Guys in the tree house | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My Father Had was amazed when he noticed how many of his nails were missing. He also missed a hammer and a saw. Armin’s father puzzled over the disappeared bars and boards in his wooden warehouse.
We knew where they were, but we didn’t say anything. For almost a week we had already cut board for board, bars for beams, to the right length, transported by bike into the forest by bike.

Our tree house was created high in the air, in the branches of an old beech.

Not large, maybe four square meters of floor space, a large window in the side wall, accessible via a long knitting conductor. The leaf roof covered it well, you have to be very close to the tree to discover our work. Only the roof was still missing, but our fathers were suspected, the material procurement became difficult.
Armin was seventeen, I was also in a few months. It was Summer, The weather was good, we had vacation.

The missing roof was not a big problem. We lay in the sun, smoke a cigarette. Twice attractive because twice forbidden, from the forester and from our parents.

Armin pulled out his leather jacket. His blond hair was more of the long way, often hung on his face.

His body was slim and wiry under his loosely hanging clothing. Only his jeans were quite narrow, his well -shaped thighs and his rounded back baking depicted quite well. His face had something adult, a mixture of soft and male lines. Light blue eyes, the gold approach of the first beard growth on the upper lip, a few freckles in the area of the nose.

The sun shone warm, Armin opened his shirt, after a while pulled it out completely.

He also roamed his sneakers from the feet. Beautiful, red nipple with a large courtyard, he had no great muscles, you could see the approach of his ribs, his sharp -edged pelvic bones. But his upper body showed this boyish beauty, delicate, soft, unreal. This beauty, which quickly evaporates after the first years of puberty, becomes more male with the growth of bones, muscles and hair.
Somehow I was dressed by him.

I didn’t know why, but I liked to see him with a bare torso, especially in summer when his skin hesitantly turns brown.

That was last year, but that day I saw him with different eyes. Armin expressed his burned -out cigarette on the tree trunk, his eyes scanned the forest around us, as far as you could see it through the dense foliage of the old beech.
“It’s so warm, I take off my pants.“He already opened his belt, slowly buttoned every metal button on his pants shop. He had his swimming trunks underneath. This thing made of red elastic material, which I knew from last summer.

It had become very narrow, one or two sizes too small. The federal government was deep under the navel, the contours of his tail and its Egg painted themselves beautifully.

Now he got up, stretched out his round ass cheeks, leaned down to pull the jeans off his legs. His head almost touched the raw boards of the floor of the floor. Our eyes met between his legs through which he looked back on me.

I hurried to look away because I had looked at his backbacking.

Armin put his pants aside and sat next to me again. The red swimming trunks only spanned the hip, showed a small part of its still sparse pubic hair above their covenant. Only now did I discover the golden shimmer of his newly grown leg hair, which the sun shone shine. I looked at the new attributes of his masculinity for me.

Not that nothing had changed on my body. My pubic hair had also become denser, and my upper lip also showed a dark blonde fluff, mine Legs Recently not as smooth as a children’s popo, but somehow I appeared to me at Armin everything grown, male, more adorable.

The feeling in my pants doesn’t trough me. I had a latte at Armin’s sight. I quickly covered her with my hands, because Armin shouldn’t see me and maybe what else should think about it.
“Rolf, also take your off if you want.“I didn’t want to be a frog, I also got rid of my shirt and my jeans.

Only in the slip Armin just had to recognize my stiff member, I hadn’t thought of that in my zeal.

“You have a stiff!?“My very stiffer now tail Stach clearly visible from my also pretty tight panties, there was nothing left to deny. I got a little red on my face, but Armin took it from the sporting side today. “Pull out the thing and we’ll get one down.“Armin had pulled down his swimming trunks at the front, hooked the covenant under his eggs. With a few vibrations he brought his rod to stand.

Not a huge thing, but well -shaped and straightener it stood between his thighs. I was too shy to do him the same, just sat there and looked at.

“You don’t dare ..?!“Armin gave his cock some strong turns that he bobbed like a steel spring. “Say’ coward … “The matter had got its own dynamic. If he said coward now, then I could no longer help it, every responsibility for my actions was relieved.
“COWARD!“With a jerk I pulled my panties off my feet.

I even pulled it out completely, went one step further than Armin. He looked at my extended tail for a moment, then pulled the red swimming trunks off his legs. I hesitantly jerked my rod, did not give an eye from Armin’s instrument that seemed greater, awe -ranger than my own one. He now pulled his foreskin far behind.

A crystal -clear drop flashed on his glans.

“Get something out of you?“Armin’s question let my hand movements freeze. I had had some moist dreams in the past few months, as I had to find in the morning, but whether I could reproduce the whole here and now, seemed more than doubtful to me. For safety’s sake I did not answer, was somehow fascinated by the drop that glittered at Armins Eichel in the sun. His cock was so hard and swollen that the skin was therefore visibly tasting, shimmering reddish as if it were illuminated.

At the same time, his eggs were raised in their old rose, slightly wrinkled sack and pulled close to the body, so they almost seemed to disappear.

Armin now breathed heavily, jerking his swing with fast movements. He tried to speak to me. “Come a little closer. It comes to me right away.

Then you see that something comes out for me … “I sat down in front of him, looked at his cock excitedly. Armin edited his cock in a quick, uniform rhythm, the small vör drops had disappeared from its tip. I leaned forward, saw the wide -open piss slit. Armin’s hands became faster, his limb swelled even more, his moan became more apparent until he was a hissing sound.

