Spontaneous sex with a mature woman | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Racy 58 year old discovered in the sauna a not quite shy boy.

… with a young man in the sauna …

Wednesday afternoon

Today is my free afternoon. So off to the sauna as always.

On Wednesdays it is always quite empty here in the mineral bathroom. From time to time a

couple of senior citizens, less often an older woman … and very rarely one

Lead the same age to talks. So I always take something for

Read with so that it doesn’t get too boring in the relaxation room.

I have been sitting alone in the organic sauna for half an hour, so it works

Doors open and an entire family with 2 young people comes in.


I finally think variety, see how Father and Mother straight on the

Highest level sitting on your bath towels. The boy, still in

Pups age sits down at the bottom, his Sister Besides. The

Both look like twins, with the girl already more woman

acts. She is really pretty, very light blonde ….Has a sweet little one

Chest and very long legs.

Your body is slim and I compare

just mother and daughter To determine that the two are not

have the slightest genetically itself.

Of course I always look at people in the sauna. It is less

an erotic look than my artistic look than

sculptor. I just see much more in the bodies, and compare them

Forms always with my experience from many sessions with models,

Whether male or female.

The mother is strong, wide hips and big breasts, a small one

Belly and stocky legs. In addition, she had a really big one

Black bush on your hill .

Really long and bristle

Pubic hair. I secretly grin at the thought when he

wants to spoil the tongue and then get bristles between his teeth.

He sits on the side of the back wall in the corner and looks his wife

at … grins mischievously and is somehow satisfied. Sporty good

Figure, slim and muscular, tanned but he looks with bald

his wife on the breasts.

The son is a bit uncomfortable, he doesn’t like something like that

very. He looked up to his mother with the head turned

With a strict look, however, signaled that he was sitting still

should stay.

He also leans back a bit and stretches his legs

out of. I can now consider him better than whole boys.

Slim and with smooth skin … nice proportions …simply

boyish. He is very hairy on the body, also his pubic hill

Is only fluffy. His little member lies loose between the


I look up in his face and see his gaze.

Oh you ever, I think … now he has seen my look that I

looked at his stew. I also see a slight redness in

his face. But now he remains fixed on me too. He

take a closer look at me.

Evulates me youthful. Stay his eyes

Lying on my breasts for a long time ….He apparently likes them. I

Think that my swollen and big nipples have a look

tie up. But in the sauna they always stand out really violently.


Look goes on my stomach and my legs when I only fall

on that my thighs are not closed at all. So he can mine

See shaved pussy exactly. I am still considering whether I just

Shenchen should close quickly, but that would have been ridiculous.

But his gaze remains with me. He is now changing between

always back and forth my eyes and my hill.

His sister has

well next to him and look at me too. But she has

not the direct look at my lust hill.

She speaks to him and he answers without turning my look from me.

Now I notice how it moves easily with his hips … almost

imperceptible …Posted on 15. November 2014, by: www.Pezax.com

Oh you Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee …Now his problem becomes clear to me ..

Small finger -sized member is growing. I go through that right away

Head that I’m to blame because I am not used to men

In the sauna, considering whether they can see something with me

or not.

I try to turn my head a little, look at its

Sister to which the legs have now spread a little further and

See a virgin sweet pussy with properly closed and

Ellblond feathered hair. The little one sits really cute there.

Seductive actually like a little L **** a. So secretly comes to me

the thought that if I were a man … react to such signals

would…..Maybe also had problems with my “growth”.

Finally the sauna master comes and power are infusion. I think that

Will calm down the boy again.

The steam is distributed and also lays down, there is movement in

the parents.

They come down and tell their children that they now

Shower and then want to swim. Son and daughter should now

sit a little higher. The boy does that too, he rises one step

higher and sits down again in the direction of view. His

Sister lays flat under him and closes the


The parents have now gone out and itchy itchy to test me

How the boy jumps on me.

First I stroke my hand

About my breasts, pretend to be a little rubbing the sweat, then

My hand goes to my stomach … rub over the hot skin and too

The thighs that I have now opened for the hands now. Be

Look is struck between my legs. I know

not whether it is his first look at a female shame, at least

he is restless and looks closely at the point for me. My hands

Both are on my thighs and rub slowly over the skin.

From the

Inner legs to the outside. From the knee back to the hip. Be

But tensed look lets it gribble in me. It’s like that

Secret attraction that grasped me.

I could get up now and

Easy going. But this pretty boy visually has me

captured. I really like it. I’m looking directly into him now

Eyes and then down to his member.

It has grown and stretch

slowly up. It has a little swollen

increased and has also grown in length. From the little finger

has become a beautiful middle finger. He sees my gaze, look

down on his limb and grin.

This cheeky roof has that

Courage to proudly present my little stand. He

Could just put his hand over it and press it down.

No, the boy even opens the thighs a little so I now

First of all, his little tender sack.

Of course he is not a whole man yet, but now he looks male

already on me. The sister below him is now high again

and went out with her bathing towel without a remark.

Well, I think …Now we are alone and now I want to see

how far you want to drive the game.

I also lean back, open my legs even further and set in

Leg high ….So he can bluntly look directly at my lips.

I see from his look that he is very enthusiastic. My feeling has

but also told me that I am now more excited … I

Feel the threshold of my lips and a gribble in my pussy.

