grabbed the towel.

Slowly she pulled it over her cunt. The clit was instantly in flames and immediately filled her voluptuous body with lust. The nipples of their full breasts started itchy and hardened a little more. Petra pulled the towel up again to let it go through the wet column again. Her movements accelerated and the upcoming orgasm was announced. She continued to be appealing. Shortly before reaching the climax, she slowed down her activity in order to finally stop it entirely.

Your entire body was under power. The tits itched, the cunt burned. She believed to lose the mind. So far she had not tried this variant of masturbation, although she was no longer the youngest in this area. So far she has always drove her excitement to orgasm, and thus got her relaxation and bliss. Do you see! Even at your age you can still improve your masturbation technology, she said to herself, and took care of the exciting nipple of her tits.

Immediately a blissful moved through her body and had the horny cunt twitch. She had to let go of her breasts because otherwise it would have come to her. Petra stood close to the threshold of her orgasm. She closed her eyes and focused entirely on her sensations. The excitement even penetrated into the bare feet. It was still tingling in the tips of the toes. Naked as she was she went back to the kitchen window.

Anke Scherer still handled in the kitchen. She discovered Petra at the window and laughed. Apparently she thought it was funny that Petra had made it after her. Suddenly she stops, and laughter gave way to a questioning look. She tried to see something that was covered by the windowsill. Anke could only see Petra’s body up to the navel. Petra stood on the tips of the toe. But it didn’t seem to be enough.

Anke still had this questioning look on her face. Petra came an idea. She turned around, pulled a chair and stood on the seat. Now Anke could see her whole body. The smile returned on her face and she nodded with her head in agreement. She paused and seemed to think about it. Her gaze wandered over the rest of the windows in Petras Haus. When her eyes met again, Anke took his panties with both hands, pulled it out, and threw it backwards towards the kitchen table.

The panties flew exactly into the saucepan in high arcs, in which Anke had previously placed the peeled potatoes and then filled with water. Petra laughed out loud. Anke did not know what the reason for Petra’s outbreak was at first. Only when she turned over and saw the panties swim on the potato water, she understood and laughed too. Only now did Petra noticed that any trace of ankes dark blonde hair was missing on her cunt.

Her pleasure grotto was as blank as that of a ten-year-old. For this she had the meaty, protruding, dark red labia of a woman who had already had plenty of sexual experience. Anke noticed how her neighbor stared at her shaved pussy. From an inner inspiration that she could not explain to herself, she spread the thighs a little to give the neighbor a deeper insight. She literally felt Petra’s view of the cunt, which also began to itch immediately.

Anke would have preferred to be between her legs and pulled the labia apart to show Petra everything, but she didn’t dare. Her eyes met again. Now it was Petra who nodded his head appreciatively and looked at naked cunt continued to see. Petra could not solve her eyes from Ankes Cunt. Be literally studied the bare, hairless part of her gender genre. She remembered that the thoughts of shaving the cunt to shave blank had come a long time ago.

At that time there had been a lack of lack and her dark, Krause hair, which covered her always hot pussy, would have fallen victim to the razor. In the meantime, Petra had climbed off the chair and stepped closer to the open kitchen window. With her right hand, she drove over the crauses bear between the thighs. The tingling in her excited body started again, and the cunt musical clot tried the stiffness tail, who was not in her to cling.

Petra crumbled the middle finger and pressed him between the labia into her horny, moist hole. Petra felt how the orgasm almost reached rule over her excited body, closed her eyes and enjoyed the wonderful feeling. She could pull her finger out just in time. At the moment she didn’t want to get a climax. Rather, she wanted to continue to feel the state of the highest excitement. Petra breathed deeply. That was scarce, she said herself in spirit.

The nipples on their tits were so hard and itched that it almost hurt. With her flat hands, carefully stroked her over the full breasts. When her hands gently touched the warts, it almost came to her. Only now was Petra aware that she was standing at the open kitchen window, and Anke, her neighbor, could watch her closely. Petra carefully opened his eyes. She had expected to look into a stunned face.

Instead, she had to recognize that Anke was so impressed that she had also drilled a finger in the cunt and moved back and forth. When she saw that Petra opened her eyes, she pulled her finger out and stepped up at the window of her kitchen. She looked around again to check whether she could see someone else except Petra.

