Unexpected mouth fuck | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

We get out of the taxi that brought us from the airport to the city. Rainer did his phone calls. I also moved my appointments to the following day because of the unusual flight. Hurray we have a day off.

The taxi just spraned briefly strokes the skirt of my costume.

I look up and see Rainer’s outstretched hand. I have to smile, take her and feel comfortable and safe. Our eyes meet. He looks satisfied, smiles.

I feel safe and protected – smile back.

I see from the corner of the eye how he quickly pushing me from top to bottom, then we start together. “I know a great steak restaurant” says his sonore voice in my direction. I give him a eyes and nod. We walk through a street.

Rainer suddenly stops in front of a business. We both look into the shop window display of a stocking shop. I look at him questioningly. He fixes me with his eyes, lets go of my hand and grab my neck.

His hand encompasses my neck from behind, I shiver and look at it spellbound. «You are now going to this shop, buy a few skin -colored, shiny nylons and a suitable stocking holder!“He says to me in a crystal clear and clear tone. He strengthens the pressure on my neck. I have goose bumps.

“Yes, I do” I tell him and nod to it, he lets go and I take the little stairs in the shop, open the door and head for a seller.

“I need a few skin -colored nylons, size 37, shiny and a stocking holder,” it bubbles out of me. The seller looks at me, looks out to the shop window, points to Rainer and thinks with a smile: «For the tightness wearer?“I notice how the blood shoots my face. The sellers are now grinning broadly and says: «We have something very suitable, put it on right away?”I think good idea and answer with a narrow” yes!». The seller turns around and pulls a few drawers behind the counter, she places two hip holders in a light beige on the glass plate of the brawl, then she bends, pulls on another drawer in the counter, leaf through a few narrow boxes, pull out one of them and put it on the glass plate next to the hip holders.

She radiates me triumphantly and says: «Silk, pure silk, skin color, Cuban heel, natural shine, a seam that brings every man around the mind, a very wide top end that turns every thigh into a hellfire – and take itThis hip holder. It is from France, six suspenders, metal closure – I have it in two sizes. Try them. Here you have a few gloves.

You never capture the silk stockings without gloves!»

She points to a changing room in the other corner of the shop and looks at me expectantly. My mouth is open again, my eyes big, my brain tries to process the impressions and what heard. I nod, grab my box and the hip holder, take my gloves with you and disappear in the small locker room. I put my handbag on a small table, turn my skirt, open the rice closure, let it fall down, step next to it and sit on a little stool.

Take the box on, take the stockings into incredible, the seller has not exaggerated, silk is really an incredibly cool feeling.

I spread my pumps, pull the gloves over, lift the first leg and start rolling the silk stockings over it. What a feeling I think and this shine – my kindness! Quickly rolled up the second, then get up and try the hip holder. “About it! Take off the slip and over the holder!“I hear the seller say.

“Yes a!“I answer, roll with the eyes and proceed with the creation of the owner as recommended. The first fits wonderfully. The metal eyelets of the suspenders are quickly laid out I feel great and notice that my breasts start to tension something. I don’t just feel horny, it’s me and I have to smile, look at me in the mirror, I am entirely the opinion of the seller, the sight will enchant him.

Slip? I save it and quickly put it in my handbag. Slipped into the pumps, what a feeling. The stockings do not quite adapt to my legs, they are narrow at the same time and yet again not. The skirt is still on the ground, I climb into it, pull in high.

Perfect, nothing to see from the top end of the stockings. I turn on the wall in front of the mirror. Everything is fine, I feel hot and more good.

I step out of the changing room, the seller awaits me and immediately critically succeeds me. «Fits you excellently! If I were a man, I would fall on my knees in front of them and hold around her hand!“Caunted me and laughs at it.

I give her back the second stocking holder, take my handbag, pay and go out of the shop.

I step on the street, stand in the sunlight, see that Reiner is pushing me. I smile at him, exhibit my right leg very provocatively directly in front of him and lift my skirt so far that he can see the top end and the stocking holder. “Satisfied?“I ask him and look into his eyes expectantly, lick my lips lasciviously and expect his reaction. Without hesitation, he grabs my cheeks, pulls me towards him, closes his eyes and gives me a wonderful kiss.

I am hot and cold at the same time, I fall around his neck and reply his kiss. How teenager We are probably in front of the store and lie in our arms. In the meantime, my brain has completely stopped service. Everything in me is foggy and my senses ride a roller coaster.

When I open my eyes again and in Rainer’s satisfied face, he already has my left hand firmly under control and we start.

I look back over my shoulder back to the charging and see the seller with a grin side behind the shop window display and she forms with the Finger her right hand the sign that divers give themselves when everything is ok. I have to laugh and wave to her with my free hand. She returns the greeting and smiles mischievously.

We arrive in the restaurant, from which Rainer has already swayed for me and I am excited, hungry, excited and notice that my brain turns occasionally make a sign of life again. In the restaurant we are welcomed by a top, Rainer looks at him and says in a calm voice «a table for my wife and me!».

My wife and me? Did I understand that correctly? Warmth and heat shoot through me. I can not believe it. Before I can think clearly, the upper leads us to a round table and we take a seat on a semicircular couch. Rainer sits down very close to me and I love this feeling of closeness and adopt him for it.

Before my brain and especially my hearing work properly again and I can perceive something, Rainer has already ordered everything and the upper leaves the table.

I look at Rainer with an open mouth and he replies my gaze. He puts his hand on the thigh of my crossed Legs. “Ah very fine,” he says and tenderly strokes one of the stockings through my skirt through my skirt. My breasts span and I notice that my mouth is completely dry.

