Youth sin | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

After the other partygäSte von Maikes today’s 18. Birthday we sat down at the small table in your room. In the gedäWe both have to drink a little bit of wine at the time and talk a bit of wine and talk for a while for a while üabout this and that and über the party.

Then Maike comes to the topic "First time" to speak and admit that you first time did not take place with her current friend Marco, but with a Mädchen;with her girlfriend Sandra. Somehow I am confused and horrified when I have these words from my girlfriend’s mouthörte and looked at them with amazed interest.

Sandra is her best friend lesbian? – I couldn’t imagine it and therefore asks Diesbezüright after. Maike replies that she is not lesbian … Sandra and she Häjust drunk a little too much that evening, and somehow it just happened. Maike assures me that she loved her boyfriend and only her boy adventure experienced.

>I don’t love Sandra< said Maike , >But it’s a wonderful locationüHL with a Mäto sleep … it’s so different … MäDchen are not as rough as boys during sex … they are a lot … zäratio.<

When this last word üabout Maike’s lips hiked SPüI rote Maike’s hand on my right thigh.

I showered and enjoyed her ber at the same timeürecovery.

Slowly the hand slides the jeans on my pants up and down, and Maike said:

>If you want, I can show you yes … it’s wonderfulön, and nobody has to know!<

I SPürte my heart violently throb against my ribs. I get hotß And cold at the same time and I’m not sure what to do now .?? I decideßE to wait for me first, get up, go to the window and look out into the warm summer night. Yes it was really a warm night, and that’s why Maike had pulled out her blouse, so the whiteße tip of her nightdessous from the long -legged, tight light blue jeans looked out.

I look at Maike for a moment and then she says to me:

>You don’t need to be afraid if you don’t want, then that’s your thing. But I think there is nothing bad when I just make my best friend a little very beautifulönes show or?<

She gets up and goes towards the window to me .

I turn away from the window and look Maike deep in the eyes, I spüRe your Häand around my waist, quite zäshe puts her around me. We look further into the eyes and Maike realizes how I am all over KöRper trembling with excitement and she repeats herself:

>You do not have to be scared…<

I get weak, closeße My eyes and move my mouth slowly towards Maikes lips. Our lips berühren für a tiny moment and I höre Maikes shaky, excited breath.

>You do not have to be scared<

flüShe died again and her lips meet on my mouth in a long, zäratio-moist kiss. I spokeürte a tremendous üBerwältigent GLückühl at that moment, like a bomb in my whole KöRper exploded.

Maike turns her mouth off, KüSST then gently my neck, I let my head stuck on her shouldersützt lying, wämy arms are now also about Maikes Hüfte Schließen. And so we both just stand in front of the light for a momentöFnn windows and hug us quietly with your eyes closed. Maike takes the enchanting fragrance from my perfectionüm true and SPürt the fabric from my cardigan in your Händen when she gently üabout my rüstrokes. I wear a white under the cardiganße blouse under which two not small wöcan be identified.

Maikes Hände üabout my rüfurther down üAbout the Hüfte where the soft pink cardigan is over, and spüren now the black velvet fabric, from which my mini skirt, which is much too small, consists of very small, which briefly covered my buttocks.

Then comes a small stüCkchen naked skin from my legs, which ends in very long black boots. Zäcleverly touches Maike with her Finger this small area where you canße skin to SPürens, and fäthen another st againück with their HäNden high below my too short mini skirt. It’s a wonderful foundüHL Für them üAbout my soft curves of my bare pos to stroke and WäYour fingers continue üAbout my two buttocks zäThe mini skirt is rarely lifted, lifts and reduces again, where you can see that I wear a pink tanga under the noise of mini skirt.

I put out an excited sigh when I gave the gentle, kühen hämy girlfriend on my PO SPüRe and I KüSse Maike passionately again. Then löI see myself out of the hug, öIf my hair is bound to the braid, by pulling out hair band and hair clamps, take Maike on my hand, we go to Maikes bed and sit on the bed edge.

I am now sitting on the left of Maike and my left hand öFfnet button and reißClosure of Maike’s jeans.