She didn’t seem to have discovered anyone because she leaned out the window with her bare torso. Petra also fully performed and leaned out of the window. “Come over to me. Then we can drink a cup of coffee and talk!“Anke Petra called too. “Gladly,” replied Petra. “I’ll be right there. “Petra went into the bedroom and looked for a simple summer dress out of her richly filled wardrobe.

She just pulled it over her bare body, grabbed her cigarettes and left the apartment. Petra opened the low wrought -iron garden door and entered the property of the Scherers. She looked at the lovingly prepared flower beds and the well -groomed, short -cut lawn, which despite the heat had a rich green color. The property was surrounded with high Thuya hedges, so that no stranger could look at the property. The sidewalk led Petra left the house to the front door.

When she searched the bell she could see anke through the glass pane, which came through the hallway towards her. Anke was still naked. There was no need for them to put on something, since nobody could see them. She opened the front door. “Hello, come in,” she said with a smile and took a few steps back so that Petra entered the house. “I am happy that you have time to chat with me a little and drink a cup of coffee.

If you come, we go to the kitchen. I’m not quite finished with the preparations for dinner. We can then sit on the terrace and talk. “” Gladly, “said Petra, who was noticing anything better at the moment and followed Anke Scherer in the kitchen. “My men always want to have their dinner on the table on time. “Anke handled with several pots, pushed it back and forth, stirred the content and put on the lid again.

“I would like to thank you that you have taken care of Ingo a reasonable workplace. This Joben at the petrol station was not good. A young person needs a real job. I am very happy that an apprenticeship came out. ““ “I could do it because we are a company that continues to develop and good, performance -like, young employees need. “Anke again moved the contents of her pots and switched off the electricity.

“Come on the terrace and sunbathe a little. “Her nudity seemed to be unable to do anything. She moved normally. Petra didn’t seem to exist for her. “Go onto the terrace. I’m just going to the basement quickly and get us up something to drink. “Said Anke and disappeared towards Keller. Petra rose and looked around for the way to the terrace.

She saw that you got to the terrace through the living room. Petra pushed the door to the side, stepped out and looked around carefully. It was a protected place. You couldn’t see him in front of any side. Petra chose a couch that stood in the blazing sun. She considered a moment whether she should take off the dress or not. Finally she said to herself that Anke was night and nobody could see her.

Petra grazed her dress and lay down naked on the couch. The sun burned down on her body and heated it up. Anke came onto the terrace with two glasses and a bottle of fruit wine. She puts everything on the table that was in the middle of the terrace. “Nice that you made yourself comfortable,” she said when she saw Petra on the couch and looked at her body.

“They are very well built” “but they also don’t need to hide,” replied Petra, and inspected Anke’s body in detail. You really didn’t see the two births. Her body was shaped like that of a twenty year old. Did not suggest that she already had two children. The belly was flat and her breasts were full without it being hanging. Anke opened the bottle and gave both glasses full and then lay on the second lounger.

“Cheers,” she said, picking up her glass. “Cheers,” said Petra and drank a sip. The two women were inappropriate in the sun and let themselves be browned. From time to time they took their glasses and drank a sip. Petra felt at home. She felt her all around. The burden of everyday work had fallen away from her and her body only enjoyed the sun that seemed down on her.

The intensive sunlight was not without effect. Petras nipples were the first and stiffened. They lifted off from the full, well -shaped tits. “You probably like it naked in the sun?“Anke suddenly asked into silence. “How come?“Petra apparently answered unsuspectingly. “I noticed that her nipples hardened,” said Anke by the way. “Yes. The sun has a certain stimulation on my body, ”said Petra and stroked her uphill nipples.

“I feel the same way,” Anke replied with a breastfeeding breath. Petra turned her head over to Anke and saw that Anke massaged the nipples of her tits. She turned her back and forth. Petra couldn’t resist and looked at Anke on the cunt. She was able to see the lifting labia closely. A matt, silky gloss covered her horny cunt. They seemed to be excited when Petra imagined it.

Anke let a hand slide into her pleasure center and gently stroked the clit. When they found the right place, their movements accelerated. The index finger massaged the pleasure cone, which looked out of the damp labia. Whenever she stroked her clit, a shower ran through her body that made him tremble. Petra did not leave what they saw cold. The lust also stimulated with her. Her cunt began to separate mucus.

