The waitress | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I can still remember that day well. It was a normal weekday, a Wednesday. I had Vacation And stayed alone at home, which rarely occurred because I always did something with the parents. Back then I was in the second year of apprenticeship and therefore quite free and independent. I could design my free time myself. So I decided to visit the market taverns on Violenstrasse that day to my main pub at the time.

My neighbor André, with whom I usually searched this pub, unfortunately had a flu counting, which is why I went alone. The market tavern was a shabby dark wooden building with a flat roof near the bishop’s needle, practically a ruin of war. Mostly the inland shipping there were running there. Tourists were seen less there, maybe because because of the dark wood it wasn’t very inviting. Unfortunately I can no longer remember the names of the women working there.

However, there were four women aged over 50 who worked there in alternating layers. However, one of them was around 30. I liked the boss of everyone best, although she was apparently lesbian. Yes, it looked very energetic and when they drove up with their white Mercedes convertible, the women scurried inside the counter and acted as if they were entertaining the few guests. However, I personally thought that the boss was a former prostitute who could afford her own pub from her money generated.

I have the pub Only experienced relatively fully on the weekend. The other days was very much going on, although the restaurant did not know any police lesson. So there was almost nothing going on this Wednesday evening either. I crowded there around 7 p.m. That evening there were two women that I would like to call the distinction for Monique and Helga.

I would like to call Sabine the younger woman I mentioned above. Most of the time she made the night shift from 22. 00 a.m., whereas the boss every day at 20. Published to see for the right. Monique and Helga were both slim with dark wavy hair. Sabine, on the other hand, was built quite strongly with a big breast. It was just right to the male guests. The boss was also slim, rather lean.

Monique said after I greeted her: “Oli, please go to Napoli and get a pizza? You can also choose one. We then eat them together. “” Of course, Moni, gladly. I quickly take a sip Beer. “I always ordered a bottle of Remmer old without glass. From time to time I added a Persico, although this mix was very explosive – you were drunk too quickly.

I went to the Pizzaria Napoli-she was under the Wall Café-and bought three pizzas. A Funghi for me, a Capricciosa for Helga and a Hawaii pizza for Monique. When I came back, Monique and Helga had already made the cutlery and were eagerly waiting for me. “Oh, I hurried,” I said when I looked into her faces. “I said something?“Helga looked at me brickly at me.

Monique laughed and said: “She just wants to take you on your arms, know her … Now let’s eat the pizza quickly before the old one comes. “The old one was the boss. The pizzas tasted excellent. And so the time passed as in the flight. The last guests, some tourists, left the restaurant shortly after I arrived there. So one already considered how the further evening was to be designed.

It was right for me, I liked to talk to the women. In general, I preferred to do older women than younger. “Nothing is going on here today,” I started a conversation with Monique, “What do we do then?““ Before we can answer the question, we want to wait for the boss to arrive at the arrival. She will then suggest a program for us. “Monique looked firmly in my eyes and winks at me.

“OK. Then let’s play a little general until it is there. ““ Then we have to complete the entrance door. ““ This is always a good idea. “Helga took out the cube cups and put 13 beer lids on the table. The aim of the game was to roll three one. If you z. B. had rolled two six, you could turn a cube around to get a one. The loser had to pay the next round.

Once I lost, another time it was Monique. So time passed very quickly and we forgot the boss, who suddenly stood in the door and looked into the round. “You love kindness … dead trousers today?””Good evening!“We flute in unison and looked at the front door. “You’re not in it,” said Monique, who apparently seemed to be the boss’s favorite colleague. “You know what that is. Sometimes the booth is jam -packed and sometimes there is almost no one.

And today we only have this one guest with us. “She pointed to me and tried a smile. It was a little uncomfortable for me when the boss approached me and looked at me. She didn’t see me for the first time, but her look today gave me rather uncomfortable. “Well, then we have to make the evening nice, girls!“She went back into the small kitchen behind the counter and put her white fur jacket there.

When she came out, she stood on the right of me. “Well, beautiful man, how do you like it here?”” Uh, yes, quite good actually. I like to come here, I like the ladies here and … and of course they too. “I slid down from the bar stool. “Just stay sitting, boy. “She put her arm on my shoulder and pulled me. “You have already played General? That’s good.

I get involved, but I would like to say that the young man has to lose the next game because a very special fate awaits him. “” Oh, what have you come up with?“Helga gave her a curious look and looked at me with a laugh. The boss said by looking at me: “Otherwise we only have female victims in games of this kind, so today we can do something with this young man.

Give us all of us to drink, Helga. That loosens the mood. Oh yes, with Persico please. “” I hope you brought some time, young friend?“Again she looked at me and moved very close to the pelle. “I … yes, I’m free tomorrow, uh … I even have a vacation and I … uhhh …”, stuttering I didn’t know what to say. “Well, then let’s play. Maybe you do us the favor and lose your innocence to me and the ladies here … “She laughed out loud and looked at the other women.

They also laughed and laughed even more when they saw my puzzled face. And in fact I lost this game. How did they do that? Maybe I let myself be distracted by the many women. Each participant got his drink, plus a Persico. I got a new bottle of Remmer old, even though there was still a opened bottle. What did the boss mean with innocence?She had now been behind the counter in the kitchen and had brought two straps with her, which she now put on the counter.