My hand Fährt in and strokes üover Maikes Schlühorses. Maike now uses her two Hände around your jeans üAbout hüfte and Legs From the Köto be removed and look deep into my blue eyes. Maike Lässt her jeans as it is falling onto the earth and I spiceüre a tingling sensation in the stomachßen nylonstrümpfe with her see the träGT, they are from small elastic tankäto be kept on the lower part of Maikes Nachdessous.

>Your Lingerie Is miracleön< I breath and Maike replies: >No … you are wonderfulöN ..< At that moment Maike leans forward üAbout my loweröRper and KüSSt this about 10cm narrow stripes naked, tanned skin from my legs, which lies between the end of the mini skirt and the beginning of the long boots.

Zäracers strip of Maikes lips üover this exchange and then lie down on my tense thighs.

You LöStet her lips again, repeat the process a few times and always moves your mouth a few centimeters, first on my right leg, then on my left. I got my upperköRper something toück -inclusive and stüI do with my händen on the bed. I put my head back, my brown-blonde medium-length hair tickles partly on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and my lightöffneter mouth stößt hardly hörbar quiet stoßend breathüge out.

I SPüRe further my girlfriend’s wet lips and tongue on my little naked strip of skin on my thighs glide and suck, with Maikes lips always a small pink kiss stain from the delicately pink lipstick on the GebräLeave my legs below.

After a while, Maike’s head rises from my Scho againß And you Küsst me on the side of my chin, with her Hände the three knöPFE from my cardigan öffnen. Thereafter öFfnet Maike also determining the KNöPFE from my blouse and I stüstill tilted back on your bed.

Maike now sees the whiteßen bra Under my GEöFfneter jacket and blouse. Your quite hand is stroking zäratly üabout my bra with the decorated tips, only slowly üabout my left bosom, then üabout the right until they are the closure between the two BRüSten is located öffnet, and the two KöRbchen down to the sideängen LäSST. Maike’s fingers stroke again üAbout the left and right breasts and the gap in between and when it begins to play with my red-brown budsämy nipples and I’m going to lie down completely on your bed.

Maike looks at me in all my Schöas I do with GEöFfneter blouse, jacket and bra lie on the bed, and have stretched my arms from me at both directions and I still have these clothesüI am slowly and satisfied Räflexible.

So I lie there, with your eyes and mouth closed, and only the part of the boots-covered legs that üReads over the edge of the bedührt with both high bootsätzen the Füße the floor. Maike strokes again üAbout the clothes that a little my Süßen BRüste covered aside, and näHert themselves with their mouths, with Maike turning a little and wide üAbout the KöRper bends from me.

First SPüRe i Maike’s long blond hair tickling on my breast, then my girlfriend’s warm, damp, moist lips as you get lost in you. Maike’s tongue licks on my nipples and fäthen the narrow gap between my BRümost up and down. Me, which always a little bit on the bed until with excitementäCelt and wrapped, I have now become very quiet.

Only my breath höRT still very quiet and stoßway. Maike notices it and realizes that I now probably somewhere in 7. Heaven Schwebw, everything else, all the best and bad, and everything else that has been forgotten, has settled on a soft cloud full of devotion and passion and nowöhnen läSST.

After a while Maike rises from my Schöa Mädchenkörper and gets up from bed. I also straighten up from the soft mattress, with my delicate, brewedäBelow arms from my GEöGlide the blouse and jacket out and I kneel on the ground in front of Maike on the ground.

My mouth näHert the vagina and my Hände the silk whiteßen brip by Maike I slowly pull the höfrom patrol it down, my tongue roams zäracer Maikes vagina. My tongue begins to play with her clit and Maike Stößt a quiet cry, wäHREND you with your Händen in the miracleöa hair of mine plays. After a while my mouth moves up, and KüSST Maike’s belly button. Then I stand in front of Maike and patrol the TRäger des Seidendessous from Meikes shoulders, but which makes their little ones Schöa BRüSte come to light.

I küthey are extensive, this delicate WöLbungen and my HäNDE get gently around Maike’s buttüHorse has increased. Maikes HäNDE are now also deleted üAbout my buttäDuring my lips on Maikes BRüsuck.