She was wet. Petra’s body reacted. The lust grew. The nipples stiffen more and more. Petra could no longer let the look from Anke. She watched each of her actions. Anke was already in another world. She seemed to have already forgotten her surroundings. Her finger worked on the clit and drove them to the climax. Suddenly she paused and just stroked her clit. “Don’t find that we should do it?“Anke asked suddenly.

“Like to see from me,” replied Petra and continued to play on the cunt. The excitement in her hot body increased steadily. The sun also opened the rest and heated Petra’s body. She could feel the radiation on the stiff nipples. Petra slowly stroked her column with two fingers, and felt the cunt mucus that ran out of her. With the damp fingers she touched the nipples and distributed the cunt mucus on the nipples.

The moisture had a cooling effect, which hardened the warts another piece. “Do you also think that a piece of living meat would be better than such a finger?””Why, surely!“, Petra replied spontaneously without setting her massage. She continued to play around the pugs with one hand as she had drilled two fingers of the other hand into the horny pussy and let her slide back and forth.

“But we don’t have a potent fucker on site!. What do you think of it when I go on a jump into the kitchen and get us something. “” A good idea, “said Petra Lüstern. “Maybe I find a suitable replacement,” Anke rose and left the terrace. Petra felt her climax. But she didn’t want him yet and pulled her fingers out of her cunt. Anke came back a few minutes later.

She stood in front of Petra with a smile. Anke had a hand on his back. She hid something in front of Petras. Petra looked up at her. “Have you found something?“Petra asked curiously and straightened up. She put on Diehein so that the lower part of the lounger became free. Petra sat upright and let the legs slide on the side of the lounger. Anke could now see exactly between her spread legs on the moist column.

She stepped in and also sat on the lounger with spread legs. Petra looked at her shaved cunt. She offered a wonderful sight. Petra decided to shave the cunt at the next opportunity. If you only looked at the column, you thought you had a young girl in front of you. Anke still held her hand on her back, so Petra couldn’t see what she was holding in her hand.

Petra’s curiosity increased. She had no idea what Anke had found in the kitchen. “What have you found? I’m hot like a volcano. It would have come to me. I could just pull my fingers out. ““ I don’t know if I should show you. It’s something extreme!“Anke said carefully and came out with his hand behind her back. She had a cucumber in her hand.

When Petra saw the cucumber she got a shining in the eye. Anke caressed the monster over the breasts. The nipples continued immediately and turned dark red. Slowly, the hand with the salad cucumber on the flat stomach and got to the horny cunt. Petra saw the cunt separated her juice and ran through the spread legs to the asshole. She would have loved to put Anke on her cunt and drilled a finger in her.

But Anke had concentrated on the cucumber and Petra didn’t want to disturb her. She looked at how Anke pulled the cucumber through the gap. Moist stripes formed on the cucumber. Ankes Mösen mucus weted her toy. Petra couldn’t stand it anymore and slowly began to massage her clit again. Her lust immediately increased and the orgasm was announced again. A slight twitch already drove through her hot body.

When Anke turned the cucumber and the tip between the labia pressed it would come Petra. She took her hand away from the clitoris and enjoyed the wonderful feeling of being just before her orgasm. It itchy and tingling throughout the body. Petra no longer dared to grasp the tits. It would probably come immediately. She looked back between her legs and saw her tried to push the salad cucumber into the wet grotto.

“A huge monster,” said Anke Keurtend while looking at Petra. “I don’t think it fits!“, Said Petra and did not let the cucumber out of his eyes. “It is worth a try”, gasped Anke, who was now visibly excited. She drilled the apparatus a bit deeper into the hole, turned it back and forth, pulled it out again and drilled it into the column again. He disappeared a little further.

Petra looks fascinated. She still didn’t think Anke would be able to incorporate the cucumber. Anke did not give up. She continuously drilled the salad cucumber into her cunt. The first ten centimeters had already disappeared. Whenever Anke pulled her out a bit, Petra could see the cunt mucus who wet the cucumber. “Craziness. . It’s a great feeling, ”Anke breathed and strengthened the pressure.

The cucumber immediately drilled a few centimeters deeper into the horny cunt. Anke had so far stuck about fifteen centimeters and had thus reached the full diameter. “I did it!“Anke gasped and jerked around the cucumber, so that she was only a few millimeter -moved. “Class!“Said Petra appreciatively and looked at the salad cucumber, which was still a large part of ankes horny column. Anke started to fuck the monster cucumber slowly.