“It’s good that you have already completed. I don’t like interruptions, regardless of whom, it is not true. And now to you young man, what are you called? I forgot your name again. “I gave her my name and asked:“ What is going on to me now?“” No worry, you are in good hands with us. Speaking of hands, free your upper body. “”And then?”I asked anxiously. Monique and Helga suddenly stood behind me, pulled out my sweater and my T-shirt.

They captured me and when the boss stepped behind me, I slowly became aware of what would come to me. “Your hands backwards!“She ordered me. Unable to defend me against the three women, she pushed me back and turned around me. Then she captivated my wrists with the leather straps and hooked them into the top of the bar. I had always asked myself what these hooks would be up there.

“So it’s good. “She smiled at me. “Don’t worry, young. It looks worse than it really is. “She stepped down very close to me and breathed a kiss on my cheek. Your hot breath and your perfume left mine tail become hard in the pants. She registered this benevolently with a smile. Laughing at Monique and Helga, she nodded almost imperceptibly to them. They knew what to do and opened my pants and let them fall to the ground.

Since I was not wearing underwear, they immediately saw the presents. “Ey horny, no underwear! And a big one thick tail in addition! Very cool!“Monique clapped on my buttocks with the flat hand. I never wore underwear when I went out. I liked the feeling too much when the (half) stiff cock rubbed back and forth on the rough inside of the jeans. I also liked it when you looked at my latte in my pants.

But now I was tied up on the blanket, my pants around my feet and more anxious than horny. “But his pubic hair has to go down!“The boss stated. “Helga, best you do that. You have the most experience in it, not true?“Helga nodded without a word and went into the small kitchen behind the counter. When she came out, she had a white towel in one hand and in the other the razor.

I showered when she wet my shame with cold water and performed the foam with the brush. Then she shaved all hair and even rubbed the skin dry afterwards. In all this activity she did not say a word. “Give the boy to drink … He already has very dry lips …” The boss grinned at me. “No, we don’t want to make you drunk. Afterwards when Sabine is there, it starts.

“” What’s going on then?“I asked after I found my voice back. The boss said nothing, turned and disappeared into the kitchen. I looked at Monique and Helga. They just smiled at me, shrugged with their shoulders and seemed to delight my nudity. My cock had long since withdrawn. I was cold. Despite three Remmer old (half a liter) and some Persicos I was suddenly sober again and now thought about what the women had come up with.

Suddenly someone shook at the front door. I tried to turn around. But I didn’t succeed. So I had to concentrate on the noises that came across from there. What if a guest came in and saw me here? I showed again. “Oh, it’s you, Sabine. “Monique opened the door to her, but immediately closed again. “It’s season tonight. “”Hey cool!“I heard Sabine say.

“We haven’t had that for a long time. Who is it this time?““ One of the boys who come here recently. You know that from seeing. “Sabine approached me and then said:” Oh the … of course, I know that. I think it’s great that you are here, Oli. Very cool thing. I’ve always wanted to do something with you or with André. “Then she said to the boss:“ The treatment as always? Or do you want a change? It’s a male victim today … ”the boss replied:“ No Changes, Sabine.

As always, you attract your corsage. Monique and Helga, please make yourself free. The boy should be excited when Sabine begins with her work. Oh yes, Sabine, you have a free hand. Do what you like best. I then get him the rest … hihihi … “The boss had also changed. She was now wearing skin -tight white fabric trousers. She was naked upstairs. Her silent, empty breasts quickly let my cock get hard when I looked at it.

Helga and Monique came back and I couldn’t help it and also stood on their breasts. Loud breasts, my cock had already had drops of pleasure. And then Sabine came along. However, she had laboriously hidden her heavy breasts under a black corsage. But she had a short riding crop in her hand. Oh you shit! I didn’t know where I should look first. To the riding crop or on the breasts of women.

Sabine stepped behind me and took out. The first blow of the whip met me unprepared on my right buttocks. “Aua! Au! Au!“I roared. Nobody would hear me, because in the meantime the music box had been hired – Johnny Cash, The Lady Came from Baltimore – another hit hit my left pobate. After a few blows on the left and right on the buttocks that almost took my air, the boss came back very close and said: “That’s enough, Sabine first.

Look, his cock is already very small again. It has to be big and hard before you should strike again. “She attached him and jerked my cock that immediately obeyed her hand and was hard. Then she nodded Sabine, who drove her riding crop on my meat again. Helga and Monique stood in silence, but fingered their cunts. While Helga grinned devilishly, Monique occasionally wiped my tears out of my face.

What should I do? I was delivered to you. I had the women crying. The boss seemed to be particularly liked that I was defenseless in her hand. Sabine enjoyed her game with the whip. Around 5. However, it ended 30 a.m. with my fifth or sixth orgasm. Quitting time! The women had changed again. My hands were taken from the hooks again, I was even helped to get dressed and was finally sent onto the street with shaky legs.

“Now go home, boy. If you feel like again … ”, the boss pressed my cock through the pants and breathed a kiss on my cheek,“ you just come over again. I will be happy to get you again. You trust my hands, I know exactly … “.

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