She has never experienced or found something like this beforeühlt and is no longer ruler of herürigid. Your HäNDE pull my black mini skirt down and massage my crunchy butt. I get out of my black mini skirt and Maike öNow also fits the side closure of my pink tanga, which I then drop on the carpet .

So we both excited Mähave a little in the middle of the room and our süßen münder berühren up again in a delicate, damp kiss.

I only stood there from long black boots and a golden necklace and Maike in her whiteßen suspenders and the downäIn the end, both of us keep our eyes closed and breathe deeply and shaky when I walk around Maike, and stand very close behind them. I rub my vagina very carefully to Maikes Po, WäWhen my left hand walks forward and rubs on Maike’s vagina and my right hand üAbout Maike’s breasts caressed. So we both do it for a while, whereby we gradually keep ourselves the bed nähear. When we arrived at the edge of the bed, läSst Maike fall forward and lies with his belly on the bed.

I kneel next to her on the soft mattress. For a moment I look Maike lying in front of myself with the Schönen, bright, silk -smooth skin, massage the Rüand näThen get me very slowly with my mouth Maikes butt. My wet lips meet the soft curves of Maikes Naked Po.

Dediting KüI am alternating Maikes left and right buttocks, and leaves dampücke with my lips on my girlfriend’s bright PoHaut. Maike has closed her eyes, put his head on the soft pillow and claws with one hand in the pillow, Wäherrend you with the other hand üstroked over my knees, and stöhnt when they are the wet lips and my tongue on their PO SPüRT.

You SPüRT, like my warm, damp lips form into a kiss on your buttocks, and then let go again to do Küssen. Then SPürt a wet tongue ülick about their buttocks. You SPürt also my HäNDE üAbout her buttocks that my tongue is now in her hole that is noticingäThe sensations f are so deepür them . Maike gerät continued to do so, and then turns around after a while.

Now it is on the Rücken and I look in Maike’s nice, light blue eyes.

I now sit down on Maike and I am paused and KüsseäChst Maikes BR againüSte. Then Küss I Maike back on the mouth, with our tongue overüHren, and I start with the pool of light circular movementsühren up. Maike lies below me between my arms and legs that are on the bed stützen and deep into the mattress drück. I am getting more and more violent with the abdomen to Stoßen, although we both our pubicügel rubbed together.

We SPüren both the increasing tension of the orgasm and Maike begins to steöhen.

Maike rocks up and down a little in my rhythm, and we both quickly found a common rhythm. I tooße now quietly excited sigh. We getöhen our pace again and rub our divorce even more violently to each other . Maike looks at me, my eyes closed and the mouth slightlyöI am ffnet üBent over them, and Maike notes that the first silence on my forehead with exertionßDraw pearls.

She realizes that she herself also unlikely to beß is, and puts your Häagain üAbout my buttocks. We both are now violent at the STöHnen and the bed gives loud, rattling and squeaky ger under the swings of both of usäUsche from herself.

>Ohhh ……!!! I’M COMING!!!!!!< Shouts Maike. I do the last STöße with my pelvis, which almost in the two of us in the two of usäincrease LäSST. We stöand then we both come to an orgasm that none of us had experienced so far.

With this twitching StoßEndühl des höWe are both of them üabout each other, and spühow our heart pumps the blood through our veins.

We geniusßen This isüHL of complete relaxation after the done work and stay on each other until the last twitch of the orgasm is slowly faded. After a few minutes of absolute silence I breathe in deeply, öffnet für a brief moment the eyes and see Maike below me that is there as Würd them sleep. I give her one last zäkiss on the mouth, and then roll me down to the side of her onto the soft mattress .

I finally take off my long boots, throw them next to the bed and take the light out. I pull the blanket up üAbout our KöRper, and cuddle to Maike who puts her arm around me.

And so we are hugging in bed in the dark room that is only gently flooded by the moonlight. The wind blows quietly and Kühl through light geöFFNE window.

>I told you earlier that I don’t love Sandra ..< flüStert Maike very quietly, >…but I love you!< and violateäBt her head in my neck. >I love you too…< I breathed and we both sleepedöPFT a.

I was allowed to have a st MaikeüCk accompanying on her life and we still had some very erotic Nächte … Today we both are just very good friends who every now and then to this Näthink longitily …..

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