Now she slipped because she was covered with cunt juice more easily. With every push, Anke pushed the part into the cunt. Every time the salad cucumber in her horny cunt disappeared loudly. Petra was afraid at first that the neighbors could hear something, but the next house was far enough away. “It comes right away”, Anke gasped with a red -red head. Now her wet tube had adapted to the size of the cucumber and slid back and forth slightly.

Anke got it like with a vibrator. “That’s awesome. . You absolutely have to try that out right away!“, Japst Anke and frozen. “Yes. . Yes!“, It came chopped out of her mouth. She had reached the climax. Beyond good and evil, she drove the cucumber into her twitching hole. Petra couldn’t help it. Petra left her couch and stepped over to her neighbor. She grabbed Anke to the tits and massaged them.

“Yes. . Yes. . firm. Knead the tits more firmly to me!“Petra grabbed a firmer. And Anke got louder and louder. Your orgasm increased further. Anke’s body reared up. Petra had to continue to be able to knead her tits. “Craziness. It doesn’t stop at all. “, Anke gasped. Again and again she pushed the salad cucumbers into the greedy cunt until the stop. After about a minute, Anke’s orgasm subsided and slowly flattened.

It was difficult to breathe. Anke breathed deeply and slowly. The cucumber was still in her wet column. Anke ran down the cunt mucus on the thighs and smeared the couch. With both hands she grabbed the tits and pressed them together. “When you kneaded my boobs, I felt even more intense. You brought me a bit higher. “, Said Anke heavily breathing.

She looked down at herself, grabbed the cucumber with one hand and moved it back and forth several times before she slowly pulled out. “I think if my husband fucked me now, I would have banged it by a pencil. “Anke and Petra laughed courageously. “If my husband had such a strap,” she said and held up the salad cucumber, “I would probably not have a cunt but an oven tube today.

“” “I think so too,” replied Petra and the cucumber reached. “Now I want to see something!“Said Anke and looked at the dripping column. Petra bravely put the cucumber on her greedy fuck cavity and pressed it between the labia, which she seems to clinging greedily. Gentle, slowly Petra pushed the giant down into the hole. It went better than she thought. The cucumber penetrated bit by bit.

Petra stopped and enjoyed the insane feeling. Her nipples began to burn. The orgasm announced itself again. Petra remained motionless. Finally she drilled the cucumber into the pussy until she stopped. When the tip of the salad cucumber touched the uterus, Petra suddenly came. The orgasm made her body twitch. Petra lay on his back and took the cucumber in both hands. She now edited her twitching column.

She could only moan, the orgasm was so huge. Petra kept boring the thing into the hole. One orgasm wave after the other chased through her horny body and let the nipples burn on her full tits. Every time the cucumber touched her uterus shot a new orgasm wave through Petrasboards and further increased its climax until it was no longer higher and almost lost the mind. Petras orgasm quickly subsided and faded.

Significantly breathing she closed her eyes and enjoyed the highlight experienced. “You offer a wonderful sight when it comes to you!“, Said Anke after a while. “My cunt is still burning,” replied Petra heavily and pressed the cucumber into the horny Fickloch. “It is an insane feeling when the spanking stuck up,” she breathed excitedly. “I need a short break,” said Anke and went back to the house. Petra put the salad cucumber deep in her wet cunt, stretched out, crossed his arms behind his head and closed her eyes.

She concentrated fully on her horny cunt. Petra massaged the thick green cucumber with the cunt muscles. Her lust awoke again and let new Wönnschauer pull through her heated body. Petra winced when she felt something on her clit. She opened her eyes and saw Anke crouching between her thighs. Anke’s head was bent forward. With her tongue she drove Petra through the column. Anke looked up at Petra and smiled when her eyes met.

“Like that?“She asked shyly. “Yes. . Keep going. It comes for the second time “Petra felt the tongue drove through her horny column. Every time she touched the clitoris it shrugged by Petra’s body. Suddenly she noticed how the cucumber moved and looked down again. Anke had grabbed the monster and started fucking Petra with it. She skilfully turned the cucumber back and forth with every second push, and thus strengthened her twitches.

Petra rummaged the orgasm. “I’m ready right away!“She breathed and reached the tits. With her fingers she pressed the stiff, dark red nipples. Your breathing accelerated. Her pelvis fought towards the apparatus penetrating into it. Petra set up her upper body and supported his hands. She watched Anke carefully. Medium, she had crouched on her knees and included the cucumber with both hands.

