Two uninhibited women on a fuck vacation | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Sex vacation of a special kind of new! New! New!Especially for women!Sex vacation in Croatia!Probe offer!Completed hotel company! German -speaking!Work two hours a day, for a return flight!Let fuck once a day, for food, drink and accommodation!Experience sex, for excursions!Choose for yourself how you Vacation want!We bear all costs! Happiness must be a woman … I am Rita, freshly divorced, single parents Mother and only forty years old. Unfortunately I don’t earn enough to be able to afford a real vacation and that’s why I was particularly happy about this ad, which I am in Internet found.

I haven’t had one for a long time tail Had more between the legs and how life plays like this: I would get both there! On the same day, I wrote an email there with the note that I was not particularly slim or beautiful, but would be interested. One answer was not long in coming. Sexually, one wanted to learn everything about me. Here I received a questionnaire that I had to fill out and send it back.

Of course I did that. The next step was to travel time. From when to when do I want to be there. All of this happened at the beginning of this year and I wrote the data for the Summer In the holidays, because then my mother could take care of my son. I received the confirmation of the appointment by post, advertising brochures and the tickets. So I also learned that things went differently for men. They had to pay vigorously. Now I had to wait half a year before going.

I told my best friend of what I was going to do. She was very skeptical at the beginning, but I was able to invalidate all of her objections and even convinced her to accompany me. Your name is rose. She is almost nine -forty-year-old, but that doesn’t detract from our friendship. I got to know the somewhat shy woman many years ago and I have to say: If I were lesbian, I would have grabbed her a long time ago! My girlfriend is different from other women, but that makes them so special.

You always feel particularly comfortable near you. She always says that this is due to her charisma, but there is also something else. Rose is warm, loving and scary understanding. Yes real: scary! Whatever I tell her: she always has an apology in stock. Once, during my marriage, I cheated. I felt damn bad, that’s why and cried a lot. Then I met Rose and told her. She took me in her arms, stroked my head and asked: “Was it just sex or rather more?“Rose never gives a judgment without knowing the exact background! I didn’t want to lie to her and stayed with the truth: “I was in love!“Then she said:“ Time to rethink whether your marriage still has a value.

“She always made everything so easy through her maternity. With her son, on the other hand, she deals completely differently. At first I didn’t understand her and asked her about it. “Everyone is different and everyone needs a different treatment. “Simple, simple and in precise words. I think it adapts everything and everyone like a chameleon. How does she know everything from? Well, it is: she will accompany me.

Then the summer came and the holidays came closer. My excitement rose and rose. Slowly I got to deal with the fear of my own courage. I called Rose almost every day and she always got myself down. “What’s in the case? Make a little bit of legs, let yourself take and it is good. We will get a nice vacation for this and don’t need to pay a cent. “It sounded so easy with her.

There were horror ideas in my head: we are captured there and used as a sex toy or you will fuck us to death! On the day of departure I was a single bundle of nerves. If Rose hadn’t been, I would have canceled the flight at the last second. During the flight, we talked about sex. I think she wanted to make it easier for me. “Condoms are used. You will adhere to your taboos. What more do you ask, ”she said stoically and looked me in the eye.

Her were deep dark blue, like two lakes in which you could drown. “And what if you only use me and don’t satisfy me?“Egoism was one of my worse sides. “Then you do it yourself later,” was your simple answer. “Did you survive your marriage like this,” I asked her curiously and Rose nodded grinningly. She had been married for sixteen years and had to get thirteen away without sex. I have already told that my girlfriend is really fat? Is she and quite small too.

In any case, in the armchair of the aircraft, it seemed plenty of squeezed. But dear Rose did not bother this at all. She got up in between and made gymnastics, in the middle of the corridor. The other passengers pulled fully funny faces. A guy looked at her damnly estimated and I again gave him a bitter -loved look at him. He just twitched with his shoulders and then looked away. But there were also other men who watched the rose as they made squats.