I look down at myself for control and see my lips a little


He has now had an openly razor

Sweet stand. That’s smooth 60 degrees up. His glans

Is still packed in the skin … but his hands go to the

Down and rub the skin. I have the feeling that he would

Now like to touch his staff and rub it but he dares to do that


“You actually know that you have a particularly beautiful body”

I the silence.

He is a little frightened by my statement,

But replies to me very quietly “You also see very nice for me

out of”. I’m speechless. I ask him if he has some experience with it

Had, and he replies, “Well, I’ve just had a lot of women

Seen pictures … and with my parents we often make nudism Vacation. There

I had to laugh ….I asked him if he was in this state

also run over the beach ?

This saying broke the ice cream … He told me that he secretly

in the outdoor pool After the girls look that he liked it, girls naked

look at.

The following question would have been of me whether he was

His limb then also grater, but I could do this saying

intercept. I just rubbed like that, have my hills

Stroking, I also drove over my lips to down, everything for

him. I wanted to treat him to something, of course also excite. Be now

Fully tense thicker middle finger has a little more


The foreskin is a bit over his glans

slipped back and released them a little. The sight was

divine. He was sitting there like an amor. His crisp boys and to it

This sensual symbolism.

I just enjoyed it with my eyes.

Our eyes met now often and something had to

Finally pass. I got up … the steps moved

down … now looked much more clearly on him …but pleasure me one

Grip …… says without thinking …“I’m going to take a shower now, you can

offspring and my back properly, ok ??? He nodded me

and I went out of the sauna.

Outside the showers are a bit hidden and I stood first

Under the cold water shower. After gripping the shampoo bottle, I went

in the hot water shower and put me under it. I heard him

don’t come at all, but suddenly he stood behind me and said

quiet … “I’m here”.

I turn around a bit, looked at him …also saw,

that his member had a downward direction now. I gave him mine

Shampoo us just said … please soap me my back nicely.

It was like a flash when I felt his hands. This little man has

immediately distributed the shampoo with soft movements and massaged mine

Back. A common thought of me wanted to lure him.

I bent

My shoulders a little forward so that he moves up with his body

had to. Now finally I felt it. He touched my buttocks with his

Hip and his stomach. I could also locate and feel his member.

I wanted good things with a good reward.

His delicate touch on mine

Now I gave him back with my cheeks. I moved mine

Poback Ganau on his body. I also moved the hips on the side,

so that he was gently massaged by me. The water under the shower

If I had exhibited, I could hear his breath that he

was tense.

And that’s exactly what I felt now too.

Of course he had no chance of avoiding an erection. But

Why not. It was such a nice moment without “bad thoughts”.

He felt my body over his hands … his limb touched stiffly

and hard my buttocks and I enjoyed his hand movements with the

Soap on my back. It was such a sensual situation like me

they could never have imagined me in a imagination.


At the moment neither he nor I wanted to stop.

I moved backwards to his body … got his member too

between my cheeks and rubbed on his excited staff with the cheeks

up and down. He must have liked it because he was pushing himself too

More about me. His hand movements slower … whole

slow….and his limb is always throbbing. It quickly became clear to me that

he couldn’t last long.

You know that boys quickly

are excited and quickly exaggerate their seeds …if any

something comes. But this skin one had a special one

grade. I wanted to make it even more beautiful for him … just told him … “Stay

just stand that way ”and bent me forward. This caused his after

Penis tensioned at the top between my legs.

His limb pressed with

Force up and touched my now very open lips.

I felt his glans between my slippery lips. He came

Not up to my clit …But between the lips felt

This stiff little bolt really nice. It was clear to me that he

My slippery wet had to feel that it might be his first

Times was …In a hot and mature women’s pussy and

hank up. From time to time he flinched back and then back on

push me.

My cheeks vibrated and my pussy heated up

on. I didn’t think at all at that moment

Child abuse and seduction of young people. I just thought of one

At the moment so nice feeling. It was clear to me as a woman that I strong

excited ……..Also felt a slight tremor with him.

“Stay completely

I said quietly, ”I told him over his shoulder ….It was now by him

even in his movements. We had found our rhythm.

A crazy picture. A over 50 year old is in the shower and leaves

Massage your lips from a beautiful boy. Of course I was

attempt … whenever he in the back of my slit with his

Movement was … his glans in the forecourt … then a little further after

In the front insisted ….

That I in mine with a body movement

Take a pussy. Certainly he would not have come in far …after all something

already. At least I would have his penis in my pussy

had.Posted on 15. November 2014, by: www.Pezax.com

His movements have now become a little faster …I was clear that

he would come soon now.

I don’t know why I did it …but

I didn’t want to have it ended like this. I went with my body

high…..turns me over ….looked into his eyes with a feeling and

Grip without looking at his stiff member. I gave it gently

And very slowly ….And just said to him ….Come on mine

Boy … I want to feel it when you come. I felt his reaction

quite violent on it.

He twitched with the whole body … his member in

My hand shook violently …And very warm I felt something from his

Run seeds in my hand. I took my time and pressed him

me … his limb was still holding ….the hand also moved tenderly

on his shaft and also felt his somewhat aqueous seed.

The senses slowly arrived. We looked at each other ….said

still him.. .”Wash something off my boy” ……


… “Maybe we’ll see each other again” ..


It will be so beautiful for us again ???? I am sure he will do this

Never forget in his life.

I am also sure that

this experience does not have a negative impact on its development


In any case, I’m curious to see when I will meet him again in the sauna


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