Anke did not let Petras cunt out of his eyes. “Yes. . now it is time!“Petra gasped and let it come. Anke took the right hand from the salad cucumber and pressed her on the clit. “Craziness. . “, It came across her lips. “Rub my cone. Get me up. “Anke immediately strengthened the pressure. She felt how it went off her new girlfriend. This sight also itchy cunt itchy again.

Anke was trying to grab the wet column. However, she could do it. She had no hand free. Their excitement rapid. Anke couldn’t. It was also short of the climax. When she noticed that Petra’s orgasm decreased, she dared it. Anke straightened up and climbed between Petras Schenkel. She had pushed Petra the cucumber entirely into the moist column.

It was still well and loved to protrude twenty centimeters. Anke spread her legs and took care of the column. With one hand she pulled her labia apart and lowered her pelvis on the cucumber. Slowly she penetrated into her hungry cunt. “I think it tears me away,” she moaned when the monster disappeared into her. This time Anke bored the cucumber in a train into the fuck hole. She lowered herself until her cunts touched.

Anke behaved in this position and enjoyed the rising orgasm. “It comes to me!“, She was excited. Anke rose and lowered again immediately. It came over it tremendously. The climax made her body tremble uncontrollably. Anke now played on his own clit and thus strengthened her orgasm by further piece. The climax stopped for almost two minutes. When the waves of the climax had faded up, she rose exhausted and lay down on her lounger again.

She only slowly recovered. Anke was totally finished. Petra was lying between his legs, pulling out the salad cucumber and put them on the table. She wanted to disrupt annex and closed her eyes around the sun. Your body also needed a break. After a few minutes of relaxation, Petra opened her eyes again. The sun burned on her body. Welding beads ran over the heating body. She was thirsty and grabbed her glass that stood on the table and took a big sip.

Her gaze fell on the salad cucumber. The cucumber had now accepted a white color. The cunt mucus was dried and formed a matt, white layer on its shell. Petra straightened up and looked around in the garden. It was a nice facility. The lawn was cut briefly and the flower beds made a well -groomed impression. She felt comfortable. Petra didn’t know how long they were like when they heard a quiet noise in the house.

Someone moved in the house. Petra turned his head to the side and saw Anke lying on her couch, she slept. At first, Petra wanted to wake her up and draw attention to the sound. She decided not to do it and wait for what would happen. It could normally only be one from Anke’s family. Petra closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on the noises. Finally she heard steps come closer.

Their tension increased, what would happen immediately. Nothing happened. The steps fell silent and no sound could be heard anymore. Petra didn’t dare to open his eyes. In turn, she listened to silence. Except for the twittering of birds and the quiet noise of the wind in the trees, she heard nothing. But suddenly she felt something between her thighs. Petra wanted to open her eyes and see what was going on, but she failed to increase the tension a bit.

She felt like something tried to penetrate her. Someone tried to push his stiff cock into her cunt. Petra’s cunt woke up immediately and became moist, which made someone easier to get into this. The cock bored deep into her cunt and began to fuck her. Petra’s curiosity won the superiority and she opened her eyes a narrow gap wide. She could easily see Ingo, who knelt between her thighs and she fucked.

Now that she had recognized who fucked her, Petra opened her eyes completely and looked at Ingo. He just grinned, looked at his mother briefly, and pushed again. Petra felt the next climax and Ingo stretched out her horny cunt. From the corner of the eye, Petra no longer saw the Anke slept but carefully watched them watched. When Ingo turned his head to his mother, she quickly closed her eyes and as if she was still sleeping.

Ingo did not notice it and fucked on. He drove Petra higher and higher, it would come back. She was not sure how to react. Petra remembered that she had seen Anke watched her son banging and dispersed her doubts. She concentrated entirely on her orgasm, which she had to get along right away. Ingo pushed two- three times and then it was time.

Petra’s body tensioned and shivered under the twitching of the climax. She held Ingo Subenzrag and enjoyed the departure. When her orgasm almost faded, she felt in her wet column like Ingo’s stiff tail a bit of pushing and seconds later his sperm flooded into her. He literally pumped her. Ingo’s nuts seemed to be full up to the edge. When he was no longer doing anything with him, he carefully pulled his creation of Petra’s cunt and stowed him back in his pants.