One of them, very good, even licked over the lips, which made me laugh. He seemed totally fascinated by rose. When she was sitting again, I told her and she saw her overtook to him. “He’s much too young for me,” she complained to me. “And what if he has to fuck with him in the same hotel as we descend and you have to fuck with him?“She closed her eyes and leaned comfortably at her backrest.

“Then I pray that things go by quickly and just imagine that he is at my age. “Honestly you, I roared from laughing. Understand this woman … “Rose?”” Hm?““ If you are not interested in this vacation and fuck, why did you come along?“She grinned broadly and said, with the eyes that was still closed:“ One has to take care of you… ”I remained full of spit. She was only flown with me because of? “Why are you doing this, rose,” I wanted to know when I found my language.

“I just said that: I’ll take care of you!” “But why?“Because you are my girlfriend and because I am, by nature, be suspicious. “It was not easy to get myself out of rest, but this woman …“ You want to let you fuck just to be with me?“Rose laughed and looked at me again. “No, to be there if you need me!“I couldn’t help it and fell around her neck, which was not that easy in the cramped plane.

“You are completely crazy,” I accused her of it lovingly and pressed her a big kiss on her cheek. She just pushed me back on my seat. “You don’t seriously believe that I would allow something to happen to you,” it came from my girlfriend. “And how, please, please, you want to protect me?““ I stated that one of my preferences that is to want to watch you fuck. “I still hear your laughter in my head … what a crazy woman!!! At the destination airport we were picked up by a large bus and we found that many of the passengers, with us with entry.

That was crazy exciting! The contemptuous man and the younger guy also drove along the bus. The contemptuous man got up during the trip through the city and stood in the middle aisle. He got a microphone in his hand. “Dear Madam or Sir. I warmly welcome you to Croatia. They all have a wonderful vacation ahead of them. My name is Mick and I am your guide. “Applause opened and when he verbbated, Mick continued:“ As some of them already know, we, in our hotel, have our own rules.

One of them is: women are addressed with the first name and duked and the gentlemen are addressed with the surname and sized. “I didn’t find it funny, but when Rose grinned broadly … someone rose and began to distribute name signs. They were badges with safety needles at the back, which were placed on the clothes. Mick continued to say: “We have clothing regulations: women wear skirts and blouses or dresses, without underwear and the men wear shorts and shirts.

“I grumbled like some other women too. Rose just grinned. I chased my elbow against the upper arm. “What is? Didn’t you read your flyers?“Now again. No I did not! “Since today will be half past, when we arrive, you no longer need to work today. “It was clapped. “Nevertheless, the rule applies to women: once a day to spread the legs and still today!“Rose laughs loudly and I piled up.

How mean! Where was the relaxation? I was pointed, on a tail, but also broke, from traveling. “When we arrive, the room keys are distributed and they go there immediately, take a shower, dress and appear for lunch. Let the hair dry in the air. “Awesome. They write everything out … “The daily routines are all regulated and everyone has to stick to theirs. To do this, you will find the information in your rooms.

“Rose ripped off her eyes. I knew she was just fun. “Anyone who violates our rules will be punished hard!“Ups. That was new to me and I looked at Rose, but she just nodded. “If you have any questions or suggestions, I am available at any time. You can also book excursions with me!“Mick sat down again and the rest of the trip I talked, whispering, with rose. “What do you think of our travel guide,” I wanted to know about Rose.

“Looks nice. Has a nice voice. I also like his tone, ”it just came back. “He looked at you away when you made your gymnastics on the plane. “” He will have had his reasons for that “, she simply took him out. “Don’t bother you at all”, my voice got louder and I hit my mouth. Ups. “Why should it? As long as he doesn’t come to me and says something, everything is great.

“Really, sometimes I just don’t understand her! “But he doesn’t like you. If he is annoying you now? Maybe he will give you the very ugly guys!”” I don’t care. The tail is tail, the smaller, the better, because then I don’t feel it and everything is much easier to endure. “Huh? “That sounds like, oh my god. You are really just here to take care of me? Do you don’t want to have fun at all?“I was really perplexed.