I enjoy the feeling and close my eyes. “Kiss me” I hear Rainer say and without thinking, subconsciously I tend to do his lips and find his lips and my tongue automatically begins to wet his fine lips carefully. He opens his lips and smooched him as violently and intimately as I can. My arms lie around his strong shoulders and I sink completely in my sensation, forget space, time and everything around me.

Rattling glasses tear me out of my clasp. The upper gives us wine in large Bordeaux glasses and I am reluctant to solve my arms from Rainer. We take a glass and look into our eyes and enjoy the sip of wine. «You follow me in 30 sec.

To the women’s toilet, I leave a door open a gap!“I hear Rainer say and at the same moment he rises and goes towards the Ganges labeled with toilet. My heart stops, my mind too. My mouth is open as always, my eyes are big. I automatically reach for the glass of wine and take a big sip.

Kissing and drinking wine seem to be innate instincts, I think and I am happy at the same time that my mind seems to work again. As in slow motion, I follow the walk labeled with toilet, go around a corner and see a door with a lady’s symbol on it. I open the door and enter the ladies toilet. It is a larger room on the left lots of doors for the quiet town, on the right a gigantic mirror and a few large sinks underneath.

I look to the left, the back door is slightly open. I go to it, pick up the door, Rainer stands in it, smiles and points to the closed toilet lid, I should take a seat. I close the toilet door behind me closes it with the bar, turn me, go two steps back to Rainer and sit down.

Rainer leans forward, rolls up my skirt, I slide a little forward, open my legs, he sees that I don’t wear a panties, looks at me with joy and certainly grabs my back of my head with his left hand and nestingWith his right hand on his pants.

I understand immediately, hold his right hand with my left and mean that I want to do what he has plans. As a matter of course, he lets me grant me immediately. I hold his waistband, open his belt with both hands, then open his hose button. Pull his zipper down and gently stroke my hands over his already slightly bulged panties.

Its grip in my hair becomes stronger and I understand right away. I roam his pants down and pull his panties down.

His wonderful penis literally jumps towards me, with my right hand I hold his testicles very carefully and with the left I start to massage his penis gently. Again his pressure in my hair becomes stronger. With the second hand he now presses my head against his quickly greater penis.

I understand again, open my mouth, close my eyes, stretch my tongue out and carefully put his glans on my wet tongue. It tastes fantastic, I start licking his glans from the bottom and slowly playing out his glans with my tongue in increasing circles. I look up and see that he has closed his eyes, he enjoys my game, he breathes more difficult to do what I do.

Now I want more, I bend a little forward, open my mouth very far and bring his wonderful penis with my left hand as deep I can in my mouth. With my right, I still hold his testicles and now start to massage them tenderly.

I close my lips around his now quite large penis and start gently with my tongue suck and to suck. He groans when I closely close my lips around his link. It just tastes great. I open my eyes and see my lipstick traces on his penis.

I look upstairs and see him smile, it seems to hit his taste completely what he sees. Now I want more. I start massaging his penis more with my left hand and with my head I start violent and back movements. I want to blow in, I want to make him happy, I want to feel and feel and taste it.

I suck and suck on his stone -like penis faster and more and more violently and massage its testicles more and more. My left hand massages its wonderful penis faster and faster and I constantly increase the pressure in my hand.

I feel how his hands let go of my head, after my breasts buttons, he opens the buttons to my blouse and his hands disappear in my cleavage. I bubble and suck his penis incessantly and my tongue rises after more. My head and hand movements are getting faster and faster.

And I am pleased that he is now groaning more and more violently. Suddenly he has his hands deep in mine bra

pushed, he is looking for mine Nipple and starts gently, then more and more violently twisted. Slowly my breath also goes out and I have to groan briefly because of loud greed and lust.

Immediately my lips surround his penis and my hands massage his shaft and testicles continuously. Then his penis begins to pump and his breathing becomes faster.

With power and strength, his hands now surround my breasts and his pressure over his fingers is becoming increasingly violent. My breasts tension, my nipples threaten to burst and his penis begins to pulsate and pump more and more violently.

With a loud scream and an incredibly firm grip around my breasts, his orgasm is paving. With insane joy I feel the first hot beam of his sperm in my mouth. It tastes great.

It is just right of consistency, not too viscous, not too watery, not too salty, just perfect. You would have to sperm invent for me, it would taste exactly that way. In the meantime, some splashes have already landed in my mouth from his delicious sperm, shot against my palate and to feel and taste on my lips and of course my tongue by sucking and sucking. I greedily swallow everything I can get, I feel incredible happiness with any of his splashes and everything I can swallow from him.

In the meantime, all tension has fallen off from him, everything that was cramped and hard has been how blown away, he looks happy and satisfied, leaned against the wall of the toilet and watches me clean his penis with my fingers and all sperm traces and dropslicking and enjoying.

I look at him as he makes his penis disappear into his panties and pulls his pants up. I lick my fingers, I have to smile, it still tastes great. He strokes my cheek and disappears from the toilet.

I’m sitting there and I’m just happy, his taste in my mouth, my mind is full, my heart is pounding and pumping. I get up, pat my skirt down and also leave the toilet.

When I lift my gaze and see it in the mirror, an interested woman looks at me. When she sees me, she smiles, slowly pulls out her lips and says to me “? Mine doesn’t dare to do that!“I have to laugh, again we will be as Man And Woman viewed.

Whether she would believe me if I tell her that we only know each other for a few hours? In the middle of my thoughts I see them in the mirror point to my blouse. She smiles. I scare. My bra is completely shifted, the buttons are open, a large spot can be seen on my right shoulder.

I quickly frighten and nestle bra and blousy buttons. The lady almost laughs and also leaves the toilet loudly.

I’m still perplexed and frightened – slowly a feeling of hunger spreads inside me and I make myself dressed again properly on my way back to the restaurant.

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