The 40. Birthday part 1 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The episode story does not come from me, but I hope you like it anyway!

Part 1 – The invitation


I didn’t feel like this family celebration at all. The Family My husband consists of not particularly interesting people, apart from Helmut, of course, otherwise I would not have married him. He is 41 and Carola, his Sister, I invited us to celebrate their entry into the forties with her.

What annoyed me about it was the fact that we had to drive so far. They lived almost 200 kilometers away.

That also meant that we had to spend the night somewhere.

Of course, Carola had offered us to stay with her, in the guest room of her house.

After some hesitation we accepted the offer.

We started on Saturday afternoon and arrived early in the afternoon. As always, they greeted us warmly and Helmut and I brought the travel bag to the guest room with our clothes. There was a simple guest bed there. That would be a pretty intimate night for Helmut and me, I thought with myself, because our own bed was a lot bigger.

Carola had become a little slimmer, I had the impression.

She had always been a bit chubby and now had about the same size and figure as I was. Your pelvis may have been a little wider and her breasts are a bit bigger.

Helmut was in a bit of Bernd’s size, but a different hair color. He looked a bit wirier than my husband.

The festival started with a dinner in the ballroom of a restaurant. Then a disc jockey was invited and he played the hits of our youth.

So it was a nice celebration overall, funnier than I feared.

I had my niece Lena and my nephew Jens more than pubescent and quite annoying teenager In memory, but that evening they whirled around on the dance floor with their partners quite cheerfully.

Both had become more than fledged. From the duckling Lena had become a beautiful swan with her 18. She had long, blonde hair, a sporty figure – she played a lot of tennis – and beautiful long legs and for her size to show a lot of material in breast height.

No wonder that this had also noticed my husband, because he looked at the little one longer and more intensely than it would have been necessary.

But whatever! After almost fifteen years of marriage you know the other very well. I knew it had no purpose to blame Helmut because of that.

There were interesting and pretty women in the world, why should I forbid him to look at them? I also believed that he loved me and only me. And according to my own assessment, I had kept myself quite well.

So I granted him the looks that stuck to her. As a kind of compensation, I grazed myself to Jens’ sight. He was a year older than Lena and the pimed, slag boy had become a handsome young man.

He had everything he needed to wrap the girls of his age in rows. He was big, had a sporty figure – he played like his sister Tennis – had short blonde hair and a very nicely drawn face.

He had a lot of humor, laughed often and enjoyed joking himself. I was happy to let him press me as a greeting.

So were Helmut and I quot.

Our own marriage had remained childless because Helmut was unable to work. But that had never seriously bothered us.

We got along well with children others.

Since we only had to go from the restaurant for a few minutes, we could confidently eat and drink as we wanted. The dishes were delicious, the selected wines are excellent.

Helmut and I like to drink wine and therefore had a very exquisite taste, but these wines far exceed our expectations. That’s why we both grabbed it heartily.

We danced and drank, laughed and drank, alberten and drank and started the whole thing from the front again.

The celebration was slowly coming to an end around 3 a.m. and we were in a good, relaxed atmosphere when we made up. On the one hand, the fresh air was good, on the other hand I noticed the effect of the wine and so Helmut and I went poor in arm and support each other.

Lena went next to me and suddenly she hooked up with me so that three of us went next to each other.

When we arrived at my sister -in -law, I just wanted to go to bed.

Helmut was still fit and wanted to take it over with Peter, Carola’s husband, over his home bar.

Although Peter had a well -sorted bar, he hardly drank alcohol. But his long drinks – with and without alcohol – were legendary.

“Men!“I thought, and I just wanted to take a smile when a phone rang.

We were amazed at the call in the middle of the night. But Peter immediately suspected what was going on. He was a fireman and therefore got used to nightly calls.

So it was at that moment.

He was asked if he could take part in an assignment and he could.

So shortly afterwards he disappeared by car.

I had already went to the bathroom and was brushing your teeth when it knocked. I called “in” and my sister -in -law came to me. She was still wearing her evening dress, but without shoes.

“Everything okay?“, She asked me. “Everything is fine,” I confirmed.

“It was a nice celebration,” I said Carola, who was now forty years old.

“Thank you,” she said. Carola and I had no particularly good one because of the distance between us Contact, We only saw each other at family celebrations. She looked at me from top to bottom with a strange look and I felt that my sight liked her. I was wearing an almost transparent nightgown, under which I was not wearing anything at home.

My festivals, albeit not too big breasts, dangled back and forth with every movement of the toothbrush and my tight butt probably wiggled the same way.

Finally she broke away from the sight and then said: “You, Maria, hear …”

“Yes,” I replied.

“I don’t feel comfortable with the thought that I can only offer you the small guest room with the bed for a few too small bed.