“Listen to me exactly, girls. I had fourteen lovers and only one of them, had it to make me happy and he was none, my husbands. Men only think of themselves, want to cum and are good. At least it feels like this to most gentlemen. So if you do exactly that with me, it’s easier to have an eye on you. “” You are completely crazy “, I couldn’t think of any more and we were silent the rest of the trip.

When we arrived at the hotel, we got our keys and every deed what had been applied to him. Rose and I shared a room because of their wish. Somehow, I thought it was great. As I said: near you, I feel sure. Our accommodation housed a double bed, but that didn’t bother us either. Only with the shower it got complicated. We also both smoked. So Rose informed us: one smoked while the other showered.

The dressing was not exactly easy either because of no underwear. My clothes were not all right because the bra was missing. My breasts were big and heavy. Rose didn’t seem to be interested. She came out of a skirt and a blouse that was slightly crumpled. With her huge stomach it looked completely shit, but that didn’t seem to be tanned either. Finally, she slipped into simple, flat slippers … impossible, this woman! On the other hand, I wore a wide dress and pretty, high shoes.

When I examined myself in the mirror, I was reasonably satisfied with my appearance. Anyone who was traveling with rose had to have a thick fur because their style of clothing was under all sow. She was my girlfriend and so I had to go through it. Walking, without panties, was pretty exciting. I looked at rose, but she was nothing to look at about excitement. That’s why I envied them very much, because my thick, hard nipples shimmered through the thin fabric of my dress.

Rose’s breasts were quite big, but not as huge for a long time as mine and her hung deep down and fell apart. They were very comfortable on their thick stomach. Too, I would have known what was going on in her. After all, she was only here for my sake. At the entrance to the dining room there were two employees, in shorts and shirt and distributed, square cloths. “What do you do with it,” Rose asked openly. “You put them on the seat cushions so as not to dirty them,” she got a friendly information.

We giggled, hadn’t even thought of it. Another employer led us to our table. The tour guide and the youngster were sitting there. They rose when we arrived. We were introduced to each other. “These are Mick and Rick Wolf. These are Rose and Rita. “We were asked about our drink requests and the waiter moved back. “We are Father and son, ”Mick took over the addition. We greet each other with hands. We women put our towels on the seat cushions.

Then we all took a seat together. Rose was silent, only saw from one to another. “Does anyone know what to eat,” I opened a superficial conversation. “There is a buffet for every meal where you can use,” the young Rick dared to tell it. He seemed to be quite shy. Um … bets, rose had known? “Then why are we still sitting here?“I rose and looked for the food that I could only smell so far.

“Because it is still fully at the buffet”, clarified me and grinned broadly. Without further ado I sat down again. “Mr. Wolf”, I looked at the older man: “Why did you look at my girlfriend, earlier, on the plane?“I didn’t know anything? Rose slipped back and forth restlessly on her chair. She gave me a bad look. “I annoyed myself because such a beautiful woman, obviously, does not cope with her figure!“Rums.

hammer! That had sat. Rose laughed soundingly and I was completely surprised again. “I am a heart patient and heavily thrombosis at risk, so I moved,” said Rose giggling. Mr. Wolf apologized with my girlfriend and she nodded him. “They couldn’t know that,” she excused him. He was visibly impressed by her, but who did not feel that way? The drinks came and we were informed to be able to get our food now.

Ah, that’s how it works … We raised ourselves and we women had to be careful that our cloths did not leave. That was a very strange situation. We meandered through the tables, the waiter afterwards and came to another room where a large buffet had been built up. The snake was quite short and we used ourselves. With the filled plates we went back to the table. We were silent most of the time while eating. Everyone enjoyed the good food.

“What else do the two women have today,” asked the younger Mr. Wolf. “I get a massage,” Rose first spoke up. “Me too,” I agreed with her and we explained that we would do everything together. The two gentlemen looked at each other, but I couldn’t really interpret their eyes. “What do you do,” I asked back now. “We still have to work today,” the father urged himself to say.

Again the two looked at each other. Then they grinned. “Plan an excursion,” Rose inquired Hödell. Both gentlemen shook their heads. “We are just guests, you need to know and we are here because I want to teach my shy son something,” said Mick suddenly. Rose and I got big eyes. Really now? I for my part, was terribly curious. When everyone was finished, with food, we went to the smoking salon together to relax with relish.