He leaned over Petra’s body kissed her nipples, put a finger on his lips and looked over to his mother. Petra only thought: if you knew what your mother has already seen. Ingo disappeared as he had come. Quick and quiet. Petra closed her eyes and waited for a reaction from Anke. When nothing happened, Petra took himself between his thighs and played on the clit and slowly ended the what happened.

Her fingers excited them again and let their horny bodies tremble. She wanted Ingo again so that he could fuck her again. But since he was no longer available, Petra got himself. Petra’s body reared up when it came over for the second time. Her fingers flew over the stiff clitoris. Petra dropped to the couch when it was over.

“You are a very horny woman,” she suddenly heard anke’s voice and looked at her over her. “I saw what was happening,” said Anke Stockend. “I know,” answered her Petra, “I noticed how you watched us” “And you just let yourself be banged by Ingo?“Asked Anke unsafe. “Yes. . why not. He didn’t do it for the first time!“Said Petra confidently and looked at Anke, who was visibly irritated in her words.

“Not the first time?””No. . We had our company party a few days ago. It has already happened there, ”Petra told her directly and without wiring. Anke now looked at the spirited. Petra didn’t want to tell her the course of the festival and simply silenced. Should Anke think what she wanted. In any case, Petra didn’t care and enjoyed the last rays of the setting sun. Anke got up and went into the house without saying a word.

After five minutes she returned. She had put on a long T-shirt and started cleaning up. Petra suddenly felt out of place. She wondered whether Anke fucked her that she had Ingo fucked and Anke wanted to get rid of her now. Petra rose, reached for her dress, it grazed over his shoulders and closed a few buttons. “I think I’m going to go back to my apartment again,” said Petra in half.

“But that is a shame that our cozy afternoon should end,” said Anke disappointed, “You can still stay here!””No thanks. Your husband will definitely come home from work and would like to see his dinner on the table. You still have enough work. I would like to be in the way “” “You are definitely not in the way,” replied Anke Petra and looked deep into her eyes.

“I would love to come back for another time and we can lie in the sun until our cunts cook. But now I prefer to go!“Anke stood there and apparently looked through Petra through. Suddenly she lifted her head and looked back in the eyes of Petra. “On Saturday we want to grill and drink something. Just make a little barbecue party. I invite you to this, ”said Anke with a determining tone, who did not allow any rejection.

Petra was brooding. A few minutes ago, Anke had made her the impression that she, Petra, is undesirable with her, and now Anke invited her to a party. Now Petra was the one who didn’t know what to do. “Ok, I’m coming,” she said briefly, surprised by her own decision. “I’m already looking forward to coming,” said Anke with a smile. Apparently she had found her happy mood back.

Petra stopped with Tanja and Lars in the evening. They talked about the planned conversions in the back room of the bar. Lars explained his wishes and she told him what was feasible and what wasn’t. After almost an hour the topic of conversion was dealt with, and Lars left the two women around the night bar, in which the show had started in the meantime. Tanja and Petra stepped on the large window that the demarcation to the bar room was represented.

From the bar it was a mirror so that you couldn’t look into the office. The observers in the office on their part are not seen by those present in the bar. Petra let the view slide through the bar room. As she could see, the room was only weakly occupied and no fumbling among the guests was going on. Petra watched the performances on the stage for a few more minutes and then said goodbye to Tanja and drove back home.

She quickly showered the sweat from the body and then went to sleep. For Petra, the week passed without any significant events. During the day she was in the office and at home in the evening. She went to sleep early and woke up in the morning rested. She hadn’t even banged all week. Although she already had her fingers on the clitoris on Thursday evening and almost groaned, the days passed without orgasm. When Petra left her bed on Saturday morning, her cunt signed up and sought after a climax.

She stroked the fuck column and had to find out to her own amazement that she was wet wet. Petra drove through the moist notch a few times and then pulled her hand back. She wanted to get her tension until the evening, she didn’t know what else could happen there. As if she had met the Scherers, a lot could be possible. Only covered with her XXL T-shirt, in which she also slept, she went to the kitchen and rightly made her breakfast.

During the coffee through the machine, Petra ran and brushed her teeth. She didn’t touch the moist, horny cunt. Petra did not want to expose himself to the temptation to finger an orgasm. She knew if she was only slightly touched by the clitoris her horny plum on fire immediately and she would definitely no longer be under control. Petra returned to the kitchen and had breakfast extensively.