Now that Peter is gone, I can sleep alone there and you can sleep in our marriage bed, that’s bigger and more convenient.”

When I wanted to reject the offer, it insisted on it.

“I have already freshly moved into the marriage bed!”

Secretly I was of course happy about this development. The question was on my tongue, what would be if Peter came back, but I didn’t want to complicate or risk the matter that she would take her offer back.

“Do you have anything against it when I take a shower while you brush your teeth?”

I was a bit stunned, but I didn’t want to be rude, so I said easily: “No, by no means at all.”

“Thank you, dearest,” said Carola. We hadn’t been so intimate yet and the thought of my head was that it might not be as boring as I always thought. We should have visited ourselves more often!

While I turned to the sink to rinse, I saw in the mirror as she pulled out.

Without a hint of shame, she took off her dress.

Box holders, nylon stockings and their slip were followed.

I was just finished and turned around. I had to snap my tongue inside and admit that she looked great. Her breasts were really about the size of mine, but stood a little more apart. Their nipples were darker and larger.

In the navel she had one Piercing And her pubic hair was completely shaved, in contrast to my heart -shaped little blonde cradle head.

She looked because of her long, narrow labia that were closely closed, like a small, virgin girl.

My own lips, on the other hand, were a bit flattering and always opened in normal state.

I had to have stared at her in my thoughts, because when I came back to me, she smiled in my face and I became cancer red.

“‘Sorry,” I murmured and wanted to push myself past her to the door when she said to me: “Nothing for bad, Maria. You look very good.”

She gave me a little pat on the buttocks. This intimacy surprised me very much, but I interpreted it as a little punishment for my misconduct to have stared at it so much.

I just wanted to go to bed. The travel bag quickly got out of the guest room and then I made it comfortable in the marriage bed.

I took the left side, as well as at home.

A few minutes later I fell asleep.


When Peter suddenly had to go, I also wanted to go to bed, but Jens and Lena persuaded me to an abscess in the bar.

I was happy to accept, even if someone my age was more comfortable than these two teenagers.

Jens took the lead and took action.

“What do you want to drink?“, He asked Lena.

“A daiquirí,” she asked.

“And you?“He asked me. “I’ll have the same thing.”

“Well, well, then I’ll take one too.“Jens mixed the three drinks and put them on the counter.

Lena had sat on the bar stool next to me and smiled at me.

“Well, uncle Helmut, how did you like the celebration?”

I moaned played and asked her: “Please don’t call me uncle, that makes me so old. This also applies to you, Jens.”

“Well, Helmut, and what do you say?”

“I thought the music was good, it was the music of my youth.”

“And you say I would make you old,” Lena chuckled.

“Okay, undecided”, I gave myself a smile.

We caught our drinks and Lena said: “Make the music on, I want to dance something else.”

Jens fumbled around the CD player and he sounded music by Herbert Grönemeyer.

“Take something calmer,” asked Lena.

Jens searched and fumbled and it suddenly sounded Rod Stewart’s “Waltzing Mathilda”, a beautiful, slow cuddly song.

“Oh yes, it’s nice,” said Lena and got up. She went to the small area lit with a light organ in the middle of the speakers and weighed in the dance step.

“Come on, Helmut,” she said after a while.

I didn’t want, but she pulled me to herself and so we danced opposite until she suddenly pulled me end and said: “The slow dances are the best?”

I agreed and felt her warmth when she nestled against my chest.

I thought they clearly felt their breasts that pressed against my body.

For the first time I took Lena as a woman. From the child who sat on my knees and played with me had become a young woman. In addition, a young woman that is very desirable.

These frivolous thoughts resulted in my penis suddenly awakened.

It was embarrassing to me – after all I was her uncle – and I tried to push my lower body away from her, but she did not gave up and pressed it all the more firmly towards me.

I was sure she could feel my excitement exactly.

To make matters worse, she started moving slightly back and forth on her pelvis, so that the pressure on my little helmut got bigger. He finally became.

I saw no other chance and withdrew her with the words: “I don’t want to dance anymore, Lena.”

I sat on the bar stool again and let the little one, who didn’t look particularly disappointed, dance alone.

Jens smiled and made me a new drink.

“Oh, I’m thirsty,” said Lena finally and sat next to me again and long after her glass.

In doing so, she put her left hand unintentionally on my thigh, which burned like fire there.

I expected Lena to pull her hand away, but I was disappointed. She turned her face and smiled.

The bitch turned me on! She turned on her old uncle, with whom she used to play in the garden!

“Tell me,” she demanded my attention a moment later, looking deep into my eyes, “you actually like me?”

“Of course I like you,” I said after I swallowed a few times. Your direct speech had surprised me. “Since I know you as a little girl, I like you,” I tried to play the generous uncle in the hope of making an end to her hustle and bustle.

She gave me a slap on my thigh.