A load of whitish, creamy sauce shot out of his cock, hit me on the chin and on the chest.

I immediately avoided my torso, but the presents had already hit me, now ran down my chest and seeped into my pubic hair. Armin laughed, the remaining loads pumped out of the body. “Sorry. I’ll clean it.“Heavily he took a paper handkerchief out of his pocket, rubbed it over my chest, dabbed my pubic hair, from which my rod was still stiff out stiffly.

I was frozen by the unusual situation. My own cock was harder than he was ever. Armin smiled at me, checked his strength with his hand, zogmeine foreskin back, looked at my acorn thoughtfully. Then he started rubbing my member very gently.

“Not good?“I nodded, turned red on my face again.

Armin grabbed a little firmer. “Rolf, I want you to splash too. Like me. Then we can do it together in the future.

Believe me, it feels really good. What do you think, should I?“I was very embarrassed. Armin’s hand on my cock felt good, but I was still too shy to go into his hands in such intimate matters. If I didn’t manage to inject, what then? I stuttered.

“Armin, I don’t know. I would like to, but … “Armin seemed to understand, moved along next to me, put an arm around my shoulder. “Rolf. You are my best friend.

Let me help you.” I nodded. He knelt in front of me, took my cock in both hands, began to massage it. “Just lean back and relax.

“Armin leaned forward. His face was very close to my rod.

He spat in the palms. The spit dripped onto my glans, Armin wrapped it on my shaft and started slowly and lovingly jerk off. He did not press too tightly, allowed the saliva to be a good lubricant. I leaned back to the board wall and closed my eyes.

I was pretty churned inside. On the one hand, it felt good what Armin was doing with me, but on the other hand something fought against it in me. Armin spit back into the palms of your hands, jerked my tailnun a little faster. Once again he gave my thoughts.

“Well, you see.

It feels good. Nature wants her right.“My concerns, the remains of my early childhood upbringing were in the disappearance. Nevertheless, I had a remaining doubt. I should withdraw and leave Armin alone? Should I grab half -stiff cock again after Armins and do the same with him? Should I push his hand aside and get one down, or should I just sit back, measure the matter? I already felt it.

It started in my cock, my eggs, then hiked through the inside of my legs. My sack contracted, my raised eggs became full and heavy. Some muscles on my thigh began to flinch. “Relax, Rolf.

Give me the work. You can reciprange yourself soon … “I let myself fall inside. Armin was my best friend. If he said it was right, then it was right for me.

Armin always knew. I leaned back further, put my head on the wall.

“That’s right.“Armin formed a role from our clothes, pushed them under one of my legs, so that my thighs were spread wide, my sack swapped freely in the air. Then he spat on my shiny limb and my glans, massaged my eggs with the other hand. He rubbed his fingers with spit, wandered from my eggs through the crack to my asshole exposed by the clothing roller.

Armin’s finger rubbed the ring around my hole. At the same time, more saliva dripped on my cock. He started to jerk off with long, slow movements.

I was shocked, I didn’t know what to think, but I felt that a feeling was built up in my eggs, that I couldn’t control more, that was different from anything I had felt so far. Armins rubbing fingers on my asshole made the new feelings more and more intense.
After a few minutes, Armin spat back into the palms, massaged my cock with one, then switched to the other hand without interruption.

His hands grabbed, turned me, pushed mine ass On the clothes roller. I lay on the floor across him, my stiff tube protruded over my body. He started to jerk me again, alternately with both hands, without a break.

My blank eggs burned.

It seemed unreal to me how tight they felt how to hike through my body. They were hot, swollen, filled with incredible amounts of liquid, hot, creamy juice. I became restless. “Armin.

I think I can’t stand it anymore … ”Armin calmed me down. “Just a moment left. Then you will inject, believe me!“He increased the speed of his hand movements, spoke to me soothingly all the time. A veil had lay over my eyes.

I no longer understood his words, just felt their meaning. I heard a deep groan, then sigh, finally a quiet cry.

Suddenly I felt as if my body wanted to explode through my cock. My abdominal muscles tasted, the muscles of my thighs vibrated vibrated uncontrollably. My eggs burned like fire.

My pleasure gland began to pump. A warm, moist feeling moved through my cock, my legs twitched, a huge load of white, creamy seeds shot out of my pipe, clapped on my stomach, my chest, even reached my shoulders. My cream splashed and sprayed as if I had accumulated for thirteen years of my life. She covered my upper body, Armin’s hands and arms.

My friend stared at me, surprised about the amount of my donated seed.

He jerked the last drops out of me, then breathed deeply, wiped the sweat tropics from my forehead. “I thought you would never come. But then it was huge.“I was based on the elbows. I had sprayed, now felt safe in front of him.

A cozy relaxation flowed through my body. “Now don’t grin like that!“I straighten myself up, grabbed the two shoulders.
“It was terrible! But it had to be. And you can be quite sure, I’ll give you revenge.“Armin spread his arms. Now he grinned too.

“No worries.

Can you. In any case, I liked it.“His tail was back. I grabbed him, was surprised by the warmth of his body. I pressed him to the ground.

Armin fought only half -heartedly. My hands reached for his tail, his eggs. My hot breath warmed his chest. The spell was broken.

We did many, many times this summer.

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