Rose and I almost forgot to dispose of our towels in a laundry puff that stood at the door to the exit. Our smoking accessories were in our handbags. We also had to use towels in the smoking salon. We talked very well to four. All smoked. It was funny that we all looked at our watches alternately. Rose rose after the second cigarette and said we now have to break up to get our massages. We still clarified that we also wanted to eat together, then we separated.

Rose and I still had time and so we strolled a little over the site. The hotel was on the coast, on an increase. If you wanted to go down to the sea, you had to go a little and take a few stairs. We pulled out our shoes and ran through the warm sand. The weather was great. Rose and I talked about the two men. “Wouldn’t it be fun if they massaged us,” giggled Rose.

I didn’t know her that way. Nightingale, I hear you traps … “Which of the two did it to you?“We waded our feet into the cool water. “Well, the father,” Rose panted, because a wave had cooled her legs. “I’m fully on the son. It is totally cute and so cute shy, ”I also revealed price. We grinned at ourselves. “Well, that fits,” said Rose. An hour later we went back to the hotel.

At the specified room I knocked hard and we heard a well -known voice: “In!“In fact, the two wolves received us. They grinned from one ear to the other. “Welcome, the women”, we were courteous, welcomed by the father,. We even pressed a hand kiss on it. The son did it to the father. So so, he learned … “Please pull yourself behind the wall umbrellas,” Mick asked us. It did not sound commanding, but determining and we both liked that.

Said and done. “Now come out and lie down on the loungers. We then cover your rear parts, ”the son’s voice sounded a moment later when we were undressed. Rose and I taped to the two and lay down on it. The two gentlemen looked aside. Our butt was covered and both gentlemen poured massage oil into the hands where they warm it for us, by rubbing, warm. It started very harmlessly with a neck massage.

In the background there was quiet music. “How would you like it, rose. Tender or rather hard, ”I heard Mick said and the same was asked by Rick. I chose hard. I hadn’t noticed what Rose chose. After that there was hardly any talk. Every now and then I heard rose purring like a satisfied cat. I tried that too and I liked it quite well. The young man was very good and I felt how he pressed my muscles properly.

I groaned several times because it hurt a little, but it was endured. “What a nice butt”, it came from Mick again. Rick also took my cloth away and praised: “Geiler ass!“I laughed, but it was also a compliment. As everyone should know: on the ass of the woman, there are many, erogenous zones and both wolves understood to meet them splendidly. I groaned loudly, in front of delight and Rose groaned every now and then.

She wasn’t exactly the loudest. “Oh, you make me rapid,” I groaned once when Rick was particularly good at me caught had. “I want to hope that,” it gallantly came back from him, but with a really great tone, in the voice. “Would you like to try out such treatment on your breasts,” he pushed right away. It was similar with Rose and Mick. We women turned around and threw ourselves very briefly.

Rose was clearly attached! A conversation was now created for the other two. They led them very quietly and we couldn’t understand anything. Rose later told me that it was about her breasts, which were grown together after her heart surgery. Rick took great care of my big tits. They were rubbed together, pressed, kneaded and even spoiled with tongue and lips. My liquids flowed quickly. The young man praised my breasts extensively, nibbled and sucked on them like a world champion.

He carefully clarified how far he could go. “Tab yourself out, my son,” I said horny, but had the “son”, not meant so. Rick, on the other hand, took it very seriously. “Yes Mama. Very much like!“We were in the middle of a role -playing game. I heard rose laugh quietly and what she said: “When Rita is your wife and drives it to your son, who I am then?“Mick also laughed quietly too.

“His wife?“I heard Rose outraged words that I don’t want to reproduce here. In any case, Rick was not bothered by it. He spoiled my belly and my legs. He always missed my pussy and it was very frustrating for me, but also really sharp. This expectation … I hardly got anything around me, so I had become so hot in the meantime. Then, finally, I felt Rick’s hands between my legs. They wiped, alternately, across my pussy, one of his fingers, always secretly, a little strangled into my hole, but only very superficially.