“I mean, I’ll like you?”

Again she looked me in the eye and licked her tongue over her lips.

I had to swallow again. “Well, you … you … look really fantastic.

No more comparison with before.”

“So you got a stiff?”

As she said that she looked at me like a snake that is looking forward to a rabbit. With me as a rabbit.

“I … I think I’m going better now,” I said quietly and rose.

“No, please not, Helmut,” said Lena and gently pressed me down again, “Please excuse me, I didn’t want to annoy you. I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have me ..

Anyened, ”I said. “But the situation begins to get going as it shouldn’t go between uncle and niece.”

“But Helmut,” she said with played annoyance, “you said yourself that we shouldn’t mention anything about it.”

Of course she was right there. Two to one for you. She had brought me into a dilemma.

“I want to hear it from a mature man, a man who is familiar with women,” said Lena.

“Do you find me attractive?”

“Lena,” I confirmed, “you are very attractive … very … sexy, you could say.”

I ran red, like a school boy and immediately switched myself on for it.

“You still look good, Onk … Helmut,” she improved quickly.

“You Luder”, I threatened her fun with my finger.

“Come on now, I want to dance with you,” said Lena and pulled me back onto the dance floor.

We danced for a while, sometimes open, sometimes closed.

I didn’t care whether she felt my excitement or not. After all, we were adults.

And it would only be fun for an evening, so I thought.

Jens continued to provide us with alcohol and soon I was really thanked. Lena was no different either. Once we danced tight and I had a bump in my pants again when I suddenly felt her right hand put her right hand on my butt.

At the same time, she took her left hand, put her on my rights and pulled her from her shoulder, where she rested, on her butt and whispered to me: “Take me firmly in my arm, Helmut, you feel so good!”

I should have stopped here. I should have guessed what that went out and I probably did it too.

But I imagined or wanted to imagine that I had everything under control and let it happen.

We continued to dance and suddenly the song sounded: “You Can Leave Your Hat On” by Joe Cocker. I think there is no establishment in the world where this song is not a clear request.

“Oh, the song is cool,” said Lena and separated from me. Then she started with lascivious movements and actually started to take off.

Again and again she opened me seductively she opened the buttons of her dress and suddenly dropped it with a lively pelvic swing. She stood with nothing dressed than her nylon stockings and her pumps.

She had been naked all day under her dress! Such a horny, little bitch!

I took a look at Jens, who returned my gaze and a male-bruddered “is she is not cursed sexy?“Zuilf.

She came up to me, took my face in both hands and pressed her mouth on mine. Our lips touched themselves and their tongue quickly came out.

How hypnotized I kissed her back and let my tongue answer. I felt her naked, solid breasts that rubbed my own breast.

I had a powerful erection.

Finally she pulled me off the bar stool and knelt in front of me. She began to open the belt of my pants.

It ran down my back hot and cold.

On the one hand, of course I was caught by this erotic situation. And which man would have already resisted this skilful seduction?

On the other hand, it was my niece that approached me in more than clear views.

But what surprised me the most was that Jens came out behind the bar and suddenly pulled out without shyness and without hesitation.

When Lena saw that, she said: “Oh yes, Brother, Take off, I love yours tail. Let me see your cock!”

The belt of my pants was open, Lena fingered my zipper and looked at me with her dark, brown eyes at the same time. The moment had come!

But I was a coward, I stayed!

A little later my pants hung on my ankles and Lena led my cock out of the plump underpants.

He stood out and Lena licked his lips when she saw him.

“Mmmm, it looks delicious … and so big!”

Then she took him in her right hand, put the left on my eggs and pressed it. Careful as if she could hurt him, licked her tongue over my glans.

I stood there with your eyes open and let her do it.

She took my Schwengel in her mouth and pressed it into her Lutschmund to the attack.

I groaned and closed my eyes. She did her job excellently and I had no doubt that she was very practiced in it.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw Jens, who was now also naked and massaged his Schwengel.

His member was already completely extended and a little thinner than mine, but a little longer. He suddenly stood behind his sister, who turned up and leaned forward to continue blowing me.

“Oh, yes, dearest, put it in me … yes, fuck me! Fuck your little dirty sister!”

With the purpose of a man who did this more often, he sank his cock into her wet cunt with a jerk and began to fuck her with calm bumps.

My nephew fucked my niece! I couldn’t believe my eyes.

At the same time, I was so excited that I scouted in no time.

I shot my love juice in her only to prepare Fickmund and Lena eagerly sucked everything up.

When that was over, I became sober and clear in my head in one fell swoop. I really had to go!

I stood out to my niece.

When Lena realized that I wanted to go, she said: “Helmut, don’t go! I want you to fuck me!”

But I just shook my head, put my pants together and hurried to get out of the room.

One last look back and I saw my two relatives who drove it together.

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