Then she made herself comfortable on the three -seater in the living room. She switched on TV and followed a travel report about the Seychelles with interest when the phone rang unexpectedly. Petra looked over at him and stretched out her left -wing middle finger on the phone. “Not today. . Today is Saturday and I want to have my peace, ”she said in an angry voice and kept ringing it. At some point it stopped.

Minutes later, Petra felt an unpleasant pressure in her bladder and went to the toilet to empty himself. When she just wanted to sit on her three again, the doorbell rang at the door. Nobody expected Petra. She went to the door and took the listener of the intercom in her hand. “Yes. . Who ‘s there?“She asked angry. “It’s me. . Ingo, ”she heard his voice in the listener, pressed the door opener and hung the listener again.

Petra waited at the door until she heard Ingo’s steps, then opened her apartment door, and Ingo stepped in the hallway. “Good morning boss!“, He said with a smile and looked at her with a greedy gaze from top to bottom. “Good morning, if you can say this at half past two. ““ My mother sends me to you, since you don’t go to the phone, I should ask you if it can be clear with tonight?”” But sure, “replied Petra to him,” we come into the living room, or do you have no time?”” But gladly, “he said and followed Petra into the living room.

She sat on her three again and put on her legs among herself. Ingo sat on the open place next to Petra. They lit everyone to a cigarette and saw away. Suddenly he started to smile. “You actually know that Gitti lost a bet with Klaus a week?”He asked her. “No. . What was it about?”” “I don’t know either, only everyone believes that she has lost extra” “How do you come up with it?“Petra asked him ignorant.

“Because it made her fun of murder to lose. She would have had to blow Klaus if she loses. Since Klaus had won the two, after Quitting time, back to the changing room of the women and the others waited until Klaus came back and announced the settlement of the betting debts. Only half an hour passed and neither of them came back. “Ingo took a break and pulled on his cigarette. “And on,” said Petra impatiently, slipped around a bit, to Ingo, and scored her legs so that her feet were under her butt.

At first she did not notice that her T-shirt slipped up and her pussy was almost free. It was only when she looked down she found that Ingo could look directly at the wet column. He hadn’t noticed it yet because he saw an imaginary look on the wall. “Gerda became impatient and left. She opened the door a gap and looked briefly around the corner.

Then she pushed the door open and everyone could see Gitti on Klaus Saj3 and his cock ride. Gitti noticed the audience, but did not let himself be disturbed and fucked unimpressed. “Ingo took a break again. Petra felt the excitement ascending. Ingo’s story heated Petra. Her cunt began to twitch and her nipples hardened to such an extent that they clearly appeared through the thin fabric of the T-shirt.

“Oh well. . “Ingo continued and still stared at this point on the wall,“ one after the other entered the changing room. Dieter performed unexpectedly for everyone, pulled his pants down and held Gitti his belt, who also devoured him with her lips. And less than five minutes later was the large pack of packs. “Ingo expressed his tilt in the ashtray and looked over at Petra.

His gaze first fell on her stiff nipples and then stuck on her cunt. Now it was late to pull the T-shirt down to deny him an insight into her wet, apart labia. Petra arose her fate. No, wrong, not fate but subconscious, she had literally challenged it with her seating position that Ingo could look at her wet cunt. Ingo had only eyes for Petras Muschi.

His gaze sucked on her labia. And Petra’s labia literally burned under his eye. She felt the cunt mucus ran down between her thighs. Petra’s mastery was gone and she longed for the redemption of her physical excitement. She stretched her pelvis only a few millimeters, but Ingo understood her sign, leaned forward and let his tongue drive through Petra’s horny column. His touch triggered a real firework of twitches in it.

She was hardly able to control her excited body. And Ingo licked and licked her twitching cunt. When he drilled his tongue in the cunt, Petra believed the Angel Sing to hear and groaned loudly. She let him go on for a while and finally pushed him back. “Undress yourself. I want to see you naked, ”Petra breathed, grazed her T-shirt and threw it carelessly under the table.

Ingo tore off the clothes from the body and wanted to take his tongue back over Petrasmöse when she stopped with a hand movement and pointed to the thick fur in front of the closet. Ingo rose and sought to the fur. He stopped somewhat awkward and waited for Petra, who followed him immediately and made it clear to him that he should lie down. When he lay on the fur with his back on the fur, he understood Petra’s project.