He was really a skilful masseur. I was in a kind of trance, enjoyed the horny game and dreamed of myself. Then Rick leaned down all suddenly and sucked and licked on my already wet pussy. It was so incredibly horny … the nimble tongue tip raced over my pearl and before I knew I groaned, groaned and gasped loudly. Rick changed his position, but did not let go of me. Something below me, disappearing and Rick stood between my legs that have now been spread.

His thumb massaged my pearl and I heard him moaning. Then I opened my eyes and saw that he had freed his cock out of his pants and jerked off on the side. He had a decent fuck beating. This sight heated me up even more and I groaned even louder. “Oh please, my son, please fuck me! Take me hard. Get it a lot, ”then I light out these words. He couldn’t say that twice.

He put his thick glans on my fuck hole and slowly pressed it in. We both groaned out loud. What a great feeling … When he put deep inside me, he ended it there for a while until I finally moved my pelvis, impatient. Then he started to finally fuck me. He rammed off wildly, totally let himself go and took no consideration. His hands clutched my hips and he kept getting violently.

After just a few bumps, I exploded and he paused briefly to enjoy me. “Do you want another one,” he asked mischievously and then rams me on. The initial recovery did not last long and my lust came back spontaneously. Then Rick changed my position and put me on the side. I felt a little helplessly, but I quickly realized how pointed it made me. After several horny minutes, Rick lifted my upper leg and fucked me so on.

I came a second time, more violent and longer. It was so incredibly cool! Shortly afterwards Rick also injected into his condom! Exhausted he sagged on me and we just stayed like that. From behind I heard the other two. Mick groaned really loudly and Rose only heard her violent, deep breath. “Relax yourself, rose,” I called over to her and I got a growl as an answer. Rick rose and came around me.

“You absolutely have to see that. Turn around, ”he asked me whispering. He helped me. What I saw then made me almost jealous: rose was lying on my back, naked. Your whole meat rocked and trembled. From half a face I could see how horny rose was. She was looking forward to the orgasm, but it remained stubbornly quiet. Her head flew back and forth while Mick took her hard. He kept her legs up and over and over again, he pushed wildly into her.

That was better than any porn strip! “I’m only coming when you came,” I heard Mick pressed through my lips. It did not sound like pressure at all, on the contrary. It sounded promising. “Look into my eyes,” he asked with emphasis and rose did it. It looked a little skeptical, but it didn’t seem to miss its effect. “I don’t use a condom,” Mick gasped and his face … a picture for the gods! Rose, on the other hand, grinned, but breathing was damn hard for her.

Whether she needed her whisper? No, it didn’t sound like she won’t get any air, just a little too little of it. Rick stood behind me and kissed me all over the body … “You are hard, in the way, sweetie. Such a woman, I’ve always wanted. Tell me, you would endure it every day to be fucked so hard and so long?“Oh man, what was going on there? He seemed really enthusiastic about her! “Only if you take my pacification into account,” Lord, “Rose replied chopped off.

I was speechless. She still duked him. “You have come twice, you horny piece. How often do you need it?“Awesome. The two seemed to understand each other really well … “As often as they want, my Lord,” she said very well, but panting. I grinned one. What did the two go off? Rose was submissive? That was new to me! It was literally felt that she would come soon. There was something in the air.

Mick now laid out to take her slowly and he didn’t put his cock very deep into her. That looked awesome! “Sir. I come, ”she said very quietly and still looked him in the eye. Her breath was only flat, but damn fast. I was already worried when I saw her face that the waves of lust, they were overrun. Wow, the woman was good. “I feel it.

That’s so cool, ”Mick snorted and now he fucked her again, with hard and deep bumps. “Yes, yes, I’ll come right away,” he gasped Wild and Rick and I came across each other. How cool was that? The father totally lost control. Rick whispered to me that this had never happened to him before … Mick cracked Rose’s legs apart, pushed deep one last time and then sagged on her together.

“Man, you are horny,” he sniffed and we giggled quietly.

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