Flight to the imagination | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The engines of the machine summed up evenly, monotonous and promoted their human freight on the way to the east. Inside the cabin, the hustle and bustle decreased more and more. The food was served, eaten and it had been cleared again. Fatigue, no a certain inertia spread and filled everything out.

The departure was late and now they flew into the deepest, darkest night.
In the front of the machine, Sonja and Kai, in silence, were sitting in his own thoughts. This Vacation Had brought her closer again …
The everyday eat yours Relationship, Slowly but steadily. They knew that they could only combine a lot of time and distance from everything. They looked at each other, smiled and suspected without words that the old familiarity had returned.

The caring hands of the stewardess had gave them soft, woolen blankets and they spread them over themselves.

They wanted to sleep at all? Two gentlemen sat on the seats and talked quietly about balance sheets and statistics.
The lighting was getting darker and it got even quieter, you only heard the sums of the engines and felt the light vibrations that assumed.
Sonja put her hand on the backrest next to him and Kai enclosed her with his.

She felt the pressure of his fingers and from every fingertip it seemed to go out a thousand electrical bumps to trigger small fires everywhere under her skin. Her pulse went faster and warmth rose from her innermost, made her a little breathless.
She thought of the past sunny days … and the tropical nights, welding wet, full of passion, her lived sensuality. Her left hand moved towards her lap, stayed and wandered a little deeper as she wanted to make the idea of soothing the thought of it.
Kai looked at her unexpectedly ..

he knew what she thought? Or was it his thoughts?She moved and the blanket fell from her legs. The skirt had slipped up and gave a view of a small tattooed rose on her thigh. The rose, already easily faded, was a memory of her first time together, stormy passion.

Kai pushed up the backrest, which was still between them, energetically up, folded her two backrests back and picked up the ceiling again over her Legs to put. He turned his muscular body to her and his hand now lay down on theirs who were still resting on her lap.

She became restless, knew what he wanted from her. She stealed on the other two seats on the opposite side … But now it was quiet … the two gentlemen were fell asleep ..

Or did they just do that?Kai’s strong hand pushed her aside, wanted deeper, but the skirt disabled another penetration. His upper body leaned forward, he kissed her red, full lips, wanted to drink her breath, wake her desire on him. His Tongue played around her, he nibbled on her lips. His hand slid deeper to her thighs, stayed for a few seconds, and then squeezed a little apart.

Sonja wore, as mostly, no panties and so his hand was able to make a journey of discovery unhindered.

Her excitement grew, but she was afraid of what they did and so she suppressed a moan and only a sigh escaped her lips when he penetrated her finger deeper into her.
Her lust increased, she could not be passive and idle. Her hand slid under his ceiling and tried to open the buckle of his belt, which was not the same, she had to use both hands. Her fingers enclosed his big link that was hard and hot before desire and stretched out of her. She let her hand slide up and down and felt the violent desire to feel even more, to taste it.

The world sank around her … where was she … in an airplane … no that couldn’t be.

She turned her face, her mouth, on his shot … looked up at him … in his dark eyes that only smiled for her,.No, please Kai, don’t stop … but both did not go because of the tightness of the seat and now she was so hot on him.

Sonja rolled a little on his side, put her head on his stomach and her tip of her tongue gently touched his glans., She licked the drop that had formed there and let him melt on her tongue.

Now she wanted more. She included the shaft of his penis With your hand and enclosed the tip with your lips. Her tongue moved in a circle, gently nudged him to suck hard in the next moment. She felt his lust, vibrating his loins and his strong hand pressed her head deeper into his shot, waved his own lust into immeasurable.

She wanted to drink him., suck until there was no drop in it.

When he came, she received his strong rays deep in her throat. She licked and sucked until he took her head and tenderly pulled away from herself. Kai kissed her with passion and his hand slid under her, now heavily crumpled, silk blouse. He felt her full, mature breasts in his palms Nipple, who were hot and hard and crowded against him.

Her shot was now very moist and the desire stood in her eyes …

Please revenge me., I can not take it anymore. His hand shared her rosy labia … looking for … found what they were looking for.

Your clitoris was firm and hot before the desire for his demanding touch. But Kai didn’t allow it yet, he knew her body, knew how she reacted, she wanted him to bend him. … He slowly circle with his fingertips around her pleasure knotte…, let his finger slide deep into her hot vagina ..

Her eyes bended him until he had pity with her and with small, rapid touches an explosion in it that did not want to end that did not end. Her body twitched and it took a while for it to calm down, relax and the sweat dried on her skin, the heat glored.

At that moment you became aware of where they were … but…. With a quick side glance, they found that nobody (really nobody?) had noticed something of their game.
The engines grumbled quietly as before, it gently rocked.

She overwhelmed tiredness. Everyday life is again in a few hours … everyday life? … No, as it was, it will never be again.

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