With her wet, horny cunt she let herself down exactly over his face and gently pressed the horny column on his mouth. For her part, Petra took his stiff cock, covered him with her lips and sucked on him. Only when she felt that Ingo’s tongue was moving, Petra started to drive up and down with her lips on the stiff cock. They drove this game for a while until Petra felt their orgasm ascending.

She released the stiff, turned away from him and just went to her hands on her hands, on her hands, on knees. Petra wanted him to fuck her from behind. To her surprise, he immediately took the right position and grabbed her with both hands. Petra reached between his legs, grabbed his stiff cock and took him to her apart labia.

Ingo continued her movement without hesitation and drilled his latte into the wet tube. With a push, his cock penetrated deep into Petra’s cunt and his nuts clapped against her clit. “Yes. . “, Petra groaned as the stiff strap was deep in her,“ bang me. . do it to me. . That’s exactly how I want it, ”it came over her lips when her horny body trembled.

And Ingo did what his boss and occasional fuck partner asked him. He was on his own and did his best. He didn’t want to disappoint Petra. Again and again his strap penetrated her deep into her and drove her to her orgasm. He heard how she breathed faster and faster and felt how Petra’s cunt pulled together. He felt that it would come right away and accelerated his bumps. When Petra began to whimper and her horny column contracted so far that he had trouble moving his cock, he knew that it was ready for her.

Petras butt moved by itself. He circled around his strap and at the same time pushed himself towards him. In the middle of the movement, Petra fell at the front, so that his cock slide out of her cunt. She turned on her back in a fractions of a second and pulled it on. Ingo could hardly believe it, but his cock found the way to Petras wet column all by itself. She crossed her legs on his back and pushed her abdomen towards him.

Ingo pushed again. He continued to fuck this beautiful perfect female body. Petra grabbed his hands and lay on her tits and then irritated the clit with one hand with one hand. When Ingo Petra pushed the stiff cock deep into the twitching cunt, paused, and her nipples pressed vigorously, she came with her with all violence. The orgasm almost robbed her of her mind. She pushed her back through and pushed Ingo the twitching cunt towards.

When he still didn’t move, she did it. Petra’s body raised and crashed twitching. The highlight was gigantic and drove Petra to the edge of madness. She fully chose him, gave no inhibitions and groaned her excitement loudly. Petra put her legs so tight that Ingo could hardly move it to move. Only with difficulty he could pull his strap out of Petra’s cramped column to push him back in.

He had the feeling that Petras cunt was just half as big. His cock hurt him. But this was a worry, because seconds later this narrow gave him his orgasm and he injected his load in Petras Hot Grotto. He hadn’t had any orgasm so intensely yet. He believed that his cock continued to swell.

His belt spat and spat. His eggs seemed to have an endless stock of sperm. Shoot on the shot he injected Petra into the narrow tube. As overwhelming, it ended as intensely as it came. When his belt had sprayed, he shrank very quickly and slipped out of Petra’s cunt. He was now hung down on his sweat -bathing body. Petra pulled him down and kissed him on his mouth.

“You did well. I haven’t had such a nice orgasm for a long time. Really all respect!“Petra said heavily and felt how the sperm ran out of her cunt. When Ingo came to breath away, he said: “My mother is angry. Father has been in Berlin since Tuesday and cannot come today. “” That’s a shame, “replied Petra compassionate. When Ingo had put on again, Petra stroked the wet cunt with one hand.

A sticky mixture of sperm and cunt mucus hanging on her fingerner, which she distributed on her tits. She also moistened her second hand and distributed the liquid on her other chest. The touch made Petra gently shivered, and the clit becomes hard again. The excitement in her body increased. She had thought five minutes ago that her lust was satisfied. Now Petra had to find that this was not the case.

Again her horny column sought and asked for a stiff cock that brought her to orgasm. When her hands over the hard, protruding nipple strokes it would have been done about her mastery. At the last second she took her hands off the tits and looked at Ingo, who had now taken a seat next to her, and Petra’s hustle and bustle closely observed. It didn’t seem to be enough for him either.

Because his cock had stiffened again. “I think we should stop for the moment!“Finally, Petra said and also sat down. In my thoughts, she added: “Who knows what is still happening tonight. “Petra didn’t want to embarrassed Ingo. She knew his mother’s attitude to sex and could imagine that his father was not much different. He would not be just as open to the topic of their marriage would certainly not work so well.

“Who will come to the grill party this evening?“She asked him to change the topic. “Two couples with which my parents are friends,. . and Ilka, of course, “it continues with part 18 observations.

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